The New Bloomfield, Pa. times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1877-188?, December 14, 1880, Image 1

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    1 i i
ivl HtHJ S) b-i -.-t.v-Er,, , , ' Jiiiii,.!'-... j -T--TI
NO. 50.
in Independent Family Newspaper,
f fkii, fostauk nn:r..
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we have no postage to pav. a discount of 23 cents
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Advertising rates furnished upon applica
Paul Webber, The Detective.
TO whose interest was It to kill Gra
ham Forbes ? Had bis affianced
any wish for bis death ? The faintest
common sense was sufficient to. discover
that she could have no interest in his
Bo far from Buspecting Margaret the
police engaged in the case experienced,
apart from their sense of duty, a desire
to track down the assassin, if only to
avenge her a victim far more to be
pitied than Graham, for his Buffering
lasted but a few moments, hers must
exist for years.
Was the assassin a common thief a
burglar by profession ? There was no
proof of a forcible entry having been
made into the apartments, and the
money in the open drawers of the escri
toire had not been touched, nor was
any article of value missing from the
But there was one piece of evidence
which did away with the theory that
the assassination was the act of a rob
ber. The victim would not have known
the name of the assassin ; and it was
evident, on the contrary,, that he was
was acquainted with his assailant ; that,
'had life been spared to him but a mere
moment longer, his name would have
been found In the handwriting of the
Was the assassin a resident of tbe
inn perhaps of the very house itself,
in which the murder had been done ?
For, it will be remembered, the inn
porter distinctly denied that anybody
had rung at his lodge after the gate was
shut, and asked for Mr. Forbes. Thus
shaped itself the great question was
the miscreant a resident of the inn ?
Finally, was the murderer the indi
vidual referred to by the porter as hav
ing visited the deceased during the even
ing previous to the day on which he
was killed ? the gentleman of whom
something was already known to the
police, in consequence of the Stock Ex
change difference between him and
Graham Forbes.
Only about Austin Sivory did any
thing like tangible suspicions cluster.
Against this gentleman's character the
police had no'actual black mark, but in
that vast net-work of society we call
London, there are many men who with
out having actually stood charged before
a magistrate, are nevertheless watched
by the detective force of the metropolis.
He was one of those men of fashion
who came nobody knows whence, who
lives nobody is quite aware how ; who
do no work, and yet live like gentleman;
who apparently possess no income, and
yet are never without money.
Sivory kept very good society as far
as his masculine friends were concerned,
and no one could say that he had been a
defaulter on the turf, at his club, or in
any way shown himself a man whom it
was necessary to "out." -
Up to the time when ' Forbes created
scandals against Sivory by his behavior
in Capel Court, not a word had been
said against that individual as an honor
able man. However, it was known to
the police, that at tbe time of Forbes'
death, Sivory owed tbe dead man a large
sum of money upon acceptances, and
inasmuch as these acceptances were not
to be found, it was evident that tbey
had either been given up by Forbes
himself, or stolen. But no sign of theft
or search after any object had been found
in the apartments occupied by Graham
It was necessary, however, that the
police should make all proper Inquiries
based upon the supposition that Sivory
did kill Graham Forbes.
Now, In the ordinary , way of police
work, when a man Is suspected, a mag.
Istrate's warrant is Issued, the police
arrest the accused, take him to tbe
police-station, and enter upon the charge
sheet the charge made against him.
Now, it is the law of England that
when once a charge is made against a
man upon tbe charge-sheet, the case
must be settled before a magistrate, and
in open court. in other words, a charge
once entered, the enquiry into that
charge must be heard publicly; and
therefore, reports appear in the papers,
and the accused is, to a certain extent,
publicly disgraced, even though the
charge be not proved against him. For
it is very evident that though a magis
trate may say a man leaves the court
without the faintest blot on his charac
ter, the man Is' not any the less received
with a sort of awkwardness by his
friends. Therefore, it can readily be
understood that the police are particu
larly cautious before charging a man of
apparently spotless, or almost spotless,
character with a dreadful crime.
So It happens that more frequently
than the public is aware of, a private
inquiry is made, apart from the charge
sheet altogether out of court, and either
in the magistrate's retiring-room in
connection with the court, or at his own
chambers or house.
In the first case, that of a solemn
charge, after hearing evidence, the mag
istrate asks the prisoner if he has any
thing to say, warning him carefully that
whatever he thinks fit to say will be
taken down and used in evidence against
him. Sometimes a magistrate will go
out of his way guardedly to advise a
prisoner that the less he says the better
it will be for him.
But in the second case, where the
magistrate considers himself justified in
making an inquiry privately, the indi
vidual being in his presence, the justice
still warns him to be careful, but at the
same time invites him to make such
explanations as may free him, the mag
istrate, from Issuing a warrant to arrest
him. In such a case as this no evidence
is taken down, and whatever the pris
oner says is looked upon as quite con
fidential. By the time that a certain magistrate
had decided that the aspect of things as
against Austin Sivory did not justify
him in having the man arrested, but
did justify him in making a private
inquiry by this time, be it said, beta
were numerous on the Stock Exchange,
as to whether or not the assassin would
be discovered.
Furthermore, some intimations of the
suspicions brought against Sivory had
got into the papers.
When the detective charged in chief
with this affair called upon Mr. Sivory,
that gentleman received him with per
fect coolness, exhibited some natural
astonishment at the officer's statement,
and then at once offered to go down
to the police-court with the officer and
offer all the explanations of which he
was capable.
The room In which the metropolitan
magistrate was waiting the arrival of
the suspected man was arranged like
most rooms of a similar character. At
one end a door opened upon the court,
at the other was the door terminating
the passage by which tbe magistrate
reached his court upon leaving his car
riage ; while a couple of entrances on
one side of the chamber led to small
minor offices. The other side of the
apartments gave it light through the
medium of several large windows ; and
it was opposite these windows that a
chair was placed for the suspected indi
vidual. The magistrate's chair was
itself in shadow a well arranged plan- -so
that he could at once see any change
upon the defendant's face, while his, the
magistrate's, own features remained, to
a great extent concealed.
The magistrate who made the follow
ing inquiry has already quitted this
world. During his life he never hesi
tated at bringing home a prisoner's
guilt; equally, he never flinched in try.
ing to save an accused whom, In his
own mind, he knew to be innocent.
It Is a week since the discovery of the
crime, about three In the afternoon, and
Mr. Caellem, the magistrate in question,
Is standing near the fire, talking gravely
with a lady In deep mourning a lady
whom be had seen more than once
since the awful death of Graham
" So, Miss May ter," he says, "nothing
has happened since yesterday ?"
"Nothing, Blr."
" Do not hesitate to acquaint me with
the faintest particulars bearing upon
this painful case, and which you might
think too unimportant to be reported.
We magistrates know how that it will
often happen that justice will suddenly
obtain a light upon a given subject In
consequence of some trifling proof look
ed upon up to a certain moment as quite
valueless. I understood you to say that
you are courageous enough to reside at
the place where the murder wa9 com
mitted." " Yes, sir," replied Margaret. " You
know, of course, that a will has been
found which makes me Mr. Forbes'
heiress 1"'
Since the day when she arrived in
London by the night mail, Margaret's
face had quite lengthened through grief;
but she was so young, her features were
so exquisitely regular, and, despite the
pallor, so much of health and life were
to be seen in her countenance, that the
terrible alteration in her appearance, bo
far from destroying her beauty, had
simply changed It, the result being that
she became really more beautiful than
she had ever been. -
The magistrate was unable to resist a
look of mingled interest and pity as she
rose from her seat. He waited until she
was once more comparatively calm, and
then he said, " I am truly sorry, dear
lady, to increase your suffering to open
the deep wounds of your love; but I
must do so, in order to assure you that
you are able to aid justice in her deter
mined search after the assassin. Will
you help us?"
"Oh, indeed, yes 1" she cried, raising
her head. "And you will track him,
will you ? You we will avenge' my
dear Graham I"
" I hope to do so," replied Mr. Cael
lem ; "hut It is only right I should at
once admit, that, in the whole course of
my experience and itisof a very long
date I have not encountered a more
troublesome affair than this which we
.are both prosecuting. The mystery is
perfect. I gather up what I think are the
threads of the case, and no sooner do I
try to knot them, than they suap. I
am now advancing, as it were, in the
dark, cautiously, with my bauds spread
out before me; for if an honest magis
trate unceasingly reproaches himself
should he let a culprit slip through his
hands; on the other hand, he knows It
is a terrible thing to suspect falsely to
treat an innocent man at) though he
were guilty."
But if the assassin is not found, my
dear Graham will He in his grave un
avenged. This must not be. He com
manded me, in his last breath, to avenge
him; and avenged he must be I"
"I will help you, as far as all my
power lies," replied the magistrate;
"but you must feel that I cannot treat a
man as guilty until he is proved so. At
this moment, I fear I can give you no
hope that we are on the track of the
"Nevertheless, I read yesterday in
the papers that the police were narrow
ing their suspicions, and concentrating
them upon a certain individual. Is be,
whoever he is, arrested ?"
"The papers are not always to be
trusted. In the struggle for ascendancy
In the endeavor to give the latest
news, it frequently happens that their
editors rather exaggerate. The police
are not concentrating their suplclona
upon one man, nevertheless, an indi
vidual is suspected, but the evidence is
so weak against him that, conscientious
ly, I could not issue a warrant for his
arrest. However, I have desired him
to call and see me here in my private
room. Certain clrcumbtaucestell against
him, but they are built upon a very
weak foundation, and which, perhaps,
the person in question can very effectu
ally break down. So far, be has shown
no sign of guilt. Upon learning that I
wished to see him, ho betrayed much
surprise, but no fear whatever. If he is
playing us false, he is a very clever
comedian, and has completely deceived
one of the most experienced and acute
officers in the detective force, I granted
a search-warrant, and the premises of
this suspected person have been very
minutely searched, with this result
that although the search has not been
altogether negative ; at the same time it
offers little ground for strong suspicion.
He should be here; this Is the hour
appointed. After I have spoken with
him, I shall know whether or not It is
necessary to arrest him. My own Im
pression Is that he is perfectly innocent.
As I said before, my dear young lady, I
expect him every moment."
Margaret comprehended that the mag
istrate, in the repetition formed by his
last words, requested that she would
retire. But she ventured to say, "Sir,
may I ask you the name of the person
whom you are about to see and speak
" Yes, I ought not to Inform you, but
I have so much confidence in you, and
am so certain you will accept my deci
sion in all that relates to this gentleman
as true and decisive, that I do not
hesitate to tell you he is a Mr. Austin
Sivory. Do you know the name 5"'
" No."
" That is a great pity ; for had you
known him, you might, perhaps, have
given me some particulars about him
which I require to know, and of which
I am totally Ignorant."
" No," Margaret repeated, after a long,
slow instant of searching thought in
her brain, to recall, if possible, the
name. " No, I am certain that I never
heard Mr. Forbes refer to this person.
Yet, when the name passed your lips, I
trembled, as though I possessed a sort of
uncouBcious consciousness that I was
terribly interested in the name itself. I
was moved, and yet I cannot tell where
fore." " What do you mean ? Pray explain
" I am unable to do so. , I only know,
that when this name crossed your lips,
my heart beat and I felt as though about
to full ; and I may add, that I have been
testing myself. I heard you use this
name yesterday, and then I trembled.
I was desirous of knowing whether
hearing the name would again effect me
in a similar manner; and it has why,
I cannot tell."
"" The feeling is very natural. When
you heard the name, for the first time,
yesterday though I had forgotten that
I mentioned it it was in connection
with the fact that you had been told a
few minutes previously that he had
quarrelled with Mr. Forbes, and natur
ally the name created a disagreeable
effect, to which you attach too much
"Perhaps you are right; you will
pardon my words."
"I thank you sincerely for your
frankness : we magistrates very little
candor. Let me Bee you to the door.
By the way, Miss May ter, did you not
say that you are besieged daily by people
amateur detectives, in fact, proffering
their services?"
That is most true, sir. I have received,
and spoken with all these people, but
they appear to me far from Inviting.
Tbe greater part pretend that tbey le
long to the police, and are empowered to
make Inquiries."
"Henceforth, only see people who
come with a written Hue signed by
" Even this morning," continued Mar
garet, who was now upon the threshold
of the magistrate's room, "even this
morning a man called, whom we found
it very difficult to get rid of. He insist
ed upon seeing me; but my cousin, Miss
Fotherlngay, deolared I was too ill to
see anybody. However, he went away
at lost, upon condition that my cousin
should be sure and give me hia card,
and when lie called again I would see
" What was his name '"'
" One Paul Webber, if I remember
" Webber," said the magistrate,
searching his memory to recall what he
might know in connection with, the
man. Ha ! I remember ! He's a clever
man in his way, which is not a very
pleasant one. By all means see him.
He is intelligent, active, and very
zealous ; he may be of use to us. He
was recommended personally to me only
yesterday by a nobleman who is a friend
of mine, and who takes considerable
interest in this detective Webber."
"Your direction is positive. I will
very gladly see this person."
The door had been almost involunta
rily closed by Margaret as the Magistrate
spoke. But now, being about to turn
the handle, in order to quit the room,
she found that another grasp, not hers,
was upon the lock.
She drew back, the door opened, and
an insignificant looking man, about
fifty years of age, entered. He whisper
ed a few words in one of the magistrate's
ears, and then Bat himself down at a
corner of the long table which filled the
centre of the room.
" He is come," said the magistrate ;
"and he is waiting In the hall. Leave
here by the court door "
" I must go, I dare not see him I "
Then suddenly starting, she said, "No,
on the contrary, I must see this man, I
will know the worst ; and I shall know
it when sight falls upon him."
The little man at the corner of the
table looked up surprised at these words.
The little man was the magistrate's
The magistrate himself regarded Mar
garet as though in doubt whether or not
she bad taken leave of her senses. He
replied, "What you ask, Miss Mayter,
Is very extraordinary ; but it might be
managed, though I muBt admit that I
feel I am doing wrong. Do you think
you have sufficient courage to remain .
perfectly quiet during the interview ?
that no cry, word, or movement shall
betray your presence ?"
" Oh, yes 1 I will be as though stone."
" Even if he should confess' that he
kill Mr. Forbes?"
" Yes," was the firm reply.
The magistrate made a sign to his
clerk, who silently showed the young
lady into one of the small side offices,
the doors of which were opposite the
line of windows. ' '
The door had scarcely closed upon the
lady when the gentleman requested to
appear before the magistrate came in,
looked round, saw the magistrate, and
saluted him with much ease and gentle
manly feeling.
" May I ask, sir," he said, in a tone
cold, but at the same time perfectly
courteous, "may I ask why you have
invited me to come here to talk over
with you what were my relations with
the murdered man Forbes ? And may
I ask why the officer who brought me
tbe information would not enlighten me
upon the subject?" . . .
" Tbe man only did his duty, sir. He
had to deliver a letter, not to talk of its
contents. As to why I have Invited
you here,had you been courteous enough
to wait until I had addressed you the
process usual with those I see in this
room you would have saved yourself .
" I am not acquainted with the rules
and customs of police-courts; you will
be good enough, therefore, to allow me
to offer you all possible apologies."
" I accept them ; and I felicitate you
upon knowing nothing about police
offices; they are disagreeable places to
know. Let me at once explain matters
between us. I was applied to by the
police to sign a warrant for your ar
rest." ...
"Arrest! For whaty" '
"A crime."
"What crime?"
"Of having assassinated Graham
The light was full upon Sivory 's face.
It betrayed no emotion, but he turned
his eyes upon the magistrate, and said :
"I confess I was not prepared for so
eindld a statement on your part. Of
course I knew my relations with Forbes
would Involve me in the inquiry touch
ing his murder, but I was not at all pre
pared for playing so remarkable a part in
the tragedy, as to be accused of having
destroyed him." Continued next week.
. QT Borrowing money is a bad habit ;
and borrowing trouble is no better.
Some people are always borrowing
trouble, and in this way making not
only themselves but every one around
them uncomfortable. They have con
tracted the habit of taking a discourag
ing look at everything. What time they
do not epeud lamenting over the unal
terable past, they devote to the appre
hension of evils to come.