The New Bloomfield, Pa. times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1877-188?, February 15, 1881, Page 3, Image 3

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    TltK TIMES, NEW BLOOM FIELD, TA., FEBllUAltY 15, 1881.
NOVEMBElTTstB, 1880.
Trains Leare HarrlRbnrg ai Follows t
For New York via Allentown, at I. Oft a. m.
and l,4fi p. m. . . .
For New Vork via Philadelphia and "Bound
Brook Route," (MO, 8.HS a. in. and 1.4R p. m.
For Philadelphia, at tt.liO, 1.06, (through ear),
9.50 a. ra., 1.46 p. nn , Am t
For heading, at 6.00, 8.06, 0.50a. m 1.45, 4.00,
Kor'potts'ville. at. .00. B.05, 9.50 a. m. and 4.09
B. ni., and via Hchuylklll and Hiisqueltanna
ranch atS.40 p. in. For Auburn, at 6.30 a. m.
For Allentown, at 6.00, 8.05, tf.6oa.rn., 1.45 and
'The' H.'os a. m. and 1.45 p. m. train hare
through ear for New Voik, via Allentowa.
For Allentown and Way Stations, at 6 00 a. m.
Kor Heading, riilldelaphla, and Way citations,
at 1.46 p. m.
Train Leave for Harrlsbnrg as Fsllews I
Leave NewYork via Allentown, 8 5 a. m . 1.00
Leave fiewVork via "Bound Brook Iloule."and
Philadelphia at 7.45 a. in., 1.30 and 6.3U p. in., ar
riving at UairlsDUig, 1.60, 8.20 p. in., and
12Leav'enphil idelphla, at 9.45 a. in., 4.00 and
Leave'i'ott'ivllle, 7.00.9,10 a. m. and 4.40 p. in.
Leave Heading, at 4.60, 8.00, 11.50 a. in., 1.3i ,0.16,
and 10.35 p in. . i . .
LeaTeHottsvillevlaSchuylklUand dumuehanna
Branch, 8.30 a. in.
Leave Allentow;i,at6.25,9.P0 a. m., 12.10. 4.50,
and 9.05 p. in.
Leave New York, at 5 30 p. in.
Leave Philadelphia, at 7.45 p. m.
Leave Heading, at H.oo a. in. audio. 35 p. m.
Leave Allentown. at 9. 05 p. m.
Leave nARRIBBCnO for Paxton, Lochlelaad
Bteelton dally, except Bunday. at 6.2i. 6 40, S..15
a. m., and 2.00 p. ni.i dally, except Hatuiday and
Sunday, at 5.45 p. in., and on Saturday only, 4.46,
6.10, 9.30 p. ra.
Returning, leave HT F.ELTON dally, except
Bunday. at 10,7.00, 10.00a. in., 2.20 p. m.; dally,
except Saturday and Huniliiy, 6.10 p. in., and on
Baturday only 6.10,6.30, 9,fp. in.
J. E. WOOTTEN, Gen. Manager.
C. G. Hancock, General Passenger aad Ticket
New Bloomfleld, Petm'a.,
HAVING leased this property and furnished It
In a comfortable manner, I ask a share ol the
public patronage, and assure my friends who stop
with me that every exertion will, be made to
render their staypleasant. .tj.
A careful noscler always In attendance.
April 9, 1878. tf
(Near Broadway,)
HOCHKISS&POND, Proprietors
The restaurant, cafe and lunch room attached,
are unsurpassed for cheapness and excellence of
service. Rooms 50 cents. (2 per day, 83 to 810 per
week. Convenient to allferrlesand cltyrallvoads.
1 O Tfc 31 JS
For Business and Society
18 by far the best Business and Social Guide and
handbook ever published. Much the latest. Ittells
both sexes completely how to do everything In
the best way. How to be your own Lawyer. How
to do Business Correctly and Successfully. How
taacttnSeoletyandln every part of life, and
contains a gold mine of varied Information in
dlsnensible to all classes for constant reference.
AGFNT8 WANTED for all or spare time. To
know why this book of real value and attractions
sells better than any other, apply for terms to
8t. Louis, Missouri.
Wepayallfrelght. 826m
Battle Creek, Michigan,
luaurAOTTOitBs or thi oklx oxmmm
Traction and Plain Engines
and Hqrfo-Powera.
MntOntpMeThTclierraatMT Eatabllshect
new. without chftiun or namo.
uiminwmi-lt-llfc, vr lUUMIilUll. u uvs.
I. broad warranty givm tm all our good
int, or location, to "back mpu tko
Complete Hfnm Outtllmomtalchltgtialiliet.
Traction Engine and Plain hnglnen
ever nwn in the Ameriti&o. uuwket.
JL mnltitwU of Mpriai fratr cm 4nraMnmf.
far lgsl. tolrather wita wjorfor quainter in eotutrtto
tion and matrriaU not dreamed of by other mfckera.
Four Hm of Bepar&tora, from 6 to 18 Dora
canaclty, for taam or horn wir.
Two BtjlM of " Mounted " Horse-Powers.
7KAft AAA Feet of (selected I.tmibrr
,UUU,UlVI (m.nuriiwarair-dri)
constantlr on band, from which i built Uia lu
coiap&raola wood-work of our nianhinnry.
Btrongit. wvort durabU, and mfflritnt wr
too. 1V UWH rnwi
Farmer and Threpuhermrn r fnrlted to
tuvt tiKnte ibis matchUs Thrualiimf Mdiiucry.
Clrotiiars avint f rea AddrBM
Battl Crk, Mlohlsan
A P Outfit wut frw to those who wish to nnvtjf in tb
ni out plMaHnt ud profltahle busiuftiM kuown.
Iff 0 Kvtrytuiuy uew. CiiUU uot required. We will
furnish ynn evprytulmr. tfio ft day tid upward in
etiily niHde witliuut utayjuy away fruiu home ovr
iiirhr. So rihk wuaivcr. Manr uew worker wautd
at onus. Many am luakiutr fortuuMS at tb lmaiuta
Llitw make km umuh ua men, and yumi boy a and
fiiia tuakt HTuat pay. Ntmim who fn willing to work
fail to make uio e nmuwy every dav than can be made
lu wwk at auv ordinary -ii!pl"ymut. TbnM wbo
siikt;av a tind hnrt r(art in fortune. Ad-
tlreaa tf . HALLKT 4 CU PorlJaud, Main. 1 ly
Mow offer the publle
Consisting si all shades suitable for the season
Mourning Goods
We tell and do keep a good quality ol
And ererythlng under the head ot
Machine needles and oil for all make ot
To be convinced that our goods are
No trouble to show goods.
Don't forget the
Newport, Perry County, Pa.
of bUKine w.waaJf
rl tiT the strain of
te m tot 1 1 n or orer n i u
your oniiea toiij
KtliTiulantii and uaa
night work, to rea
tore brain nerrpand
Hop Bitters.
If Ton are tooth
! waste, uae Hop B.
smfferirur from an 7 In
tlon t if rou art' mar
Tounfr, aulTertnf- from
Inr on a bed of tick-
r And I
d deration or riiMlna
lied or -tingle, old or I
poorfieaitn or uuibtuiiu
Beam, roiy on n O I
Vrhoarar yon are.
whanerer Ton feel
, Thousanda die an
nnallrfrotn aotna
Mat your aretem
BetU cleanaitig', ton
19 or attmulatlny.
without intooeleatiiift.
I form of ft I d n e y
dlseae tliat tufariit
hare been prevented
I by m timely uae of
aji nop
Hare yon ff yt
or urinary com I
plaint, dlaease
O, I. O.
Ii an absolute
and Irrealata
ble en r a for
of the momacA,
howelB, blood.
liver or namae t
Ton will be
drunkenneaa t
use of opium,
tobacco, or
enred if youuaal
nop Bittwrs
If you are tim-
T)1y weak and
Sold brdrnor.
friB(. Bend fur
op Brrma
ra co.,
tWaH. 1,
k Trtnto, Ont.
Yonrwelvpi by niflklnir money whnn a voldcn
;hanre in nlfered. thprtbv alwava kptMihiir
lverty from yinir d)r. Thonewho always
take advantaire of the irnnri chancpH fur makinir mrmpr
that are otl'eretl, Kenerally bucoine wealthy, while tlnne
who do not Improve Hiieh chaneea remain hi iwverly.
We want many men.women, hoyfl and yirlR to work for
on rivht lu their own localities. The buftiueHS will pay
more than ten times ordinary wuices. We furninh au
expensive outilt and all that you need, free. No one
who eiiKSKes fails to make money very rapidly. You
can devote your whole time to the work, or only your
spare moments. Full information and ull that is needed
eut free. Address NTINSON A CO., Portland, Maine
I ly.
"The Newport Tobacco Company."
WE, the undersigned, have obtained License,
and organized ouraelve Into a Company
with the foregoing title, for the purpose of buy
ing, packing, curing and selling LEAP TO
BACCO, and will do all we can to encourage the
cultivation of the plant In Terry and Juniata
P. S. Persons having Leaf Tobacco ready (or
sale, will please give notice to the Secretary
Newport, Dee. 7, 1880.2m) (M. B. KshlemaH.
A Large Farm for Sale.
DKE1 ACRES more or less. In Perry
County, Pa., heavily set with Pine, White Oak,
and Rock Oak . Timber, together with choice
fruits. Mountain water conveyed in pipes to the
dooref the dwelling.
For further particulars call at this office.
August 10,
A4a Outfit furnished free, with full Instructions for
I LJ oonduotlUK the most profitable business that
tf aav auyoue can enKaKC.iu. The business ia easy to
learn, and our Instructions so simple and plain, that
any auecan make trreut proflta from the very start. No
one can fail who Is willius: to work. Womeu are as sue
ressful as men. Boys and irlrla can earu laiye. sums.
Many have made at the busluess over one hundred
dollars iu a siuKle week. Nothing like It ever kuown
before. AH who ennave are surprised at the eaae and
rapiditv with which they are able to make niouey. You
cauemrave in this busiuess diuiutr your spare time at
Kreat pront. You do not have to Invest capital In it.
We take all the risk. Those who need resdy money,
should write to us at once. AU furnished free. Address
TUU A CO., Augusta, laaiue. 1 ly.
A viotlm of youthful imprudence causing Prema
ture Decay, Nervous Debility, Lost Manhood, etc.,
having tried in vain every kuown remedy, has dis
covered a simple self ours, which be will send FREE
to hit fellow-sufferers, address J. H. UEEV1.-,
43 t liulham tit., Ji. IV
ARE PAID rerr loldter 4tuMed la
lino -f duty Tuf accident or othorwue. A
t Ol M ..f tin kind,. of
or fjc, lil l'Tl Klt but .f4lmit,dii
iu ut' Luuca or Yarlco elna aiva a
pL-uaion. I udur now iuw Uiuuauds are
but ill td to mu lntrcnte of pdIob.
WiUowi, orphan! aud dependent fatltera
or aio tli tira of auldier )n didln the
army g.-t a pnion. B4H NTV-lH-churne
for wound, Inturiei or ruptura,
Ifveifull hiiuntr. 8un lliutupiforoop
'finion kikI lUtunty Act. Addroti
P. H. FltiRerpId A Cp., Claim
ftvn'B, Inoiaiijai.olu. liid. referto
V. A.W.PHvtu. Vrvt't IutHkiia Ilaitkiiia
'.. and H. K, Kt-nnrdy. PrcH't (ntril
Itmik, both vf JuOittuuLiolia, N'iuu tltia
IOB PlttNTIXGof every description neatly
ami nroinpflv mPoild ar Ht aiHfthle IvkIf
at thBlnomt eld Ttnirr h!nm Jih (Hi r .
k finirrrnnl
itj NEVER 1
It i (t may
H save you rb
H life. It haar
H aaved hun-l-H
droda. V
Original rontrlbiitlona are solicited from all,
for this department. All contributions, answera,
aad all mailer Intended for this department must
be addressed to
T. W, BmrBna,.TB ,
Cheltenham, Pa.
VOL. 1.
HO. 10.
I. Numerical.
Whole, of 7 letters, Is a large tree of Ibe
banks nf the Mississippi.
The 2, 1, 4, 8, is a Norwegian ship.
The B, 7, 0, It a ryrt of the coat.
Boston, Mass. "Hombo."
2. Half 8quare.
1. After birth.
3. Restrains by fear,
8. A half foot in poetry.
4. Tied.
6. Neaps.
6. Rovereneed.
7. To turn.
8. Thus.
9. A letter.
"Niowr Hawk."
Dexter, Me.
3. Rebus.
Augusta, Me. "Hahbt L."
4. Diamond.
1. A letter.
2. A vehicle.
8. Adorned.
. 4. Indian pipe of peace.
5. Thrown like a dart.
0. Bewildered.
7. To prevent. e
8. To diffuse.
U. A letter.
Aurora, 111.
5. Curtailments.
Curtail of a dark red color, and leave a kind
of bird, again and have a catarrh (obs.)
Curtail a kind of cherry, and leave a root.
6. Double Acrostic.
(4 LETT It WOHD8.)
1. A weight.
3. A female name.
8. A time.
4. To tincture.
5. A girl's name. t
6. A bird.
7. Vain.
8. Circles.
9. Part of the body.
Prlmais i A plant.
Finals i A metal.
Aurora, 111. "Ned Hazel."
l57ADBwers In three weeks.
Tub Timeb 8 months for first complete list; the
"Friend" 8 months for second best liBt ) the
"Tablet" 3 months for third best list.
Prize Winners.
Vol. 1. No. 4. First prize not won second,
won by "Romeo," Boston, MaBS.j third by
"Once in a while," Heading, Pa.
"Romeo :" Very good for your first effort.
We are going to count on you as a regular.
Where la your "Juliet 1" Bring her along
next time.
"Habut L." Welcome. We would advise
you to assume another non de plume as there
Is one poser already whose productions are
underscored with "Harry L."
"Nioht Hawk s" It really seems like old
times to hear from you. Cau't you send us a
lot of "flats 1"
"Towhead :" The more, the merrier. You
suggest that we contribute to two or three good
columns. Can't this be one of them 1 Come,
don't go for a fellow in that style. Bend us a
large batch and you will receive the thanks of
Penn Lyjvw.
Answers to Puzzles in Vol. I. No, 7.
Ans. to No. 1. Sprlng-bcetlo.
Ans. to No. 3.
Ans. to No. 8. Thumb-stall.
Ans. to No. 4.
B P A II I 8
Ans. to No. 5. Sea son.
Ans. to No. 0,
A Terrible Tale of the Sea.
AMONG the old stories retold at the
opening of the new year, there is
no one that created bo widespread a sen
sation in its day, and the memory of
which lingers more' profoundly still,
than that of Capt. Holmes, of the ship
William Brown. Tho ship with a full
cargo and a number of steerage passen
gers left Liverpool for New York,and on
her voyage struck an Iceberg and began
to sink. Two boats left ship one with
a number of sailors, the other, the long
boat, with the passengers and balance
of the crew. This boat was in charge
of Capt. Holmes. The passengers were
Scotch and among the number were
women and children.
The boat had been at sea several days,
when Holmes was noticed by the pas
sengers to have private conversations
with the sailors. At first the latter ob
jected to the propositions made to them,
but finally yielded au unwilling assent.
The boat contained a cask of water and
provisions for a few days only. It was
soon made plain what wag the subject of
Holmes's conversations with the crew,
and this the pasSengers learned full
well. He thought that the boat was
over crowded, that it lay too deepen the
sea for safety, that there were six or
seven too many people on board, And
so in cold blood, he determined to get
rid of the extra six or seven. Incredible
as the story at this time may seem, he
made up his mind, and got the sailors to
agree with him, to throw overboard six
or seven of the heaviest of the passen
gers, so as to lighten the long-boat by
jutt the amount these six or seven weigh
edmaking so many lives just the
mrtlter of so many pounds.
There were thirty-two people in the
longboat, counting Holmes. Holmes
made up his mind that there shouldn't
be over twenty five or six (counting
Holmes of course). Holmes had at
first determined to make a short speech
to the passengers, telling 'em why he
was forced to throw 'em . overboard.
but he thought afterwards that that sort
of a speech would make trouble, as it
probably would, so be determined to
throw 'em overboard first and explain
He waited till night came, and then
he waited till eleven o'clock at night.
It was pitch dark then, except when
there was a flash of llghtnin', and every
now and then it rained a little. Alto
gether it was gloomy night.
Suddenly HolnieB and two other sail
ors came up close to where a man, one
of the passengers, called Owen Ilellly,
was sitting, Holmes made a sign, and
then the three of 'em caught bold of
poor Owen Ilellly. He looked wildly ;
it was lightening pretty fast Just then,
and Rellly could see, by the flashes, the
cruel faces and stern looks of the three
men who had hold of him. He clutch
ed tight hold of the side of the boat,
and said to the three men : " What are
you going to do with me?" The two
Ballqrs didn't know what to say to this
natural question; they didn't know how
to put the deed into words. But Holmes
spoke right up, and answered : " We
are going to throw you overboard and
lighten this boat. It is better one should
drown than thirty-two." Rellly fought
for a while; but he was soon overpower
ed, his hands and feat were held fast,
and they began to swing his body to and
fro, so as to be able to hurl it into the sea
so far that he could not reach the boat
again in hia dying struggles. Then
poor Rellly gave up lighting and called
out to the women, who looked on, or
tried to see what they could, trembling,
but afraid and unwilling to interfere.
" Ask 'em to spare my life, for God's
sake," said poor Rellly to a girl who
had been sitting next him ; but the girl
didn't or couldn't speak, and in less
time than it takes to write this, poor
Rellly was hurled alive into the sea.
His death shriek was something awful,
but his cries ami struggles didn't last
long. There was silence in a minute,
and when the next flash of llghtnin' lit
up the sea, there was nothln' to be seen
of poor Owen Rellly. There were
only thirty-one pusseDgers now, and
the long-boat was about one hundred
and eighty pounds lighter, but Holmes's
and the two sailors' consciences were
heavier by a good deal more than one
hundred and eighty pounds.
The two sailors wbo had been help
ing Holmes seemed themselves to feel
bad, but Holmes didn't give them time
to think. Telling them to come with
him, he stepped up to where another
passenger was sitting, a man named
Frank Atkins, and seizing him, the
three men threw him overboard, in
spite of the tears, prayers and struggles
of a pretty young girl a few feet off from
him, on another seat. Frank Atkins
struggled, but be didn't say anything
about his own life, and only cried out to
the young girl, " God bless you Mary."
Then he went down into the sea, with a
big splash, like a stone. He couldn't
" Who's that young woman making
all this noise V" asked Holmes with an
" I am the sister of the man you have
Just thrown overboard," answered the
young girl whom the dying Frank At
kins had just blessed as " Mary."
" Oh, I thought you was his sweet
heart," sneered Holmes.whose bad blood
was now up.
"I loved him better than a sweetheart."
answered the young girl, looking up
into Holmes's face with a sad, brave
look. Then she continued: "You
might just as well finish your work.
I have no desire now to live, since you
have murdered him."
," You call it murder, do you ?" said
Holmes. " Well, we will take you at
your word, and send you overboard to
join your brother. You weigh almost
as much as he did, anyway. "So, mak
lug a sign to bis men, Holmes took
hold of the young girl, wbo offered no
manner of resistance, and the three
threw her overboard into the sea.
The two sailors did not seem to like
killing of women, but Holmes had
them completely in bis power, and they
did as they were told. , " Mary" went
overboard without a groau, was seen
floating on the water a minute later, by
the light afforded by a flash of light
ning, and all was over with Mary. Per
haps her poor brother's prayer had been
heard and answered, and God had Hew
ed Mary sooner than either of them
had expected.
Then somebody on the boat said that
Mary and Frank, just drowned, had an
other sister on the boat called Ellen.
Then Holmes and the two sailors, full
of the devil by this time, caught hold of
this poor little Ellen, who was hiding
away, and threw her out Into the sea, to
Join the rest of her family. A whole
family was thus thrown overboard in
less than ten minutes,
Then Holmes caught hold of a fifth
passenger called Black, but one of the
sailors said that Black was a friend of
his, and, besides, Black had a wife on
board. Bo Holmes, who . had a bit of
human nature about him stlll,sald "he'd
be hanged if he'd part man and wife
yet a while," and spared Black. Then
Black and his wife embraced each other,
and the wife spent the rest of that awful
night on her knees saying her prayers,
and thanking the good God.
The long-boat now had only twenty
eight passengers (couatlng Holmes), and
did not set so low tn the sea as before,
but Holmes thought there were several
people in it yet too many. So be got
hold of a passenger named Charles Con
lin, who crouching down among the
women. "Come," said Holmes to the
crouching man " It Is your turn." " Mr.
Holmes, dear," whined Conlin pitifully,
" Mr. Holmes, dear, you wouldn't put
me out, would youV" "Oh, Conlin,
dear, whined Holme?, imitating him,
" oh Conlin dear, I will put you out,
won't IV and' giving the sign, Con
lin was thrown into the sea. The poor
wretch begged and pleaded for life, but
it was of no avail. He was hurled In
to the ocean like the rest.
Holmes and the sailors rested awhile
from their work of destruction, and
Holmes threw himself into the stern of
the boat, and fell asleep ; slept with the
load of three men and two women sent
to their account by him in less than an
hour, the coolest crlmlnel ever heard
When he awoke the next morning he
found that there were still several pas
sengers left, two of whom had been
hiding during the night. When these
two were discovered they commenced to
bail out the boat, hoping that their ser
vices might save them. But Holmes
waited till they had balled out all of the
water, and then threw them overboard,
one after the other.
Seven human beings had now been
thrown overboard. There , .were only
twenty-five left on board. The' long
boat was lightened by over one thousand
pounds, and Holmes was satisfied.
A few hours after all these horrors
had been committed, the long-boat met
a passing vessel. The crew was taken
on board, and it was proved by the
facts in the case that not only were all
those awful horrors of that night sheer
murders, but that all these murders
were unnecessary. If he had only wait
ed twelve hours,seven people would have
been alive who were now dead, and the
man Holmes would have bad seven
crimes less to answer for at the bar of
He answered for them an the bar of
man. He was tried for his crime, and
was sentenced for five years to the
State's prison.
Off" While we are looking at unseen
and eternal things, Christ, Christ only,
is our sole foundation. He will be with
us through the Valley. He will receive
ub when it is passed through. He will
present ub faultless to the Father. His
blood, his righteousness, his Spirit, bis
image these are the glorious dress he
gives. Let us, day by day, put on
Christ ; so shall we be found clothed
with the garments of salvation.
" I don't want that Stuff."
Is what a lady of Boston said to her
husband when he brought home some
medicine to cure her of sick headache
and neuralgia which had made her mis
erable for fourteen years. At the first
attack hereafter, it was administered to
her with such good results that she con
tinued its use until cured, and was so
enthusiastic in its praise, that she in
duced twenty-two of the best families in
her circle to adopt It as their regular
family medicine. That "stuff " U Hop
Bitters. Standard. 7 lit
Good Advice.
If you keep your stomach, liver and
kidneys in perfect working order, you
will prevent and cure by far the greater
part of the ills that afflict mankind in
this or any section. There is no medi
cine known that will do this as quickly
or as surely as Parker's Ginger Tonie,
which will secure a perfectly natural
action of these important organs with
out Interfering in the least with your
daily duties. See adv.
. U-The highest hopes and interests of
the race rest on the, purity, health and
strength of womanhood. We take
pleasure in referring our readers to the
remarkable efficacy of Lydia E. Fink
ham's Vegetable Compound in all that
claw uf dieeanea from which women
sutler so much. i t