.... T-, 8 THE TIMES, NEW BLOOMFIELI), PA., S1TTEM11EK 28, 1880. n 1-1 i I r- i- Gambling, aaya a Syracuse Courier, la carried on iu Auburu Prison to a great extent. The convicts do not una curds, nil one 'Would suppose those Rro too liable to ileloctlon. They bet oft events, ohnngns of the weather, the time of day, Bad every thing of that cbaraoter. Tbey also "odd and even," ilip," "match," "roll," " throw for the orack," and the like. Convicts are not spposed to carry money, but they do, just the same, and sometimes considerable, They sew their money up In their clothing, aud it is seldom that it is discovered. Occasionally a man will be found with $10 or 1-0 iu coins iu bis coat collar or other parts of his otothing. Thero are pawnbrokers and money-lenders, These crlmiual Hbylocks are more exuding than the "uncles" of the street. If a keeper or guard can be " bought," the con vlots will pay him a good salary right along to perform sorvioes for them, such as bring ing iu papers, tobacoo and edibles and taking out letters. Sonio convicts keep up a regular correspondence with friends out side. The New York morning papers reach Auburn at 4 o'clock iu the afternoon, and the same day the convicts may be fouud reading the news of the day " on the sly," I n meir ecus, now the prisoners Boouie newspapers is a mystery to many. The foreman of the shops, or perhaps, the officers, bring them in. The convicts will give a great deal for New York papers, and thoy will have thom at any price. The prisoners keep well posted on the events of the day, and discuss with intel ligence any subject that is being treated in the papers. The men are bartering con stantly, aud some becorao,'posseBsed of con siderable "property," which, however, they must at all timos keep concealed. Not so vory long ago an enterprisiug convict established a distillery in the prison and engaged iu the manufacture of liquor, lie excavated beneath a stone in the floor of the kitchen, where he was employed, and set a small tube in the hole. With hops used in making yeast and corn and barley used la making broad aud soup, be produced a potation that would intoxicate. Drunkenness became quite prevalent, and finally the distillery was discovered aud -he " moonshiner" was put in the prison jail on bread and water. While be ran the distillery he did well and would, iu a short time, have been comparatively wealthy. " Beer," as it is called, is made to this day from bread crusts, but the makers have to exercise caution. One man bad raised a quantity of tomatoes on the window sill of -his shop aud sold the crop for a large sum. The Law's Delay. A New York letter says : The " how not to do it" system pervades the law courts of this city, which are all disgracefully slow and behind with their work. Civil cases sometimes linger for years till both plain tiff and defendant forget all about them or settle matters amicably out of court. The courts sit only a few hours per day, and there are adjournments ovor Saturday and Sunday, and a long, long vacation every year. Even when there is a rush of business the death of a petty judge or superannuat ed lawyer whom the public cannot be ex pected to care two cents about is sufficient to provoke an adjournment over the funer l,on the motion of some counsel anxious tagetofffora holiday. It would seem that until the vast arrearages of work are got through, judges should sit every day a reasonable number of hours and show the publio aud taxpayers that they mean to earn their big salaries. Criminal law is a little quicker than civil but still lamentably slow. Murderers taken id-handed lie in the Tombs awaiting trial until their crimes are forgotten. A. bank burglar sentonced to twenty years in the Btate prison ovor twelve years ago still lies in the Tombs waiting till the district attor ney is ready to argue some point of law raised by the counsel. A reputed Man hattan Bank burglar has been nine months in prison, aud when Lis attorney moved for bis trial or release the other day the dis trict attorney said he was not quite prepared to go on, arid set a day next week when he would be prepared to name a day for the tiial. Murder and Suicide. Detroit, Sept. 20 A terrible tragedy occurred at the residence of Andrew Tif fany, about two miles west of Janesville, Hillsdale oounty, on Saturday afternoon. Honry Lindley, a hired man in the employ of Mr. Tiffany, who is supposed to have conceived a passion for his employer's' second daughter, Alice, called on ber and shot ber, killing her instantly. Lindley thou blew bis own brains out, falling with the weapon under him. The only cause known to which the crime can be attributed is unrequited love. The mur dered girl was eighteen years old. Bhe and Lindley were alone in the house at the time of the tragedy, the parents being in a neighboring county visiting the grave of a doad daughter. On their return borne tlicy found Alice and Lindley both dead. Alice had refused to marry Lindley who had worked for her father three years ftlie, it is said, was married to a man who is new in the State prison, and when Lind ley shot ber she was engaged in writing to her husband. After shooting her it seems Lindley walked down stairs and ended his own life as stated. It Will Pay You This FALL, To Buy Anything You Need in Our Line FROM US. It stands to reason that we cannot be undersold. We buy in large quantities, sell more, and therefore can sell lower than any of our competitors. We are now constantly receiving for the FALL and W INTER trade new and desirable goods in Men's, Youth's Boys' and Children's CLOTHING In MEN and BOYS' Boots and Shoos, In Women and Children's Heavy & Fine Shoes, IN Dry Goods & Notions, IN ' Carpets & Oilcloths, IN- HATS AND CAPS, -IN Trunks and Valises, -IN- I, VIIi;S AND Etf TH FURNISHING GOODS. Our stock oX Clothing can't be beaten. We have the largest stock of Boots and Shoes. We strive to pleaBe, aud guarantee sat isfaction. Don't fall to give us a call for your Fall and Winter goods. MARX DUKES & CO'S., Successor to ISIDOR SCHWARTZ, EBY'S NEW BUILDINC, NEWPORT, PA. The Simplest, Snrest, and Most Reliable lieniedy Is EISLEY'8 Pur Distilled Extract of WITCH HAZEL, Carefully prepared! Thoroughly reliable; Full Strengths and equal In size of bottle to any made. Cures Sprains, Bruises, Swelling, dialings, Cut. Wounds, Hums, Scalds, Bcaldiead, Fifes. Salt Rheum, Skin Eruptions, Sore .Eyes, Sore Mouth, Neuralgia, Inflammatory Swelling. Sore Throat, and for aching palu It la undoubtedly the greatest healing preparation ever used. Numerous testi monials can ke procured if desired. Six ounce bottles 26 cents. Pint bottles 50 cents. Quarts f 1.00 60 FIFTY CENTS BO Futt 12 ox. bottles. Seat OomMnations. filsley's Emulsion or Cod Llrer Oil, With Hypophosphltes Llmt and Soda, tolth Pepsine. Tf Ifl tllcvl.ltr lA.mmAnA Wn . 1. I I . . most effectual and reliable remedy for Coughs. ?r ,:i "iu"uuini uoHoiBi uBuuity. eic. Agreea bly Flavored. .Pleasant to take. And can be re tained on the weakest stomach. OHA& F. RIHLEY & CO.. Wholesale Druggists. 38 It 61 Courtland Street, New York! G RAND BOULEVARD HOTEL, Corner 30th St. and Broadway, NKW YOHK. On Both American & European Plana. Prnntlnfrnn r.n(ml D.-u i. r- . . , " ' ' u i r, mo vt I mm uouie- yard, Broadway and Fifty-Ninth Street, this Ho tel occupies the entire square, and was built and furnished at an expense of over 1400,000. It is r.r .1 V; "B"'"" uuesi located Iu the city s has a passenger Elevator and all modern improvements, and Is within one square ',h9t ieEot5 9? tlle SJ" and Eighth Avenue Elevated K. R. Cars and still nearertothe Broad way cars convenient aud accessible from all garts of the city. Kooms with board, (2 por day peclal rates for families and permanent guests. Ana 9i mO1v1 tv uiuuui i n "i t Artenfs Wa ntprl everywhere to t v V,?,Z7 : r we ' feat FAMI- uoaa in' vj Ki&vnmja over nivmutta. Will Vliff- a na V nt Urrw. L- .w.o 11. TI wrtrr - a "li BioafcYttfieiy oi lancy worn ior wnich there is al- " j a m ou iiimi rwuu n-r iy'ireuiar and tArma t rw,i nrv 1 xhtth.,, . . . S. I1. ,,,. . ,v i Ainu iUAUHlISK W Washington Street, Mass. w 4m THF. nnwimvi .'. ..... ....... Is selling our two splendidly Illustrated books. GEN. HANCOCK fs-i"s FORNEY, (an author of national fame), highly , oii hiito.', me party leaders, and press; also Ufa of ' GEN. GARFIELD'" J1" omrade.n-arms jrlty), also strongly endorsed. Both ollicial. 1m- AlTAIltM miLlfinff IIO a rial. i,.. best books and terms, address, quick. HUBBARD Btt08.,723 Chestnut St.. FhiUdelphli, F . S8 Don't you want some cheap foods for Fants and Suits t f you do. don't fall to ex AmlnA tl.A mlanifM a ,... . ..... MORTIMEK. Youeansultyourself la style aud ANOTHER FRESH ARRIVAL. Wc this week receive a pretty assort ment of Dress-Goods ' suited for the season. If you want a new dress for yourself, or the girls, call and see what we can offer you. Styles . are Pretty. Prices arc Low. I have Prints at 4, yard. All warranted see the styles. I have n splendid wear from 12 cents 1 have a handsome and Brocade Silks for sure to Please. I have a nice line of Laces, Embroideries, Ribbons, Tics and Notions. I have an assortment of Hosiery from 5 cents per pair upwards. I have the Cheapest stock of Sugars, Cof fees and other Groceries in the County. I have a general which I mean shall be cannot be beat, R MORTIMER Now Bloomfiold, Pa. UNDERWEAR ! UNDERWEAR ! ! GENTS, LADIES, AND CHILDREN A Magnificent Line at LOWEST PRICES. 5c. CALICOES 5c. We can't and won't be undersold, You can rely on the prices given at HOUSER Sc BREITINQER'S, NO. 15 SOUTH MARKET SQUARE, IIABBISBURG, JPENN'A. Down Tliey Come ! ma We have reduced our prices for the Fall Trade. A full and complete slock of all kinds of CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, RUGS, MATS, COCOA MATTINGS, DRUGGETS, OTTO MANS, STAIR OIL CLOTHS, STAIR RODS, etc., etc., and everything belonging to the Carpet Trade, all of which will be sold at the Lowest Prices. Will warrant all goods as represent ed. Quick sales and small profits. Call and examine our Immense Stock now open. SAMUEL .IL3IS, OPERA H( 'FftgTlTOrS'sTREET. Harrlsburg, Pa. 6i Am NEW FALL GOODS! mm mm DIVES, FOiMLERO" Sc STEWART, 35 Horth 3rd St., HARRISBURG, Pexm'a, receiving new roo1s and marked at the very lowest prices. Ifour attention Is also called to the tew special Bargains which we are now offering. onnn20 Ht NICRERBOOKER 8UITINC.S. CHOICE STYLES, 8 cents per yard. iX.dW'Rrti,.I.JJ.lfrRrLL SHADES, worth lflo per yard, at nWli per yd. on20 ld.V.,c,I0H'W10ICKATTERNS-at X cents per yard. 2000onJd8JCAyS,(?y;.3v.?TANDARI) OMJTH, at 6cent Tper yard. , 2??0. Jfd,- J- WILLED OKAHH, worth 8 cents a yard, at 5 cents per yard. 100 MARSEILLES SPREADS, worth 11.60 a piece, at 75 Sents each. oa20 Ms HEAvY STRIPED SHIRTING, Seldom Been, at 1 cents per yard. 2000 Yds EXTRA HEAVY TICKING, (30 inches wide) at tin Pei yard. , a99 Yis;T.w"e y.a,'d wd- UNBLEACHED MUSLIN, Heavy and Flue.at 6i per yard. 100 Dor. TURKISH TOWELS. LARGE SIZE, at 9 cents each. " 1 64 luohes wide TABLE LINEN, (All Lineu.) at 23 cents per yard. We give special attention to all orders sent by mail, and samples sent with pleasure when requested. o. DIVES, POMEROY, STEWART. North Third Street. sim REWARD! Frotradlnc JyJOTICE! In Via Court of Common Pleas oj Perrv County, WtLLUAM Jacobs t Matilda Jacoib. To MATILDA .IACOB8. Resnondent: Madam Please take notice that the Court of iuuuiiua rieas oi said County, has grauted a rule on you to show cause why a divorce a vinculo matrimonii should not be decreed in the above case. Returnable on last MONDAY of October next. , J. A. GRAY, Bherllt. September 7, 1880. JOB PUINT1NG of every description neatly ! n(l J'romptly executed at Reasonable ttater t the Bloom Held Times Steam Job Oulce. 5, 6 and 7 Cents per fast colors. Come and line of goods for men's to $4.50 per yard, assortment of Tlain Trimmings at Prices assortment of goods sold at Prices which 33 3m ToranyesMoriieh. I Ing, Blind, BlMd-1 Inc. UlMrmtMl or I TiUm that UeBinc'i Hmemy bin to can. it aiuji m Itching, absorbs th tumors. gl?a immediate rfllet Prepared by J. F.allllar 11 D Phildlihia,P. ' A l' T 1 0 N .Xoru fmuxnt tmlen vraml prr m boliU contain) hit ilnllure and a Pile of Stones. All druRgim and country ktora have it or will gct it for vou. CATARRH iCONSUiVIPTION ' Cured at horn t? JT IniHAUilNB t 'A Cwejaaae ef CjUI. ILcfTAR imi i !!. vkbk 6 en wh. t.. ..m.. ul wAm AlrMt M ia dlMM, warn la I 1 Mm i 'rf' rnSlUhe,., t to, . JnieHii ii Ck.rr.r ti ear. luia Ana sta, raiuatiaaia, r SSlyeow CAMPAIGN SONGSTERS forbothltANCOCK and OA RIMEM) Clubs now rea.ly. Karh splcy.splrltrtl, ami splendid, Iwlh in l'l!Lntfi!'iTt.l1''- ,'"7 Inrn.-Hand best in the Held, and the eheapest. Hnmple n.all.Ml on receipt of nr no, 12c. encli. (Hand cliauce for Bewnlssndcliilis. 1 nrnis llheral. Fortmrtlciilnrs atlrnm UNION BUOK CO., Hi jJ,M ' MrS! 1 hllauelpHla, I'a. 87Ut GREATEST RU S H ever known I 60, OOO I In tlmty days, and 20.(m0 more prlntliiii'lo siimily the linmnnse demand for Hie Lite of GEN HANCOCK S,U10N - w for. T a. . iiUIV NEY- h,f,llJr endorsed br J(,.p.1 I'Bnooct. th Party leaders, aud press t and Lire of GEN GARFIELD !,T-ORN' J bri- Ubll. UMIiriCL.U BiN.also strongly en dorsed. Both official, Immensely popular, selllmr over 10.000 a week Agents iimhlng 111) to la) a "."T:..1.1!0 harvest Is September and October. )utllts60oenlseah. More agpiils needed. Ior best terms, address, quick, lll llHAld) BRos., Pubs., 723 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. 87d4t ?!, ?""!"" ' fmlromml In Xnrrsvlnri irf Holla rTH, II.IU, rompBi, PonrhM, Ifrum-Majofl OutlJU .1 Hit, Fn.u- MBuaat aajejel di. uninu, limn en orcunwnff .rid CnrnliKIInf .VelubU lacrmaUoDLi Muklaaa atMtai. , Tnctlci , ibijol i of 0pw, m-allod for IOrnU. . 1.1 un a ntftLT, aloto a Monroe 8tt., Chicago ' ' 87d4t CENTS TO JAN. I. The Chicago Weekly News will be sent, postpaid, from date to January 1st next, for 10 cents. This trial subscription will enable readers to become acquainted with the cheapest metropolitan weekly in tlio U. 8. Inde pendent in politics, all tht news, six completed stories In every issue. A favorite family paper Send 10 cents (silver) at once and get it until Jan. uary 1, lfiHl. kieven trial subscriptions for II.W. Regular price Is 75 cents a year. Address VIC TOHK.CAWHON, Proprietor, 123 6th Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. 07d ORGANS M fit,op?' fll,b Oct. Coupler. Uliunild Vox Celeste Vox Humana. Sent on trial warranted, only fflv Pianos JIM up. Cat alogtie free. Address, DANIEL F. BKATTY. Washington, K. J. 86d4t GENTS take your choice to sell the Life of Garfield or Hancock And coin money. Circulars and terms free. Outfit 50 cents. E. B. TREAT, Pub., 767 Broadway, New York City, i Walt THE NEW FOOD DO not confound this Matchless Renovator of Feeble and Exhausted Constitutions with vlo. lent cathartics, cheap deeoctlons of vile drugs, and ruinous intoxicants Innocently labeled "bit ters." Malt Bitters appeal to popular confidence because prepared from Unfermented Malt, Hops, and Ouinlne, and other precious Ingredients, according to the process of Lieblg, and are richer In the elements that restore to permanent health the "Weak. Convalescent, Consumptive, Over worked. Nervous. Sleepless, Dyspeptic, Bilious, and Fickle In Appetite, than all other forms of Malt or Medicine. The genuine are plainly slgn JyJ;,ieomPan5r Bo'd everywheve. MALT BITTEL8 COMPANY, Boston, Mass. id4t Holbrook's Military School, SING HINO, IV. Y. Ite opens Tuesday evening, Sep. 14th. Address. S2A2m Rkv. D. A. IloLuaooK, Ph. D. SALESMEN WANTETI tFSLWP0 MEN 10 BELL clOAK8 d;inc A month and expenses. Sam. I I IUJ pies Free. Cut this Notice out I I and send It with your application, also-1' send a three cent stamp to Insure an answer. , ft FOSTER ft CO.. 37 lm Clnolnnatl, Ohio. M EDICAL N0TICEI II 111 ,i Tl ll.kf Tnr t,irw mn". Si ml MEDICINE DR. 0. P. BOLLINGER, Having located permanently In KEW IiLOOMFlELD, Offers his professional services to the citizens of the Borough and surrounding country. Dr. B. has been engaged In an extensive prac tice for over 28 years. He has also served his country in the capacity of Burgeon to the 78th ?a.S,Vo,L.In,rntrlr during the late Rebellion, holding his Commission from the then Governor of this Commonwealth. His credentials are from oneof the best Medical Colleges In America. His success as a practitioner of medicine Is ac knowledged by recommendations from former patrons, which are free for inspection at all limes. IN THE TREATMENT OF' Chronic Diseases he has had very extensive experlenee.and hascured many hopeless cases, after years of sullering, and expense incurred to seeking relief elsewhere. Among the many chronic complaints treated successfully are Asthma, Bronchitis, Laryngitis, Hemorrhage of th Lungs, Consumption, (ttrst and second stages.) Heart Disease, Dyspepsia Liver Complaint, Melancholia, Scrofula or Ring's Evil, Skin Diseases, Chronic Rheumatism, Goitre, or enlargement of the Glands of the neck. Dropsy, Piles, chronic DiarrbGea,Constlpatlon of the Bow els, Sick and Nervous Headache, Neuralgia, Diseases of Females. Tumors, Kidney Diseases, Enlarged Spleen. Epilepsy, Deafaens, Chronic Chilis and Ague. Diabetes Mellitus, old running sores. Tapeworms removed. Dr. B. does not eonnne himself to any one par ticular system of medicine. He uses all the late Improved methods and remedies, as also Magneto Electric, or Medical Electricity, which is so successfully used at the present day In many forms of nervous complaints. In the treatment of the Lungs and air passage he uses INHALATIONS, which carries the medicine direct to the diseased parts. When an Incurable case presents Itself be Is free and undid In telling the patient that hecau not cure hun, thus avoiding further expense. In chronic ailments it Is always best for patients to call at his otnee for personal examination aud treatin jut, when that is practicable. 47-Office at bis residence on Main street, a few doors west of II. Smith's blacksmith shop, in what Is known as the Gallatin property. V CONSULTATION FREE. Bloomneld, May 4, 1880. i