rrw miii c:Hll!lli::!llllllll,.lllu,;l,.i'lJII . T.'.r" c , VOL. XIV. THE TIMES. Kn Independent Family Newspnper, IB PUBLISHED BTERT TUESDAY BT F. MORTIMER & CO. 1 N VARIABLY IN ADVANCE. 1.30 PER YEAR, POSTAGE FREE. SO CTS. FOR B MONTHS " " To subscribers residing In this county, where we have no postapro to pay. a discount of 25 cents from the above terms will be made II payment Is made In advance. Advertising rates furnished upon annl lea. Hon. Beledt Poetry. . MOTHER'S WAY. Oft within our little cottage, As the shadows gently fall, While the sunlight touches softly, One sweet face upon the wall, Do we gather close together, And In hushed and tender tone, Ask each other's full forgiveness, For the wrong that each has done. Bhould you wonder why this custom At the ending of the day, Eye and voice would quickly answer, It was once our mother's way 1 If our home be bright and cheery, If It hold a welcome true, Opening wide lis doors of greotlng To the many, not the few i If we share our Father's bounty With the needy day by day, 'Tls because our hearts remember This was ever mother's way. Sometimes, when our hands grew weary, Or our tasks seem very long, When our burdens look too heavy, And we deem the right all wrong, Then we gain a new, fresh courage, As we rise tp proudly say : " Let us do our duty bravely, This was our dear mother's way." Thus we keep her memory precious, While we never cease to pray That at last, when lengthening shadows Mark the evening of our day, They may find us watting calmly, To go home our mother's way. MURDER WILL OUT. THERE were fourteen of us from the schooner Vandal, hibernating at Kurd's Island, in Indian Ocean, which at the time I write this, had been recent ly opened to the enterprise of ubiquitous Yankee whalemen. Lying some degrees southward and eastward from Kergue len's Land, out of the track of merchant vessels, and in a part of the ocean little frequented, this island had remained for ages unknown, and the sea-elephants had fattened and multiplied upon its shores, so that the whalers who visited there saw what appeared to their eyes an inexhaustible mine of wealth spread out before them. But two or three seasons of indiscriminate slaughter had been sufflolent to "work out" the lee side of the island ; the animals had be come shy and wary as well as' greatly reduced in numbers, and we found it necessary to keep a patrol of one or more men on the lookout night and day to watch for single elephants, as they same up out of the sea. With infinite labor we were obliged to skin and collect the fat from these prizes at different points, distributed over many miles of rock and beach, so that our progress in making up a cargo was not as rapid and easy as would be desired. During the summer there had been several other beach-gangs from different vessels, working on shore, and the com petition was lively, but on the approach of winter the vessels all left, either for home or for the safer harbors of Kergue len, not daring to remain at the dan gerous anchorage of Hurd's Island. Only three gangs remained on shore for the winter, reducing the population of the island to forty-four souls. In addition to our own party there were twelve men from the schooner Hydra of Bag Har bor, and eighteen from a British brig called the Eettona, fitted out at Hobart Town. Each party, as might be sup posed, had their own house, and we were all well supplied with provisions and other necessaries for the winter, which in that latitude is perhaps not more severe than in our New England NEW BLOOMFIELD, !P.A.M TtJE8DA.Y, climate, though the weather is very boisterous, aud high winds are the rule. These forty-four men were about an average of seamen as they run, and on the whole the different gangs fraternized very well, although there was now and then a conflict of Interest. The two American chiefs, or beach-headers, PreB ton and Comstock, had been shipmates on a former voyage, and were sworn friends, although working in different employs. The crew included men of various nationalities and varieties of character, and of course it was not easy to preserve the same exact discipline as on ship-board, yet both the young lead ers carried matters with a very steady hand, and were generally obeyed and respected by their subordinates. But matters did not run so smoothly at the English headquarters. Warwick, the officer in charge of the Bellona'e party, was hardly a suitable man to be placed in a position to command, as he hd little control either of his crew or Indeed of himself. There was too much liquor among the Englishman's winter stores, and at times it was used too indiscriminately. Atkins, the lieuten ant or second in command, was drunk no small portion of the time, and War wick himself was not always sober. We need not have troubled ourselves about all this, as such a state of things would only operate against their own interest, and make them less formidable compet itors in the fishery. But it soon became evident that Warwick was quite devoid of moral principal, and was not to be controlled by the laws of honor as estab lished and understood among seamen, to make up for the lack of industry and efficiency in his own party he would not hesitate to resort to what we consid ered plraoy. ' The invariable custom among the hunters was for the man who had killed a Bea-elephant to cut the mark of his party in the animal's hide with the sharp knife which every one who stirs abroad alway carries in a sheath at his waist. Having thus marked his prize, the hunter passes on, feeling sure that no one will touch It until the skinning party from his own vessel comes along, though it may be for some days after ward. The mark may be a simple cross or star, or an initial letter, or otherwise; but the mark of each party is soon known and recognized by all on the beach, and so sacred Is it held that, as a rule, an elephant would be suffered to rot where he lies if his proper owner does not appropriate him. To steal another's property in disregard of his knife mark Is justly regarded as the most detestable meanness, and is held as a flagrant crime, according to the hunt er's code of honor. David Preston, our leader, was in the highest sense of the word an hoileet man, square and up right in all his dealings, though with no pretensions about It. A man so Imbued with the sense of honor and right that he would as soon have cut off his own hand as steal the prize which another had earned. Ills indignation may hardly be Imagined when the evi dence of dishonesty practiced by the Englishman was brought home to him so that be could no longer doubt it. We had marked each elephant that we killed with the letter " P." as the Initial of his own name, and we were satisfied that in several instances this had been altered by an additional cut, so as to represent a "B." whioh was the distinc tive mark of the Bellona. Nothing can be easier than to make such an altera tion. Yet Preston at first was slow to believe it, having never known suoh an instance in all his former experience. But the proofs accumulated until he could no longer doubt, and he rose up in his righteous Ire to seek an interview with Warwick, which might have been a stormy one, especially had he found the Englishman half intoxicated, as was likely to be the case at thai time on Saturday evening. "Perhaps," I suggested, "Warwick himself may not be responsible for this piracy. We know that the marks have been altered in several instances, but we don't know who has done it." "That's true," be replied. " You know that some of Warwick's men may have aoted as pirates on their ' own account, without the knowledge of the skipper. That Is not very likely, but it la possible, and is worth considering. Of course, If that was the case, I shall have to settle the matter with Warwick, as it Is no use talking with irresponsi ble fellows, and then I doubt If he has control enough over them to set matters right, if he were even so honest himself. If he's knowing to it, he is certainly the meanest pirate that I've ever met with." And he reached for his monkey, jacket preparatory to starting off for the English shanty on Ills errand of expla nation. As a boatsteerer, or petty officer of the Vandal, I was Preston's right-hand tuau and confidential friend, and I ventured another suggestion. " I don't think it would be a very good time to talk this matter with Warwick to-night," I said. " Why not see him in the cool of the morning ?" " You think, I suppose, that he may be half drunk now," answered Preston. " Well, I shouldn't wonder if he Is, and perhaps it isn't wise to beard the Hon In ' hla den, though I don't fear him, and all hiB crew of lime-juicers, if I get my blood up. Still, I would rather, on ' second thoughts, not have any row with a blackguard, such as I take him to be. I have another idea whioh will avoid a row, and also Bhow whether he is really a thief or an honest man. We can alter our mark, seeing that the letters 'P. and 'B.' are too near alike." "That's a happy thought," Bald I, "and I wonder it had not occurred to us before." " It has occurred to me that the letters were nearly alike, but then I never thought that there was any man mean enough to steal another one's elephant. Let me see, our Bag-Harbor friend's mark is an H.' for llgdra; but there is no fear of them, for Ben Comstock is the soul of honesty, and would be very severe on any act of theft done by one of his men. We can mark with a V.' fox Vandal, and maybe that will prevent a row, or at least postpone it. Pass the word that from to-morrow morning hereafter our mark Is a ' V.,' and let every one understand It thoroughly before they go on the beach if I am not here to see them all myself." Bo the new mark went into effect at once, though Comstock took the liberty to scold Preston for what he called de serting his colors. "A mark," said he, in his most logical manner, "is something sacred, some thing to fight for, and to live and die by. I'm sorry you've allowed anybody, much less a lime-juicer, to make you back down. Now, stick to your new mark, and fight for it if need be, and I'll back you up, even as far as breaking heads." Thus matters went on quietly for a few days, but before another Saturday came round we heard that the Ecllona'a men had been heard to give up the "B." and ornament their elephants with a broad" W." as the initial of Warwick, their beach-header. He had an un doubted right of course to order this change of mark, but there could be no reason but a rascally one for doing it at that particular time. Preston was full of the subject when he returned from his dally work, but did not say much about it In the hearing of his men. We had a small room at one corner of the house partitioned off from the rest, and in this he and I lived and lodged. ' Now," said he to me, as we retired to this little cabin, "there is no longer any doubt that the fellow is a thief. Of course two little cuts will turn a ' V.' into a ' W.,' and there can be no honest reason for this dropping the 1 B.' now, to take up a new mark. But if any evidenoe of theft comes to us now it shall be war to the knife, for I swear I won't change my mark again. Perhaps I was wrong or a fool to do so in the first place. At any rate Comstock thinks I was." While we were at our supper the boatsteerer from the Hydra, who was a favorite with all of us, looked in at the door, on his way from the Point. 1 "How are you, Green?" sung out Preston, in his most cheery manner. "Won't you come in and take a bite with us ?" ' : " No, I won't stay for that," was the answer, "but I will come in for a min ute, because I've something to tell you that I think you ought to know at once. You heard.I suppose, that the lime Juloer has changed his mark." " Yes." NOVEMBER 23, 1880. Green had entered the little room with us and the rest of our men. " Well," he said, " I want to give you a little positive evidence to work on. Warwick is not only responsible for his men's stealing your elephants, but Is quite mean enough to do the dirty work with his own hands. I was at work skinning Borne elephants this afternoon over toward the southwest beach, and I saw you kill a fine young bull that bad just been hauled out of the breakers. I saw you mark him and pass on up toward the bead of the pond." " So I did," said Preston, "but I did not notice you at all." " Quite likely, as I was a little way up beyond the rise of the beach, and was stooping down." He then went on to relate how a few minutes afterward he saw and recog nized the English beach-header coming up the beach, and saw him stop and examine the newly slain elephant, then, as Green, like the rest of us, had his suspicions of wrong doing, he had kept out of sight behind a tussock knoll, where he could observe operations with out being himself discovered ; how he had seen Warkick straighten himself up, and look, as if carelessly, both down and up the beach, then draw his knife and stoop down for a moment over the elephant, then rise and walk quickly away, indeed almost at a run. He had remained crouched down until Warwick had passed quite out of view, ' and then going to examine the elephant found him marked with a broad VY., the two parts of which had evidently been cut with different knives. The expression of Preston's face as the story was finished was blacker than a thunder-cloud. He, however, thanked Tom Green In taking leave of him, and seemed not to care to talk much on the subject. He finished his supper, and took his smoke as usual, then, putting on his jacket, he shouldered his gun, and prepared to start for the beach. "I reckon the evidence is strong enough and clear enough now," he Bald. " Tom Green is a man of truth, and, beside, he is a level-headed, intelligent man, and knows what he's talking about. This business must be settled to-morrow, once and forever." Darkness had now set in; and Preston went out, taking the path westward, leading round the head of the pond to ward the south-west beach, but in a minute returned and came in again say ing he had found only two or three bul lets in his pocket, and came back for a further supply. He went to his closet, and took out a handful of bullets, say ing as he passed out through the main room of the house, " I hope to kill at least eight or ten elephants between now and midnight." When he added with a kind of bitter laughter, " If I should meet that E n glish pirate on the beach, I don't know but I should be tempted to put a bullet through him." He stepped out and disappeared in the darkness, but the last words had been spoken in the hearing of all our party, together with three or four of Com stock's men who were visiting us. They were not thought much of by those who had not heard Tom Green's new piece of evidence, and even I who knew the whole, attached no special signific ance to them at the moment. It was Just such a remark as any of us, rough seamen, that we were might have made. It was nearly daylight before Preston came in, remarking that he had killed twelve elephants during the night, and had kept on tramping, as he expressed it, " to work the mad out of him." As he rolled into his bunk, I turned out myself, and taking only my lance, went out to try my own luck and get up an appetite for my breakfast. I did not care for the gun, aB I was never much skilled in the use of one, and we had only one in the party, which was sel dom used by any other than Preston himself. The morning air was sharp and brac ing, but still not Intensely cold, for the real winter had hardly yet begun, and I made the whole circuit of the Point, down one beaoh, and up the other to a point nearly opposite the starting-place, before It was yet full day light. I had passed a goodly number of slain ele phants, some with our " V." upon them, and others with a "W." or an NO. 47. " H.," and had encountered Comstock, and afterward the English boatsteerer, Atkins, on my travels. The latter In quired of me If I had met Warwick, saying that he went out in the evening and had not returned up to an hour before daylight. He was not uneasy about him, however, and he thought it quite likely he might have strolled away up the west side of the island toward Robinson's Harbor. I had in walking all this round of the Point killed only two elephants, and I thought that, Instead of returning borne by the usual short cut, I would myself go further up on the west side, and ascend the slope of the glacier. This glacier at Hurd'a Island runs through the middle of the island like a back-bone sending out spurs to the coast, east and west, while a low, sandy point runs out southeasterly from the main body of the island. The place ealled Robinson's Harbor was a small bay, lying beyond the spur on the west coast, . and not easily accessible, either by land or with boats, as this is the weather side of the island. I had no idea of going over to the Harbor, but as the weather was inviting I kept on, up the gradual slope, walking near the verge of the sea-faoe, until feeling a little fatigued I paused, looking back over the low land of the Poiat, spread out like a panorama, and then seaward upon the great Southern Ocean, rolling In toward me, and break ing in thunder upon the shore. So. absorbed was I that I had not noticed the approach of Tom Green until he was within a few feet of me, and hailing. " How far are you bound on this taok if the wind stands? Going over the iceberg to make new discoveries?" " No, not so bad as that," I' answered.. " I suppose I am like yourself, tempted a little out of our regular beat for the time being. Was Preston stirring before you left the village ? " " Oh, yes," said Green, "and he and Comstock have got their heads together about the piracy. There'll be a calling up this evening In the presence oft all hands, and perhaps a general' row on a grand scale, but I guess twenty-sin of ub will be more than a match for eigh teen Englishmen, if they should all be willing to back up their leader in his piracy, which I don't think they will. , AhT there's an old bull coming, ashore. See his snout there in the breakers. Keep quiet now, and let him land high an dry, and mind you, he's my elephant, beeause I raised him first." - He bad stepped between me and the edge of the cliff, standing at the very verge. All at once a change eame over his features, and he uttered a sort of cry of horror, at the same moment pulling, my sleeve. I took a single step to his. side, and looked downward upon the body of a man lying at the base of the cliff, which we both recognized, at the same instant, as that of the Englishman, Warwick. He lay on hla back, upon the stony ground, with his face upturn ed to the sky. We stood looking for a minute; bat as the body remained motionless, we started on with a single impulse, down the slope by which we had come. At the point where we had stodd, the seawall or cliff was about thirty feet high and very nearly perpendicular. As we could not jump, down, we were obliged to retrace our steps, and make a considerable detour to reach the beach v where we arrived quite out of breath, with the haste we had made. Our first touch upon the body satisfied us that Warwick was quite dead, and had been so for several hours. There were no traces of blood, no signs of any strugglek nothing to indicate that the body had. moved after its fall. Concluded next, week. Lost His Temper. Of all men, preachers shouldn't lose their tempers. The "western variety prob ably does so more than others, but some times they are severely punished for it. That was theexperienoeof Rev. Mr. Mul key, of Medicine Lodge Kansas. While trying to drive bis cow out of his stable he got mad with her, and hit her a blow on the bead with his fist. The cow didn't seem to mind it much, but Mr. Mulkey carries his hand in a sling cow. He broke a bone of his hand.