THE TIMES, NEW . BLOOMFIELI), l'A. MA11CII 22, 1881. Sad Ending of a Flirtation. Neapolitan society lms lately been much exercised Ity a terrible tragedy in bigb life. For sonio time int tbe Countess del CIriio a lady of extraordinary beauty, bad been notoriously nt odds with her husband! a gentleman to whom she had, at tbe urgent instance of her family, most unwillingly given her hand, her heart had already been bestowed upon n young Austrian artist, who qilltted Europe for America on the day of her marringo, only returning thence to Naples a few weeks ago. He was a fre quent guest at tbe Countess's evening re ceptions a fact which reached the ears of Count del C'inno at his club, where he spent the most of his time by night as well as by day. One evonlng, just as the painter was issuing from tbe doorway of the Palazzo del Cigno, tbe Count drove up to the chief entrance, and, while alighting from bis carriage, noticed his wife waving her hand in farewell to her old lover as bo doscouded the stone steps leading to the street. With out a moment's hesitation the Count drew a stiletto from the breast pocket of his coat and buried it to tbe hilt in tbe bosom of his rival, who fell, mortally wounded to the ground. As Del Cigno was getting into his curringe, however, a bullet from the Austrian's revolver, fired, as it were, in extreiuiR, passed through bis head, killing him on the spot. Fivo uiiuntes later the artist also breathed his last. This horrible encounter took place under the very eyes of the Cou mess, upon whom tho spectacle of her husband's and lover's violent deatb in flicted so overwhelming a shock that she became a raving maniac, and is now under restraint iu a lunatio' asylum near Naples. A Legislator Accused of Larceny. Raleigh, N. C, March 14. The Legis lature of North Carolina adjourned to-day having in sixty days passed nearly five hundred bills. They raised the school tax to twelve and one half cents on one hun dred dollars worth of property. A. 4V. Simpson, member from Dare, a white re publican, was arrested when about to leave, on a charge of larceny. A considerable quantity of stolen pluuder was fouud in his carpet-bag and in a box in his room. He says two other white Republican mem bers put ap a job ou bim because he would not vote for a certain bill. The ex amination is not yet concluded. "Blasted Foreigners." An English farmer who had resided several years in Canada recently returned to England, taking with him a number of Colorado beetles as a curiosity. Through some inadvertence, five of them escaped, and the fact coming to the knowledge of the authorities, the amateur naturalist was arrested and fined 3. The matter has been brought to tbe attention of the House of Commons; the people in the vicinity have -formed themselves into a committee for tbe purpose of capturing the Invaders, and every one is united in a war of extermination against the "blaBted foreigners." Taking a Long Nap. A singular case of the partial suspension of physical power in man is attracting the attention of medical men in Lehigh coun ty. A young Hungarian .dropped into a heavy slumber or trance several weeks ago, and all efforts to restore him to conscious ness have so far proven unavailing. He baa a natural appearance and takes nourish ment regularly, but the only evidences of life exhibited are a low breathing aud an occasional yawn. He is believed to be partially coubcious, but is utterly devoid of motive power. A Freak of the Law. A woman fell on an icy sidewalk in Hartford and broke her leg. She recovered f 500 damages from the city. The owner of the premises in front of which she was hurt, was theu sued by the city, on the ground that he had violated an ordi nance by sot clearing the walk of ice. The Supreme Court has decided in this case that tbe city, and not the property owner is liable for injury to a person fall ing on an icy sidewalk. Brought in a Scalp, Tbe passengers on a train snowbound at Marengo, Iowa, saw wolves prowling about tbe cars at night. In tbe morning several men with revolvers get out to hunt the beasts. They soon returned triumph antly displaying a scalp ; but it turned out to belong to tho 6tation masters good natured dog, which they had slain by mis take for a fierce wolf. Infants With Pistols. The citizens of Bethlehem were horri fied the other day by the disoovery that a numbor of boys attending the public schools wore in the habit of carrying pis tols. A thorough investigation is being made by the directors and teachers. tS'The ground in the town of Mahanoy Plane has settled within a few days to such an extent as to e fleet a number of tbe dwellings seriously. The yard of one house is reported to be full of small holes the bottom of which cannot be reached by an ordinary clothes prop. Tbe people do not fear any serioue result, as it is believed' that the sinking is caused by the breaches , which exist iu tbe mountains on each side of the valley. OUR PUZZLE DUAWES, CONDUCTED BY FENN LYNN. Original contribution are solicited from all, for this department. All contributions, answers, and all matter Intended (or this department must be addressed to T. W. BtMPKn,.tn.,' Cheltenham, Fa. VOL. II. NO. 1. t T Answers to these puzzles will be Riven In Vol. 2, No. 8. I. Numerical. The whole of 9 letters means mace like. The 1, 8, 8, 4, 5, B, Is skillful. The 8, ?,0, Is a place for weary travelers. Philadelphia, fa. "Mies Fitts." 2. Rhomboid. Across 1. A coin. 3. A plaut. 3. A city. 4. A plant. B. A bronze. 0. A fisher. Down i I. A lettter. 2. A prefix. 8. An Instrument. 4. A genus of birds. 5. A duct. 0. A genns of plants. 7. A southern city. 8. A Greek preposition. 0. Even. 10. Not. 11. A letter. New Orleans, La. "X. Zactlt." 3. Cross Words. In hamper, tamper and pamper j In sparkle, not In glisten j In parter, tarter and martyr t In hearken, not In listen t In castor, pastor, and njaster j In corncake, not In parrot In hatcher, catcberand butcher ; In turnip, not in carrot t Indunner, runner and gunner; In oranges, not In berries. The whole Is a delicate spirit, Being distilled from rlue cherries. Philadelphia, Pa. "Phil. A. Delphi-." 4. Diamond. Head and tall are just the same, Center Is an animal's name Before and behind, An Insect and to endeavor find. Newburgh, N. Y. "Beech Not." 5. Fractional Enigma. Two-eighths of historic, Two-eighths of meteoric, Now add two-sixths of saloon, Two-sevenths of promote, Two-sixths of remote, ' And and two-sixths of maroon. Be just as quick as you can sir And quickly you'll find the answer. Two poets the whole will assume. Philadelphia, Pa. "Mrs. Bippt." 6. Half Square. t. Difficult. 8. Nymphs. 3. To fasten a rope. 4. A male nickname. 5. A fish. 6. Like. 7. A letter. New York City. "Julian." Prizes. For 1st complete list : This paper 8 months. For 2nd beBt list : The "Orphans Friend" 8 months. For 3d best list i "Madcap Violet." Specials For 1st correct answer to No. 1, Five postal cards : 3, A prize; 8, Five one cent stamps; 4, An "Illustrated Paper;" 5, Five Amateur papers ; 6, A "Story Paper." Chat with the Puzzlers. "Mrs. Sippt:" We were very glad to hear from you. All were accepted except the "lie buses." Don't forget your promise and keep ns well supplied. "Flats" preferred. "Bbech Not i" We would like very much to receive a "batch" of puzzles from your pen. Why this silence? "X. Zactlt :" A large batch of puzzlelstlc contributions from you is "X. Zactly" what we wish. We will not X cuse you either, so take the hint. "Juliak:" Puzzles and answers wanted. This is a standing Invitation. "Mtstio :" Are you waiting for those "Cross Words I" Well if you don't hurry up with those contributions, we will be tempted to give you real cross words, and double ones at that, so beware or rather send those promised contributions. "Willie Wildwavb :" We haven't heard the "wlldwaves" for a long time, so Let some of the spray Dash right this way, And let some puzzles drop down ; The puzzles that fall, We'll gobble np all, And they will In this column be found. "Asian :" A few of your poetical puzzles would find a hearty welcome this way. That every puzzler who received a copy of Tbb Timks, will send ns answers and contri butions is the sincere wish of Pink Lynn. Answers to Puzzles In Vol. I. No. II, Ans to No. 1 .Rampage. Ans. to No. 2. JAR BASED J ACAM A R ASARONE REM O UED DANES BED Ans. to No. 8. Overlay. Ans. to No. 4. C OM P A 8 8 FOROEP8 P ITCO AL MOTTLES ROTATES R E O H G A D K E E N D O W . A ca. to No. 5. Pyroligneous. Ans. to No. 0. HEATH ELITE MINJM E STOP HHOD A OWING CEDAR A S 8 A I LARUM L A B E O I M P E N 8LOPI take "Kama 4i m .vv. UL i -..-. j f. 1 1 ... THE CREAT JW11LINGTON ROUTE. PTNo other line runs Thrf0 Through Pas senger Trains Dally between Chicago, Des Moines, Council Ulnffs, Omaha, Lincoln, St. Joseph, Atchison, Topcka anil Kansns City. Direct connections for nil points In Kansns, Nehrnskn, Colorado, Wyomlnff. Montana, Ne vada, New Mexico, Arizona, Idaho, Oregon and California. The Shortest, Ppeedlest and Most Comforta ble Homo vlallannibHl to Fort Scott, Denison, Dnllns, Houston, Austin. Pnn Antonio, Uulves ton and all points In Texas. Tho uneuualcd Inducements offered by this Lino to Travelers and Tourists, are as follows! Tho celebrated Pullman (lo-wheel) Palace Sleeping Cars, run only on this Line, C, B. & Q. Palace Drawlng-Hoom Cars, with Horton's Reclining Chairs. No extra chargo for Seats In Reclining Chairs.. The famous C. P.. & Q. Palace Dining; Cars. Gorgeous Smoking Cars fitted with Elenriiiit Hiih-Bm ked Italian De volving Chairs for tho exclusive use of first class pnssengers. Steel Track and Supe-lnr Tinulpment, com bined with their Great Through Car Arrange ment, makes this, nbove nil others, the favorite Homo to thoSoulh, South-West, and tho Fur West. Try it, and you will find t ravelins a luxury Instead of a discomfort. Through Tickets via tills Celebrnted Lino for sale ut all olllccs in tho UulteU States und Cnnndn. All Information ntient flutes of Fare, Sleep Inir Car Accommodations, Time Tables, &c, will be cheerfully given by applying to J. Q. A. BRAN. Gen'l Enstern Agent, Mi Wn.'iihiL'toii St.. Boston, Mass. jinl'HT Itro ulwiiv, New York. nAtiESUt.WnO" lien. :m. Agt.. Chicago. T. .1. PiriT 't:. Manager, Chicago. March 15.1S81 4Ut II AIITIOI To Our ImiuBse Stock OF MEN'S and BOYS' CLOTHING, BOOTS cVc SHOES, LADIES' and GENTS' FANCY GOODS, Mens' and ftoys' Hats and Caps. Trunks, Valises and Satchels, Motions, Dry Goods, ok We are now opening for the Pprlng Trade one of the ttneat and best selected linos of CARPETS, Ever displayed In Perry County. HEMP CARPET at .20, .25. RAG CARPET at .33, .40, .60. COMMON FLOWER CARPET at .25, .35, .43. PART WOOL CARPET at .50. .55, .00. ALL WOOL CARPET at .70. .80, 1.00. Also a full line of , Oil Cloths, Stair Carpet, etc. . We do not handle anything unless we carry an assortment, and guarantee our Stock in the above Goods caiuiot be surpassed. Highest Prices Paid for Wool and Furs. & li EBY'S NEW BUILDINC, NEWPORT, PA. $10 Outflt turulnhed fiw, with full instructions for coiutuutiUK the moHt protlMbla bualuess that auyoue utn euKfttfe m. The biuiueaa is euy to learn, nd our introcUon no almple and plain, that any aue cau niake (rrtut profits from th very start. No - one can fail nhu t willing to work. Women are an auo- cjMlul aameu. Boj aud trirln can earu Iifn mini. M ny ban made at the fiuoloes, over oue huudredl dollars in a aiiiKlii week. Nolliiug like It ever kuowa rapiilitv with which they are able to make money. Vou can euxatre Ui tuu biumem. during your spare tluw at great rom. loudouot have to fuvaat capital in ft. s take all the rtk. Tuoae who need ready money, trSYfu Ti tou ' ?USS- , AU f uruiahed free. Addrew UKUKtCO. Auyuata, Maine. I ly'jijr.w."3r- ML IKES CARLISLE CARPET HOUSE! 1881 SPRING OPENING! 1881 We desire to speak to the citizens ot Dloomtleld and surrounding country on the subject of Carpets, Oil Cloths, and Wall Papers, and point out a few facts why you should deal with us. SSSiSiS out of 8reat a,,ortraen, 1 KCAUHK we deal honVlwl'h S f.f .""Jit.01 a s"fierlor c,,olee at tne 1owMt P"h'e prices. Body and Tnppstry BrussPls, Ingrain and 3-riy Carpets, Hall and Stair, llcmp and ling Carpats, by t.11 our old customers and all new ones who will give ns the chance to prove what we assert above. OUR RAO CARPETS are made tinder our Immediate dlrectlou on our own Innmi m.H weoiaiuitorilieinaBiiiierloiityHupassedbyiionelutlie Btate. ' looms, and CARPET RAC3 taken In exchange for goods, and Carpets made to order. and Wu and Materia, for L.n,brequ.n,, buleVVuSlVVanks.8 8uperlorto 0,1 cloth kltoen,, dining room,, hall and vest!- A complete stock throu ghout, the equal of which has not been opened before by us. . thertS'" WeiSeectflly '5,'" ,0Ur flend', "58"ng that J0U Wl" be Mttti " " STEPHENS & BEETEM, 21 East Main Street, DOWN LOWER THAN EVEK. 1881 Carpets for Spring Trade.- 1881 LOOK AT THE PRICES! Tap Brussels from 85 cents to $1.10, Body Brussels from $1.C0 to $1.65. Inerain from 80 cents to $1, Best. B All other goods In proportion. Now is the time to get the first selection of . the New Stock. We have More Carpets and More Patterns than all the other Carpet Houses In SAMUEL ADAMS, Opera House Carpet Store, 81 N. Third Street, IIA-lMJIHIJUIiO, PENN'A. 9 8m Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, 85 NORTH THIRD STREET, HAHRISBURG, PA. NEW SPRING PRINTS at 5, 6J, 7, and 8 cents, BARGAINS In BLACK SILKS at .05, .75, .87. .02. 1 00 1 "5 1 50 and 1 7 BLACK SATIN DE LYONS at 1.25 and N 50 ' BLACK SATINS at .87, 1.00, 1.25, and 1.50. ' COLORED SILKS at .59, .75, and 1.00 COLORED SATINS at .87, and 1.00. BARGAINS In CHEVIOT SHIRTINGS at 5 cents. t 0"8aniples sent by mail with pleasure. DIVES, POMEEOY & STEWART, VALUABLE FARMS T AT PRIVATE SALE. THE subscriber offers at Private Bale tlie fol lowing desirable farms : KO. 1. Is a Farm contalalng Sixty-Eight Acres, All good land, In a good state ol cultivation, aud having thereon erected a GOOD DWELLING JIOUSE, And all necessary Out buildings, situate three miles south o( Hloomtleld and seven miles Iroin Duncannon. There is on this place plenty ol Choice Irult of all kinds, good water at the door, with running water iu nearly every Held. ITloe, ti,W0. Terms easy. NO. 2. Is a farm situate la Wheatfleld twp., containtue about 115 ACRES, having thereon ereoted a UOOD DWELLING HOUSE, with all required Out-buildings, the Barn being entirely new. This farm Is situate about six miles from Duncannon aud four miles from Uloomneld. There Is good water near the door, plenty ot streams on the land, a good Apple Orchard, and othnr fruit, aud will make a desirable home, l'rloe !i,850. Terms easy, NO. 4. Is a Farm situate In Carroll township, about twe miles from Shermnnsdale, contaluing about One Hundred Acres, having thereon erected Good Dwelling, and other Out-buildings, A well of good water at the house and another at the Uarn. There Is oouslderable Iruit on the premises, and the land Is good and well watered. Price, I5.QU0, and payments can be arranged to suit purchaser. NO. 5. Is a FARM situate In Carroll township, about two miles from 8hermansdale. containing Seventy Acres, of good land, and having thereon a GOOD D WELLING, and other Out-buildinge. There Is a good spring near the house, and the Farm Is well watered. There Is also a Good Or. chard In bearing conditions this will make a de sirable home. Price, 11,600. NO. 7. A TRACT OF LAND containing SIXTEEN ACKES, (half cleared) having thereon erected a GOOD TWO 8TOKV PLANK HOUSE, 1h good order. -Thls property Is located 2 miles south of Hloomtleld, ana has ou it plenty ot FRUIT ot all kinds, and will make a very desirable home a party wanting a small tract ut land. There isa running stream ot water near the house and a well of good water close to the door. Price 11000, half to be cash and the balance in two equal au uual payments. For further Information address the under signed at New Mloointield. Perry county. Pa., or call at his residence three miles south of Bloom fluid. C. B.HARNISH. August 17, 1880. AGENTS WANTED for the best and fastest sell ing Pictorial Books and Bibles. Prices reduc ed S3 perceut. National Publishing Co., Phila delphia, Fa. fiaam E MBKOIUKRIES. EDGINGS, INSERT. INGa, aud other trimmings. i. MORTIMER. CARLISLE, Penn'a. 11 3m NO BETTER FERTILIZERS CAN BE USED THAN LAUGH'S $25' PHOSPHATE. ISATTGII'S Economical Fertilizer For Potatoes, Haye Been Thoroughly Tested. For Circulars and Prices address BAUGH & SONS. 7 Sm 10 S. Delaware Ave.. PhlladelDhla. Pa B.For sale by JONES BROTHERS ft CO.. Newport, Pa. M C M To sell Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Grapes, Shrubs, Roses, eto. No ex Wantpfl Prlence required. Salary and ex If ttlllCU peusespaid. J. F. LeCLARE, 6cUw Rochester, New York. TEACHERS WANTED I Steady work all spring and summer. For partic ulars address J. U. McCUKDV ft CO., Phila delphia, Pa. 9dtw ARFNTQ WANTED for the National Hand MUCH I O Book of AMERICAN PROORESHj Historical, Documentary, Biographical, statistic al, Financial and political, six books In one. Edited by Rev. E. O. Haven, LL. D. Including the Census of 1880. In great demand for the Counting House and Home Library. Over 600 pages, 60 Illustrations, ti. Terms for agents un eimaled. E. B. TREAT, Publisher, 757 Broad way, New York. xuw The Relish of the World? Halford Sauce SOLD BY ALL GROCERS 9d4n HOP BITTERS, (a Medicine, not a Drink.) CONTAIN8 Hops, Bucliu, Mandrake, Dandelion, and the purest and best medical qualities of all other Bitters. THEY CURE all diseases of the Stomach, Bow. els. Blood, Liver, Kidney and Urlnarv Organs, Nervousness, Sleeplessness and especially Female Complaints. Ask your Druggist lor Hop Bitters and try them before you sleep. Take no other. Send for circular. HOP BITTETS M'F'O CO., Rochester X. Y., and Toronto, Out. 9d4w RFATTY'Q ORGANS, 18 Stops, 4 Set Reeds. DE.MI I I O only ftft. Address DANIEL F. BEATTY. Washington, N.J. lldtt HAVE YOU Ever Known Any person to be seriously 111 without a weak stomach or Inactive liver or kidneyst Aud when these organs aie Iu good condition do you not tlml their possesror enjoying good health? PAR KER'S GINGER TONIC always regulates these important oi (rum. aud never falls to make the blood rich and pure, and tostreugtheo every part of the system. It huaoiired huudredsol dlsualrlng Invalids. Ask your neighbor about it. lldit MOM IK Cloths and other Drew Goods In v. nous styles. F. MORTIMER