THE TIMES, NEW BLOOMFIELl), PA., FEUItUAKY B, 1881. . w f -iv wj icicmuuu pilars HOUSE, FARM AND GARDEN, Wetting Lend Pencils. The act 'of putting a lead peucll to the tongue to wet H Just before writing, which we notice In bo many people, Is one of the oddities for which It Is hard to give any reason unles It began In the days when lead pencils were poorer than now, and continued by example into the next generation. A lead pencil should never be wet. It hardens the lead and ruins the pencil. This fact Is known to newspaper men and stenographers. But nearly every one else does wet a pencil before using It. This fact Is definitely settled by a newspaper clerk away down east. Being of a mathematical turn of mind, he ascertained by actual count that of fifty persons who came into the office to write an advertisement or church notice forty-nine wet a pencil in their mouth before using it. This clerk always uses the best pencils, cherishing a good one with something of the pride a soldier feels In his sword or gun, and it hurt his feelings to have his pencils spoiled. But politeness and business considerations required him to lend pencils scores of times every day. And often after it had been wet until it had been hard and brittle and refused to mark, his feelings would overpower him. Finally he got some cheaper pencils and sharpened them and kept them to lend. ' The first person who took up the stock pencils was a drayman, whose breath smelt of onions and whiskey. He held the point in his mouth and soak ed it for several minutes while he was torturing himself in the effort to write au advertisement for a missing bull dog. Then a sweet-looking young lady came In the office, with kid-gloves that buttoned half the length of her arm. She picked up the same old pencil and pressed to her dainty lips preparatory to writing an advertisement for a lost brace let. The clerk would have stayed her hand, even at the risk of a box of the best pencils Fiber ever catered, but he was too late. And thus that pencil passed from aioutu to mouth for a week. It was eucked by people of all ranks and sta tions, and all degrees of cleanliness and uncleanliness. Surely no one who reads this will ever again wet a lead pencil. tAcldity in the stomach arises most frequently,perhaps, from au undue or Improper fermentation of the food, and is productive of flatulency, purging and indigestion. For its cure absorbent medicines are often used. As much cal cined magnesia as will lie upon a shil ling may be given two or three times a day to a child suffering from this com plaint. From five to twenty drops of spirits of hartshorn according to age on a piece of sugar Is also a favorite domestic remedy for it. Persons suf fering from acidity in the stomach should, of course, avoid piekles, stone fruits, all acid drinks, and fermentable vegetables, such as cabbage, etc. -- CaTThe excursions of bees to collect honey are variously estimated' at from one to three miles each, and they are supposed to make each about ten trips per day. itjrA moderate quantity t of cayenne pepper, mustard or ginger can with great benefit bj added to the food of fowls to increase their vigor and tostlm ulate egg production. tSTAt a recent meeting of the Onon daga Farmers' Club, L. I). Hawley spoke of renovating old pastures by top-dressing with fine manure, and by dragging and re-seeding. Advertising Cheats, It has become bo common to write the beginning of an elegant, interesting arti cle and then run Into some advertise ment that we avoid all such cheats and simply call attention to the merits of Hop Bitters in as plain honest terms as possible, to induce people to give them one trial, as no one who knows their value will, ever use anything else. Providence Advertiser. 5 "t jJ-The highest hopes and interests of the race rest on the, purity, health and strength of womanhood. We take pleasure in referring our readers to the remarkable efficacy of Lydia E. Pluk ham's Vegetable Compound In all that class of diseases from which women suffer so much. q Good Advice. If J QU keep your stomach, liver - and kidneys in perfect working order, you will prevent and cure by far the greater part of the ills that afflict mankind in this or any section. There is no medl. cine known that will do this as quickly or as surely as Parker's Ginger Tonic, which will secure a perfectly natural action of these important organs with out interfering in the least with your daily duties. gee adv. PBS it!"1- ti I pi hl if. , .,. .-.,e . PERRY KENDALL'S SPAVIN CU11E ! THE MOST RUCCK8NFUI, REMEDY EVElt discovered, at It Is certain In Itsetlects and docs not blister. Head I'ruot Ilelow. From Rev. N. P. Granger, Presiding Elder ot the Bt. Albans District. St. Albans, Vt, J;in. 2:Uli, 1880. DR. J. II. KENDALL & CO., Cents: III rcp'v to your letter I will say that my experience with Kendall's Hpavln Cure lias been very satisfactory Indeed. Three or four em s ago I procured a bot tle of your agent, mid with it, cured a horse of lameness caused by Hpaviu. Last season my horse becalue very lame and I turned him out for a few weeks when he became better, but when I put him on the road he grew worse, when 1 dis covered that a riue Iwue was forming. I procured abottleot Kendall's Sisivin Cure, and with less thanahnttln cured li m so that he is not lame, neither cuu the bunch be found. Respectfully yours. P. N. miANUEH. Perseverance Will Tell I Stoughton, Mass., March 10th, 1S80. B.J. Kendall & Co., Kent: In Justice to you and myself, 1 thnk 1 might to let you know that I have removed TWO BllNE HPAV1N8 with Ken dall's ripnvln Cure," one very large one; don't know how lone; the Spavin had been there. I have owned the h M seeiglit months It took me four months to Hike the large one off, and two months fur the small one 1 nave used 10 bottles. The horse Is entirely well, not at all stiff .and no bunch to be seen or tell. This l a wonderful medicine. It is u new tiling hern, but If It does for all what 11 has done for melts sale will be very great. Respectfully ynuis, CIIAH. R. PARKER. Is sure In effects, mild tn Its action as It does not blister, and yet Is penetrating and powerful to reach any deep seated pain or to remove any bony growth or any other enlargement, If used for reveral days, such ns spavins, splints, curbs callous, sprains, swellings, any lameness and all enlargements ot the Joints or limns, or rheuma tism in man and for any purpose for which a lin iment for man or beast. It Is now known to be the best liniment for man ever used, acting mild and yet certain In Its ell eels. It Is used full strength with perfect safety at all seasons of the year. Bend address for Illustrated Circular, which we think nlves positive proof of Its virtues. Mo remedy has ever met with Rtich utiqualitled snc cess, to our knowledge, for beast as well as man. Price tl. per bottle, or Mx bottles fur $o. All Drug gists have It or can get It for you. or It will be Bent to any address on receipt of price bv the propri etors. IMl. B.J. KICNl)ALLiCO Knosbui'K Falls, Vermont. "Kendall's Spavin Cure" Is now Bold by all the leading wholesale druggists and a large number of prominent retail druggists. - K. Moktimeb, New Bloomlleld, agent for Perry Co., 1'a. NOTICE! THE undersigned would respectfully call the attention ol the citizens of Perry county, that he has a large and well delected stock of HARDWARE, GROCKKfES, DUUKM. WINKS LIQUORS, IRON. NAILS, HORSE and MULE SHOES, STKEL. , inON AXLK8, BPRINK3, SPOKES, HUBS, FELLOES. SHAFTS. POLES Ht BOWS, RROOM HANDLES. WIRE. TWINES, &o. A 160, Paints, Oils, Glass, Plaster, and Cement. SOLE, CALF, KIP mid UPPER LEATHER, FISH. SALT. BUO ARH,8YKITP8. TE A8.SPICE8 TOBACCO, CIGARS, and SMITH COAL. John Lucas & Co's.. MIXED PAINTS, (ready for use.) The best is the CHEAPEST. And a large variety of goods not mentioned, allot which were bought at the Lowest Cash Prices, and he offers the same to his Patrons at the Very Lowest Prices for Cash or approved trade. His motto Low prices, and Fair dealings to all. Ko and see him. Respectfully, a. ju. BffULEK, Liverpool, Perry Co. Pa. START LING . DISCOVERY! LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. A viotlm of youthful impnidenoa earning Prema tura Decay, Nervous Debility, Loat Manhood, ek- having tried lu vain every known remedy, has dis covered a simple self oure, which be will send FRKB to his fellow-aunerer. addreaa J. H. BliKVIi. 43 Chatham M.t N. Y. VEGETABLE PAIE3 IMS A PURELY VEGETABLE IlEMEUI 01 IITtMUl AN! IITCRNU DSC, fbr nit the dlwiuon fbr which ft Is recommended, and is always PEJIFECTXY BAKE In tha hands of even the most Inexperienced persons. It U a inn and qntck nmtdf for COUGHS, BOH 13 THIlOAT,CIlILLS, and Similar troubles; tfflinli instant relief In the mort malignant forms of IHPHTHKIWA, ami la the belt known remedy for Rheumatism and Neuralgia. Th Oldest, Beat, and Most Widely Known family Medicine In the World. It hat keen naed with inch wonderful aueceM tn all parts of the world for CRAMP", IIOMmA,mAUniICEA, DYSENTERY, and aU MO WBI., COMPLAINTS that It to considered an unfailing cure for these diseases. Ha stood the test of Forty Years Constant Use In all Countries and Climates. It U RECOMMENDED by Phralelana, Missionaries, Minister, Manager of Plantation., Work-Shape, and Factories, Nnnea In Hospitals in abort by Krerybodr, Brerywhare, who has ever given It a trial. IT IS WITHOUT A RIVAL AS A LINIMENT. It should always be used for Pain In the Back and Blda, ftno brings speedy and permanent relief In all case of Brulaea, Cut. i Spralne, Serere Burn, Scald., etc. Ho family can safely be without it. It will annually Bare many times lu cost in doctors' bills, and Its price brings. it within the reach of all. It is sold at 89c, 80c, and CI pet bottle, and can be obtained from all druggists. DAVIS & SON, Providence, R. I. Proprietors. yALUABLE FARMS AT PRIVATE SALE. THE subscriber offers at Private Bile the fol lowing desirable farms: K0. 1. Is a Farm contalatng Sixty -Eight Acres , All tvmrf lfinrl in a rrtnrl atari nf miTtlvattnti. anrl iii'iiiB turicuii cicjtr;u w GOOD DWELLING HOUSE, And all necessary Out buildings, situate three miles soul h of Itloomlleld and heven miles from Iiiincanuun. There Is on this place plenty of i;iuiice i' run oi an kiikis. goon water at ine anor, with running water in nearlyevery Ueld. Price, $4 800. Terms easy. NO. 2. Is a farm situate in Wheattield twp., containing auoiu nr aches, having thereon erected a J00I DWELLING HOUSE, with all remiired Out-bulldlngs, the llrn being entirely new. '1 his farm Is situate about sli miles iroin iiiincarnon and lour miles Horn uioomiieia. There is good water near the ilooi , plenty of streams on the land, a flrood Annie Orehnrd. and other fruit, and will make a desirable home. Price $2,8M). Terms easy. NO. 8. In a MILL VIIOFERTY, situate near Rhermansdale. on Sherman's Creek. The MILL and Machinery Is In excellent order, wllh a good SAW MILL mid a good CIDI.K MILL attached, and Is nne of the best stands In the Coiiiiiv. with a n'Kid run of custom. There is also SEVEN ACRES of land with a flood Dwell- Ilia thereon, tn he sold with the Mill, and more land can he had If desired. Price S'l.MKl. A large part of the purchase money can remain on moit vage. NO. 4. Is a Farm situate In Carroll township, about two miles from Shermnnsdala, containing about One Hundred Acres, having thereon erected a Good Ihn-IUntr, nnd oilier Ont bnllrliriRR, A well of good water at the house and another at the Hani. There is considerable irult on the premises, and the land Is good and well watered, l'rico, 3.(hhi. and payments cun be arranged to suit purchaser. NO. 5. Is a FARM situate In Carroll township, about two miles from Sliermansdale, containing hoventy AcrcH, of good land, and having thereon a GOOD DWELLING, and other Out buildings. There Is a good spring near the house, and the Farm Is well watered. There Is also a flood Or. chard In bearing condition; this will make a de sirable home. Price, $l,(tiu. NO. 0. Is a FARM situate In Carroll tnwnshln. about eight miles from Duncanuou and live miles from Jbloomneid. containing 160 ACRES OF LAND. The place has thereon erroted a Good Dwelling House, a New Bam, and other Out buildings. There is also a splendid Orchard on the place. The land is good, about one-half being under cultivation and the balance well timbered. A good spring Is near the door with a good spring house, and the place Is weU watered. Price, IZ,8(X). Terms to suit purchaser. NO. 7. A TRACT OF LAND containing BIXTEEN ACHES, (half cleared) having thereon erected a GOOD TWO STOKY PLANK HOUSE. In good order. This property is located 2 miles south of Bloomlleld. and lia.4 on it plenty of FRUIT of all kinds, and will make a very desirable home a pivt.y wanting a small tract ul laud. There Is a running stream of water near the house and a well of good water rlose to theVloor. Price tlUOO, half to becash and tho balance in two equal an nual payments. - For further Information address the under" signed at New Uloomtle.ld. Perry count. v, Pa., or call at his residence three miles south ot Bloom lleld. ' C. B. HABNISH. August 17, 1880. AGENTS WANTEDrCiS ord of the Achievements of STANLEY in AFRICA. The developments by Stanley In the Dark Contiiieiil, his remnrkable d scoverles and won. deriul descent oi KMXj miles of the Congo River, Shooting Rsplds and Caiaracls. amidst the most dlllluult and thrilling situations, Daring Adven tures with Wild Beasts and no If ss Wild Savages, has no parallel In the annals of explorations. It Is more fascinating than Romance cental nsover 70" pages, and many striking Illustration. Send for Circulars and terms and secure Terri tory at once, for tins, the moit Interesting and populur book of the day. WM. FLINT. 8 Philadelphia, Fa. E9.'f ATK NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that letters testamentary on the estate of Susan Rice, late of Madison township, Perry oounty. Fa., deceased, have been granted to the undersigned resirilns In Mmnim. iV.,,.i,in All pei sous Indebted to said estate are request ed to make Immediate payment and those having claims will present thein duly authenticated for ,o, . BARAH RICE. Jamar jl8,1881-6t . Kxecutiix. Newport Adrertisements. N EWPORT DRUGSTORE. Having on hand a complete assortment of the fol lowing articles, the snbicriber asks a shareof year patronage. , , , Drugs and Medicine, CHEMICALS OF ALL KINDS, : Also a full itoo of Concentrated Itomedies, , ESSENTIAL OILS, H rushes, rorfumery HAIR OIL, AND FANCY ARTICLES. Also always on Hand PURE WINES & LIQUOR FOB MEDICINAL and SACRAMENTAL . PURPOSES 5j g; 3 PHYSICIANS ORDERS Carefully and Promptly Filled B . M . EBY, Newport, Penn'a. R. S. COOK & CO., Agree to sell all kinds of LUMBER AND SHINGLES, tor LESS MONEY than any other dealersln this county. We will also take good Tlmberon the stump or delivered at our Mill In exchange for Lumber, &e, We use Clearfield Pine and Uem ockouly. W. B. S. COOK & CO., Newport, Perry Co., Pa October 10, 1876. JONES' BROS, & CO., (Formerly John Jones & Son,) Grain 8c Produce MERCHANTS, Briek Warehouse, Front St., above Market, Newport, Perry Comity, Pa. WE would respectfully Invite the patronage of the farmers, and the publio generally, as the HIGHEST PRICES the market will afford, win ue paiuiuraiiKiuusox GRAIN, FLOUR, e PRODUCE BEEDS AMD BAILROAD TIES We have constantly on hand, PI8H, SALT, - PLASTER, CEMENT COAL, IBON, 8TEEL, HORSE SHOEa.&c.&O. FOR 8ALB AT THE LOWHSX RATES. ta. Orders promptly filled, Newport, July 20, 1876 tf J B. HARTZELL, Wholesale Tobacco Dealer, Wright's Building, 3TEWPORT, PA. Sole Agent (or Lorllard's Superior Tobaoeos, Country Merohauta supplied with Goods ai x-niiaoeipuia prices. Tonr orders are solicited. 9 44 g HIMES, Fire Insurance Agent. OFFICE: Sooth East Corner Market Square, NEWPORT, PENN'A. FIRE INSURANCE POLICIES written In first class companies on all kinds of Insurable proper ty, at fair rates, and losses honorably adjusted ana promptly paia. vorrespouaence soncuea. Companies Represented t .ACtna. of Hartford, Assets, 18,700,000. Commercial Union, " 1,494.000. Fire Association, rnira., 3,778,000, B. HIMES, Agent. March 11. 1880 ly T719TATE NOTICK. Nottcela herebverlv. JJJ en that Letters of Administration on the estate of Robert Orr, dee'd., late of Savllle town ship, Perry county. Pa., have been granted fo- tiane urr, oi saia lownsnip. All persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims to present them duly authenticated for settlement to JANE ORR. Adm'x. Z Not. 16, 188a , 0. J. T. M'lntlre, att'y. '0 iri) 1 h Don't you want some cheap goods for Pants and emits T Li li you ao, aon't iau to ex amine the splendid assortment for sale by F MUKXi&iKit. x on eaa auityou rseinn styie ana price. BOOKS! BOOKS I Gift Hooks, Children's Hooks, Blank Hooks, School Hooks, Hies'! Testaments! And all Kinds of Books AT HEAC1TS Book & Drug Store. Stationery at Wholesale or Eetail ST Subscriptions taken for all News, papers and MagAzlnes. E. C. BEACH, Newport, Penn'a. November 18, 1879 AUCTIONEERS. AS. P. LATCH FORD, A UCTIONEEX, Would respectfully Inform the public that he will cry sales at reasonable prices. All orders will receive prompt attention. -DONN ALLY'S MILLS. PERRY CO., PA. TAMES CLEELAND U Auctioneer, OITershls services to the citizens of Terry and Cumberland counties. Post odice address, Sliermansdale, Perry co.. Tn. D.HENRY, AUCTIONEER. Blaln, Perry connty Pa. "Terms Moderate and every exertion nit'i to render satisfaction. oil Auctioneer. The undersigned given notice that he will cry sales at any point In Perry or Dauphin counties. Orders are solicited ar.o promptatteationwillbe Riven. E. 1). WELLS, New Buffalo Perry co.. l a Q B. HARNISH, ATJCTIOISEICIJ , Pelvllle, Perry Co., Pa. Charges moderate, and satisfaction guaranteed. 6 tf TNAVin MTflV J-rx V il 111 LV 1 , AUCTIONEElt, ICKESBORO, PERRY COUNTY. PA. S. Charges moderate. Prompt attention Laid to ail calls. AUCXIONEBlt. The undersigned gives notice that he will ciy sales at a it asci,abie late. Satisfaction guaranteed. A. Address , , THOS BUTCH. Jr., Nov. 18, '78 New Biotmneld, Pa. P P. HOOVER, ATJCTIONEEM. Attention given to sales, and sntlsfactlon ei;ar auteed. Prices low. Call on oraddiess F. P. HOOVKU, ,- Klllottsburg, Ta. Augustl 2, 1879. H ENIIY KELL, AUCTIONER, Wnntfl reandi.tfn11v Ut... , . i.A .... ! r. County that he will cry f-ales at shoit i otlce. and at reasonable rates. Satisfaction guaianted. Address Henry Ksli, Ickesburg, I'a. H OME MANUFACTURE. LOOK OUT! Iwonldrenpectlvel Inform myfrlendstbat 1 a. tendealling upon them with a supply of good ofmjr . , . OWN MANUFACTURE. Consisting of CASSIMEBS, . i OAS3INETS, 1 ' FLANNELS, (Flalnandbar'tf; CARPETS, Ac, to exchange for wool or sell for cash. J.M.BIXLEJt. CithWooi.bFactort. ,17, KENDALL'S SPATIN CURE. U Is sure to cure Spavins. Ppllnts Curb. fte. It removes all nnnatural eniargemenis. J Hies not blister. lias no equal (or any lameness on beast or man. It lias cured hlp-lolnt lame ness in a person who bad suffered 15 years. Al.nocured rheumatism mm. frost bites. or any bruises, eut or lameness, it has no equal for blemish on horses. Send for Il lustrated circular giving, positive proof. Price one dollar. All Prupglsts I ave It or can get for you. Dr. R. J. Kendall & Co., Pros.,Enosburgh, Falls, Vermont. HARRIS & EWINO, Agents. . Pittsburgh. Pa. JJLOOMF1ELD ACADEMY. The next regular session of this institution be gins MOKDA r, September tiWt, 1k8. Fill preparation. Classical or otherwise. Is glv en foi any Collesre Male or Female either for Freshmau or Hophomore year. A thorough course Is provided for teachers, and the option is given for selecting one or two of the higher studies. Music, Drawing and Painting. Philosophical and chemical apparatus for the tudy ot the Natural Sciences. Literary Society Library. Students are at an times nnder the supervision of the Prlnelpaband their progress and conduct noted on their weekly reports. Boarding, If paid lu advance, 12. SO per week, othcrwt'e. 12.75. Tuitlou from 50 cents to ll. nu per week In advance. For further Information address J. R. FI.1CKINUEU. A. B , Principal, or Wm. Grikk. Proprietor. . , , . New BlooniUeW. Perry Co. , Pa . August 10,1880. m