8 THE TIMES, NEW BLOOM FIELD, PA. NOVEMBER 30, 1880. Daggett's 6oomernng. Whon Congressman: lUKKott flrBt, went to WttHtiliiRton, two yenrg bro, he was. oharged f 10.50 fornxtrti bnggnge nt Omuhn. This Hiignred tbe Congressman so that he vowed to make life a burden for every offloinl ou tbe Union Paolllo and Central PboIIIo railroads. When he got to Wash lugtou he began to ship toiiB and tons of Gongrcmional Jtccords, which ths Union Paolllo and Central Pnoiflo railroads are obliged to carry free of charge, aooordlng to a stipulation with Undo Ham, made when ho granted them so much, of his broad public domain. Daggott . shipped boxes of these documents over' tbe road, addressed to himself and aooompanled by his big frank and tbe words " Congression it1 documents, free." During the first ses sion he sent seventeen tons of this class of matter over the road, and as soon as lie roacbod home be sent it back again. Daggett's big boxes of "Pub. Doos."soou became notorious, and tbe face and figure of tbe Congressman were also pretty woll known. Wherever he stopped bo was sure to auk some of the freight agents if they bud seen any of " my free freight late ly." lie always made himself known and was sure to add, " You must handle those boxes gontly ; tbey contain the speeches of some of the greatest men of the nation. If you damage any of them Pll sue tbe road for tbe full value." On electiou day the bovs got their revenge, and evory mother's boh of them voted and worked Against. Daggett. Those who rau on tbe Utah Division located their voting places in Nevada in time to get their work in on cleotiou day and they raked Daggett fore and aft from sunrise to sundown. When it was known that he was defeated nearly every freight and baggnge man on the lines got druuk, and for a couple days the road was utterly demoralized. A Woman In Man's Attire. Minneapolis, Minn., Oct. 80. This city bas a Bensation of no small pretentions. A. young woman was arrested yesterday who bad been masquerading here for a year and a half as a young man, giving bis name as Leon Belmont and claiming to be a nephew of August Belmont, of New York, and that be would soon eome into possession of a large property. Belmont was a great flirt, making love promiscuously to many young Indies of the city, who regarded him as a good catch. He became engaged to Miss Grace Watts and Miss Brackott, both prominent young ladies. This dual en gagement led to trouble, which ended in the arrest of tbe supposed young man and the discovery of her sex. It Is said that Miss Brackett bad before expressed doubt of Belmont's masculinity, but was bluffed into sileuce by her lover. Other and more serious charges will probably be preferred against the young lady, whose real name is not known. She is supposed to have stolen various Bums of money in Watts' house, where sfto boarded, and never paid a board bill for more than a year. A Much Married Man In Difficulty. Chicago, November 3. Tbe Superior Oourt bad beforo it this morning a case of curious complication. Some months ago William A. Sloan, married to a woman in Ohio, moved to Iowa, and there obtained a divorce through a Chicago divorce lawyer and upon the same day married another woman in Iowa. The courts of tbe latter State declared the divorce proceedings il legal and tbe second marriage adulterous. To-day the Chicago court held that the di vorce was valid according to tbe laws of Illinois. It is therefore illegal for Sloan to live with either wife, although married to both, and although he has children by both. He might, however, legally live with bis Ohio wife in Iowa, and with bis Iowa wife in Illinois, but could not live with the Ohio one in Illinois nor with the Iowa wife in Iowa. Very Unselfish. They tell a good joke of the Sherman brothers, the General and the Secretary. When J udge Davis was elected Senator from Illinois, Senator Howe was offered his scat on tbe Supreme beuch, but declin ed out of fidelity to the Republican party, because tbe Wisconsin Legislature that .would have chosen bis successor was Dem ocratic. When General Sherman heard of it, he shrugged bis shoulders and said : " Yes; that was very fine, very unselfish. I doubt whether John would have done it, though." . A Singular Coincidence. Two young ladies of Bedford, a little village twelve miles from Cleveland, were courted about thirty years ago by two young men named Garfield and Hayes, but each suitor was rejected because the re spected parents of the girls knew the young men wore poor, and thought they would never be auything else. If both ladies are living now, they probably wish they bad acted differently. A Workman Literally Ground to Pieces. - Ueadiso, Pa., Nov. 23. A terrible ac cident occurred this morning at the Read ing iron works. J, M. Houck was drawn among tbe cog wheels in tbe pipe mill and was literally ground to pieces. , Shreds of flesh, pieces of bone aud portions of cloth ing adhered to the cogs after be was mtuoved. HOLIDAY ANNOUNCEMENT. WATCHES, DIAMONDS, JEWELRY. CLOCKS, STERLING SILVER, FRENCH CL O CKS and BR ONZES Direct importation from Paris. The largest and finest stock in tho City, and nothing misrepresented. C. A. AUGHINBAUGH, Corner of THIRD and MARKET Sts., (TELEGRAPH BUILDING,) 48 HA.KRI813U11G, PENIsr'A. C. A. BOAS, DEALER IN Watches, Jewelry, Diamonds, CLOCKS, and SILVKRWARR No. 7 N. MARKET SQUARE, i ivin tisjMjiiG, jEisrisr'v. Boohs and Stationery! Large quantities and great varieties. POCKET BOOKS, GOLD PENS, ALBUMS, SCRAP BOOKS, CATHOLIC PRA YER BOOKS, etc. CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR'S CARDS. S. W. FLEMING, 32 N. Third Street, Harrisburg, Penn'a. 47 3m Overwhelming Success at the Opening of AVILL.IAMSON Ac TASH'S onjz i n rcriir HAT, CAP and Gent's. Furnishing Goods House, No. 84 North 3rd St., (opposite the Opera House,) HABRISBTJRG, FEISTIST'-A.. Hlietland, Merino and Balbrlggan In plain and fancy colon, all of which are regular marie, that will on sold at lower prices than owned by any other House In this city. Hat and Cap Department. This department comprises all the Infest and most nobby styles of the season fresh from the leading manufacturers. Children's Valour, Astrlchan, and Velvet Tur bans at .40, .50. .f 2, .07, -75, .113. 1.0". Boys' Bultool. Sailor, and stylish Clarion at .25, .3S. .40, .60. .MS, .75, .85. 1.(0, 1 25. Young Gents' Hammock. Pullman, Society, and Pocket Hats at .75, .ir, 1.15, 1.25, 1.45, 2.10. Young Gents' Stylish College, Cheviot, Clarion, and Hanger Hats, at .70 .S, .90, 1.00, 1.16, 1.25. l.f.0,,2.12, 2.40,2.82. Young Gents' Nobby Fur and Wool Stiffs, at .70, ' .87,1.10, 1.211. 1.40, 1.85. 1.85. 2 00, 2.17, 2.40, 2.6J. Mens' Dress Neutrlas and Stylish Kur Hats, at 1.00, 1.2 1,45, 1.70, 1.8 , 2.00, 2.15. 2.35, 2.50, 2.75, 3 00 3 25. Mens' Wool Hats, at .35, .40, .50, .65, .75, .85, .95, 1.110. Mens' Stylish Stiff Hats, at .90, .95, 1.12, 1.20, 1.05, 1.85. 2.00, 2 25, 2 40, 2.75. McGlono's Patents adjustable Silks, tbe easiest fitting Hats made, Ladles' Opera. Cloth and Hllk Derby, at .70, .90, 1.00, 1.25, 1.40. 1.00, 2.00. Boys' School and Dress Caps, at .15, .18. .25, .80, .35, .42, 4ft. Mens' Heavy Winter Caps, at .35, .40, .45, .60, .82. .75, .90, 1.00. Young Mens' Dress Caps, at .30, .35, .42, .47, .60, .80, .65, .70. 1.00. The above Is only a few of our many great bargains In all the leading styles of the day. Hosiery Department. The HOSIERY Counter displays all Grades, Kinds, and Qualities at Starvation Prices to small dealers. White half Hose at 8c, two pair for le. . Heavy grey mixed only Sc. a pair. Ilritisn half Hose only 8c. a pair. Fancy, heavy weight Do., three pair for .25. Heavy French mixed, double heel, 9o., or three pal r for .25. Extra heavy French mixed, double heel, only .12 a pair. British (half regular) only .12 a pair. Fancy Dress half Hose, .13. or two pair for .25. Fine Imported full regular made only .17. " XX only .22. Fancy Woolen mixed at .23. With a complete assortment of best British, With a desire to please all we solicit an Inspection of our Stock at the ONE PRICE HOUSE of W ILLI A M SON &. 'V A H II, No Si N. 3rd Street, (Opposite the Opera House.) HARRISBURG, PA. (40 3m Underwear Department. UNDERWEAR for every season and for every body at prices lower than ever named In the annuls of History, Winter weight, grey mixed, at .20. Heavy ribbed, .30. Heavy ribbed, fancy mixed at .45. XX Extra weight, grey mixed at .45. Fine Merino mixed (winter weight) at .50. Blue clouded Merino mixed, ouly .62. Superb quality In Scotch wool only .90. White Sunday Undershirts at .23. Good smooth desnable weight at .32. Heavy white (sold by denlei s for .60) by us at .40. Extra heavy for (large men) only .45. Sole Agents In Harrisburg for Pearce'a heavy white Met inn 1.00 per suit. It Is for the Interest of all lovers of Fine Underwear to examine our belter grades, par ticularly our 1.00 grade which has no e jual for the same money. There will also be found upon our counters the most choice Underwear, both Domesllo and Foreign Manufacture, ever exhibited, for so little money such as Norfolk and New Brtins. wick, (regular made) Persian Wool. Scarlet XX, Antl Rheumatic. Fleece Wool. eto. Also Fancy Domestic Cardinal Mixture, and French Impor tations. Glove Department. Buck and Sheep Skin Gloves In all qualities and prices. Driving Gloves having double palms, very serviceable, holding lines without slipping. Solid Coaching Gloves made In one or two buttons, plain and fancy stitching. Fine Retail Trade of this section have an opportunity to buy their Kid, Dogskin and Cas tor Gloves, at or near Manufacturers' Prices. Perfection In the Fit of our Dress Gloves. CARDIGAN JACKETS In every Style and Quality, from down cellar to garret prices. fiRGANQ t30to SI ,000 ; 2 to 32 Stops. Pianos, UilUHI10i25. Paper free. Address 48d4t DANIEL F. BKATT Y, Washington, N. J. WANTED. To cure a case of Catarrh In each neighborhood, with Dr. Karaner's Remedy, to Introduce It. Sample free. OLE TILTON, Pittsburgh, Fa. 48d4w WANTPn AGENTS FOR THE WMNIC.U DETECTIVES OF Europe and America. 25 years experience In the Secret Service of Cele brated Detectives, In all parts of tho world. 8o0 octavo pages, 40 full page eucravings. Alto In press two new Illustrated Books. Extra Induce ments offered. For terms address J. B. BURR & CO., Hartford, Ct., or Chicago, 111. 48dlw New and Very Attractive Styles Now Beady. MASON AND HAMLIN ORGANS BEST CABINET OR PARLOR ORGANS IN THE WORLD, win ners of highest distinction at Every Great World's Exhibition for Thirteen Years. Prlees, $.51, $57, $1)6, $34, 1108, to $500 aud up ward. For easy payments. $6.38 a quarter and upward. Catlogues Fiee. MASON & HAMLIN OR GAN CO.. 154 Tremor. t St.. BOS TON: 46 Fast 14th St.. (Union Square,) NEW YORK; 14 Wabash Avenue, CHICAGO. -4odiw THERE IS A Balm in Gilead! The success which has marked the Introduction of Cream Balm, a Catarrh remedy, prepaied by Ely Bros., Oweuo, N. Y., is Indeed marvelous. Many persons In Ptttstou and vicinity are using it with most satisfactory results. A lady down town Is recovering the sense of smell, which she had not enjoyed for fifteen years through the use of the Balm. She had given up her case as Incur able. Mr. Barber, the druggist, has used It In his family and commends It very highly. In another column a young Tuukhannock lawyer, known to many of our readers, testifies that he was cured of paluf ul deafness. It is certainly a very effloa ctoos remedy. rittston, J'a. uax tte, August 15. 1179. 48U4W Holiflayjrflsnnts! H. C. ORTH, MANUFACTURERS AGENT FOB THE CHICKERING, WEBER, KRANICHand BACH d; HI fiaiid I ores ) MASON HAMLIN, PELOUBET & CO'S., Park & Church Or SHEET MUSIC, and Musical Goods of kinds. Mason & Hamlin Organs sold on Installments. 810 MARKET HTRKET, 4$ 6t HARRISBURG, PA. Don't you want someeheap foods for Pants and Suits f ( you do, don't fall to ex amine the splendid assortment for sale by Fj MORTIMER. You can sultyourselfln style and price. DIVES, POMEROY & STEWART, IIA.KIlIBI3UIia, lE2sr:NA.. We do not claim to have the largest store in Harrisburg, but Ave have tho Largest Business in Central Pennsylvania. The most complete Stock. The Lowest Price. Fall and Winter Dress Goods, Felt Skirts, Flannels, Blankets, Hosiery, Underwear, Ginghams, Calicoes, Muslins. Call and see our New Stock. Samples sent with pleasure. DIVES, POMEROY & STEWART, 85 NORTH THIRD STREET, iiA-itiiisuuiio, riarsis'-A.. THE GREAT 99c STORE, 29 NORTH THIRD STREET, HARRISBURG, PA., Is stocked with Staple and Fancy Goods for the Fail trade. "WE TAKE THE 3L.EA.1D t iay.1?."1 FraT"j ?!tet8i ChromoR, T.ampg, Bird Cages, Clocks, Mirrors, .M..i.fr? i? T Bn5 rSa,tchelf , Acoordeons, Contertlnas, vfollns, Harmonloos loullug Hookers, Men's and Boys' Hats and Caps, Jewelry and Silverware In large variety. The finest line of Velvet Frames at remarkably low prices. Our stock of Buckskin Gloves Is Immense. New Roods received 'daily. We Kuar antee satisfaction. Orders by mail promptly filled, Wholesale and Retail. 13. W. OIIJSLtIS, 29 NORTH THIRD STREET. IIAMItlHJJUltG, l'EIVIV'A. 42 8m F. MORTIMER. WE ASK LADIES who are wanting Dry Goods or Trimmings of any kind to look at our stock. We have just received large additions of goods of that kind. We also have a fine assortment of Ties, Laces, Velvets, Ribbons, Hosiery, Gloves, Ladies Bags, Ladies Cloths in various shades, Flannels of all kinds, Cassimeres, Cottonades, and a general assortment of such goods as are suited to the season. Call and see STOCK AND PRICES. New Bloomficld, Pa. BLANKETS! BLANKETS! COMFORTABLES! COMFORTABLES! Ladies Skirts ! Ladies Skirts ! . We can't and won't be undersold, You can rely on the prices given at HOUSER Sc BREITINaER'S, NO. 15 SOUTH MARKET SQUARE, HARRISBURG, PENN'A. as3m Down They Come ! We have-reduced our prices for the Fall Trade. A full and complete slock of all kinds of CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, RUGS, MATS, COCOA MATTINGS, DRUGGETS, OTTO MANS, STAIR OIL CLOTHS, STAIR RODS, etc., etc., and everything belonging to the Carpet Trade, all of which will be sold at the Lowest Prices. Will warrant all goods as represent ed. Quick sales and small profits. Call and examine our Immense Stock now open. SA.XXJli:i ADAMS, OPERA HOUSE CARPET STORE. 87 am NO. 31 NORTH THIRD STREET, Harrisburg, Pa. ri ti iiii it unit n Ei LI w a. it. v r-a 'a IN iu mm u its DT ViA-SAHO DYSPEPTICLj A Medicine recently discovered and used by an eminent physician with wonHrrful success. All drasgrits mad country stores have it or will ret it for row. Also sure cure for TTV I 'WTION. ) u yr u d u im vK MV.nif'irs K f.n.. i'hiladcipMm, JPM. THE LARGEST DRY GOODS HOUSE in CENTRAL PENN'A! NO. 223 MARKET STREET, HABRISBUEG, PA. (OPPOSITE BE ANT'S BALL.) , M. G. ELNSTEIN HAS REMOVED TO HIS MAMMOTH ESTABLISHMENT. We will exhibit the largest, most Tarled and handsomest stock of Dry Goods, and Notions ever offered In this oity, oonsiatlug of Silks, Telvets, Dress Goods, Ladies' Coats, Circulars, Dolmans, lace Curtains, Housekeeping Goods, And a full line of FLANNELS, BLANKETS. HHEETINO an DOMESTIC GOODS KencrallT. liens, tiur siock 01 uuoxcnx, umjijui, uniaanr.&jit You are cordially invited to examine Slock and Prices whether jon purchase or aot. Wn can ftuit vmi la every deuartment. FANCY GOODS and NOTIONS are uneqnaied. Samples cheerf ulfy furnished on application. NO. 23 MARKET STREET, I Sli Ulia, PENN'A. 43 Sin FARMERS ANIi Tfl t(Q r' ARM KKd BON 9, IU month, during fall aud whiter. In every couuty. Inter eating and valuable Information, with full partic ulars, free. Address at once. .... . t&dlj J. 0. MoCURUY CO., PhlladelpulaFa" ER TOT AT 757 BROADWAY." N. Y . 13. I HCM I , publisher of Klrtt-ela.se Subscription Books, elves steady employment to Agents and all seeking a change lu business. Illustrated circulars of new Books and proof that ILM) per month Is made, sent on application. 45d ESTATE NOTICE Notleela hereby giv en that Letters of Administration on tbe extate of Robert Orr. dee'd.. late of baville town ship, Terry county, Pa have been granted to Jane Orr. ot said township. AH persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims to preseut theut duly authenticated for settlement to JANE OTtR. Adm'x. Nov. 16,188a (C. J. T. M'lntlre, att'y.