8 THE TIMES, NEW BLOOMFIELD, TA. MAllCIl 15, 1881. A York County Village Stirred Up. York, Mnroh 0. A man turned Carson, Dnkl tn le A iCHlilont of lialtlmoio, Mil., iiuil an agent for a patent mtirliRiiifr, ma oblue, wan Hhot mid wounded on Bittuidny nfterunaa Inst nt Glen Hock, this county, and la now in a dangerous condition. 'arson wnsalTooted with tlie hallucination that some person jwas following him for the purpose of taking bis Ufa. lie got olT the train ou Saturday evening at Glen Hook, after be had attracted considerable atten tion by hM nervous actions, and at once dlstui bud the quiet of the little village by shooting and threatening every one he met with death. lie demanded admission to the houso of a man named 01 p, who re fused, when be shot through the lock and admitted himself. Several parties In the bouse strove to put him out, but being armed with a large pistol and knife, be kept tliera at bay, passed up through the bouse and out on the roof, where he sat for some time keeping up a lively lire up on every quarter where a poison was vis ible; A gun loaded heavily with shot was discbaigod at bliu iu bis elevated position which disabled him, and bo was according ly captured, and bis wounds, it is feared, are mortal. The young man is well con nected iu Baltimoro, aud at times has evinced evldencos of insanity, produced, it is thought, by excessive use of drink. - liono of the inhabitants of Olen Hock were severely hurt by Carson, whose pecul iar and dangerous actions produced the greatest sensation the little town has ever had. A Plucky Girl. Miss Bailie II. Barnard, of Keunet (Square, duriug the sleighing was out driv ing on the Longwood road where she bad no trouble iu upsetting iu the drift. When the bad got the sleigh righted and bad almost reached home, she discovered that she had left her whip, a new one, 1j. ing iu the road. She turned back and had almost reached the' scene of her accident when she met a man with her whip in the socket of bis wagon. She stopped him aud told him that it was her whip, but the man denied it aud started on. Miss Bernard called to a man by the roadside to stop the team which he did and she repeat ed ber demand for the whip, and the man on foot called attention to the half worn whip lying in the bottom of the wagon while the new one waved from the socket, but the man again drove on. Miss Bar nard followed bim and passing him drove on to John Miller's where the drifts were deep and the track narrow. She turned ber horse across the road and waited for the enemy. lie soon came up and order ed ber to clear the way, but she refused to budge until she should get her whip. The man threatened to drive over ber but she dared hi m to do it, and settling herself in her buffalo robe prepared to freeze him out or wait for reinforcements, she baving assured mm tuat she would tell her story to the first traveller who should come along. The man waited until he began to feel as though icicles were being poked down his back when be grudgingly banded out the whip whereupon, Miss Barnard cleared the way and drove home triumph ant. Buried Alive. From Bucbarist there comes a remarka ble story illustrating an occurrence which, it is to be feared is too often the case, and for which there is no remedy except legis lation of a proper character. A young lady died of small-pox, and according to the sanitary laws of Roumania she was buried at once. As she bad been recently betrothed the presents of ber lover were buried with her, according to the Rou manian custom. These presents consisted of jewels and tbey excited the cupidity of tlfree robbers, who went to the grave at night aad dug up the coffin. When it was opened oue of the robbers was afraid to touch the corpse, whereat bis fellows jeered at him. At this he gave the head of the corpse a sound cuffing and let it drop. At the next instant the dead woman arose ahd said, "Don't kill me, I beg you." Naturally the robbers fled and tbe unfor tuuate girl arose and, crawling from her grave, went borne and was received with mingled terror and joy. Romance in Georgia. Tbiee years ago a young couple of f-mmtor county were engaged to be mar- lied. Tbe day was set, license bought, the guests invited and a Justice of the Peace on hand to tie the not, but true love sometimes bas "ketches and kinks" that mars the smoothness of its course. It was m in this case. The bride-elect smelt liquor on the breath of her lover and broke with him then and there. To propitiate the assembled friends two other lovers arose and were married. The rejected young man left tbe State. A short while back be returned, found his loved one true to ber old love, awaiting bis return in a sober and manly condition, renewed his proposals, aud tbe two were united at tbe Barlow House, in this city, on the tenth of this month. ty Governor Blackburn of Kentucky, recently issned oue hundred and fifty par dons in one day, and followed it up the next day by sending out one bundsed and fifty more. Tbey were of psrsons convio- ted of "regulating" which is a Kentucky revival of Ku-Kluxlsm. OUR PUZZLE DRAWEE,. t ONDUCTKD I1Y PBNN LYNN. Orlclnnl cniitrlliiitlons are solicited from nil. for this department.. All cnnlrlhiitlon. answer. a ml nil mm irr Intended for this dcpartneiit must ne an ii l essen to T. W. BIMl'KllS, .Tn , Cheltenham, Pa. VOL. 1. NO. VI I. Enigma. The whole of 7 letters, Is a game at domi noes. Thn 1. 9. ft. la a ffrlnklttv vncanl . The 4, 6, (I, Is a beverage. Thn I. 3. 7. V a H la tn think iWr.lv. Allegheny City, Pa. " Smokt Citt." 2. Transposed Square. Words of the follnwlnir mnnnlnir. If rlelitlv transposed, will form a perfect square. l. a small noiiow., a. An ancient English officer of Justice. 8. A weathercock. 4.. Part of a lock. Danlmry, Conn. " Nutmro." 3. Charade. Go whore you will, on this oartti holow, O'er Afrlc's sands or Greenland's snow, I dare say yon will never And A friend more constant, more true and kind Than tho.flm 11 ever so poor. If o'er the sea In ttcontl you go, When storm-clouds rise and loud winds oiow, She, on bended knee, the long ulelil through Doth Bray the Father to wateh o'ur you, And brine you Benin to her door. Or, If to the city you should stray, Where Mammon and third hold their sway, Bhe prays to Ood to keep her eulld, That be to sin be not beguiled, But pure return to his home. First, second, third, If you find, will name A prophetess of world-wide fame Who told, though strange It seem to you, In eighty-one, she vowed It true, The end of the world would come. West Bethel, Me. "ENeusri Bot." 4. Diamond. 1. A letter. 3. To bear. 3. An animal. 4. A riser Iu the morning. .1. A genus of plants. 0. The outer coat of nucleus of the ovule of a plant. 7. The affections. 8. A plant. 0. A letter. Philadelphia, Pa. "Pint, A. DBi.rnr." t3f"A book for first correct solution. 5. Rebus, s 100 500 Danbury, Conn. "Nutmeg." The "little lllrt," for Drst correct solution. t3FAnswers in three weeks. Prizes. For 1st complete list, this paper 3 months. For 2nd beet list, the same two months. For 8d best list, ten Amateur Papers. Prize Winners. Vol. 1. No. 6. Mo answers received. Chat! "Phil A. Delpbt :" We were very clad to hear from you. We wish your Philadelphia friends would follow your example. Come often with answers and pussies. 'English Bor !" Wny we thought you bad forgotten us, but are pleased to find that thoughts sometimes go the contrary. Sorry to bear of your HI health. Hope it win improve. Please send answers as well as puzzles. bmory Citt i Please try to make your puzzles a little more difficult. Bend ub a large "batch" from which we can pick. "uus:" we nave done as requested. Please note the contents of the letter we wrote you, and send us the results. Readers, we would call special attention to the "Call" given below. We hope all our puzzling mends win send their names, nom deplume, and addresses as soon as possible to tbe publisher or the Directory. A Call. All puzzlers are earnestly requested to send me their nom de plume, name, and address for publication in a new "ruzziers Directory Write plainly and address A. U. UBUHLKY, Waterloo, Ind. Puzzledom. It may be Interesting for our friends to know that tbe puzzlers of Pennsylvania met on the 22d of February and organized a "Pjtzzlers League." competent olucers were elected and an excellent constitution adopted. Tbe next place of meeting Is to be at Ilarrlsbureln Julv A paper'under the excellent management of IS. U. male, or Philadelphia, is to be started, and bids fair to be the best puzzle paper ever issued. We hope this orglnlzatlon will not follow tbe steps of the National, and disgrace the cause as it oy its silence nas done. MUliiHrPUTrOKM VAMILt HOA1JC Welstiluptoa61ba. Ratall price, 1.60, Termsaurpriie AienU. 3 Peter Henderson's COMBINED CATALOGUE OF MS Will U llalltd Free to all who opp'jl t Letter. An ItTMrlniiintal flronnda fn which we test our Vegetable and Flower ftjeeda are moat complete), and our Ureenlioueu for Flame (covering 3 acre In class), sure the largest to America. PETER HENDERSON & CO. SS Cortlandt Street, New York. torn 'RIFF! of piy New Moult, M MEDICAL COMMON SENSE.1 WHICH!, tn anv harann who will J " nm seud hii nam and poit-oiiio audi In lamps to pay po'K. at, sua an cwutS To any ana f nlnt wjjh (DONSTJurPTION, ASTHMA. CATAIJBH, SOKK THKOAT, or liKONCHITIH, Uie information In Una Book la of great ralua i and H may la tha provldenos ol Ood. aavs many usenil Hvps. Aildrcua, .. V " vw mm BMW eu. VUHga llalm iffpii mmiiiiiiiini ii mi nil in ajim(f THE CREAT Jl lilt L TNG TON JIO UTE. -?T"Nn nthrr lino rnna Thron Thrnmrh Pan- senirer Trains Dnlly botrrcen Cblcniro, 1"'S Jinnies, council iiiiiiik, (ilnium, i.mcom, nr. Joseph, Atchison, Topoka and Ransrm City. Direct connections ior nil pomis m minimi, Nebraska, f'oloradn, Wyomlnir. Montana, Ne vndn. New Mexico. Arizona, ldubo,Oregon and California. . . . . Tito Shortest, Rpfcrliost nno siosr uomrnrrn lilo Houtn via llannlbi.l to Kurt Kcolt. Dcnlson, Dallas, Houston, Austin, San Antonio, Galves ton and all points In Toxns. ..... Tho linciiiialed Imliiccmctits offered by this Lino to Travelers and Tourists, are as follows! Tho celebrated I'ullmnn (Ift-wheel) Palnco RIcenliiR Cars, run onlv on this t.lne. C. II. Ic (J. I'hIiico firiiwlng-rtooin Cars, with Mortons Kncllnlniri linlrs. nu cxrra eimrifi; ior nnim fn ltenllnlns; Chairs. Tho famous C, ft. & Q. l'nlaco DliilnirCius. fJorirci'UH Bmoltlnu Cars fitted with Klcurimt flioh-llnekcd Itiitmn Hn volvlnff t hnlrs for tho txcluslvo uho of first class pus'enscrs. lilCCl 1 TUCK null niipi'rinr i'.iiii'iim im. vw.i.- blned with their Orent. Thrmirh Car Arrnniro inent, mnkes this, nbnvp nil ot hers, t lie fnvorlto Homo to the South, Boutu-west, anu mo rur West. Try It, and von will find traveling n luxury Insteml il a diseiuifort. .... Throuirh Tickets via this Celelirnted Mno for snloutnll olllccs In tho United States und Uinnda. . All Information nliont untes or rnre. sieep. Inn Car Acconiinodiillons, Time Tables, Ac, will be cheerfully plven by applyina to J. Q. A. HKAN, um l E'istern Airnnt. ;i)ij Wii-iliitiirtoii St., Huston, Muss, mill ill" llro nlwiiv, New York. uAolES It. WOOli cen. I i'si. Ant.. ChK'nifi). T. .1. I'1 I T'-.M, Hen. Mummer, I niiMgn. March 15,lS81-40t II AUDITION To Our ImmesB Stock OF MEN'S and BOYS' CLOTHING, BOOTS & SHOES, LADIES' and GENTS' FANCY GOODS, Mens' and Boys' Hats and Caps. Trunks, Valises and Satchels, Mis, h Goods, ok. Wo are now onpnlni for the Pnrlue Trade one ui tiiv uuest huu ucsfc soivuicu iiiiai ui CARPETS, Erer displayed In Perry Count;. HEMP CARPET at .20, .25. It AO CARPET at .33, .40, .60. COMMON FLOWER CARPET at .25, .35. .45. PART WOOL CARPET at .60. .65, .60. ALL WOOL CARPET at .70. ,0, 1.00. Also a full line of Oil Cloths, Stair Carpet, etc. We do not handle anything utiles we carry an assortment. anil guarantee our Block In tbe above UOOU9 cauuot ue suipassea. Highest Prices Paid for Wool and lurs. MARX DUKES & CO., EBY'S NEW BUILDINC, NEWPORT, FA. ESTATE NOTICE.-Notlce Is hreby given that letters testamentary on the estate of Busan Klce, late ot Madiwin township. Perry oouuty. Pa., deceased, have been granted to the UllumoiKlim ic.-muiiik IU UlflBaDIS lOWUSUip. All persons Indebted to said estate are reqnest d to make Immediate payment and those baving cliilms will present them duly authenticated for ulllmnAiil ti. 8AKAH RICE. January 18, 1SS1 Ct Executrix. CARLISLE CARPET HOUSE! 1881 SPRING OPENING! 1881 We desire to speak to the citizens of Bloomflekl and surrounding country on the subject of Carpets, Oil Cloths, and Wall Tapers, , and point out a few facts why you should deal with us. nSE ,ou c?n Ee1,,,,, ,,n any kind of goods named above out of a great assortment. 1 K A 5 25 0,,r """'k J" "."'"lilete and fall In all departments. 5 w,.! SE afsalnided the pleasure of a superior choice at the lowest possible prices. IlKOAUHK we deal linnest. with von , avm n i. ... .i.i. free of charge, and strive to please and profit you. We therefore ask an Inspection of our HoiIj and Tapestry Hrnssels, InRraln nnd 3-riy Carpets, Hall and 4v1 A f YJ aT w -arm , ' oiuir, jienip anu by all our old customers and all new ones who will give as the chanoe to prove what we assert above. V, ,,.Q CARP.ET.S re made under onr Immediate dlreetlou, on eur own looms, and we Claim for them a buperlority Hupassed by none In the Htate. CARPET R ACS taken In exchange for . Many Novelties In our Wall Paper Departments. Window Rhades and Material for Lambrequins, and furniture Coverings, with Curds, Fringes, and Ulmps to match. LINQLEUND, an article superior to OU Cloth for kittens, dining rooms, halls and vesti bules, public unices, and banks. A complete stock throughout, the equal of which Again we request a call from you and your friends, feeling that you wllfbs Justified In the doing thereof. ltespectfully yours, STEPHENS 21 East Main Street, DOWN LOWISK 1881 Carpets for LOOK AT Tap Brussels from 85 cents to $1.10. Body from lift iwnti All other goods In proportion. Now the New txr ir r 1.. i -r n.n no uo.c i.enDv,niiBm nun iiiuid j auerua msn an ineomer carpet nouses in f nlfl f'ifv. ( Iftll ftnil Kamlnn fill- vnupaulvna l.,l.la I lnA,l- i..(ni. Hales aud Small Profits. SAMUEL ADAMS, Opera House Carpet Store, 81 N. Third Street, IIAItltlHUUllO, PENN'A. Dives, Pomeroy I Stewart, 85 NORTH THIUD STREET, HARRISBUIIG, XV. mm mm NEW SPRING PPJNTS at BARGAINS In BLACK BILKS at .65, .75, .87, .92, 1.00, 1.25, 1.50, and 1.75. BLACK SATIN DE LYONS at 1.25 and 1.50. BLACK SATINS at .87, 1.00, 1.25, and 1.50. COLORED SILKS a .59, .75, and 1.00 COLORED SATINS at .87, and 1.00. BARGAINS In CHEVIOT SHIRTINGS at 5 cents. (Samples sent by mail with pleasure.JEJ DIVES, POMEROY & STEWART, AGENTS WANTED FOR BORDER OUTLAWS, By J. W. BCTEL. New. Authentic and Tlirlllinir Illstnrv nf the Lives and Wonderful Adventures of America's great Outlaws, The Younger Brothers, rrank and Jesse James, And their bands of lilghwavmen down to 1SS1. Contains more than 4U Illustrations, embracing late Portraits of the principal characters. Inclnd- ing irann james, never oeiorepuuiisnea.anu z FINK OOLOKED PLATES. Interviews and let ters from Ool Younger Startling Revelations. All about the Black Flag, the Black Oath, the RecretCave. and hundreds of other wonderful things. Most exciting book ever published ; more limiting man a romauce, yet irue in every essen tial. Bells like wild lire. lO.OoO ordered In ad vance. Nothing like It! beats' everything! Over 400 pages, price ll.fiO. Agent's convassing out St. 60 cents. Write Immediately for full pmiculars. to HIHTORIUAL l'UliUSbING CO., St. Louis, Missouri. 10 St AGENTS WANTED for the best and fastest sell ing Pictorial Rooks and Kibles . Prices reduc ed 33 percent. National Publishing Co., Phila delphia, Pa. 9aiui VALUABLE STORE STAND FOR Sale or Rent. The subscriber offers at Private Hale, a rood Store btiMid, situate at Dellville, six miles west of Duncannon. and six m les south of Mew Bloom- held, along the Hhrrmans Creek. This property has all the necessary buildings, with a never fail. lug spring oi water near ine ooor, witn auoui Eight Acres of Land, and In a high state of cultivation. Ther Is also an uminAKU on roe property, wibu vuuiu fruit, nice lot of Grape vines, etc. I will give any person purchasing or renting this property possession on lt of March, or at furthest, the 16th of March, 1881. If not sold the property will be rented. . r ,U"Uer ,"",,'Ui;.,p."L,i(iHTNER. Dellville, Ferry Co., Pa. February 8,1881. A4 A Ontfit fnrntahed fnw, with full imtmctions for Hk I ll oouductinif the mtit profltmbla bnniiiMfl that Lmw auyona can enffstfe in. The buaiuew is easy to learn, and our Instmctinna ao tlmple and plain, that any aiiecan Diaae Ifmi imui irum me ierj auuk one can fail who la williuir to work. Women are aa nc nwaful aa men. lioya aud jrirls can earn lanre auras. Many have made at the bnalnMa over one hnndrrd dnllarainaainiile week. Mothiuif like It ever kuowa liefore. All who engrave are aurimaed at the eaae and m.i,i,litT with whii-h thev are aOle to make mouer. You can eiuraire lu thia DiloIueM duriuv your apare tune at irreat proni, lotioouol nave w idtw, in it. wtAbeall thn rink. Thoae who nwd readv rooner. ahould write to ua at once. Ail t uruiatied free. Addrraa lllUKiCU., AUKUla,Mam. I u LICENSE. miiR Kxaciitlve Committee of the Perrv County X Temperance Association, hereby gives notice to all concerned, that the names of all applicants and signers for hotel ana restaurant license, win puunsnea mis year, as ... t V l Oil OA AO. 49 3m ; Chairman. A Large Farm for Sale. A GOOD FARM OF ABOUT THREE HUN .A. DRKD ACRES more or less. In Perry and Kock Oak Timber, together with choice fruits. Mountain water conveyed la pipes to the door ( the dwelling. For further particular call at this office. August 10. l8.tf Jing tarpets, goods, and Carpets madoto order. has not boen opened before by us. & BEETEM, CARLISLE, Penn'a. 11 3m TIIA.N EVEK. Spring Trade. 1881 THE PRICES! Brussels from $1.60 to $1.05, Ingrain Intl Ttoof the time to get the first selection of Stock. .... .. . . 9 8m 5, 6, 7, and 8 cents, NO BETTER, FERTILIZERS CAN BE USED 1HAN BAUGII'S $25 PHOSPHATE. BlTJGH'S Economical Fertilizer For Fotatoeei, HaTe Been Thoronghlj Tested. For Circulars and Prices address BAUGH & SONS, 7 3m' 20 8. Delaware Ave., Philadelphia, Pa Uru To sell Frnlt and Ornamental Trees. Ill E IV Granes. Shrubs. Roses, etc. No ex- Wontorl perience required. Salary and ex VVttlllCU nensesDaid. J.F.LeCLARK. 9d4w Rochester, New York. TEACHERS WANTED 1 i? 2Jtit! a m m mr m m mmw - -mw ------ a7 a UnUllli Steady work all spring and snmmer. tor jar tic ulars address J. C. HgGUHDX A CO., Ffaila- J.l.,1.1. a. tViU urn uuiyuimm K Ha vww ACrNTC WANTED for the National Hand AUtfl I O Book of AMERICAN PKCMiRK-Srt: Historical. Documentary, Biographical, Statistic al. Financial and political. Mix books in one. Edited by Rev. E. O Haven, LL. D. Including the Census of 1880. In treat demand for the Counting House and Home Library. Over 5oO pages, 60 illustrations. i Terms for agenta nn (iualed. E. B. TREAT, PubUsher, 757 Broad way, sew i or a- yutw The Relish of the World! Halford Sauce SOLD BY ALL GROCERS. 14w HOP BITTERS, (a Medicine, not a Drink.) CONTAINS Hep, Bacha, Mandrake, Dandelion, and the purest and best medical qua title of all other Bitters. THEY CURE all disease of the Stomach. Bow. els. Blood, Liver. Kidney and Crlnary Organs, Nervousness, Sleeplessness and especially Female Complaints. Ask your Druggist for Hop Bittrm ana try mem neiore yon tieep. ao no outer. Send for circular. HOP BITTETS M'F"G CO., Rochester, N. Y.. and Toronto, Ont. 9d4w DC ATTV'C OHO AN 9. 15 Stops, 4 Set Reeds. DCMI I I OonlyttA. Address DANIfcL f. BEATTY. Washington, N. J. ltd HAVE YOU Ever Known Any person to be seriously III without a weak stomach or inactive liver or kidneys? And when these organs are in good eonUmon do you not nnd their possesror enjoying good health? PAR KER'S GINUER TONIC always regulate the important oi guns, and never fails to make th blood rich ana pure, and lostrengthen every part of the system. It kaseured hundred of dispiairiD invalids. Ak jour neighbor about It lldtt M OM IK Cloth and other Dress Goods la va rious at ma. 7. MORTIMER