THE TIMES, NEW BLOOMFIELD, PA., EE1UIUAHY 1, 1881. 7 Professional Cards. JOHN CALVIN WALL19, Attorney at-Law, mid District Attorney. . New Bliiomtleld. Perry Co., Pa. JVOfllce over Mortimer new iitnre. All logs! business promptly and carefully transacted. May4,18iW. J B.JUNK1N, Attorney-at-Law, . New Hloomileld, Perry eo., Pa. Offloe Neit door to the residence oIJ udgs JunRln. 6tl L"EWlS PO'JU'KH, AT i-itllNRY AT UW. NEW BLOOMFIELD, PERKY CO., PA -finim nromntly secured . collected r securea w msliiess carefully attend- J4 ul Wr t ilings aud all legal b ed to urn s . On&Ki.FRH.BMILKY, Attorney at Law. HAKLES New Bloomileld, erry Co. Pa. JfOmoe two doors east ot JPtB$ xitm A 8PONH1.F.K, Attorney-at-Law, W Ullice-adjolnlng liU resfdenoe, on East Main street, New BUwiuUeld. Perry co., Pa.-8i ly tru n. BElBERt, Attorney-at-Law, W New Bloomileld, Perryoo., Pa. BloomBeld,833lT. -f KWI8 POTTER, notaht PCBL10, Mew Bloom. VeedBonTsf SS& and Le ases carefully reDared and acknowledgements taken. All kli'dfof Pension and Bounty papers draws i and certUI, will also take depositions to be read In anyeourt in the United Btates. ' iui' OHA8. J.T.McINTIRE, Attorney-at-Law, UAO.j.i, Bll,omttem,1Serryco.,Pa. KW All professional business promptlyandlalt n (ully attended to. 8 a It. WICOTTHCEandOENERAL COLLECTOR, NwGBttMANTOWil, Pel rv co . , ha. Jtir ltemlttanceswlllbe made promptly for an Oollectlons made. 1 HAS A. BARNETT, Attorney-at-Law, " New Bloomneld.Perry co., Pa .Omce on high street. North side, nearly op nuiuth. Pr9hvt.ilan Church. iy ML. LIG3ETT. ATTOBNEY-AT-LAW, . Ncioport, Perry County. Pa. Having permanently located at Newport, will give prompt and careful attention to all busl aesi matters committed to his " OlIlce.No. 30 North Second Street. Newport, April 2P 18t8. T sundymTd. J , Physician and Surgeon. A graduate of Cleveland Medical College. Located permanently In the borough of Bloom Held. Oilers his professional services to the c ti. zens of Bloomileld and surrounding vlcln ly. Calls in the country attended to promptly. OHlce on Carlisle street, the one formerly oocnn ed . by Dr.Ard. 19 bm 1 D R. R. M. ALEXANDER, 8URGEOX DEXTIST, New Bloomileld, Perry County, Pa. omce on Carlisle, flt., directly opposite the Pres byterian Church. Everything belonging to the profession done In the best manner. -ALL Work Warranted. Tems moderate. 8 J W.ROWE.M.D. A TIIJSIUIUU auu ' v Olllce near Blxler's Mills, where all professional business will be promptly attended to. Dental work of all kinds warrauled in price and quality. May 25. '8U. lv. . M EDICAL N0TICE1 DR. 0. P. BOLLINGER, Having located permanently In NEW BLOOMFIELD,. Offers his professional services to the citizens of the Borough and surrounling country. Dr. B. has been engaged in an extensive prae ties for over 28 years. He has also served his country in the capacity of Surgeon to the 78th Pa. Vol. Infantry during the late Rebellion, folding his Commission from the then Governor of this Commonwealth. His credentials are from one of the best Medical Colleges in America. His success as a practitioner of medicine Is ao knowledged bv recommendations from former patrons, which are free for inspection at all times. IN THE TREATMENT OF Chronic Diseases ie has had very extensive experlence.and hascured many hopeless cases, after years of sintering, and expense incurred In seeking relief elsewhere. Among the many chronic complatnfs treated successfully are Asthma, Bronchitis, Laryngitis, Hemorrhage of the Lungs, Consumption, (first and second stages.) Heart Disease, Dyspepsia Liver Ooinplaiut, Melancholia, Scrofula or King's Evil, Skin Diseases, Chronic Rheumatism, Goitre, or enlargement of the Glands of the neck.Dropsy, Piles, chronic Diarrhoea.Constipation of the Bow els, Sick and Nervous Headache, Neuralgia, Diseases of Females. Tumors, Kidney Diseases, Enlarged Spleen, Epilepsy, Deafness, Chronio Chills and Ague. Diabetes Mellitus, old running sores. Tapeworms removed. Dr. B. does not eonflne himself to anv one par ticular system of medicine. He uses all the late Improved methods and remedies, as also Magneto Electric, or 3Iedical Electricity, which Is so successfully used at the present day' ' in many forms of nervous complaints. In the treatment of the Lungs and air passages he uses INHALATIONS, which carries the medicine direct to the diseased parts. When an Incurable case presents itself he Is free and candid In telling the patient that he can not cure him, thus avoiding further expense. In chronic ailments It Is always best for patients to call at his olllce for personal examination aud treatm nt, when that Is practicable. W omce at his residence on Main street, a few doors west of H. Smith's blacksmith shop, in what Is known as the Gallatin proiwrty. M. CONSULTATION FREE. T Bloomileld, May, 1880. GRAND BOULEVARD HOTEL, Corner 39th St. mid llreadway, tflJW YORK. On Both American & European Plans. Fronting on Central Park, the Grand Boule vard, Broadway and Fifty-Ninth Street, this Ho tel occupies the entire square, and was built and furntshed at an expense ot over S4')0,000. It Is one of the most elegant as well as finest located In the city : has a passenger Elevator and all modern improvements, and Is within one square of the depots of the 81x1 h aud Eighth Avenue Elevated 11. li. Cars and still nearer to the Broad way cars convenient and accessible from all Sui ts of the city. Rooms with board, 12 per day. pedal rates for families and permanent guests. Aug. 21. '60 ly K. HASKELL, Proprietor. REMNANTS of PRINTS of these we have a large quantity III good styles. In addition to the above goods we liave a nice assortment of Ladies Necktlen, Corsets, German town Yarn. Zeplivrs, Shoes tor Ladles aud Chil dren, aud thousands of other articles. F. MORTIMER, Hew Blooiufleld, Pa. C . Our8tock of NEW GOODS for Men's Wearls complete. Ut Prlcesfroml24 centsup. F. MORTIMER. Now Bleomfleld, Pa Philadelphia Advertisements. Ready Mixed Paints ! JUCAS' READY MIXED PAINTS ! KOWATER.NO CHEMICALS, NO BENZINE, BUT A PURE Olli FAINT, READY FOR USE. 3muple CjiihIb. 80 BEAUTIFUL SHADES OF PAINT BENT BT MAIL. ITI9 PUT ON LIKE OTHER PAINT. MADE WITH LEAD AND OIL, VIZ: NICELY BRUHHKI) OUT. NOT FLOWED ON LIKE WATER PAINT TRY IT, And You Will Prore It to be the Best Liquid Paint In the Market. JOHN L.TJCA.8 Sc CO., Philadelphia, MANUFACTURERS OF Swiss and Imperial French tJreen, WHITE LEAD, COLORS, VARNISHES, &c tST For Sample Cards apply to F. Morti mer, New Bloomileld, Pa., or to John Lucas & (Jo., Philadelphia. EIGLER&SWEARINGEN' SuooesBora to HHAFFNER, ZIEOLER & CO., Importers and Dealers In Hosiery, Oloves, Ellbbons, Suspenders, THREADS, COMBS, and every variety of TRIMMINGS & FANCY GOODS, No. 36, North Fourth Street. PHILADELPHIA, PENN'A Agents for Lancaster Combs. w. H. KENNEDY WITH TRIMBLE, BRITTON ft Co.. WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. 805 MARKET BTREET. PHILADELPHIA. T 1 gOWER, POTTS & CO., BOOKSELLERS. STATIONERS, And Dealers In CURTAIN & WALL-PAPERS. BLANK BOOKS Always on hand, and madeto Order, Nos. 630 Market and 623 Minor Streets PHILADELPHIA, PA ALSO . Publishers of Sanders'New Readers .and Brooks' Arithmetics. Also. Robert's Ilistorvnf the UnltedStates.Foltou'sOutllne Mapg.&o. JLOYD, SUPPLEE & WALTON WHOLESALE HARDWARE HOUSE No. 625 Market Btreet. Philadelphia, Penn'a. JANNEY & ANDREWS WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. 133 MARKET ST., Philadelphia. QRAYBILL & CO., Wholesale Dealers! n Oil Cloths, Carpets, Shades, Brooms, Carpet Chain, Wadding, Batting, Twines, &ct And a One assortment of WOOD and "WILLOW WARE, No. 120 Market street, abofeUb PHILADELPHIA. Philadelphia Advertisements. gAMUEL B0MBERGER, WITH HIEUL1?, SCOTT A 0., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Dry Goods, Carpets, OIL CLOTHS, Cotton A, Woolen Cli!ii,l'c. No. 833 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Merchants wlshlns to delect from as larse a stork as can be found In the city, and at the LOWKST (JAMU rKH'tts, should give me a call. AUgUSl HI, 1B8J.II. WAINWRIGHT & CO." WHOLESALE GROCERS AND TEA DEALERS, North East Corner ot 2ud aud Arch Street, Philadelphia Penn'a. J. S. DOUGHERTY WITU D. J. HOAR & CO., WHOLE'JiLB BOOT AND SHOE WAREHOUSE, Mia MARKET STREET, Philadelphia, Penn'a. H ALL, SHENK & CO., 405 & 407 Market Street, AMilladelphla, (Old Stand of Bnrcroft & Co.,) "WHOLESALE .DEALERS GOODS. January 1 1881. SiOUEAU'H Medicated extract of MALT ATSli ISEEF. CURES Comsumptlon, Diabetes, Brlght's Disease, Kpllepsy.lHt. Vitus' s Dance, Hcrofula, If destruc tion is not carried too far, and builds up constitu tions ruined by excesses of whatever nature. Take It and add your testimonial to t he thousands already obtained, For sale by all druggists. Price, 81. 0U, GERMAN ANTI-BILIOUS POWDER 19 a radical cure for Sick and Dull Headace, Biliousness, Habitual Constipation, Piles; Palpi tation of the Heat t, Impurities ot the Blood, as Pimples. Dlney Skin, Drowsiness, &c. It is a mild purgative and adapted to the most delicate con stitutions. Jfor sale by all druggists. Price 50 cte. MOItKAU'H MALT FARINA. The best food for Infants and the most nutri tious diet for Invalids. Contains all the muscle and bone making elements oi wheat, barley and beef. Never deranges the stomach, Is easily di gested and does not change in any climate. For sale by all druggists. Price, SO cents. DR. E. C. LUKS' German Boothing Remedy. A perfect harmless and very effective Syrun, of pleasant taste, for all painful affections of Infants and children procedlng and accompanying the processor dentition. Do not let your darlings suffer but procure a bottle at ouce. For sale by all druggists, Price, 25cls. May 25, '80, ly. DRUGS. DRUGS. JACOB STRICKLER, (Successor to Dr. M. B. Strtckler) NEW BLOOMFIELD, PENN'A, HAVING succeeded the late firm of Dr. M. B. Btrlckler in the Drug Business at his More-room on MAIN STREET, two doors East of the Big Spring, I will endeavorto make It In every way worthy the patronage of the public Personal and strict attention AT ALL TIMES given to the compounding and dispensing Plivs elans' as to Insure acouraoy and guara against acciaenis. in: lit isr irxixi) that my stock has been recently selected and care taken to nave everything i.i tne ntsi wuai.i TY. The oubllc mav rest assured that ALL med lclues tnal leave my store shall be as represented ruitE ana uAuuL.iiiitAii!.u. I U1TE CONSTANTLY ON HAND HAIR OIL and POMADES HAIR, TOOTH and NAIL-BRUSHES. BUROKONS, TOILET, and CARKIAOE SPONGES, U I T U" L.' IX kV IfU T'l T TJ"t1 DnWtM7UB A V A A IIVAI',17. li I I V VT X IV iXn, CASTILE and FANCY SOAP8 PERFUMERY OF ALL KINDS, Together with Fresh and Genuine Patent Med! eiuesoi every description. ALSO, Segars, Tobacco, School Books, &c ORANGES, LEMONS & BANANAS In season. Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal rurposes. Terms, Strictly Cash. By strict attention to business. I hope to merl me uuuuuouvv auu lavor oi tue puDiio. JACOB STRICKLER, Ph. G Aprll29, 1879. MRS. LYD1A E. FiNKHAM. OF LYNN, MASS. -m ifiiiin -MrTT DISCOTERXR OF LYDIA E. PINKHAM'8 VEGETAELT3 COMPOUND. For all Female Complaints. Thin preparation, as Hi fume einincs, cnnsltts ot Voffo table proportJot that an bannletw to the most dal Irato ItiTnlld. Upon one trial tho merits of this Com ponnd will be roooffnlxcd, asrollof is Immediate and when Its use is continued, In nincty-nlne oases In a han. dml,apernuuientoTiriseffocted,aBthoasands'wlll tes tify. On account of Its proren merits. It Is to-day re commended and prescribed bj tbe best physicians In the country. It will cure entirely the worst form of falling of the uterus, Leucorrbcea, lrroffular and painful Menstruation, all Oraiian Troubles, Inflammation and Ulceration, Flooding, all Displacements and the con sequent spinal weakness, and ts espoclallyadapted to tho Change of Life. It will dtssolre and expel tumors from the uterus In an early stage of derelopment. The tendency to cancerous humors there Is checked Tory ipcedlly by Its use. In fact It has prorcd to bo tho (rreat cttt and best remedy that has evor been discover ed. It permeates every portion of the system, and gives ncwllfoandvlffor. Itroraovcsfalntnesa.flatulpnpy, !o stroys all craving for stimulants, and relieves weakness of tho stomach It euros Bloating, neadaches, Kc irons Prontrntlon, Oonoral Debility, Sleeplessness, Depresclon and Indl frostlon. That feeling df bearing dawn, causing pain, wight and backache, Is always permanently cured b Its use, It will at all times, and under all circumstan ces, act in harmony with the law that governs the female system. For Kidney Complaints of either sex this compound Is unsurpasBod. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Is prepared at 23S and 235 Western Avenue, Lynn, Warn. Price f 1.00. Six bottles for t&.OO. Bent by mat! Ln tho form of pills, also In the form of Lorengcs, on receipt of price, $1.00, per box, for either. Mrs. PINKIIAM freely answers all letters of Inquiry. Bond for pam phlet. Address as above Mention this paper. No family should be without LYDIA E. FINKHAM - LIVE It FILLS. They cure Constipation. Biliousness, uel Torpidity of the IJvor. 25 cents par box. HGEO. A. KELLY& CO.. General Amenta. Pittsburgh, Pa. Also for sale by Jacob Strick le r, New BloimUeld, Fa. 27nly Profitable Reading for Everybody! Business men & women, teachers, mecnamcv, farmers, ministers, mothers, and all who arc tired, ut by the constant toil ana worry of your work 'lon't drink intojticntint'bitters, but n-e Are von hulicrinn lioin Uvueubia. Rheuma tism, Neuralgia, or with Dowcf, Kidney or Liver, complnints, ynu enn be cured by ttsine r: If vou nre watinz away with Coiisuinuiion.l Female Weakness or any sickness ; if you have al an cnitTH orcoi'i, ynu win unn sure renei in m if vou are enfeebled bv uif.e;ibc, ace or dissi pation, and your system needs invicorotinff, or, if you have pimples and blotches, nnu your blood needs purifying, yn:i enn nlwvs dnrnd on ' .Made fio:n tjinmr. buchu. Mandrake, tttilhn-. (lis and other nf the the Boot Health & Strongth Rasiorer tvorj Used far superior to Uiticrs, Essences of Gin- ;er and other ionics, as tt novor intoxicates, ind rombines th? best curative properties of all.' It Has Hnrcd Hundreds of LItcsj It Slay! Save Yours. Buy a 50c. hottlcof your ilnijrvst, and to avourl .uouiuerieits ue s-ire n;:r K!rTn:uiu ; 1 1 1.1c 0111--ifle wrapper. Hi1"" ox & ".. CSrnnt', N. V Parker's Hair Balsam. Uruilti. The Dent & Jinst Kconomlcnl V.alt Drcusln? Containitij only ingredients tliat are beneficiiil to the hair and scalp, the l.LSA.t will be found far more satisfactory any other preparation. It Sorer Falls to ltostoroGraj or Faded Hair to the original youthful color and is warranted to remove di.ndruff, prevent baldness and promote a growth of young hair. SM bjr druggists alioclt. 29 dly Ben. F. Gbafton. Stori B. Iadd, IIAIjHRKT K. fAinn, Late Oommimloner o Pateittti. PATENTS. PAINE, GRAFTON & LADD, Attorneyi-at-Law and SoltcUort of American ana Foreign Patents. No. 412 Fifth Street, "Wn slit ton, 1). O. Practice Patent Law ln all Its branehe In the Patent Ofllno, nnd In the 8upreme and Circuit Courts nf the United Mates. Pamphlet sent fre on receipt of stamp for postage. 36 A Lecture to Young Men On the Loss of A LKCTURK ON THE NATITKK, TREAT, ment, and Radical cure of Seminal Weakness, or HpermatorrlKita, Induced by Self Abuse, Involun tary EmmlHSions, Iiupotency, Nervous Debility, and Impediments to marriage generally; Con sumption, Kpllepsy, and Fits: Mental and Phys leal Incapacity, ete.-by KORKKT J. CULVER WELL, M. I)., author of the "Green Rook." etc. The world-renowned author, ln this admirable Lecture, clearly proves from his own experience that the awlul consequences of Keif-Abuse may be effectually removed without dangerous sur gical operations, bougies, Instruments, rings, or cordlalst pointing out s mode of cure at once certain and effectual, by which every sufferer, no matter what his condition mav be. may cure him self cheaply, privately and radically. tf. This Lecture will prove a boon to thou sands and thousands. Kent under seal. In a plain envelope, to any ad dress, on receipt ot biz eeuts or two postage stamps. Address the Publishers. THE CULVEKWELL MEDICAL CO., 40plj 1 41A unJ!t.NewYork ;JP. O.Box.JSW A FULL ASSORTMENT OF HARDWARE, IRON & STEEL WILT, BE FOUND AT OUR NEW STORE-ROOM. F. M OR TIMER, Xew Jiloom field. m r:.- i i:t 'I' ; HTA man may know more than his wife,, but It is generally beet for him to avoid suggesting guchapoealbHIty.when the In present. IT A German lately married ay : " Id va Joost o easy as a needle cood valk out ifalt a camel's eye as to get der bebindt vord mit a vomans." Gf'WbylB It that your loaves are so much smaller than they used to beV" asked a Galveston man of his baker. 'I don't know, unless It Is I use lees dough than formerly," replied the baker. CSTThe following sentiment was drunk standing at a public fete among 'de fust oircle" colored of New York a few evenings since: "Here's to de colored far-sec ; dar face needs no paint dar head no 'fumery." $?If you are poor, and the chances are that you are, never wish to be rich ; you've no Idea how trying it is,' to be rich. Just try going around with thirty seven cents ln your pocket that you don't know what to do with. K-A darkev. who was stooping to wash bis hands ln a brook, did not Tintlr-e the neculiar actions or a goat just behind him, so when he scrambled out of the water, and was askea now It happened he answered: "I duno 'zactly, but It 'peared as ei oe snore kinder h'isted and frowed me." t3T"Dovou say I've been a hard drinker all my life?" said an old toper to an acquaintance. "Yes, I do." "Well, there's where you're mistaken. Atonecertod I didn't touch a drop for two years; in fact 1 drank nothing but milk." "Indeed I Wnat two years was that ?" "My first two." ryTeacher " John, what are yoar boots made of V" Boy "Of leather." "Where does the leather come from V" "From the hide of the ox." "What animal, you with boots and gives you meat to eat?" "My father." fylle was at breakfast, wrestling with a piece of remarkably tough veal. His wife said to him : 'You always say there's something to be thankful for in every thing. I guess you'd be puazled to find something to be thankful for ln that veal.' 'Not at all,' he cheerfully responded, stopping to breath ; 'I was just thinking how grateful we shoivkl be that we met it when it was young.' Who Was Shot. We received from a correspondent the following somewhat incoherent ac count of a duel which was fought ln hi neighborhood. Some way or other, we are half in the dark about the result of the duel in question, but we shall leave the decision to our readers: "A duel was lately fought in Texas by Alexander Bhott and John S. Nott. Nott was shot and Shott was not. In this ease it is better to be Shott than Nott. There was a rumor that Nott was not shot, and Shott avows that be shot Nott, which proves either that the shot Shott shot at Nott was not shot, or that Nott was shot notwithstanding. It may be made to appear on trial that the shot Shott shot shot Nott, or, as accidents with fire-arma are frequent, it may be pos sible that the shot Shott shot.shot Shott himself, when the whole affair would resolve itself into its original elements, and Shott would be shot, and Nott would be not. We think, however, that the shot Shott shot shot not Shott, but Nott; anyway, it is hard to tell who was shot. Why they so Call Them. A Dutchman being asked why be called his son John, said the reason was "pecause dat Is his name." But these chaps named below had other reasons : A young fellow call his sweetheart Revenge, because she is sweet. And a young married man calls his mother-in-law Delay, because she is dangerous. A Boston man calls Lis wife Fact, because she is a stubborn thing. And the fourth wife of a district attorney calls him necessity because he knows no law. A Cincinnati man names his coachman Procrastination, because he stole his watch. We call a beautiful eohool-m'am we used to go to, Experi ence, because she was a dear teacher. A Yonkers man calls his wife Frailty, because Shakespeare says, " Frailty .thy name is woman." Eli Perkins calls his wife Honesty, because he says it Is the best policy. A New Haven man calls bis wife Duty for Duty calls. Another man here calls his wife' 'Stranger,' for she 'took him in.' i-m cm mm