si m .' v.. :,v -tfnimiiiiii iliUtiffn, ' VOL XV. NEW BLOOMFIELD, TU3SSDA.Y, JANUAItY 25, 1881. NO. 4. ha n iff IW upi THE TIMES. in Independent Family Newspaper, II PUBUSBID ITIRT T018DAT BT F. MORTIMER & CO. o T131XMS t INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE. f 1.30 PF.ll YEAH, POSTA41K FIIKI:. 80 CTS. FOH 6 MONTHS. To subscribers residing In this codhtt. where we hare no postage to pay, a discount of iffl cents from the abort) terms will be made It payment in made In advanoe. v Adrertlslng rates furnished upon appllca ilen. A PRETTY CRIMINAL. SEVERAL years ago, and shortly after the remonetizatlon of silver, counterfeiting received a wonderful Im petus, and the West and South especially were flooded with bogus coin. The large floating population and the wilderness of the border country render ed the task of unearthing the coiners a hard one, but after several seasons of persistent and stealthy work, the United States Detective Service became satisfied as to the location of at least one gang of the " Sharps and Jack Densmore, an experienced agent, was instructed to visit the State (Kansas), Ingratiate him self with the counterfeiters, and learn of their haunts and habits. The duty was a dangerous one, but the man selected to perform it had faced danger, and even death, too often among Eastern criminals to hesitate a moment; and so it happened that, upon a certain hazy September evening, Densmore, dis guised as a Dutch pedlar, dropped from the westward-bound train on the K. F. Road, at the little station of Black Wolf, in Kansas. For a moment he gazed after the retreating cars, then turned, and in broken English enquired of the station agent the route to Wlldwood Tavern. "I vas what you call strange mit dls part de koundry," said the pedler, smil ing ; " but a frlent of mine up the river, he say go to Vildwood Tavern, and you sold lots of goods In dot koundro." " Wall, Dutchy, I don't reckon ye'll do much trade, but I ken tell ye the road, If yer goln'." So saying, the rough Westerner gave the necessary directions, and, in the gloaming, Densmore disappeared. " I'll try every house from here to Wlldwood," muttered he, when out of hearing, "but I'll find Price's. That's the name Price. And when that's found, look out 1 If I can capture Dick Price, my fortune's made." At nine o'clock Carl for so he called himself sought shelter at a settler's cabin by the roadside, and paid for supper and lodging and breakfast with gaudy lace. At noon he paused again to eat and trade, and again many times during the afternoon. Before night he had heard the name of Price ; and before night, too, several pieces of counterfeit coin had been passed upon him. He was Hearing his game. It was a little after sundown, and with weary tread Densmore was climb ing up a long hill, where the struggling road was fringed with bushes and woods, when a step startled him, and a moment later a slender boy was at his side. " How you vas, little feller ?" said the detective. " Does vas a nice noight." " Yes, sir," said the youth, looking at him sharply. " Where are you going ? " " Me goln'? O, I vas goin' to sell de tings in mine pack. I vas goin' to get rich," and the pedlar chuckled. "No, I mean to-night. Where are you going to say 5" said the boy. " This road stops up in the woods here." Densmore paused. " De road stops ! Py shimminy I Den dot road got himself lost at the las' turn. ' I fought dls road went through dese voods to de place you calls de tavern, hey V "O, you mean Wlldwood Tavern? That's over that way," and the boy pointed into the darkness. " It's five miles from here." "Py shimminy 1" sighed poor Carl; " five miles I I neffer get dere to-ulght. I sleep mlt dese woods," and he began to unstrap his pack. The boy eyed him again sharply. Then he said, " No, you needn't sleep In the woods. I live at the end of this road. Come with me. You cuu stay at our house, I guess." "Ah, dot was a good poy," said Dutchy, gladly. " Dot vas nice ; und I get some supper too, don't it?" " I reckon," replied the boy. Ite-shoulderlng his pack, the two con tinued to follow the road, the youth lead ing, until, half a mile further on, a cabin appeared in the shadows. . ( " Here's my house," said the guide. " Go to the door and I'll run and tell father," and he disappeared towards the barn. Densmore looked sharply about him. This was Price's. A long, low cabin, strongly built, with small barred win dows, a barn back of it, dreary woods upon all skies. A regular den. The detective shuddered, "A bad hole; yet he's the chief. If I can catch him, with the dies, it will destroy the gang." Then, with a resolution to succeed or perish, he slowly moved towards the door. As he raised his hand to knock, it was Buddenly opened. A heavily-built, heavily-bearded woodsman stood before him a man with Bkill and cunning in his fuce, and a desperate, threatening courage in his eyes a devil to dare, a giant to do Dick Price. He glowered upon the pedlar, shading the flickering torch he held with one brawny hand, while hla piercing glance searched Dens, more's fuce. "What d'ye want?" "You vas de lettle poy's pa? Dot vas goot. I want some'tlngs to eat and some'tlngs to Bleep. De lettle poy said so." And, with simple naturalness, Carl pushed aside the mighty doorman, entered the cabin, threw his pack upon the floor, and, with a sigh of relief, dropped on to a low bench near the fire. "Ah, dat vas goot." For an instant anger flamed In Price's face; but, before he could tpeak, a woman, young, lithe and charming, entered, and, with a glance at the man before her, said, "Ah, this Is the pedlar Will spoke to me of. He lost his way, dear," she continued, going to. Price, and laying her hand upon his arm ; "and Will met him on the road, and asked him to stay with us to-night. It's all right." The passion died from the man's face ; the voice of the woman thrilled Carl. This girl and the boy who had gui Jed him were one. She was the spy of the gang. " So yer a pedlar, eh ?" Bald the host, advancing, "an' lost yer way ? Wall, yer welcome to our fare and fire; but I tell ye a little more ceremony will be better with Dick Price next time. I was nigh shakin' ye 1" and he smiled grimly. Carl smiled too, childlike and bland, and said " Yaw." The host and his companion were amused. "Where's the boy ?" asked Price. " He went to the barn," replied the woman, as she busied herself preparing theievening meal. " He was too tired to eat, and will not be in to-night. Carl was sure now that woman and boy were one. A plain but plentiful supper was serv ed, after which the pedlar and his host drew before the open fire with their pipes. Naturally, the conversation turned upon trade, and Dutchy very willingly told of his success, and even showed the silver which be had gather ed during the day. Price picked a piece of it from his hand. " This ere's bad," said he. " Vat ! Pad ?"and Carl leaned forward excitedly. "O, you vas foolln'," he continued, examining the coin. "Dis vlll pass." " It may pass, but it's counterfeit all the same," said Price. " I'm sure of it." " Veil, neffer mind. It's good enough for me," said the pedlar with a smile. " I only wish I had a t'ousand dollars mit it." " Wall, I reckon ye could git It," said Price, resuming his pipe. " I heard a a feller say to-day thar war lots o' It around." "Py shimmlpy I Jvould like to get it," said bis companion. "It vas goot efl'ery vare I go." "I know a feller what's got some of the stuff," said Price, in a low tone; " but he lives a mile from here. Ye could buy It o' him, I reckon." " For how much ?" said Carl. " O, may be oue-half," returned the other. "I can't say. It's bad stuff to deal with, ye know, an' I never touch it." "One-half! You mean two dollars for one? Py shimminy 1 I vlll give two hundred tollars for four, an' got myself rich I" cried the pedlar. Price smiled. " But how kin ye pay for It ?" "Nevermind. I know," said Carl. Show me de fellow what got It to sell, und I pay him mlt it." " Well," said the host, rising, "I'll find him for ye In the morn In'. Do you want to turn in ?" "Turn in?" " Go to bed ter sleep, I mean." "Oh, yawl I was tired myself out to-night." A moment's consultation with the woman, and Price called the pedlar to follow. Carl picked up his pack and climbed the ladder that led into the loft. There was a shakedown on the floor. "Thar! It's not the finest bedroom in the world, but ye'll sleep," said Price laughing. " Good-night." "Good-night," returned Carl. The other disappeared. Densmore heaved a slgb. "It's hard work playing Dutch," he muttered. Then he opened his pack, and from it drew two heavy revolvers, a bowle knlfe, three pairs of handcuffs, and the star of the United States Secret Service. "I may have work before morning," be thought, "and these are good bed fellows." He removed his coat, blew out the caudle, and lay down, his mind busy with the events of the day and in form ing some plan for the morrow. While thus engaged, the Bound of a door stealthily opened attracted his at tention, and a moment later he heard men's voices below. Quietly leaving his bed, he crept to a knot-hole in the floor and listened. "But the pedlar?" It was the woman's voice. "Never mind him," replied Price. " Ned," he continued, apparently ad dressing the new comer, "we've a custo mer up stairs a Dutch pedlar and he wants four hundred. I'll bring him to ye in the morning. He'll buy." The door opened a second time. Press ing his face close to the floor, Densmore found that he could both see and hear. Three sharp-looking roughly dressed men entered. " Ha ! all here," said Price in a low tone. " That is good. I want half a thousand o' the queer to night, for we kin Bend to the Tavern to-morrow, and the chap above wants some. Did you bring the dies, Bray ?" The man addressed shook his head. " I haven't been home, an' jest come from Elkborn. Send Nettie. My old woman will give 'em to her." Price turned to the girl. "Are you afraid to go, Net ?" . "Afraid?" she laughed, and touching her bosom, Just drawing the butt of a pistol into sight "afraid, Dick ? You know better nor that." " Wall, then, my gal, if you go to Bray's an' get the dies, it will help us ; for while the boys are coining, I will stay on watch, and mill the hundred we ran yesterday. Ye'll be back In an hour. " Yes, dear." And throwing a heavy cloak about her, and incasing her head in a deep hood, the girl opened the door and dis appeared into the night. Price turned to the gang. " Boys, go below, fire up, and prepare the rest o' the metal ; I'll stay here and when Net comes with the dies we'll coin. I want a full load to-night, for we're ulmost out. Here, give me a lift." As be ceased speakl ng, he seized a heavy iron bar and thrust it beneath the hearth stone. The others joined hands with him, and, with a desperate effort, the five slowly raised the great stone. Beneath it appeared a door, secured by long, iron bolts. These being shot, and the trap raised, a flight of steps was seen. The four strangers descended, one carrying a lantern, and Price dropped the door behind them. Then opening a sort of hidden closet, be drew from it a box of rough silver coin and a milling machine, with which he began to work. Densmore breathed bard. ' " Trapped !" he whispered "trapped 1 The whole gang complete I And now for work." Noiselessly he arose and approached the ladder. In either pocket were his pistols, and in his hands a pair of bracelets, on his breast a star. At the top of the ladder be paused, struck his foot against the floor, and coughed. There was a quick stir below. "Mr. Brlce! Mr. Brlce! Vas you dere?" A half growl from below answered hlra: " What do you want?" " I vas sick, Mr. Brlce I vas so hot 88 neffer vas. I vant a leette vater, Mr. Brlce, If you please, Mr. Brlce." "What the" then came an oath. Lie still, ye Dutch fool, and I'll bring ye water. Don't come here." " O, no, Mr. Brlce! But some vater, Mr. Brlce, for God's sake 1 I vas burned allfe!" There was a move about the room, a patter of dipper and pall, and Price approached the ladder. Densmore breathed hard. The steps came nearer, nearer; they mounted the ladder. He crouched, waiting. An instant more and the bearded fuce of Price appeared above the opening in the floor, and his right hand was raised, holding a tin cup of water. " Here, Dutchy ye're cursed bard to take care of here's a drink." Curl's arm was outstretched ; but as he touched the dipper, there came a sharp click and the handcuff closed about the wrist of the coiner, and, at the moment, the cold muzzle of a heavy Colt's revolver pressed against his fore bead, and the voice of the detective hissed in his ear: " Not a sound, or I'll kill you ! Up with your other hand." The man was fairly caught and he knew it. The color fled from his bronz ed face, leaving It asben-hued; a cold sweat gathered in beads upon his brow; the prison doors yawned before him ; but one glance into the deep eyes of the detective was enough, and with a shud der and a groan, he allowed the handcuffs to be clasped about bis other wrist. " And now go down ; without noise. too," said Densmore, " or " Price obeyed ; and as he turned upon the floor, below, the detective was at his side. "Sit there," as he pointed toward the table, " with your back to the door." Again the coiner obeyed, bowiDg his head upon his hands. Then Densmore crept to the trap, closed it, and shot the heavy bolts. Without raising his head, Price whis pered : " They'll smother." " They must run their chances," re plied Densmore, coldly. So saying, he crept near to the cabin door and waited. He must have the woman, the spy, the last and best of all the gang. The moments passed; the hour was drawing to a close, and the detective listened with bated breath for bis com ing victim, when suddenly without a a sound the door opened and Nettle en tered. As she did so Densmore stepped forward, and would have laid his band upon her shoulder, but, in a single glance, the girl comprehended all, and with a wild shriek she sprang from him, the dies dropping from her arms as she did so, while Price etaited from his seat and joined her. And then again the detective found himself facing his enemies, one of them now armed, for the woman had drawn a pistol. But there was no struggle. With nerves tense as steel, and a deadly light In the clear blue eyes, Carl leveled bis heavy weapons, one at each of the figures before him, and in low, cool tones said : " Up with your hands I In the name of the natioual government I arrest you as counterfeiters. Quick! The last word was addressed to the woman, for in her eye, too, there gleam ed a dangerous light ; but, before the detective could stay her, the pistol was turned, there rang a sharp report, and from her Bide there welled the bright blood, splashing the wooden floor, and with a moaning cry, she tottered and fell, Price half catching her In his shackled arms as she sank. Only once she spoke. "Better this than a prison, Dick! And to die with you, love." Then came a fluttering sigh, and she was gone. An hour later, Densmore stood before the United States Commissioner at Wild wood, and delivered his prisoner. Two hours later a posse of officers secured the others, who were dragged half dead from their cellar furnace-room ; and the next day, the detective alone stood by the open grave of poor Nettie, "the bravest and prettiest criminal be had ever known," he said, aud heard the dull Bound of clods as they fell upon her coffin. Then he turned eastward again, his duty done. 1 The coiners of Kansas were no more. Wanted the Difference. A good story is told of a well known divine of New York, now dead. One day he picked out a cheap hat In a store, and the clerk when he named the price, said : " But that Isn't good enough for you to wear, Doctor. Here is what you want, and I'll make you a present of it if you'll wear it and tell your friends whose store it came from." " Thank you thank you," said the doctor, his eyes gleaming with pleasure at raising a castor so cheaply. " How much may this beaver be worth ?" " We sell this kind of hat for eight dollars." "And the other?" "Three." The man of sermons put on the beav er, looked in the glass, then at the three dollar hat. "I think, sir," said he, taking off the beaver, and holding it in one hand, as he donned the cheap "tile," " I think, sir, that this hat will answer my pur pose full as well as the best." " But you had better take the best one, sir, it costs you no more." " B-u-t b-u-t," replied the parson, hesitatingly, "I didn't know but per haps you would as lief I would take the cheap one, and leave the other and perhaps you would not mind giving me the difference In a five dollar bill." An Anecdote. Mr. Moody makes use of many an ecdotes in bis addresses ; but on the principle that every question has two sides, let me relate an amusing story, which Mr. Moody will probably nev er use. He was speaking of the here after, and the fate of those who died unqulckened by the repentance of the sinner. He spoke feelingly of a dear grandmother, who had passed away unconverted. "Although she was good and kind, and dearly loved by me, I fear she met the reward of all who die not owning Christ. I know she is in hell." At this juncture a young man sitting near the front rose and walked down the aisle toward the door. Mr Moody said: "TLere is a man going straight to hell." The young . fellow, annoyed at being held up to no tice, turned, and said in a clear voice: "Well, is there any message I can take to your grandmother ?" An Effective Sermen. A preacher addressed the inmates of a lunatic asylum at Jacksonville, Illinois. He was much gratified at the attention paid by one lunatic to the sermon. He watched this patient several Sundays and became convinced that the man was being converted and might even be cured of his insanity thereby. So be sought an interview with the man just after a sermon on the way Hindoo women throw their infants into the Ganges as a sacrifice. The patient seemed glad to see him, but the only remark he would make was, "I couldn't help thinking while you were telling that story that it was a great pity your mother didn't chuck you into the river when you were a baby." (3- " I cannot dear, what is the matter with my watch. I think it may want cleaning," exclaimed an indulgent husband to his better-half the other day. " No, papa," said hU petted little daughter, " I know it don't waut clean ing, because baby and I washed it in the basin ever so long this morning."