0 THE TIMES, NEW BL00MF1ELI), l'A , MAltCII H, 1881. HOUSE, FARM AND GARDEN. Cow Nature. That cows acknowledge iadlvldua,1li.v . i among themselves ii evident from the fact thnt lu every herd there Is sure to be one master cow who domineers over all the refct. Watch the thlrstv herd Eoitiir to drink at a uool on a sultry summer day, and you will see the mas. ter cow enter first, unopposed by the others, who. should the rtool be a small one, will not presume to join her in It but will wait patiently on the bank till . she leaves the water, even though she may choose to remain there, switching her tall at the flies and enjoying the cnol bath for her legs, for some time after she has quenched her thirst, To Hie human speotator it would seem - that she Is selfishly and needlesBlv pro longing the thirst of her friends; but tney do not resent her self-indulgence, nor attempt to hurry her, but only hum bly watt till It shall be her pleasure to make room for them to go and drink. For la not she their undisputed chief, and shall not a chief have privileges f A contributor to an English journal tells the following story of the "top boss" in his herd, named Dulus: she is neither the biggest, nor the strongest, nor the longest horned of the party and how she has acquired her supremacy we know not, but we imagine that It must? be through sheer force of character and will. We one day had an opportunity of watching her lead her companions to a place of mischief, which they all quite evidently knew to be against the laws of their human superiors, and therefore to be done on the sly, if possi ble. The cows were in a field adjoining a rlckyard, and in the rickyard was an outhouse' wherein some mangels were stored. The field was separated from the rlckyard by a hedge, in which was a hurdle; and twice In one day had the cows broken through the gap, got at their beloved mangels, and been driven out again Ignominiously. Undaunted by this they made a third attack, and we happened to arrive just in time to see it done. While the men who had drlv en them back to the field were still near; the cows pretended to be grazing in tranquility as though no bigger ambl tion than grass had ever entered their innocent minds. But no sooner did the coast appear to be clear, than off set Dulas toward the hurdle, with a quick and resolute step, shaking her head with a most defiant and jaunty air as she walked. Instantly every other cow left off eating, and followed her, all ev- ldenlly aware of what she meant to do. Stickiug her horns skillfully under a bar of the hurdle, and heaving up her head to extract the hurdle from the ground, she very soon managed to re move the obstacle, and then proceeded triumphantly to the mangels, with all her companions at her heels. Now, In this case Iiulas seems to have used some reasoning power; for there was no at tempt made to batter down the gate by brute force, and she had discovered the necessity of lifting it upward. She has a talent for opening gates with easy fastenings which Is rather troublesome putting her horns In aud working her head about until she gets the fastening undone. And in this, also, Bhe seems to show reason or observation, for else haw would she know which part of the gate to strike V C5A Mississippi farmer dashes cold water into the ears of choking cattle. This causes the animal to shake its head violently, and the muscular action dislodges the obstruction. Woman '8 Wisdom. " She insists that it is more import ance that her family shall be kept in full health, than that she should have all the fashionable dresses and styles of the times. She therefore sees to it, that each member of her family is supplied with enough Hop Bitters, at the first appearance of any symptoms of ill health, to prevent a fit of sickness with its attendant expense, care and anxiety. All women should exercise their wisdom In this way. Aew Haven Palladium. 93 WLet the poor sufferers from female complaints take courage and rejoice that a painless remedy has been found We refer to Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. It its prepared at 233 West ern Avenue, Lynn, Ufass., Send to Mrs. Pink ha in for pamphlets. 9 t Quick and Sure. Many miserable people drag them, wives about from day to day, not know ing what ails them, but with failiuir strength and spirits all the time that they are steadily sinking into their graves. If these sufferers would onlv use Parker's Ginger Tonic, they would find a cure commencing from the first dose, and vitality, strength and cheer fulness quickly and surely coming back to them, with rentoration to perfect health. See advertising column. 10H Pltl V DAW VEGETABLE ' ..I ril1 :c? l Th Oldest, I IK T. t "'J 1 'S.M.fcft 1 PERRY DAVIS & SON, Providence, R. I. 1 Proprietor. KENDALL'S STAVIN CURE t THE MOST RirnrKSRFITT. RRMRT1V RVITlt discovered, as It Is certain in Its ellects and does noi ousrer, ueaa rroot lielow. From Iter. N. P. Urangcr, Presiding Elder of the St. Albans District. St. Albans, Vt., Jan. 2Mb, 1880. DR. J. B. KENDALL (t CO . Gents; In renlv to your letter I will say that my experience with neuaaiis rtpavin uure nas oeen vory satisfactory indeed. Three or lounenrs ago I orocured a bot tle oi your agent, and with It, cured a horse ot lameness caused by Spavin. Last season my horse became very lame and I turned hlin out for a few weeks when he became better, but when I put him on the l oad l;o grew worse, when 1 dis covered thnt a rlne b:e was forming, I procured a bottle ot Kendall's Huavin Cure, and with less than a bottle cured Irm so that lie Is not lame, neuuer can me uuncu oemuna. llcxpectfully yours, P. N. GRANGER. Perseverance Will Tell J ' Stonghton, Mass.. March 16w, 1880. B.J. Kendall & Co.. Gents: in 1 11st Ice to voti and myself, I think 1 ought to let you know that I have removed TWO BONE SPAV INS with Ken dall's Spavin Cure," one very large onei don't Know now long 1119 npavin naa ueen mere. 1 have owned the h iiseelahl months It took me four months to take tlio Urea one olT, and two months for the small one. 1 have used 10 bottles. The horse Is entirely well, not at all still, and no bunch to be seen or fell. This is a wonderful medicine. It Is a new thing here, but if It does lor ait wual it misaone ior mens sate win be very great. ltesuectlully yours, JV rAllJlfclt. T. au-n In .(T.tt. nIM In i- nrttt..,. n - 1. not blister, and yet Is penetrating and powerful to reach any deep seated pglji or to remove any bony growth or anv other enlargement, If used for f'Cvei'Al days, such ns spavins, splints, curbs, callous, sprains, swellings, any lameness and all enlargements ot the joints or limbs, or rheuma tism In man and for any purpose for which a lin iment for man or beast. It Is now known to be the best liniment for man ever used, acting mild and yet certain In Its ettects. It In used full strength with perieot safety at all seasons ot the year. Bend address for Illustrated Circular, which we think gives positive proof of its virtues. No remedy has ever met with such unqualified suc cess, to our knowletlue. for beast as well as man. Price $1. per bottle, or Six bottles tor 5, All Drug- f;tsts have It or can get It lor you, or It will be sent o any address on receipt of price bv the propri etors. DR. B, J. KENDALL & CO., Knosburg Falls, Vermont. " Kendall's Spavin Cure" Is now sold by all the leading wholesale druggists aud a large number of prominent retail druggists. - K. Moutimbr, Mew Blooinlleld, agent for Perry Co., Pa. NOTICE! THE undersigned would respectfully call the attention of the citizens of Ferry county, that he has a large aud well delected stock of HARDWARE, GROOKKIES. DRUGS. WINES SUQCOltH, IRON. NAILS, HORSE and MULE SHOES, STEEL, IRON AXLES, SPRINGS, SPOKES, HUBS, FELLOES. SHAFTS. ' POLES BOWS, BROOM HANDLES, WIRE. TWINES, &0. ALSO, Paints, Oils, Glass, Plaster, .and Cement. . SOLE, CALF, KIP and UPPER LEATHER, FISH. SALT, StJG ARS. SYRUPS, TEA. S.8PK3E8, TOBACCO, CIGARS, aud SMITH COAL. John Lucas & Go's., MIXED FAINTS, ! (ready for use.) The best is the CHEAPEST. And alargevarletvof goods not mentioned, allot which were bought at the Lowest Cash Prices, aud he offers the same to his Patrons at the Very lowest Prices for Cash or approved trade. His motto Low prices, and Fair dealings wall, ite aim see mm. Respectfully. B. M.8ITULEK, , Liverpool, Perry Co. Pa. F AN'CY Goods and Notion, Boms new ar rivals, (.neap. F. MORTIMER, M OMIE Clot lis and other Dies Goods lu va nous styles. F. MORTIMER. JOB PHINTING of every description neatly and promptly executed at Reasonable Kale i we iMouuineio limes BiesmjoD umce. A PURELY VEGETABLE! REMEDY m IHTHRU m IITUKM III. la a nre ear for all th disease for which It If recommended, ' and is always rfiUlFKOTLY BACH In ths hand of area the most Inexperienced persons. It I m nn it qnlek remedy for COUGHi, SOnFl THROAT, CHILLS, end Irallaf tronMeSi .rrbrds Instant fellef In the Binrt malignant form of IMPHTHERIA, and is the bent known remedy for RhentnatUm and Neuralgia. Best, and Moat Widely Known Family Medicine In tne World. ; : r iim wmm wets wnn nun waeMierrui eueceM in 111 pftrtj or the world for CRAMPS, 'IIOItn A, DI ARUIIOl A, p VBEWTERY, end all BOWEL COMPLAINTS that It to Oontldenad an Unfailing ear for then disease. Has stood the teat of Forty Tears' Constant Use In all Countries and Climates. It I RECOMMENDED by Physician, Mledonarlre, MlnUten, Manager af Plantation, Work-Shapa, and Factor)., Henri I Hoepttale In short by Byerrbodr, Krerywhere, who ha aver given It a trial. IT IS WITHOUT A RIVAL AS A LINIMENT. " ' It should always be used for Pain In the Back and Side, tad bring speedy and permanent relief In all case of Brulee, (lilts, Sprain,, Severe Ilnrne, Sealda, etc. ' No family can safely be without It, It will annually BaVe many time it cost in doctors' bill), and it price brings It within the reach of all. It 1 (old at Hoe., 50c., and 91 per bottle, and can be obtained from all drngglsU, actsVor GOLDEN DAWN or Light on the Great Future In this Life through tlie Dark Vallev and In the Life Kiniiial. It. I. ilk. THAI El). Sells fast. Pays over $100 A Month for Agents. Send fur circular and term. Also send address of two or more book Hyents and in cents for cost of mailing, srd receive the People' Magazine of chulce literature free for 6 mouths. Address, P. W. ZIEGLElt St CO., (115 Arch Street, Phila delphia, Pa. 88 e o w ly ELAHTIC TRUSS Has IV1 dlfltrin from at tibm. Is eptbsr. with Bsir-Adlnitliif JmIIId eenUr, tvUptat Us If t til tK-11 Ions of Ibt feo -1 7, whlls th Vallin tbrnnrMiiM bieft I hi tBtsrtlRMfaatMBMmowonM tih lb Pinter. With llfbl . . fstntUrriUMIiaidrml IS? md night, and rartlrsJ rtirrrtaln. Ills sbu. tn.f,Cl W4ciwap. Ssnt bf msIL, Circalm free. EG0LESTO5 THUS 3 CO., dttcaffO,lU 9flt A STARTLING DISCOVERY! LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. A vlotlm of youthful Impmdencn canning Prem tnre Decay, Nervous Debility, Lost Manhood, etc., hiving tried lu vain every known remedy, has dis coverrd a simple seireure, which be will send FREE to hit fnllow-suffrera, addns Jf, II, KEEVESJ. 43 lilitliiiiu (t., K. X. 6ly $2 W.lrh.i Stem binder. U.M. Whlt.m.ut nantlnitr., M. ImlUllomol.lM. tk.l I.I told III Vh.ip.il and bc.l rnryniirownu.nnr.rrul.tlr. pnrnoMC v.ln.hl.r.t- istuaim luoarrasAco., jisnmmisi. 6Uly DR. HUTCHINSON'S i'ORM DESTROYER AnOldandTrtedncinetlr. Jtrmntirjithrifnrmm and the tecrelions Unit keep them milt. We (ruarantce It virtue. We have hundreds of Testimonials, col lected in the last 15 years, proving conclusively there it no remedy equal to Dr. Hutchinson' Worm Destroyer to remove tiie Worms (all kinds, Jtound, Seat, Long, and 71m), that Infest the hnman system. Phyticiant buy them and give them to their Buffering patients. There i no humbug or mockery about this thoroughly reliable medicine. Price, 8ae. per box. A. W.WKIUHT & CO,. Wholesale Drurjristt, Market and Front Streets, Philadelphia, February IS. 1881 3in A PENSIONS ARE PAID every soldier dteabM la I'iio T mity-lir ncrident or otherwise). A U OL'l i f no v Wind, lou of Insrer, toe ur re, UVV'l'VHE. If but ilulit. dis- euso i f Lunc or rlcoM VelLi (tirt lLniiu. Luder ntwUw tbouiRndiar itinuta to an lncreait of pension, klowi.orphiM nnd dependent fatheri or mother of aldien who dind in th itrmjr rtt pension. BorNTV !! i horco fnr wound. In,nriei or rupturs, fives frill bounty. Send ftitampsforaop 'eiisf.'a ami lmntyAotf, Addrext f. h- r- Ttgermq & Cp.t i iaim Kenii. Indianuiinlis, ind. Yi rrftrto . A.U'.l'nvt'.. IVes't Inrllsns. nankin Co.. and It. K. Kennedr, Frei t Central ItDtik. both of Indiiutapolia. Avai till paiHii' Feb. IS, 183! 3ra A THE BEST PAPER! TRY IT BEAUTIFULLY ILLU8TUATED. The Scientific American. THE SCI RNTIglO AMERICAN I a large tlrst class Weekly Newsimper of sixteen pages, print ed in the must bauli(ul style, profusely illustrat ed with splendid engraving, representing the newest Inventions and the most reotut advance in the Arts ana Sciences; Including -ew and Interesting Facts in Agriculture. Horticulture, the Homo. Health, Medical Progress, Social Sci ence, Natural History.lieologv, Astronomy. The most valuable prautiual papers, by eminent writers In all dei urtiiients of Science, will be found In the Scientlllo American. Terms, 3 20 per year, ll.oO half year, which Includes postage. IHscnunt to Agents. Biugle copies, ten cents. Hold hr all Newsdealers. He mil. by postal order to MUMN Si CO.. Publishers. 37 Park How. New York. PATFNTQ In connection with the flcteli i n I l-II I J. tmo American. Messrs. Munn & Co. are Kolicitorsof American and Foreign Pat ents, have Had 3 " years experience, and now have the largest enttibllshmeiit in the world. Patents areobtainrd on the best terms. A special notice Is made in the Scientific American of all Inven tions patented through tills Agency, with the name and residence of the Patentee. By the immense circulation thus given, pubrie attention Is directed to the merits of the new patent, and sales or Introduction often easily effected. Any person who has made a new discovery or Invention, can ascertain, tree of charge, whether a patent can probably be obtained, by writing to Munn Co. We also send free our Hand Book about tn.i Patent Laws. Patents, Caveats. Trade Marks, their tost, and how procured, with hiut for procuring advances on Inventions. Address for the faper. or concerning Patents. MCNN & CO., 37 Park Kow, New York, t l?o rner and 7th Hta. .Washing- Outfit lurulKhf d free, with full Instructions fnr coiuliK-Uiiir the mint iroliUll busioMa that anyone van cuxuku iu. Tn suoitiw u ... tn lesrn, and our iimtmctioiui su slmpln and plain, that auy wieaii muke Wreat Croats from th very .urL No on. csn lull who U willing t , work7 Women arM suo re,fm men. Boys ,id filrl. c.n earn Uri "urn., ?SP.?.ViV,.iI,,fiu l over o".nndri ff ,r? n il!Kl',,''k- ",,U'W Hke It ever kuowa Iwtora. All who nt'iiffe re Biiriricd si the mm nd !.'('!";r(luv""i,,"i"r'';u"riBf,vou' i4ENSIBlr.Ij Newport Adrertlsementrt. N EWPORT DRUGSTORE.' Having on hand a eomplat assdrtment of thsfol lowln; rtlole, th abwirlbr ask a (hare of year patron;. Drug and Medlrtnet, CHEMICALS OF ALL KINDS. Also fall stock of Concentrated Bomedles, ESSENTIAL OILS. Brushes, Ferfumerj HAIH OIL, AMD FANCY ARTICLES. Also always on Haad PURE WINES & LIQUOR FOR MEDICINAL and SACRAMENTAL PURPOSES q $ $ PHYSICIANS ORDERS CarrfiiUy and Promptly Filled B, M. EBY, 1SI ewport, Penn'a. R. S. COOK& CO., Agree to sell all kind of LUMBER AND SHINGLES, for LESS MONEY than any other dealerslnthlS county. We will also take Rood Tlmberon the stump or delivered at our Mill in exchange for Lumber, &o. We use Clearfield Pine and Hem ockonly. W. R. S. COOK ft CO., Sewport, Perry Co., Ta Oetober 10, 1876. JONES' BROS, & CO., (Formerly John Jones & Son.) Grain & Produce MERCHANTS, Brick Warehouse, Front St., above Market, Newport, Perry County, Pa. WE would respectfully Invite the patronage of the farmers, and the public generally, as the HIGHEST PKlOEs the market will afford, will be paidf or all kinds of . GRAIN, FLOUR, PRODUCE SEEDS AND RAILROAD TIES We have constantly on hand, IflSH, SALT, PLASTER, CEMENT COAL, IRON, STEEL, HORSE SHOES, &0..&O. FOR SALE AT THM LOWEST RATES. 3. Orders promptly filled, Newport, July 20, 1875 tf J B. HARTZELL, Wholesale Tobacco Dealer, Wright' Uiilldlng, NEWPORT, PA. Sola Agent for Lorilard's Superior Tobaccos, atThalWes?" 'nPpUe,! WUh Qooi' T Tour orders are solicited. m jg HIMES, Fire Insurance Agent. OFFICE: South East Corner Market Square, NEWPORT, PENN'A. FIRE INSURANCE POLICIES written In first elass companies on all kinds of Insurable proper ty, at fair rates, and losses honorably adjusted and promptly paid.. Correspondence solicited. Companies Represented t jtftna.ot Hartford, Assets, 16,700.000, Commercial Union, " 1.4M.0U0. Fire Association, Phll'aM " 3,778,000. B. HIMES, Agent. March 11. lR801y VICK'S ILLUSTRATED FAMILY GUIDE For IBS! Is an elegant book of 130 pages, one col ored Flower Plate, and tioe Illustrations, with De scription of the best Flowers and Vegetables, and Directions for growing. Onlv 10 cents. In English or German. If you afterwards order seeds deduct the 1 cent. VICK'S HEEDS are the best In the world. The Floral tiuina will tell how to get and grow them. Vlck's Flower and Vegltable Oarden. ITS Pages ( Colored Plates, Sue Engravings. For 50 cents in paper covers; 11.00 la elegant cloth. In German or English. Vlck's Illustrated Monthly Msgazlne S3 Pages a Colored Plate In every number and many Une Knxravlngs. Price 11.25 a year; Five Copiea for to.H). Specimen Numbers sent lor 10 cents; 3 trial eoples for 25 cents. Address, JAMES VICK, Rochester, N. V HOOKS! BOOKS Gift liooks, Children's Hooks, Blank liooks, School Books, BiWes ! Testaments! And all Kinds of Books AT BEACH'S Book & J)mg Store. Stationery at Wholesale or Retail fT Bubscrlptlons taken for all Nrwa- papers and Magazines. E. C. BEACH, Newport, Penn'a. November 18, 1879 A UCTIONEEIiS. JAS. P. LATCHFORD, ' AUCTIONEER, Would respectfully Inform the public1 that he will cry sales at reasonable prices. All orders will receive prompt attention. -UONNAUA'B MILLS, PERRY CO., PA. TAMES CLEELAND U Auctioneer, Offers his services to theoltlreusof Perry and Cumberland counties. Post offlee address Bhermansdale, Perry co.. Fa. Auctioneer. The undersigned gireo notlcethat he wlllcrysales at any point In Perry or Dauphin counties. Orders are solicited and promptattentionwlllbe given. K.I. WELLS. New Buffalo Perry co.. Pa Q B.HARNISH, AUCTIONEER, .arfl'clfonnte: Ch"" "" " JJAVID M'COY, AUCTIONEER, ICKESBUHG, PERRY COUNTY, FA. toVTcallsrgeS moderate Trmpt attention paid AUCTIONEER. -The undersigned give "S",0.8,111 he wl" cy alcs at a reasonable rate. Satisfaction guaranteed. A. Address .. TH08snTCH. Jr., Not. i. '78 New Bloomileld, Pa. p p. hoover; AUCTIONEER. Attention given to sales, and satisfaction guar auteed. Prices low. tall on or address F. P. 1JOOVEU, August! 2. 1879. Rlliottsburg, Pa. HENIIV KILL, AUCTIONEER Would respeel fully Inioim the cinztrs of ferry County that he will cry sales t shoit lotlce. and at reasonable rates. Satisfaction guaiantef d. -Address Uxmbt Kiu, Ickesburg, Pa. H OME MANUFACTURE. LOOK OUT I Iwouldrespectivelylnform myfriendsthat In tendcalliug upon them with a supply of good ofmy OWN MANUFACTURE. Censistlngof CA831MERS, , 0A8SINETS, ... FLANNELS, (Plalnandbar'd ; CARPETS Aco., to exchange for wool or sell tor cash. J.H.BIXLER OjhtrkWoolkh Factokt. e,iT, KENDALL'S SPATIN CURE. It Is sure to cure Spavins, Splint Curb. ftc. It removes all nnnatnral enlargements. Does not blister. lias no equal for any lameness on beast or man. It has cured hip-ioint lame ness in a person who bad suffered 15 years. Alsocured rhennistutm frost-bites, or any bruises, cut or lameness. It has no equal for blemish on hones. Eend fnr Il lustrated circular giving positive proof. Price one dollar. All Druggists ave it or can get for you. Dr. B. J. Kendall & Co., Pros.,Enosburgh. Falls, Vermont. HAEEIS ft EW1NO. Agents. ' Pittsburgh, Fa. ptOOMFIELD ACADEMY. The next regular ssion of this Institution be gins MONO A Y, September 6th, 88. Full preparation. Classical or otherwise, is giv en fo any College Male or Female either for Freshman or Sophomore year. A thorough cour-e is provided for teachers, and the option is given for selecting one or two of the higher studies. Music, Drawing and Painting. Philosophical and chemical apparatns for the rtudy ot the Natural Sciences. Literary Society Library. Student are at all times under the supervision ot the Principal, and their progress and conduct uuini u. iiirii wrrs.iy rrpcrka. Boarding, if paid in advance, I2.SO per week, otherwise, ft 7s. Tuition from SO cents t 11.00 per week iu advance. For further Information address J. R. KI.U-KINUKK. A. B-, Principal, or Wm. Ghicb. Proprietor. New Bloomileld. Perry Co., Pa. August 10,180. ?S WEAR. S rou want soaoeeheaw lor Pants and Suits r you do. don't fall to ex amine the splendid assortment for sale y F MOKT1MER. Vouean suit yoursellia style aJod price.