THE TIMES, NEW BLOOM FIELD, l'A., FEB1UJA11Y 22, 1881. RAILROADS. PHILADELPHIA AND READING R.J? ARRANdEMBNT OF PABBENGEKTRAIN8 NOTEMBEflTlSth, 1880. Trains Leave Harrlsburg as Follows : For New York via Allentown, at S.06 a. m. and 1 45 p. m. , .. , For flew York via Philadelphia and "Bound BrooK Itoute," 6.W), S.H5 a. in. and 1.45 p. m. For Philadelphia, at b.iio, 8.05, (through oar), 9.50 a. m., 1.45 and 4.00 p. m. .., For Heading, at 6.00, .05, 9.60a. m 1.45,4.00, and 8.0t p. in. ... . . For Pottsvllle. at 8.00, 8.05, 9.50 a. m. aad 4.09 p. m., and via Bcuuvlklll and Husqtiehanna Branch at 2.41) p. m. For Auburn, at 6.80 a. in. For Allentown, at 6.00, 8.05, .60a. m., 1.46 and ''the' ".05 a. m. and 1.45 p. m. train hare through can for New York, via Allentown. SUNDAYS i For Allentown and Way Stations, at 6.00 a. m. For Heading, Phlldelayhla, and Way Stations, at 1.45 p. in. Trains Leave for Harrisbnrg as Foils ws I Leave New York via Allentown, 1.45 a. m . 1.00 and 5.S0 p. in. Leave New York via "Bound Brook Rnute."and Philadelphia at 7.45 a. in.. 1.30. and 6.80 p. in., ar riving at Uai'i'lsDurg, 1.60, 8.20 p. m., and 12.56 a. m. Leave Phil .delphla, At 9.45 a. "., 4.00 and T.46 p. m. Leave Pottsvllle, 7.00, 9,10a. m. and 4.40 p. m. Leave Heading, at 4.60, 8.00,11.60a. in., 1.3",.1S. ami 10.35 p. m. Leave Pottsvllle vis Schuylkill and Susquehanna Branch, 8.30 a. in. Leave Alleiitowu.nt 6.25, 9.00 a. in., 12.10, 4.S0, and 9.05p. ill. SUNDAYS: Leave New York, at 5 30 p. m. Leave Philadelphia, at 7.4ft p. m. Leave Heading, at 8.U0 a. m. audl0,35 p. m. Leave Allentown. at 9.06 p. m. BALDWIN BRANCH. t,ave HARRI8BCRG for Paitm, lot feffll an4 SteehV?:? dally, except Bund".--,- a 6.25. 6.40, 9.36 a. m and 2.00 p. fit- '.iiy, except Saturday and Bundy.at6.45p. m., and on Saturday only, 4.45, 6.10, 9.30 p. IB. Returning, leave BT HELTON dally, except 6.10,7.00, 10.00 a. m.,2.20p. m. dally, except Saturday and Sunday, 6.10 p. m., and on Saturday only 5.10, 6.30, 9,5o p. in. J. E. WOOTTEN, Hen. Manager. C.O.Hancock, General Passenger aad Ticket Agent. JHE MANSION HOUSE, New Bloomfleld, L'enn'a., GEO. F. ENSMINGER, Proprietor. HAVING leased this property and furnished It la a comfortable manner, I ask a ahare of the public patronage, and assure my friends who stop with me that every exertion will be made to render their stay pleasant. ir a careful hostler always In attendance. April 9. 1878. tt Rational hotel. CORTLANDT STEET, (Near Broadway,) KTEW ORK. HOCHKISS POND, Proprietors ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. The restaurant, cafe and lunch room attached, are unsurpassed for cheapness and excellence of service. Rooms 50 cents, 2 per day. 13 to 10 per week. Convenient to allferriesandcltyrailroads. NEW FURNITURE. NEWMANAGEMENT.41y GUIDE to SUCCESS, wrrn 1 O I 31 N For Business and Society 18 by far the best Business and Social Guide and hand book ever published. Much the latest. Ittells both sexes completely how to do everything in the bet way. How to be your own Lawyer. How to do Business Correctly and Successfully. How .teact in Seciety and in every part of life, and contains a gold mine of varied Information In dlspensible to all classes tor constant reference. AGFNTS WANTED for all or spare time. To know why this book of real value and attractions sells better than any other, apply for terms to II. B. Bli A M W E.L. l JU , St. Louis, Missouri, 82 Cm Wepayallfrelglit. Battle Creek, Michigan, MAOTTAOTUBIRS OF TH ORLX (UDTOIIna THRESHERS, Traction and Plain Engines and Horse-Powers. HiMtOrnktoTlmilia-rMtoir J Established la the World. S 1848 t A VP ADO ofeonHnMoutandtmeetttfut huU M I a.MllJ nui, without change or nam aJ management, or location, (o " back up" fc brood warranty fituaeft aU ovrgoodu nt I LHHvaw, without change or ni STEAM.POWEIt ffEPAHATOBS an Complete Kteaui Outfit of natchUu quaHtiu. Fine Tracrlon Ennl an and Plata Kncuiea n ui Lua AlDenuui maraob. on and matriai not dreamed of by other makera. Four WiAH of Renaratnra. fran A to 12 koraa Capacity, for tteam or kArwwwM. Two styles of ' Mounted " HnmvPowem 7 Kfift flnrt Feet of Selected I.nmhrp 4 ,UJJ,SJJJ (from r.. lo 4z yWiiir.driM) constantly on hand, from which la built tha is coupacabla wood-work of our manhiiwy. TRACTION ENGINES mad, tt'. IO, 13 Uurae fewer. Fnrmrra and Thnxhrrmra are Invited to InvwtlKate thia matoht Threidiiug- Machinery. Circular, Bent true. Addreu NICHOLS, 8HEPARD A CO. Battle Creak, Michigan. A P" Outfit sent f rw to thoae who wish to enp-a-p in the jvfjmoat nlnaiiuiit and profitable bu.intws kuown. . V" tvorythiiii; ut-w. Capital uot mquirwi. Vi a will furnish yon everyUiiuir. UI a day and upward, la easily Jnadu wttii.iui uuyiuir away froiu kciuie over liurht. orllkwlialTr. Mauv new workera wanted ati.uoe. Many are uiakiutr fiirtiuira at the buaineaa IjikIii-b matf a. nmch aa meu. aud yuunv boya and rirl. maku icruat pay. Noon. wui. i willluif to work fail, to iuk uio'd mnni y erwy dny ttian can be made in a wek at anv ordinary riii)lMyairut. Thoae who titrr at ouiw will hud a .Hurt r-rt t.i fortune. Ad dreas H. H AU.KT Jk CO., Portland, Maine. 1 ly 5f JUSSER & ALLEN CENTRAL STORE NEWPORT, TENN'A. Halt offer the puhllo MAKE AND ELEGANT A880BTMKNT Of DRESS GOODS Consisting sf all shades lultable for the aeasea HLACK ALPACCAS AND Mourning Goods A SPECIALITY. BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED MUSLINS, AT VARIOUS PRICES. AN KNDLE33 SELECTION OF PRINTS' We sell and do keep a good quality of SUGARS, COFFEES & SYRUPS And everything under the head of GROCERIES I Machine needles and oil for all makes of Machines. To be convinced that ouPiobaVar CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST, IS TO CALL AND EXAMINE STOCK. No trouble to show goods. Don't forget the CENTRAL STORE, Newport, Perry County, Pa. If yon aire a man t of mi.lrufta.WBAlt 1 ' man of let- t If Yon are a ened by the strain of 1 trstollindorernij your amies yoiii etlmuUntfiand ai Hop Bitters. nigm wora, to res tore brain nrrreand I waste, uae Hop B. I enlTeiinff from any In- discretion or dins! pa lied or ilngle, old or poor health or langrulsh Tf mn m.rm Tounff and Iyoumf, sunoring rrom In on a bed of sick i tion i u you are mar tens, rvtj wu nv Whoaver yottare. whenever you feel Bitters. i Thousands die an nunilrfrom soiue Brt your j hvciu meeds cleamln. ton lnor or stimulating, without intoxicating, S f onn of Kidney pdioease that might I have beenpreeutd 1 by a timely nseof vase nop nop is mors a o w Hare yon fy- ortWnarvm plaint, disease of the ttomacft, O. I. o. if an absolute and lrreeista ble e n r e for HOP liver or nervm t drunkenness , Ton will be cured If you use tobacco or narcotics, Soltf bydrnpf pri"te. Rt-ndfor Circular. bop srrrns TO COn Bethestct, B. T. nop Bitters TfTnnaresIm 1y weak and ow spirited, try lti It may NEVER FAIL save your life. It has IS saved hun-l I. B dreds. ft ft Toronto, Oot, 6 4t I IT! nYmirBeveB,,jrmallin,rmoney when ftirolden M r I Hul.auee is otvereil, tiiereby always keppinK1 llsVaLI poverty from your dixr. Thoee who always tfike advantntre of the Kood chanoes for makinir money that are ottered, Kenernlly become wealthy, while thoHs who do not improve tmrh chances remain in poverty. We want many men.women, boys and Kirls to work for s riKht iu their own localities. The bu ninety will pay more than ten limes ordinary waKs. Wo furtiinh in expennive outfit aud all that you need, free. Mo one who enframes failH to make money very rapidly. You can devote your whole time to the worV, or only your spare momenta. Full information and all that in needed sent free. Addretw UTINbON At CO., Portland, Maine I ly. uThe Newport Tobacco Company." WE, the nndarnlgned, bave obtained License, and organized ourselves Into a Company with the foreROlng title, for the purpose of buy ing, packing, curing and selling LEAF TO BACCO, and will do all we can to encourage the cultivation ot the plant lu Perry and Juniata counties. HILA8 K. KHHLEMAN, II. H. BKCHTKL. MILTON B. ESHLEMAN- P. 8. Persons having Leaf Tobacco ready for sa'e, will please give notice to the Becretaiy Newport, Dec. 7, 1880.2m M. B. Esulemah. A Large Farm for Sale. A GOOD FARM OF ABOUT THREE HUN DRED ACRES more or less. In Perry County, Pa., heavily set with Pine. White Oak, and Rock Oak Timber, together with choice fruits. Mountain water conveyed In pipes to the door sf the dwelling. t&- For further particulars call at thlsofllce. August 10, K4 A Outfit furnished free, with full Instructions for V 1 1 oonductiiiK the moat profitable businees that mw anyone can eiiffatfo in. The busineae is easy to learn, and our Instructions so simple and plain, that any anecan make irreat profit from the very start. No one can fail who is willing to work. Women are as suo cewf ul aa men. Boys aud irirls can earn larire sums. Many have made at the business over one hundred dollars in a siiiRle week. Nothing like it ever known before. Ail who eiuawe are surprised at the ease aud rapidity with which they are able to make money. You can eiiKmre in this busineas duriutr your spare time at ureat profit. You do uot have to invest capital in it. we take all the rik. Thoae who need peady money, should write to us at once. All f urnitihed free. Addreas TUUkOO..AUfi-UBta,Uait.a. 1 ly. STARTLING DISCOVERY! LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. A Tiotira of youthful imprudence pausing Prema. tnre Vcr, Menroua Inability, Lo.t Manhood, etc.. beTing tried in Tain eerjr known remedy, has dis covered a aimple self oura, which he wiil .end FKKB to hit fellow-anilereta, addrea J. It. KtEVtia, 43 Chatham bl., N. Y. PENSIONS ARE Pain tnsrr aoldlav tMkld In linu of duty, by accident or other is. A HOLM of nr kind, loss oflnfef,t or eye, KUPTCKK, if but ih.t,. of Xttnantor Varleoee Velaaftivs a pcusivD. l udtir nw Uw tbomands are -iiilc4 to an lnrMM of paioa. n Kiowi.orphsss and dvprnaent fatheri or awtlitrr. of poldiws whn didinths m.T ei a instoB. BOITNT Y Il tharpfl for wound, inhirtm or rupturs, Iiva full bounty, ntno 8 stamps furoopy Vmiftaand IWtuntv Acti. AddrcHH P.M. Fltigernld A Co., latm Aeui", IiidiituHivuliH. lna. o re fur to K.A.W.l'iU. Fros t Udlsns H-nkinj '.,.. and K. F. Vvnnirdy. lr't Outrul , Itfltik. botkof IudijuiuptflLa. 24aia Ulia Ipwr )OB PRINTING of every description neatly aud promptly executed at KeasoHaltle Kate at r.he.Bloiijtield Timet-fiteam Job Otttce. OUR PUZZLE LEAWES. CONDUCTED MT PENN tTKN. Orlslnal contribution, are solicited from all, for tills department. All contribution., answer., and all matter Intended lor tills department must b addressed to T. W. 8mrnna,.lR.i . Cheltenham, ra. VOL. 1. NO. 11. I. Numerical. The whole, of 6 letters, mean the warbling of birds. The 1, 9, 8, la a water raising machine. The 4, 5, 6, la a period of time. Norrlstown, Pa. "Buppbri Ellum." 2. Octagon. 1. A Teasel. 2. For.aded. 8. A tropical bird. 4. A crjRtollr.ed substance resembling camphor 5. Departed. 6. Foreigners. 7. An American river. Danbury, Conn. "Nutmeg." 3. Rebus. WHI 10 10 10 10 10 Philadelphia, Pa. "D. D. D." 4. Rhomboid. Across: 1. To procure. 8. Tongs. , 8. Coal. 4. Maculates. 5. Turns around. 6. An American duck. 7. Enriched again. Down i 1. Immaculates. a. Concerning. 8. A grimace. v. 4. Formal. ""6. A plaintiff. 6. " Ah (nfitronomlcal Instrument. 7. A blottSrV-s, , 8. A light helmet. - s . Obllrion. 10. Visited. 11. Afllictlve. 13. Feat. 13. Indbw. Dexter, Me. , "Night Hawk." 5. Enigma. The whole, of 13 letters, Is produced by the distillation of wood. The 2, 4, 3, 9, Is of days gone by. The 6, 6, 10, 8, Is an animal. The 1, 11, 7, 12, Is certain small animals. Danbury, Conn. "Nutmeg." 6. Double Acrostic (5 letter words.) 1. A plant. 2. A select body. 8. A single drop. 4. To Impede or bar. 5. A girl's name. 6. Consequential. 7. A tree. 8. A direction equivalent to very. U. An alarm. 10. A genus of fishes. 11. To Inclose. 12. Inclined. Prlmals s A genus of plants. Finals t A species of Eupatorlum. Aurora, 111. "Ned Hazel." ISTAnswers In three weeks. Prizes. For the first complete lleti This paper six months. For the next best list t The "Orphans' Friend" three months. For the next best list : Ten Amateur papers. Prize Winners. Vol. 1. No. 5. First prize not won second, won by "Tom E. Dod," Altoona, Pa. third by "A. L. G.," Philadelphia, Pa. Chat. "Ned Hazel:" lour batch la out. Please renew. "Tom E. Dod:" Welcome. Come often, both with answers and puzzles. "A. L. G.:" Please seud us your proper ad dress so we can mall yon the prize. Answers to Puzzles in Vol. Ans. to No. 1. Nacarat. Ans. to No. 2. CAD BADK11 CALICUT ADIPOSE DECOYED RU8E8 TED Ans. to No. 8. Corporal. Ana. to No. 4. K TEA MOBS Y JUNIPER MITES CAR H Abb. to No. . 1. Candytuft. 2. Cinquefoll. . 8. Rosemary. . 4. Primrose. 5. Peony. No. 8. Ans. to No. 6. BALLET AREOLE LEAVEN LOV AGE ELEGIT TENETS Mark Twain's Traveling Ex periences. I GOT into the cars and took a seat ia juxtaposition to a female. That fe male's face is a perfect insurance comp anyit insured ber against ever getting married to any body except a blind man, ber mouth looked like a crack in a dried lemon, and there was no more ex pression In ber face than there Is In a cup of cold custard. She appeared as if she bad been through one famine and bad got about two-thirds through anoth er, pbe was old enough to be great-grand-mother to Mary that bad the little lamb. She was chewing prize pop corn, and carried In ber band a yellow rose, while a bandbox and cotton um brella nestled sweetly by ber side. I couldn't guess whether she was on a mission of charity, or going West to start a saw mill and I was full of curiosi ty to hear her speak, so I said " The ex. igencles of the time require great cir cumspection in a person who Is' travel ing." "What?" Says she. " The orb of day shines resplendent In the vault above." Bays I. She hitched about uneasy like, then she raised ber umbrella and said, I don't want any of your sass get out" audi got out. Then I took a seat alongside a male fellow, who looked like a ghost of Ham let lengthened out. He was a stately cuss, and he was reading. " Mister, did you ever see a camelo pard V" I said camelopard, because It is a pious animal, and never eats grass without getting down on his knees. He said be hadn't seen a camelopard. Then said I, " Do you chew V" "No.Blr." Then I Said, " How sweet Is nature 1" He took this for a conundrum, aud said he didn't know. Then he said he was deeply Interested in the history of great men. "Alas!" he exclaimed, " we are but a few." I told him I knew one: "The man that made my cooking stove was a great man." Then be asked, " Would I read V "What have you got?" He replied, "Watts's Hymns," " Rev eries by Moonlight," and "How to enjHhe Sabbath." " Nonevp them for Hannah," said I, but If be hadn unabridged business directory f New 'York city, I would lake a little read. , "Young man look those gray hairs." v I told blm I saw them, and wbn a man got to be as old as be was be ought to die. " You needn't think these hairs are any sign of wisdom, It's only a sign that our system lacks iron : and 1 advise you to go home and swallow a crowbar. He took this for irony, and what little entente cordiale there was between us was spilled. It turned out that be was the chaplain of a baseball club. When we got to Rochester I called for a bowl of soup. I send you the receipt for making It. Take a lot of water, wash it well ; and boil it until It is brown on both sides, then very care fully pour one bean in it and let it sim mer. When the bean begins to get rest less, sweeten it with salt, then put It in air-tight cans, bitch each can to a brick and chuck them overboard ; and the syrup is done." The above receipt originated with a man in Iowa, who got up suppers on odd occasions for Odd Fellows. He bad a receipt for oyBter soup, leaving out the salt. Speaking of Iowa reminds me of the way I got my money to pay for my ticket and pay for that fellows supper. I bet fellow a dollar that I could tell him how much water to a quart went under the railroad bridge over the Mis sissippi at Dubuque in a year. I won the bet, but after all the supper was an awful swindle. Dubuque is celebrated for its fine turn outs on the streets ; while I was there a wagon upset and spilled a lot of women. I didn't see it I looked the other way. No cards. HOW THE CIDER WAS SAVED. " ANE thing is certain," said Mr. J Hathaway, emphatically, " forty gallons of cider won't keep while we're drinking it. There, must be something to put into it to keep it from spoiling, and I've heard that mustard-seed is the article." " I agree with you," observed Mr. Lefrlngwell. " If we don't take care of It, the cider will sour ; but I incline to the Idea that horseradish Is the best. Put in horseradish and your cider will keep all winter." " Let me remark, gentleman," said Mr. Anderson, lying down a chicken wing and wiping bis mustache, "that raisins are what you want. Dump in plenty of raisins and you've got your cider where you want it. Think so, Mr. Sherwood V" " I can't say I do," rejoined Mr. Sher wood. " There Is no doubt that the ci der will spoil unless you put in some thing, but what you want is borax. A pound of borax will keep that barrel of cider until spring." Each gentleman sustained his view with potent arguments, but the dinner was finished before any conclusion was arrived at, and the party separated. "They can talk about their borax, horseradish and raisins, till they're gray," said Mr. Hathaway, as he flop ped out of bed at daylight the next morning, " but I'll have my mustard seed in before they roll over," and cautiously stepping down stairs be ex tracted the bung and poured a liberal dose of the seeds into the barrel. 44 That will keep," be murmured, "for six years," and, driving the bung home, he went back to bed. 41 It's clear to my mlud that Hathaway Is trying to save that cider by faith," muttered Mr. Leffingwell an hour later, as he groped around for his clothes. 41 Mustard-seed ! Why he might as well put in squash rind. I'm going to fill that barrel with horseradish before he's up, and show him to how keep cider. MuBtard seed 1 I'll head a subscription with five dollars to test his sanity." And Mr. Leffingwell shivered down to the cel lar and cracked away with a hammer until the bung flew out like a bullet. 44 There 1" he;ejaculated as be poked the horseradish In with his thumb, that'll do the business," and with chattering teeth he prowled back to bis room. "One would think to hear these people talk that they'd been brought up in an orchard," said Mr. Anderson to him self, as be jabbed the right foot into the wrong slipper. 44 Borax I Horseradish ! Mustard I What that cider wants is raislnB, and that's what It's going to get." Upon which Mr. Anderson crept down into the cellar and Inoculated the Darret witu a couple or pounds of raisins. 41 Tt'a hpplnnlnfr tn ctnnll ftlroarlir " lu soliloquized, eyeing the floating seeds and radish suspiciously, but without i , nt . ... lueuuiying mem. - ji i naun't Deen lightning quick we'd bave been drink' 1. ..!. I... .11 .1 . l ... Jlif V illegal ujr uiuuer AUU Sat isfied that he had saved the beverage, he went back to the sheets. ' 44 What I'm afraid of," remarked Mr. Sherwood, as he opened bis door care fully and slipped down stairs, 44 what I'm afraid of is that those fellows will begin to tinker with that barrel before I can get there. If they manage to stick their foolishness in first I'm gone, but if I can empty this borax before they're around, there's so much cider saved," Mr. Sherwood belted away at the barrel until the bung toppled out, and in went his borax. 44 That's the business," be observed with great satisfaction, aw be .replaced the bung. 44 It will teach those v.... . . t . n .1 .. 1 1 lit. ii .. : UtTjip nut iu ue bu uugmauu Willi lutrif remedies, hereafter." 44 1 don't beleive"ibateiiler Was very good in the first place," said Mr. Ander son as he pushed his glass from him that night at dinner. 44 We got swindled on that cider." 44 1 think so," said Mr. Sherwood. 44 It had a bad taste when we tapped it. It isn't fit to drink now." 44 I'd head a subscription with five dollars to send that cider man to the Penitentiary," observed Mr. Lefflg well, severely. 41 Is not good cider. We couldn't have put anything in to keep it. What do you think Hatha way?" 14 1 had my suspicions of it from the first 1" replied Mr. Hathaway. "It's old stock and I think we bad better give it away." And then there was a silence, and each gentleman wondered if it hadn't been better to have let the other gentle men try their various recipes before zeal ously administering his own. An Arkansas Dog Story. CAPT. REES PITCHARD owns a dog that he would not part with for the world. The world Is a pretty large oiler, but be would not accept It for bis j . -n Tin i.f A I uog cruDO, vvueu iu juempum iioi iuug ago, Bruno got separated from bis mas ter in the crowded street, and when the Captain went on board the steamboat on bis return to Little Rock, the dog was nowhere to be seen. The owner of Bruno was much affected by the failure of his faithful follower to stay with him. They had traveled many times from Little Rock to Memphis and back, both by steamboat and cars. The wheels of the Marlin Speed turned the requisite number of times, and Capt. Pitchard found himself in Little Rock. H$ mourned the loss of bis dog almost asjj. much as ir ne naa iosi a cnua, dui mat evening, as be was in his room, there came a scratching at the door, and when it was opened Bruno walked ia, wagging his tall with the most frantic and evi dent efforts to wag it off. How he got home was a nine days' wonder. Capt. Pltcbard saw a conductor of the Mem phis and Little Rock railroad a day or two after, who said: "Did your dog come home?" 44 Yes; what do you know about It?" 44 He rode over from Memphis with me, that's all." 44 Who put him on the train ? I want to thank blm." 44 He got in himself, went into a passenger car, sat down, and, when ever the train would stop at any station, would shrink back under the seats. He did not try to get off at any station until Little Rock was reached. When the brakeman opened the door and shout ed 4 Little Rock,' out popped Bruuo And mitilA ctMinht rsw winma ' ' " Women Never Think." If the crabbed old bachelor who utter ed this sentiment could but witness the intense thought, deep study and thor ough investigation or women in deter ment ng the be&t medicines to keep their families well,, and would note their sagacity and wisdon, in selecting Hop Bitters as the best and demonstrating it by keeping their families In perpetual health, at a mere nominal expense, he would be forced to acknowledge that such sentiments are baseletw aud false. Picayune. i t