The New Bloomfield, Pa. times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1877-188?, February 08, 1881, Page 2, Image 2

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Paul Webber, The Detective.
" TK I could only
known how
1 tuunh imln the reference
to the
urliiie with which this knife Is rsbooI
nteil wouhl have cot you, believe me,
I could not have been KHty of the
Webber BtnppiM In the midst of the
apology, and asked, In the most natural
voice In the world, "And how did you
get out of the difficulty V"
" lu proving absolutely," replied HI
vory, "that I could not be the guilty
man If man It was."
" Hut how happened It that the police
suspected you V"
" I admit their suspicions were very
natural. I was known to have quarrel
led with Ctruhain some time before his
death, and to have owed him mouey
upon the day previous to his murder."
"How fearful," replied Webber. "And
If it only happened that you should be
assassinated this very night, I should be
suspected of the crime, simply because I
had passed the evening with you."
" Certaluly ; and I think If the police
did not llnd a more suspicious character,
that you yourself would certainly be
arrested. I warn you, while you are in
London, to be as careful as you can be."
Ttv this time Sivorv had trained his'
" The law is so uncertain," replied the
police officer.
"Not, perhaps, so much as you thluk
it," replied Slvory. " It simply does its
duty, and that is the worst that can be
said of it. And, certaiuly, if a man is
innocent, sooner or later lie obtains his
release. Nevertheless, the afi'alr caused
me much suffering, and you have torn
open a wound which had scarcely heal
ed." Kivory was now speaking with ealm
mms. Suddenly he stretched his hand,
seized the knife,and examined it steadily
for many momeuts.
"80 it was with this blade he was
killed I" he said, at last. " Poor fellow !
He was not my friend, and, indeed we
had a serious money-quarrel. He was
very severe with me, but I owed him no
grudge; and when I heard he had been
assassinated, I pitied him with my
whole heart. He was young, rich,
healthy, aud in a moment he was torn
from all a movement of a murderer's
arm, and he was dead 1 If the man who
struck him so fatally had known what I
learned when I came to be involved in
the affair that he loved aud waB belov
ed that he was hourly expecting his
bride his arm must have trembled, and
Graham Forbes had not died. Poor
fellow I and poor brido as well 1"
Tears were rolling down his face as he
ceased speaking.
At this instant, Margaret, who so far
had found courage sufficient to restrain
her feelings, and who had suffered very
much during the day in anticipation of
the final test of Sivory's Innocence or
guilt, burst into hysterical tears.
Webber's first instinct was to run to
Margaret, and whisper to her to be still
on her guard. But the next instant he
felt that it was of more paramount im
portance that he should still faceBivory.
Bo, turning to his guest, " It's our
fault," he said, affecting brusque anger.
' Here, for the lust hour, have we been
talking of nothing but murderers and
assassinations. You broke down first,
while I was foolish enough to be moved
myself, instead of turning the subject ;
and finally my sister is overpowered."
Slvory made no reply. He was watch
ing Margaret weep. But he made no
effort whatever to go near her.
"Come come," continued Webber,
seeing that it was necessary to do some
thing, and break up the party ; " I think
that we should do well to get home,
making a mutual promise to be livelier
the next time we meet."
Thereupon lie rang the bell, asked for
a cab, and two minutes afterwards
rilvory was alone, and slowly walking
down Regent Street towards the Albany.
The detective did not address one
word to Margaret as they drove home.
Beaching her lodgings, he saw her
safely to the door, where, Ellen Fother
iugay appearing, he told her to look
carefully after her cousin, and then he
walked quickly away.
He had sought no explanation with
Margaret, for the simple reason that
there was no explanation to seek.
What proof did he possess of Sivory's
supposed guilt ? He had hoped to create
a great eff ect by the production of the
knife, and he bad succeeded In produc
ing emotion on Sivory's part, but not of
the kind he hoped. Slvory had not
only turned pale and trembled; he had
wept be bad shown all the signs of
deep, real grief. But his emotion was
not that of guilt. It was the demonstra
tion of pity and sorrow.
Webber was really-caught in his own
net. He had Indulged himself in getting
up an elaborate drama, and (he only
results he had gained were apparently
to prove Ills adversary innocent to
soften his heart and bring out the beet
side of his character.
Making these reflections, he turned
his footsteps, not to the "Westminster,"
but to the attic lodgings in which gener
ally lie lived, and where he was known
as the strange gentleman who was so
odd, but who paid his rent regularly.
" Qood gracious, sir I" said his land
lady, as she opened the door; "and is it
indeed you, Mr. Webber?"
" I've been in the country," he said.
" Has any one called f or are there any
"No one has called, sir ; and only this
one letter lias come, and I have kept it
in my pocket."
He took the letter, and without a
word further went up stairs.
Iteachlug his room, Webber struck a
light, aud, opened the letter. It was
from the Scotland Yard OH'ce, and read
as follows :
"Dear Sin: How is it you have
"Vent In no report during the last month?
As a rule, you are not to be reproached
on this score. Call here ; you are want
ed to give information concerning one
Langley, an escaped convict, and his
wife, called commonly, Sunllower. See
to this. Yours truly,
"C. Laiiellamy."
"I'll go early In the morning," ho
thought; "and now let me see whether
I can get at least two or three hours
sleep. I fear not."
Webber's first visit was to Scotland
Yard, where he had an interview with
his superintendent, and afforded all the
information he could give concerning
the escaped convict, Langley.
This done, and saying as little as pos
sible about the Taggart's Inn mystery,
he returned to the "Westminster."
However, he had asked himself whether
lie should or should not abandon pro
ceedings against Mr. Slvory, urging
upon himself that cither the man was
too clever to be caught, or that he must
be innocent.
Restrained by self-love, or by a senti
ment of an opposite character, he could
not make up his . mind to sever the
relations between himself and Margaret,
and finally he determined to play tlie
part of the Anglo-llomuii gentleman for
yet a short time longer. But he became
in a few hours only the shadow of the
personage he had so well played. Ills
toilet, which had hitherto been careful,
was now equally careless. When the
hotel servants called him Mr. Vail, he
would start as though amazed at the
Now and again, the servants would
bear him walking up and down his
room. And if they had listened, they
would at intervals, have heard such
utterances as these : " Fool 1 fool I why
did you ever leave your peaceful old
garret? Why did you want to try
fashionable life ? See what it has come
to mark what you have become 1 You
encouraged your heart to beat, and it
took advantage of the permission, and it
does beat ! Yes, it beats, and beats, and
may be it will beat and break."
Then he would hurriedly leave the
hotel ; or, if he happened to be out when
this strange fit was upon him, he would
walk quickly in the direction of Bird
cage Wal.
But he never knocked at the door of
the house where Margaret still kept the
apartments, although the intention with
which they were taken apparently had
ceased to exist.
Beaching the house, he would stop;
and once more he would begin thinking
"Why see her? What shall I learn
if I pass the threshold? That he is
near her. I know it I know only too
well. What can I do? I must wait
now wait in silence, without showing
myself, and not disturb them. This
this is the one means left me of worm
ing out the truth to wait ; this Is the
plank which saves me from death a
thin, rotten plank ; audi tremble as I
walk on it."
Upon ope especial day, however, he
did not hesitate. He opened the garden
gate with his private key, unlatched the
door leading to the house, crept up
stairs, slid noiselessly by the landing
window into the conservatory; then,
stooping and crawling forward amongst
the plants, he could see into the back
drawing-room, in which he knew she
always sat.
An hour afterwards he crept away as
he came, aud no one in the house was
the wiser for bis visit.
What did he hear aud see ? Nothing,
assuredly, which pleased him , for, after
this visit he was much broken and
depressed, as they noted at the police-
station, where he presented himself
about two hours after he had slunk from
the house.
" Hullo, Webber 1" said an officer, as
he came in ; ''you're Just the very man
we were wanting. Our people have
Heard something about that chap Lang
ley. Qoin; the governor is talking
with the Inspector about the business
this very Identical moment."
As Webber entered the superintend
ent's room, ho heard the following dia
logue between the superintendent and
the inspector :
"Then," said the Inspector, "you
really do attach Importance to the In
formation given by this woman?"
" Certainly, I do ; for It is her Interest
to tell the truth."
"According to her statement he will
be in Ewer street this very night."
" It Is more than probable."
" Then he can be arrested to-morrow
morning without any trouble." '
"Not without trouble, sir. There is
not a man in my division would hesi
tate to follow me , but It is my duty to
warn you that it will be a dangerous
job. Langley Is no lamb. He has
broken jail twice. He Is the strongest
man in England, I verily believe; and
the police are Informed that he always
sleeps with loaded pistols under his
pillow. The first officer who tries to
take him is u dead man."
" That is, if he does not know how to
manage," here said Webber, who was
standing at the door.
The superintendent and inspector turn
ed their eyes upon Webber.
"I should like to see you trying to
manage him, Webber," snld the Inspec
tor. " It will be easy enough to see me if
you follow me, sluce I hope to get the
authorization to arrest this man without
help, aud by myself alone."
" Who are you, then ?" asked the
superintendent, looking cloBely at Web
ber, perhaps Willi the fancy that he was
And this question arises " Was he,
in his despair, desirous of placing him
self in the way of being killed ?"
" I am Detective Wbber," he replied,
"and I have been employed In the Tag
gart's Inn affair."
"Hal to be sure; and wo have been
wondering here, how it is that we have
ecelved no reports lately concerning
I hut mysterious business. What is there
now to report ?"
" I have no report to make. I am
still on the watch, and very eagerly ou
the watch, I do assure you."
" Right 1 we know you to be a good
officer, aud we count upon you. To
come back to the convict Langley, do
you really propose to arrest him yourself
and without assistance?"
" Myself, and without assistance."
" But you can kuow nothing of the
man, in question, or you would never
make such an oiler."
" There, sir, is where you are deceived.
I have already had Langley under my
management; it was after he first broke
prison. He was audacious enough to
come down to the station where I was
then employed, aud ask for a woman
who was in custody for pawning some
work, and who I afterwards found out
was Langley's wife. I suspected him
at once, had him followed, and finally
he was arrested and sent back to Port
land, where he managed to break prison
" Since you know him so well," con
tinued the superintendent, " I am aston
ished that you fear him so little. You
remember, of course, that he is almost a
" Yes ; but I recall a certain victory
obtained over a giant by a very small
warrior," and I am not at all afraid."
"And do you really dare, the attempt
to arrest him unassisted?"
" I do. I offer to arrest the man alone,
and I ask for no help whatever."
" You shall have the order, Webber,
most certainly, and I will give direc
tions that you shall be informed of all
the particulars of the case. One word
more, however. Are you not afraid that
if you take this case of Langley's in
hand, that you may neglect the other
upon which you are engaged the Tag
gart's Inn affair ?"
" No ; two hours will be enough to
settle with this giant Langley. I think
that's all, sir?"
Webber left the superintendent's of
fice. The next morning following the inter
view with the inspector, about seven,.
Webber was ascending the staircase of
the house a common lodging house
the street door of which was always
swinging open, in which the police had
been informed Langly would pass the
night. . .
Beaching the top of the miserable
house, Webber knocked smartly at the
door before him.
" Who's there ?" cried a strong, rough
"A police-officer, who has come to-
arrest you."
" That's a likely tale, that is," replied
the powerful voice. " If you was a offi
cer, you wouldn't say so. But you do,
so you're no officer, not you. Is It
" Yes, it's Tom ; open the door."
" Well, I don't care about turning out
of bed ; but, for a Mend, one must get a
bit chilly. I'll open the door."
Hardly were the bolts of the strong
door drawn, when Webber dashed for
ward, and before his opponent could
turn, he had reached Ilia bed side, and
seized a revolver which lay to hand
upon a chair. i
Then turning to the convict, he said,
"A step more, and it will be your last."
"A thousand deaths, If It Isu't an offi
cer 1" cried the convict.
" I said so, did I not V" asked Webber.
" You've got my pistol, It's true,"
cried Langley, exasperated ; "but my fist
Is my own still, aud I recommend you
not to feel It."
" That I may feel your fist, you must
come near me; and you know better
than to do that."
And his right hand still holding the
pistol on a level with his eyes, as though
he was taking aim at a target. Webber
seated himself quietly upon the warm
bed that Langley had only just quitted.
The convict dared not lake a step for
ward. Ho they looked at each other
the one ready to leap, the other ready
to fire.
Webber was first to speak.
"So you have decided not to swallow
me ? I'm sorry for it, for I should like
to die In an original manner."
"Well mate," replied the convict, "I
do say that you know'd you was handy,
wheii you had pluck enough to come
after me without help."
Here his eyes glistened as he looked
about the room, searching for some
thing with which to attack the officer.
"Ha!" said Webber, "I always did
say that people thought more of you .
than you deserved. What are you look
ing about for your slippers, perhaps?
Well, there they are," he continued,
throwing an old pair of shoes towards
the convict, "I am not a bad sort of
fellow, Langley, If you know me ; and
though I mean to arrest you, it doesn't
follow that I should let you catch cold."
"Thankee I" replied Langley, whose.
habitual coolness was now returning
"A man all'us feels more at home in
shoe-leather tbau out of it ; and, besides,
a man can fight better, which is a warn
ing for you."
"Will you dress altogether? Yes.
Here, catch your things. Ha 1 collar,
waistcoat, coat, &o., &o. Don't be afraid
here they are catch I"
" Well, if you're agreeable, I'm agree
able," replied the convict, amazed at the
officer's civility, and catching the arti
cles of attire as they were thrown to
" Without being curious, Langley,"
continued the pollce-offler, "what do
you think abo ut doing when you are
dressed ?"
" I've not quite made up my mind.
I'm turning it over, and I'm not yet
sure of anything. I'm pretty certain
that if it were not for your pistol, that I
should have your life. But the pistol Is
in the way.
" Do you want it ?"
"Want it? Yes; but I shairt get
"Do you think I want it? Come,
now, If I gave it up to you, what would
be done?"
" I'd slip a bullet into you in a mo
ment." " Very well ; then take aim at your
ease, for here is the pistol !"
And thereupon, Webber walked direct
to Langley, handed him the pistol, turn
ed his back upon the convict, walked
back, took his seat once more upon the
bed, and murmured, " I'm waiting."
"Why, you're no police-officer I"
"If not, what am I? Look here;
isn't this proof positive ? Here is a pair
of handcuff's. Should I have handcuffs
in my pocket if I wasn't a police-officer ?
And, to tell you the truth, 1 brought
nothing with me but these to arrest you
with. I have not even brought my
" You're a plucky customer."
" I think you said that before, my
good Langley," replied the detective,
making himself more comfortable on
the bed.
"And so you're thinking I shall really
let you put those things on me ?"
"As you like," replied the detective ;
"either you kill me or put on the hand
cuff". You've not much brains, Lang,
ley, or you would know that a man who
cared much for life would not care to
try and arrest such a man as you with
out help."
Then suddenly, turning away, and
changing the tone of his voice, be con
tinued: "It's rather cold here, and
you've got no fire. Suppose we go, they
will be waiting for us." .
"At Newgate, for I think you will be
more comfortable at Newgate than any
where else. They will look well after
you, depend upon it. -You will not be
mixed with the rest. You will have a
cell all to yourself."
"But how about the bullet I'm going
to favor you with, friend officer?"
"Let me be you threaten, but you
don't act. This is slow work," said the
officer, laying down at full" length on
the convict's bed. . '
Langley leaped forward, and pointed
the pistol at Webber s heart.
As the polloc-cotistulile marked the
act, he murmured a name, but he utter
ed no word. Continual next week.
, ' - - -
A Losing Joke.
A prominent physician of Pittsburgh
said Jokingly to ii lady patient who was
complaining of her continued 111 health,
and of his Inability to cure her, "try
Hop Bitters I" The lady took It iii
earnest and used the Bitters, from which
she obtained permanent health. She
now laughs at the doctor for his Joke,
but he Is not so well pleased with it, as
It cost hiui a good patient. JIarrinburg
Patriot. 6 lit
Now otter the publlo : .
Consisting sf all shades suitable (or the teasoa
Mourning Goods
We sell and do keep a good quality ol
And everything under the head of
Machine needle and oil for all makes of
To be convinced that our goods are
No trouble to 9how good.
Don't forget the
Newport, Perry County, Pa.
If you are man
f If ytm are a 'L;
' man of let- tt-...
Hmmi y
enert by the strain of
your duties avoid
tcm tailing orer m iTjvfc
niKiii work, to res
tore brain nerve and
Hop Bitter
If yon are your or and
discretion or Uiasipa
rled or PiTrtfla, old or
poor health or liuuruiih
Bee, rely on Ho p
1 we Hop B
JfTOffflrlne from any rn
tiou t if you are mar-
young; snlTertnff from
gins; ou a bed of siok-
I timers.
wftonver yon are.
whenever yon feet
taaft your system
needs rJeanslnir. ton
finally from soma
form of Kidnv
1 bousands die an
tdifteam that toigttt
have been prevented
by a timely use of
imff or fllimuJiuntf,
without intoxicating,
Rare ran A yt
jMf'fia, kidney.
or urinary oom
plaint, disease
of the ttomaeh,
bowels, blood,
livmr or nerves 1
Ton will be
en red if yon use
Hop Bitter
If you are tlm-1
iiy wn mm uiii
ow spirited, try
It i It may
save your
life. It ha a
saved hurt
op rrrof
drede. A
a Trmt, Out.
6 4t
THE Executive Committee of the Perry County
Temperance Association, hereby gives notice
to all concerned, that the name of all applicant
and signers tor hotel and restaurant license, will
be published this year, as usual.
49 3m Chairman.
Iffl nYmirw-lTeabrmaliinir money whm a-oldii
H V I Mchance in offered, tuereby always keepiui?
Ilt-l-l poverty from your dMr. Thoa who always
take nUvantwre of the KOod chances for makimr money
tliat are offered, ireiierlly become wealthy, while those
who do not linirove such chances remain iu poverty.
We want mauy men.women, boyH and girls to work for
ns riKht iu their own localities. The business will pay
more than leu times ordiuary waKes. We turumh an
expensive outht and all that yon need. free. Mo one
who eDKSes fails to make money very rapidly. Ton
cao devote your whole time to the work, or only your
spare moments. Full lnfi-marlou and all thst is needed
seut free. Address KTINSOS k CO., Portland, Mains
I ly.
"The Newport Tobacco Company."
WE, the undersigned, hare obtained License,
and organized ourselves into a Company
with the foreeolng title, for the purpose of buy
ing, packing, curing and selling LEAF TO
BACCO, and will do all we can to eocourage the
cultivation of the plant In ferry aud Juniata
P. 8. Persons havini Leaf Tobacco ready (or
sale, will please give notice to the Secretary
Newport, Dec. 7. 1S30.2iu M. 8. liiiuiu.
A Large Farm for Sale.
DRED AC tits more or less In Perry
County. Pa,, heavily set with Pine, Whit Oak.
and Uock Oak Timber, together with choice
fruits. Mountain water conveyed In pipes to the
door sf the dwelling. .
VU For further particulars call at thisoRlce.
August 10, :'
A4 sa Outfit furnished free, with full iturtruetiona fi-r
H, 1 1 cou,lm-Uu the ui(c prt-lilaUe boauiees that
w suyoue cau eugra iu. iue buaiuea is easy to
learn, and our instructions so simple and plsm, that
au anteuu make great tHU from the very Mart. No
oue ean fall w Ul' in wllmu.' t wvrk. oraeu are as suc-r-tMif
ul as iumi. IWys atid airtv ran esra larrs sums.
Many have msde at the bu.-nne over tine nuudml
d-illaiaiuasilmle week. 3othtiHr liks it ever kuews
beore. All who enaaue are surprised at the ease aud
rapidity with w hich they are at le to make money. You
rau elunure iu thia ImstueM duriiu your spars time at
Hrreat pi-ont. Vouduuot have to luveat capital in It.
We take al) the rwk. Those who n-e.1 ready money,
should write to ua at otice. All luruuhcd t. Address
Tlil L l.'l., Auu.U, alaiue. i ly.
; - Is an absorata
tTIYT rd lrreaista-
f I HI I r hla tor
LLJ L.. drankennesa ,
use of opium,
m never ajs.-""
i m
H " J