The New Bloomfield, Pa. times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1877-188?, December 28, 1880, Image 1

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    i , 11 isslssi : i i i - i- -ijB i Isili
NO. 52,
la Independent Family Newspaper,
0 '
80 CTS. i'OH 6 MONTHS.
To subscribers residing In this coi'kty, wltere
we hare no postage to pay, a discount of cents
from the above terms will be made If payment Is
made In advance.
W Advertising rates furalshed upon appli?a
The Doctor's Fees.
room was a bright and comforta
ble place with Its handsome carpets and
gilded tables, and deep couch-like sofa,
covered with crimson satin, and the
mossy rug in front of the fire into
which your feet sank as if it had been
strewn inch deep with newly-gathered
rosebuds. And the fire glimmered in
the polished grate, and the wax candles
beamed through tbelr ground glass
shades ; and you might have fancied the
apartment expressive created for sweet
words and honeyed flirtations, and read
ings from the poets, and the various
other pleasant occupations which are
supposed to belong to high life. But not
for frowns and lowering looks, Buch - as
now disturbed the equanimity of Mrs.
Wintrlngham'a - artistically - enameled
countenance, as she stood there in a
rustling chameleon-colored silk dress,
., with red carbuncles hanging from her
ears, while Josephine Moore stood pale
and shrinking before her.
"Such forwardness I never saw,"
said Mrs. Wintringham. " No never!
.And I wish you to understand that it is
not going to be tolerated in decent soci
ety, Miss Moore. A governess yes, a
common nursery governess, whom Mr.
Wintringham is good enough to employ
to sit the whole of the evening and
flirt with young Dr. Aymer 1"
" I did not flirt," pleaded poor Josie.
'He was only asking me about the
arrangements of Mendelssohn's music,
which "
"Ohj very likely," tittered Mrs.
Wintringham, sarcastically. "He is
very much interested in music, I've no
doubt. And when you know perfectly
well that Octavia expected him to be
talking all the time to her. Well, really
I don't know what this world is coming
to. One thing I wish you to understand
that you are dismissed from my em
ployment from this very moment. You
will find your wages on the mantel yon
der, for I don't grudge you the quarter's
money,. though you do leave in this ir
regular manner. Of course you won't
expect a character, for I can't conscien
tiously give you one."
Josie Moore turned very red and then
pale. She did not speak a word of re
monstrance, however, but, slowly turn
ing round, went up to her own room,
put on her bonnet and shawl, packed
her lender belongings into a small
trunk and leftrthe house.
Half an hour later Mrs. Wintringham
rustling through the well-warmed rooms
espied the money lying untouched on
the marble mantle, where she herself
had placed it.
" Dear me 1" quoth the stately dame,
" the governess has forgotten her wages.
Well, I shan't take the trouble to send
them after her I"
Josie went home to the poor but neat
apartments where her aunt took in em
broidery to do for a fashionable shop,
and told her simple tale. Aunt Mary's
eyes, already reddened with night work
and much application, were quick to
overflow in her neice's behalf.
" It's a burning shame," said the poor
woman, " that such people should have
it in their power to tyrannize over
others. But never mind Josie you shall
be welcome to a home here until you
find auother situation." "'
" I knew I should, Aunt Mary."
" What makes you speak so hoarsely,
child ?"
"My throat is a little sore, aunt; I
think I have caught fc cold."
" You had better let me make you a
cup of hot tea, and go to bed at once."
" Nonsense, aunt," cried Josie cheeri
ly. " I am going to help you finish this
But the next morning Josie waked up
hot and flushed and feverish, with a
racking pain over her temples and quite
unable to rise ; and before evening she
was delirious.
" Bob," said aunt Mary, as Bhe came
out of her neice's bedroom, with a
troubled face, and went down into the
passage where the landlady's red headed
son was playing marbles, " I want you
to go to Dr. Callery's and ask blm to
come here as quick as possible. Don't
delay a moment Bob, for it may be a
matter of life or death."
" Yes," said Bob, stolidly, and away
he went.
, " Is the doctor in V' deuiandeiLBob of
the assistant at Dr. Cafl'ery's.
" No, he aint," said the Oaunymede
of medicine.
" Don't know," was the listless reply.
Bob wasted no more time in useless
inquiry, but set off for some other
" If it's really a matter of life aud
death," thought sensible Bob, " it don't
make any difference what doctor they
Bo it happened that young Dr. Aymer
who had just returned home from visit
ing a patient, found himself confronted
by a small red-headed boy.
" Please to come directly sir, to No. 10
Duke's court," cried our Master Bob,
exaggerating somewhat on his literal
orders. " It's a case of life and death."
Mrs. Wintringham had sent Josephine
Moore away in order that she might be
effectually out of Dr. Aymer's path ;
but fate and Mrs. Wintringham were
marshaled on opposite sides this time,
and that rising young physician walked
into JoBie's Blck room quite unconscious
whom he was to behold.
Qeorge Aymer started a little when he
looked into the dark brown eyes ; but
Josie smiled up in his face.
" It wasn't my fault," she said, inno
cently. " I never dreamed of offending
Mrs. Wintringham, but it was wrong,
very wrong of her to turn me out of
" You Bee she is delirious," exclaimed
Aunt Mary.
" Ye s," said Dr. Aymer, in a faltering
voice, " I see."
So while Miss Octavia Wintringham
lounged in the handsome drawing room
dressed in silk attire, watching the gild
ed hands of the clock, and wondering
why the expected did not come, ' Dr.
Aymer was sitting by Josephine Moore's
bedside, counting the rapid pulsing of
her slender wrist, and thinking that he
had never seen anything so beautiful
as her pure, oval face aud lovely hazel
" So you think I am really cured, doc
tor V" said the fair convalescent.
Josephine was sitting up in Aunt
Mary's easiest chair, dressed in a loose
wrapper, with her brown hair netted
back from her face.
"Yes," said the handsome young
physician, "as we say of our hospital
cases, I think I may mark you down as
'discharged cured.' I do not think it
necessary for me to pay any more visits
here, unless"
Josephine blushed deeply.
"I am afraid, Doctor," she faltered,
glancing at Aunt Mary, who looked
equally distressed, "that I that we shall
not be able to to hand you your fees
Just yet"
" I was not thinking of my fees,"
observed Dr. Aymer.
" But we must think of it," said Jose
phine. "And you won't let me come any
more as a doctor."
Josephine looked pained.
" If our means ," she begau.
" What nonsense !" laughingly inter
rupted the doctor. " I see I shall have
to be more explicit. May I come, then,
as your suitor? as your future husband Y
Will that do, Josie ?"
The soft pink flushes chased away the
paleness of tho young girl's cheeks.
" Dr. Aymer!"
" Yes, Miss Josephine Moore 1"
Do you really"
" I do really love you V" exclaimed the
young doctor, fervently.
"But Miss Octavia Wintringham
what will she say Y"
" What has Miss Octavia Wintring
ham to do with it, I should like to
know V She is nothing to me; nor was
she ever anything more than the merest
"Then," said Josie, speaking very
low, "if that be the case, you may come
again. But, as for your fees "
"As for my fees," interposed the doc
toa, gaily, " I will send the account in
to your husband after you are mar
ried!" But as no entry of the transaction was
ever made on the doctor's books, we
may presume that this was one of his
"bad debts."
And Mrs. Wintringham never called"
on Mrs. Aymer.
A True Shark Story.
IT may not be generally understood
that in the playful marine acrobat,
the porpoise, the shark possesses an
In placable enemy that will permit no
intrusion on its fishing grounds. The
writer first learned this fact from two
old and experienced fishermen when out
on a fishing excursion one lovely August
day, off Swan Beach, New Jersey. It
came in the course of a story, which is
here given as it was told in the boat.
The fisherman were serious and quiet
men, watchful and ready ; and I noticed
that they not only used no profane ex
pressions themBelveB, but appeared to be
annoyed and distressed at the occasional
expletives that escaped me under the
exasperating excitement of losing a fine
fish from the hook after hauling it
to the surface. Somewhat surprised at
the demeanor I had not been accustomed
to in "tollers of the sea," I asked them
at last If anything was the matter. They
replied very respectfully, that being
religious men and members of the Meth
odist church they felt pained by every
thing approaching the sin of profanity,
and that if I would listen they would
tell me the story of their remarkable
deliverance from death which resulted
in their conversion. ' It was as follows :
Some ten years ago we were hard
drinkers, swearers, wild surfmen and
fisherman. We never entered a church,
aud cared for neither God nor devil.
On a fine Sabbath morning in August,
1807, we started at daylight for this very
reef of rocks. With plenty of bait, we
looked for four or five hundred weight
of sea-bass, flounders and black fish. At
first we pulled them up as fast as our
lines touched the bottom ; then we had
not a single bite. Surprised, we looked
up and around, preparatory to changing
our ground. To our astonishment the
water was alive with sharks. We com
menced pulling up our anchor, when a
savage fish rushed to the bow and bit
the rope in two. Then we hoisted sail,
but the moment we put the steering oar
into the water several sharks began
biting it into pieces. So we were com
pelled to take in sail and drift.. We
were in the midst of a school of sharks
two miles long and a half mile broad.
They were all sizes, from six feet long
to twelve or fourteen. They swarmed
around our boat, and dashed it one-third
full of water with their tails. We had
to bail, one with his hat and the other
with the bait pall. Every, moment
some big fellow would put his nose
almost on our gunwale, while his yellow
tiger eyes glared ferociously at the pale
faces. One shark dashed at the boat
and seized one of the side planks, and
almost shook us out of our seats. For
tunately his teeth broke off, and away
he went with bleeding jaw. In a
moment he was torn to pieces and de
voured. Then the school returned to us
We were in despair, and never expect
ed to see shore again. We could not
sail, we could not row, aud were drifting
out to sea. Finally, Charlie said : " Bill,
we are in an awful muss. Let us see if
God will help us." We knelt down and
prayed for help, and confessed our sins,
and promised amendment and repent
ance. We had hardly finished before
we saw a great school of porpoises.
They burled themselves out of the water,
jumping twenty feet at a bound. Soon
we were in the midst of them. The
sharks started out to sea, hut the por
poises were too quick for them. They
bit and tore the sharks fearfully. Some
times three porpoises would have hold of
one shark. Then they jumped out of
the water and fell heavily on these
tigers of the ocean. The fiiiht continued
for miles, and we were saved. We
rowed safely to shore and became pro
fessors of religion and gave- up swearing
and drinking and all vloes. We have
respeot for porpoises, and believe if they
were not so plentiful, the New Jersey
shore would swarm with sharks, and
then good-bye to fishing and bathing,.
Very Animated.
SEVERAL nights ago, says the New,
Orleans I'icayune, Rev. Mr. Mul-
bury, a Presbyterian minister, and liev.
Mr. Sassafras Swing, a Methodist circuit
rider, stopped at a hotel iu Little llock.
The two men had held a union meeting
together aud were friends. They agreed
to occupy the same room, aud when
they had been "shown up" a pleasant
conversation on the general welfare of
the church was Introduced by Mr. Mill
bury. "Yes," said Brother Sassafras Swing,
placing his feet on, the round of the
chair and beginning the work of remov
ing his shoe, "it 1 good that preachers
of different denominations talk to each,
" It advances the cause," replied. Mr..
Mulbury. "It moves the Gospel car.
with more celerity for ministers, to. ex
change ideas."
" Mr. Mulbury, why is it that yoa
alters say minister V You ain't ashamed
of preacher, are you V"
" I say minister because it is correct.
I was taught at college to speak cor
rectly, and I Intend to do so,"
" Peter, the fisherman, didn't have no,
such foolishness."
" No, and Peter could not preseut the
Gospel so eloquently and feelingly as
" Paul might have had more book,
larnen, but when you struck him on the
subject of horse sense, Peter was the
captain. I have said it many and many,
a time, and I expect to say it many
times more, that I'm glad that X never
rubbed my back agin a college wall."
" That's intended as a fling at me,'
said Mr. Mulberry, emphatically. "Any
body could discover the fact In a
moment, Mr. Swing, that you never,
rubbed your head against a college
" I can preach all around you, all the
"You couldn't preach a genuine ser
mon to save your life."
"Well, I'll just bet you fifteen hun.
Urea DunUles of rodder and a young
heifer that I can preach the socks right
offeu you. And don't you forget It.
I've rid a circuit too long to be bully
ragged by a school house top-knot."
Mr. Mulbury's face flushed. He look
ed at his companion for a moment, arose
and said :
" I dislike to use such violent language,
but allow me to say that you, are au
ignorant old liar.''
Brother Sassafras Swing sprang to his
feet, kicked his shoes out of the way,
shoved up his sleeves and exclaimed ;
"I didn't want to truck with you, but
you've raised my bile. Cut your ca
The two meu dived at each other.
Mr. Mulbury jammed his thumb into
Swing's eye and exclaimed : " He that
hath eyes to see, let him Bee." Mr,
Swing reached around, caught Mul
bury's ear between his teeth, and mut
tered : ' He that has ears to hear let him
The porter Heard the. raoket, rushed
into the room and attempted to separate
the men, but Swing bit him on the leg.
Finally the clerk and two drummers
rushed in and dragged the men into the
" The uneduoated brute!" panted Mr,
" The school house top-knot 1" puffed
Brother Sassafras Bwing. "1 can ran
the tecks often him any time."
It has been considered better not to
take the case into court.
The Cunning of the Fox.
Many curious anecdotes are told of the
craft of the fox, some of which are, bo
doubt, apocrypal, but others, doubtless,
true. Naturalists assert that it has been
frequently authenticated that the fox has
counterfeited death to escape capture.
have been told a story of this kind
within a few daysby a person who claims
that he was an eye witness of the affair.
Soma fishermen on the west coast of Ire
and, had gone a few hundred yards
from land, in quest of bait. The
island was inhabited by large numbers
rabbits aad eeuld be reached at low tide
by. wading, the water then being only a
few lnobes deep. One morning they
went in their boat quite early, it being
high tide, and on landing saw a dead fox
lying on the beaoh. The fur of the
animal was all bedraggled, and he seem
ed to have been drowned. One of the
men remarking that his skin was worth
something, pitched him into the boat.
Procuring their bait they returned to
the mainland, and the man who had
possessed himself of the fox seized him
by the tall and flung him on shore. As
soon as the animal touched the ground
he pioked himself up with considerable
agility for a dead'fox and shot off like a
flash up among the cliffs, while the men
stood -staring at each other in mute
astonishment, The men concluded that
be bad crossed over to the island during
the night when- the tide was low, In
search of' rabbits, and finding in the
morning that he was cut off from the
mainland counterfeited death, with the
expectation of thereby procuring a pas
sage to the shore in the boat, an expec
tation which was fully realized.
Haw They Got Hln Down.
One day recently, as the insane
patients of the great Charity Hospital at
Berlin were taking their accustomed
exercises in the gardens of that estab
lishment, under the supervision of sev
eral attendants, one of them, a lunatic
cab driver, of herculean strength, con
trived, to Blip away from his companions
and to clamber up the trunk of a huge
elm tree. Having reached one of the
topmost Limbs, and armed himself with
a stout branch, he announced his inten
tion, of staying there forever. No oner
dared. to. attempt his capture by force;.,
so, after a couple of hours had elapsed, ,
the medical authorities summoned to .
their assistance a detachment of the
fire brigade and an engine, which forth-,
with began to play upon the deranged
gymnast. Having drenched him for
a ten minutes' spell the firemen sum-,
moned him to a parley, but could
get nothing of him save a fantastic
and hlghflown speech of thanks-, for
their " refreshing attentions." Another
and still more protracted deluge prov
ing equally ineffectual In inducing
him to descend, the warders and police
men recurred to friendly negotiations,
and their persuasions at lenght moved
the triumphant madman to declare that
if they would pay homage to his gym
nastic skill and herolo endurance by
three rounds or enthusiastic applause,ne
would come down. His terms were
promptly accepted, and he descended to
terra firnia amid the vehement! plaudits
of policemen, warders and firemen, thus
Honorably capitulating alter a siege ot
five hours and a-half duration.
' She was Willing.
A London newspaper tells a curious
story about a gentleman who proposed
at a dinner party to a lady who Is now
his wife. He had been a lover for some
time, but never quite persuaded himself
up to the point of popping the question.
During the eventful dinner be learned,
from the person sitting next to him that
a rival intended that evening to make
an attack upon his Dulcinea's heart. .
She was sitting at some distance from
him at the table, and the rival was at
her side. He was equal to the emer
gency, however, fcr tearing a half-leaf
from his note-book, he wrote upon it :.
" Will yoa be my wife ? Write your
answer, yes or no, upon this paper and
return it to me."
Calling a waiter the ingenious lover
sent the missive to " the lady in blue at
the end of the table be very careful."
The servant did .as directed, but the
lover in his anxiety forgot to send his
pencil. The lady had presence of mind
however, and tucking the note into ner
bosom, said to the waiter ;
" Toll the gentleman yes."
Force of Imagination.
A Hoboken drug clerk had gumption
enough to give powdered chalk instead
of arsenlo to a youth who looked as if he
wanted to commit suicide. But drug
clerks have no imagination, and can't
realize the extent to which it works in
others. The desperate youth swallowed
that chalk, aud lay down lu the street to,
die. Ho thought it was arsenlc,and was
suffering intense agony when picked up.
by the police. When told it was not
arsenic, but only chalk, he promptly recovered.