4 THE TIMES, NEW BLOOMFIELI), PA. JANUARY IB, 1881. THE TIMES. New Bloomfield, Jen. IS, JSS1. NOTICK TO A1IVK11T18KK8. Ho Oat nr mcrrotyps wlllbetmerted Inthli pr naless IlKUt faoe and uu metal ba.a. WTwntjrrrrooiit. Inoicen" of re"!"' rates, will beoharKedloraavcrtlHeincuta act In DoiiuleOuluiun. Mr. J. Tt. IUT, NeWsM-ipor Advertising Ag't, 41 Park Row. (.Times Building), New York, lit au thorial to contract for advertisements for tills paper at our best rate. NMTICR TO HlllwrRinEllH. I.orknt the llitur-w nn the lnbel or your iier. ThmpilnurrntPlI vou Ihn illeo which ynnii.iil. nlpllon Ul.nlil. WKhlii weehsalter money Is sent, tee if the date la oliaiwed. No other receipt la necessary. The Circulation of The Times now exceeds Two Thousand Copies each week. Our mailing list is always open for the inspection of advertisers. " Who is Or.iVEit V" is the question lots of people are asking. since his name has heen brought forward as candidate for United States Senator. It is not probable one voter In a hundred throughout the State ever heard of him before. The answer given to the ques tion is that he is a rich iron manufac turer of Pittsburgh, Pa., and a native of Ireland. Ills main opponent, Mr. Grow, has not only a State, but a National, repu tation. The Senatorial Caucus held at Harrisburg on Tuesday last showed con clusively that the prominent machine candidate for U. S. Senator was exceed ingly objectionable, and forty-seven Sen ators and Representative refused to be bound by the action of the caucus. The politicians who did convene, nominated a Mr. Oliver as their candidate, while the opposition propose to support their choice in the Senate and the House without any caucus action. As the question now stands, the indi cations are that neither Grow or Oliver can be elected, though there is no doubt that three-fourths of the Republican voters of the State would be gratified if Mr. Grow should secure the position. There are however several other well known and able men spoken of as can didates whose election would be entirely satisfactory. The Proposed " Temperance Law." Petitions are being widely circulated through the State for the proposed " Temperance Law," approved by the State Temperance Convention held at Harrisburg, in April, 1879, and also for appointment of a "Commission of In quiry," to investigate and report upon the alcoholic liquor traffic, in its econom ic, criminal, and moral aspects, and the results of license legislation. The pro posed " Temperance Law" has been printed for general distribution, and may be had, with copies of the form of petitions, on application to Rev. J. H. Dobbs, Harrisburg, Pa. Dji. J. C. Ayee & Co., have favored us with a complete edition of their Al manacB for 1881, neatly bound in one volume. Turning to its contents we find ourselves prepared to discuss the weath er with our afternoon callers in English, German, Dutch, Norwegian, Swedish, French, Spanish, Portuguese, and Bo hemian. We have as yet only perused the English version, and to it we are pleased to give our unqualified endorse ment. Though Ayer's Almanac has long been recognized as a standard American work, yet it makes its advent each year with all the vigor and fresh ness of a first appearance, and it is re ceived with a hearty welcome by millions from the rising to the setting sun. We recommend it to our readers as a work replete with instructive and valuable information. A Remarkable Crime. Last fall a wealthy citizen of Calvert county, Md., was convicted of a remark able crime, the details of wtilek are as follows: He was charged with having brought about a marriage between his daughter Ella and a young man, gen erally supposed to be a distant connec tion, but who has since proven to be a eon of the accused. The marriage between the brother and sister was celebrated by Rev. Joseph P. Wilson, of the Methodist Church, at Prince Frederick, Calvert county, where the parties resided, on September 18, 1879, when Mr. Bowen gave the bride away and accorded the young couple his parental blessing. The groom, who went by the name of Enoch Walters, had been adopted by Mr. Bowen, and was very popular in the village. Miss Bowen was only seventeen year's of age, very attractive in appearance, and of a .refined and gentle disposition.. Shortly after the marriage it became rumored that a former suitor of Miss Bowen 's band had made a startling discovery in connection with the nuptials. Later on the little community was astounded by the arrest of Bowen on the charge above tated. At the trial it was proven that Walters' real name was Enoch Bowen, and that he was the son of Thomas Bowen by a former wife. It appears that the elder Bowen, about twenty-five years ago, seduced a girl in the neighborhood, and subsequently married her just before her baby was born. The mother died in childbirth, and Bowen desiring to avoid awkward questions adopted the Infant as a child of an old friend. The boy baby was named Walters and grew up in the family, where he was of course In con stant contact with Miss Bowen, result ing in a warm aflectlon springing up between them. When Walters first proposed the marriage, Bowen objected, but subsequently changed his mind and assisted at the nuptials of the brother and sister. As stated, the elder Bowen was tried, convicted and sentenced in the Calvert County Circuit Court last November, but the case escaped public notice at that time. The unfortunate brother and sister at once separated when their true relation was made known to them, and have taken steps to have the marriage form ally declared void. Both are terribly prostrated by the shocking discovery. Bowen's application for pardon, based on a plea of ill health, has aroused a storm of indignation In Calvert county, and It is not probable that it will be granted. He owns a large farm near Prince Frederick, and was a class leader in the Methodist church at that place. A Tomb of Snow. A dispatch from Middleburg, Loudon county, Va., says the snow in that vicinity has been on the ground for the past three weeks to the depth of forty two inches on a level. It has drifted over the fences, hiding them from view and blocking up the roads completely. The farmers have been obliged to cut down the shade trees near the farm houses and use them for fire-wood, as the snow prevented them hauling from the woods. Great Buffering is said -to have prevailed among the poor people. In one section, near the foot of the Blue Ridge, just where the Leesburg turnpike crosses the mountains, an old lady lived with a young grandson alone in a small house, a mile away from the nearest dwelling. She was completely entombed by the snow drifting down from the mountain, and for several days was without food. Being reduced almost to starvation, and knowing that a relief party would not bo able to find her house, she cut a hole through the roof and thrust a long pole through the snow, with a gaily-colored shawl on the end. It was seen by persons, who noti fied an old gentleman living a couple of miles away. He immediately ordered a colored man to mount a horse and take with him food and fuel. The man rode toward the house until the horse was stuck in the snow and then could go no. further. He managed with diffi culty to get back home and upon telling his employer, the latter summoned out all the hands on the place and getting as near to the woman's house as they could they worked with shovels until they cut through into the cabin. On breaking in they found it too late. The woman and her grandson had been frozen to death. Terriflo Explosion of a Boiler. Detroit, January 12. The boiler In the Union flouring millB, of this city, exploded thiB morning about seven o'clock with terrific force, tearing out the side of the building completely and so wrecking the structure, that it will have to be taken down to the founda tion. The engineer, a young man named Whlttler, the fireman and oiler were Instantly killed and burled under the ruins. A fourth man standing just outside, was severely injured in the head, but will probably recover. Three horses standing near also killed. These mills, now a part of the new mammoth Glucose works, commenced operations here last week, and Mr. Sweet, the man. ager, was just entering the engine room as the explosion took place. He was blown some distance, but escaped with out serious harm. Miscellaneous News Items. this State titers are 87 daily news papers, Oil weekly and 137 others, making a total ofS3o, 109Just after the Erie express left Pitts burg the other evening on the Pittsburg aud Lake Erie Railroad, a bogus conduct or got a number of tickets from the pas sengers and escaped while the real conduct or was in auother car. Newbcryport, Mass., January 12. An explosion of celluloid occurred in a factory here this afternoon and killed Charles B. Scoflold, fatally burned Chas. Hayes and, badly perhaps fatally burned Walter Van dusen. The building was totally de troy ed. t2"Two doctors la Howard county, Iud., being sued for malpractice, got out of it in a manner said to be new to tho courts in Indiana. They went before a justice of the peace and sued the plaintiff for their fees and obtaining Judgments thereon pleaded them in the circuit court in bar of the aetlon of the plaintiff, and were sus tained by the court, B3f Pat. Malady, a fireman on the Branch railroad, made a very narrow es cape from doatli. He was on his engine when the tender and engine broke loose from each other while the train was run ning at the rate of fifteen miles an hour. Malady dropped on the track, but quick as lightning rolled to one side and let the train pass by him. Oue foot was caught and his shoe was torn off, hut he escaped other injury. CSTSoaie time ago a valuable horse be longing to Chas. E. Smith, of Stony Brook had bis leg broken at Port Jefferson. The broken limb was set and the leg was .im bedded in plaster of Paris. In two weeks the horse could walk around the stable ; in three weeks he drove him home, a distance of five miles, and three weeks after the horse was driven to a road wngnn a mile in four minutes. San Fkancibco, January 11. A de spatch from Los Angeles gives the follow ing : "On Sunday afternoon a Mexican named Miranda, about 10 years old, at tempted to outrage oue of a party of three girls near Wilmington, breaking her arm in the struggle. Her companions gave the alarm and Mirando was captured by a number of citizens, from whom he was taken by a body of masked men, and this morning his body was found hanging to a tree not far from the scene of his capture. A Corouer's Jury rendered a verdict of hanged by parties unknown." OUR WASHINGTON LETTER. Q Washington, D. C, January 13, 18S1. The preparations under way for the Inaugur ation of the new President, to Bay the least of thorn, give promise of being most complete. The committee on accommodations, as they should be, are especially active, and their seal in procuring comfortable quarters for our vis itors prospective will add more than can be told to their enjoyment. At previous Inaugur ations this portion of the programme has not received Us proper share of attention and as a consequence hundreds have been here unable to get lodgings, and go away pouring maledic tions upon our innocent city, taking with them by way of remembrance, a severe cold. But this time there will be no such annoyance. Private citizens and organizations can by the aid of our worthy and efficient committee on accommodations, secure for themselves, pre vious to their arrival, comfortable quarters at very moderate prices, aud although our hotels, aud lodging house keepers promise to house all who may apply, I advise all intending to visit Washington the fourth of March to secure their lodging places In advance. Secretary Bherman, as was expected, has been nominated by the Ohio Republicans, to be U. 8. Senator In place of President-elect Gar field. But there Is a report that he Is to con tinue as Secretary of the Treasury nndcr the now administration, and that Qovernor Foster is to be then made Senator, in his stead. It Is also said that the Grant element of the Repub lican party, represented by Senator Conkllng, are becoming alarmed lest their old enemy Bhould secure the position they unable to get, hoped to keep him from. The Halifax Fishery award bids fair to be reoponed, as it is charged by the British gov ernment that the evidence upon which the award was made, was fraudulent. The devel opments, particulars of whlck are known only to the State Department, may cause much Diplomatic correspondence of a nature not wholly amicable. Correspondents, upon whom devolve the pleasant, sometimes, and special duty of- re porting the proceedings of Congress, are hav ing a hard time this Winter. Oi matters to talk about there is an abundance, but of things interesting, and Congresslonally exciting there is, also, a dearth. Congress met a week ago to-day, and have passed two appropriation bills, the Consular and Diplomatic and the Indian. Besides discussing the Wood funding bill in the House, and the District of Columbia tramp bill, and Halifax relief resolution In the Senate, nothing of importance has been done. There have been numcrons lucorrect state incuts published In relation to the request made rocently by General Walker, Superin tendent of tho Census, for an additional appro priation of ?500,000, in order that he may be enabled to complete the work In the manner prescribed by law. For the Coubus of 1ST0 Congress appropriated 3,333,000. Thus far for this census the following appropriations have been madei First, $3,000,000, subse quently, ?210,000, and finally, 185,000, mak ing in all, $3,335,000. In this census not only has the Increase of population made the task greater, but the duty of supervisors and enu merators have been greatly enlarged and the task In other ways has taken a wide scope than in 1870. Hence Gen. Walker is warranted in asking, ani Congress will doubtless take pleasure In granting the additional appropria tion. Olive. . A Foolish Mistake. Don't make the mistake of confound ing a remedy of acknowledged merit with the numerons quack medicines that are now so common. We speak from experience when we say that Parker's Ginger Tonic is a sterling health restoratlv and will do all that is claimed for It. We have used It our selves with the happiest results for Rheumatism and when worn out by overwork. See adv. Times. 2 it The Greatest Blessing. A simple, pure.harmless remedy, that cures every time, and prevents disease by keeping the blood pure, stomach reg ular, kidneys and liver active, Is the greates blesllng ever conferred upon man. Hop Bitters is that remedy, and its pro prietors are being blessed by thousands who have been saved and cured by it Will you try it t See another column. Euijle. . a ot We advertise that we carry the largest stock of Clothing in the County and can substantiate the same. We also claim to sell lower than any of our com petitors and will prove it to you if you give us a call. M. Dukes & Co. Buffalo Robes, Lap Robes, Colored and White Blankets, Horse Blankets, and Men's Knit Jackets and Gloves, the best assortment at M. Dukes & Co. New crop New Orleans molasses, new Raisins, Citrons, etc., just received by F. Mortimer. If you want to see the best assortment of Clothing ever brought to Perry Co., go to M. Dukes & Co., Newport, Pa. Western Union Telegraph connecting with all parts of the world. Office at New Bloomfield In Mortimer's build ing, tf On Sun-dat, office epen from 9 to 10 A. M and 5 to 0 P. M. Fpoclal Notice Owing to the lateness of the season we have determined to close out our fall stock of Carpets at reduced prices. Persons in need of the above will find it to their advantage to call and see our prices before purchasing elsewhere. C. SEEGER, 213 North 2d St., Harrisburg, Pa. Lniullsbiirg Confectionery. The sub scriber having opened a Confectionery In Landisburg would call attention to his stock of Candies, Oranges, Lemons, and fruits of all kinds in their season. Fancy Candles, Toys aud Nuts, suited for Christmas will be found In abund ance in his store. Oysters served in all styles. A call is solicited and pains will be taken to please all. 48 tit C. C. Siieaffer. Singer Machines. The Singer Company have opened an office in New Bloom field, for sale and repair of their sewing machines. All persons needing ma chines repaired can have them promptly and cheaply done, and persons wanting new machines are requested to give us a call. tf. S. H. Beck, Manager. For Rent. The Wagon Maker's and Blacksmith shops at Greenpark are for rent. This Is one of the best stands in the county, and is rented on account of the ill health of the proprietor. Inquire by mall or in person of Nathan Henderson, Greenpark, Pa. A new" WRINKLE. Wheat grists exchanged on sight or ground In a few hours. We have no low water now since tapping the Penn sylvania canal. We Lave the only Smith purifier in the county, and allow no one to make better flour. We pay five cents advance on market rates for Mediterranean or Lancaster wheat. We also sell Pillsbury's XXXX flour on commission, which is the best in the world. MILTON B. ESHLEMAN, Newport, Pa. Fer Sale A new house at Newport, close to the new bridge. Apply at once M. B. Esiileman, 4o 3m Newport, Pa. Still Alive ! I am still alive and ready to cut and fit suits In good style. If wanting any work in my line, give me a call. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Samuel Bentzel, TAILOR, April 0, '80.tf New Bloomfield, Pa. ST. ELMO HOTEL Nos. 317 and 319 Arch Street, Philadelphia. Rates re duced to Two Dollars Per Day. The traveling publlo still find at this Hotel the same liberal provision for their comfort. It is located in the immediate centres of business and places of amuse ment and the different Rail Road depots, as well as all parts of the city, are easily accessible by Street Cars constantly pass ing the doors. It otters special Induce ments to those visiting the city for business or pleasure. Your patronage is respectfully solicited. Jos. M. Feoer, Proprietor. Xotlce.s-On the 1st of April, 1880, John Bitner and wife gave to Elizabeth De wees a note for $01. The said note has been lost, and the said Bitners have given another note in place of the one that was lost. This notice is to save the said Bitners from being Imposed upon, should any person nnu saiu note. Yours truly, Thomas W. Dewees. If you want a good pair of Boots or Shoes you can be suited at M. DgKEg & Co., Newport. Money Loaned for clients on real estate security, in sums to suit, at six per cent, interest. Those wishing to borrow, and those wishing to put out money, on good security will please call on, or address, john.u. wallis, Atiorney-at- Jaw, JNew iJioomneiu, r. i u Sewing Machine Needles. I have nee dies on hand to suit any of the following machines : Grover & Baker, Keystone, Secor, Singer M'f'g., Singer Family, Domestic, Household, Eldrege, Daunt less, St. John, Howe, Home Shuttle, Buckeye, Davis, Weed, Remington, Whitney, Wilson, White, New Home, Empire, Etna, and Blees. Orders re ceived by mail promptly tilled. F. Mortimer, New Bloomfield, Pa. Ladles, call and p nm- a.nrt.nf r Dolmans, Coats, Shawls, Skirts, Furs, isublas, Underwear and Dry Goods. You will find the best line of these goods at our store. M. Dukes & Co. Fancy Brown Spreads. Very Hand some, at $1.09 cents each. F. Mortimer, New Bloomfield, Pa. W. H. GANTT, Watchmaker an. Jeaveler, and dealer in Wall Taper, Stationery and Fancy Goods. Send for samples of Wall Paper. W. H. GANTT, Gantt's Hotel Block. 30 ly Newport, Perry Co., Pa. VALUABLE FARMS v AT PRIVATE SALE. THR subscriber offers at Private Bale the fol lowing desirable farms: KO. 1. Is a Farm contalalng Sixty-Eight Acres, All pood land. In a Rood state of cultivation, and having thereon erected a GOOD DWELLING HOUSE, And all necessary Outbuildings, situate three miles south of Bloomfield and seven miles from IHinraniion. There Is on this place plenty of Choke I' i ult ol all kinds, Rood water at the door. tlm." Tenasy?" Uea',y eVe'y Ueld- SO. 2. Is a farm situate In Wheatleld twp containing ftbout US ACHES, having thereon erected a GOOD mVELLINU HOUSE, with all required Outbuildings, the Barn being entirely new. This farm is situate about six miles from Duncannon and four miles from Bloomlield. 1 here Is good water near the door, plenty of streams on the land, a good Apple Orchard, and S'.'l, fr"lt-and wi" make a desirable home. Price 82,850. Terms easy, NO. 8. Is a MILL rilOFERTY, situate near Shermansdale, on Sherman's Creek. The MILL and Machinery is in excellent order, with a gpod SAW MILL and a good CIDER MILL attached, and is one of the best stands in the t!!""V!,.'.w"h P'""1 ni" of custom. There Is also SEVEN ACRES of land with a Good Dwell lug thereon, to be sold with the Mill, and more land can be had if desired. Price. $,600. A large part of the purchase money can remain on morU gage. NO. 4. Is a Farm situate in Carroll township, about two miles from Shermansdale, containing about One Hundred Acres, having thereon erected a Uood Dwelling, and other Ont-bnildingg, A well of good water at the house and another at the Ham. There Is couslderable Iruit on the premises, and the land Is good and well watered. Price, $5,000, aud payments can be arranged to subpurchaser. NO. 5. Is a FARM situate In Carroll township, about twe miles from Shermansdale, containing Heycnty Acres, of good land, and having thereon a GOOD DWELLING, and other Out-buildings. There Is a good spring near the honse, and the harm Is well watered. There is also a Good Or. chard in bearing condition ; this will make a de sirable home. Price, SLEW. NO. 6. Is a FARM situate In Carroll township, about eight miles from Duncannon and Ave miles from Bloomlield, containing 100 ACMES OF LAND. The place has thereon erected a Good Dwelling Honse, a New Barn, and other Out buildings. There Is also a splend'd Orchard on the place. The land Is good, about one-halt being under cultivation and the balance well timbered. A good spring is near the door with a good spring house, and the place is well watered. Price, U.oOQ. Terms to suit purchaser. NO. 7. A TRACT OF LAND containing SIXTEEN ACRES, (half cleared) having thereon erected a GOOD TWO STOKY PLANK HOUSE. In good order. -This property Is located 2 miles south of Bloomlield. and has on it plenty of FRUIT of all kinds, and will make a very desirable home a party wanting a small tract ul land. There Is a rnnnlng stream of water near the house and a well of good water close to the door. Price tlOOu, half to be cash and the balance In two equal an nual payments. ror iuriner miormaiinn aoaress ine nnaer signed at New Bloomlield. Perry countv. Pa., or call at his residence three miles south ol Bloom field. C. B.HABNI8H. Battle Creek, Michigan,' MAJtOTACTUBEBS 0 TBS OHLX WCKXnxa THRESHERS, Traction and Plain Engines and Horse-Powers. Host Complete Thresh or 1'actory; Established! la the World. i 1848 aJ At Tnanntrement, or location, to "bach vp oroui warranty on oAoiirfwrf. SSL M I krlllVflew, witnous cn&nRe ox imui'v STEAM - POWEll frEPARATORa.amt Complete ritenm Oatfltnow'''9"".'"- 1-inut Traction Engines and Plain Innmeo ever eeen in the American market. . , A wiukitwU of iptrtal ftaMM and impnMmmf fnr ISil, torether witn tuperlor jo(n( l mulmc Hon and wtatiriab not dreamed of by other makers. Four aizeo of Separators, from 6 to 14 bono Canacity.S'or tteam or horfpo.fr. Two Btylee of " Mounted " Uorne-povrers. , t Kftt t(M Feet at (Selected I.nmbrt- 4 fUVIv,UV (romthroatorixyMriair-ttrwt) oonntsntly on hand, from which is boilt tho tn COUliNtfihUie W04XVWUTK uk our nianninery. TRACTION ENGINES Strong, MOrt durabU. and rffiriont wr suua, b, 10, 13 iiurso Power. Fnrmera and Threshermen aro Invited to Xnvoatinite thU matcAUss Turueliiiia Machinery. - Circulars sunt free. Address NICHOLS, 6 HE PA. HO & CO. Battlej Creek, Michigan. 1 .1- ' .z-l . It .-