The New Bloomfield, Pa. times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1877-188?, February 22, 1881, Page 4, Image 4

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THE TIMES, NEW BL00MFIEL1), PA. FEBltUAltY 22, 1881.
New Bloomfleld, Feb. 22, 1SS1.
Ho Out orRteraotype will b Inaerted la this papar
onlMa Ilicht faoa tad on metal but.
eaar-Twatity ir cmnt. In ainaaa of reirnlar rto, will
BcohartrmHoradYarMaamanta Mtln Double Oolumn.
Mr. J. If. Bo is, Newapaper Adrertlslng Ag't.,
41 1's.rk Kow, (Times Hulldiin), New York, is au
thorized to contract (or advertisements (or tills
paper at our best rates.
I.Aoh at the Airiirefl on the tsbel of yrmr paper.
Thoeellvureatell you lh linte la which your aiilf
avripllon la paid. Within 8 weeks alter money la
sent, see If tb. data la changed. No other receipt
Is accessary.
The Circulation of The Times now
exceeds Two Thousand Copies each week.
Our mailing list is always open for the
inspection of advertisers.
Hon. Fernando Wood, member of
Congress from New York city, died at
Hot Springs, Ark., on the 14th Inst.
He had gone there for his health.
Ice-boating on the Hudson River is
now the rage. The boats race with the
trains on the H. R. R. R., which for
miles runs in sight of the river, and
generally the boats can beat the fastest
running the trains can do.
Hon. E. B. Coxe, of Luzerne county,
whose conscience would not allow him
to take the oath, as a Senator, has been
re-elected and this time was probably
careful to keep his expenditures within
legal limits.
No United States Senator has yet
been elected by the legislature. An
attempt at compromise was made last
week by the selection of a committee
composed of twelve from each faction
who were to select and report on a can
didate. The person receiving a two
thirds vote in this committee was to be .
the candidate of the party and to recelv
the' united support in joint, conxejation.
So far the exertions of the committee are
fruitless though they have ballotted a
number of times. The Beaver men
however seem to stick to the idea that
compromise means that "the other fel
lows'' shall yield, and so vote most Of
the time for Beaver. Having withdrawn
the candidate for which the people had
expressed a decided preference, it would
. seem as though there should be no
trouble in selecting a man that would
be acceptable to the people and credita
ble to the State, but yet the dead lock
now, seems to be as strong if not
stronger than ever.
Tcesday'8 Elections show that the
independent voter was out in full force.
In Pittsburgh the citizens' ticket for
Mayor, beat the Republican, and in
Reading the case was reversed, the Dem
ocrats being beaten by the independents.
in .fmiadeipnia tne citizens ticket was
elected, King for Mayor beating Stokely
by about 5000 majority, and Hunter for
Tax-Receiver, having a much larger
majority. These elections are in neither
case to be classed as party victories.
Col. W. B. Mann one of the great lights
among the Republican politicians in
Philadelphia says :
" I regard this result as proceeding in
a great measure, not from the exertions
of the Committee of One Hundred, but
from the deeply-grounded dissatisfaction
of the masses of the Republican party in
reference to the boss system of making
nominations, and I believe that the
same people will beat any man hereafter
who may be nominated by the bosses,
no matter how pure or competent he
may be. I have always expressed my
Belf decidedly to the effect that the only
$&y to preserve the Republican strength
in Philadelphia and to perpetuate it is to
open the nominations to all, and by a
system of honest delegate elections,
where Republicans shall not be per
mitted to cheat each other, the favorite
of the masses may be nominated. City
Committees should be organized to pro
mote the election of the nominees of the
party, and not from year to year to
create them."
The whole secret of the disaffection is
shown in the last four lines of the above
The Snow Blockade.
Chicago, Feb. 15. The Inter-Ocean't
specials indicated that on the cross roads
and railroad lines out of the thorough
fares there is still a virtual blockade in
Illinois, Iowa and Wisconsin. In some
localities farmers are unable even to
reach the markets. There is therefore,
much dibtress.
Coal is scarce in Omaha, there being
only forty tons of Iowa soft coal in the
city, with a prospect of several days'
blockade for freight. The loss of cattle in
the grazing sections will be very heavy".
To add to the discomfiture of rural
points a heavy snow storm set in last
evening in western Iowa aud eastern
Bioux City, Iowa, Feb. 15. The last
snow plow of the Illinois Central road
broke on Sunday last. At Sioux Falls
an indignation meeting of 200 delayed
travelers decided to seize the train and
open a road to the city, but gave it up
when the engineer disabled his engine.
They have little fuel and no whisky.
Denver, Col., Feb, 15. The Kansas
Paclflo railroad Is snowed up from Den
ver to Brookvllle.
The Change In Publlo Opinion.
It is noted by the Washington Nation
al Republican that "Fernando Wood
was a member of the Congress which
appropriated $30,000 in aid of Professor
Morse's experimental telegraph line be
tween Washington and Baltimore. Mr.
Wood voted for the appropriation, and
was, in consequence, defeated in his
next race for Congress, his constituents
having no confidence In the judgment
of a Representative who was willing to
give his countenance to such a visionary
scheme as communicating human intel
ligence over wires hung on poles."
Arrest of a Son of Brlgham.
Denver, February 15. John W.
Young, a son Brlgham Young, enroule
to Arizona, was arrested on his arrival
here last night by a deputy United
States marshal on telegraphio lustruo
tlons from the United States marshal at
Salt Lake City, where he has been in
dicted for bigamy. He gave a bond for
$2,000. The first wife supposed to be
the complainant, is from Philadelphia,
a lady whom Young married some years
ago upon his pledge not to practice po
lygamy and who bad left him when he
took his second wife, Lucetta Cobb.
The latter was in Denver awaAtjjJj'g
Young's arrival. .V
The SjnaJVTpox
Edens.D. TV," February 16. -There
are sixteen,ises of small-pox in Call
cope, a W( tie village in Sioux county,
Iow. Rufus Stone, publisher of the
Sioux county Independent, died last Sat
urday of smallpox and remains unburi
ed, the fear of contagion being so great
that no one can be prevailed upon to
bury him. Five dollars a day has been
offered for nurses in vain. The supply
of fuel and provisions has given out.
Movements will be made in Sioux City
for the relief of the suffering com
munity. Poisoned by Diseased Pork.
Rondout, Feb. 16. Members of two
families named Boyce and Felter,of this
city have been made dangerously ill
by eating what is supposed to have been
diseased pork. Some of the same meat,
which was given to two cats by the
Felter family, killed the felines. The
pork was purchased in this city of a
dealer who said it was farm raised in
in Ulster county. The symptoms of the
sick persons are the same as the symp
toms attending trichina poisoning.
(HSTTwo brothers died under rather
peculiar circumstances, in this county,
last week. It seems there had been a
disagreement between them respecting
some property, and they had not been on
speaking terms for a long time. The
older brother, lately expressed a wish to
see the younger. The latter on being
requested to call on his brother, replied
that " he would see him in h 1 first.
The elder one was burled last Friday,
and the younger died on the day of the
funeral. Was it judgment? Rahway
N. J. Democrat.
Miscellaneous News Items.
laTTbe wife of William Bancroft of
Marysville, Ohio, obtained a divorce from
him, on the ground of drunkeuness and
cruelty, and on the following day, won
over by his promise of reform, remarried
CSTThe postmaster at Wilkesbarre was
greatly surprised one day recently at the
explosion of a letter he was in the act of
tamping; The letter was returned to the
office at which it was mailed as unmallable
C3"The Montgomery Mutual Assess
ment Life Insurance Company is the title
of a new corporation which has been or
ganized in Montgomery county and for
which a charter is asked. The capital
stock is fixed at nothing.
t3?"Tbe small-pox, which prevails at
Cuba, III., as an epidemic, has caused a
complete stagnation ef business. There
are to-day twenty-two naJS of small-pox
and varioloid in Cuba and vicinity. Six
deaths have already occurred, and some of
the sick are very low.
tWl'la short, ladies and gentlemen,"
said Senator Coukling, in a husky voice
and perspiring freely, "I can only say that
I wish I bad a window in my bosom, that
you might see the emotions of my heart."
And the newspaper printed the speech,
leaving the "n" out of window.
WA Louisville detective when asked
how burglars got their tools made, said
that each organized gang of burglars has
a oompetent mechanio among its members.
It requires a very oompetent one indeed
to make a full set of burglars' tools. Some
burglars learn this branch of the business
while In prison.
tVSome Elmira young men took some
Elm Ira young women slelgh-rlding over to
Hammond's Corners, one night last week
and had a danoe there. The funds all gave
out, "twelve miles from homo, "and the
girls had to walk home.
K9Elizabeth A Anderson and Harry
Osborne, of London, Oat., wore married
on the Ice In the St. Clair river, betwoen
Port Huron and Baniia, a few days ago.
The Justice of the pesoe got a $10 fee, and
the bride and groom walked to terra firms
in a happy frame of mind.
U A seventeen-year-old daughter of a
respectable family in Reading was arrested
a few days ago on the charge of robbing
the contribution boxes in St. Paul's Ger
man Catholto Church at that place. Sev
eral pieces of marked money whioh were
put in the boxes she had when she was
arrested, as well as a bunch of false keys.
tW While Sheriff Ilanokamp, of Alle
ghany oounty, a few days since, was extoll
ing the perfections of a new pair of hand
cuffs, they closed with a spring upon his
Own wrists, and he found himself mana
cled quite unintentionally. As he had no
key, and the gentleman who had It could
not be found, the bracelets had to be brok
en before he could be liberated.
KSfln the midst of the excitement over
the flood in Oil City on Thursday evening,
the water ran into Reed's foundry, when
the bottom foil out of the cupola, precipi
tating a mass of molten iron into the wa.-
ter. A terriflo explosion followed,, b'towing
the roof from the binldfeg,'toppling over
thejj.ujpkfl Jstky-Trtidsonding streams of
' red hot coke from the furnace high in the
air. The people in the vioinity were fright
ened almost to death and ran scroaraiog in
every direction.
Washington, D. C, February 16, 1881.
The debate on the River and Harbor bill con
tinues in the House, and may for a length of
time that will make the prospects of an extra
session probable. Public attention Is now
being drawn to this bill in such a manner that
the iniquities contained In it will be so fully
exposed that there will probably be some im
provement In the manner of legislating for
Rivers and Harbors after this year.
Commodore Oliver Perry Green Watson,
sixty-three years old, six feet high, arrived
here yesterday by way of the chain bridge, all
the way from Ashtabula, Ohio, having, as he
states, left there in November last for Wash
ington, and walked all the way to see President
Hayes, whom ho states he met last fall in
Ohio, and received from him an invitation to
visit him and remain until after the Inaugura
tion. He visited the Capitol, Smithsonian and
the President's House after he came to town.
He did not see the President but was sent by the
doorkeeper to police head-quarters, where he
would be provided with lodgings, etc. He pro
poses to call ou the President, who he thinks
will receive him cordially, having Invited him
to Washington. It appears that the President
on his recent trip to Ohio, made a speech, In
which he invited his Ashtabula friends, if they
came to Washington, to call and see him, and
that induced Mr. C. O. P. O. Watson to make
his long trip.
The discussion upon the funding bill com
menced in the Senate yesterday, and from the
few points now to be settled by discussion it is
the Intention to pass it by the end of the week.
Senator Bayard, who is a Republican In finan
cial matters, takes sides with the majority of
them In advocating a 3X per cent, five-twenty
The death of Hon. Fernando Wood, which
occurred at Hot Springs, Arkansas, on Sunday
night last, cast a deep gloom over members of
Congress. The House and Senate passed ap
propriate resolutions In respect to his memory,
and the former body, which in his death loses
one of It's ablest members, appointed a com
mittee to superintend the funeral ceremonies.
The remains will be brought h ere and will
he in state at the Capitol.
Mr. Wood was Chairman of the Ways and
Means Committee of the House and the value
of his good judgment and wide experience in
financial matters and In the financial history
of the country, will make his death a severe
loss In the deliberations of Congress upon these
matters. The present funding bill Is Mr.
Wood's latest act of public service. It was his
ambition to see It become a law, and to secure
this he hastened his death, for nntil it passed
the House he neglected the entreaties of his
physicians and friends to retire from active
duty and seek the quiet and rest In the loss of
which the country now suffers a greater one.
The March number of Dallou's Monthly
Magazine is issued, and contains a large in
stallment of that thrilling Indian story. "The
Crimson Trail," which is so ranch admired.
There is also a nice picture of a banyan-treo,
an illustrated article on Shakespeare and his
home, a vivid skating scene, some remarkably
good poetry, a dozen or twenty stories, and
five pages of humorous matter, the best that
ever appeared in a magazine. This magazine
gives more of a variety than any other publi
cation of the kind in the country, and yet it It
sold for the low price of fifteen cents a copy.
Every family should have a copy, for it affords
much good reading.
Published by Thomes & Talbot, 23 Hawley
Street, Boston, Mass., at only 1.60 per annum
postpaid, and for sale at all the news depots in
in the country at IS cents a copy.
While the chief aim. of the conductors of
Lipwnoott's Magazine Is to furnish enter
tainment, the reader of the fresh and lively
sketches which fill the chief space In the March
number will find that he has gathered Infor
mation, on various topics, as serviceable at If
It had been acquired by a tnori laborious pro
cess. Contents as follows t The Diamond
Mines of South Africa Moose Hunting Six
Months In a Country House la Russia My
China Boys Paris Art Schools "The Kid i"
A Law of Nature American Nswgate The
Name Unsung The Physical Uses or Pain
Our Monthly Gossip.
Specimen Number mailed, postage paid, to
any address, on receipt of 20 conts. Yearly
subscription $3.00. Address J. B. Llpplncoti
Co., Publishers, 715 and 717 Market Street.
Philadelphia. '
Dental Notice.
I wish to Inform the people of lower Juniata
and Perry counties, that I have located a Den
tal Ollle at the Martin Hotel In Mlllerstown,
for the purpose of practising Dentistry in all
Its branches. Having had ample city practice
at Indianapolis, Ind., during the war period,
sending out plate work to nearly all of the
northern States, also had an office In the city
of Auburn, N. Y., I will bring to the village of
Mlllerstown, city practice at the ruling country
prices. I will use no cheap material, conse
quently I will not advertise any of the low
prices. Fnll set of rubber plates, either upper
or lower, $15 1 filling teeth, from R0c upward t
building up teeth with gold, from S3 to f 10 and
upward. All work guaranteed. No work
done on trial.
Practical Dentist,
4 Mlllerstown, Perry Co., Pa.
tT"If you want to get rid of pimples, bolls,
tetter, fec, use "Lindsey't Blood Searcher."
Sold by all druggists. 1 it
How It was Done.
V How do you manage," said a lady to
her friend, " to appear so happy and
good natured all the time V" " I always
have Parker's Ginger Tonio handy,"
was the reply, " and thus easily keep
myself and family in .good health.
When I am well. I-a Way s feel good..'
nawrea." Read about it in another
column. 6 4t
A New Enterprise has been started in
Mechanlcsburg, Cumberland county, by
J. W. Rlngrose & Co., and that is the
making of a new style of Leather Fly
Nets. These nets are said to be a great
improvement over any style yet made,
while the price they will be sold at, is no
greater than is asked for the poorer
article. Store keepers, before supplying
themselves should see these nets and
learn prices, and farmers should ask
the merchant with whom thev deal to
get at least a sample to show them. For
price list, etc., address J. W. Ringrore
& Co., Mechanlcsburg, Pa. 6tf.
W'Dr. Seller's Cough Syrup" will ensure
you a gooa mgnt s rest, it is the best cough
medicine in the market. Price 25 conts. 7 4t
Still Alive I I am still alive and readv
to cut and fit suits in good style. If
wanting any work in my line, give me
a call. Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Samuel Bentzel,
April 0, ' New Bloomfleld, Pa.
We want an agent for Perry county.
No capital required. Must give good
reference. Big percentage. Address
Jno. W. Strohm,
7 3t Plalnfleld, Pa.
Notice. A good miller wanted. The
undersigned will rent his Grist and Saw
mill from the 1st of April, or let them
on the shares. Those wishing to rent,
piease apply Boon.
If you want to find a good assortment
of Clothing all the year round go to
M. Dukes & Co.,
Newport, Pa.
We are now opening one of the finest
lines or carpets ever displayed In this
County. You will save money by call
ing on us for anything in this line.
M. Dukes &Co., Newport.
Boots and Shoes to suit man, woman
and child. Largest assortment in the
county at n. dukes & Co.,
. Newport, Pa.
Trunks and Valises, Hats and Caps, a
one siock always to oe round at
M. Dukes & Co.,
Newport, Pa.
For a full line of Wall Paper, Station
ery, Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Picture
Frames, Books and Fancy Goods, give
W. H. GANTT, Newport, Pa., a call.
A full line of sheet music in stock. SOly
Mammoth Pearl Potatoes.
I have a lot of this excellent variety of
potatoes a seedling of the Victor rais
ed from seed purchased of A. C. Ash aid,
of the original stock, which I will sell at
$1.25 per bushel, 65 cents half bushel,
35 cents per peck, and 20 cents half peck.
This potato is free from rot, never hollow,
skin and flesh pure, pearly white. Eyes
few and even with the surface. Ripens
in August, and yields better than any
other variety I have ever raised.
6 2m Eshcol, Perry Co., Pa.
For a pure and unadulterated Coffee'
buy the Cup and Saucer, or Dona Pedro
brands Roasted Coffee, put up by Janney
& Andrews, Wholesale Grocers, Phila
delphia. It is the best Roasted Coffee
now in the market. 8 8m
New crop New Orleans molasses, new
Raisins, Citrons, etc, Just received by
F. Mortimer.
C Western Union Telegraph connecting
1th all parts of the world. Office at
New Bloomfield in Mortimer's build
ing, tf
On Scnoat, office open from 9 to It A. M.,
and 6 to 6 P. M.
Fancy Brown Spreads. Very Hand
some, at $1.00 cents each.
F. Mortimer,
New Bloomfleld, Pa.
For Kent. The Wagon Maker's and
Blacksmith shops at Greenpark are for
rent. This is one of the best stands in
the oounty, and is rented on account of
the 111 health of the proprietor. Inquire
by mall or In person of
Nathan Henderson,
Greenpark, Pa,
Publlo Sales. We eall attention to
sales of Real and Personal Property as
follows :
Saturday. Feb. 20th. Hench A Dromgold will
sell at Landlsburg a lot of Diamond Iron
Plows and Shares.
Batnrday, Feb. 20th. Mrs. Levenla Green, In
Penn twp., 2 miles west of Duncannon,
will sell horses, cows, young cattle, ahoats,
and all kinds of farming Implements- C. B.
Uarnlsh, Auctioneer.
Saturday, Feb. 20th. J. W. Hoffman, at his
residence, at Eshcol, will sell horses, sheep,
reaper and mower, 4-horie wagon box, farm
log Implements, etc. Henry Kell, Anctloneer
Tuesday, March 1st. John K.. Shaman, will
sell near Eshcol, 1 horse, cows, young cattle
and farming Implements.
Thursday, March 8rd. John Dunkelberger
will sell In Spring twp., horses, cows, bogs,
young cnttlt, sheep and farming imple
ment. Tuesday, March 8th. John Bonder will sell at
his residence, 1J miles west of Ickesburg,
horses, cows, young cattle, hogs, wagons,
farming lmplementsetc. Henry Kell, Auc.
Thursday, March 10th. W. A. Bonder will
sell at his residence in Rye twp., mules,
horses, cows, young cattle. 1 new reaper and
mower and other farming Implements.
Thureday.March 10th Thos. McCoy.sen., will
sell at his residence, 2 miles south of Ickos
burg, horses, cows and young cattle, farm-.
ing implements and many other articles.
D. McCoy, Auctioneer.
Friday, March 11. John B. Zolglcr will sell at
his residence, 1 mile east of Dellville, one
mare, 3 fresh cows, 2 wagons and a large lot
of farming Implements. C. Harnish, Auct.
Friday, March 11th P. 8. Chubb, 8 miles
east of Mlllerstown, will soil horses, cows,
farming implements, household furniture,
wheat and rye in the ground, etc., etc. Sha
man Miller, Auctioneer.
Tuesday, March' li' G. W. Reamn wU sell
at his residence near 'ma'rkelvllle, horses,
cows, young cattle, sheep, pigs, corn, pota
toes and farming Implements.
Friday, March 18th John Bhearer will sell at
his residence In Centre twp., horses, eattle,
wagons and a general assortment of farm
ing implements.
Tuesday, March 22nd. Joh n Bouder will sell
at his residence In Spring twp., young cat
tle, shoats, sheep, 4 wagons, sleigh, and
farming Implements.
Wednesday, March 23rd Samuel II. Bhearer,
will sell on the farm of David Bweger in
Carroll twp., 1 horse, cows, wagons and
farming Implements.
Or a MAN either, who wants
w ill do well to look over some
of the
Jol (its C
by the subscriber in order to
make room for Spring Goods.
We have some Jobs that are
worthy of your attention. Be
sides these Job lots it will
pay you
See Our Assortment of
Toys, Books, Albums, Fancy Note Paper,
Jewelry, Glass Sets; China Ornaments, Per--fumery
in fancy bottles, Choice Soaps, Looking
Glasses, Desks, Work Boxes, &c.
Fancy Goods for Ladies,
Look at our assortment of Lace Ties, Silk
Ties, Collars, Silk, Handkerchiefs, Pocket
Books, Bags, Zephyr Goods, Fancy Buttons
Skirts, Under Vests, Ribbons, etc., etc.,
Blankets for Beds or Horses,
Look at our assortment. We can offer jo
Colored Bed Blankets for S3 per pair and up.
White Blankets for $2.75 per pair, and up, and
Horse Blankets from (1.60 op.
Gloves for Men or Boys,
Come and look at what we can offer you end
note prices. We can please you.
Trunks, Talises or Satchels,
Ton should call and see' what we have. It
will probably save yon money.
mm a
II KJ 11X11
Fine Groceries,
Such as Citron, Seedless Raisins, Choice Layer
Raisins, New Orleans Molasses, Mince Meat,
Pure Spices, prepared Cocoa Nut, Canned
Corn, Canned Peas, Canned Beef, Oat Meal,
and any other goods In the grocery Hue, come
and see us ) we have what you want.
Von will find that we have Sleigh Bells.Bkates,
Table and Pocket Cutlery, Pistols, Cartridges,
Hatchets, Axes, Augurs, Chisels, Saws, Iron,
Steel , Nails, and a general assortment of such
goods as are kept by a flrit class hardware
New Bloomfleld.