THE TIMES, NEW BLOOMFIELD, PA. MA11GII 15, 1881. HOUSE, FARM AND GARDEN. Value of Alum. A bit of aluui kept near a wash basin or towel rack and frequently rubbed over the face while Jet damp, will do much towards removing tan and pre venting unsightly pimples. I have never found anything better for canker ous sores on the lips and tongue. If mixed with vluegnr and water, salt and pepper, It will cure ordinary sore throat; grated and stirred In molasses it is splendid for croup. T have known cases of toothache, when all the com- 011 pungent remedies failed, to be nstantly quieted by inserting in the cavity or the tooth a bit of moist cotton sprinkled with equal quantities of pul verized alum and salt. Beally good bread can be made from grown wheat if one tablespoohful of alum and two tablespoonfuls of butter are added to each ordinary baking, and it is excellent in cheap molasses cookies to give the desired crlspness when little butter is used. A good cement can be made by melting & bit of alum and using immed iately, but one must be quick or the value will be lost. A gentleman has just told me how he so thoroughly deadened the nerve of a decayed tooth that It has not ached for years; by fre quently using alum that has been drop ped on a hot surface and left until it stopped "boiling." A piece the size of a kernel of. corn was not all used for one tooth. It Is good for hardening cucum bers after taken from salt brine. Corn and Corn Bread. If the inhabitants of North Amer ica were each to save three cents a day in their housekeeping the total saving would amount to the vast sum of over 700 millions of dollars in the year. This enormous sum may be saved by very moderate econmy In Household affairs. In the single item of food it may be saved over and over again in cooking or in using a cheaper food. The cheapest food in the world Is Indian corn; and this valuable grain is too much neglected in the household, be cause few housekeepers know how to prepare it acceptably. But it may be used whole, partly broken, or ground, in a great variety of shapes and man ners, and if one were to be reduced to a single article of food by any chance, the most useful one would doubtless be In dian corn, providing eggs, milk, sugar, and a little spice could be thrown In for trimmings. As a matter of cost it might bs mentioned that the usual difference in cost is greatly in favor of corn as compared with other kinds of food. Wheat s usually 2i times as dear as corn; potatoes four times as dear, con sidering that three fourths of them are water: and corn is a better food for the winter than either wheat or potatoes because it is much richer in oil or fat. Why then don't people eat more corn t Simply because of ignorance of its val ue or of the best methods of cooking it- To Cleanse Seorched Lard, yhen the lard get scorched by fry- loughnuts, as it sometimes wil1 (especially if the girls are doing it) it can be made nice again by slicing a raw potato into thin slices, dropping them into the kettle and frying till quite brown. They absorb all the bitter taste and collect ell the dark spots on the surface, and make the lard fit for use again. Another way to cleanse lard in the frying pan is, just before you set your kettle away, to pour in some boil ing hot water, and let it stand and cool. When you wish to use it again, take a knife and run around the edge of the lard; lift it from the kettle, and lay it bottom side up on a flat plate, scrape off all the brown coating for the soap grease turn out the water and cleanse the ket- Me; If any water stands in drops on the d, let it drain off and your lard is re and sweet. How She Saved Money. i'For nearly six yers my daughter is most of the time ou a sick bed from sJney and other disorders Decullar m jomen. We bad used up our savings n dootors and prescriptions without Jny benefit. Our dominie advised us try Parker's Ginger Tonic, and four lottlfs effected a marvelous cure. As it as been our only medicine since, and m ollar's worth has kept our family well ver a year, and have been able to lay y a little money again for a rainy day." roor jviuirs vvne. ii)4t Honored and Blest. ' ' When a hnflrrl nf tm-ilnanf ntivalrlana : .at- 1 and chemists announced the discovery that by combining some well known valuable remedies, the most wonderful medicine was produced, which would - .cure such a wide raue of diseases that most all other remedies conld be dis pensed with, many were skeptical ; but proof of its merits by uotual triaj has diHpelled all doubt, aud to-day the dig. coverers of that great medicine, Hop j jitters, are honored and blessed by all as enefaetor. Democrat. 11 jt rm BiooimriEtu times team Jolb Office, NEW BLOOMFIELD, PENN'A. , . wm IF YOU WANT PLAIN OR FANCY Sale Bills or Posters of any Size, Pamphlets or Paper Books, Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Circulars, Cards, &c., Call and see Samples and Prices. "THE TIMES" Is the best advertising medium in the County, having over 2000 subscribers. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE : Year in Advance, in the County. Year in " out of the " $1.25 Per $1.50 Per nmv Protradln KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE I THK MOST SUCCESSFUL REMEDY EVER discovered, as It Is curtain tn Its effects and dues not blister. Read Front Below. From Rev. N. F. Granger, Presiding Elder or the St. Albans District. Bt. Albans, Vt., Jan. 20th. 1880. DR. J. B. KENDALL ft CO., Gents: In repXy to your letter I will ssiy that my experience with Kendall's Spavin due lias been very satisfactory indeed. Three or four) ears ago I procured a bot tle ot your agent, aud with It, cured a horse of lameness caused by Bpavln. Last season my horse became very lame and I turned him outfor a few weeks when he became better, but when I put him on the road he grew worse, when I dis covered that a ring-bone was forming, I procured a bottle ot Kendall's Buavln Cure, aud with less than a bottle cured him so that he Is not lame, neither can the bunch be found. Respectfully yours, P. N. GRANGER. Perseverance Will Tell ! Rtoughton, Mass., March 16m, 1880. B.J. Kendall & Co., Gents: In Justice to you and myself, I think 1 ought to let you know that I have removed TWO BONE SPA VIN8 with Ken dall's Spavin Cure," one very large ones dou't know how long the Bpavln had been there. I have owned the horse eight months. It took me four months to take the large, one off, and two months for the small one. 1 nave used 10 bottles. The horse ts entirely well, not at all stiff, and no bunch to be seen or felt. This Is a wonderful medicine. It is a new thing here, but It It does for all what It bas done for me Its sale will be very great. Respectfully yours, C11AS. E.PARKER. Is sure In effects, mild In Its action as it does not blister, and yet Is penetrating and powerful to reach any deep seated pain or to remove any bony growth or any other enlargement. If used for f everal days, such as spavins, splints, curbs, callous.spralns, swellings, any lameness and all enlargements ot the Joints or limbs, or rheuma tism m man and for any purpose for which a lin iment for man or beast. It Is now known to be the best liniment for man ever used, acting mild and yet certain In Its ellects. It Ib used full strength with perfect safety at all seasons of the year. Send address for Illustrated Circular, which we think gives positive proof ot Its virtues. No remedy has ever met with such unqualified suc cess, to our knowledge, for beast as well as man. Price tl. per bottle, or Six bottles for 15. All Drug gists have It or can get It for you, or it will be sent to any address on receipt of price bv the propri etors. DR. B. J. KENDALL fi CO., Enosburg Falls, Vermont. " Kendall's Spavin Cure" Is now sold by all the leading wholesale druggists and a large number of prominent retail druggists. F. Moktimbb. New Bloomneld, agent for Perry Co., Fa. notice; THE undersigned would respectfully call the attention of the citizens of Ferry county, that he has a large and well aelceted stock of . HARDWARE, GROCERIES, ,i , DRUGS. WINES LIQUORS, IRON. NAILS, HORSE and MULE SHOES, 8TKEL. IRON AXLES, SPRINGS, SPOKES, . . HUBS, FELLOES. bHAFTS. POLES ft BOWS, BROOM HANDLES, ' WIRE. TWINES, etc. ALSO, Paints, Oils, Glass, riaster, ; - - and Cement. SOLE, CALF, KIP and UPPEB LEATHER, F18H. SALT. 8UG AR8, 8YRUPS. TEAS. SPICES. . TOBACCO, CIGARS, aud SMITH COAL. John Lucas ft Co'.. . MIXED FAINTS, s (ready for use.) The best Is the CHEAPEST. ' And a large varietvol goods not mentioned, allot which were bought at the Lowest Cash Prices, and he otters the same to his Patrons at the Very Lowest Prices lor Cah or approved trade. His motto i,ow prices, aud Fair dealings to all. Go and see him. Respectfully, 8. M. BHUI.EH, Liverpool, Perry Co. Pa. SPAVIN CUREfcJ nit fwinauMmrh-1 PILES HP&JIlIKIIIni. Blind. BlMd- inn, Ulcerated or I Film thai lkeBina-' Pile Remedy felli to can. It allars the Itching, aliaorbe the tnmora, glTM tmmtdiutt relief. Prepared by J. P.MIIlr,M.I., rniiMeipnia, n. i, i iwn. iuw gmume unlet, wrap prr m bvltU contain, Ai signature and a Pile of Stones. All draughts and country stores have it or will get It for you. ONLY S20, 'or this stvle of PMILADEL- ?iTOP f PHI A SINGER. Equal to auy singer in tnemtti'Keu iteinem ber, we send it to be exam ined before you pay for It This Is the same style other companies retail for SAO. All Machines warranted for three years, fiend for our Illustrat ed Circular and Testimonials. CHARLES A. WOOD & CO., 17 N. Tenth St., Philadelphia, Ta. ELASTIC TRUSS Hmn Pd dlflbfoff from al I olbtm b crjpibnpn, villi Bvlf-Aditutlrf Bl 1 to Mottr, ftdftpltl Ual) to 4)1 bmiUont ot tfa body, while: th lift I li a 4h rvrt pfWM back tfaj laMUnMl an w irm worilil rlik ib rl With I If hi cm lira tba Hern Ik b htld Meant lay and ottht, nd radical cars csrtaJn. it U ujt donbu tM ciwap. Bent bf mail. Ctrcnlan frat. EGGLESTOH TRUSS CO., Chicago, II 98t A STARTLING DISCOVERY! LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. A victim of yonthtol lmprndence cunning Prema ture Decay, Kervous Debility, Lost Manhood, etc., having tried in vain every known remedy, has dis covered a simple if If euro, which he will tend FREE to his frilow-auflerera, address J. II, IlEEVEM, 43 liiutlinm sit., IS. X. 5Bly $2 Walrhet. fttam wlnderats.BB. White metat OtintlnitCaM r. imitation KoliilG. BollrlRnllll Cheap.-tt anil beat for ynur own nan nr apeculatlT ptirpoara. Valuable cut aluxuafru. THOMSON A CO., 133 MatwaaSt. hew York, 5Bly DR. HUTCHINSON'S 170RIM DESTROYER AnoidsndTrlidRnnedr, JlmovmtheWormt and the Kcrelimu thai keep them alive. We guarantee its virtue. We have hundreds of Testimonials, col lected In the lost 14 years, proving conclusively Wmt it no remedy equal to Dr. HutvUliuon'a Worm Destroyer to remove the Worms (all kinds, Round, Seat, Long, and Tupt), that Infest the human system. Physicians trny them and gtve them to their suffering patients. There i no humbug or miackeru about this thoroughly reliable medicine. Prise, Mae. per box. A, W, WRIGHT & CO.. Wholesale Drugzlsti, Market and Front Streets, Philadelphia. February 15, 1881 Sin A PENSIONS ARE PAID trarr lotdivr dim bled In 11 fi of duty Tbj accident or otlierwiae. A VV OUMI of mi v kind.loaiofaiiBervto or eye, llCPl'IJI-E if but alight, dii saae of hungn or VarlcoM Vein (tire ft pension. I iider new law tlieuanuaa art) t-utttlfcd to an Increase of petition, n idow. orphans and dependent father! or luothen of poldieriwlir. d(fd In tue ertny Bet a penilon. BOUNTY Dit eharce ftr wonnd, tnfttrlBf or rtrpture, Jives full bounty. Rend flatampft foreopj 'enalnn and Hoitntv Acta. Addrenfl P. H. FUigernld A CpM Claim AftenU.IndtiwapoHa.lnd7. Me refer to F. A.W .Dm U, I'rri't Indiana Ranking Co.. and II. F. Kennedy. I'rca't Centra Hank. botU ef ludianapulli. J4amethia papor. Feb. 15, 1831-3m A The only iUhniihninit mnklnut a appci.M. BUSINESS OF ROSES. 60 LARCE HOUr ror roses alone. ye deliver HirrniK l'ot l'lni t HIT llUlliUUIUUl tllll tft hllVrn In- ...ui! .Ui. at aU postoffloos. S mlenilld vril-tie,your" all labeled, for li 12 for (2 1 10 for 1.8 1 20 r B K Premiums and Extras, more ROSfcU than most eutabllidnueubt g-row. Our NEW CUIDE, a MMlplala IVilM on tht rp. Ivni tllutlratt', dusonbes 6ilo newint and choiwst varietios ft la all. t THK DINGKKA CONARD CO. sm Crowns, West Oravs, Chester Co., Pa. 7tOwl0t THE GREAT A mmpmtKl nr tha ulin prl.oiplMot w BuMlrptui, H.ruixrillE, Mudi.kt, liOM. 4fl Which mM uidl. KIDNEY Uw LlT.r, KidiMjrl, Uhul, BuiniKh aud bow), u tht hid. tin. ThM mk when one u 4lMud. Ihr til bMom mm or l.M tfooud. Hone R I n A It U TtU Tlu uni luparioritir of EC I B II II ht compound, which rottoroo uiooi V Bl V H t hulthr ulioo. vt u touo. UfliliEJU X lomotlnbl.rilyfor H.od- & Anti-Bllioua i. iypp". Hiimuin.,.. cou- r!nTTri ir"l. t'.iulo WeokMU. ll I I J Xr. Skin IllHina. Koroliiloui nd ajulil HtiaffMUoat,old ourM and olMrc Ploiianl to uno. Trial UUlM.!ttoU. Lart. houloa.oilou. Ail driiKguuandooanlr atorM havo it, or will Kt it for you. Aio inatiMrwl la aucar I una, ana inauea iur 2-- rti. a tk,a. AiikNTn Wahtui. ' UOMS MSDICINB i:o PUila4.1dl; Pa !8 o w ly i FANCY (loon's and Notions, bums new ar rival, Cheap. F. MOHTTMKH. TOMI K cloths autt other Dies Uoodsla va- rknu alyles. F. MOBT1MEB. mm Address Ow 13t MBCmiBltll Newport Adrerilscinents. JJEWPORT DRUG STORE. HariDnonhand a eomplete aaaortrnrnt of thafoV lowlns articles, tha inbacrlber nail a share of year patronage, Drugt and Medicine, CHEMICALS OF ALL KINDS. AIM full stock of Concentrated Somedles, ESSENTIAL OILS. Crushes, Perfumery HAIIt OIL, AUD FANCY ARTICLES. Alio always on Hand PURE WINES & LIQUOR FOB MEDICINAL and SACRAMENTAL FUBr08E8 PHYSICIANS ORDERS Carefully and Promptly Filled B . Me ED Y, Newport, Penn'a. 11. 8. COOK & CO., Axree to sell all kinds of LUMBER AND SHINGLES, forliESS MONEY than any other dealers In this county. We will also take eood Xlmheron the stump or delivered at our Mill In exchange for Lumber, &o, We use Clearfield Floe aud Uem ockouly. W. R. B. COOK ft CO., Newport, Ferry Co., Pa. October 10, 1876. JONES' BROS, & CO, (Formerly John Jones & Son,) Grain & Produce MERCHANTS, Brlok Warehouse, Front St., above Market, Newport, Perry County, Pa. WE would respectfully invite the patronage ol the farmers, and the public generally, as the HIUHKST PRICES the market will afford, will be paidfor all kinds of GRAIN, FLOUR, PRODUCE SEEDS AND RAILROAD TIES We have eonstantly on hand, JTIBB, SALT, PLASTER, CEMENT COAL, IKON, STEEL, HOR8B SHOES. &e.,fte. FOR BALK AT THE LOWEST RATES. W. Orders promptly tilled, Newport, July 20, 1875 tf J B. HARTZELL, ' Wkolesale Tobacco Dealer, Wright's Building, NEWPORT, IA. Sole Agent for Lorllard's Superior Tobaccos, -Oountrjr Merchants supplied with Goods at Philadelphia prices. " Your orders are solicited . 9 44 g HIME8, Fir6 Insurance Agent. OFFICE: South East Corner Market Square, NEWPORT, PENN'A. FIRE INSURANCE POLICIES written In first class companies on all kinds of Insurable proper ty, at fair rates, and losses honorably adjusted and promptly paid. Correspondence solicited. Companies Represented t iEtna.of Hartford. Assets, 6,700,mo. Commercial Union, " 1,44,000. Fire Association, Pkll'a., " ,778,000. B. HIMES, Agent. March 11. lfgQly YICK'S ILLUSTRATED FAMILY GUIDE For 1 as l Is an elegant book of 120 pines, one col. ored Flower Plate, and tio Illustrations, with De scriptions of the best Flowers and Vegetables, and Directions for growing. Only 10 cents. In English or German. If you afterwards order seeds deduct the Id cents. VICK'H SEEDS are the best In the world. The PLOKaLUuiua will tell how to get and grow them. Vlck's Flower and Vegltable Oarden. 175 Pages ( Colored Plates, 608 EnKravlugs. For 60 rents in paper eovera; f 1.00 In elegant cloth. In German or Kngllsh. Vlck's Illustrated Monthly Minazine-32 Pages a Colored Plain in every number and many line EngravliiKs. Price 11.26 a year i Five Copies for Jo.lO. Hleulmen Numliers sent for lOcruts; 3 trial copies tor 25 cents. Address, JAMES VICK, Rochester, N. Y ! I Gift Books, C7iildren8 Books, Blank Books, School Books, Billies ! Testaments! And all Kinds of Books AT BEACWS Book & Drug Store. 0 Stationery at Wholesale or Ketail C3" Subscriptions taken for all News papers and Magazines. E. C. BEACH, Newport, Penn'a. November 18, 1870 A UCTIONEEIiS. J AS. P. LATCHFORD, AUCTIONEER, Would respectfully Inform the puklle that tit will cry sales at reasonable prices. All orders will receive pronint attention. -lONNALLY'B MILLS. PERBT CO., PA. lMESCLEELAND U Auctioneer, Oilers his services to the citizens of Perry ana Cumberland counties, post office address, bhermansdale, Perry co.. Pa. Auctioneer. The undersigned given notice that he wlllcry sales at any point In Perry or Dauphin counties. Orders are solicited and promptattentlou wllibe given. B.D.WELLS, hew Buffalo Perry co.. Pa Q B. HARNISH, AUCTIONEER, Delvllle, Perry Co., Pa. Charges moderate, and satisfaction guaranteed. & tl D AVID M'COY, AUCTIONEER, ICKESBUnO, PERRY COUNTY, PA. Mr Charges moderate. Prompt attention ralr. to ail calls. ' AUCTIONKEK. The undersigned elves , "SHw""? he will ci y sales at a reasonable rate, batlsfactlon guaranteed. 3- Addrttb . , TDOS. 8UTCH. Jr., Nov. 18. '18 New BloomBeli, Pa. P P. HOOVER, T " AUCTIONEER. Attention given to sales, and satisfaction enar anteed. Prices low. tall on or address F. P. HOOVliU, AugUStl 2,1879. WH0tt.bur.P.. HEXIIX KE1L, ,., ,. . AUCTIONEER, Would respectfully inloim il.e cinztnsof Perrv County that lie v. ill cry sales t short "oticeT ai d atreasonable rates, batlsfactlon guaiaulMd. - Address Hknbi Hull, Ickesburg, Pa. H 0ME MANUFACTURE. LOOK OUT! Iwouldrespeotlvelylnformmyfrlendsthat In tendoalling upon them with a supply ol good olmy OWN MANUFACTURE. Censlstfngof OA8SIMER8, , OASSINETS. FLANNELS, (Plalnandbar'd ) CARPETS , to exchange for wool or sell for cash. J.M.BIXLEH CHNTKIW0OLB5 FACTOR!. 6.17, KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. It Is aura to core Rnavlna Rr,iin. Curb, &c. It removes all unnatural enlargements. Does not blister. lias no equal tor any lameness on beast or man. It has cured hip loint lame, ness In a person who had suffered 1 frost-bites, nr any bruises, cut or lameness. Jt .... ..u. vlclll.oll vu llwrprs. nena inr il lustrated circular giving positive proof. Price one dollar. All Druggists lave It or can get tor von. Dr. B. J. Kendall (ft Co., Fros.,Knosburgh. Falls, Vermont. " HARRIS A EWINO, Agents. Pittsburgh, Pa. B LOOM FIELD ACADEMY. The next reirnlar ..aion r,f Dili Inatiturinn k. gins MOMDA , September 6th. 1880. Full preparation. Classical or otherwise. Is giv en foi any College Male or Female eithei lor freshman or Sophomore year. A thorough course Is provided for teacher, and the option Is given for selecting one or two of the hlf her studies. Music, Drawing and Painting. Philosophical and chemical apparatus for the study of the Natural Sciences. Literary Society Library. Students are at all tlmesnnder the supervision of the Principal, and their progress aud conduct noted on their weekly reports. 4b Boarding, if raid In advance, 12.50 per week, otaerwite. 1175. luitloa from SO cents to 11.03 per week In advance. For further information address J. K FLICKINGKK. A. B.. Principal, or Wh. Ghikb. Proprietor. New Bloomueld. Perry Co., Pa. August 10,1880. ' Ml MR. r; IVin mn . 1. ....... t... k... . 1 : . 1 .'wisioiiiiiisiBn rillllr you do uon ", tall to ea ftm.lllt tht KntawndM &iiirtm.iit tn WOHTlWtH. oucaauit jourieltlnat v .A