6 THE TIMES. I0(ih-t Department. PENNSYLVANIA R. B.-MUDLI DIVISION. On and aftor MnnAar, Jan. 17th, 1SS1, Ptmnrer Tralna will ruu aa luiigw , WBBTWAKD. EASTWARD. Mffl. J'm Mill Aoo. K. Tr'u Tio A.M. P.M. P.M. S.IKI 1.10 I SO 8.86' 1.01 7. OH U 11.62 .0 B.OT 19.44 4 t.47li.SH .:U 7.n la.ia fl.is Silt 11.81 t.40 11.13 1.17 .S l.M 07 l.0 S.16 i.ti 1M A.M. A.M A.M. Way .Walk loe.'.I'lta. Paaalrr'Jrf'o Ki. pHIHOtPAI BTATIOMB. II A. M IN P.M. 1.00 rail i.ti S.SS P. If. I'hilailtlphia, Harrlanurir. S.W l 10.116 .Mi M lu'll.H Wlll.ll 00 I1.4S1 8. Marvavtllr. Ijbunoamion, AqllPllUCt Bally'a Newport iMHlpratown, MlfTMn Lewlttowa J. Huntingdon.. jTyron., , ! Altoona, 44 l I.I Put HI 1.15 Itl lew 4.10 13.011 1.1.1 l.M s.ssi 7.11 f.tt Ml l.M tw' PITTSBURGH. .M.U.M.P.M.A.M.I na-PaclfleF-xprMS wt will utop tt Dtincannoa at 4.4s And at Nowport at a. 11 a.m.. when flawed. tWtfoliiK Waat.the Way PaHRtmKer leave Harris bar Dally tlia other tralna Dally doer Sunday. Fatt line Wt, dally, atopptn on Bukdat only, at Duncannon 4. 119, Newport, 4.M P. M l'aclno K.at runa dally eii opt Monday, atnpplnv when flawd, at Nawiiort, 11.87 A. M., Duucauuon 11.(7, arriviUK at Philadelphia at 1.4 P. M. Urlefltetnu. .Correspondents who wish tbelr article published must bare tltem In not later than 8at arday. Letters received Mondaymorulng scarce ly ever get published. The farm belonging to Philip Huston in Carrol twp., has been sold to Mr. li; J. Souder for $775. Singing at Center School house, two miles west of this place, on Thursday evening of this week. Quite a successful revival of religion is in progress in the Evangelical Church of Elliottsburg. For the size of the place a large num ber of Sittings will occur at Elliottsburg this spring. Henry Fisher had the first finger of right hand mashed at the Marshall Fur nace last week. Orhere are six counties in the State Svith a less population than Perry Coun ty. They are Fulton, Juniata, Mlfllin, Snyder, Union and Clinton. A son of Mr. John Bair of Carrol twp., is walking around aided by a crutch and cane; cause, cutting his foot instead of the wood, on last Mon day. The Northumberland county commis sioners have increased the reward per head for the capture of the prisoners who escaped from that county prison on Wednesday, from f 25 to $50. Mr. John Grube of Centre twp., while digging a well on his property discover ed something very much resembling lead or silver ore. It has not as yet been analyzed. Mr. Wm. Sheaffer's wagon drove up to the M. E. Parsonage in this borough, one day last week, freighted with the substantial of this life, with the com pliments of Mt. Gilead people, for which the preacher returns thanks. A domestic in the family of Charles Stewart, at Huntingdon, stole some goods belonging to Mrs. B. and then set fire to the building to cover up the theft. Fortunately the flames were extinguish ed before much damage was done, and the girl was arrested and confessed. In Blaln, by an oversight of the in spector, the votes were not numbered till noon. When the votes were counted off one vote was found in excess of the voters. As the constable was elected by only one vote the oversight may make trouble. The town council of the borough of Womelsdorf, at their stated meeting, ex onerated taxpayers from paying a bor ough tax on real and personal property for 1880, having no use for the money. The citizens of Womelsdorf are the most fortunate people, in respect to tax es, in Pennsylvania. The Bedford County Press, has chang ed hands and name, and is now called the Everett Press. The Press started the same year Tub Times did and was the first name put on our exchange list. It looks better this week than we ever saw it. Gen. D. S. Elliott who was editor in its earlier days again takes that position. At about 8 o'clock Wednesday morn ing Dr. Strickler was sent for In haste to attend to the sudden illness of Mrs. Abm. Hostetter, who was at the resi dence of Singer Whitmore. On arrival he found she had become Insensible from coal gas from which she speedily recovered, but has had Beveral bad spells since, brought on by the excite ment attending the death of Mrs. Whit more. On Friday Mr. S. H. Beck had a nar row escape. In going down the hill into Markelville one bolt came out of the coupling.lettlng the pole drop to the ground. There was no way to hold back the vehicle and the ponies proceed ed to get out of the way as rapidly as pos sible. Sam held on and managed to keep them in the road till sear the school house when the crowd of boys in the road stopped the frightened animals. Fortunately no damage was done to driver or horses. The Philomathean Literary Society will meet in Academy Hall on next Friday evening at 7 o'clock. The ex ercises will consist of essays, recitations, orations, and the answering of historical queries. The following resolution will be discussed: Resolved In the judgment of this Society the English form of Gov ernment is a oetter field for the devel opment of Statesmen than the Ameri can. Principal disputants, It. H. Stewart and Wm. Orr. A general invi tation to be present is extended to the publio,the ticket system being abolished. J. M. Arnold, Sec'y. F)For Grave Stones go to G. W. Gehk'b larble Works at Elliottsburg. 4 4t Buy your Carpets at M. Dukeu & Co., Newport, Pa. Personals Mrs. C. Bpahr formerly of this county accompanied by her son is in from Nebraska on a visit. They sjieak highly of the west. We regret to learn that the health of Harry Dern, Esq., of the Altoona Tribune Is such as to cause his friends much alarm. Rev. G. W. Dunlap, now of Port Royal whose illness we noticed several weeks since is much improved. A porker weighing 618 lbs. was killed' by Mr. Jonathan Mlchener, of Dun can non, recently. John Young of Duncannon has recently lost two children from dlpthe ria. Mrs. Singer, is at present vUltlng her brother Mr. W. H. II. McCllntock in this place. Mr. Wm. Weaver formerly of this place now of Altoona, is visiting his friends in this vicinity. Broken Bones On Friday Mrs. Gantt wife of Isaiah Gantt of Centre tp., slip ped and fell on the ice breaking an arm below the elbow. The fracture was so complete that the arm belowlthe break turned back. On Friday afternoon Mr. Wilson Mo Kee of this place slipped on the ice in the alley near his house and fell break ing his hip .bone at the socket. He managed to get Into the house without help. Dr. Strickler was sent for, the fracture was adjusted, and Mr. McKee is lying as easy as could be expected. Died on the Street. On Monday even ing, at about 6.30 o'clock, as Mrs. Eliza beth Welker, of 1002 Fox avenue, was returning from a visit down town, she was taken suddenly ill. She sat down on a door step on Foster street and Ridge avenue. She was soon discovered, and Dr. Wells who came by examined her. He found that she had died of heart disease. The body was removed to the basement of the Lutheran church near by and her husband, Charles Welker summoned. Cornoner Jackson held an inquest and rendered a verdict in accor dance with the facts. Jar. Patriot. Disappearance. Christian, son of Mr. Chris'n Oberholtzer, residing one mile below Greenvillage, disappeared from his home on Wednesday morning, the 0th inst. He is aged 18 years, is about 5 feet high, rather heavily set, has dark hair, and wore a grayish coat, corded pants and woolen shirt. Through a severe spell of sickness, his reason has been some what impaired. Any infor mation that will lead to bis return to his father will be gratefully received, and should be addressed to Christina Oberholtzer, Greenvillage, Franklin Co., Ta. Exchange please copy. O A Sad Accident. Shortly after 1 o'clock on Saturday afternoon Willie, a 14 year old son of Mr. Samuel Peale of this place was terribly Injured by a kick from a horse. The horse belonged to Mr. Henry Sheaffer and was hitched in front of his stable. Willie wanted to enter the building and was passing, when the animal kicked striking him near the ear on the right side of his head, knock ing him insensible. The blood poured out of the boy's ears making the ice where he fell look like the floor of a slaughter house. He was at once taken home and medical aid called. There was no improvement in the boy's con dition, and about 5 o'clock Dr. Orris was telegraphed for, to consult with Dr. Strickler. At the time we go to press (Monday morning), the boy is still in sensible though there is a slight im provement in his symptoms. One strange thing about the case is that though the horse had just been rough shod there is no signs of a blow from a shoe, and the horse must have struck the boy with the hock instead of the hoof. It is Impossible to tell at this time what will be the result of the injuries. Damages by the Ice Among the dam ages done by the flood and break-up of Saturday a week which have not been previously mentioned are the following : The dam at Dugan's Mill' below Del vllle was torn out except a small piece. The dam at Young's Mill Just above, was some damaged but not taken away. In many places along Shermans Creek the Ice was forced out into the fields doing much damage. The roads in many places were rendered impassible, where they laid near the creek, by the ice. In some places the plies of ice are from 10 to 15 feet high, and the ex pense of opening the way will be very great. The family of Dr. Sheeder at Sher mansdale were for a time in considera ble danger. The ice was piled up with in a few feet of the house and almost surrounding it. At 11 o'clock at night the water had reached so high that the family moved up stairs with expecta tions of the water soon reaching them there. But fortunately the ice at the bridge gave way and the water suddenly fell. They are still surrounded by a fortification of Ice. The foot-log crossing the creek above Falling Spring was swept away. This bad beta put up within a year at an ex- penseof over $400. It now lies high and dry up in a meadow. Juniata Counly. We copy the follow Ing from the Juniata county papers of last week : A bridge was first built across the river at this place in 1827. Since that the structure lins been four times in cluding this tl mo partly destroyed by flood. The school houne in Greenwood town ship, known as Straight Water school house was burned down some days ago. Stove pipe acoldent or carelessness was the cause. Jacob Sulouff began to ferry people across the river as soon as the ice ran thin enough to get a skin? through it. William McCoy and William Reiser are the oresmen. Sheriff Walls and George Marks and some strange lady from Altoona were in the bridge when it began to fall. The lady had desired to cross to the Patter son side. She had stopped them and asked as to the safety of the bridge, and while they were stating the danger, the danger itself appeared. All escaped. Had the woman not stopped to make the inquiry she would have gone down with the bridge, Sentinel. The freshet came down the Tuscarora creek on Saturday and an Ice gorge was formed near East Waterford which gave away and tore its way along the course of the creek, snapping off trees, and leaving big cakes of Ice on the banks, until it came to the larger of the two bridges which connect lieale town with McCul loch's Mills. Here the ice and logs piled up half way to the top of the roof when a large log burst through, the bridge shook and bent, and the under part beneath arches was com pletely carried away. The whole bridge Is now held up by the arch on the upper side connecting together by its bolts the uprights. The lower arch is broken, the sills are almost all gone, and a large part of the flooring besides being gone in the center of it, hangs down ou either side towards the water. The whole bridge will need rebuilding and travel will be impeded until it is done. There is not even a safe foot way across the bridge. Port Royal Times. Cumberland County. We copy the fol lowing from the Cumberland papers of last week : From all quarters we hear of the de struction dams, and little dreamed that we were losing in the same line. The dam at K rail's mill was carried off, and was the chief cause of the destruction of the iron bridge at Watts' fording. And now we hear of the destruction of the iron bridge, known as Heck's bridge, on the Conodoguinet creek, about four hundred feet in length. One span was landed on Heck's island, and the other three were carried to the swamps be tween that and Fairvlew. where they are now lying. The creek was never known to oe on the rampage as at this time, and the wonder is that a larger number of dams were not carried away. That we got off as easily, is a great wonder. We are sorry to lose two of our best bridges, but at the same time we are happy that it is no worse. Mir. ror. One day last week, some unknown person fired a pistol ball through the back window of the Post Office, in this place. Mr. R. Hockersmith, the assist ant, but a moment before, bad left the distributing table adjoining the window, or otherwise might have been wounded or probably killed. It is not supposed that it was done intentionally, but shows a reckless handling of fire arms. Ship, pensburg News. Township Offices. The following is a list of officers elected throughout the County on Tuesday last, as copied from returns in the Prothonotary's office : Bloomfitld Bor. Constable, 8ingleton Sheaf fer Burgess, F, B. Clouser ; Council, Wilson McKee, J. T. Mesiimer, Wm. Rice, Ed. K. Bponsler, G. A. Rouse, Daniel Garland ) Asses sor, Samuel Bentzel j Judge, Wm. McKee: Inspectors, S. A. Feal, C. W. Kinesmith; School Directors, Conrad Roth, F. Mortimer j Auditor, Wm. Waggoner. Blaln Bor. Constable, D. M. Hohenshilt j Burgess, G. W. Smith Council, G. W. Garber, J. B. Moreland, Thos. Seager, Daniel Sheaffer, Wm. Kern, Jas. 8. Morrow ) Assessor, John Baker ; Judge, James Magee Inspectors, Wm. Machamer, Samuel Rlckard j School Directors, R. H. Kell, W. D. Messimer Auditors, D. M. Fetro, J. C. Morrow, 3 years. Buffalo Twp Constable, J. J. Haln and J. M. Zelgler, tie j Supervisors, John 8. Hain, Nathaniel Shutt Judge, Wm. Singer) In spectors, J. Pierce Crow, Jacob M. Fortney i School Directors, Michael Seller, J. W. Stephens) Assessor, J. W. Fintoo Auditor, W. W. Billow, 1 year, Isaiah Baiders, 8 years ) Clerk, Henry Meade. ; Carroll Twp. Constable, Jos. B. M'Clintock) Supervisors, Geo. B. Bonder, Wm. G. McClln tock ; Assessor, B. F. Hall ; School Directors, Washington McCllntock, T. M. Dromgold, G. W. Smiley ; Judge, Robert McDonald j In spectors, Carson Lackey, Uran F. Stouffer) Auditor, Charles Henderson Clerk, Wm. T. Dewalt. Center Twp. Constable, Geo. Eckert j Su pervisors, Robert A. Moore, Robert Market ) Assessor, Oliver Rice School Directors, Geo. W. Meek, Alex. Sbortess j Judge, J. S.RIcbey; Inspectors, Robert D. Neilson, Abraham Kiat ler j Auditors, Charles Tressler, H. L. Croll i Clerk, John B. Clay. Duncannon Bor. Burgess, John Hood j Con stable, John B. Shearer j Council, Joseph L. Mlchner, Henry Brown, Joseph Hawley, Jas. L. Smith, Thomas Milllken Assessor, J. N. Gladden Judge, John Jones Inspectors, R. C. Jones, Jacob A. Young; School Directors, Jas. P. Cromlelgh, B. H. Moses i Auditor. Ed. L.Mllllken. Greenwood Twp. Constable, Jacob Boyeri Supervisors, L. T. Halns, Thos. Rumberger Assessor, Israel Sheaffer School Directors, G. E. Beaver, Lewis Mitchell, J. G. Jones Judge, J. W. Eahelman Inspectors, Wm. Fitzgerald, Jno. Bonsellj Auditor, A. H. Ulsh Clerk, David Long. Uowt Twp. Constable, E: B. Shull ) Super visors, David Deckard, Frank Meek) Assessor. H. H. Horting t Justice, Jacob Brati ) School Directors, Abe Horting, David A. Stephens ) Judge, Bamuel Moore and A. V. Hombaugh, tie Inspectors, John Beers, Amor Potter i Aud itor, J. W. Boyd ) Clerk. 3os. W. Burkbolder. J nekton Twp. Constable, Samuel G. Smith Supervisors, Henry Rlnesiulth, lie Dry Boltos- erj Assessor, John D. Rlncsmlth i Treasurer, Blmtnn Bmlth School Directors, Wm. 11. Hall, Abraham Uutahall Judge, David Rowe In spectors, Wm. Miller, Henry Prior) Auditor, Mitchell Dromgold Clerk, David Kleckner. Juniata Twp. Constable. Wm. Blaln ) flu pervlsors, Andrew Clomp, Jacob 8. Super ) As sessors, Goo. 8 wart ii School Directors, B. F. Clouser, John Fllcklngeri Judge, Geo. Camp bell Inspectors, Samuel D. Watts, Samuel It. Lelby Auditor, Jesse R. Lupfcr i Clerk, Jas. R. Scott. Liverpool Bor. Constable, Daniel Brink Burgess, G. W. Ruppi Council, D. E. Snellen berger, John Keagle, L. V. Tharp, E. C. Long, Isaac Blnrtevant, 8. M. Bhnler ) Assessor, J. R. Davis Judge, Wm. L. Lenhart t Inspectors. G. W. Bhumaker, Jacob Bhumakert School Directors, J. C. Welrlck, D. 8. Lenta t Auditor, Charles Deckard. Liverpool Twp. Constable, Geo. Long Su pervisors, Isaao Whltmer, Wm. Noll) Asses sor, John Bpicher ) School Directors, Samuel Barnor, Wm. Cook i Judge, Jonas Noll In spectors, Leonard Ulsh, Geo. Kline ) Auditor, Luther Elenmyeri Clerk, John C. Barnor. LandUburg Bor. Constablo, John Bltner; Burgess: Altred Bhull t Council, Robert Eaton, Geo. Turbct, Geo. Foltz, Geo. Ellcker ) Asses sor, Samuel P. Llghtner Judge, J, M. Btam baugh i Inspectors, Wm. II. Thornton, Chas. Kell: School Directors, D. B. Milllken, Hutcblnson Auditors, James G. Linn, F. 8. Gibson. MMerttown Bor. Constable, W. H. Ward ) Burgess, John P. Hopple Council, Thos. Nan klvell, Jos. Uemmlngor, Wm. Brandt, Harry Hopple, James Rlsdon, Henry Martin Asses sor, C.J. Wright) Clerk, James Ramsley; Judge, W. J. K4pp Inspectors, A. C. Hopple, W. II. Jones School Directors, I. N. Rlnehart, D. M. Rlckabaugh t Auditor, D. B. Gable. MadieM 8. W. Constable, Levi Trostle) Supervisors, Blmon Snyder, David Mete.) As sessor, Theodore Bryner i School Directors, Martin Motzer, 78 votes, Emanuel Garber and Rueben Moyer tie, each 73 votes Judge, Jacob Borrell Inspectors, W. F. Bear. Daniel Coon; Auditor, Peter Swisher ) Clerk, John M. Wolf. MaryevilU Bor. Constable. O. H. Miller Burgess, 8. 8. Lelby i Council, J. H. Baugh man, J. U. Fnnk, G. W. Rhoads, Geo. Shull, Frank Gamber, W. 8. Gault i Assessor, John H. Howdechell ) Judge, W. W. Jackson In spectors, W. H, Wagner, D. A. Fisher School Directors, I. N. Beam, E. A. PUeiger, A. 8. Reamer Auditor, Wm. Fllcklngor i Clerk, B. R. Fllcklnger. Miller Twp. Supervisors, Henry Smith, Nathaniel Holmes) Assessor, Wm. Holmes) School Directors, William Vancamp, Henry Yocum Inspectors, Wm. Mehalllo, John Reed Auditor, Joseph Baily Constable, Henry Penny. , Newport Bor. Constable, Darius J. Kline peter) Burgess, Wm. M. Horting: Council, John Anderson, D. H. 8 potts, Joslah Clay, Jacob Hopple, A. K.Long, W. R.S.Cook: Assessor, A. M. Gantt : Judge, Jackson Rhoads: Inspectors, Amos Hopple, Wm. A. Clouser : School Directors, E. C. Beach, Wm. Benlzeli i Auditors, Geo. Shrom 1 year, Horace Beard 8 years : Justice, Geo. W. Lobaugh. New nuffalo Hot. Constable, E. D. Wells: Burgess, U. W. Cook ; Council, Jos. T, Steel, J. O. Jones, A. Ober. Geo. W. Lesher, N.Noblet, Geo. W. KlUer; Assessor, A. Ober; Judge. J. C, Jones: Inspectors, O. P. Raskins, M. B. Cutter ; School Directors, Jno. Basklns, Wm. F. Jackson; Aud itors, Geo. W. Cook 3 ysars. F. O, Steel 1 year. Oider Twp. Constable, Samuel Woods; Super visors, Wm. S. Mitchell, John Horting: Assessor, J. A. Ltneaweaver; Justice. B. F. Miller; School Directors, Joseph A. Hearsh, II. 8. Dlmm: Judge, John Balr; Inspectors, Amos Fleisher, Benjamin Flakes. Sr.; Auditor, Win. Wertz; Clerk, John K. Kroh. JVnn Twp. Constable. J. E. Bothwell; Super visors, Wm. Hosier. John Deisinaer; Assessor, Sylvanus Green; School Directors, H. J.Jones, Wm. Willis, John Itutz; Judge, James Harrison; Inspectors, Win, Leedy, James A. White; Aud itor. (J. O. Smith : Clerk, John G. Rose, Hye Twp. Constable, John Hummel; Super visors, Jesse Nace, Wm. SheatTer; Assessor, Dan iel Power: School Directors, Wm. A. Myers, Levi Copp;, Judge. J. A. Ensmlnger; Inspectors, Harry Forteabaugli, Levi Myeis; Auditor, Harry Gault ; Clerk, James Bell. Sprina Twp. Constable, Jno. Klstler; Super visors. Wm. Kane, Jas. Swisher; Assessor, J. O. Pielsler; School Directors, G. W. Keeder, D. B. Dunkelberger: Judge, Wm. Duncan; Inspectors, Michael Loy, A.G. Hollenuaugh; Auditors, J.C. Hnvder. S. B. Shelbly ; Clerk, W. H. Kinesmith. Handy Hill VM. Constable. 8. G. Britcher: Supervisors, James Meinminger, Jacob Fllckln- 5 fir; Assessor, John Bernlieisel; School Directors, olin Mohler. Robert Adair; Judge, Geo. Welsh ; Inspectors, J.W. Kice, Jacob Kulin; Auditor, G. I. Kice; Clerk, John Bixler; Treasurer, E. A. Fllcklngor: Justice. A. K. Dobbs. Barilla Twp. Constable, John H. Titzell; Su pervisors, Geo. B. Sheallnr, David McCoy: Asses sor, Samuel Keahm ; School Directors. L. B. Kerr, J. 8. Wetzell; Judge, O. W. Kochenderfer; In spectors, Geo, W. Markel, Wm. Johnson; Aud itor, John A. Barns. Tuscarora Tirp. Constable, Jos. F. Beater; Supervisors, Wm. L. Donally, Jos. R. Campbell; Assessor. Chas. Whitekettle; School Directors, Ross Ilench, Wm. F. Patton; Judge, William L. Stephens; Inspectors, John Bessler, J, F. Smith; Auditor, Wm. Kerr; Clerk, Harry Baker; Justice W. A. Memlnger and D. W. Barrack. Toboyne Twp. Constable, J. B. Sanderson; Supervisors, Henry Mumper, David Kessler; Assessor, F. A. Gutshall: School Directors, Jas. McConnell. Samuel Walker; Judge. Wilson W. Morrison; Inspectors, Chas. I. McLaughlin. Geo. .Kessler; Auditor. Jacob Sheriff; Clerk, Joslah Eby; Treasurer, Simon Kern. Wheatjleld Twp. Constable, John Bothwell; Supervisors, Samuel Daniels, C. Kathfon; Asses sor, H. B. Ebersole; Sckool Directors, Joseph Leppard, Isaac Miller; Judge. Henrv Clay; In spectors, G. D. Owens, Robert Donnelly; Auditor Rodger Harklnson; Clerk, John Suminy. Watts lcp. Constable, Jeremiah Anderson; Justice, John Garman; Supervisors, John L. Hug gins, John Shelly, Jr.: Assessor, L. E. Steel; School Directors, John Hammaker, John P. Mot ter; Judge, Levi Siders; Inspectors, Patrick Hammaker, Lewis W. Morris; Auditor, J. W. iL'uu; viera, xieury iiozanu. Shi Machines. The Singer Company uuvo opeueu an omce in i ew doom field, for sale and repair of their sewing machines. All persons needing ma chines repaired can have them promptly and cheaply done, and persons wanting new machines are requested to give us a call. tf. S. H. Beck, Manager. A NEW WRINKLE. Wheat grists exchanged on sight or ground in a few hours. We have no low water now since tapping the Penn sylvania canal. We have the only Smith purifier in the county, and allow no one to make better flour. We pay five cents advance on market rates for Mediterranean or Lancaster wheat. AVe also sell Pillsbury's XXXX flour on commission, which is the best in the world. MILTON B. ESHLEMAN, Newport, Pa. ST. ELMO HOTEL Nos. 517 and 319 Arch Street, Philadelphia. Rates re duced to Two Dollars Per Day. The traveling public still find at this Hotel the Bame liberal provision forthelr comfort. It is located in the immediate centres of business and places of amuse ment and the different Rail Road depots, as well as all parts of the city, are easily accessible by Street Cars constantly pass ing the doors. It otters special indue menU to those visiting the city for business or pleasure. Your patronage Is respectfully solicited. Jos. M. Feoeb, Proprietor. Church JfoUcet. M. E. Church Preaching every eve ning this week. At Landlcburg on Sun day at 10 A. M., and at Mt. Gilead at 2 P. M. Preaching In the Reformed Church on. Tuesday evening next. Preaching in the Presbyterian church on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. County Price Current. Bloomviild, Feb. HI, 1881. Flax-Heed 1 S6 Potatoes B0 Butter ft pound, lcaig Egg 1 dozen 16 " Dried Apples V pound Sots" Dried Peaohe 10 0 12 ets. Y .NEWl'UHT MAItlCKTt. NawroHT, Feb. 19, 18L Flour, Kxtra IR.CS " Super. 8.25 White Wheat old V bush 102 Red Wheat, old 102 Rye soeoo Corn 880411 Oats V 82 pounds SJO 81 Clover Seed per pound BOS cent Timothy Seed i 00 Flax Seed 1 00 Potatoes 40(O Baoon, TOT Lard 7 cents Ham t caats. Ground Alum Salt 1 loot 10 Ltmeburner't Coal II 00 O 1 25 Btove Coal 4 7S O 6 CO. Philadelphia Preduee Market. Philadelphia. Feb. 19, 1881;. Flour unsettled: extras 13 0f3 60: Pennsyl vania family, 14.50 ffl M.75 Minnesota do., I4.80O' 86.12; patent and high grades. ltf.MJOi7.0U Eye Hour, tn 2.13.26. Cnrnmeal. tv!.2ft. Wheat. 113 tt 114. Coru yellow, I mixed. t40re. Oats quiet: Pennsylvania and western white... 4G942c. : western mlxed,36Q3. Kye95S9jc. OAKLISLB PRODUCE MAR EI . GOHRBCTRD WKBKLT, WOODWARD A BOBB. Caklish, Feb. 19, 18I. family Flour d 15 60 Superfine Flour 4 00 White Wheat, new 100 Bed Wbeat.new ' 100 Kye 75 Corn. , 3501;. Oats, 1 85 Cloverseed, 4.004.50 Tlmothyseed, 2 00 Flaxseed , l 25 MAnniAOrKB. Miller Dtsinqbr. On Feb. 3rd. 1881. In Eoy alton, Niagara Co., hiY., at the residences! the bride's lather, by Kev. Philip Gralf, David L. Miller and Miss Hattie Dysluger, both of Boyal ton. Clelakd Spbncb. On Jan. 24th, 1881, at the residence of the olhclatingmlnltter, Kev. A. II. Irvine, Carlisle. Mr. Wilson F. Cleland, ot Carlisle, to Miss Susan Bpence, of Warm Hprings, Perry county. Fby CLOusBR-rOn Feb. 17th 1881,at the Luther an parsonage, newporc, Dy nev. 21. colv:" (ieo. W. Prv. of Mewnort. to Jennla M. f :l.mor ' of New Bloomtleld. Smith Lono. On Feb. 10th, 1881, at the resi dence of the bride's parents. In Tuscarora twp., by Itev. A. U. Spangler, W. L. Smith to Annie L. Long. Lot White. On Eeb. 17th, 1881. at the resi dence of the bride's parents, in Aliens Cove, by Kev. J. W. Ollland, Lewis A. Loy of Dellvllle. to Lizzie M. White. Dorm an BmnoB On the 16th of Jan- 1881, at the Hironamus Union Church, by Kev. Mr. Furst, Mr. Henry Dorman of Laurelton, to Miss Mary II. Bridge, of Weikert, Union Co., Pa. Guttshaix Kheem On Jan. 30th, 1881, at' the Reformed Parsonage In Landlsburg by Kev. H. T. Spangler, Mr. Daniel S. Outtshall of Blain, to Miss Jaae Kheem of Spring township. Bear Dukkelbkroer On Feb 10th. 1881, at same place and by the same, Mr. Wm. 8. Bear of near Bloomfleld to Miss B. Ellen Dunkelberger of Shermansdale. MreicH Wolff On Feb. 15th, 1881. also at the same place and by the same, Mr. Benjamin F. Mlnich to'HissMaggie J. Wolff both of Loysvllle. Thomas Corngable on Feb. 20th, 1881, In Centre twp., by J. o. Moore, J. P., Mr. William Thomas to Miss Lizzie Corngable, both of Spring township, this county. DHAITBB. Jobsston On the 16th of Jan. 1881, at Cherry Run, Union eo.. GertrudeC. daughter of Wm. and Catharine Johnson,agedU years, 6 months and u days. ' Barnett On the 19th of Jan. 1881, at Cherrr Run, Union eo., Mr. John Barnett. In the 83rd1 year of bis age. lie was a consistent member of the Lutheran church for a number of years. Singer On Feb. 16th, 1881, In Newport, Dr. X E. Singer, aged 71 years, 4 months and 22 days. VALUABLE STORE .STAND- , FOB Sale or Rent. The subscriber offers at Private Sale, a good Store Stand, situate at Dellvllle, six miles west oi Duncannon. and six miles south of New Bloom held, along the Shermans Creek. This property has all the necessary building, with a never fail ing spring of water near the door, with about Eight Acres of land, and la a high state of cultivation. There is also au ORCHARD on the property, with ckoice fruit, nice lot of Grape vines, etc. I will give any person purchasing or renting this property possession on 1st ot March, or at furthest, the lftth ot March, 1881. It not sold the. property will be rentd. For further particulars apply to u. r. liuh i a tti. Dellvllle, Perry Co., Pib. February 8,1881. NO BETTER FERTILIZERS CAN BK TJSED IBAX BAUGH'S $25 PHOSPHATE. i3ivxjaii's Economical Fertilizer For lotutoe Hare Been Thoroughly Tested, For Circulars and Price address) BAUGH & SONSy 7 8m 10 8. Delaware Ave., Philadelphia, Pa,
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