THE TIMES, NEW BL00MFIEL1), PA., JsOVEMUElt 23, 1880. I'lol'ossionul Cards. JOHN OA1.VIN WAU.I3, Attorney at-Law, uuil lhatiiut Vtl.n u y. Mew itliMiinllPld l'erry (Jo. Pa. S-011loe over Mmtlmei's new sime. All legal hii-uneis promptly and carefully transacted. M.iy 4, IMJ, JE. JUNKIN,, New Uiooniilold, Perry oo., t'a. OlHee Next door to tho residence of Judgt Juuain. AM. M AKKlil., Atliniii.y-Ht-tttW, New Uloomileld, l'erry county, Fa. Oillee opposite the vlansiou tioune.aud three doors ens l of tlie Fost-tfUlce. T" BW1S POTTKH, Al'IOUSJSV AT LAW, NEW BLOOMFIKLD, PlillKV CO.,rA. -Clalms promptly secured collected Writing and all 1K1 business carefully attend dto. y IIAULESU. SMILEY, Attorney at Law. New Bloomlleld, Terry Oo. Pa. -0lutfe two doors e.nt ol Joseph Smith's hotel. Augusta, 1872. WM. A.81'ON8LEB, Attomey at-Law, Otllce adjoining Ills residence, on East Main street, New Bloomlleld, Perry co., Pa. 821 y WM. N. BEIBKKT. Attomey-at-Law, New Bloomlleld, Perry oo., Pa. Bloomlleld, S 33 lv. LEWIS POTT E It, NOTARY PUBLIC, New Bloom Held, Perry Co., Pa- . . , ... Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages and Leases carefully prepared and acknowledgements taken. All kinds of Pension and Bounty papers drawn and certllled, will also take depositions to be reud in any court in the United States. T 10 ly CHA8. J . T, Mcl NTI It B, Att orney-at-Law , New Bloomlleld. Perry co., Pa. All professional business promptlyandfalth' fully attended to. 3 3 It. W .1 UHTICE OK TH E PEACE and GENKBAL COLLECTOR. NbwOekmantowh, Perryco.,Pa. -Remittances will be made promptly tor all Collections made. " CUA8. A. BAltNETT, Attornoy-at-Law, New Bloonilleld.Perryco.,Pa S.Omce on high street, NortU side, nearlyop posltetlie Presbyterian Church. 3 21y M L. LIGGETT., Newport, Perry County. Pa. Tt-ivtnar narnv.innntjv lnnAted At NeWOOrt. Will Hive prompt and careful attention to all busl iiess matters nntunM ted to his care. . Oltlce, No. in North Second Street. . Newport. April 2H 1H78. , TSUNDY, M. D. U Physician and Surgeon. A graduate of Cleveland Medical College. Lomted perniinonMv In the borough of Bloom, held. Oilers Ills nmfeaslnual services to the c'tl zeiis ot Bioomtteld and -urroundlng vicinity. Citlls In the o.mntry attended to promptly. Olllce on Cirlisle street, the one formerly oocupled by Dr. Ard. 1 6m R. R. M. ALEXANDER, sminKOY DENTIST. New Bloomlleld, Perry Cotinty. Pa. omoe on Carlisle, St., directly opposite the Pres. byterian Church. Everything belonging to the profession done In the best manner. a.Ai,L Work Warranted. Terms moderate. 2S j w.rowe,m1x Physician and Surgeon Dentist. omceniar B'xler's Mills, where all professional trasuess will be pr imptly attended to. Dental work of all kinds warranted lb price and quality. May 23. '. ly. M EDICAL NOTICE! DR. 0. P. BOLLINGER, Having located permanently in NEW BL00MF1ELD, Offers his professional services to the citizens of the Borough and surrounding country. Dr. B. has been engaged In an extensive prac tice for oyer 28 years. He has also served his country in the capacity of Surgeon to the 78th Pa Vol. Infantry during the late Rebellion, holding his Commission from the then Governor ot this Commonwealth. His credentials are from one of the best Medical Colleges In America. His success as a practitioner of medicine Is ac knowledged by recommendations from former patrons, which are free for inspection at all limes. IN THE TREATMENT OF Chronic Diseases he has had very extensive experlence.and hascured many hopeless cases, alter years of suffering, and expeuse lucurred In seeking relief elsewhere. Among the many chronic complains treated successfully are Asthma. Bronchitis, Laryngitis, Hemorrhage of the Lungs, Consumption, (tlrst and second stages ) Heart Disease, Dyspepsia Liver Complaint, Melancholia. Scrofula or King's Evil, Hkln Diseases. Chronic Kheumatism, Goitre, or enlargement of the Glands of the neck Dropsy, Piles, chronic Diarrhaea.Constlpatlon of the Bow els, Hick and Nervous Headache, Neuralgia, Diseases of Females. Tumors, Kidney Diseases, Enlarged Spleen. Epilepsy, Deafness. Chronio Chills and Ague. Diabetes Mellltus, old running sores. Tapeworms removed. Dr. B. does not confine himself to any one par ticulai system of medicine. He uses all the late improved methodsand remedies, as also Magneto Electric, or Medical TSleotrleity, which Is so successfully used at the present day in many form of nervous complaints. In the treatment of the Lungs aud air passage he uses INHALATIONS, which carries the medicine direct to the diseased parts. When an Incurable case presents Itself he Is tree and candid In telling the patient that he can not euro him, thus avoiding further expense. In chronic ailmrnUXt Is always best for patients to call at bis office for personal examination and treat m nt, when that Is practicable. . ... W Office at his residence on Main street, a few doors west of H. Smith's blacksmith shop, in what Is known as the Gallatin property. JU CONSULTATION FREE. Bloomlleld, May 4, 18S0. G raWboulevard hotel, Coruer 59th St. and Broadway, NEW YOllK. On Both American & European Plant. Fronting on Central Park, the Grand Boule vard, Broadway and Fifty-Ninth Street, this Ho tel ootupies the entire square, and was built and furnished at an expense of over SiOO.OOO. It Is one of the most elegaut as well a n nest located in the city ; has a uauenger Elevator and all modern improvements, and is within one square of the depots of the Sixth and Eighth Avenue Klevated R. R. Cats and si 1 11 nearer to the Broad way cars convenient and accessible from all parts of the city. Rooms with boaro, 12 per day. Special rates for families and permanent guests. Aug 24. 'oO ly JK. HASKELL. Proprietor. RBMNANTH of PRINTH-ot these we have a large quantity In good styles. In addition u the above goods we have a nlee assortment of Ladles Necktlen. Oorseta, German town Yarn. Zephyrs, shoes lor Ladles and Chil dren, aud thousand of other articles. F. MORTIMER. ' New Bloomlleld, Fa ' Philadelphia Advertisements. Ready Mixed Paints ! T UCAS' HEADY MIXED PAINTS ! NOWATER.NO CHEMICALS, NO BENZINE, BUT A PURE Oil. FAINT, READY F 0 It USE. Ntimple Ciircl. 80 BEAUTIFUL SHADES OF .rALNT BENT BT MAIL. IT IS PUT ON LIKE OTHER PAINT. MADE WITH LEAD AN0O1L. VIZ: NICELV BRUSHED OUT. NOT FLOWED ON LIKE WATER PAINT TRY IT, And Ton Will Prore It to be the Best Liquid I'ulut In the Market. .JOIIIS LUCAH Ac CO., Philadelphia, MANUFACTURERS OF Swiss and Imperial French Green, WHITE LEAD, COLORS, VARNTSIIES, &c " tST For Sample Cards apply to F. Morti mer, Now Bloom Hold, Pa., or to John Lucas & Co., Philadelphia. 2EIGLER&SWEARINGEN' Successors to SHAFFNER, ZIEQLER & CO., Importers and Dealers In Hosiery, Gloves, lilbbons, Nuspeuders, THREADS, COMBS, and every variety of TRIMMINGS & FANCY GOODS, No. 36, North Fourth Street. PHILADELPHIA, PENUPA Agents for Lancaster Combs. w. H. KENNEDY TRIMBLE, BRITTON A Co., WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. 505 MARKET STREET. PHILADELPHIA. T 1 gOWER, POTTS & CO., BOOKSELLERS. STATIONERS, And Dealers I o CURTAIN & WALL-PAPERS. BLANK BOOKN Always on hand, and madeto Order. Nos. 530 Market and 523 Minor Streets PHILADELPHIA, PA ALSO Publishers ol Sanders 'New Readers, a nd Brooks' Arithmetics. Also. Robert's Histnrvnf the UnltedStates.Felton'sOutllne Maps, So. LOYD, SUPPLEE & WALTON j WHOLESALE HARDWARE HOUSE No. 625 Market Street. Philadelphia, Ponn'a. JANNEY & ANDREWS WHOLESALE GROCERS, Mo. 133 MARKET ST., Philadelphia. QRAYBILL & CO., Wholesale Dealers! a Oil Cloths, Carpets, Shades, Brooms, Carpet Chain, Wadding, Batting, Twines, dr'c, And a nne assortment of WOOD and WILLOW WARE, Wo. 120 Market street, above 4 to PHILADELPHIA. I'htliKlolphla Advertisements. gAMUEL BOMBERGER, WITH Itir.CilM?. M'OTT V CO.. r WIIOLEHALE DEALERS IN Dry Goods, Carpets, OIL CLOT1IH, Oiloii V Woolen 4 liuiii.Ac. No. 313 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Merchnnts wIshlliK to select from as targe a stuck as eiiii lie funnel In the eliv, and at the LOWhXT CASK Pult'EB, should give me a call. AugUxt 3l,18tMUf. WAIN WRIGHT & -CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND TEA DEALERS, North East Corner ot 2nd aud Arch Street, Philadelphia Penn'o. J S. DOUGHERTY WITU D. J. HOAU & CO., WHOLEB1LS BOOT AND SHOE WAREHOUSE, ttlll MAIIKKT RTItEET, Philadelphia, Penn'a. JJALL, SHENK & CO., 405 & 407 Market Street, Philadelphia, (Old Stand of Barcroft &Co.,) WHOLESALE HEALERS 3.Y January 1, 187V. GOODS. MORKAU'M Medicated extract of MALT AND 11EEF. CURES Comsumptlon, Diabetes, Bright' Disease, Epilepsy AM. Vitus' s Dance Hcrofulu. if destruc tion Is not carried too far, and builds up constitu tions ruined by excesses of wnatever nature. Take It and add your testimonial to the thousands already obtained, For sale by all druggists. Frice, ll.OU. DH. E-'oTlUKS' GERMAN ANTI-BILIOUS POWDER 19 a radical cure tor Hick and Dull Headace, Biliousness, Habitual Constipation. Files, Palpi tation of the Heait, Impurities ot the Blood, as Pimples, Dingy Hkln, Drowsiness &a. It Is a mild purgative and adapted to the most delicate con stitutions, i'or sale by all druggists. Price 50 ctr. MOHKAU'S MALT FARINA. The best food for Infants and the most nutri tious diet for Invalids. Contains all the muscle and bone making elements of wheat, barley and beef. Never deranges the stomach. Is easily di gested and does not change In any climate. For sale by all druggists. Price, 60 cents. DR. E. C. LUKS' German Soothing Remedy. A perfect harmless and very effective Hyrtip, of pleasant taste, for all palnlul affections of Infants aud children procedlng and accompanying the process ot dentition. Do nut let your darlings suffer but procure a bottle at once. For sale by all druggists, Price, 25cts. May 25, '80, ly. DRUGS. DRUGS. JACOB STRICKLER, (Successor to Dr. M. B. Btrlckler) PHARMACIST, NEW BL00MFIELD, PENN'A, IIAVINO succeeded the late firm of Dr. M. B. Btrickler In the Drug Business at his Store-room, on MAIN STREET, two doors East ot the Big Spring, I will endeavor to make It in every way worthy the patronage of the public. Personal and strot attentlea AT ALL TIMES given to the compounding and dispensing Physi cians' presolptions, so as to insure accuracy and guard against accidents. BEAR IN JIIM) that my stock has been recently selected and care taken to have everything t,f t he BEST QUALI TY. The publlo may rest assured that ALL med icines that leave my store shall be as represented PURE and UNADULTERATED. I II1TE CONSTANTLY OS HAND HAIR OIL and POMADES HAIR, TOOTH and NAIL BRUSHES. ttUKG EONS, TOILET, and CARRIAGE SPONGES, PUFF BOXES, TOILET POWDERS, CASTILE and FANCY SOAPS PERFUMERY OF ALL KINDS, Together with Fresh and Genuine Patent Medl oinesof every dascrlptlon. ALSO, Segars, Tobacco, School Books, &c. ORANGES, LEMONS & BANANAS, In season. Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal , x'nrposeB. Terms, Strictly Cash, By strict attention to business, I hope to merl tne eonnaeuee ana iavor oi me puoiio. - JACOB BTRICKLER, Ph. G. April 29.1879. m, LYDIA E. PINKHAM. OF LYNN, MASS. DIRCOVETIRR OF LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND. Tin1 Pn.itlvi, Cnre For all Female Complaints. Thin preparation, as Its name Blfrnlflos, oonntiito of Vegetable l'roportlw ilit ftn Lmrmlew to (he most del Icate inTftlid Upon one trial the merits ot this Com ponnd will bo recofrnised, as ro lief Is immediate and when ItNtutB Is continued, In ninety-nine cases In a faun, dml, aprrmanenteureiselTectedtas(ijouBands will tot tify. On account of Its proven merits. It Is to-day re commended and prescribed by the best physicians la tho country. It will cure entirely tha worst form of fatllns; nf the atoms, Lcucorrhcpa, lrrcffular and painful ltlpnstruatlonHOTarlanTroublcSt Inflammation and Ulceration, FloodlnRS, all Displacements and the con sequent spinal weakness, and Is especially adapted to the Change ot Life. It will dissolve and expel tumors from the nterusln an early stage of development. Tho tendency to canoerous humors there Is checked very speedily by its use. in fact It has proved to bo the irrraN ert and best remedy that has ever been discover ed. It permeates every portion of the system, and jtItcs now life and vigor. It removes f alntneao.flatulcnry , de stroys all craving for stimulants, and relieves wcokners of the stomach It euros Bloating, ncorlaches, Kervona Frot ration, General Debility, Sleeplessness, Depression and Indi gestion. That feeling of bearing down, causing pain, weight and backache, Is always permanently cured 07 Its use. It wUI at aU times, and under all circumstan ces, act in harmony with the law that governs the female system. For lUdncyConiplalnteof either set; this compound is unsurpassed. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Is prepared at 833 and 33ft Western Avenue, Lynn, Mam. Trice 11.00, filx buttles for fi.OO. Bent by mall In the f orm of pills, also In the f orm of Losengcs, on receipt or price, 11.00, per box, for either. Mrs. PLVK11AM freely answers all Irttora of Inquiry. Send for pam phlet. Address as above Mention this paper. Ho family should be without LYDIA E. riNK HAM LIVER PILLS. They cure Constipation, Dlliousnesa, md Torpidity of the Liver. U cents per box. W-GKO. A. KKLLY CO,, General Affent, PHiRburph, Pa. Also (or sale by Jacob Utricle ler. New lllorniHeld, I'a. 27uly THE BEST PAPER! TRY IT! BEAUTIFULLY ILLU8TUATKD. The Scientific American. THE BCIENTIflO AMEKICAN Is a large first class Weekly Newspaierof sixteen pages, print ed In the most beautiful style, prolusely Illustrat ed with splendid rngiavings, representing the newest Inventions and the most reoMnt advances In the Arts ana Sciences i Including hew and Interesting Kacts In Agriculture, Horticulture, the Home. Ilealih, Medical Progress, Social Hcl ence, Natural History. Geology, Astronomy. The most valuable practical papers, by eminent writers In all dei artinenls of Hclence, will be found In the Sclrntlllo American. Terms, 13 20 per jear, fl.6ft halt year, which Includes postage. Discount to Agents. Blngle conies, ten cents. Bold by all Newsdealers. te lii 1 1 by postal order to MUNN & CO.. Publishers, M7 Park How. New York. PATFNTQ In connection with the Rclen ' ' w tillc American. Messrs. Munn & Co. are Solicitors ot American and Foreign Pat ents, have nad 35 vears experience, and now have the largest establishment, in the world. Patents, are obtained on the best terms. A special notice Is made In the Helen title American of all Inven tions patented through this Agency, with the name aud residence of the Patentee. By the Immense circulation thus given, public attention Is directed to the merits of the new patent, and sales or Introduction often easily effected. Any person wno has mads a new discovery or invention, can ascertain, free of charge, whether a patent oan probably be obtained, by writing to Munn & Co. We also send free our Baud Book about tlui Patent Laws, Patents, Caveats. Trade Marks, their tosts. and how procured, with hints for procuring advances on Inventions. Address for the Paper, or concerning Patents. MUNN & CO., 37 Park Kow, New York. Branch Ollloe corner and 7 lb Hts., Washing ton, U. 0. Bew. F. Grafton, Stobt B. Laoo, Hai.bekt E. Pains, Late VommiHsioner o ItUenln. PATENTS. PAINE, GRAFTON & LADD, Attorney t-al-Law and SoUcUo'i o American and Foreign Patent. No. 412 Fifth Street, AVtiHliiiifjton, X. C Practice Patent Law In all Its branches In the Patent Ollico, and In the Hupreme and Circuit Courts of the United States. Pamphlet sent free on receipt of stamp for postage. 35 How Lost, How Restored ! Just published, a new edition 0 Dr. Culver well's Celebrated Essay on the radical cure (with out medicine) of Spermatorbaia or Seminal weak ness. Involuntary Seminal Losses, Impoteucy, Mental and physical Iucapaolty, Impediments to Marriage, etc. ; also, Consumption. Epilepsy and Kits, induced by self-indulgence or sexual ex travagauce. tie. The celebrated author. In this admirable Essay, clearly demonstrates, from a thiity years' suc cessful practice, that the alarming consequences of self abuse may be radically cured: pointing out a mode ot oure at once rlniple, certain and ehectual, by meknsof which every matter what his condition may be. may cure him self cheaply, privately, and radically. 47-This lecture should be In the hands ot every youth and every man In the land. Sent under seal, In a plain envelope, to any address, post paid, ou receipt of six cent! or two postage stamps. Address the Publishers, THE CULVER WELL MEDICAL CO., 0pl yl 41 Ann St., New York ; P. O. Box, 4SS0. A FULL ASSORT MENT , OF HARDWARE, IRON & STEEL ; WILL. BE FOUND AT OUR NEW STORE-ROOM. F. MORTIMER, New ISloomfieXd, .6: CJTlteconler (to witness with liuntlng ed Lead)" Did be have any provoca tion when lie struck youV" Witness " He may have bad something of the kind coHceuled on his person, but it was a brick he struck me wid." tW A stranger passing a graveyard. and seeing a bone stauding bard by, Inquir ed who was dead. The sexton informed blm. What complaint V" asked the Inquisitive one. Said the old man : There Is no complaint ; everybody Is sat isfied." CirVery singular. A young lady at the examination in grammar, was asked " why the noun bachelor was singular." She replied Immediately, with much naivette. " Because It Is very singular they don't get married." C7" Mother, what is an augelV'-r "An angel V Well an angel Is a being that flies. " But, mother, why does papa eall my governess an angel V" " Well" exclaimed the mother she's go ing to fly immediately." W" My case is just here," said a cit izen to a lawyer the other day " the plaintifr will swear that I hit him. I will swear that I did not. Now what can you lawyers make out of that if we goto trial?" "Five dollars apiece," was the prompt reply, t?"A sub-editor and a reporter were quarreling one day In the editor's room. "You area donkey 1" said the sub-edi tor. " You are another I" reblied the reporter, promptly. "Pooh, poohl" re torted the sub-editor; " you are the great est donkey I know I" Gentlemen gen tlemen !" you forget, I think, that, I am preseut." fMTHe was a simple-minded old man, and principal witness In an aggravated assault case. After the trial was over he was paid his fee, $1.50. He express ed great delight in receiving the money, and addressed the judge: "Your honor, I am an old citizen of . Galveston, and have a large family on my hands." " Well, what have I got to do with that1" "1 only wanted to say that, if any thing of this kind turns up again you will please let me know. I hope you will throw It in my way. Every little helps you know." He Put His Arm Around Her. The other day several men were stand Ing on a street corner, talking, when a handsomely dressed lad y passed. "You may not believe me," said a man named tsprlgglns. " but X nave bad my arm around that lady." You vile slanderer, sir," exclaimed young Mr. Paperage, and, drawing off, he struck Mr. Sprigging a heavy blow between the eyes. Both parties were in atantly arrested, and when Mr.Spriggins requested the lady be summoned, a policeman caught up with her and re quested her presence In court, which had just convened in afternoon session. " Judge," said Paperage, while several acquaintances and myself were stand ing on the street talking, this lady pass ed. Then this man, " pointing to Sprig gins," remarked that he had put his arm around her. The lady is nothing to me, Judge, but my mother was a lady, and my sisters are . ladles, and I have always made it a point to chastise a man who speaks ill of a lady." " Mr Sprlgglns," remarked the Judge, " did you say that you had put your arm around the lady V" "Yes, sir." " Then the gentleman did right in striking you. Ladies are not safe in Little Rock so long as such ruffians are allowed to insult them. " Judge, allow the lady to speak," re quested SprigglDS. "Certainly. You will please make your statement." " I didn't bear the man when be said that be had put his arm around me, and as I passed ou I do not know what ' oc curred." " Excuse me for being so blunt.but -but" . " Do you nuean to ank me if the man ever put bis arm around me" . "Yes." . " Then, I must say that be has. For a few moments there was a deep silence, only disturbed by a boy who picked at the plastering with a horse shoe nail. . " What right bad he to put his arm around you ?" stammered the Judge. ' Because," answered the woman, "he is my husband." When the court adjourned, the men took beer, and " the court adjourned."