THE TIMES, NEW 11L00MFIELI), PA., EElilUJAltY 8, 1881. Professional Cards. JOHN OALVIN WALU3, Attorney nt-Law, and District Attorney. New llloomnelri, Perry Co.. P. -Onoe over Mortimer's new more. AH legal buinxs promptly and carefully transacted. -May 4, 188;. JB. JUNKIN, Attorney-at-Law, ( New nioomiieid, ferry eo., fa. -Omce Next door to the resideuce otjudge Junkln. J" -r KWia roi'iKu, ATTOllS EY AT UW, NEW BLOOMFIKLD, TERR (JO., PA. ; a-niim nrnmiitW secured : Collected - Writings and all legal business oarefnlly attend. d to. CHARLES Ii.RMILKY, Attorn?y at Law. New Uloomneld, Ferry Co. Pa. fOinsa two doors eH ol Joseph Bm lli a hotel. , August i, M. A.. SPONHLKK, Attorney-at-Law, Onlce-adjoinlng his residence, on Bast Mainstreet.New Uloomneld. Perry co., Pa. Si ly WM. N. 8EIBKKT, Attorney-at-Law, New Bloomlleld, Perryco.,Fa. Bloomlleld, S S3 IV. 1" EWISPOTTKK, NOTARY PUBLIC, New BlOOW- UewtsfuomlslMortgages and Leases carefully mrepared and acknowledgements taken. All kinds of Pension and Bounty papers drawn and certltted, will also lake depositions to be roud In any court In the United States. 7 UA3.J.T,McINTIBK, Attorney-at-Law, New Bloomlleld, Perry co.. Pa. -All professlonatbuslnesspromptlyandfaltn Vully attended to. 3 2 1 V. ,1 17STICR OK TH K PEACK and GENERAL COLLECTOR, NrwOehmantown, Perry co., Pa. JHrltemlttanceswtUbe made promptly for an Collections made. CUAS. A. BARNETT, Attorney-at-Law, New Bloomtleld.Perryco.,Pa r-Omee on high st reet, North side, nearly op poite the Presbyterian Church. 3iy ML. LlGUETT. Attirnry-at-Law. , Newport, Perry Chunty. Pa. Havlna permanently located at Newport, will give prompt and careful attention to all busl hes m.ittwrs commuted to his care. . OtBoe, No. 30 North Second Street. Newport, April 2P 1878. SUNDY.M. D. riiystciau ami surgeou. a .inafA nf niAvaland Medical ColleffG. Locnted purmmontlv In the borough of Bloom lleld. Offers his professional services to the citl enm of Bloomlleld and -urroundlns vicinity. Culls Inthe country attended to promptly. Olllco on Cuiisle street, the one formerly occupied by (Lfl. A1U. - D B. R. M. ALEXANDER, SURGEON' DENTIST, New Bloomlleld, Perry County, Pa. Office on Carlisle, St., dlrectlyopposlte the Pros byteiian Church. Everything belouRlng to the profession done In the best manner. 3.Ai.i. Work Wabrantkd. Terms moderate. 2s j w.rowe,JijL " Physician and Surgeon Dentist. Office near Blxler's Mills, where all professional business will bo promptly attended to. Dental work of all kinds warrauled in price and quality. May 25. 'i. ly. M ED1CAL NOTICE! DR. 0. P. BOLLINGER, Having located permanently In NEW EL00MF1ELD, Offers his professional services to the citizens of the Borough and surrouniing country. '. Dr. B. has bsen engaged In an extensive prac tice forover2S years. He has also served his country in the capacity of Surgeon to the 78th Pa. Vol. Infantry during the late Rebellion, holding his Commission from the then Governor of this Commonwealth. His credentials are from one of the best Medical Colleges in America. His success as a practitioner of medicine Is ac knowledged by recommendations from former patrons, which are free for Inspection at all times. IN THE TREATMENT OF Chronic Diseases he has had very extensive experlence.and hascured many hopeless cases, after yearsof suffering, and expense lucurred in seeking relief elsewhere. Among the many chronic complaints treated snccessfully are Asthma. Bronchitis, Laryngitis, Hemorrhage of the Lungs, Consumption, (first and second stages.) Heart Disease, Dyspepsia Liver Coinnlaiut, Melancholia, Scrofula or King's Evil. Skin Diseases, Chronic Rheumatism, Goitre, or enlargement of the Glands of the neck.Dropsy, Plies, chronic Diarrhcea.Constlpation of the Bow. els, Sick and Nervous Headache, Neuralgia, Diseases of Females. Tumors, Kidney Diseases, Enlarged Spleen. Epilepsy. Deafness, Chronic Chills and Ague. Diabetes Mellitus, old running sores. Tapeworms removed. Dr. B. does not confine himself to any one par ticular system of medicine. He uses all the lata improved methods and remedies, as also Magneto Electric, or , r i Medical Electricity, which Is so successfully used at the present day in many forms of nervous complaints. In the treatment of the Lungs and air passages he uses INHALATIONS, which carries the medicine direct to the diseased parts. i i . t When an Inenrable case presents Itself he Is free and candid In telling the patient that he can not cure him, thus avoiding further expense. In chronic ailmentt It Is always best for patients to call at Ills otnue for personal examination and treatm tut, wlieu that is practicable. . XT" Office at his residence on Main street, a few doors west of H. Smith's blacksmith shop, In what Is known as the Gallatin property. Mu CONSULTATION FREE. Bloomfleld, May 4, 1880. G raniTboulevard hotel, Corner SOtli St. and Broadway, JVEW YOltK. On Both American & European Flans. Fronting on Central Park, the Grand Boule vard, Broadway and Fifty-Ninth Street, this Ho tel occupies the entire square, and was built and furnished at an expense of over ll'KJ.UuO. It Is one of the most elegant as well as fluent located In the city ; lias a passenger Elevator and all modern improvements, and is within one square of the depots of the Sixth and Eighth Avenue Klevaled it. K. Cars and still nearer to the Broad way cars convenient and accessible from all parts of the oity. Rooms with board, 82 per day. bpeulal rates for families and oeriuauent guests. Aug.21. 'o0 ly JE. HASKELL,, Proprietor. REIWN ANTS of PRINTH-of these we have a Urge quantity in good styles. Iu addition to the above goods we have a nice assortment of Ladles Neckties, Corsets, German town Vain, Zephyrs, Shoes lor Ladies aud Chil dren, and thousands of other articles. F. MORTIMER, ' New Bloomlleld, Pa. Our Stock of NEW GOODS for Men's Wear Is complete.-. Pi'icegfroml2!4 oentsup. V. MORTIMER. New Bleomueld. P Philadelphia Advertisements. Heady Mixed Paints ! jUCAS' READY MIXED TAINTS ! NOWATER.NO CHEMICALS, NO BENZINE, BUT A PURE Olli IMIJfT, READY FOR USE. Snmplo Cards. 80 BEAUTIFUL SHADES OF .FAIXT BENT BY MAIL. ITI3 PUT ON LIKE OTnKR PAINT. MADE WITH LEAD ANDOIL, VIZ: NICELX BRUSHED OUT. NOT FLOWED ON LIKE WATER PAINT TRY IT, And I mi Will Prove It to be the Best Liquid Faint lu the Market. JOHN LUCAS & CO., Philadelphia, MANUFACTURERS OF Swiss and Imperial French Green, WHITE LEAD, COLORS, VAltNISIIES, &c 15?" For Sample Cards apply to F. Morti mer! New Bloomlleld, Pa., or to John Lucas & Co., Philadelphia. EIGLER & SWEARINGEN' Successors to 8HAFFNEH, ZIEGLER & CO.. Importers and Dealers In Hosiery, tiloves, Elibbous, Suspendera, THREADS, COMBS, and every variety ol TRIMMINGS & FANCY GOODS, No. 36, North Fourth Street. PHILADELPHIA , PENN'A Agent 8 for Lancaster Combs. w. H. KENNEDY WITH TRIMBLE, BRITTON & Co., WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. 505 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA. 7 1 gowER, pons & CO., E00ZSELLE3S. STATIONERS, And Dealers in CURTAIN & WALL-PAPERS. ItLAXK BOOKS Always on band, and madeto Order. N os. 630 Market and 623 Minor Streets PHILADELPHIA, PA ALSO .Publishers of Sanders 'New Readers, and Brooks'Arithmetlcs. Also, Robert's Historvof the UnltedStates.Felton'sOutllne Maps, So. JLOYD, SUPPLEE & WALTON WHOLESALE HARDWARE HOUSE No. 625 Market Street. Philadelphia, Penn'a. JANNEY & ANDREWS WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. 188 MARKET ST., Philadelphia. QRAYBILL & CO., Wholesale Detlersl n Oil Cloths, Carpets, Shades, Brooms, Carpet Chain, Wadding, Batting, Twines, frc, And a nneassortmentot WOOD and AVILL0W WARE, Mo, 120 Market street, above t PHILADELPHIA, i Philadelphia AdverMsonicntH. aIuFeTmerger WITH HIKUf.i:, KCOTT A :., W'HOLKHALK DEALKI19 IX Dry Goods, Carpets, Oil.. CLOTHS, Co(oiiV Woolen laaiu,&. No. 833 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Merchants wishing to select from as large a stock as can tn round In tint city, and ut tho LOWKST (JAHil pitiuES, should givo me a call, August 31, " VVAINWIIIGHT & CO. VHOLESALE GROCERS AND TEA DEALERS, North East Corner ot 2nd and Arch Street, Philadelphia Penn'a. J S. DOUGHERTY WITU D. J. HOAIt & CO., WDOLBSALB BOOT AND SHOE WAREHOUSE, U1U MAltKKX HTKEDT, Philadelphia, Penn'a. H ALL, SHENK & CO., 405 & 407 Market Street, Ihilailclilitu, (Old Stand of Barcrolt &Co.,) WHOLESALE DEALERS I1Y GOODS, January 1 1881. Medicated extract ol ,ii vir am xn:i:r. CURES Consumption. Diabetes, ItrlRht's Plsease, Epilepsy.tst. Vitus' s Uanco, Scrofula, If destruc tion is not carried too far, and builds up constitu tions ruined by excesses of wnatever naturn. Take It and add your testimonial tothethousunds already obtained, For sale by all druggists. Price, $1.00. D it. K. 757 LUICS' GERMAN ANTI-BILIOUS POWDER IS a radical cure for Sick and Dull Ileadace, Biliousness, Habitual Constipation. Plies, Palpi tation of the Heait. Impurities of the Blood, as Pimples. Dingy Skin, Drowsiness. &c. It Is a mild purgative anaadnpted to the most delicate con stitutions. For sale by all druggists. Price 50 etc. moracs malt farina. The best food for Infants and the most nutri tious diet for Invalids. Contains all the muscle and bone making elements of wheat, barley and beef. Never deranges the stomach, is easily di gested and does not change In any climate. For sale by all druggists. Price, 60 cents. DR. E. C. LUK8' German Soothing Remedy. A perfect harmless and very effective Syrup, of pleasant taste, for all painful affections of Infants and children proceding aud accompanying the processor dentition. Do not let your darlings suffer but procure a bottle at once. For sale by all druggists, Price, 25cts. May 23, '80, ly. DRUGS. DRUGS. JACOB STRICKLER, . (Successor to Dr. M. B. Strlckler) PHARMACIST, NEW BL00MFIELD, PENN'A. HAVING succeeded the late firm of Dr. M. B. Strlckler in the Drug Business at his Store-room, on MAIN 8THEKT, two doors East of the Big Spring, I will endeavor to make it lu every way worthy the patronage of the public. Personal and strict attention AT ALL TIMES given to the compounding and dispensing Physi cians' presciptions, so as to insure accuracy aud guard against accidents. that my stock has been recently selected and care taken to have everything of the BEST QUALI TY. The public may rest assured that ALL med icines that leave my store shall be as represented -PUKE and UNADULTEUATED. I HAYfc CONSTANTLY ON HAND HAIH OIL and POMADES HAIft, TOOTH and NAIL-BRUSHES. SUitGEONS. TOILET, aud OAEKIAHE 8HONGKS, PUFF BOXES. TOILET POWDERS, CASTILE and FANCY SOAPS PERFUMERY OF ALL KINDS, Together with Fresh and Genuine Patent Medi cines of every description. ALSO, Segars, Tobacco, School Books, &c. ORANGES, LEMONS & BANANAS, In season. Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal Purposes. Termii, Btriotly Gash. By strict attention to business. I hope to merl the conhdenoe aud favor of the public. JACOB 8TBI0KLEB, Ph. O. Aprll29,1879. im mm e. nmm. OP LYNN, MASS. ni f i :. ' . iX. ' .J.-. si DiBcovunnn or VFGSTAEL'B COMPOUND: . Th PnqtiVf Cure ' For all Fomalo Complaints. Th!nprcfrfttlon, tut it tiamn frffnlflr, cnrisl"t of Votjotablo Proiicrtlefl that aro harnilcRi to the tnoKt del teato invalid. Upon ono trial tho merits of thlg Com pound will bo recognised, anrollcf li ImmtMJIato ; and when itA useliooutlnuod, In ninety-nine ciuri In & htin. tlmltanvnnanentovralfleacctealaBthouMin(U will tcs ' ti fy. Oa account of ita proven merits, it la today ro commendod and protcribed by the bent physicians in the country. It will euro entirely tho woret form of falling of tho uteres, LeucorvlHro, irrrjpilar and painful McnstniatlontaUOvarianTrouhIc, Inflammation and Laceration, Hooding all Dlrplaxwincnts and tho con sequent spinal weakness, and is especially adapted to the Change of Life. It will dhuolvo and expel tumors thoutcrusinan early starfo of development, Tho tendency to cancerous hmcors lucre la checked very siwcdily by Its ubo, la f;ict it has proved ts bo the (rredt put and best roniedy thtt bus over been discover cd. 'It permeates ovcry portion of the system, end g;vci new life and vior. It rcmovej f.iintncm,, de stroys nil craving Cor stimulants, and mllatua ircoka'. : of tho stomach It cures Bloating, Ileadaclica, Nervous rrcsirntlon, General Debility, Blccplcssiicus, Depression and Iiull Itowtlon. Tliatfoelintf of bearlarjOov.-n, cruising pain, weight and baricaebe, io alwaTo ixrncauontly cured t Its use. It willnt all tlmos, and uadcraU clrcumBtau ccs, act In harmony with to law Uiat poverns tho female nystcm. For lCldiic j Complaints of either sex tills compound is unsurpassed. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Is prepared at 23 and 233 Western Avenue, Lynn, 5!ari. Price 1.00, 812 bottles for $j.O0. Bout by tuuil In the form of pills, also in tlio form ofLozcnjrca, on receipt of price, Ol-OO Per box, for either. Mia. FINUIIAX freely answers all letters of inquiry. Bond for p0-1 phlfct. Address as above Stent inn this palter. No family should be without LTD I A E, riNKHAM UVrU PILLS. They euro Constipation. DUiousncra ud Torpidity of the Liver, 23 cents por Los. 0. A. KELLY& CO., Oonnral Apentg, PlUMburph. Pit. Also (or siile by Jacub strlck ler, New lilorinileld, Pa. 27uly Profitabla Reading for Everybody Justness men U women, teachers, mechanics,. farmers, ministers, mot Kent, and all who arc lirci'. 'out by the constant toil and worry of your work ! ,tlon t drink lntnxicatuifbirter, but iv e , t Are you suliunug iiuia Uysuunsia! Khcuma tism. Neuralgia, or with Eowcf, Kidney or Liver, compminn, you can ne cured ny tiinff If you are wasting away with Consumption,! Female Weakness or any sickness ; if you have a 1 ihih c"ii"n urnin, v"ii win una sure rrrii It you are eniccbluu by disease, ago orditbi- pation. and your system needs invigorating, or. if you have pimples and blotches, and your blood needs purifying, you cm nlwavH rinnrl on ' .Made iruiu dinner, Uuchut Mandrake, otilltn a n f 1 r. I Vl r nf I ho tutsr tTifr1irinna Lnnwm it it, !ihe Bast Health & 6trennt!t Restorer tver' Used far superior to Hitter, Essences of Gin-1 i;er and otner ionics, as it novcr intoxicates, '.ind combines tha bc-t curative nronerlie of nil It lias SaTcd lluudrpds of Lives J It Hay! hava lours. , Buy a ;oc. bottle of your druggist, and to avoulj -oountertens uo sure our R:gnatu: is o?i the out '.ide wrapper. Hirny A Co., ("Unnists, N. Y A j-aaa--.. ' t - - -fi i Br si Winfhaw Parker's Hair Balsam. VZsS: The Best A Host Kcononilcal Hair Dressing Containing only ingredients that are beneficial to the hair and scalp, the Hals am will be found far more satisfactory than any other preparation. It Never Falls ta KostoreOray or Faded llatr to the original youthful color and is warranted to riinuve dandruff, prevent baldness anil promote a growth of young hair. Sold by drug-gist at 50 cU, 29 d ly Ben j. F. Grafton. Stout B. Ladd, Halheht E. Painb. Late Commissioner 0 Patents- PATENTS. PAINE, GRAFTON & LADD, Attorneys-at-Law and Solicitor! of American and Foreign Patents. . No. 412 Fifth Street, Wnsliing'tOM, I. C. Practice Patent taw In all Its branches In the Patent Olllco, and in the Supreme and Circuit Courts of the United States. Pamphlet sent free on receipt of stamp for postage. . . Sj A Lecture to Young Men On the Xohs ot . MM A LECTUKK ON TUB NATUitK. TKKAT- ment, aud Kail leal cure of Seminal Weakness, or Hpernitttorrhua, Induced by Self Abuse, Involun tary Kmmlssions, ImpotencT, Nervous Debility, and Impediments to marriage generally; Con sumption, Kpilepsy, and Fits; Mental and Phys ical Incapacity, etc. by KOHKliT J. CULVliK WELL, M. D.. author of the "tireen Book." etc. The world-renowned author, lu this admirable Lecture, clearly proves from Ills own experience that the awlul ennsequences of Helf-Abube may be effectually reinuved without dangerous sur gical operations, bougie, Instruments, rlnns, or cordials; pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and effectual, by which every sufferer, no matter what his condition niav be. may cure him self cheaply, privately and radically. V This Lecture will prove a boon to thou sands and thousands. fent under seal. In a plain envelope, to anv ad dress, ou receipt of six eeut.i or two postage stain p8. Address the Publisher. THE CULVEKWELL MEDICAL CO., 40ply 1 Ann Bt., Mew York; P.O. Box, 1688. A FULL ASSORTMENT OF HARDWARE, IRON & STEEL WILIi BE FOUND AT OUR NEW STORE-ROOM. F. MOJITJMEJt, New Bloomfleld. t SjrFlIea work from Bun to unr but the mosquito's work Ih never done. . tSTlt Is pitiful to see a bald-headed man hunting for the parting on his head while he Blugn " There's no place like comb." KTA young fellow recently remark ed that his girl certainly had a pretty foot, but It didn't make half so much Imprecision on him as the old man's. J"The of the Yonkers girls of the . are email, tapering and beautifully nhaped ; her 11 as brilliant as , and she is without ; her frown li a f,and her fig ure excites 111 of surprise and a hanker ing her. , C3f A gentleman was complaining on 'change that he had invested a rather large sum of money In Wall street and lost it all. A eymathi'.ing friend asked him whether he had been a bull or a bear. To which he replied, "Neither, I was a Jackass !" tyA chap who was too lazy to work and who has a sick wife, was heard lately to rejoice lu the latter fact. It's apiece of good luck, he declared; " I live like a fighting cock. The sym pathizing neighbors send In all kinds of delicacies, and Jennie is too sick to eat anything, so I collar them." "A lecturer once prefaced his dis course upon the rhinoceros with "I must beg you to give me your undivid ed attention. Indeed, It is impossible that you can form a true idea of the hideous animal of which we are about speak unless you keep your eyes fixed on me. - rlle stood with his back against the front door of the street car. Every one else had a seat, and he anxiously watch ed each face for smyptoms of getting out for over three miles. It grew wearisome, and he finally shifted his weight from one foot to the other aud exclaimed : " By me soul I have none o' y'ees any home to go to V" 63"" Bee here," said a fault-finding husband to his wife, " we must have things arranged in this house bo that we shall know just where every thing is kept." " With all my heart," she sweetly an swered, " let us begin with your late hours, my love; I should dearly like to know where they are kept." He lets things run on as usual. Wanted a Mover. Two young ladles entered a drug store recently, and going up to the bashful clerk, one of them said : "I want a mover V" The clerk looked non-plussed, grew red in the face, and commenced rum maging drawers, looking for the article of the euphonious name. He caught tho eye of the proprietor, who was winking and nodding at a terrible rate behind his desk. Taking this cue the clerk brought forth a box of pills, and with streaks of crimson chasing each other over his face, he said : " Here they are ma'am." ' The lady looked up and seeing the article replied ; " Oh, I don't need any pills ; I want a fine-tooth comb." The clerk was carried home on a shutter. A Comical Text. Many doubtless remember the style which obtained among ladles some years of gathering their hair together and piling it in a stationary mound on the upper portion of the head by the aid of sundry little steel instruments. While this fashion was in vogue, an orthodox clergyman of a certain village regarding it as an abomination, was determined to use his influence against it and " preach it down." Accordingly, one Sabbath morning, he mounted bis pulpit and gave out his text, " Top-knot come down ;" and in short the congregation were much "exercised," because the worthy pastor had preached from a text not to be found in the Scriptures. On Tuesday they called him before a convocation of the saints for the purpose of making a formal charge against him from his cure. The charge was made, and he was asked if he bad aught to say in reply, lie mildly remarked that the text was to be found in the Bible; and that if they would hand him one he would point out its location and read It to them. A Bible wat given him, and he turned slowly to the place and read : " And let those on the house top not comedowu!" A vote of adjournment was theu passed.