8 THE TIMES, NEW BLOOMFIELD, PA., SEPTEMBER 21, 1880. Strangely Lost at Sea. The steamship England of the National line, one of the largest ocean steamers entering Now York, lost her oommander overboard In a very mysterious way on the night of Sept, 10, when the was Hear ing the Hanks of Newfoundland. Capt. "Win. II. Thompson, the commander, It ap pears, bad not been very well sinoo the steamer left Liverpool, but bad been able to attend to his duties. On the night of Sept. 10 he Was seen to pass the wheelbouse and walk ati That was the last that any body saw him, Capt, Thompson's servant a boy about IS years of age, was the first to discover that be was missing. The ship was then searched from stem to stern, but no traces of the Captain could be found. After about an hour and a half of fruitless search it was concluded that the Captain must Jiave fallen overboard. At that time it was of course usoIcbs to put about and make an attempt at rescue, and so the ship kept on her course. First Officer Ellis took com mand of her and brought ber into port. The fact that the Captain had been lost overboard was kept as quiet as possible, but it gradually came to the knowledge of all on board. The weather at the time was fair, aud there was but little sea. What a Woman Did. A brave woman, disguised beyond rec ognition, followed her husband for a week to recover her child. Finally she discover ed that the little one had been left at a con vent in Atchison. She drove at once to the retreat. Not knowing who she was or what she came for, the sisters allowed her to euter. She stated that she wanted to see the little girl. She was restless and uneasy, refusing to take a seat and walking the floor continually until the child appeared. Disguised as the woman was the child rec ognized her at once and ran to ber out stretched arms, crying : " Ob, my mam ma." The woman hugged the cbjild to her breast with one arm and with the other tried to open the door. Failing in this, she called to the driver outside to kick the door lu. A scene of excitement ensued for a few moments there was a des perate struggle between the sisters and the determined woman, the sisters endeavoring to retain their charge, and the mother struggling to rescue it. The driver with out, finally succeeded in forcing the door open, and the woman, with ber child in hor arms was set free. She placed the child in the carriage, entered herself, drew a pistol, and pointing it at the terrified sisters, said : "Come and take my child," and the hackman drove off. . A Faithful Dog. A gent loman just returned from Canada tells the following story : " A day or so ago the engineer of a train near Montreal saw a large dog on the track, barking furiously. The engineer whittled, but the dog paid no attention to the noise, and refused to stir. The dog was run over and killed. The engineer observed that the animal crouched close to ground as he was struck by the cowcatcher. A miuute later the fireman saw a bit of white muslin fluttering on the locomotive, and he stopped the engine. On going back to where the dog was killed it was discov ered that not only the dog, but a little child, had been killed. It was then seen that the dog had been standing guard over the child, and bad barked to attract the attention of the engineer. The faithful animal had sacrificed his life rather than desert his charge. The child had wander, ed away from a neighboring bouse, follow by the dog, and it is supposed that the child lay down and went to sleep on the track." Bugs on the Travel. A curious sight in the counties of Pas saic and Bergen, in New Jersey, is the migration of the potato bug. Meadows, wagon roads, and railroads swarm with these pests, all moving westward. In dome places they are so thick upon the rails of the railroad as to impede travel on an up grade. Where obstacles are met they turn out of their way. Great num bers are destroyed by the feet of travelers and the wheels of moving trains, but the gaps thus made aro soon filled. On coming of winter they immediately into the ground. the go A lady in llackensack avers that she swept up a peck at one time in her front ball. They are a plague in that section, creeping into bouses and entering all rooms. . . Mixed Theology. A good story comes from our neighbor ing city of Newark, O. The German Luth eran congregation being short of a minister, a occasional brother would supply, the pulpit. So it came the turn of a promi nent ex-councilman of the Second ward, whose characteristics as a speaker are more foroible than refined. After entering the pulpit ho rummaged his pockets and not finding the sermon be had prepared for the occasion, unconsciously broke out in good "square Dutch :" " Vat in ter tevil did I do rait dot sermon ?" It Will Pay You This FALL, To Buy Anything You Need in Our Line FROM US. It stands to reason that we cannot be undersold. We buy in large quantities, sell more, and therefore can sell lower than any of our competitors. We are now constantly receiving for the FALL and WINTER trade new and desirable goods in Men's, Youth's Boys1 and Children's CLOTHING In MEN and BOYS' Boots and Shoes, In Women and Children's Heavy & Fine Shoes, IN Dry Goods & Notions, IN Carpets & Oilcloths, -IN- HATS AND CAPS, -IN- Trunks and Valises, IN FURNISHING GOODS. Our stock of Clothing can't be beaten. We have the largest stock of Boota and Shoes. We strive to please, aud guarantee sat isfaction. Don't fail to give us a call for your Fall and Winter goods. MARX DUKES & CO'S., Successor to ISIDOR SCHWARTZ, EBY'S NEW BUILDINC, NEWPORT, PA. The Simplest, Snrest, and Most Reliable Remedy Is EISLEY'8 Pure DlsttUed Extract 0 WITCH HAZEL, Carefully prepared! Thoroughly reliable; Full Btrength i and equal In size ot bottle to any made, Cure Sprains, Bruises, Swellings, dialings, Cuts. Wounds, Burns, Scalds, Scald-head, Piles, Bait Rheum, Bkin Eruptions, Sore F.yes, Sore Mouth, Neuralgia, Inflammatory Swellings, Bore Throat, and lor aching pain it is undoubtedly the greatest healing preparation ever used. Numerous testl moiilals can fee procured if desired. Six ounce bottles 25 cents. Fiut bottles 60 cents. Quarts til. 00 60 FIFTY CENTS 50 Full 12 ox. bottles. Best Combination. Rlslejr's Emnlsion of Col Llrer Oil, With Hypophophlte Lime and Soda, with Jpaine. It is highly recommended by physicians as the most effectual and reliable remedy for Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, General Debility, etc. Agreea bly Flavored. Pleasant to take. And can be re tained on the weakest stomach. Oil A3. F. RISLEY & CO., Wholesale Druggists, 36 U 61 Courtland Street, New York . GRAND BOULEVARD HOTEL, Corner 59tU St. and Broadway, NEW TOItK. On Both American tfc European Plans. Fronting on Central Park, the Grand Boule vard, If roudway and Fifty-Ninth Street, this Ho tel occupies the entire square, and was built and furnished at an expense of over tiOO.OOO. It Is one of the most elegant as well as finest located in the city ; has a passenger Elevator and all modern improvements, and Is within one square of the depots of the Sixth and Eighth Avenue Elevated K. R. Cars and still nearer to the Broad way cars convenient aud accessible from all Sarts of the city. Kooms with board, 82 per day. peclal rates for families and permanent guests. Aug.21. '60 ly fE. HASKELL, Proprietor. JLOOMFIELO ACADEMY. The next regular session of this Institution be gins MONDA Y, Septemlier Wi, 1880. Full preparation. Classical or otherwise. Is giv en for any College Male or Female either for Freshmau or Sophomore year. A thorough course Is provided for teachers, and the option is given for selecting one or two of the lilKlier studies. Music, Drawing and Painting. Philosophical and chemical apparatus for the ftudy of the Natural Sciences. Literary Society Library. Students are at all tlmesunder the supervision of the Principal, and their progress and conduct noted on their weekly reports. 4. Boarding, If paid in advance, $2.50 per week, otherwise, 12.75. Tuitlou from 50 cents to Jl.tiw per week in advance. For further informatlim address J. it- FLICKINUKR. A. B.. Principal, or W. Gkibk, Proprietor, New Uloomlleld. Perry Co., Pa. August 10,1880. THKSPA89 NOTICE.-A11 persons are for bidden to allow their cattle to trespass 011 my premises lu Centre two., and cattle found trespassing will be held until damages are paid. AMOS HOFFMAN . July 13, 1880. ANOTHER FRESH ARRIVAL. We this week, receive a pretty assort ment of Dress-Goods suited for the season. If you want a new dress for yourself, or the girls, call and see what we can offer you. Styles are Pretty. Prices arc Low. I have Prints at 4, yard. All warranted see the styles. I have a splendid wear from 12 cents 1 have a handsome and Brocade Silks lor sure to Please. I have a nice line of Laces, Embroideries, Ribbons, Tics and Notions. I have an assortment of Hosiery from 5 cents per pair upwards. I have the Cheapest stock of Sugars, Cof fees and other Groceries in the County. I have a general which I mean shall be cannot be beat. F. MORTIMER lVow Bloom field, Pa. UNDERWEAR ! i GENTS, LADIES, A Magnificent Line 5c. CALICOES 5c. We can't and won't be undersold, You can rely on the prices given at HOUSER Sc BREITINGER'S, NO. 15 SOUTH MARKET SQUARE, s HABHISBUIiG, PENN'A. m Down They Come! We have reduced our prices for the Fall Trade. A full and complete slock of all kinds of CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, RUGS, MATS, COCOA MATTINGS, DRUGGETS, OTTO MANS, STAIR OIL CLOTHS, STAIR RODS, etc., etc., and everything belonging to the Carpet Trade, all of which will be sold at the Lowest Prices. Will warrant all goods as represent ed. Quick sales and small profits. Call and examine our Immense Stock now open. IPERA HOUSE CARPE 1 tTurd'street, 37 3m NO. 31 NORT NEW FALL GOODS ! DIVES, IPOiM-ERO Sc STEWART, 35 North 3rd St., IIARRISBUHG, Penn'a, Are now prepared to show a complete assortment of FALL DRESS GOODS, NOVELTIES FOB TRIMMINGS, BATINS, 8ILK8, BLACK OABHMERE8, HOSIERY, PRINTS, &e. We are daily receiving new goods and marked at the very lowest prices. Your attention is also called to the (ew special Bargains which we are now ottering. iOOO Yds. KNICKERBOCKER SUITINGS, CHOICE STYLES, 8 cents per yard. 2000 Yds.. TWILLED CASHMERES, FALL SHADES, worth 16o per yard, at 12kots. per yd. 2000 Yds. CALICOES, CHOICE PATTERNS, at cents per yard. 2000 Yds. CALICOES, STANDARD CLOTH, at 5 cents per yard. 2000 Yds.. TWILLED CRASH, worth 8 cents a yard, at 6 cents per yard. " 100 MARSEILLES SPREADS, worth 81. TO a piece, at 75 oents each. 20i'O Yds. HEAVY STRIPED SHIRTING, Seldom Seen, at 1 cents per yard. 2000 Yds. EXTRA HEAVY TICKING, (.30 Indies wide) at VA per yard. 2000 Yds. One yard wide. UNBLEACHED MUSLIN, Heavy and Flue, at 6 per yard. 100 Doz. TURKISH TOWEL8. LARGE SIZE, at 9 cents each. 51 inches wide TABLE LINEN, (All Linen.) at 23 cents per yard. We give special attention to all orders sent by mall, aud samples sent with pleasure when requested. 37 3uu DIVES, FOMEROY, STEWART, North Third Street. Bh fir DYSPEPTIC OR BILIOUS a mmmih rcvcuujr uikokro uui uaeu uj mn led by an eminent physician w it for vott. Also a, sure cun rd country stores have It or will Ret It for you. YSPEPSBA" A Large Farm for Sale. A GOOD FARM OF ABOUT THREE HUN DRED ACRES more or leas, In retry Couuty, Fa., heavily set with Fine, White Oak. aud Rock Oak Timber, together with choice lruits. Mountain water conveyed in pipes to the door ot the dwelling. S. For further particulars call at tills office. August io, lssati 5, 6 and 7 Cents pel fast colors. Come and line of goods for men's to $4.50 per yard. assortment of Plain Trimmings at Prices assortment of goods sold at Prices which . UNDERWEAR ! ! o- n AND CHILDREN. at LOWEST PRICES. Harrlsburg, Pa. ,IN 20 MINUTES BY .VIA-SAHO eminent pnyician wttn wonderful success. All dmccms aim a sure cure for INDIOKHTION. tuupnn ana Hiiiouanewa. VnUl go Trial Bottles. US CU. JIOMJS MEDICINE CO., rkUaaelpkia, Fa. 00 o HIS Month. ENCYCLOPEDIA HOW TO DE&tfAt YOUR OWN Wr " .5wi "Great success. One agent LAlYFi? sold WO Id one town, .,mn other 161 in M days, en- other Tl In II day, gave tea times Its eost, and everybody wanta It. Send for circulars tad terms. Also Ueneral Agents Wanted. Address -F. W. ZUULKtt CO., 1,000 Arch St., Phil's, P. Kolyeow CAMPAIGN SONGSTERS .,l'vthi5IN(,,,,CK "nd "ARFIELD Clubs HOW .rfJil;,!,clr'5Vlrl,,!a' sml Memlld, both in re?o Ini nf . rlii'8 ? . IT1"" "n AS35 BU0K gS TJr 8,T BU3H ever known I eo - OOOl i llydinJ20.(i0nioreprlntluu,to sum.ly the ln.mj-n.e demand for the Life of 8 GEN. HANCOCK &4,0h1;hf; W-0R; and0TfeIo,fBn00k,th" PMt3 'aders. press i GEN. GARFIELD H!NGN J bris- dorsed. Both olllolal, Immensely pVn ""k over KKfKK) a week I Agents matliig io to $20 a Outfits SO cents each. More agents needed. For t"!!l,.,idreT'A.,l,lcK! ftUHBAKD BROS., Pubs., 7iid Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Fa. 87dU r-'LuS1" ' t" "?""" " rrl.n of Salt., ,B.IU, t'ompnoi, l'onchet, Dr.m-M. on' Oatllti . IUU. SmT Uui,, SI !,.( ValoeM, iBhrmaUo. fStsluld. auiidf.s7 lectin, book ml 10 pttrt, miiM lo, 10 nnta. ' LYON eV.HEALY, Stats ft Monro SU., Chlcsga,' 87d4t CENTS TO JAN. I. The Chicago Weekly News will be sent, postpaid, from date to January 1st lia.t fn.lllnuMla Till., .. 1 i.., ' . 7t .i., .u, iu ,,,7i!.. uiui nuijfwrilHlon Will enable readers to become acquainted with the cheapest metropolitan weekly In the U. 8. Inde pendent in politics, all the news, six completed stories In every Issue. A favorite family paper. Send 10 cents (sliver) at once and get it until Jan nary 1, 1H81. Eleven trial subscriptions for ll.co. Regular price Is 78 cents a year. Address VIC. ?,,K K" i,W8.ON' Proprietor, 123 6th Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. 37,146 ORGANS !? Bt,,p?' 8llD Bas- Oct- Coupler. ... Vox Celeste Vox Humana. Bent on trial warranted, only US. Pianos IU6 up. Cat alogue free. Adaress, DANIEL F. BEATTY. Washington, N. J. 36d4t GENTS take your choice to sell the Life of Garfield or Hancock And coin money. Circulars and termsfree. Outfit 50 cents. K. 11. TREAT, Pub., 767 Broadway, New York Cltv. socut THE NEW FCCD DO not confound this Matchless Renovator of Feeble and Exhausted Constitutions with vlo lent cathartics, cheap deeoctlons of vile drugs and ruinous Intoxicants innocently labeled "bit- ters." Malt Bitters appeal to popular confidence because prepared from Untermented Malt, Hops and Quinine, and other precious Ingredients, according to the process of Lleblg, and are richer In the elements that restore to permanent health the ' Weak. Convalescent, Consumptive, Over woJH?,d, Nervous, Hleepless,-Dyspeptic, Bilious, and Fickle In Appetite, than all other forms oi Malt or Medicine. The genuine are plainly sign f.'tyV18 eo'npany. Bold every wheve. MALT BITTEL8 COMPANY. Boston. Mass. 3d4t Holbrook's Military School, SING SING, N. Y. Re opens Tuesday evening, Bep. 14th. Address, SiA2ra Rkv. D. A. ilOLBBOOK, Fit. V. PIALESME1T WA1TTE 9 V We want GOOD MEN to SELL CIQAR3 IO linAbKKD. II tin A month and expenses. Sam I I pies Free. Cutthls Notice out "and send it with your application, also send a three cent stamn to Insure an answer. a FOSTER & CO.. 87 lm Cincinnati, Ohio. M EDICAL N0TICE1 DR. 0. P. BOLLINGER, Having located permanently In KEYY BLOOMFIELD, Offers his professional services to the citizens of the Borough aud surrounding country. Dr. B. has been engaged In an extensive prac tlca for over 28 years. He has also served his country In the capacity of Burgeon to the 78th Pa. Vol. Infantry during the late Rebellion, holding his Commission from the then Governor of this Commonwealth. His credentials are from oneot the best Medical Colleges In America. His success as a practitioner of medicine is ac knowledged by recommendations from former patrons, which are free for Inspection at all times. IN THE TREATMENT OF Chronic Diseases lie has had very extensive experlence.and hasenred many hopeless cases, after years of suffering, and expense lucurred In seeking relief elsewhere. Among the many chronic complaints treated successfully are Asthma, Bronchitis, Laryngitis, Hemorrhage of the Lungs, Consumption, (first and second stages.) Heart Disease, Dyspepsia Liver Complaint, Melancholia, Scrofula or King's Evil, Bkin Diseases, Chronic Rheumatism, Goitre, or enlargement of the Glands of the neck, Dropsy, Piles, chronic Diarrhcea.Constlpatton of the Bow els, Sick and Nervous Headache, Neuralgia, Diseases of Females. Tumors, Kidney Diseases, Enlarged Bpleen. Epilepsy. Deafness, Chronic Chills and Ague, Diabetes Mellltus, old running ores. Tapeworms removed.. Dr. B. does not confine himself to any one par ticular system of medicine. He uses all the lata Improved methods and remedies, as also Magueto Klectrio, or aieiUcul Elootricity, which is so successfully nsed at the present day in many forms of nervous complaints. In the treatment of the Lungs and air passages he uses INHALATIONS, which carries the medicine direct to (be diseased parts. When an Incurable case presents Itself he Is free and candid In telling the patient that he can not cure him, thus avoiding further expense. In chronic aitmentt It Is always best for patients to call at his ottlue for personal examination and treatui jut, when that Is practicable. sr Booms for the present at The Perry House. CONSULTATION FREE. Bloom field, May., 1330.