TUB TIMES, NEW IIUK)MKIEM), FA.. JANUARY I. IH81. TIMES. . . ...... PINN3YLVANIA It. R.-VIIDDLB DIVISION. in ml Hf t,.r Mimilny, Nov, Train will run a muoe.. till, Man, 1'anacntci'r WICHl'WAIll). AMi wiiiii " Mm i.I'il M .il t" I" wr Pass Mall, Tr'n Tr'n Ki.i I'MIKI'IPll. H'tAtlONM. li.lKI rim a. u r.M. . . ,l'liilmlrlililR, a tr.i r.M l mi in .im km . 1 10 1 jiu.Mi'llarrishniir, t.M. .IN M Ml IM P.M. J no t.n Sim 44 11.4(1 M UK Din ft. 40 17 H.M u .IU I.KI j.M Marysvllli' PiiO.M 1. Ml Kill .iw'll.H, .M II HI d.UII 114' Olim'SUIlOU, AiiutMltiel,.,,, bully's Newport Mllleralnwiii lllll llli I.ewmtnWII J. ill) It id li . lll.W I0.4ll II.IH III l.U DM r.H. D.ll i.m 7 4' 19.411 7.HV l 111 liU J in; iii vii OS HU , it'll. 4t IS.OM Ml I" I l;l 11 n ii 1 1 iik ilon . Plil' k.iii Ml I nn i yrniin U.Mi Allium t oo! t'l'I't'Hltll ItU II. .46i 1:11 A.M.'P.M A.M. 1 1 AM AM. IVI'ii'lllr Kipr Went will tnp at liiiiiesmum t. 41 nun l Newport at . 1 1 a. in., wiieu iinmki'u. w-Uolo Weal, the Way I'naaeiurar leaven llarri bur Uallj lUeulher trains Dally soetHiiuilav. Past line waf.iitlv.iiii'iluir mi Hi'KiiAr otii.r.At lllllirniiliiiil 4. IIP. New norl. I'. M. I i'aillle KhkI tiiii" dally eniiil Monday, Morilnw when llninri-il. Ill New "Hi, 11,37 A, M , Imuran II. IT. arriving- 111 Philadelphia ills.4 1'. M. I Irll' I I (MUM. .Correspondent who whli llimr aillrle published must have t hem In hut Inter than Hut unliiy. Lctleis received Munitiij nun iiIiik Hcmin ly ever net published. Hee Hth pnire fur u lint of kooiI I (an U buig husilnoHi) hoiiHt'H, riiprnionipter on Thursday niornlnir,N at o o clock, neutered I'J cH'Krppa liclow I r.ero. On Friday morning at 71 o'clock, in wan down to twvniy degrees ueiow Friday niornlniz wna theooldefit wpath er since the autli day nf January 1HTII, at which time the mercury wan at iMl ile-j UietB below zero at thla placo, Tuesday morning (J, W. PaKHvreHldlnn In JlarrltiliurK, fell on the ice and broke hla collar bone. His son, while on li If way to ee him, (dipped and full break ing hit aukle. Dr. J. Ii. Icken, of Alloona, brother of Mrs. John Alice, of this boroiiKh,dled at Alloona, on the 20th tilt. The do. VphhpiI read medicine in thin town with Dr. Vandersllee, about 5(1 yejjinj ago. A young man named J. F. KaufTtnan who belonged lu the vicinity or Dun-i-aunou, fell from the cam on Wcdnes. day last and was crushed to death. The unfortunate man has been running an brakemau only a short time. The acci dent happened near Petersburg. On Wednesday morning a horso be. longing to t'lias. N. Jl Keelian, was found In the atable apparently very Hick. . Charley was awav. and Mr. Iter- THE I ner was lent for to come down, lie got I the horse out and it seemed better. The next morning however the animal was found dead iu the stable. It was reported (hat Mr. W. H. Hlam baugh of Newport, hiul lost his eye sight. We are glad to be able to slate that the report Is not correct. Mr. B. has one eye so badly affected that it in sightless, but has the use of the other, and is so as to be around attending to business. We hope he will soon entirely recover.. Mr. Uesalla, of Mlllerstown, had a Christmas tree in Martin's Hotel, at that place which Is said by those who saw it to have been "JiiBt splendid." Mr. W., is fond of children and had tak en pains to make as many of them happy as possible. The hotel was crowded on Christmas with persons ex amining the gifts exhibited on the tree. The latest story about Albright is that a cousin of his recently from California, reports having Been Ham Albright and talked with him about the murder. There U also well authenticated reports of letters having been received from the murderer. The llarrisburg Telegraph gives a long account of li is doings and evidently believes the report. A few days ago while Vrs. Bamuel Fllckinger, residing at 201 North street was attending to some household duties and while standing cIobb to the cooking stove, her dress caught Are, and was soon in a blaze. By the prompt assist ance of her daughter and another girl, the dress was quickly torn off and the 11 a m es extinguished before the lady was injured. HarrUburg 1'alriol. ' Cot lonar since. Mr. Jacob Dum'a sheeri1 vere attacked uy two does, one n irnt in ( ills barnyard, a few rods from the store building at Edlottsburg. One was kill ed aud five severely bitten. The tw dogs were killed a few days thereafter. Mr. Wm. Hoobausrh litis organized a ninglng school at Elllottsburg, with forty pupils iu attendance. VA Literary Society has also been In 'A r auguraieu at tne same place. On account of the excessive cold weather, Mr. Ehy has suspended work i in his iron ore mines in (Spring twp. PERSONALS. Miss Minnie, daughter or Judge Jun- kin, has gone to Washington to spend! f tne winter. William and Horace, sons or Mr.John ishelbley, of the Advocate, are home (from college, pausing the holiday vaca tion. " Wnltnn tirnu rptivot nn WailnOftiln4t Tast, of the death of Charles Spousler, of N Baltimore, a urotner or wm. ti. ttpons- I ler, iisq., or tuis town. Iowa, a brother of His Honor Judge Junkin, was in town last week ou a visit. ,Ve ve K'ad to state that Mr. Samuel Morrow, of Tyrone twp., who was at I death's door for some time with typhoid Y fever, is now recovering. Mr. Newton Francis, one of our grad uates,spent Christmas with us. He was accompanied by two of Lis sisterB. Newton is now employed on the Confer, ence Xcu-a. l Mr. Aniniiiln While, diuiirlitor ofl MrH. Alinim nf Mil iiliuio In now home on ii vlnlt. Mr. While, lier liunliiuiil, who wm a former rrlil'iit of I'piiii twp. I now locitted Rt JlitMlng, Nelifiinka, Mr. Jftinp Work, of the Htoelton Vrm iiihiIh n llyliiK trip lime on Moiiilny lant, I le cHine liy the way nf limicaiinnti anil coin tu have n ip'nlul llklnir for that imrt if Terry noiiiity. We hope Jim's trip will work BatlHfmitnrlly, yur rriemi, John iMcivpf, ion oi AVIIbom McKpb, of thin iilmie, wan I Von a IMirlHtnmn visit. John I" rtnp nt the Central Hotel In Hnnlmry, Our friend, John MelCee, ion of Mr. u IIOIIIH nloved and ins services are evnteiuiy wen ''n:ui ated. Mr. Frank Fry, editor of (lie Newport Arim made us a pleasant call on Monday last. He was accompanied by Mr. Hart ley of Bedford county, who In a son-in-law of Mr. Jesse Hulls, The gentlemen were enjoying a sleigh ride. t i- . i.i . i n ........ i' Kicked by a Horse. On Wednesday lust, Mr. Win. Kepuer of Centre twp had a close call. While stooping down vn J 7 llxlng a singletree he was kicked by on of the horses, the cork of (ho shoe strl lug lil nt Just below the left eye, making an ugly wound and knocking him over. He fortunately escaped further Injury. He was engaged at the time In dragging out a dead horse for V. N. M'Keihan DeTmnlipr HPiitlier Itpnort. It. M'Jn- (Ire, FjSij., hands us the following report of the weather for the month of Decern, her, Ihho: Average of Thermometer at 8 o'clock A. M., U- 'ir, and of Barometer, .'10 Inches minus 0-teuths. Average of greatest heat IK) VS, and or cold 10 11'. The warmest day was Monday the nth, the Thermometer registering 411 ' above zero, and Friday the lilst the coldest, the mercury sinking to HP below zero. There fell 1 and l-tenth Inches of rain, aud II) Inches of snow. The average of (he Thermometer was lower this Decem ber than any December for 1") years ex cept In 1H7U when the average was M i l' but the Thermometer sank during one diiy lower this December than In IH7H. Doings In (ho Itcglstrr OITlco. Klnce (he 1st of July last, the following Is the list of records made In the Beglster's Olllce regarding estates and assignments: l.KrmiS OP ADMINlBTHATKIN (HUNTED. Ktttitn of i(i( Iteililtnve AdmtnMratnr Jai'oli Kelt Hnvllln Crulnlilim Junk MaillHon illlllll Kl'SWlllllll IlllWH Haiitli lmlKiut HprliiR Ilmiry Koll A. (!. Iliu rls ilnii & .Ins Krci'lnnd .1. K .liinkli" 4'ntlirlne 0. I.oy v I iHim l.upler Win. II Hmltli 1 1 it ti nit Ii ClniiHn Itilin A. HhiiHlvr I' i piI Homier Kin ii u. i,oy naviiin iinliti l.iipim- ( I'litiB .1 oli ii Kit i M li Toliiiynn Jitcob CldUie ilHiiknuu Miiry Hill I'onn Hoi. IinnkleliflrRnr HprliiK Dinilel Hli in n n ii .lai'kson laiiflO. (iiilliiiillh I.hikIInIiiiir Hlmon II. I ry (lriiwnuu Anna M. Arnold .laekmm Itohei t Oi r Huvlllo J'eter Htrnnp MiiiIIk(ir SoIiiiiioii lli'ialil (linwoud Hen. (Ilnriiili .liuiliilii MnrKuret Hnnilay HavlllB .liilin Hniir - riprlnic Miiiul. c. drier liye Kntlier Hliiimnn V. A. Hponsler 11. A. A I.. H. Kry Dlllllcl Weill, lane A. On (leo. M. Htroiip 1.. H. l'ry(ll.ll.N) Henry f.uitdls Ihuhii I.oiik lieiiiiiinin near H. V. LiKlitnttr I.KITIillS TEST AMRNTAHT IHBDI'.O, IMaliuif Lutt JictMence Ktrtmtor' Hoi. It. M'NaiiRlttonllllvnr .lolin W.Hmllll VlrnlnlaC. Wrl liiirrlHlitirir Jiwuli Wert Kllubelli Nrtitlo Nacltel Mincer Kllaliellt Hinltll lull n K. t'ouk 1,1 vel pool Nn lelmr liSlied liiiiieiiiinon Heklnl Hraiiyan Hptlnii 1'iaiiklln Hmltli VV IIOlUllelCl K.ll.alielll HUlHlK ) Jus M'NaiiKhlou ,l. n.m niiuK.i... unrci J j,,, J( H(- .laoiili l,ens (Ireenwoou W II. & T. Lens .Inliii UlHtllnn Hpi'liiK Murnuiet ItlHlllne Mary K. (Inui'Hky Celitrn (leo. HoiiIiiiiikIi John llarrli:k Carroll J(v. J. llnrninn Hiinniel I'ry Cm roll John W. IIiihIiiii Murxaretta II Konn Muiyvllln .lai. i Aniial'etin Johu HliBaller New llultulu Eli.a'tli Hliealler 1IEKIIS OF AHHIUNMBNT I1ECOIIIISII. Aiuitmors riut'c qf Jietltlcnco Amtunco 0. M.CIemsnn id wlfn Tiiscarura W. 11. Hponsler Hanil L. Miller i wile Juniata 11. li 'I'misler liilin A. Nwtlilt Maillmin A. Adair, Jr. Alex Meliii wife Madltuii B. I'. Kern', Knq List of unclaimed letters remaining In the Post Olllce, at New Bloomlleld, Terry Co., Pa., January 3rd, 18H1. James Brown, Barauel McGiunls and Michael Hhatto. Persons calling for the above letters, please Bay they are advertised. Hamuel ItOATH,. P. M. Church notices. Presbyterian Church Preaching next Sunday at 11 A.M. and6i P. M. Sunday School at 0i A. M. f'rayermeetlng ou Wednesday evening at (lio'clock. lteformed Church Preaching next Sunday at -1 P. M.,and Prayermeeting on Tuesday evening. Preaching In the I.ulherau Church next Sunday, at 10 o'clock A. M. Sun day School at 0 A. M. For Tub Times. ELLiOTTsiiirngPttDee. 3(r 1880. "Mr-Kwroii : According to previous announcement the citizens of Elliotts burg aud vicinity met in the Elllotttiburg school house on Wednesday evening Deo. 22nd, in order to organize a Liter ary Society. The meeting was called to order by Mr. J. C. Snyder, after which he was elected President pro tern, and J. D. Klstler elected Secretary pro tern. The Society then proceeded to elect offl. eers to serve lor tne term or one month. he otflcers elected were as follows: res., J. C.Snyder: Vice Pres.. J. D. Kell ; Seo's., J. D. Klstler and D. B. Hench ; Cor. Beo., D. J. Kell, Treas.. C. W. Klstler; Janitors, E. Stambaugh and J. W. Sbatto. It was unanimously agreed upon by the members of the society that it be called The Elllottsburg Literary Society. After some other miscellaneous business, the Society ad journed to meet one week hence. Deo. ilUb, 1880. The Society met with all officers in their respective places. Roll call. Minutes of previous evening read and adopted. After which the constitution and by-laws were read, and after some alterations and amend- iments It was adopted. After (his the I regular programming (he evening was gone through with, which coiislhted nf reading, declaniiillons, reading or the Flllottsburg (lem, etc. The programme for next night's performances was read. J. C. Hn yder and J. D. JCIstler were chosen chief debaters for next night. Nulijeot, llesolved that America has pro diiced greater (Ipiierals than any other Country or Countries. After some other business the Society adjourned to meet ono weea neiico. D. J.K., Cor. Hen. Monty Loaned for clients on real estate security, In sums to suit, at six per cent, Inteiesl. Those wishing to borrow, and those wishing to put out money, ou good security will please call on, or address, John (J. Waij.ih, Attornpy-aU Jjiw, New Bloomlleld, Pa. 1 tf A (Jood Weigh for Male. Mrs. Dr. Ard or this borough, lias a good Sleigh neatly new that she will dispose of at a reasonable price. Helng Machine Neediest I have nee dies mi hand to suit any of the following machines: drover tV. linker, Keystone, Kccor, Singer M'f'g., Singer Family, Domestic, Household, Kldrcgft, Daunt less, St. John, Howe, Home Shuttle, Buckeye, Davis, Weed, Uemlngton, Whitney, Wilson, White, New Home, Km pi re, Kttia, aud Blees. Orders re eclved by mail promptly (Hied. F. MflllTIMKIl, . New Bloomlleld, Pa. Noller. On the Istof April, Ihho, John Bltnpr and wife nave to JCIIzaheth De wees a note tnr fdl. The said note has been lost, and the said Bitners have given another note In place or the one that was lost. This notice Is to save the said llltneis from being Imposed upon, should any person II ml said note. Yours truly, TnoMArt W. Dicwrciw. If you want a good pair of Boots or HI iocs you can be suited at M. Dukkh A Cn., Newport. 4 tiprclnl Notice. Owing to tlio lateness of the season we have determined to close out our fall stock of Carpels at reduced prices. Persons In need of the above will llnd It to their advantage to (tall and see our prices before purchasing elsewhere. C. SKFOKlt, 2111 North 2d St., Harrlsburg, Pa. Itn tTulo Bolies, Dap Holies, Colored and White Blankets, Horse Blankets, aud Men's Knit Jackets aud (J loves, the best assortment at M. Dukkh & Co. . New 'iron New Orleans molasses, new Ilalslns, Citrous, etc., Just received by F. Moirmncit. If you want to see the best assortment or Clothing ever brought to Perry Co., go to M. Dukkh & Co., Newport, l'a. Singer Machines, The Singer Company have opened an office In New Bloom lleld, for sale and repair of their sewing machines. All persons needing ma chines repaired can have them promptly and cheaply done, aud persons wanting new machines are requested to give us a call. tf. . H. H. Bkxk, Manager, Wo advertise that we carry the largest stock of Clothing In the County and can substantiate, the same. We also claim to sell lower than any of our com petitors aud will prove It to you if you give us a call. M. Dukks & Co. A NEW'WRINKLE. Wheat grists exchanged on sight or ground In a few hours. We have no low water now since tapping the Penn sylvania canal. We have the only Smith purifier in the county, and allow no one to make better flour. We pay five cents advance on market rates for Mediterranean or Lancaster wheat. We also sell'Pillsbury's XXXX Hour on commission, which Is the best In the world. MILTON B. ESHLEMAN, Newport, Pa. Far Hale A new house at Newport, close to the new bridge. Apply at once M. B. Kkiilicman, 45 8m Newport, Pa. Still Allvt I I am still alive and ready to cut and lit suits In good style. If wanting any work in my line, give me a call. Satisfaction (Guaranteed. Samuel Bkntzkl, TAILOR, April 0, '80. tf New Bloomlleld, Ta. ST. KLMO HOTEL -JVo. 317 and 510 Arch Xtrcet. Philadelphia. Rates re duced to Twp Dollahh Per Day. The traveling public still And at this Hotel the same liberal provision fortheir comfort. It is located in the Immediate centres of business and places of amuse- J ment and the different Rail Road depots, ) as wen as an pans or tne city, are easily accessible uy ntreet .;ars constantly pass ing the doors. It oilers special induce ments to those visiting the. city for business or pleasure. Your patronage is respectfully solicited. Joa. M. Fkokr, Proprietor. Ladles, call and see our assortment of Dolmans, Coats, Shawls, SkirU, Furs, Nubias, Underwear and Dry Goods. You will find the best line of these goods at our store. M. Dukks & Co. Fancy Brown Spreads. Very Hand some, at $1.00 cents each. F. Moiitimek, New Bloomlleld, Pa. Boy your Hats, Caps, Trunks, Valises, Underwear and Gents' Furnishing Goods from M. Dukes & Co. Silks for Trimming, In various shades Brocade Ribbons, Bobinet, Silk Ties, Lace ties. Sheltou Jackets, and many other goods for the Ladies, just opened by F. Moktihei; .niiillsliurir Cotifcrllnnerr. The sub- rlber liavluir nueiieil n ( 'on feel loner v lul lianillsbiirg would call attention t Ills stock nf ( 'million. Omnium. I.ciiiiiiih. atfl fruits of all kinds In their season, i'lincy Candles, Toys and Nuts, Milled ror i iirisiniaH win ue rouiui in anumi- anon In his store. Ivsters served In all si vies. A cull Is illnlleil and iiiiins will be Inliiui In dense all. 48 Ht 0. C. SlIICAI-rKK. W. H. OANTT, WATCIIMAKr-.il ANII Jhwhlkii, and denier In Wall Paper, Stationery and Fancy Goods, Send for samples of Wall Paper. W. H. OANTT, (limit's Hotel Block. IK) ly Newport, Perry Co., Pa, Western Union TftlBtjrnph connecting with all parts of the world. Olllce at Nkw Bloom held In Mortimer's build ing, tf On Pi'ndat, ofTles open from fl to 10 A. M., and 8 to 0 1. M. Kendall's Horse Book will give you more Information about a horse and his diseases than any book published at same price. 25 cents will give you a copy by mall. Address, TlMKS olllce, New Bloomlleld, Pa. J. OABD, To all who ars ttill'iirlng from Die error and IndUcrnllonit of youth, nnrvom wrnkneM, early decay, Iom of manhood, An., 1 will snd a recipe that will cure yon, pass or ciiAnns. This ureal remedy wat (Uncovered tjy a mU. nonary In Boulli A mm Ira. Hend a mil f art (Itemed envelope to the Key. Jonrph T. Ionian, Btiitlon 1), Now York City. II b ly. County Trice Current. Hi.ooMriai.ti, Jan. 8, imi. Klan-Hssil j Jin folaliisa so Hotter V pomm 2o22 Kkk f) dozen 24 " Drlrtd Apples fl pound ants" Hrled I'eiielien lit 12 (its. ft NEW I'OHT M A It li K TH. NRwrmiT, Jim, 1; Ihki, Klour, Kilfra tAXO " Hupnr Jl.tf ' While Wheat old fl biml 103 lied W deal, oi l 10: Hye ma SO Corn Oittio Oats fl Ail pouud .120) il Ulover Heed per pound i!4ttti'4eent Timothy Heed S 00 Flat Heed I DO Potatoes 334JM Hacon, TOT Lard , 7' $ cents Hams Scent. Ground Alum Halt 1 J0OI 10 Llmehurner'a Coal, 11 00 1 RKire Uoal 4 7ft O ft W) Pea (loal 8 on Buckwheat Coal 12 50 (lordon'i Food per Hack 12 (Ml (IAKLIHLR I'KOIIUCR MAKKK'I. COHHSCTSI) WSBKLT. wood w a Hi) ft noun, C'aiimsi.b, Jan, 1, 1881. Family Klour tft Ml Hiiperllue Klour 4 Ml White Wheat, new 110 Ited Wheat,nw , 110 KySi ,., hi i .1 , . 1 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 ....... ... Corn 8.1 (i 4.'. Onti i. S2 Uloveraeed, '. 4.00h4..Vj Tlmotliysend 00 Flax Heed II V O. A. Halt, II 20 Flue do r. 1 Philadelphia Produce Market. fuu.Ansi.pitu. Jan. 1, 1881. Flour unwilled! extras H O0j:4 an i Pennvl Taula Ittinlly, I4.MI 0 14.7ft Mlnneanla do., ll.SutJ I.0.I2-, patent and IiIkIi Kradea. tO.ftOU7.OU Hye Hour, n :iWi-Vt. Cornineal. S2.20. Wheat. 112 a 113. Cnrii yellow, hUt'tin. i mixed. MWfie. Onts quiet i Pennsylvania and weatero white. 40((42c. : weateru mlied.m.tf a. Ityell7ffilt1o. Wbiiii.kt CriusB On the 2C.th of Ie. 18W. Iiv Rev. J. Kraler. Mr. Israel L. Welliley to Mine jLii.aiwiii a. iioiiafl, an 01 inia couaiy. Ki.inii Fl.YSN On the 2rd ol Dee.. 1880. at the KvuiirhIIchI Parsonage, In Carllnle, ly the Itev. A. II Irvine, Mr. Allierf K'lnir of Carroll twp., to Miss MaicKlePlynn, of Centre twp,, this county. Aiinoi.o Kinkh At the Thiidlmn Hoow, In Carllale, on the 28th ol 1Xhs1mso. bv the Kev. (;. H. Alhflrt, Mr. M. Luther Arnold, lit Carlisle, to Miss Kinina li. Klner.ol lAiidlsourg, this county. M(!l.t liB Ill.ACK. On the With of Deeemlier 1ho, at the resilience of the bride, ty Itev, Hubert Mcpherson, W. W. McClure, of Creen Park, to jvnaaoauie Jttaca. Fkitz Haktri On the 2sh of llec., 1880, at the I). It. liaraooaKe. In Mliermaiisilale. Ii Hev. (.. W. Klr,icoe, Mr. Waahlnitton Frlu to Miss Hailie ZEim.Kii Wali ace. Also on Hie same dayhy the same, Mr. Charles Zolgler U Mlsa Kebccca ivaiiauo, an ui vvneainniu lownsnip. Hthocc IxjKd. At the Snti h House, In this place, on the ilh of October, lsso. by Her. A. II. Hpnnjler, John Htroiip of Juniata county.to Ml cainarine A. loug ol Liverpool twp., inm county, CAtit.E Ctidsp.r. At the residence of the bride's father to this place, on the 2lli Dee , IHHO, by Itev. A. II. HpanKler, Mr. Jacob liable of Oile- uou, lowa. to miss ratline a. ciouaer. I.inkwkavkb HWAirre. In Centre twp., on the 2nd of January, lssl . by the same , John C. Lino- weaver to Mias Ida Hwartz. DEATiia. KcoN-ai.EK In Biltlmore. on the 2.3rd of Iwo iwso, Mr. Charles Spouslcr, a former resident of tuts DorouKii. Woi.k-Oii (he Hth of Dec lsgn. near Blaln Mrs. husanuali, consort of lieury Wolf, agl 61 years, 9 jiiouuib auu io uajrn. Clay. In Boston Mass., on the 20lh of !).?., Ihho, Mrs. Lydla K., wife of W. M. (i. Clay. In Hie 21th year ol her age Her remain were brought to Harrlsburg for banal which was her former home. Iokks. In Altoona on December 2.1th 1 880. Dr. J, L. Ickes, formerly of this place, axed 7 year. 11 C I fl Vnurelv bjr maklmr money whni a iroldrn HH .:halji' im nnernl, Int-ruby alv.) keeeiliK ItWlal Isjvrrty frum j-uur door. TIiom wuo Uke Rflvai.'ami of the iroxl irliaa.VH for nitkijitf moiirr that ra off.M, KeurrMlly iKi'.'intt wealthy, wliilf Uiinhs ho do nia liulirove aui-h cbauct ruiui lu u,v, ri.v. W want many ruen.wuweu, liin .1.U girl to work for iim riKbt In lUrir own bcaluiea. The buinuMa will i,y more llmu tn tliiHs. oMoiary uatfea. Wh luniilt aa exia-iaiv oiuni and all Itutt you u.d, fresi. oim. who vuiimvt faila to utak tucury very riitily. V,m eu devote your bol lime to the work, or only your eire moiuenu. utl iiifornintioii ami .U that m ne. Mint Inn, AUilnwa s'l l.Nsu.N 4 tu., l'ortiawl. tiu 1 ly. Wo Will Mako It a Point Tins Fall anil Winter To )rovo Unit wo (Jannot nnd. will not Im UndcrHold. Vo invito Inspection, like Op. position, mid Defy Competition, IK YOU WANT CLOTHING. For Mm, Youths or Hoys, SUIT, J'ANTS, VKST, COAT oil OVERCOAT, You will find tlto best assort ment at our Store, and save money buying from us, IF YOU WANT Moots or SIiootff For Man, Woman, or Child, KUIJIJKIt GOODS, or nny thing in the above line, wo cluim, and can prove to you, that we carry the largest assort ment, and can save you 20 per cent. If You Want a Indies' Coat or Dolman, Shawl, Nubia, Fursr Undcrvrar,or anything in Ladies Goods, Dry Good9,'ctc, you can not be suited better than wc cua suit you. Come and see. If You Want Hats or Caps, Trunks and Valises, Jed and Horse Ulankets, UufFulo arid Lap Itobes, Carpets and Oil Cloths, Shirts and Overalls, Underwear, etc. Don't fail to call. Everybody should look to their interest, and we will prove to you that it will be to your inter est to buy from us. MARX DUKES & CO'S., Bucceaaor to JKIiJOK BCHWAJITZ, EDY'8 NEW BUILDINC. NEWPORT, PA, THE C H Rl STI AN U N ION IIKNHV WAKI BKKC'IIKIt, LYMAN AIlHOri', Kill tori". "liy all odd the ablest Journal In the country." 'ionnt:ket J'utrtut. HpecUl Features for 1880-81. Faith and Hkentlelam: aerie of paper npon popular iinliellef, by the Key. Newman Hmyth, Ii. II., Kev. (ieorne Frederick Wrlttht. Key. A. I". I'eabody, l. I)., hev. Llewellyn . Beran. D, l Hev, Thoma Ouard. I. I., Kv. If. W. Thomaa. l. IK Itev. Alex. Crnmmle. l. I) .and other. Church Music i a serle of paper by I he Itev. Ota. H. Koblnvin.D. V. The Foel' iloiine, by Horace E. Kcudder. Cookery for the Million, by Luliet Coisou. What Hhall we do with the Mothers? by Mariorr Ilailand. Home Talk, by Mr. Henry Ward Iieecher. Juvenile Storte. Ten Mlnnte Sermon for Chir. dren. Aunt. Fatlence' Wrillns Desk, Ijiw for the YoitiiK, 1 he Piofesaor Chair, tc. rkKik review. Mr. Beecher' nermon. Mr. AK hott' and Mr W. F. Craft' Monday Hchool 1'apers, Thouvht for Hllent Hour, by J. II. Y in cent. I). !., fhilllp ISrook. ISIshop F. I. Hon tlnnton. Kay l alme.r, D. !,, Htcphen li. Tinx, Jr.. D. I),, and others. Tne Ou'look, New of the Churches, Hclencr and Art, Fact and Humor. The following: peraon have eontvibsted to thr eoltimn of the Christian Union during the want, year: Phillip Brook. John O. WhlttleT, Jnd(?e C. A f'ealmdy, F.. P. Hoe, Frank H. Converse, Huaari CiK.lidjie. Hezeklah Hutlerwnrtli, John Jainea flat t, Constance V. Woolson, Mr. 8. M. ii. t'latr. K. 1'. Parker, I. D., Keuson J. Iisslnic, Kay Falmer, D l Joel Ilenton. Bishop F. D. Hun tliiKton. Harriet McFwen Kimball, M. F. Hwe( ser harah K. ISolton, Joseph Cook, Fred. K. Fer klii. Josiah Qulncy, IiuwarVl Crosbv, I). 1 . II W.Dale. Frrsideot J. H.beelye. W. F. Crafts. F.lllot McConnlck. Lucretia F. Hale, -James M. Ludlow, D. 1).. ritepheti ii. Tyng. Jr. I. !.. K.1-. ward F.verett Hale. Juliet C Marsh. Abby flae hirharrison. Oeo. W. W. Houghton, Perry Browne D. I) . Klla Farman, J. II V incetit. V. D-. Kml Huntlnirdon Miller. Bishop Tho. M 4 lark, Chas. Dudley Warner, Alice Wellington Hollios. Ion ard Bacon. D D.,H W Duftle d D. V.. Wavtand Hoyt. D. I Mr. D. II. K. Onodaie. Klain4;ood ale, Dora Head (iondale.llail ii ainiiioa. Leonard Woolsey Bacon, Mary Ainire I)e Vere, Mrs. (. VV. Weltel. Helen Campbell Mr. M. F.. C. Wveth 4iuirie L. Norton. Fnif. W. H. Tyler, 1. D Jok' Burroughs, Lizzie W. Champney. Hose Trr Cooke, Bishop . I. F. Hurst, florae K. Kcudder, A. F. Feabody. D I) , K.itrar Kwrtt, Harah 1 . Fricbard. Hamilton W. Mable, Prof. ;erire V. Fisher, Klizaaeth riruart Phelps, lleaba Htrrtioo. Matvel r). Krnrry. (has. .Stuart Prut I, Kate Field. Blanche Willi Howard. Frof. Timothy Dwlght. H. Paraon. Jr.. Oliver Johnaun, Curtis iiuild. . Leonard Corning, farab u. Jewelt, Howe LrU yard, Mr. Kdwaid Ashley Walker. Iiunwril'K-k-un, Millie W. ( ariienier. Adeline Tralton. John (lotion Hmlth I) I).. H. H.. Alexander Macleod. ' D. D.. Juhn liabbertoa. Win. lieury iireea. !.!.. and other. Term! per annum, n To rterjjraen. SLiJ. J-uur monlbik IL. Addre TUB CHRISTIAN UNIOy. 2i Wathlunloeltai, SS.T.