H ; .. y ;, 'III . T G) --mtf. IS ,iiiU' iij' WjisWiVHt VOL XV. NEW BLOOMFIELD, IJA., TUESDAY, JANUARY IB, 1881. NO. 3. " I j AX ffv i V J iff XL V Wfl A. V. J THE TIMES. lu Independent Family Newspaper, II PUBLISMDBVIRT TUHSDAT BT F. MORTIMER & CO. TEltMS t INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE. $1.50 FEU YI'AII, POTAUR FIIF.K. 80 CTS. FOIt S MONTH. To subiorlbers residing In this county, where we hare no postals to pay. ft discount of 2S cents from the aboye terms will be made If payment Is made In advance. Advertising rates furnished upon appllca Uon. THE PROFESSOR'S STORY. THERE were six of us seated around the fire, eaoh trying to do his share to make the evening pass pleasantly. It was now the professor's turn to tell us a story and after much pressing he began : "Gentleman," said he, gravely, "no man cares to gain for himself the repu tation of a liar or a manlao. Yet this Is exactly what you are pressing both of us to do. I have no doubt that the experi ence which I am about to relate, and in which my friend the doctor bore no unimportant part, will appear absolute ly incredible to persons of your advanced views. . There was a touch of sarcasm in the worthy professor's tone, but in our eagerness to hear his story we found . it convenient to disregard this. " However," he continued, " I shall risk it. If you choose to disbelieve it, why I shall endeavor to have charity for your ignorance and conceit. Now, doctor, if you will hand me the tobacco and one of the pipes the ranker and blacker the better I will proceed." Having filled his pipe and settled him self comfortably in his chair, he began thus : "It must be fully ten years ago that the doctor and myself were engaged upon a geological survey of the northern part of this State. We had labored dill gently during the summer and fall, when toward the close of a cold Novem ber day we shouldered our knapsacks and turned our faces homeward. "Our way led through a chain of black and rugged hills towards a frontier town, twenty miles distant, where we intended to take the railroad. A more forbidding region it has never been my misfortune to Bee. It was a perfect chaos, blackened and warped by prime val fires, and destitute of the smallest trace of vegetation. Tall cliffs towered a thousand feet above our heads, shut ting out the light of the dull . November sky. Sluggish streams filtered between the crevices of the .rocks, and poured noiselessly into deep and motionless pits. It seemed that the blight of death had fallen upon the whole coun try. " Well knowing the peril of attempt ing to proceed through Buch a region after nightfall, we halted at Bunset, and building a fire at the foot of a crag, dis posed ourselves to rest as well we might. Exhausted with the toils of the day, the doctor was soon asleep, and I was not long in following his example. " How long I had slumbered I knew not, when I found myself sitting up right, peering nervously in the darkness around me. It seemed to me that some one had uttered a wild appealing cry In the very portals of my ears. For some moments I sat so, wondering and anxious. Then I reflected that as there could be no human being in the neighborhood except ourselves, the sound which had alarmed me must have been the shriek of some bird or animal. Explaining the matter thus, I was on the point of lying down again, when I was arrested by - a repetition of the cry. This time there could be no mistake. Wild, long, and, it appeared to me, full of intolerable anguish, it re-echoed among the crags with fearful shrillness. With an uncontrollable start, I turned and shook the doctor to awake him. "'Be quiet,' he muttered, 4 1 am awake and beard it all.' " What can it be V I asked anxious ly. ' Surely, nothing human ; no one lives in this region for miles around. Perhaps it is a wild-cat.' " 'No,' he said, between his teeth1 'such a sound never came from the throat of a wild-cat. There it is again. Listen 1' "Theory wag repealed. It was a woman's voice, but it expressed such supreme misery as I believe woman never felt before. It came ringing up the gorge with a weird and mournful intonation that chilled the blood In my heart. By the doctor's quick breathing, I could tell that he was as much affected as myself. Neither of us spoke or mov ed ; both waited for a renewal of the cry, in the hope of arriving at some rational explanation of It. "Again it came; but now like a low, tremulous sob. I am not a superstitious man, gentlemen, but I confess that I sat there shivering with a species of horror that was utterly new to me. What could it be ? Not a living woman, surely; alone and suffering in an Inacces sible fastness where we were mortally certain nothing human dwelt. And then what misery was it that gave itself such uncanny expression V Not fear, nor bodily pain, but something terrible, something nameless to us. While we were debating these questions in smoth ered tones, the cry came once again. This time in words we understood : "'HelpI Oh.Godl help!' "At this intelligible appeal to our manhood, our superstitious weakness at once disappeared. Seizing a torch from our smouldering fire, we made our way hastily toward a pile of rocks a few hundred yards dlstant,whence the sound seemed to have proceeded. Scrambling up the height we came suddenly upon a strange and mournful scene. Before us stood a small, wretched-looking hut, evidently constructed by hands unused to such labor, unglazed, and without a chimney. There was a dull light with in, and through the open door we saw the body of a man apparently lifeless, lying prone upon tho earthen floor. Beside blra, with arms flying wildly over her head, knelt the figure of a woman, evidently the one whose cries had alarmed us. It need but a, glance to assure us that some strange tragedy had taken place, and without a moment's hesitation we entered the hut. " The woman raised her eyes as we approached, but gave no further heed to us. Apparently her great sorrow had driven her distracted. She was a young creature, hardly twenty, I should judge, and, despite the signs of hardship and sorrow visible on her features, very beautiful. Her form was slight and even attenuated, but in Its shabby dress pre served traces of former refinement. " Her companion, a young man of about her own age, attired in a coarse woodman's suit, had evidently suc cumbed to hardship or disease, and was either insensible or' dead. His pinched and ghastly countenance must have been once very handsome, but now it looked old and worn as that of a man of sixty. He had apparently fallen in his present position, and the girl had been unable to raise him. "My friend, the doctor," continued the worthy professor, "surly, uncouth and cynical as he commonly appears, has as kind a heart as ever beat in a man's breast no flattery, my dear fel low, for it must be 'confessed that you have faults that more than counterbal ance your one good trait. Well, gentle men, he bent over the poor creature, and in a voice as gentle as a woman's endeavored to arouse the girl from her lethargy. " ' Who are you J" he said, 'and what has happened V "'He is dead dead!' she muttered, hoarsely. " ' Perhaps it is not as bad as that,' he rejoined. ' Tell us all about it. We are friends, my dear, and medical men, and may be able to assist you." " ' He died this morning, before my very eyes,' she moaned, 'died, oh, my God I of starvation. And I never knew that he was depriving himself for my sake. Oh, my husband ; why did you not let me die with you? And she threw herself across the body, sobbing as if her poor heart would break. There were tears in the doctor's eyes as he looked at me," added the professor, with a tremor in his voice, "and the rascal has always sworn that my own were not dry. That, however, is aside from the subject. " Though we knew nothing of these two poor children for they were but little more we felt that we had chanced upon a strange sad story of love, pride and suffering, such as is rarely told, even in this unhappy world. " The doctor stooped down and felt at the heart of the prostrate man. " ' He Is dead,' he whispered, motion ing me to imitate his example. " ' Yes, dead,' I replied, after examin ing the corpse. " How we made the truth known to the poor wife I do not remember. It would seem that she had preserved some faint remnant of hope until our assur ance destroyed it utterly. With a low groan she fell suddenly at our feet, in sensible. Although at a loss as to what course to pursue, we felt it more than our duty to remain in the hut for the night; and on the morning to make the best arrangements for the poor girl's comfort that were possible. "Fortunately the doctor bad his med ical case in his pocket. Administering a powerful sleeping potion to her, he placed her in happy unconsciousness of the events that were to follow. We then proceeded to a more careful examination of the man. " Without vanity I can say that both the doctor and myself have received some few testimonials as to our scientifie ability from the world. You will proba bly believe that we are capable of decid ing upon a very simple case of death by starvation!1" He paused and looked gravely around. "Very good, remem ber then, that I assert upon my profes sional reputation that the man was stone dead." " Yes," added the doctor, who had hitherto remained silent, "the life must have been extinct more than five hours when we found him." " Well," continued the professor, with increasing gravity, "having satisfied ourselves upon this point, we covered the corpse decently and sat down to wait for morning. Though in no mood for conversation, the startling experience of the evening kept us both awake for several hours. But at length, com pletely overcome with weariness and exoitement, I fell into a light slumber. "Almost immediately, it seemed, I was awakened with a shock. The .doc tor was bending over me witli an ex pression of wonder and alarm upon his face. " ' Wake up,' be said, in a troubled whisper, 'something very strange has been going on in this room for many minutes past.' " ' What is it V I asked, I thought I heard some one speaking.' " ' You did,' he replied, ' I have dis tinctly heard a voice close beside us, yet there is no one in the room except our selves and these two poor people." "' Perhaps the woman has been talk ing in her sleep,' I suggested, 'or it may be that the man is not dead after all.' " ' No, I have looked to both,' he re turned. ' One sleeps soundly, and the other will never speak again in this world. So satisfy yourself.' " I arose, jtnd, trimming the lamp, proceeded first to the couch where the girl lay. She at least could not have spoken, for all her senses were locked in a profound stupor. I then examined the corpse and found It as we had left it, except that the features were more shrunken and sallow than before. No voice could have come from those rigid lips. Concluding that we had both dreamed or had mistaken some nocturn al cry for a human voice, I replaced the light, and was about to resume my seat, when my movements were arrested by a very singular voice. " There it Is again !" muttered the doctor, agitatedly. "A low, confused murmur, resembling nothing that I had ever heard before, arose in the room, and seemed to circu late in the air for an Instant and die away. Again it arose, .coming from a point over, our heads, and gradually descending until it appeared to emanate from some invisible source immediately beside us. I know of nothing with which to compare the intonation, except it nyiy be tbe articulation of the tele phone, or that of a ventriloquist. " The first words we caught were, Oh, my poor wife 1' " It would be Impossible to describe the effect that these words produced upon us. It was not so much tbe tone, wierd and uncanny as it was, as tbe startling significance of the words that am a ed us. " Who could have spoken them but the husband of the woman lying etu pi fled upon the couch V Yet be bad been dead many hours. Full of' the repug nance of the horror of the idea, we start ed up and again examined not only every nook and cranny of the hut itself, but even (he space outside for many yards around. There was no human being besides ourselves ra the vicinity. " We again scrutinized the corpse. It had neither changed its position nor Its appearance. The flesh had grown per fectly cold and the muscles rigid ; there was not a trace of vitality in it. Now," continued the professor, wiping his forehead nervously. " I have arrived at what I imagine will be the limit of your credulity. I do not expect you to credit what followed ; but I swear to you, on tbe word of an honest man, that I do not deviate from the truth as much as a syllable when I say, that while we bent above the body we again heard the voice proceeding from a distant part of tbe room, saying audibly : " ' In the name of God, assist me back to life I' " With hearts beating thick and fast, we stood gazing at each other absolutely thunderstruck. An experience so terri fying, so utterly without precedent, completely unnerved us. While we remained stupefied with horror, the voice was again audible. " ' Oh, have pity 1' it said, 'aid me to return to life.' " It was some minutes before either of us could recover from our amazement sufficiently to make any reply. " ' Who is It that speaks to us ?' asked the doctor, in a low tone. " ' The soul of the man who lies dead before you I' it replied. " ' It is impossible that the dead can speak,' answered the doctor. " ' No, for the Intelligence never dies,' replied the voice. 'My body is indeed dead, but that with which I lived and thought and loved Is still in this room.' " ' What is that you desire V asked the doctor, carrying on this strange colloquy with Increased wonder. " ' To be aided to resume my former existence,' was the rejoinder. 'I dare not leave my poor wife unprotected in this wilderness. I cannot Bee her Buffer. I love her beyond all my hopes of a future life, and by the power of my love I have remained near her, and have been able to communicate with her. I cannot, I will nut, be separated from her. I must return to her in my human shape.' " Whether the doctor's courage desert ed him at this point or not I cannot say ; but he spoke no more ; and as the voice was no longer audible, we remain ed silent in a state of mind that baffles all description. " I am morally certain that both of us would have fled instantly from the place had It not been for the poor creature sleeping upon the bed. We would not leave her to face alone a mystery that shook even nerves as toughened as ours. After a hasty consultation as to what course we ought to follow, we resumed our former seats and waited in breath less expectation for what was next to occur. " Some hours had passed in this way, and the first dim traces of dawn were shining upon the eastern horizon, when with a simultaneous start we sprang to our feet. The voice had again spoken. This time it had proceeded, not from some Indefinite point in the atmos phere, but from beneath the sheet en veloping the corpse : "'Help!' it cried, in faint, but distant accents, 'for Christ's sake, helpl' "For an Instant we hesitated and who would not ? then hastened to the body and removed the covering. There was no alteration in its pallor and rigidity, but we perceived that the Hps, from which a faint murmur was issuing, trembled slightly. Here our instincts conquered our weakness. Whatever tbe mystery involved in the matter, a hu man being was struggling to regain existence, and our Impulse was to aid without question. A powerful restora tive was administered, and, before many moments had passed, we saw the color coming back to thtf wan cheeks and the Bhrunken muscles re-shaplng themselves with the current of warm blood. Then with a faint sigh the eyes opened and gazed at us inquiringly. In a word,, gentlemen, the dead was restored to life. " It Is needless-to detail what followed. In the meeting which occurred between, these two poor young creatures, we felt ourselves more than repaid for the start ling experiences of the previous night. It can do no harm to add that we claim- ' ed and exercised tbe right of securing their future prosperity out of our ample means. We learned no more of their former history than that the persecution, of those whose wishes their marriage had opposed, bad driven them to. hide their poverty and misfortune In the wilderness. We have heard of them, since. " The young man, as we discovered' on questioning him, remembered noth ing of bis sensations while unconscious, except a vague, dreamlike, and' yet intense sorrow for his young wife. He had no knowledge whatever of the voice which had. addressed us, and appeared' to believe that he had labored under temporary suspension of animation arising from starvation. We did not combat his belief, for we believed that he was actually dead, and that he only returned to life through his great love. Who will deny that love -is- stronger than death, and that it goes with us even beyond the grave '(" Brother Gardner on Dancing. " What I was gwlne to remark," said . the old man as- the meeting opened, "wastode effect dat a sartln cull'd clergyman, who has charge of a flock in de western part of dis State, has written me a letter axin' dat dis club sot Its face agin' dancln'. It am his oplnyun dat a pusaon who stands at de head of de line when de Virginny reel am called off am on clus terms wld old Satan. Now, den,. I don't say dat I would take de ole woman on my arm an' walk off to a public hall to jlne la a dance wid Tom, Dick and Harry, but de odder night when Sir Isaac Walpole gi-a a little party we war dar, an' we shook de foot in de liveliest sort o' style. What harm kin come from elidln' across a pine floo' to de music of fiddles am past by grip. De music can't be wicked, an if it am wuss for a man to glide dan walk den I am ready to believe anything. An exmember of die club sot down by bis own fireside one night an' talked 'nnff lies and scandal in one hour to last de cull'd folks of Detroit for six months. Could dancln' do any wuss 't- People who doan' dance or play or attend games am de werry pussons who have time to gossip an' start scandals, an' we all know it. ' I want dis clergyman to go on doin' good in buildin up de church, but when he axes me to help choke down de social feelin' an' da Jolly speert which de Law J gin mos men, I must refuse. Heaven must be a werry gloomy place if it am peopled wid only dose pussons who am 'fraid to open der moufs when day laff fur fear de evil one will jump down der froats. I say to every man in dis hall to go ahead an enjoy hisself as best ho kin, an' as much as he kin widout doin' injury to his fellow men. Stop at de limits in all lings an you'll break no laws nor add to your Bins. Let us now purceed wid de purceedings. His Unknown Friend. . The Sarina Observer says : " A good joke is being told just now of an old res ident, living not a hundred miles from Sarina. Col. F came, to town and went to one of the leading hotels for dinner. A new feature bad been intro duced into the hotel since the Colonel's last visit, in the shape of a waiter in full dress, swallow-tail coat, etc. The Colonel came in and seated himself at a table, and tbe waiter came up and said : 'What will you have, sir?' The Colonel, who is a little deaf, shook him cordially by the band, and rising, said : 'Really, you have the advantage of me, sir, er-er, where was it I met you before ? Toron to "r" Then leading bim to a window, and turning him ao that the light would fall on his face, again remarked that 'the countenance was familiar, but really he could not place him,' etc. The waiter blushed, of course, and repeated the re mark, 'What will you have, sir ?' The Colonel thanked him, 'Really I never take anything before dinner,' he said and returning to his seat he asked the waiter to be seated. The waiter, of course excused himself, and sent a pretty din ing-room girl to wait on the Colonel. The Colonel went home and 1 still wondering who his distinguished friend was.' " V J