The New Bloomfield, Pa. times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1877-188?, December 14, 1880, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE TIMES.. NEW BLOOMl'IULl), PA.. DK0EM11EK ) 1, 1880.
On and aftpr Mnnjlay, Not. Bth, 1M0, rwnirr
Tralna will niu aa folio. .
MIT1. J'ne M,ll
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A.M. P.M. P.M.
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I.l! HlinunKOVn,.
1.5:i iTyroue,
1.16. Altnona,
rwPaelnc K.ipreaa Went will slop at Uunranuoa at
4 4Hand at Newport at 6.11 a. m.. wlien flaxvcit.
taPtnliiK Wnt. the Way Paaaeuxer leaves Harrla
bar Dally tbeotuer tralua Daily eaoerd Humlay.
Fat lino Wwt, daily, Mri'lnir ou Bumdat onlt, at
llnnramuin 4.81, Newport, .6i P. M.
Pnctllo Kat runs daily ejeei.t Monday, stooi-ln
when flairm-d, at New.iovt, 1IH7 A. M ., lluiiemiiinu
11. 17, arrlvltiK at Philadelphia at 3.43 P. M.
All New Subscribers paying one year's
subscription lu advance, will receive
THE TIMES from receipt of the money
Each subscriber paying two years in
advance, will In addition to the above
offer, receive a copy of Kendall's Horse
Correspondents who wish their articles
published must have them In not later than Sat
urday. Letters received Mondaymornlng scarce
ly ever net published.
Hee 8th pace fot a list of good Harris
burg business houses.
Daniel Fritz, residing near Waynes
boro'.lobt two children last week from
' Newport now wants a cotton factory, ,
and proposes to raUe a stock company
klo engage in that enterprise.
Astor Potter of Buffalo twp., cut him
self bo badly while chopping wood that
a doctor had to be called upon to sew up
the wound. Tv
It has been many years since the ice',
crop was gathered so early. Most of the ;
houses in this place were filled In No-
vember. -r
The vendors license in Altoona
catches many an agent. Isaac Mans
bach well known In this county, was
caught last week and compelled to pay
On Wednesday night a week, jur.
John Sheaffer, of New Buffalo, retired
not feeling very well, but he soon fell
asleep, which proved to be the sleep of
death, as he did not wake again.
" Insurance Frauds," the charge you
make against one of the parties is such
that we must decline to publish your
communication. Make your statement
to the district attorney.
Mrs. Sarah Miller, residing in rfoutz
Valley, fell on Bunday the 28th ult., and
fractured one of the bones In the hip
joint. Dr. BamuelStites rendered the
proper surgical aid.
A large number of loaded canal boats
were caught by the ice on their way
Home. Over nity noats are now in me
Juniata canal, above and below Dun-
1 T,.ln.l
A farmer at Middle Spring, Franklin
county, who had lost a large number of
sheep, recently prepared a lot of poison
ed meat for the depredators. Next
morning eighteen lifeless curs were
found on the premises.
A little son of Ed. Davis' at McVey
town, was supposed to be lost a few
days ago, and the town, the canal, and
other places were searched, when finally
the little chap was found fast asleep at
home under the table.
Within the past two weeks, Mr. Burk
holder, living somewhere in the wilds of
Franklin county, captured two bears in
his pen in the mountain north of Lou
don. The largest weighed one hundred
and fifty pounds. The animals were
shot in the trap.
The Postmaster General advertises for
bids for carrying the mails on the vari
ous routes in the State. Proposals are
to be handed in by January 10th. There
are 774 routes to be let.
Nog. and plans of routes can be seen
at the PostrOfilce in this borough.
A Pennsylvania law provides that all
mouey put into a stakeholder's hands as
a wager, may be seized and devoted to
the support of the poor. The statute is
sixty years old and has long been a dead
letter, but should have new life put
into it.
Judge Pearson, of the Dauphin county
courts, gives notice that the number of
licensed houses in the city of Harris
burg will be reduced one-fourth and
possibly one-third, and those throughout
the county one-fifth and possibly more
at the next term of court.
The Millersburg axle manufacturing
company is now a fixed institution.
Following is a list of officers recently
chosen : President U. M. Brubaker :
treasurer, Isaac W. Hoffman ; board of
directors O. M. Brubaker William Ad
vena, A. Douden, J. It. Grabill, Philip
Mover, Robert Savage, and William
Church Aolicett.
Presbyterian Church Preaching next
Sunday at 11 A.M. and6J P. M. Sunday
School at A.M. Prayermeetlug ou
Wedaesday eveulng at tsio'elock.
M. E. Church Pleaching next Sun
day at 10:30 A. M., Sunday School at
fl:15 A. M. and prayermeetlug on Thurs
day evening.
V John Shearer, Esq., is very indignant
at the manner he Is referred to In the In
surance article, published in a Phila
delphia paper and copied Into the Free
man, but as we did not publish the
article we can hardly be expected to
give room to his long letter in reply.
Wa hltvo tin HmiLt 41mf Tintim linker
will give room for the explanation. J
The Carlisle Herald says : On Friday
last, Mr. Joseph W. Oalbralth, of Dick
inson, shipped a lot of fine oats to S. Y.
Haines, of Philadelphia. These varie
ties included the White Belgian, which
weighed 87 lbs. to the bushel, and the
New Zealand, which weighed 83 lbs.
He received $1.00 per bushel, and we
understand has upwards of 100 bushel,
sold fur future delivery.
Fine Ycnlson. One day last week the
foreman of this office received a fine
hind quarter of venison, by express,
from Dr. D. H. Sweeney, a former resi
dent of this borough, but now pleasant
ly located at Clearfield, Pa., where we
are happy to learn, he has a lucrative
practice. The Doctor wished to be re
membered to several of his old friends.
All requests compiled with, Doctor, and
you have the thanks and good wishes of
.11 mentioned.
Bnddcn Death. Frank Gillespie, of
this place, died suddenly, it is supposed
of heart disease, on Monday night. He
was ou the street during the day and
evening and remarked to a friend that
he did not feel so well, and would have
to keep off the damp pavements. Dur
ing the night his condition becoming
alarming a physician was summoned,
but before he arrived Mr. Gillespie was a
corpse. Franklin Repository.
Taking the Widow's Place. On Mon
day of last week, Chief of Police Bautz,
of this Borough, received from the
United States Marshal, at Harrlsburg, a
warrant for the arrest of David Car
baugh, of Carllnle, charged with forgery.
Carbaugh left this place on the 25th of
last October, and nothing certain was
know of his whereabouts, but Chief
Bautz, assisted by Officer Humer, suc
ceeded In tracing him to Loysville,
Perry county, and arrested him. He
was brought to this place and locked up,
and was subsequently taken to Harrls
burg. On Saturday he was given a
hearing. The evidence in the case was
such as caused United States Commis
sioner McCarrell to send Carbaugh to
Philadelphia to await trial at the next
United States court, in February next.
The particulars of Carbaugh's alleged
swindle are remarkable. His father
was a soldier of the war of 1812, and
after the old man's death his widow was
allowed a pension. Mrs. Margaret Car
baugh, the pensioner, died in January,
1870, a fact which the son concealed.
In September, 1870, he induced his wife
to personate his mother as the pensioner
and going before 'Squire Green, of this
place, she made affidavit that she was
Margaret Carbaugh, bringing as wit
nesses to this Jeremiah and Lydia
Minlch, residents of this county. By
this means Carbaugh received a pension
claim of $142.67, and secured the money
by forging Ills mother's signature, or
mark, on the check issued October, 1879.
Jeremiah and Lydia Minlch, the two
witnesses, were arrested In Lebanon
county, and gave bail for trial at the U.
S. court. Carlisle Volunteer.
Juniata County. We copy the follow
ing from the Juniata county papers of
last week :
Mr. Thomas Kelley of Lack township
received, last week, over $1400 back
Eension money. Of course Mr. K. feels
Mr. Henry Brubaker, of Oakland
Mills, lost a valuable horse from epl
zooty. Wilson Bros., also lost a horse,
and Mr. Isaac Puffenberger, of Ferman
agh township, lost a valuable colt all
reoently. '
On Wednesday night of last week, G.
Wash Snyder, of this place, freight
brakeman on the Pennsylvania railroad
had his right hand so badly mangled
while engaged in coupling cars, in the
Harrisburg yard, as to require amputa
tion at the wrist. He is now in the
Hospital at Harrisburg receiving the
proper care. 1'ort Iioyal Times.
E. A. Allen's stage ran after the
Dorses so last the otner day, that it was
capsized and fell on two passengers,
holding them until parties came to their
rescue. They were not hurt. The
horses came to Patterson with only some
bits attached. Itesult A new stage now
runs between this point and McCoys
ville. . . . , .
Cumberland County. We copy the fol
lowing from the Cumberland papers
of last week :
On Friday night last, Mrs. John R.
Dunfee, of East Main street, Newvllle,
became the victim of a serious coal oil
accident. They had retired to bed, and
about eleven o'clock, Mr. Dunfee wag
awakened by an explosion and on open
ing his eyes found the table on which
the lamp had been sitting all ablaze and
the burning fluid running to the floor.
Wife and he both in baste and under
considerable excitement proceeded to ex
tlngulsh the flames. This was partly
accomplished when the night clothes of
Mrs. Dunfee were found to be on fire
and before her husband could extinguish
the flames she was seriously burned
from her Lip down, one arm and one
of her hands very badly. As a coriBe-
qiience she suffered considerable but wag
relieved by the usual applications.
Some time aeo a roll of Brussels car-
Pet was taken from a car In Newvllle.
'or a long time nothing was heard of
the thief or his spoils, but a few days
ago, suspicion pointed to James Nickel
son as the culprit An Investigation
followed, and it was discovered that
Nlckelson had stolen the carpet aud sold
It to. Adam Jtentz, of that place for five
dollars. A warrant was placed In Officer
Byers' liandB, and he arrested Nlckelson
and Bentz. They were held In $500 ball
each. Nlckelson has left the country,
and It Is llkelv that when the time ar
rives for him to appear, his bondman,
Mr. John Woodburn will have $500
For Thb Tim its.
1 Man's Inhumanity to man makes countless
thousands niouru. Jlurnt.
Mb. Editor t We are glad to tee that the
Frets, not only in the State but In the county,
have commenced to ventilate this species or
gambling called life Insuring, In which men
who have money send out agents or spies,
secretly bunting up along the road of life, all
who are poor and sickly and old, like so many
vultures, that they may pick their bones before
they are covered up In the grave forever bet
ter, as Bhakespeara bas It, coin their hearts for
money than get It by such means. It Is arro
gance against God, and an Insult to all whom
they approach In this way and we wonder
that their children do not repel the Insult thus
offered to their venerable parents. And In
vain do men preach and pray while such a
hardening process is going on In their midst, it
stops up all .the pores of humanity, and
hardens the heart more than the African slave
trade, for avarice Is the prevailing and leading
sin of the world and makes men not only forget
God but their own species.
-... .
ary, Is before us, In advance ; and bas outdone
Itself even. Besides two beautiful steel-engravings,
a doublesize colored steel fashion
plate, and a superb colored pattern In Henri
III. embroidery, and some half a hundred
wood-engravings of fashions, work-table pat
terns, etc., it has an array of tales, novelets,
etc., etc., such as is rarely seen in any maga
zine. The terms are but Two Dollars a year,
with great deductions to clubs, and handsome
premiums to persons getting up clubs. Speci
mens are sent, gratis, if written for, to person b
wishing to get up clubs. Address J.
I'rtehson, aOO Chestnut St., Philadelphia, l'a.
N. B. Wo furnish "Peterson," and Tue
Times, for one year, for f 11.00 cash In advance,
to those wishing to take both.
Godey'8 Lady's Book for January, 1880,
Shows that the old, established favorite still
stands at the head of Fashion, Literature, and
Art. Opening with one of Darlcy's gems,
"Grandfather's Call," a Near Tear'i Poem In
a Picture, It gives page aftor page of attrac
tive matter for the fair sex, In Fashion and
Fancy Work. Mrs. Benjamin's novel, "Jim
the Parson," Is the first of the novels we are
promised this year, and Is written In the same
earnest, pure tone that made "Glenarchan"
and "Hilda and 1" so popular. The usual
literary department loses nothing by this
addition, as we And short stories and poems by
our best writers in succeeding pages. Every
department Is well tilled, aud Godey for 1881
means to keep all its enviable reputation and
standing by deserving them. We receive sub
scriptions at this office for Godey's Lady's
Book and Tub Times, furnishing both to sub
scribers at the low price of $3.00 per annum.
Wheat grists exchanged on sight or
ground lu a few hours. We have no
low water now since tapping the Penn
sylvania canal. We have the only
Smith purifier In the county, and allow
no one to make better flour. We pay
five cents advance on market rates for
Mediterraneon or Lancaster wheat. We
also sell Pillsbury's XXXX flour on
commission, which Is the best in the
Newport, Pa.
Far Sale A new house at Newport,
close to the new bridge. Apply at once
: M. B. Esiileman,
45 3m Newport, Pa.
i Toys aud Christinas Presents. W
have made a special provision for thei
little folks this season. Our assortment!
e r m.i It i . . l . . u
vi j.oys, i iciure uuuhs uuu inner arti
cles suited for Christmas presents will
US Will I
tound complete.
t . MortTi
Still Alive ! I am still alive and ready
to cut and fit suits in good style. If
wanting any work in my line, give me
a call. Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Samuel Bentzel,
April 0, ' New Bloomtteld, Pa.
ST. ELMO HOTEL Xos. 317 and 310
Arch Street, Philadelphia. Bates re
duced to Two Dollars Per Day.
The traveling public still find at this
Hotel the same liberal provision for their
comfort. It is located in the immediate
centres of business and places of amuse
ment and the different Kail Road depots,
as well as all parts of the city, are easily
accessible by Street Cars constantly pass
ing the doors. It oilers special induce
ments to those visiting the city for
business or pleasure.
Your patronage la respectfully solicited.
Jos. M. Feoer, Proprietor.
armers Take Notice. Shoeing done
ere to suit hard times. Four new shoes X
for $1.10, and shoes set, 10 cents. Ten
per cent, off for cash. Satisfaction guar-
. r ....... n t T.1."H'T. WIT 1 l.-ll
14 V.ohnnl. I'prrir nnnntv
, - - - - j ,
Silks for Trimming, in various shades
Brocade Ribbons, Boblnet, Silk ties
Lace ties, Shelton Jackets, and many
other goods for the Ladles, just opened
by F. Mortimer
Wheel Stock. An assortment of the
celebrated Lancaster Hubs, Felloes,
Spokes, eto., always on hand and for
sale at manufacture's price.
F. Mortimer,
tf New Bloomtteld.
Ladles, call and see our assortment of
Dolmans, Coats, Shawls, Skirts, Furs,
Nubias, Underwear and Dry Goods.
You will find the best line of these goods
at our store. M. Dukes & Co. k
Haying innilo great progress In the
Photographlo Art, I am now prepared
to make work equal to any City Work.
I solicit your trade, and will guarantee
entire satisfaction at the only Three
Story Building on 4th street, Newport,
Pa.-8t J. COBLE.
The line of Ladles' Coats, Dolmans
and Mantles on exhibition at the store of
F. Mortimer, should be examined by
every lady who needs a garment of that
Teachers It Is very Important that you
have correct time In your school rooms.
In order to secure this you should bring
your watches with you when you come
to Institute and have them repaired by
J. Keu. Matthews, who can be found at
the Klnesmith House.
IIulTalo Holies, Lap Itobes, Colored
and White Blankets, Horse Blankets,
and Men's Knit Jackets and Gloves, the
best assortment at M. Dukes & Co.
New crop New Orleans molasses, new
Italsins, Citrons, etc., just received by
F. Mortimer.
If you want to see the best assortment
of Clothing ever brought to Perry Co.,
go to M. Dukes A Co., Newport, Pa.
liny your Hats, Caps, Trunks, Valises,
Underwear and Gents' Furnishing
Goods from M. Dukes & Co.
Hewing Machine Needles. I have nee
dles on hand to suit any of the following
machines : Grover fc Baker, Keystone,
Secor, Singer M'f'g., Singer Family,
Domestic, Household, Eldrege, Daunt
less, St. John, Howe, Home Shuttle,
Buckeye, Davis, Weed, Remington,
Whitney, Wilson, White, New Home,
Empire, Etna, aud Blees. Orders re
ceived by mail promptly filled.
F. Mohtimeu,
New Bloomfleld, Pa.
inircr Machines. The Singer Company
ihave opened an office In New Bloom
fleld, for sale and repair of their sewing
machines. All persons needing ma
chines repaired can have them promptly
and cheaply done, and persons wanting
new machines are requested to give us
,a call. '
tf, ' S. II. Beck, Manager.
Jeweler, and dealer In Wall -Paper
Stationery and Fancy Goods. Send for
samples of Wall Paper.
Gantt's Hotel Block.
30 1y
Newport, Perry Co., Pa.
Lniullsbnrg Confectionery. The sub
scriber having opened a Confectionery
in Landisburg would call attention to
his stoqk of Candies, Oranges, Lemons,
and fruits of all kinds In their season.
Fancy Candies, ToyB aud Nuts, suited
for Christmas will be found in abund
ance In hiB store.
Oysters served in all styles. A call is
solicited and pains will be taken to
please all.
48 8t C. C. Sheaffer.
We advertise that we carry the largest
stock of Clothing in the County and
can substantiate the same. We also
claim to sell lower than any of our com
petitors and will prove It to you if you
give us a call. M. Dukes & Co.
ir you want a good pair of Boots or
Shoes you can be suited at
M. Dukes & Co., Newport.
Wanted. 200 Cords of Hoop Wood
wanted immediately. Will also take
' the top wood. For particulars call on
or addresB either of the undersigned at
Duncannon, Pa.
P. F. Michener,
50 31 W. A. Vanfossen.
Rend advertisement of E. W. Chellis,
the great 09 cent store, 9 North Third
Street, Harrlsburg, Pa. He offers great
bargains Jewelry, Silverware, Musical
Instruments, etc., etc.
Western Union Telegraph connecting
with all parts of the world. Office at
New Bloomfield in Mortimer's build
ing, tf
On Sunday, office open from 0 to 10 A. M
and 5 to 0 P. M.
Kendall's Horse Book will give you
more information about a horse and his
diseases than any book published at
same price. t cents will give you a
copy by mall. Address, Times office,
rew liioomneiu, l'a.
To all who are sulfuring from the errors and
Indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness,
eariy decay, loss oi mannooa, .sc., l will send
a recipe that will cure you, rasa or cuabob.
This great remedy was discovered by a mis
sionary in South America. Send a self-addressed
envelope to the Kev. Joseph T. Inman,
Station D, New York City. 8 b ly.
Couuty Price Current.
BLOOatriBLD, Dec. It, 1880.
Flax-Seed 1 in
Potatoes 30
Butter ft pound, 20t9 22
Eggs V dozen 24
Dried Apples V pound 33ts"
Dried Peaches 10 O 12 ots. ip v
Nkwport, Dee. 11, lseo.
Flour, Kxtra 15.00
" Super 3.2S
White Wheat old bush 1(3
Red Wheat, oil 103
Rye 80680
Corn '080
Oats ft 32 pounds, 320 32
Clover Seed per pound Vittijjtjoentn
Timothy Seed 2 IK)
Flax Seed 1 00
Potatoes 3!S3)
Bacon 7 O T
Laid '. T'feenta
Hams,.... V cents.
Ground Alum Salt I 10 Ol 10
Llmeburner'a Coal tl 00 0 1 2ft
Stove Coal, 4 75 0 5 00
Pea Coal 8 0
Buckwheat Coal tl 10
Gordon's Food per Sack 12 00
t', Dae. 10, 1880.
Family Flour, 6 M
Super flue Flour...,. 4 (Hi
White Wheat, new 110
Ked 110
Kye - 7
Corn 35 a 4S
Oats .12
Tlmothyseed 2 00
Flax Seed tl IS
Q. A. Salt II 20
Fine do 1 so
Philadelphia Produse Market.
FHii.ADBi.pmi, Deo. 11, 1880. '
Flour unnettledt extras It 003 60 1 Fennsy).
vania family, (4.MO 14.75 Minnesota do., M.SvO
"i.I2; patent and high grades. Iti.RI&T.W
Hye flour, t '
(Jornmeal. 12.20.
Wheat. 116 ft 114.
Corn yellow. Mffl.'Oo.t mixed. t49'flc.
Oats quiet t Peiinnylvanla and western white.
4d942o. t western inixed,3(j:)8.
Oweh Shtder At Liverpool, Dec. 2nd. 1180,
y Kev. J. A. Clemm, Mr. Peter Owen to Jllss
Susie Snyder, both ol Liverpool, this county.
Mutzabauoii Potter On Dee. 1st, 1880, at
Diincaniion, by Kev. J. li. Voting, Thomas K.
Mutzabaugh to Florence A. Potter.
Brennkmaw In Lancaster, on Den. 4th, 1880,
Mrs. llrenneman, wife of B. 8. llieiinenmn, re
cently of Center twp., this county.
Rtiatto In Johnstown, on Dee. Till, 1880. Dr.
John J. Bliatto, formerly ol this county, aged 49
Fesn On Dec. 0th. 18x0, at Marysvllle, Margar
et D., wife of Theo. Feun, Esq., aged 60 years.
IimnERtcn On Nov. zntli, 1880, In Juniata twp.,
George Iuugerlch, aged 44 yeai-9, 4 months and 2
Shaffer On Deo. 1st, 1880. at New Buffalo,
John Hlialler, aged 11 years, 2 mouths and 11 days.,
Ghier At Crier's Point, on Dec. 11th, 1880
inamuei urier, agea auoui i years.
Til K Executive Committee of the PerryConnty .
Teimiei'ance Association, hereby elves notice
to all concerned, that the names of alt applicant
and signers lor hotel and restaurant license, will
be published this year, as usiml.
4!) 3m Chairman.
Grain & Commission Merchant,
Desires Rhlpments of GRAIN and PRODUCE.
Will sell on reasonable rates, or honor draft on
bill of Indiagof good stock.
mr i;orrespouuence soneiien.
t llefereuce " Altoona Banc" 42
'The Newport Tobacco Company."
"ITTE, the underslg
ned, have obtained License,
ourselves into a Company
VV and organized
wllh the foregoing title, for the purpose of buy
ing, packing, curing and selling LEAF TO
HACCO. and will do all we can to encourage the
cultivation of the plant lu Perry aud Juniata
P. B. Persons having Leaf Tobacco ready for
sale, will please give notice to the Secretary.
Newport, Dee. 7. lfUMI.zmj
tlon will be made to the Legislature of Penn
sylvania, at Its next seaslon for the passage of an
Act to be entitled " An Act to repeal an Act enti
tled 'An Act relating to Supervisors' and Audi
tors' fees In the townships of Antls and Snyder,
In the countyof rilalr.and the town ship of Brmg,
In the county of Perry, so far as the same relates
to the townsnii
lilp of Spring
In the county of Perry."
The object
oi sam aci i
to reoeai tne special
law approved April 2nd, 1868. fixing the fees of
Auditorsand Supervisors, so far as It relates to
Spring township, Perry county, and to place said
omceis under general laws as to compensation.
December 7, 18W.41
Town Property.
By vlrtune of an Order of the Orphans' Court of
Perry County, the undersigned. Administratrix
ol David Kortenbaugh.lnte of Marysvllle borough,
deo'd..wll) expose to public sale upon the preui:
Ises ou
THURSDAY, December 3d, 1880,
at 1 o'clock P. H.. the Real Estate of sa'd deca
dent, situate In the said borough of Marysvllle,
consisting of
Lots, No. 21, and 22,
In the plot of said Borough as laid out by Theo.
Fenn. Ksq., lying west of the Kallroail. ana',
between Ann Street on the South and William
Street on the North. These lots are adjacent,
and each has a front of 30 feet and Is 15uieet in,
depth. The Improvements consist of a
Dwelling House,
18x22 feet, with Kitchen attached, and all neee
sary Outbuildings.
TERMS: Ten per cent, of the purchase money
to be paid in cash ; twenty per cent, to be paid on
continuation of tte sale; forty per cent, to be
paid on April 1st, 1881, when possession and deed
will be delivered, and the remaining thirty per
cent to be paid on April 1st. 182, with Interest
from April 1st, lbbl, to be secure by judgment
November 30, 1880. ,
ESTATB NOTICK. Notlcels herebyglv
en that Letters of Administration on the
estate of Robert Orr. dee'd.. late ol feaville town
ship. Perry county. Pa., have been grauted to
Jane Orr, of Bald township.
All persons indebted to said estate are requested
fo make Immediate payment, and those having
claims to present thein duly authenticated for
settlement to
JANE ORR. Adm'x.
Nor. 16, 1880. C. J. T. M'Intirr, all y.
Til Y v
The Largest and Best Family
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