THE TIMES, NEW 1IL00MFIEL1), PA., NOVEMBER . 9, 1880. A Servant' Queer Freak. A omious cane of child Abduction mid abandonment happened last week. Tlie faota briefly related are these : At No. 10JO Filbert live John Jaooby and his wifo, and tlioy are the fond parents of an unusu ally robust, bright and handsome little Kill of 4 They had living with thorn for aimnt two years an Irish servant Hirl mamed Mary Campbell, in whom they placed the most implicit confidence, and whoso sffootion for the child was believed beyond a doubt. Mm. Jaooby's mother lives nt Dordeulown, nnd when her daught er and son viRited her, as tbey frequently did, the child and the house wore left occasionally for a day or two In charge of Mary Campbell. Oa last Friday week Mrs. Jacoby was called to her mother by the news that she was suddeuly taken sick, nnd on Tuesday the old lady's condition was so bad that Mr. Jacoby was telegraph ed for and obeyed, leaving the house and child In charge of Mary Campbell. On Thursday at noon Mr. and Mrs. Jacoby re turned home and found the girl and child away, and although they did not return that night the parents were not alarmed, as tbey believed Mary had visited some of her relations or friends nnd staid until morning. On Friday morning Mrs. Jaco by, however discovered a note under the table cover in which Mary informed her that she bad taken the child to the Child ren's Asylum of the Philadelphia Alms house and giving as tbo reason for her Action that she did not bflieve that the parents intended coming 'borne. Of course it was not long before the littlo girl was found and brought borne. . From Inquiry at the above house it ap. roars that on Wednesday afternoon a woman brought the child to the Almshouse stating that its mother and father had sep arated, and that the father was very sick nnd unable to take care of It, and as the child had been, she said, taken from the Almshouse a year before, and she was un able to support it, the father bad asked tier to return the child to the Children's Asylum. Upon this singular and on its face suspicious statement Guardian Durfor ordered the child to be received and the woman waa allowed to depart without further question, even bcr name not being asked. It is proper to say that the child was not taken originally from the Alms house, but is the actual offspring of the Jacobys. Phila. Press. Domestic Tragedy In Virginia. Richmond, Va., Oct. 0. A letter reoeiv od from Wytheville yesterdav, under date of October 23, says : " Mr. Frank Allison a merchant, doing business with a young man named Uanks as a partner at "Wood lawn, Carrol connty, near the Grayson and Wythe county lines, had reason to Huspect that Hanks was too familiar with his wife, and on Wednesday set a trap by which be fastened the guilt of both parties beyond a doubt, and which resulted in the death of bis false friend and partner and the mortal wounding of his faithless wife. Mr. Allison told his wife on that day that tie would be absent until the next. lie se creted himself until night, ' when he return ed after bed time and entered the room of Hanks, in the rear part of the store, which is in close proximity . to his residence. Here be discovered hia wffe and Hanks to gether, and commenced firing upon them, killing Haaks instantly and mortally wounding bis wife. Five shots were fired. Allison then surrendered himself. The family is one of the first class, and the shock to friends and relatives is distress ing." A Young Girl Murdered. Strocdsbcbo, Pa., November 1. The township of Hamilton was thrown into the wildest state of excitement this morning on finding that a 17-year-old daughter of Samuel Uittenbender bad been murdered, her head being pounded to jelly. The girl left ber borne yesterday afternoon to go to Jaoob Marsbe's to do housework. Iter little sisters, while on their way to school this morning, discovered ber by the road side with her brains scattered over the fonce and stones where she lay. There were several tramps seen in the vicinity early this morning and it is supposed tbey committed the cime. An Old Party. On Thursday Mrs. Elizabeth Carle of ' Westbury, L. I., celebrate ber 84th birth day. Among the friends who called on her were several ladies over tfO. At the dinner table with Mrs. Carle were Phebe W. Post, aged 84; Mary P. Titus, 92. and Sarah R. Hicks, 91, all in good health and in full possession of their mental faoultie a, and all residents of Westbury. CSTA Minnesota letter says : Mrs. Jane l lit sop, of Pipestone county, and ber child, were nearly frozen to death in the recent snow storm, having been left in a drift by Mr. Hiesop while be went in search of as sistance. The mother and child were not found until the next day in the afternoon, as Mr. II. could not remember where be iiad left tbem. When found the mother was almost exhausted, having true to ber motherly instincts, nourished and warmed her baby at the expense of her own vital ty. , THE GREAT 99C. STORE, " 29 NORTH THIRD STltEKT, HAltltlSBUItG, PA., Is stocked with Staple ami Fancy (Joods lor the Fall trade. "WE TAKE TIIEl LEAD In Walnut Frames. Brackets, Chroruos, Lamps, Tilrd Cages, Clocks, Mirrors, jiemner nags nun oaicnem, Accomeons, uontertlnaa, Violins, Iiarmomuos, Foldlug Rockers, Men's and Hoys' Hats and Caps, Jewelry and Hllverware in large variety, me unest line oi velvet stock of Buckskin Gloves is immense. antee satisfaction. Orders by mall promptly filled, Wholesale anJ Retail. 13. W. OIIJUTL-TN, 59 NORTH THIRD STREET, llAllUIHUIJI.G. 1'IOJNIN'A.. DIVES, POMEROY Sc STEWART, THE POPULAR DRY GOODS AND NOTION HOUSE, IIAJRKISliTXRG, PENN'A. DRESS GOODS n, . li 12, ,10, UALICOKM. 4", S, , 7. 8c. UNBLEACHED MUSLIN 0. 7, 23c. i I NO HA MS 7. 8. 9. 10, 11, VKLT HKIKT8 60, f2, .75, 1 (K), 1.21, l.f.l). GENTS UNDER CLOTHING LADIES UNDEK CLOTHING OHII.DREN'H UNDKR CLOTHING LADIKH' HOSE 6, .10. GKNTH HOHK K 6. , BLANKETS 1.02. 2.00, BLACK CASHMERES .37, .45. Special attention paid to orders sent by mail, and samples sent with pleasure when desired. ONE PRICE STORE, 87 8m DIVES, POMEROY & STEWART, 35 N. 3rd St., Harrisburg, Pa. R MORTIMER. WE ASK LADIES who are wanting Dry Goods or Trimmings of any kind to look at our stock. We have just received large additions of goods of that kind. We also have a line assortment of Ties, Laces, Velvets, Ribbons, Hosiery, Gloves, Ladies Bags, Ladies Cloths in various shades. Flannels of all kinds, Cassimeres, Cottonades, and a general assortment of such goods as are suited to the season. Call and see STOCK AND PRICES. New Bloomficld, Pa. BLANKETS! BLANKETS! COMFORTABLES ! COMFORTABLES I . Ladies Skirts ! Ladies Skirts ! We can't and won't be undersold, You can rely on the prices given at HOUSER Sc BREITINGER'S, NO. 15 BOUTU MARKET SQUARE, HARRISBURG, PENN'A. aam Down They Come ! We have reduced our prices for the Fall Trade. A full and complete slock of all kinds of CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, RUGS, MATS, COCOA MATTINGS, DRUGGETS, OTTO MANS, STAIR OIL CLOTHS, STAIR RODS, etc., etc., and everything belonging to the Carpet Trade, all of which will be sold at the Lowest Prices. Will warrant all goods as represent ed. Quick sales and small profits. Call and examine our Immense Stock now open. 1 s.a.:xtj:et adais, !?rmERA "?S? ftgfcft W'street. Harrisburg, Pa. 11111 Protradlnc Bm4y TTENTION! jno. i. Mcdowell, Grain & Commission Merchant, ALTOONA, PA., s Desire Shipments of GRAIN and PRODUCE. Will null on reasonable rates, or liouor draft on billot lading ef good stock. 49 Correspondence solicited. 4- Reference" altoona Bake." 42 PRAND BOULEVARD HOTEL, VJ Corner 391 u St. and liroadu aj, , NEW l'OKK. On Both American A European Plans. Fronting on Central Park, the Grand Boule vard, Broadway and Flfty-Ninth Street, this Ho tel occupies the entire square, and was built and . furnished at an expense of over H'lu.OOO. It Is one of the most elegant as well as ttuest located In the city ; has a passenger Klevator and all modern improvements, and Is within one square of the depots of the Slxih and Eighth Avenue Klevated B. K. Cars and aim nearer to the Broad way ears convenient aud accessible from all parts of the eity. Kooms with boaro, 12 per day. bpecial rates tor families and permanent euests. AU 2i. '80 ly & I1ASKKLL, Proprietor, f rames at remarkably low prires. Our rsew goods received uaiiy. vve guar- da iv. i'i 8m SHAWLS .50, .7. 100. 1.2. 1.F.0, to 7.50 COTTON FLANNEL 0U, 8, 10. II, 12. HLKACHKD M I'M, IN fi, 6, 7, 8, V. IOC. i; If I. V III l StilKTIMJ 0, 8. 9, 10, 120. xwfviw.n o, n, iu, lz, jt XV .no. .75. it. m. .oo 1.S5. .25, . .a;. .37. .25, ft2' .17? .12. 2.75, .50, O. 7 1.00, .17, .20, 25. .87c. .20, .25. 15, .2". 17, 3.50. .02, -12. .10, 2.37, .48, .75, .87H, 100. nn'IBnn I'oranyeai.oflteh-I PILES PIIm thai DeBlna-'a Pile aUL to ears. It allaya th Itching, .tmoras ths tumora, give. OMMhote tllr. Pnpand by J. r. Millar, M.I PhUadolphla, Pa. ' ACTION. Aim yimn'Mimleu wrap- prr m bottle ooMoiiu kit ligation " a Plleof Stones. All druggists and country stores have it or will get it fur you. DRRANQ 14 Stops. 4 Sets of Reeds, only 6 UnUMIIO pianos, $12 up. Paper Free. Ad dress DANIEL Y. BEAXXY, Washington, fti.J. 44 New anJ Veiy Attractive Styles Now Heady. MASON BEST CABINET OR PARLOR OHGANS IN THE WORLD, win ners of highest, distinction at Every Great World's Exhibition for Thirteen Years. Prices. $1, $i7, ea, $S4, S1C8, to 1500 and up ward. For easy payments. 86.33 a quarter and upward. Catloxues MASON & HAMLIN OR. G AN CO.. 154 Tremont Kt.. ROM. AND HAMLIN ORGANS TON;6 East lth Bt.. (Union Hquare,) NEW YORK ; 14V Wabash Avenue, CHICAGO. 44d4w A GREAT OFFER ! M: 1150. up. Warranted 0 years. Second hand In struments at Bargains. Axents wanted. Illus trated Catalogue Free. HORACE WATERS & CO., 826 Broadway, New York. 41(14 AGENTS WANTED for our popular Now Booh, Industrial History of the U. S. Its Agriculture, Uanufactures, Mlnlne. Banking, Iusurauoe.ete. Agenis make lib to (IU0 per week. Bend for special te.-ms to HBNKY BILL PUB. ,'1S'.lNU vo" No1 w'" Connecticut. Establish, ed 1847. 44 w THE LARGEST DRY GOODS HOUSE in CENTRAL PENN'A t NO. 223 MARKET STIIEET, HARItlSIU RG, TA. ' (OPrORITB niUNT'S HALL ) M. J. EINSTEIN HAH REMOVED TO HIS MAMMOTH ESTABLISHMENT. dftr8e JlutMselt" 1ry 0ood, and NolloM Silks, Velvets, Dress Goods, tadlcs' Coats, Circulars, Dolmans, tace Curtains, Housekeeping Moods, Ami a full line of FLANNELS BLANKETS, HIT BUT I NO an DOME4TI0 GOODS pnerftllv ul 110olKUY' UL0VH8' M5!fc You are c jidlaliy Invited to examine Htock and Trices whether you purchase or not, Samples cheerfully furnished on application. M. G. ODHSTSTTCIK", NO. 223 MARKET STREET, THE GRAND OPENING OF WILLIAMSON 8c TASH'S ONE riUCE, HAT, CAP, and Gents FURNISHING HOUSE, Is the talk of the day around Harrisburg, and the astonishing IX) W PRICES PiV,!!,,1' illm ,8 no ,es9 wonderful than their unlimited variety. ELECTION HA l'S for Men who waier them on their candidate ; Youuk Gents Nobbv Stlir Hammock, and Soft Hats in the Latest Styles. 8 wenis jNoooy, outl, UNDERWEAR unexcelled in quantity and quality and unequal in Low Prices. ill ISOItTH rrillltl STREET, OPPOSITE TIIK OPERA HOUSE. ,a n. IIA.1.31ISBTJHG, IJEJSTSr'.. Wo Have Just Opened. FOR THE Fall k Winter TRADE, The Largest Stock of Goods ever brought to Perry county, and which we are now offering at such prices as to defy compe tition. 1000 Men's, Youths' and Boys' Suits, 500 Men's, Youths' and Boys' Overcoats. 300 Separate Coats. 250 " Pants. 100 " Vests. 1000 Pairs Boots and Shoes. 100 ' White and Colored Bed Blankets. 100 Horse Blankets and Lap Robes. 100 Ladies' Coats and Dolmans. 150 Shawls, all kinds. 100 Ladies' Skirts. 75 Dozen Underwear, for all. 25 " Woolen Shirts, for men. 50 " Overalls. 2000 Yards of Carpet. 200 Dozen Hats and Caps. 50 Trunks, all kinds. Also, a full line of Ladies & Gents Fancy Goods, etc., etc. Remember wc keep a first class Store, and always have what we advertise. MARX DUKES & CO'S., Successor to ISIDOR SCHWARTZ, EBY'S NEW BUILDINC, NEWPORT, PA. MUtA!lU Jal C0NSUlU!PTI0N 5 Oniad at koaM by i,CarfOala ruMav mm .Ma h ama. i A4 HUM wtvkct. b bMi M ail it m Ik twat "- Val aval allBaraT r-rMai ii ciiMti IW ly e o w Agents Wanted K IY KM TTLNG MACHINE ever InvrnUid. W 111 Knlta pair ul HUxiklntts, kIIU UKKL aud TOK OUMPETK,ln 2 Inliiuteii. It will also knit a Rreat variety of fancy work for which lliei e u al ways ready market. Smut (or C'hctilar and trmstothe TWOMBI.Y KMTIINQ MAOHINK CO., 409 Washington HCreet, Mats. 'aim VMM 5 M 1 aVaT 43 8m M THE NEW FOOD ' . MEDICINE THERE Is no jtreafer Blood Producer and Life sustaining Principle In the world of foods or medicine than M A. LT BITTERS, preparedfrora i nfermented Malt, nops and (Jul nine? They umt J'.'S.boidr.Rnd..t,,Vn'I1'. enrlc'' th8 blood, so lldlfy the bones, harden the muscles.-quiet the neryes. cheer the mind, perfect digestion, regu late t he stomach and bowels, cleanse the liver and kidneys and vitalize with NEW LIEK every fluid of the body. Beware of Imitations similarly named. Look for the COMPANY'S BIGNA TUKEb which appears plainly ou the Ubd it vlhFi frywhere. MALT BITTERS COM rAri r, xioflloii, Mass., 44d4w VALUABLE FARMS AT PllIYATE SALE. ioIl!fflK;SKmtp,r!r,r' 8ale ,,,e ,o'- KO. 1. Is a Farm containing Sixty -Eight Acres, lt&J8&f cultivation, and GOOD DWELLING HOUSE, And all necessary Out bulldines. sltnnt thma miles south of Blomfleld and "ven mC uZ ljuncaniton. There Is on this place plenty of Choice Fruit of all kinds, good witer at the Tdoor. ltmUTe.Weaa?yr.'nUear,yeVery NO. 2. about'Urm 8ltu,lolB W1eatfleld twp.. contnlnlng US ACRES, having thereon erected a GOOD DWELLING HOUSE, with M.1I rnntitrAjt fin K..itiH. v iTA 1. j r ,u "ur "'" nom umomneia VTJ.. .plenty of .... -a. iwuuin Rinnj audio urcnara. ana ,i'J'rTli,.nd wlllwkedeSrablehoine.Frice -luu VIUD 50. 8. Is a MILL PROPERTY, situate near Shermansdale. on Sherman's Creek. The MILL and Machinery Is In excellent order, wllh a good SAW MILL and a good CIDER MILL attached, and la one ot the best stands In the 0?uniX.,.wJLhtood run of custom. There Is also 8EVEN ACRES of land with a Good Dwell, ng thereon, to be sold with the Mill, and more land can be had If desired. Price. $5,600. A large part of the purchase money can remain on mort gage. NO. 4. Is a Farm situate In Carroll township, about two miles from Shermansdale, containing about One Hundred Acres, bavlng thereon erected a Good Dwelling, and other Oat-balldin(rs, A well of good water at the house and another at the Barn. There Is couslderable trult on the iireralses, and the land Is good and well watered. Price,, aud payments can be arranged to suit purchaser. NO. 6. Is a FARM situate In Carroll township, about two miles from Shermansdale, containing Seventy Aorem, of good land, and having thereon a GOOD DWELLING, and other Out buildings. There Is a good spring near the honse, and the Farm Is well watered. There is also a Good Or chard in bearing condition; this will make a de sirable home. Price, ll.Eot. NO. C Is a FARM situate in Carroll tounshin, about eight miles from Duncanuon and live miles from Uioomlleld, containing, 160 ACRES OF LAND. The place has thereon erected a Good,. Dwelling House, a New Barn, and other Out buildings. There Is also a spleudid Orchard on the place. The land Is good, about oue-hair being uudur cultivation aud the balanon well timbered. A good spring Is near tho dooi with a guod spring lmuse. aim the plaoe U well watered. Price, tiauu. Terms to suit purchaser a- For further information address the under sigued at New Bloonilield. Perry county, Pa., or call at his roildeuoe three miles south of Bloom Held. C HAKtilSlL August 17, 18SU. ' Our Stock of NEW GOODS for Men's Wearls oomilt. it Frlcesfroml eentauu. In F. MOBTIMBB. New Bleomtteld, fa