ma i ninn a. , n Tiaum .wi-uti ii vwm-ni-" -wr rf -- a. i, ..a t.A.fc. a -.m. THIS TIMES, NEW BLOOM FIELD, PA.. MARCH 1, 1881. 8 RAILCtOADS PHILADELPHIA AND READING R.R &RRNBMENT OF FABSKNGEJt TRAINS NOTEMUERTsth, 1880. Trains Leare Htirrlsbnrg as FelUwi : For New York via Allentown, at 1.06 a. a. and 1 46 p. m. For New Vork via riilladeilphli. o "Bound BrouK Honte," t.r0, ."5 . ia. d 1.4.1 p. . , Fur Philadelphia, at tl.oO, 1.05, (through oar), 9.60 a. m., 1.46 and 4.0u p. m. . K , . For Heading, at 8.00, 8 05, .Ma. m., 1.45, 4.00, and 8.o p. rn. ... . , . ITorPolUvlila. at.00, .ft 9.S0 a. m.aad 4.04) p. m., and via scliuykill and Budquebaana Branch at 1.40 p.m. For Auburn, at 6.30 a. m. For Allentown, at B.uu, 6.05, 9.60 a. m.t 1.46 aid ''The' 8.'05 a. ml and 1.46 p.m. tralas bar through cars for New Vora.vla Allentawi. BUSBAYHi For Allentown and Way Stations, at 6 60 a. t. For Hemling, 1'hlldelaphia, and Way tilalloas, at 1.46 p. in. Trains Leare for Ilarrisbnrg ns Follows i NewYor'k tla Alleutown, 8.46 a. . 1.00 and 6 30 p. m. Leave fw York via "Bound Tlrook Rout." an Philadelphia at 7.4ft a.m., 1.80 mid 6 8u p. m., ar riving at HarrlHDurg, 1.60, 8.20 p. in., and 12.85 a. Di. Leave flill delphla, at 9.46 a. m 4.00 and T.46 p. in. Leave I'ottsvllle, 7.00, 9,10a. m. aud 4.40 p. ai. Leave Keadliii?, at 4.60, 8.00,11.60 a. m., 1.3", 0.15, and 10.36 p. in . Leave Pi.tuvllle via Schuylkill and Bmanehanna Branch, 8.30 a. m. . .... lxave Allentown, at 6.25, .(Hi a. m., 12.10, 4.80, and 9.06 p. m. 80NDAYB: Leave New York, at 6 3D p. in. Leave Philadelphia, at 7.46 p. in. Leave Heading, at a. in. and 10.35 p. at. Leave Allentown. at 9.05 p. m. BALDWIN BRANCHV Lfave HARRISBURG for Paxton, Lochlelaad Steelton dnlly, except Holiday, at 6.25. 40, 9.35 a. m.,and2.oup. m t daily, except Katuiday and Sunday, at 6.4a p. in., and on Saturday only, 4.46, 6.10, 9.30 p. ra. Returning, leave 8TKELTON dally, except B.10, 7.00,10.00a. in., 2.20p. m.t dally, except Saturday aud Sunday, 6 10 p. m., and on Saturday only 6.10,0.30. 9,5p. m. J. E. WOOTTEN, Gen. Manager. O. G. Hancock, General Passenger and Ticket Agent. 'HE MANSION HOUSE, New Bloomfleld, Fenu'a., GEO. F. ENSMINGER, Proprleter. HAVING leased this property and furnished It IB a comfortable manner, I ask a share f the public patronage, aud assure uiy friends who stop with me that every exertion will be made te render their stay pleasant. A careful hostler always In attendance. April 9. 1878. tf Rational hotel. CORTLANDT 8TEET, (Near Broadway,) NEW "X" ORK. HOCHKISS&POND, Proprietors ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. The restaurant, cafe and lunch room attached, are unsurpassed for cheapness and excellence of service. Rooms 50 cents, 82 perday.3to 110 per week. Convenient to all ferries and city railroads. NEW FURNITURE. NEW MANAGEMENT. 4 ly otjide to SUCCESS, WITH 1? O IS. TV I For Business mid Society IS by far the best Business nnd Social Guide and hand book ever published. Much the latost. It tells fcoth sexes comnleielv how to do everything in the bet way. How to be your own Lawyor. How to do Business Correcily and Successfully. How taact In Society and in every iiart, of life, and contains a gold mine of varied information In dispe.nslble to all classes for constant reference. AGFNT8 WANTK1) for all or Rpave time. To know why tills book of real value and attractions sells belter than anv other, aiiiv for terms to H.B SCAM MULL CO, St. Louis, Missouri. Wepayallfrelght. 326m Battle Creek, Michigan, THRESHERS, Traction and Plain Engine and Horse-Powors. MoatCamnleteTtirn.lierX'acterj t Established U tba World. I 84S OA VY ABQe(MriftM0W0ma'aueMvti e M I a.HllVfiM, without chans or name, g A nionafrement, or location, to "back up " th broad warranty ftvtn on all ear goods. STEAM-POWER KEPARATOHS r Complete Steam Ontfiteo tnatotile 'luaHtie. Fint Traction Knirines and Plain JuMllaea aver seen In the American market. A multitude of special ftaturt and improvmntnlt . for 1681, together with tuporior qualitif in eonftrwo Hon and muUoriaU not dreamed of by other xnakere. X our nzea 01 Hepaxatora, I mm ttlois aoraa Aanaoltv. tor KM. or kirrm nou 7 Cfin fnn fret of Helmed l.amKrr WOWU (from tkn lo tlx year air.drM) constantly on hand, from which la limit tba k comparable wood-work of our maohinery. a wo eiyina or juonntea " uoine-ivaeis. TRACTION ENGINES anivnyan.awai ishtthhb, wms apinoni rvwrr t au as uoraa lower. Parraera and Threahermnn are Invited to lnuuUKaU thia wiatcht TUruHuiujc laacitlntry. Circulars aunt true. Addrae NICHOLS, 8HEPARO A CO. ' Battia Creak, Mlohlcaiw A f Oiitnt aeut free to tlira? who wlfch tnrww in tht JLJU10"' Pl"ant aud pmatuhle liiiainuna kuuwn, Hw EverythUuf new. Oai ltal not required. We will fnrniuh yon everjthlnn. sio day and upward, la euiiily mude without, utayliiir away frmn home over liWii. No rink whatever. Many uew workers wanted atimon. Maui' are makiiur forluii'-a at Hie biimieaa. JiilitMt make a uiui-h an moji, aud younK Loya and Kir'H mitkr irrtmt -ay. Nooux who in wllliixar tu work talla to inuke nio-e inoney every day then can be made in a wwfk at any ordinary ntpi'-ynteiit. Tboee who nwae at 'ice w 01 nitd a eliort t fortune. Ad dreaaU. 1J AJXJiT UO., foitland, Main.. 1 ly turn How Lauretta Came Home. MANY a wealthier, wiser, prettier aud more prudent girl would have been glad to bare the Rev. Beranger Haalem In hit own congregation, too '-but he tnUBt needs pick up this strange wilding from some outlandish plaoe,and set at the head of his influential city churoh, aa "pastor's wife;" and, seeing that she had no money, family or expec tations, what else could he have chosen her for but blind, stupid love If And yet, but four months after the "coming home," behold Lauretta in her husband's study, where she sits with corrugated brow before -his half, written sermon, not crouching lovingly on the foot-stool beside bim, with her dainty toy work in her lap, as the moral run of idols would have It, but standing before him, the table between them, passionate tears in her eyes, reproach, despair on her countenance, her hands clasped in a frenzy of woe 1 " Why did you ever bring me hear V" she shudders out in tragic, breathless gasps; " not because you loved me. Ah, no, Beranger, never that I Don't seek to comfort me by your cold assurances. I know better now I" "My dear? my dear?" expostulates Mr. Haslem, gently, but in rather a discouraged tone, as if he was finding his better-half a bit of a hand-full to manage. Mr. Haslem Is a great man ; hia heart is in his work, and his true desire ia to do his duty In the sphere In which God has placed him ; but if he had not also placed his heart in the keeping of this restless, eager girl, he never would have taken her to be the companion of his life; consequently these wild words fall almost like an outrage on his ears, though he assure himself that she can surely never mean them,' nor do him such Injustice. " Yes, yes, I know that I only trouble you I" cries Laurelle, the burning tears beginning to fall over her scorching cheeks " that I have no place here but to cause anxiety that but for me you would be a happier and more successful man. I know all that so well I am no comfort to you, no advantage in your work, and I have come to " "Laurette," he. Interrupts, wildly; " have I ever said Biy thing like this to you. " Oh, no, no 1 You are too patient and good, but I know I know you never would have chosen me, Beranger, but that you took pity on my great love for you, which I poor fool I could not hide!" " Why will you torture yourself thus dear V Do you find me unkind or neg lectful to you, that you should fancy such things V" "No, too kind; too considerate I" murmurs the young wife, wringing her hot hands ; " too uncomplaining for it to be real. Don't I know what your wife should be Y Why didn't you mar ry a wise, useful young lady, whose poor foolish heart would not torment you with so much love and yearning. You don't need any worship it ia only extravagance to you V " " I thought I wanted it, Laurette or I would not have asked you for It," sighs Mr. Haslem, feeling words to be idle, while she will twist them so strangely. " But you know better now," gasps Laurette, with a hysterical laugh, " and so do I, to my despair. Oh, Beranger, never think that I blamed you 1" She stands a moment whitening to the lips, gazing at him in indecision, as if she longed even yet to cast herself at hia feet, and implore his tenderness or forgiveness, but his eyes were on his unfinished sermon, longingly as it seems and she turns away and creeps softly away from the room as if crushed. " My darling," begins the young hus band, looking up, and then he discovers that he is alone. 44 After all," he muses, " it ia better to leave her to coma to reason herself she always does and then I can tell her perhaps more strongly than I have ever done, how deep and strong my love is for her. Poor Laurette, I wonder why she doubts meV" But It is Saturday evening, and his sermen must be finished, ao he puts away his domestio perplexities with an effort, and plunges into theology. With all his excellencies and he ia truly an affectionate, ever-thoughtful husband Mr. Haslem does not altogeth er understand the way to treat his Laurette. She is passionately loving, impulsive, difficult, and full of nervous, generous, impossible fancies; and he, calm, strong, well-balanced, earnest in affection, in flexible in duty. She is stung to frenzy by some words which malice had poured into her ears, burdened with the thoughts and cares, and hours of pain whose meanings she dared not understand, but which drive her fevered craving heart closer to him ; and be, all unconcious of the teeming, surging fancies, ail unknowing of thee sorrowful, heavy hours, wonders at the inequality of her spirits, and her many exactions, while he loves her none the less nor neglects his duties a whit the more. You might call them at this stage of the Idyl, Hnow and Fire, and wonder little at the sequel.' It was close on Sunday morning when the pastor put away his work and thought of rest. Never mind, It was a good sermon, and before leaving hia study he prayed humbly that it might be blessed to some among his flock, perhaps even his own ewe lamb. Laurette had not yet retired. Foolish girl, she must be sitting alone down stairs waiting for him. The gas was not lit in the parlor, but at the sound of his steps in the hall the housekeeper, an elderly woman, with a peculiar, cold eye, came up from the kitchen region, a note in her hand. 41 Mis' Haslem has gone out, sir, and she told me not to disturb you on no ao-' count tlli you would come down, and to give you this note. I expect, sir," said the woman demurely, smoothing down her apron, while her stealthy eye watch ed her master's face, " she's gone to spend the evening at some of them friends of hers, and wants you t go for her. It's a rainy night for you to go out after your work, sir, but he I he ! you'll not get the comfort with a young wife that you bad when you was your own master." But Mr. Haslem was deaf to old Martha's words of wisdom. He had torn open the note, and read what turned him cold and blind as a stone. This from his own little wife : I am going away out of your life forever, Beranger. I have thought it all over, and it is best. After a while marry again, for I shall be dead; and don't make such another mistake. Take her you would have taken but for me. Oh, my love, I never blamed you ! Lauuette. " The Lord is your sun and shield, and He will watch over her you mourn, and will preserve her from harm," said good Elder Cray ton, when, a week later, he bent over his young pastor's pillow, and held his burning hand in his. 44 And perhaps this will be blessed to the wayward child, and ordered for her and your more lasting happiness. Be not disquieted ; nothing is suspected as yet among the people, and we must keep her name spotless. They think you took her home to see some relative, and I will explain the continued ab sence." So this wise friend stood between the crushed minister and the cruel darts of slander told all inquirers that Mrs. Has ten has been 41 sent by the Lord to fulfill a mission elsewhere," and meanwhile, prayed hard for good to come out of the great evil. But six , months passed away, and Beranger Haslem is still desolate. It was vaguely reported that Mrs. Haslem was nursing some dying rela tive, perhaps with a cloud over his or her name, hence the pastor's reticence and Badness. The truth was never once suspected, and, be it said to poor Lauret te 's credit, none even the most slander ous, dreamed of associations wrong with her. Six months, and Christmas eve. Mr. Haslem is once more in his study work ing at his Christmas sermon, with a weary sadness in his pale face a heart fighting for truth amid much despair within. The room had not that bright, dainty air it wore six months ago, though old Martha prided herself on taking the best care of " her minister." The fire burn ed dimly, half smothered in ashes ; the books were piled anyhow ; the little sew ing chair waited on the hearth waited still 1 On this night the Child of the world was born the Holy Babe who was to bring such joy. Suddenly the door was opened wide, but silently, and Laurette stood there, the snow upon her poor garments, a great, quivering light growing on her white face. And in her outstretched arms, while her Hps moved speechless ly and her hollow eyes appealed, she held a sleeping babe I . Was it a phantom? He sprang up, scattering books and manuscript, and faoed her, trembling and wondering afraid that she might vanish away. " Beranger !" breathed Laurette, tim idly. 44 1 have brought you a Christmas glft-our child I" 44 My God I" exclaimed Mr. Haslem ; "la this possible V" He put bis arm .around them, and, scarce conscious, drew them to the fire side, placed ber in the vacant chair, fell on hia knees before her, and trembling exceedingly, pressed them both to his heart. "Ob, Lord, Thou hast been kind and pitiful " he gasped. 44 Are you glad ?" whispered the lost Laurette, between quivering heartbeats; " or shall I leave him with yon, and go away and leave you in peace ?" He tightened bis embrace, and moan ed as be klesetl her. " Still doubting, my darling my dar ling ? Oh how could you desert me so ? Am I so poor a husband to you as that?" 41 Oh, tell ma to stay I Let me hear you bid me welcome I" rang out the young Voice, with its old passionate-, yearning cadence. 44 Qod witness between us that my heart is entirely set upon you," cried Beranger, solemnly 41 and that I have known no moment of happiness since I lost you. I never loved another never desired other woman than you ( and though I might have seemed cold In my manner, darling I always loved you first, anil best, and deepest of all earthly gifts to me!" , 41 How good how good Qod has been to send me back to you 1" wept Laurette winding her arms about him she bad so mistrusted. 44 1 didn't think it possi ble you would forgive and take me home; I thought you would be stern and hard, as good men often are to the weak and wicked. 41 Why did you go, dearest ?" whisper ed Beranger, fondly. 44 I'm going to yes, I'll never conceal any trouble from you again," said the young wife, determinedly; 44 and this was what turned me wild altogether. Old Martha never liked my coming here, and always was telling me what changed times you had how none of your friends would come to the house because they weren't pleased with your choice, and how unhappy you seemed to be ; and at last she told me there was a young lady you had been engaged to, a good, pious, energetic worker in the church, that the congregation would have been delighted with Miss Vanson you know, and ah 1 me, when I compar ed my useless self to her, and remember ed how my love must have taken me out of pity, I couldn't couldn't stay to be a burden" 14 Hush, my beloved wife; don't cry on this happy, white night of our lives! That was all false and Martha shall find a place elsewhere. Now, tell us about this little fellow." They both poured over the soft waxen face of the sleeping infant, joy in the mother's and father's eyes. ' "He came three weeks ago," murmur ed Laurette, blushing happily, "and it was to give him to you I lived and worked so hard. He kept me from de spair and wrong many a dark day, and so as soon as I could travel, we came." 41 Our little boy," breathed the pastor, softly kissing him, with tender, but most grieving reproach, he cried "Oh, how could you leave me, and battle through it alone and I never knew?" So that was how Laurette came back to Beranger Haslem. Got Rid of Him. rpiHK citizens of Gunnison city want- 1 ed to be rid of one chan. Some of them met and passed the following res olutory : BeBolved, That a committee of five be appointed to wait on Calabash Sam, late of Deadwood, and inform him that after . aunrise to-morrow morning this crowd will open fire on him with the intention of furnishing a corpse for our new graveyard. The committee of five went out to find Samuel and deliver their message. He sat on a bench at the door of his shanty, a shotgun across his knees and a pipe in his mouth, and he preserved silence while the chairman of the com mittee read the resolution, then he asked : " That means me, does it ?" 44 It does." 41 They don't like my style of carving and shooting, eh ?" "That's what they kick on." 41 Well I won't go 1 You haven't got 'nuft men in the whole valley to drive Calabash Sam a rod. Return to the convention and report I'm here for the season." 44 1 forgot to menshun," continued the chairman in a careless voice, as he leaned on his gun " I forgot to men shun that the convention has adjourn ed. This committee thus finds Itself in an embarrassing situation, and it sees only one way out of it. Onless you'll agree to paok up and travel this com mittee will feel called upon to to " 44 To begin shooting, you mean ?" 41 Exactly, Samuel; exactly. You may have already observed that two of the committee have got the drop on you?" 44 1 see." " Corpses riddled with buckshot have a very unpleasant look," continued the chairman, as he rested his chin on the muzzle of his gun. 44 Yes that's so." " And it's kinder lonesome, this being the first plant in a new burying ground." 44 Y-e-s, it may be." " And so take it all around, the com mittee kinder Indulges in the hope (hat you'll see At to carry your valuable society back to the Black Hills. You may have observed that three shot-guns each under full cock, are now looking straight at ye. We don't want to bluff, but it's getting nigh supper time," 44 Well after looking the matter over, I'm convinced that these diggings won't pan out low grade ore, and I guess I'll take a walk." " Right off?" "Yes." "Right up this trail ?' "Yes." 44 Very well. While the committee feels sorry to see you go, and wishes you all sorts of luck, it hasn't time to shake hands. Step off, now, and or fear you ain't used to walking, we'll keep these guni pin ted up the bill until you turn the half-mile boulder. Tarla-la 1 march I" SUNDAY EEADIN3. How Little Grade Closed a Saloon. Grade was a very little girl, only six years old, but beautiful and loving. She was a modest, thoughtful child, and when her father, who loved her very much, wanted her to come into the sa loon, that be might Introduce her to the men lounging there, and bear them praise her beauty, she would say, " No, papa, no, no ; make the naughty men go away, and then I'll onrae." There was a children's temperance society in town, in charge of the Wo man's Temperaaoe Union, and little Oracle and her brother, still ' younger, were invited to attend. The father . gladly consented, for he liked much to see Oracle dressed up and have people notice her. Every thing was new and strange to Grade. She had never seen any one pray before, and when the leader talked about tbe great God, and asked them all to bow their heads while be prayed, Oracle bowed, awed in to the most sol emn reverence. After the meeting she asked the teach' er what it meant, and if she would teach her and her little brother bow to pray. The teacher took the little hands in her own, aud told the two children about Jesus, and how He loved little children and wanted them to be good, and would help them, If they asked him. Months passed ; Oracle had learned to . pray, and often talked to ber father about the Chrlst-cblld, and wanted him to pray ; but be only laughed, and called her bis little saint. One day Oracle was taken very ill ; the doctor was sent for, and when he saw her, he said she was very sick. 44 Will I die, doctor ?" 44 1 hope not." 44 You needn't be afraid to tell me, 'cause I'm all ready ; I asked Jesus to take me if He wanted me." The father who stood at the foot of the bed, sobbed out, 44 Oh, Grade ! you don't want to leave papa, do you ?" 14 Yes I do, if Jesus wants me to come, 'cause he has the best right to me." The customers came and went but the saloon keeper heeded them not ; for his dear Grade was on her little bed panting her life away. What cared he for money now, the light of his life was going out? One day on his coming up out of his saloon, Grade opened her eyes, and turning upon him an implor ing look, said, 41 Oh papa! is the saloon open 1 and are the men there drinking ?" 44 Yes, darling." 44 Do close it, papa. I know I'll feel better if you will." " I'll do it darling anything to make you feel better." The saloon keeper's heart was almost breaking. The bar keeper was ordered to clear tbe saloon and close the doors. " Darling, the saloon is closed," he said a few minutes later. " Thank you, papa. It makes me happy and better already ;" and a glad smile came into her suffering face. Every few hours Grade would ask, " Is the saloon closed now ?" 44 Yes, darling." 41 Are the shutters up ?" 44 Yes, dear, they are up." 44 Oh, papa, I wish you'd never open that saloon again. Mamma can't you get papa to promise me never to open the saloon again ?" "Oh, George, do promise your dying child," sobbed the mother who had never favored her husband's business. The strong man shook like a reed. He could not speak for a moment ; then coming and bending over her as she tossed restlessly he said in a Btrauge husky voice: " My darling Grade, papa will never open the saloon again." " Oh, papa, I'm so glad; I'll tell Je sus when I get to heaven, that you have closed the saloon. And now, papa you must be good, and He'll let you oome to that beautiful place, too ; and mamma and Alice can come." There was a glad smile on the dying child's face that soon faded out into lines of pain ; but all at once, just at the last, her face brightened up with a Btrauge, unearthly brightness, and she cried out joyfully : " Oh, mamma, look, look ! the room is full of angela. Papa, dou't you see them ? They are all about youl" 1 h re wa a hush in the room, for tbe gatea of heaven were thrown open to let the pure, bright spirit pass through. Only the tbe body of little Garcia waa left the real Grade had gone to live with Jesus and the angels. Tbe father never opened the saloon i tbe bar-room shutters have never been taken down. The saloon keeper has not only signed the pledge, but baa be- ' come a Christian, aud expects to follow his Grade to heaven after awhile. 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers