0 THE TIMES, NEW RLOOMFIELt), PA , JANUA11Y 11, 1881. Ije Ioomfitm foifs. HOUSE, FARM AND GARDEN. How Bees are Made Harmless. The following contains valuable lilut to those who are obliged to handle bees. The little fellows are sharp strikers when disturbed, but It seems . there is a very simple way to take the poison out of 'them. A gentleman says: Borne years ago I was visiting a fam ily In Sussex County, N. J., where a large number of hives of bees were kept In a yard near the furin-house. The bees were unusually cross and belliger ent they would " biz out with angry fyke" at any one who approached their yard. On speaking to the old gentle man on the subject, he said they were feeding on buckwheat, and were full of "plzen," and he would oure them by the time I came agalu. On the next day I found the bees quite pool lie and quiet, freely letting me come quite close to their hives. On asking for an explanation of their amlableness, Mr. 8. pointed to an efllgy hanging near the bee-yard. lie had put thii up in the night. In the morning the swaying of the effigy excited the warlike little fellows, and they literally covered their enemy all the forenoon, until all had slung him to their content, and had exhausted all their poison without barm to themselves or others. Verily, knowledge is power. Rabbits Gnawing the Bark. It is easy to prevent rabbits from gnawing the bark of fruit trees. Now that their food is becoming somewhat scarce, these animals will soon be attack ing the young trees and eating the bark. This they do, no doubt, on account of an instinctive desire for some bitter sub stance to aid in digestion when their usual food becomes dry and innuturious. To prevent this the stems of young trees may be smeared with a mixture of cow-dung and clay made into a paste and brushed ou with a broom, or a sheep's liver may be rubbed upon the bark. The protection afforded to rabbits by law Is a mistake, as these animals are vermin and do much damage, much more in fact than the very small value of their flesh compensates for. Getting Rid of Stumps. Farmers who desire to get rid of their stumps, may find something to their advantage in the following recommenda tion from the Scientific American : " In the autumn bore a hole one or two inches in diameter, according to the girth of the stump, vertically in the center of the latter, and about eighteen inches deep. Put into it one or two ounces of saltpetre; fill the hole with water and plug it up close. In the en suing spring take out the plug and pour in a half gill of kerosene oil and ignite it. The stump will smoulder away without blazing, to the very extremity of the roots, leaving nothing but ashes." EETWhen you are driving a horse on a long journey, give it oatmeal in its water, about a quart in two-thirds of a pailful. This Is a universal practice in England ; it keeps up the strength of the horse and is easily digested, besides preventing any bad consequences as the result in drinking. To Prevent Rusting of Tin. Rub fresh lard over the dish, and then put it iu a hot oven and heat it thorough ly. Thus treated any tinware may be used i)i water constantly, and remain bright and free from rust Indefinitely. fjrMake the most of the little nutri ment contained iu potatoes. They ought to be steamed or baked. The lat ter is the best, and soaking iu cold water for half an hour before putting in the oven is an advantage. In neither se should the skin be removed before ooklng. ' - . - . Grateful Women. None received so much benefit, aud none are so profoundly grateful and nhow such an Interest In recommend ing Hop Bitters eg women. It is the only remedy peculiarly adapted to the many Ills the sex is almost universally subject to. Chills aud fever, indigestion or deranged liver, constant or periodical sick headache, weakness in the back or kidneys, pain in the shoulders and differ ent narts of the body, a feeling of lassitude and despondency, are all readily remov ed by tliene Bitters. Outran!. 1 t A Foolish Mistake. Don't make the mistake of confound ing a remedy of acknowledged merit with the numerous quack medicines (hat are now so common. We eak from experience when we' say that Tarkir's (JlDger Tonic is a sterling health restorativ aud will do all that is claimed for it. We have used it our weUjeii with the happiest results for .Rheumatism and when worn out by overwork. Bee adv. Timcu. Great Reduction in Prices ATIRAWENTZEL'8 STOKE IN BLAIN, PENN'A. In order to make room for the reparation about to take place in our Store Room, we will sell goods at GREATLY REDUCED Prices for Tlie Next Sixty Drtys. MARCH AL & Ttf lending itrrat from ftetorr to pnrohixtr, enn Mil high, AH liiohi'i Inns, sol I J wnlmit oust , ft nntavs, ' r oeterinineu tbai etry one mist I have an undo thpiffortpiitthp prlre at IfJO. U'l fttind Ofl F trrrr Mrc&n ftKHHIl. MtNlt: mid UWcr nt Wtiw ncofell trie moiiej Willi jour hunk i.r any ns)tiHiU' lurrcliatil. to br paid t II Origan U saiUfaoiory, or to be ivturned to vou I f Or fun I reiuruni ui us, oaniA hft Only Housa In America r own, 4 u r nntt nmina SukHata. ''"pt'.r. i lettt and ti-md iji't .fur SUO. Urrli r lir. ci or m i. :,.r iill il -crifiloa. MA lit HAL As MMll'U, 8 Wert EU.nth Klnit, INew Vork, A. V. Cannot get out I S "A r. I of Order. 1 ; , , Will ht a Llf- I. "( J W. tr m & '"Jr , r-r f li tflryo TT vfi ( 'iniv 0 fliolliT ill ho v.antpcl. ft Invpi ti d. Cnnt-axs otr tliu onl 61) DYSPEPTIC OR BILIOUS J S VI Mf n n E?8 n IW. f 1 silk D n IT3 A Medicine recently discovered and used by an emin-nt physician with tfonHprfiil nrces. All dniceM and country itorea have It or will pet it for you. Also a aure cure for I IV IICjH-:RTIIV. Tk B?n p" It 2 j J I sii i v bottle, and can be outainea irom au aruggista, PERRY DAVIS & SON, Providence, R. I. Proprietors. 11 Clveow THE SUN FOR 1881. Kveryb'Kly p:iI Tmk Him. In the nlttttmn of tliln newnnaiHT in rouKi mut the ytr to ctum uvery body willrtn.l: I. Allthn worMV noun, M't pwontcil that the rfarlr will Kt: th Krtiitifrit uiiini'.nt nf initiruitttiou witti the loHMt u n pro tit bie I'xjH'inlitiiri) nf timo Htul eye muUt. The Hun lnw ntrn tiiMMv-r'l tlif k)IUmi rni un betwevu rtHluuilitiit tuilni'KM atiil uimutisiiactiiry brmlty. II. Much uf lliut furl it iiwh wmch dtjiuuiU lean him m Uh rcoKl't'(t iti!ti)rtitu(( thau upnii its (ntrnnt to maukiiid. From ttiormnt to mnriitnr THit Hvh prtiitK a coiithiu J ptury nf thf Ifvrw nf reiki tnt-u and woi.H'ii, and if tlit ir dm tin, p!rub, Iovum huten, and triittbleit. ThiM t.iry fn murt vat Jrd and nmro intereHt iutr than any rimitiu, tiiat whh r-wr di'viitfd. III. tioinj writliikf In every roliimn, aud frfuhnenn, nriKiuality, aocuiui!) , uu d 'curiuu iu ttiu ttvatmeatof eviry aubjurt. IV. HmiL-at comment . Thk Hiin'h halHt In to upeak out fenrlKly almnt inn and tliliify h. V. KqtiaU'-andor in dfalltiK with eaoh political party, ml eipiul rcaibiit'MH to tiuintiid what U pra ni-wniiliy cr to rubuke what in blahiublt: iu DouKKTatic or Ut'pub- lea u . . VI. Altaolnto indnPiidMi n pnrtlttan nrfraniwitiona but unwtsvcriiiar ti alty to trut IVrtMK'rutie prinoipM, Thk Sun bfliiivuN that th (.(ivHriiniftit which the tNm. flitiitimi htIvmh ua ia a trond oni to ktp. I in notion of dutv la fo ivntnt to it utmoH power tin- etfoit f li en in the Kepubiicaii pm ty ( &et no anotbi-r form of iUtv rnmpnt iu thft nlaiw of that wnleh ettntfi. The year !! aud the yMtra immediatidy followiiiM: will proba'ly de"iilo thia aupreini'ly iuijuirtHUt emit tut. 'jiiK nvv trflievea that the virtory will lie with the people aa amiiuHt the Hinu-a fur monopoly, the ltin for plunder, and the KiiiKH for imiKTial power. Our terma are aa toilnwH : or th Daily Hi'N, u f nr pasn ah't of twenty elKht column. ti' price by niuil, Miht, j'aid ia HH wnta a month, oi Hil.il O a yeHr; or. nu-lndniK the Huuday paier. an eWht-pare alioet ttfv.Nix column, tb price ia 3 Ct uU a moiitli, or 87,T tt year, iKMtaftJ paid. acimmt.-ly at 81 a eA'a, Matar imld. inennnna eiiirmii 01 thk Hun in aiao iiirnianva luepm-eot uw Wkkly Hun, eK" I columna, 1a 111 a vear. noatHtfu isa'd. Ko nairea. flflv-ii ear, poHtafro ia'd. For elula of U'ix fct'inliiiK 10 we will wild an extra oopv fret no an I'iiih vip- irit. AdilpMHul W. If-ni.tNn. liblUUerof IhkHun, Nuw York City. L&O to S1195 a Month. ENCYCLOPEDIA VI sO &J n sf 'Myr "id forms for Bul- IIW VV I s U sd Men, Farmer. Mi oks Men, Farmer, Mu- a jt assaa. sw . eiiMntca and nui kintitn n TUUK J Wrl,S.,!ltlnK,",t- 1-p.fre. cnanica ana noi KihRTin LAWYER tirpot auccaas. One iiL-eht oui i in on, town, an- fillii,r li,9 In lul .1... ..... othir 75 In :l lir a.. Knvoa 1. 11 tlmra Ita cl. in I evirylKHlv iiiiI It. hirnil fur circular. ami lean. Mm tjenri al A?t'iita aiili'U. Aililru 1'. W. 21KUI.KR A t'l ., I, WW An b St., Nil 'a, r. laly lOHI'ltlNTIXHi.i rvrry iteacrliniitn neatly I and jirntiintiv exooiitcd at Kfa.,iiHhle Kate' at tuPtBWMiiiitteld TimeK 8tpsm Juli omre. SMITH ORGAN CO., !pn mil ihti bosutirtil Ornso, TO fiuhm. .Tfc fl I I . 1&iup, 4 Het of II.. K r.r VvW ivrttitiliy to ti-st I hi I KN I Kl ITIII.M flODk. u, t-mni.l. V Mu Ifteen Days Trial " fc-nd with iltiL-i'iit Ore ill. H 4 NEW PREMIUM CCRN S HELLER, VM.Y.fllEAP rilA-TICl.R IIAMM'ltltN H1IF.I .I.Mt ALAUli, W 11.1, Do Ah All '"II AH ANY I. UU1J.A11 Mil l.l.Ht l.N 11IJ. JM.M1K1 1. TWO IMPORTANT. ADVANTAGES. IPf HST. It d"f not Injure the rru, anii lu ihtruoru Just th tuinv to uvo fur flifUlnj? tern ftr HH:ON IJ. TIib tip and ind butt m ? I"" rorn run ha 1hIIm1 Into ono YfflMel, aHi the limly of the mi Intu niiotlliT. hit'h In nn lnimpinfi(:onvrnl"!.ci, an ninny luruiem plant only the corn fronihuTiilclillnnf the fur. Kry Farmer -nnt thin (ilu ller tor flirlllncrorn for vonl try, for m' Tl. for nopil.or for anv Itiil lr puT-jom-, to uiattcr llow tnnnv 1-iri'-, M'j-li-prlrPiI phrlfirs he nmv lim f . it will IMv For Ifnelf Mnnv TItnctt Oirer on Any I-'arm. rnrjnfM cmtN miKi.i.ftii u iipninM to hopomi" the S'i:i i.tnof ttio ilnv. AVtip.i otipo Introihlppli.rio ol htr Fmnll Wehollovo Hi ! In lip the Hint Ihmil Corn Hicller ever AOK.PCTS WANTKFI In pi nry bounty. Airtlrnlttiral Im'plpmPiitu, Akk tovr pkAl.rn roa it, and If lip haH not (rot It, 'nil a SV'tnpIp proiiald to nnr nih)rpB upon rorp'pt of fj. . Aihirofe ily MaiiufiusturerH, Publisher!, FARM A FIRESIDE, Springfield, Ohio. a4w CURED IN 20 MINUTES BY V A-SANO iqk Rl B "hiIvvik'hh and ntlloufineaK. VECETABLE A PUHELY VEGETABLE ItKMEDY' FOR INTCRNAL AND EITERSAl tit, la a nre tare for all the dlaeaws for which It li reeommeDded, and Is always PERFECTLY SAFE In the hands of even the moat Inexperienced person. It I at Bare and quick remedy for COUGHS, RORF! THKOAT, CHILLS, and similar troubles: utrords Instant relief In the most malignant forma or DIPHTHERIA, and la the best known remedy for Rheumatism and Neuralgia. The Oldest, Best, and Most Widely Known Family Medicine In the World. It has been used with such wonderful success In all parts of the world for CRAMPS, CHOLERA, II AKHIKEA, DYSENTERY, and all BOWEL COMPLAINTS that It la considered an unfailing cure for these diseases. Has stood the test of Forty Years' Constant Use In all Countries and Climates. It Is RECOMMENDED by Physicians, Missionaries, Ministers, Managers of Plantations, Work-Shops, and Factories, Nones In Hospitals In short by Brerybodjr, Everywhere, who baa ever given it a trial. It is without a rival as a liniment. ; It should always be used for Pain In the Back and Bide, and brings speedy and permanent relief In all coses of Uralses, Outs, Sprains, Severe Burns, Scalds, etc. I . Bio family can safely be without It. It will annually save many times Its cost in doctors' bills, and its prlco brings it .within the reach of all. It is sold at Si5c., SOc, and H per Always Get The Best. THE CHRISTIAN AT WORK. A Large Quarto Weekly. Jlrtlplous, Literary und taint y Jfeicyjaper. Evangelical, Non-So:tarian, Independent. Thla Faninna Wwlily cniuiriKoa a rare cnmlilnation of Ut'llKioiia, l.lt.Tr , Hrii iitittr, Prai th al ami I inn ly Tiiiiiua. It miipliiya the Hunt 1 alont hi ail il. artmrlit, Hint iiit'rK iip.111 itM aixti'eutli yi-ar with iiii)r(uwt tiieaiiaaiul rantitli'a aii't the euertry ami MH'iieiire n-tiuiuiUi t piii tnrui rvery iilvilxe aud oblixuMou Ui lu readera ana thti puhltr. THE CHRISTIAN A 2' WORK' not only believea lu Working tHiriHtlnnw, but advocate the ru-ht and aeeka t promote the welfare of all worH era In avM'ationa deHiued to elevate, the Jeopl and ativanre the proHjHTity of tlie country. It bebuvea iu ProtfreNH and Improvement -Moral, Mental and I'll y a. icl aud that while the world movea the people ahould tie advancing iu the riKbt directiou. Aiming to lur nitih thu Bent Weekly of its Class, It luvltea an examination of Ita contents, and a com par lit on of the merit thereof with thtt of coutemiHtrary J'mruala. Indeed, it ciainia that the btat ia always the Cheapeat. FOIIAI, KTYLK ANI "Tht rhrintiau nt Work" ia a beautiful Weekly of T.venty LarKe Quarto PaKea. OUIi TEllMS FOR 1SS1. One iiiljaiKiptiiiu, oue yrar, lu aUvauce S3 00 rural iiionlha , bo OtieaiiliMi'i'iiitinii, two yi.ar-,lll ilvan-e.... ( 00 UuKailluK-nptiiHi witli one urw subscriber, both iu advamw, in una ri'iuiitauce B00 Oue aiilMcrliitlou with two new aulwcribeaa, all ttirt-f in ailvaurf, iu one rtiiiiittaucti... 7 uu OllP aiinaiirflltitlll With tlir.w. tlw .li)i.rllu.M ull four In ailvanor. In one rinlttau ,840 Ouu alilMtriiXioii Willi four new aulnturilivra, all nv lu ailvaiirp, iu oui iiiinitlaiior 10 00 Any iiiiinlMTiivpr rvrat tlip.ame rate, luvai-iably ' with on rt'iuittt noe. I Suliiu'rilie now auil irrl tlio low raw. We irtve mi ; priiiitiiiia,aiiilmiervr the riirhtui withdraw our liber al o't'li .ata at any time after aix muutha. 1 iV' aa ''Ve ,"""""'l'llcati"" N. UALLOCK, Publisher, ivjsroaaway, jy. 1, Eiii'XT K N Tii; k. -rtTc"rheTebygir". J en that Letter of Administration on the rafale i of Itobeil On: clec'il.. lute ol Uuville town. ahln. Perry eoniity, r.. have been granted lo. Jane Orr. ol aalrl towiialiii. All tiei'ionHlnilehteil t.,i said eat Ate are requested to make liuuwillale payment, and thoae having oia iiH lu iircaent thrin duly authenticated for settlriut n. to .TANK ORK, Adni's. Nov. lit, 1Hl) a j. t. M lutlre, atl'y. Newport Advertisements. jEWPORT DRUGSTORE. Havlnir on hand a complete assortment of thsfol lowln, articles, the subscriber asks a sbsreof rear ratronaae. l)rtiff and Medicine, CHEMICALS OF ALL KINDS. Also a full stock of Concentrated Eomedies, ESSENTIAL OILS. Brashes, Perfumery IIAIll OIL, AKD FANCY ARTICLES. Also alwaya on Hand PURE WINES & LIQUOR FOB MEDICINAL and SACRAMENTAL PCUPOBEa PHYSICIANS ORDERS Currfttlly and Promptly Filfet B . M . EBY, Newport, Penn'a. it. s. cook & co., Afrree to aell all kinds of LUMBER AND SHINGLES, for LESS MONEY than anyotber dealers in this county. We will also take good Tlmberon the stump or delivered at our Mill in exchange for Lumber, So, We u?e G'leartleld Pine and Hem oca only. W. R. 8. COOK ft CO., . Jfewport, Terry Co., Pa. October 10, 1876. JONAS' BROS, & CO., (Formerly John Jones ft Son,) Grain 8c Produce MERCHANTS, Brick Warehouse, Front St., aboTe Market i Newport, Perry County, Pa. WE would respectfully Invite the patronage of the farmers, and the publlo generally, as the HIGHEST PKICKH the market will afford, will be paldfor all kinds of GRAIN, FLOUK, PRODUCE SEEDS AND KAIIiHOAD TIES We have constantly on hand, fri8H, SALT. PLA8TER, CEMENT COAL, . IRON, STEEL, HORBE SHOES. ftc.&o. FOR BALE AT THK LOWEST KATKS. Orders promptly oiled, Newport, July 80, 1876 tf J B. HARTZELL, Wholesale Tobacco Dealer, Wright's Building, arnwroiiT, pa. Sole Agent tor Lorllard's Superior Tobaeoot, atrhSX'a.ic'e.?" W,U 600i' Your orders are solicited. 8 44 g I-IIMES, Fire-insurance Agent. OFFICE: South East Corner Market Square, NEWPORT, PENN'A. FIRE INSURANCE POLICIES written In llrst. class companies on alt kinds nf insurable proper ty, at fair rates, and losses honorably adjusted and promptly paid.. Correspondence solicited. CompauicH Jlepresented : jfCtna.of Hartford, Commercial Uuliin, Fire Association, Phil'a., Assets, 18,700.000. 1,4(H,0ii0. i,i 78,000. B. HIMES, Agent. March 11, 1880 ly Agents Wanted KBJSBW LY KNITTING MACHINE ever Invented. Will knit a pair of Stockings, with HEEL and TOK COMPEETE. In iW minutes. It will also knit a great variety of fancy work for which there is al ways a ready market. Hencl lor Circular and terms lo the TWOMBLY KNITTING MACHINE CO.. 409 Washington Street. Mass. 3u4m M'P UFPITl Don't you want aomeeheap IV 14 A K l0 '"r rants and Kuits t 0 II Lall, It you do, don't fall to ex amine the splendid assortment for sale by F MORTIMER. You can aultyoursellln style and price. IMlOKS! Gift lioolcs, Children Hooks, Blank Hooks, School Books, Bibles ! Testaments ! And all Kinds of Books AT BEACIP8 Book & J)rug Store. Stationery at Wholesale or Retail ty Subscriptions taken for all News papers and Magazines. E. C. BEACH, Newport, Penn'a. November 18, 1879 A UCTIONEERS. JAS. P. LATCHFORD, A VCTIONEMR , Would respectfully Inform the publlo that be w cry sales at reasonable prices. All orders will receive prompt attention. -DONNALLY'B MILLS, PERRY CO., PA. TAMES CLEELAND J Auctioneer, flirershla arwla h. i,i,. t Cumberland cotuitles. Post otllce address: illiarni.n.J.I. D.. V- w. D. HENRY, A VCTIOKKW.n. BlaiD, Perry county Pa. Si'TflrmR ModflrntA in a.... a.a.lAn . to render satisfaction. tf Anctloneer. The nnderslgtied given DOtlcethftt hA WlltervanlAa at an m.lnl In Tnr-. or Dauphin counties. Orders are solicited and promptatteationwillbe Riven.- is. u. New Buffalo Perry eo.. Pa B. HARNISH, AUCTIONEER, BatlHfactlon guaranteed. 611 D AVID M'COY, AUCTIONEER, ICKESBUKG, FERRY COUNTY, PA. . Charges moderate. Prompt attention tald to ail calls. AUCTIONKElt. The underslened gives notice that he will ciy sales at a reasonable late. Satisfaction, guaranteed. 9 Address . TH08 8UTCH. Jr., Not. 18. '78 Kew Bloomlield. Pa. P P. HOOVER, AUCTIONEER. Attention given to sales, and satisfaction guar anteed. Prices low. Call ou or address v. f. imnviYu KUiottsburg, ra. Augustl 2, 1879. HICNItY' KLL, w ,, AUCTIONEER. Would respeclfully mloim the citizens of Perry County that he v.111 cry fales at shoit notice, and at reasonable rates. Batisfactlnn guaranteed. r Address Hbkht Kjux, Ickesburg, Pa. ' H 0ME MANUFACTURE. LOOK OUT1 Iwauldrespeetlvelylnform myfriendsthat :t tendoallingupon them with a supplyof good ofmy OWN MANUFACTURE. Consisting of OA8SIMERS. OA8SINET8, FLANNELS, (Flalnandbar'd CARPETS, Jfeo., to exchange for wool orsell for easb. J.M.BIXLBB. Obntbx Woolkm Factory . 6.17.4 KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. It Is sure lo euro Bravlns, Splints Curb. c It removes all unnatural enlargements. Does not blister. Has no equal for any lameness on beast or man. It has cured hlpiolnt lame ness in a person who had suffered IS years. Alocored rheumat ism. corns. frost bites, or any btulfes, cut or iaireness. If has no equal for blem'sh on hordes, gend for Il lustrated circular elvlna positive nrnof. Prlrn. one dollar. All lJrupslsis ' ave It or ran get for you. Ir. B. .1. Kendall & Co., Pros., Enosburgh. Falls, Vermont. liARKIS & EW1NG. Agents. Pittsburgh. Fa. 3 LOOMl'IKLU ACADEMY. The next reenlar aeslon of this institution be gins MUXDA Y, & ptember 6A, 1HHH. F ill preparation. Classical or otherwise. Is giv en foi any College Male or Female either for Freshman or Sophomore year. A thorough coui'xe is provided for teachers, and the option Is given for selecting ote or two of the higher studies. Music. Drawing and Fainting. Philosophical and chemical aprarats for the tudy of the Natural Sciences. LUerary Society Library. Students are at all tlmesunderlhe supervision of the Principal, and their progress and condui t noted on their weekly reports. Boarding. If paid in advanrw, W W per week, otherwl. i7,. Tuition from eenlatit II. oa per week In advance. For further Infurmulnn address J. U. FI-ICKINtiKB. A. B.. Principal, or W. Oriek. Proprietor. New Bloomlield. rerry fa.. Pa. Augast 10,1880.