The New Bloomfield, Pa. times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1877-188?, November 16, 1880, Page 5, Image 5

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On inri after Monday, Nov. Bth, IBM, rassen-er
TnlM will run toiio. ,
Mffl. .T'ne Mill
Aod. Ei. Tr'u
A.M. P.M. P.M.
H0i: I.Btl 7.80
886 1.11 T.ll
111 18. M 6.69
8.02 13.51 6.4
T.41ia.40 8.411
7.8Vila.80 8.80
7. in 18.20 8.18
6.16 11.45 t.45
11.11 S.17
8.07 8.08
8.15 S. 35
A.M A.M A.M.
WayiMall,Ape. Km.,
Paaa Tr'u 1'r'u Ex.
w no
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. UU
4A Uklluilal.thla
.V.IP.H.' , ,
a. no
J Ml Marysvllle,
t in long lUuuoauuou,
6 8'l 11 I .Newport
. irJiI'Mllleretuwu,
8. IH
4 an
,0011.49 '"in nu
la (w, ijpwiBii.wii .
1 13 HlllitlliKilou.
l.M Tyrone,
l.ttnAltooua ,
CM. A.M.;!
IJV-Farinr- b.xprpni nrwuiuin t' . ...
-4.41 and t Newport at 11.11 a. m., when naiotMi.
tw-Uoliiir Went.the Way Panaetiirer loaves Harrla
bnra- Dally-theother trains Dally except Huuday.
Fast line Went, dully, stopiilnif oil 8UNDAT OHLY.Jlt
Dnucaimon 4.89, Newport, 4.6U M. .
l'aclne. K.aft runs dally except Monday, atopi'linr
when flniwcl, at Newoort, 11.87 A. M., Diuicttiiuoll
11.47, arrtvln at Philadelphia at.4S P. M.
All, New (Subscribers paying one year's
subscription In advance, will receive
THE TIMES from receipt of the money
until January 1st, 1882.
Each subscriber paying two years In
advance, will In addition to the above
offer, receive a copy of Kendall's Horse
tS-Correspondents who wish their articles
published must have them In not later than Sat
urday. Letters received Mondaymornlug scarce
ly ever get published.
The delay In Mifflin accommodation
ensfc on Tuesday was caused by the eu
,gine jumping the track, while shifting
cars, at Marshall Furnace.
Thursday, November 26th, has been
designated as Thanksglvlngday by the
l'resident and Gov. Hoyt. Let us all be
thankful. .
A Juniata county correspondent says
a hunting party consisting of G. J. le
lancy, ami three others captured two
deers, In Licking Creek Valley, laBt
The Court Room In Carlisle has been
renovated and Improved and the Mirror
claims that Cumberland county has one
of the best court rooms in the Central
part of the state.
The boss ear of corn we have heard of
this year, waB raised on the farm of W.
A. Sponsler, Esq. It had 2450 grains of
corn on it, weighing one pound two
ounces when shelled.
The case reported In court proceedings
at last term of Com. vs Geo. VV. Lupfer
Samuel Bealor, and others, might mis
lead people. The whole trouble is re
garding a few watermelons which were
taken from the land of Philip Leonard.
The parties named in the indictment are
all persons of respectability and the
whole case is merely a personal dispute.
The Gray Medicine Co., of Detroit has
failed, owing the papers largely for ad
ver Using We wonder so many papers
take ads. from such unreliable firms.
We declined their ad. until oftered by a
responsible agency, as we did another
Western Medical one which we see some
of our exchanges are publishing. If
they should get stuck on that too, it
would, as the Dutchman said, be " too
Williamson aod Tash of Harrisburg,
the large Hat, t!ap and Furnishing
House, have an advertisement in anoth
er part of this paper, that it will pay
you to read. We understand that the
firm is a wing of one of the largest
bouses of that kind in this country,
which probably accounts for the bar
gains they are able to oiler. Bead what
they say and when in Harrisburg be
sure to call on them.
Rye Township Items. On Wednesday
evening the 4th inst., some persons set
.Ire to Emanuel Keller's saw mill in
Kye twp., destroying the mill a large lot
of lumber and about a ton of leaf tobac
co. It is certain the fire was incendiary
as no fire had been in use around the
mill for some time. Loss about $1,000.
Since the Neyhart mill was burned,
Mr. Samuel Barcley has put up a chop
ping mill to run by horse power, which
saves those in that vicinity a long ride
to another mill.
1 Mr. Beuben Hippie is putting up a new
house, and Mr. Levi Bider is erecting a
new bank barn.
Theeplzooty is afflicting nearly all
the horses in this neighborhood, though
none have as yet died from the disease.
Church Notices.
Presbyterian Church Preaching next
Sunday at 11 A. M. and 7 P. M. Sundny
school at 9:30 A. M.
Reformed Church. Preaching next
Sunday at 7 P. M.
M. E. Church. Preaching next Sun
day at 10:30 A. M., and Sunday School
at 9:15 A. M.
A Re-nnlon of the 53rd Beglment,
Pennsylvania Veteran Volunters, will
be held at Huntingdon, Pa., on Thurs
day, 25th Inst., and a general invitation
is extended to all survivors to attend.
Important Changes have been made in
the time of trains on the Pennsylvania
Bail Boad. One of the most gratifying
is the stopping of the Pacific Express,
when flagged, going east at 11:27 A. M.
The mail train west, now is due at New
port, at 3:21 P. M. Mifflin accommoda
tion, 6:30 P. M. Going east the mail
train time is now 6:30 P. M. See correct
ed Bohedule for other changei.
A Mean Thief. A short time since Mr.
Power Delanoy of Centre twp., kept a
stranger over night. After the man had
been gone awhile it was found that he
had carried Tower's good beaver over
coat with him. The fellow was, or pre
tended to be, deaf and dumb. If De
Inncy could catch him he would be apt
to make him feel if he couldn't bear.
A (lose Call. On Monday of last week
Frank Murphy of this place had a close
call for the other world. He was hunt
ing and seeing some birds, hastily fired
without placing bis gun against his
shqulder, and it was fortunate he did so,
as the discharge fractured the barrel,
blew out the breech pin and threw pieces
of the stock bo far that they could not
be found. Had the gun been at his
shoulder Its effect would have been terri
ble, but as it was he escaped with a face
souiewlmt scratched and badly burned
with powder.
(.'Iris Charged with Stealing a Heifer.
Simon Liddlck, of Buffalo township,
In the spring lost two young heifers'
which strayed away from his premises.
One of the young bovlnes was recovered
about four weeks ago,but its companion's
whereabouts wa9 not known until a
short time since, when Liddlck, thought
he was safe In saying that " the McKel
vy girls" (two of them, aged perhaps
eighteen and twenty years ) had come
into the posesBlon of it, killed it and
then disposed of it to a Liverpool butch
er. He so charges. The girls were ar
rested the other day and are to have a
hearing in regard to the matter, before
a justice-of-the-peace on Saturday.
Ac if.
Subjects for Week of Prayer. Monday
Nov. 15th, In what does Life consist.
Tuesday, Nov. 16th, Investigation a
Path to Faith. Wednesday, Nov. 17th,
Jesus testing the impulsive, the pro
crastinating and the undecided. Thurs
day, Nov. 18th, A young man who
obeyed the voice of Christ. Friday,
Nov. 19th, Crisis in Daniel's Life. Sat
urday, Nov. 20th, An unconditional
Meetings for Monday and Tuesday
evenings, will be held in the Lutheran
church, for Wednesday and Thursday
evenings in the Beformed church, and
for Friday and Saturday evenings in
the Presbyterian church. All meetings
to begin at 7 o'clock, P. M.
A Strange Case. A young man named
Alfred Bhoads while sitting in Barsh
lnger's store in fishing Creek Valley,
on the 3rd Inst., felt a sudden flash of
heat pass over him which left a strange
feeling. He at once started for home,
but when he had gone about half a mile,
he fell down unconscious, and in this
condition was carried to his residence.
He remained Insensible for several days,
and when he came to his senses again,
he had no recollection of anything since
leaving the store.
A New Arrival. Births on the emi
grant train are not infrequent, but the
little strangers, nevertheless, receive a
hearty welcome when they do put in an
appearance. There was a little German
boy first opened his blue eyes on the
emigrant train Wednesday morning at
about 8 o'clock. His mother took the
affair, as a matter of course, and in half
an hour later was skipping around the
cars as lively as any of them. When
she arrived in Altoona she was tenderly
caring for her husband wha had become
sick from the long ride. The youngster
is to be named John Emigrant Johan
nes. Altoona Tribune.
Sick of the West. The Chambersburg
Repository says: On Sunday, about
noon, a covered wagon drawn by two
pack jacks made its appearance on our
streets. We learn from a friend, who
had a conversation with the party, that
they had left Philadelphia eight years
ago and located in Indiana. Getting
tired of western life they concluded to
pull up stakes and return to the city of
Brotherly Love, and had reached this
place on Sunday. The party was com
posed of father, mother and about four
children. They had a tent with them
and camped out at night. The party
attracted a good deal of attention as they
passed through town, especially the
jacks. We were unable to learn the
man's name.
For the Little Ones. We are in receipt
of the first number of a magazine en
titled " Our Little Ones," which pleased
the little ones In our house better than
any publication we have yet seen. It is
published by the Bussel publishing Co.,
Boston, Mass., at $1.60 per year.
Fine Clothing. Persons wanting fine
clothing made to order in the best man
ner should look at the splendid line of
samples of cassimera at F. Mortimer's.
Silks for Trimming, in various shades,
Brocade Bibbons, Boblnet, Silk ties,
Lace ties. Shelton Jackets, and many
other goods for the Ladles, just opened
by F. Mortimer.
For Sale A new house at Newport,
lose to the new bridfte. Apply at once
to M. B. Emilkmast,
. 45 8m Newport, Pa.
Juniata County. We copy the follow
ing from the Juniata county papers of
last week :
M. It. Bashore, a citizen of Walker
township, weut to Huntingdon county
to buy sheep. On Saturday,' while
coming tbroueh the Narrows between
this place and Lewlatown, the sheep dis
turbed a flock of wild turkeys that had
been feeding along the road. As the
turkeys flew out of the way, Mr. Bash
ore threw a stone at one that flew close
by him, and to his amazement the stone
lilt the turkey on the head and killed it.
Mr. Bashore shouldered the turkey, car
ried it as far as the third lock, north of
this place, and there preHented it to Ben
nevllle Heller. Sentinel
On Wednesday night a lamp exploded
in the house of Jacob Etka, above town,
destroying the furniture and wall lu the
room. Mr. E. was in the room at the
time of the explosion and was nearly
suffocated. The house was barely saved
from destruction. The lamp sat on the
table and had not been lifted or disturb
ed for more than two hours. Tribune.
Cumberland County. We copy the fol
lowing from the Cumberland papers
of last week :
On Monday evening of last week Mr.
Samuel Blxler, employed by the Mt.
Holly Paper company as a teamster,
was thrown from a wagon while unload
ing paper at the warehouse of the S. M.
It. It. depot, with such force as to break
his shoulder-blade. He received the
firoper surgical aid and is now improv
ug. While Mr. Thomas Lee, of Dickinson
twp., accompanied by his wife, was on
hla way to Mt. Holly, last Friday night,
he had the misfortune to upset his
huggy, near Moore's mill. In the ex
treme darkness he missed his way and
drove over a small embankment, which
caused the trouble. Although the occu-
fiants of the buggy were thrown violent
y to the ground, they both escaped
On Saturday evening last, Thomas E.
Null arrived at Newvllle with his arm
in a sling, and upon being interviewed,
said that he had the misfortune of losing
his left hand. The cause of the accident
was thus : He was called upon to shoot
a squirrel for a boy, and loaded his gun,
when upon firing the gun burst and
shattered hla hand so badly that ampu
tation, at the wrist, was found neces
sary. Thomas had been in the employ
of Mr. Harry Drawbaugh, in Hunting
ton county. -
On Tuesday, an accident of the most
distressing nature befell Mr. James
Highlands, who resides some miles
east of Shlpnensburg, in Southampton
township. Mr. Highlands was unload
ing a wagon bed of corn, and was stand
ing up on the corn in the bed, to do so,
and while in that position fell, and in
his decent struck his back on the block
of the rubber, near the hind wheel. Mr.
Highlands was immediately conveyed
to his house, and the lower portion of
his body was found to be completely par
alized. Mr. Highlands died Thursday about
eleven o'clock, being fully conscious of
his situation until almost the last mo
ments of his life.
A Foolish Mistake
Don't make the mistake of confound
ing a remedy of acknowledged merit
with the numerous quack medicines that
are now so common. We speak from
experience when we say that Parker's
Ginger Tonlo Is a sterling health restora
tive and will do all that is claimed for it.
We have used it ourselves with the hap
piest results for Rheumatism and when
worn out by overwork. See adv. 45 4t
Singer Machines. The Singer Company
have opened an office in New Bloom
field, for sale and repair of their sewing
machines. All persons needing ma
chines repaired caniiave them promptly
and chennly done, and persons wanting'
new machines are requested to give us
a call.
tf. S. H. Beck, Manager.
If you want to see the best assortment
of Clothing ever brought to Perry Co.,
go to M. Dukes & Co., Newport, Pa.
We advertise that we carry the largest
stock of Clothing in the County and
can substantiate the same. We also
claim to sell lower than any of our com
petitors and will prove it to you if you
give us a call. M. Dukes & Co.
Buy your Hats, Caps, Trunks, Valises,
Underwear and Gents' Furnishing
Goods from M. Dukes & Co.
If you want a good pair of Boots or
Shoes yon can be suited at
M. Dukes & Co., Newport.
- Sewing Machine Needles. I have nee
dles on hand to suit any of the following
machines : Grover & Baker, Keystone,
Secor, Singer M'f'g., Singer Family,
Domestic, Household, Eldrege, Daunt
less, St. John, Howe, Home Shuttle,
Buckeye, Davis, Weed, Remington,
Whitney, Wilson, White, New Home,
Empire, Etna, and Blees. Orders re-t
ceived by mall promptly filled.
F. Mortimer,
New Bloomfield, Pa.
W. H. GANTT, Watchmaker and
Jeweler, and dealer in Wall Paper,
Stationery and Fancy Goods. Send for
samples of Wall Paper.
Gantt's Hotel Block.
30 ly Newport, Perry Co., Pa.
Ladles, call and Bee our assortment of
Dolmans, Coats, Shawls, Skirts, Furs,
Nubias, Underwear and Dry Goods.
You will find the best line of these goods
at our store. M. Dukes & Co.
Buffalo Robes, Lap Robes, Colored
and White Blankets, Horse Blankets,,
and Men's Knit Jackets and Gloves, t be
hest assortment at M. Dukes & Co.
New crop New Orleans molasses, new
Raisins, Citrons, etc., just received by
F. Mortimer.
Wheat grists exchanged on sight or
ground In a few hours. We have no
low water now since tapping the Penn
sylvania canal. We have the only
Smith purifier in the county, and allow
no one to make better flour. We pay
five cents advance on market rates for
Mediterranean or Lancaster wheat. We
also sell Pillsbury'B XXXX Hour on
commission, which is the best iu the
Newport, Pa.
!. ELMO HOTEL Aba. 317 and 310
Arch UtrceL Philadelphia. Rates re
duced to Two Dollars Per Day.
The traveling public still find at this
Hotel the same liberal provision for their
comfort. It Is located in the immediate
centres of business and places of amuse
ment and the diflerent Rail Road depots,
as well as all parts of the city, are easily
accessible by Street Cars constantly pass
ing the doors. It offers special induce
ments to those visiting the city for
business or pleasure.
Your patronage Is respectfully solicited.
Jos. M. Fkoer, Proprietor.
Still Alive I I am still alive and ready
to cut and fit suits in good style, if
wanting any work in my line, give me
a call. Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Samuel Bentzel,
April 6, ' New Bloomfield, Ta.
Western Union Telegraph connecting
with nil parts of the world. Offlce at
New Bloomfield in Mortimer's build
ing, tf
Un Sundat, office open from 0 to 10 A. M.,
and 5 to 0 I'. M.
The undersigned would respectfully call Uio
attention of the citizens of New Bloomfield and
vicinity, that they Jiave a well selected stock of
Dry Goods on band, such as Corsets, Blockings,
Toweling, Muslins, Dressllnings, etc., etc.
Staple Notions including Toilet Boaps and
Powdere, Dress Buttons, Machine Cotton, Hair
Switches, Stationary, Thimbles, Gloves, and
many other articles too numerous to mention.
We have also received a supply of Fall Hats,
and new Millinery Goods. Wo would Inform
onr Friends that we are prepared to cnt and
make dresses by rule, thereby warranting per
fect fits. All kinds of plain and fancy sewing
executed promptly. We also have on hand a
supply of fresh Bird seed, and Cuttle Fish
bones. Flcase give us a call.
To all who are suffering from the errors and
Indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness,
early decay, loss of manhood, &c, I will send
a recipe that will cure you, freb or chabqb.
This great remedy was discovered by a mis
sionary in South America. Bend a self-addressed
envelope to the Kev. Joseph T. Inman,
Station D, New York City. a b ly.
County Price Current.
Bloom fijbld, Nor. 15, 1880.
Flax-Heed 1 26
Potatoes, so
Butter V pound, 200 22
Eggs ft dozen 20 "
Dried Apples V pound, Sits"
Dried Peaches 10 O 12 cts.
NEWPORT, Nor. 13, 1880.
Flour, Extra I5.C0
" Super. 8.25
White Wheat old V bush 105
Bed Wheat, oil 105
Kye 70O75
Corn 35045
Oats V 32 pounds, .. 288 82
Clover Seed per pound , 5(Gcents
Timothy Heed 2 00
Flax Seed 1 00
Potatoes 30O30
Bacon,. 7 O 7
Lard 1i cents
Hams, 9 cents.
Ground Alum Salt 1 10 1 10
Llmeburner's Coal 11 00 9 1 25
Stove Coal, 4 75 O 5 00
Philadelphia Prodnee Market.
Philadelphia, Nov. 13, 1880.
Flour unsettled; extras 13 0093 60 : Pennsyl
vania family, W. 50 fl 14.75 Minnesota do., HMO
15.12; patent and hlKli grades, I6.60O7.00
Kye Hour, 3.253.25.
Cornineal, 12.20.
Wheat. Ill a 114 .
Corn yellow, 585!)a. ; mixed. 57Qf)8e.
Oats quiet; Pennsylvania aud western white,
4G$342o. : western mixed,3O038.
Allen Gault. On Nov. 11th, 1880.near Marys
Vllle, by Kev. U. E. Zehner, of Patterson, James
Allen, of Wllllamsport, to Miss Lib tiault, daugh
ter of E. C. Gualt.
POLLOCK Williamhport. On Sept. 30th, 1880,at
the residence of the bride's parents, by Kev. J. A.
McGIII, Mr. John Pollock, of Huntingdon Co., to
Miss Mattie Williamson, of Perry couuty.
Fickes-Comp. On Nov. 11th, 1880, at the real
dence of the bride's parents, by Kev. W. H. As
prll, Ira F. Flckes, of Newport, to MazleComp,
of Mount Joy, Lancaster Co., Pa.
Myers Rumbkrqer. On Nov. 9th.l880, at New
port, by Rev. H. W. Helbert, Daniel W. Myers to
Jane Kumberger, both of Pfoutz Valley, this
Clay On the 9th inst., in Mllford, Mrs. Eliza
beth Clay, mother of Josiah aud Samuel Clay of
Newport, aged 68 years.
Asper. Ou the tth Inst., In Centre twp.. Miss
Mary E. Asper, daughter of Mr. Win. Asper, aged
21 years, mouths aud 24 days.
Bistline. In Spring township, on the 14th of
November ,1880, Mr. John Bistline, aged about 58
Bistline. In Jackson twp., on the 9th of Nov
ember, ISM, Harvey, son of Henry Bistline, aged,
1 3 years, 6 months and 19 days.
Bistline. In Spring twp., on the 12th of Nov.,
1880, Matilda, daughter of John Bistline, aged
about 30 years.
Bbrnbeisel In Madison twp.. on Nov. 8th,
1880, Mrs. Susanna, wife ot John BeruheUei, aged
42 years, 10 mouths and 17 days.
nt in an In ll liicenl inn
or woman In ery A X'TVT'T'r
Zor our
town, neaiaowant Ja. at nulu
an pern, highly ommuu,tl, imm,uaely ipulr uitl nut-
NEW book;
nituenaeMlmaure. Want-
1 In. vary hutlv. hothlu Ilk.
it Aneubl oiaka money fast.
Send for circular and toniia. Alao, for The People's
Vagailne and Jratnd I'romiuma. Only Sua) a
year, temple frra for stamp, or S months for 10 osuta.
r. W. Itoalar t, IIMM Arrk ak, rkUaatlpala, ar ttkip, UU
I71STATK NOTH'K.-NntlreUnerebt Klv
Li en that Letters of Administration on the
estate of Koliert (rr, rieo'd., late of Havllle town,
ship. Perry county. Pa., have been granted lo
Jane Orr, of said township,
All persons Indebted to said estate are reqnestfd
to make Immediate nayniKm, and those havlnc
cln ins to present lliem duly authenticated lor
settlement to
Nov. ifl.i8mi aJSfUS
? ofFtrrv c"n
IIariiiet Patterson, by her next friend, Allen
Sayler vs. it M. Patterson.
To H, M. Patterson. Respondent.
Sir: Please take notice that the Court; hns
granted a rule on you to show cause why a di
vorce o vtncvlo matrimonii should not be decrrrd
In favorof the llbnllant In the above case, lie
ttirnable on first Monday of January nent.
Personal service upon you having failed on
account of your absence.
, . J. A. GRAY, Sheriff.
Nov. 16. 1880. )pd IJiiNKlN, Att'y. .
We Will Make it a Point
This Fall ana Winter,
To prove that we Cannot ami
will not be Undersold.
Wc invite Inspection, like Op
position, and Defy Competition,
For Men, Youths or Boys,
You will find the best assort
ment at our More, and save
money buying from us.
Boots or Shoes,
For Man, Woman, or Child,.
or anything in the above line,
we claim, and can prove to you,
that we carry the largest assort
ment, and can save you- 20 ' per
cent. , , i
If You "Want a Ladies' Coat
or Dolman, Shawl, Nubia, Furs,
Underwear.or anything in Ladies
Goods, Dry Goods, etc., you can
not be suited better than we caa
suit you. Come and see.
If You Want Hats or Caps,
Trunks and Valises, Bed and
iiorse .blankets, iiunalo and .Lap
Robes, Carpets and Oil Cloths,
Shirts and Overalls, Underwear,
etc. Don't fail to call.
Everybody should look to their
interest, and we will prove to
you that it will be to your inter
est to buy from. us.
& CO'S.r
Successor to
3tli YEAR.
The Scientific American..
class Weekly Newspaper of sixteen pages, print
ed in the most beautiful style, profusely Illustrat
ed with splendid engravings, representing the
newest Inventions and the most recent advances
In the Arts and Sciences; Including New and
Interesting Kacts in Agriculture, Horticulture,
the Home, Health, Medical Progress, Social Hct
euce. Natural History .Geology, Astronomy. The
most valuable practical papers, by eminent
writers in all departments of Science, iU be
found in the Scientific American.
Terms, a20 per year, 1.60 half year, which
Includes postage. Discount to Agecta SUiele
copies, ten cents. Bold by all Newsdealers, kt
mlt by postal order to MUNN & CO.. Publishers..
87 Park How. New York.
PATPNTQ In connection with the Scten-
t I a-'l I J. tine American. Messrs. Munn &.
Co. are Solicitors of American aod Foreign Pat
ents, have had 35 years experience, aud now have
the largest establishment Id the world. Pat-uts
are obtained on the best terms. A special notice
is made lu the !clentlno American of all luvm
tious patented through this Agency, with the
name aud residence of the Patentee. By tlio
immense circulation thus given, public attention
is dlreeted to the merits of the new parent, aud
sales or introduction often easily effected.
Any person wuo has mad a new discovery or
Inveution, can ascertain, tree of charge, whether
a patent can probably be obtained, by writing ti
Munn & Co. We also send free our llaud Kooic
about tin Patent Laws, Patent. Caveats. Trade
Marks, their costs, and how procured, with hints,
for procuring advances on inventions. Address,
fuf the Paper, or concerning Patents.
Ml N N CO.. 37 Park Itow. New York.
Branch ottice coiner and 7tU ats., Wasluug
tou, L. C.