THE TIMES, NEW BLOOMFIELD, PA. DECEMBER 7, 1880. Startling Insurance Frauds. A Rending letter says : Tlio nrroHt of four alleged iiimu slice conspirators bns . created great excitement la this seotlou. Their nRiiies are Dr. L. C. B. Yorgoy, Dr. It, 8. llerinnn, Wellington Blilrey, and 8. Hblory. Tlio prosecutor is William V. Kusor, President of the Prudential Com pany Ilarrisburg. Tho doolois were tlio mod leal exauiiuers in tlio case of Mrs. Reinert, who was henvily insured for about f ifl.OOO when she was ou her death-bed, sufForing with consumption. The doctors were held in f 1,000 to answer at the Jan. nary Sesxions this city. The Bhlreys are first cousins, and bad laige interests in the policies. The Doctors, it is alleged, were also heavily iuteicsted. Tbo woman lived in the backwoods and was not generally known in the neighborhood, sho having been brought up from Phu'nlxville to her father's home to die last Mny. Blie also had another loathsome disease. Within a few weeks of ber death she was heavily lu sured. The medical blanks of the compau les were lllled by Dr. Hotmail. He says ho never saw her but filled up the paper on tho representation of Dr. Yorgey. The examination set forth that the woman was sound in health and only suffering from a slight cold ; that she was a good risk. The oompauies subsequently beard of the fraud through the local news pnperB and honco the arrests. Both doctors are young. Dr. Herman is unranrriod and located at I'otts ville. He Is the son of a clergyman. Other doctors have beou exposed, and among the number is Dr. Frets of Fleet wood, who is said to be more or less inter ested. He was a popular Democratic oandidate for Congress against Senator Ermentrout at tbo lust election. Dr. J'retz, of course, denies the charges, but it is rumored to day that prosecutious will fol low, not only against Dr. Dewees of Myers town, whose name is also published in the local newspapers as being connected with these so-called insurance frauds. The ex posures that are quite new nre unearthed at Fleetwood, where old, docrepit, poor, deaf and blind people on the blink of the grave were recently insured for large amounts. .Samuel Fisher aged 81 liviug in squalid wretcbeduess,all alone in a single . dirty room, is insured for $ 30,000. Tho names of Drs. Dewees and Frets are given by the old man as the medical examiners in his case, Susan Everhart, aged 85, near Fleetwood, is insured for $09,000, it all having been effected within tho past six weeks. Drs. Dewees and Fretz are again mentioned. Tho old woman is so feeble and deraeuted that Bhe has loug Bince failed to recognize hor oldest acquaint ances. It is not known yet what tho med ical examinations of the woman set forth, but the companies that issued the policies explicitly set forth in their schemes that tho applicants must in all cases bo sound in mind and body. Old Mrs Everhart has not been even a medium risk for tho past twenty years, not withstanding the fact that she has lived that long. Tha arrest of Dr. Yorgey is expected to lead to tho most startling revelations. Many meu more high in position are very extensive speculators. One man in Union township Derks County, is carrying policies to tho amount of $ 104,000 on old and poor people. These old and decrepit people aro paid small pittances, promised nice coffins and respectable burials at their death, aud they consent to have insurance placed on their lives and then the policy is assigned to the speculator, who pays all the costs and keeps the policy up. From nearly every nook aud cuner of the Schuylkill Valley the most startling exposures aro boing made, and if Dr. Yorgey tells all ho knowg, which it is now threatened he will, bis nar rative will bo among the strangest ever Ilaoed on record. Y. J. Handy of Colum bus, Ohio, is iu Heading to-day. Ho rep resents a number of Ohio companies interested in the cases abovo alluded to. Mrs. Reiner was insured in tho State Mutual of Columbus and in other compan ies to the amount of $25,000. Tho Ohio companies were informed that sho was a first-classed risk, and the full amount of the policies would have been paid over had not the fraud been discovered in time. All the policies will now be canceled. Tho topio upermost in tho minds of all in this section is this subject, and tho movements of the police during the week will be watch ed with a great deal of anxiety and interest. VIS Geuerul Orunt was asked the other day by Henry Ward Beeoher wLether in tho course of the rebellion be had ever reoeived any aid from Washington in the way or information as to the enemy's moveroeuU. "Only onoe," said Grant, "and who do you think gave it?" Of coarse no oue could toll. 'Well," said Grant, family smiling, "it was Charles A. Dana. He sent me a dispatch onoe which contained most im porta ut information, and which saved tho lives of many men. That is oue good thing Mr. Dana did." EBGeorge B. Robinson, the Lieutenant Governor elect of Colorado, was shot on Saturday night while visiting his mine at Robinson's Camp, about twenty miles from Leadville. The shooting grew out of a miners' riot. When You Go To Harrisburg Bo Sure And Go To ALLEN & SONS',: No. 16 North Third Street, To lay in a Stock of CAKES, CONFECTIONERY, FRUITS, NUTS, etc., etc., for the Holidays. 555 The largest and cheapest collection of Toys west of Philadelphia. Headquarters for Dolls and Doll Furniture. Dolls from Five cents to Five Dollars. (21 Superintendents of Sunday Schools arc specially in vited to look at our Stock before purchasing elsewhere. 40 1 ni HOQ'DAY ANNOUNCliMENT. WATCHES, DIAMONDS, JEWELRY. CLOCKS, STERLING SILVER, FRENCH CLOCKS and BRONZES Direct importation from Paris. The largest and finest stock in the City, and nothing misrepresented, C. A. AUGHINBAUGH, Corner of THIRD and MARKET Sts., (TELEGRAPH BUILDING,) IIAJBRISBTJUG, PENN'A. 4H C. A. BOAS, DEALER IN Watches, Jewelry, Diamonds, CLOCKS, and SILVERWARE. No. 7 N. MARKET SQUARE, HAEKISBUEG, 4S 2m Overwhelming Success at the Opening of WILLIA3ISON Ac IAJSII'N ONE -PRICE" HAT, CAP and Gent's. Furnishing Goods House, No. 34 North 3rd St., (opposite the Opera House,) HAREISBURQ, UPEHNTISr'.. Hat and Cap Department. This department comprise all tlio la'est nnd most nobby styles of the season fresh from the leading manufacturers. Children's Valour, Astrlchan, and Velvet Tur bans at .40, .SO, .12, .7, -75, .tld, 1.00. Boys' School, Sailor, and stylish Clarion at .25, .35, .40, .60. .85, .75, .85, 1.(10, 1.25. YnunR Gents' Hammock. Pullman, Society, and ' Vocket Hats at .75, .95, 1.15, .2--,, 1.45, 2.1 0. Young Gents' Stylish College, Cheviot, Clarion, and Hanger Hats, at .7.1 .85, .90, 1.00, 1.15, 1.25. 1.60, 1.75, 2.00, 2.12, 2.40, 2.62. Young Gents' Nobby Fur and Wool Stiffs, at .70, .87, 1.00, 1.20. 1.40, 1.65, 1.85, 2 00, 2.17, 2.40, 2.6i. Mens' Dress Neutrlas and Stylish Fur Hats, at 1.00, 1.25, 1,45, 1.70,1.8), 2.00, 2.15. 2.35, 2.50, 2.75, 3.00, 3.25. Mens' Wool Hats, at. 3.1, .40, .80. .65, .75, .85, .95, 1.00. Mens' Stylish Stiff Hats, at .00. .95, 1.12, 1.20, 1.65, 1.85. 2.00, 2 25, 2 40, 2.75. McOlone's Patents adjustable Silks, the easiest lltting Hats made, Ladies' Opera. Cloth and Bilk Derby, at .70. .90, 1.00, 1.25, 1.40, 1.60,2.00. Boys' School aud Dress Caps, at .15, .18. .25, .30, .35, .42, 45. Mens' Heavy Winter Caps, at .35, .40, .45, .60, .62, .75. .90. 1.00. Young Mens' Dress Caps, at .30, .35, .42, .47, .50, .60, .65, .70, 1.00. The above Is only a few of our many great bargains In all the leading styles of the day. Hosiery Department. The HOSIERY Counter displays all Grades, Kinds, and Qualities at Starvation Prices to small dealers. White half Hose at Sc., two pair for to . Heavy grey mixed only So. a pair. British half Hose only 80. a pair. Fancy, heavy weight Do., th'-ee pair for .25. Heavy French mixed, double heel, 9o , or three pair for .25. Extra heavy French mixed, double heel, only .12 a pair. British (half regular) only .12 a pair. Fancy Dress half Hose, .13, or two pair for .25. Fine imported full regular made only .17. XX. only .22. Fancy Woolen mixed at .23. With a complete assortment of best British, Rhetland, Merino and Balbrlggan In plain and fancy colon, all of which are regular made, that will be sold it lower prices than owned by any other House In this city. Underwear Department. UNDERWKAH for every season and for every body at prices lower than ever named In the annals of History. Winter weight, grey mixed, at .20. Heavy ribbed, ' .30. Heavy ribbed, fancy mixed at .45. XX Kxtra weight, grey mixed at .45. Fine Merino mixed (winter weight) at .50. Blue clouded Merino mixed, only .62. Superb quality in Scotch wool only .90. While Sunday Undershirts at .23. Good smooth desirable weight at .32. Heavy white (sold by dealers for .50) by us at .40. Extra heavy for (large men) only .45. Hole Agents In Uarrlsbiirg for I'earce's heavy White M01 Ino 1.00 per suit. It Is for the interest of all lovers of Fine Underwear to examine our better grades, par ticularly our l.oo grade which has no eiiual for the same money. There will also be found npon our counters the most choice Underwear, both Domestic and Foreign Manufacture, ever exhibited, for so little money such as Norfolk and New Hrutix. wick, (regular made) Persian Wool, Scarlet XX, Anti Rheumatic. Fleece Wool, etc. Also Fancy Domestic Cardinal Mixture, and French Impor tations. Glove Department. Buck and Sheep Skin Gloves In all qualities and prices. Driving Gloves having double palms, very serviceable, holding lines without slipping. Solid Coaching Gloves made In one or two buttons, plain and fancy stitching. Fine ltetail Trails of this section have an opportunity to buy their Kid. Dogskin and Cas tor Gloves, at or near Manufacturers' Prices. Perfection in the Fit of our Dress Gloves. CARDIGAN JACKETS In every Style and Quality, from down cellar to garret prices. With a desire to please all we solicit an Inspection of our Stock at tho ONE PRICE HOUSE of W ILLIAMSON Ac TASII, No 34 N. 3rd Street, (Opposite the Opera House.) HARRlSUUltO, FA. 40 3m Holiday Jreseiits! H. C. ORTH, MANUFACTURERS AGENT FOR THE CHICKERING, WEBER, KRANICIIand BACH Piano fortes, 3IASON tt- HAMLIN, PELOUBET & CO'S., Parlor & Church Organs SHF.KT MUSIC, and Musical Goods of all kinds. nawm uaniuu urgans boiu on lustuilmenlH. 310 MARKET STREET, 43 fit HARRISBUno, PA. Rlfi PAY to sell our Rubber Hand Printing UIU I M I stamps, used fur all Printing pur. fwi nuu t.iurii iiiiniu. n.iiipitrs nee. XAK LOU & CO., Clevelaud, Ohio. 4Ua4w TOB PKINTI' of every description neatly sw uu uivvuiUQiu 41 unci oinaui it ou uuiOQ . Rfll 11 1 AOENT8 wanted for our new bo UULU I DICCINC COLD" among 1 KocK Mountains. Describes how gold Is foi book. the mi n I and mined; how mining companies are formed and great fortunes made. Gives a graphic hlstorv of various discoveries of gold and silver, especi ally those lately made In Leadville. Black llllls and Gunnison Country. Thrilling scenes of camp life among miners: tricks of sharpers exposed! etc. For terms address HUBBARD liltOH. . 72.1 Sausom St., Philadelphia, Pa. 49d4w Readings! Recitations 1 Elocution WfllO N0W READY. f ' WL I flD n ffDTMTTT X. fVi 5 " 3 si IW1.UIIIII1LH nw GTJ57) 708 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. . This uamto it vnlfnrm with the 8rlm. and contain! la other UUNURKD pleniliit m-vUmntl.Hi itl llradlng, combining Sentiment, Oratory, Puthun, Humor, Pun. J HO pp. Price. 30 Qt8.. mailed free. Sold lijr ISixikseUore. 'r.rj nojr who apcaue piece, evory membvr f l.rcenca yho wants Something New tn recite, ehould fjrt the) V hle Set. t'lnb ralei. ani r"nll llt nf Content Fren. We alaxi baro Ttireni Uookl ot "XUau.a,"l.SMtlt 49d4w Merchants, Manufacturers, Nurserymen. Florists. Stationers and Business People rerywtier an delighted with, tad Male ftnd 8a vt Money by using the world-KfwwDed M PRINTING EHESS It U Urge enough to do H the print In required, ttrono'. t-pid. EASY TO Wohk, rcli.tdc, -ntTany tmjr ca m&n-ffeit, and do hundred, of dollar worth of work erery yew . We in-lce twlv tlyle. both hand and foot power, ran glue ia price from Ji.oouj'warcts. ttend int lump for circulars. Over y,ooo tn W (L " The Mourn. P kbss has made me over tw.oo lau month and good proAimtts ahead." B. Rl4, Houston, Tec ' My Model hm ha oyer paid for tttclf already la card prlntlnf alone." W. V. Wooi-ABD, Fftlrririd, Ilia. "The !ui)ML doea all and even more than you claim for It. J. Il SNVfiKK. New toft, N.J. Mm Priaetat Paris, '7$, and !iydAK N.8. W., '79. Addreas all order or Inquiries to tnanutacttmrl W, Daughadap A Co. 721 CKutnut St. PhilaWp DIVES, POMEROY & STEWART, 1-IA.ltIlISBTJIia, PENN'A. We do not claim to have the largtst store in Ilarrisburg, but we have the Largest Business in Central Pennsylvania. The most complete Stock. The Lowest Price. Fall and Winter Dress Goods, Pelt Skirts, Flannels, Blankets, Hosiery, Underwear, Ginghams, Calicoes, Muslins. Call and see our New Stock. Samples sent with pleasure DIVES, POMEROY & STEWART, 85 NORTH THIRD STREET, IIAUUIHIJTJllO, PENN'A. THE GREAT 99c STORE, 29 NORTH THIRD STREET, IIARR1SBURG, PA., Is stocked with Staple and Fancy Goods for the Fall trade. WE TAKE THE LEAD In Walnut Frames, Brackets, Chromos, Lamps, Bird Cages, Clooks Mlrrora Leather Ban and Satchels, Acoonleons, Contertinas, Violins, HarmoS' FolilluK Rockers. Men's and Bovs Hats and (Jans.. .Tiir Pali. !-m0"100.8' large variety. The finest line of Velvet Frames at remarkably low prices! Out ui uuukbmu uiuyct u luiuieiise. new ROOUS received dallv W wiinr antee satisfaction. Orders by mall promptly filled, Wholesale and Retail? W. OIIELLis, 29 NORTH THIRD 8THEET, IIARUIDU1IG, PENN'A. 42 8m F. MORTIMER. WE ASK LADIES who are wanting Dry Goods or Trimmings of any kind to look at our stock. We have just received large additions of goods of that kind. We also have a fine assortment of Ties, Laces, Velvets, Ribbons, Hosiery, Gloves, Ladies Bags, Ladies Cloths in various shades, Flannels of all kinds, Cassimeres, Cottonades, and a general assortment of such goods as are suited to the season. Call and see STOCK AND PRICES. New Bloomfield, Pa. Down Tliey Come ! We have reduced our prices for the Fall . Trade. A full and complete slock of all kinds of CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, RUGS, MATS, COCOA MATTINGS, DRUGGETS, OTTO MANS, STAIR OIL CLOTHS, STAIR f RODS, etc., etc., and everything belonging to the Carpet Trade,' all of which will be sold at the Lowest Prices. Will warrant all goods as represent ed. Quick sales and small profits. Call and examine our Immense Stock now open. ' SLBXTJET, ADAMS, OPERA HOUSE CARPET STORE, 37 3m NO. 31 NORTH THIRD STREET, Harrisburg, Pa. EXHIBITION ! As the Holidays are at hand, exhibit your friendship by giv ing a nice present to each of your friends. For an ELEGANT LINE OF PRESENTABLE DRY GOODS, Inspect the Stock of NO. 15 SOUTH MARKET SQUARE, HARRISBURG, PENN'A. u3a THE LARGEST DRY GOODS HOUSE in CENTRAL PENN'A! NO. 223 MARKET STREET, HARRISBURG, PA. (OPPOSITE BBANT'8 HALL.) H. 0. ELNSTEIN HAS REMOVED TO HIS MAMMOTH ESTABLISHMENT. W will exhibit the largest, mnstTarled and handsomest stock of Dry Goods and Notions evar ottered In this city, consisting ol Silks, Velvets, Dress Goods, ladies ' Coats, Circulars, Dolmans, Late Curtains, House keeping Goods, And a full Hoe of FLANNELS, BLANKETS, HHEETINO an DOMESTIC GOOD wnerally. We can suit you in every department. Our stock ol liOMKitY, GLOVES, UNDEitWKAK. FANCY GOODS and NOTIONS are unequaled. You are cordially Invited to examine Stock and Prices whether you purchase or aot. Samples cheerfully furnished on application. m. a. EiisrsTjiiiisr, NO. 223 MARKET STREET, 43 3m HABRI8BUEG, jPEISnST'-A. Hooks and Stationer! Large quantities and great varieties. POCKET BOOKS, GOLD PENS, ALBUMS, SCRAP BOOKS, CATHOLIC PRAYER BOOKS, etc. CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR'S CARDS. S. W. FLEMING, 32 N. Third Street, .iM Harrisburg, Penn'a.