SKPTKMlflill 21. 1880. 7 Professional Curds. JOHN OAI.VIN WAI.LI9, Attorney-at-Law, aud Distrust Attorney. New Ulooiulleld, Terry Co.. Fa. yOfllee over Mortimer's new store. All legal business promptly ud carefully transacted. May 4, lm. r K.JUNKIN, Attorney-at-Law, . Mew Hloomtteld, 1' - OHloeNext door to the resldei nee of Judge Jnnkln AM. MARKEL. Attorney-at-Law, Hew Bloomtleld, Perry county, Fa. kg" Olllce opposite Hie Mansion Uouso.and three doors oast of the JPost-Wlnce. ' TT EAV18 rOTXKH. ATTOltNEVATiAW, NEW BLOOM FIELD, FERRY CO., PA. rOlalms ptnmptly seonred oolleoted all legal business carofullyattend a yl writings aud dto. HAHLES U. SMILEY, Attorney at Law. I 1 Nau It Mnmttlil . Pflrpv Cn Oo. Pa. OinB two dooM eau ol Joseph Smith's hotel. August 3, 1872 WM. A. SPON8LER, Attorney-at-Law, Olllce adjoining Ills residence, OD East Malnstreet, New Ulooiulleld, Perry oo., Fa. 8 2 ly WM. N. SEIBKUT, Attorney-at-Law, New Ulooiulleld, Perryco., Pa. BloomOold, 3 331V. LEWIS POTTER, Votary public, New Bloom, held, Perry Co., Pa. Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages and Leases carefully prepared and acknowledgements taken. All kinds of Pension and Bounty papers drawn aud certlUed, will also take rieposltlousto bo read In auyoourt In the United Btates. TlUly GHAS.J.T.McINTIRK, Attorney-at-Law, New Blooinlleld, Parry co., Pa. M-Allprofesslonallmsluesspromptlyandfalth. (ullyattondedto. 321v. Y JUSTICE OK THE PEACE and GENERAL COLLECTOR, New Okkm antown, Perryco., Pa. JarRemlttancoswtllbe made promptly for an Collections made. OHA8. A. BARNETT, Attorney-at-Law, Now BlooniHeld.Perryoo.,Pa .Omce on high street. North side, nearlyop posite the Presbyterian Church. 8 21y M L. LIGGETT. Attohjst-at-Law, Newport, Perry County. Pa. Having permanently locateu i i-iowihh i, win give prompt and careful attention to all busl uess matters committed to lilsoare. . Olllee, No. North Second Street. Newport, April 2? 1878. T SUNDY, M. D. U Physician and Surgeon. A graduate of Cleveland Medical College. Located permanently In the borough of Bloom Held. Oilers his orofesslonal services to the cltl. rens of Blooinlleld and nurroundlng vicinity. Cills In the country attended fo promptly. Olllce on Carlisle street, the one formerly oocupled by Dr. Ard. 1 " D R. R. M. ALEXANDER, SUIiGEOy DEXTIST, New Blooinlleld, Perry County, Fa. Office on Carlisle, St., directly opposite the Pres. byterian Church. Everything belonging to the profession done In the best manner. B-All Vouk Wabranteu. Terms moderate. 28 W. R0WE..M. D. Physician ana Surgeon Dentist. Ollloe near Blxler's Mills, where all professional business will be promptly attended to. Dental work of all kinds warranted In price and quality. tifJUay 25, '80, ly. MRS. LYDIA LflNKHAM. CF LYNN, MASS. mm DISCO VEHEn OF LYDIA E. PINKHANI'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND. The PnWv Cnre Tor all Female Complaints. Thla preparation, na its name iiernlftei, conetita of V effetoble Prupertioa that are harnilow to the moat del leftte invalid. Upon ono trial the merit of thla Com pound will bo recognised, at relief ii lmmedl&toi and when lta use Is continued, in ninety -nine casoa In a hun. drcdapermanentcuroUoffectaBtliouaandi will tes tify. On aoeonnt of lta proran merits, it in to-day re commended and prescribed by tho best physicians in the country. It will cure entiroly the worst form of falling of tht uterus, Leucorrhcea, irregular and painful llcnstm&ticm, all Or aan Troubles, Inflammation and Ulceration, Floodlngs, all Displacements and the con sequent spinal weakness, and is especially adapted to the Change of Life. It will disaolTe and expel tumors from the uterus In an early stage of development. The tondeney to cancerous humors there is checked very speedily by its use, In fact It has proved to be the great eat and beet remedy that has ever beon dlscovor ed. It permoatos every portion of the system, and gives new life and vigor. It removes falntne,fltulcncy, do troys all craving tor stimulants, and relieves wealuiora of the stomach It cures Bloating IXcadaches, Nervous Prostration, General Debility, filooplossneas, Depression and Indi gestion. That feeling of bearing down, causing pain, weight and backache. Is always permanently cured b, its use. It wlllatalVtlmes.andundcraU circumstan ces, act in harmony with the Lw that cover as the female system. For Kidney Complaluta of either sex this compounj is unmirpassod. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound . Is prepared at 838 and g35 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass. Price $1.00. Six bottles for $340. Sent by mail in the form of pills, also in tho form of Losocgcs, on receipt of price, $1X0, per box, for either, sirs. PINIOIAM freely answers all letters of Inquiry. Send for pam phlet. Address as above Mention this paper. No family should be without LYDIA E. PINKHAM' LIVER PIIX3. They cure Constipation. Biliousness, and Torpidity of the hirer, zj ounts por box. ri.GEO, A. KELLY A CO,, General Ajtents, Pittsburgh, Fa. Also fur sale by Jacob Htrlclt lor, New Hlormtletd, fa. 27Hly ESTATE NOTICK. Noticed hereby gly. en that Letters of AdmlnHtratiun on the Klateof Audrew J. Kurd, of Jiullalo township, Jerry county. Pa., deo'd. have been Rrautod to John Potter of ald townshln. Ail pei'aons Indebted to said estate are renuested fo make Immediate payment, and those havinn; claims anal nst mud estate will present tUem duly autueubit-iiteu tor Heuteinoiu to JOliN POTTER, Administrator. Lewis rottter, att'y. 19 6t. 3: phlladolphta Adrerttsemenls I Ready Mixed Paints ! T UCAS' HEADY MIXED PAINTS ! NOWATKR.NO CIIKMIOALBi no benzine, BUT A TUBE Oil- PAIXT, READY FOR USE. Sample Oard. 80 BEAUTIFUL SHADES OF ;PAIST BENT BT MAIL. ITIH VUT ON LIKE OTHER PAINT. MADE WITH LKAIJ ANDOlli, VIZ ! NICELY BKUHIIKI) OUT. NOT FLOWED ON LIK.K WATEH FAINT TRY IT, And Ton Will Froro It to be the Best Liquid l'alnt la tlio Market. .TOIIIV LUCAH Ac CO., ' Philadelphia, MANUFACTUKER8 OF 'Swiss and Imperial French Green, WHITE LEAD, COLORS, VARNISHES, &c C tS For Sample Card, apply to F. Morti mer, New Bloomllold. Fa., or to John Lucas & Co., Philadelphia. EIGLER & SWEARINGEN' Successors to BIIAFFNElt, ZIEGLEB & CO., Importers and Dealers In Hosiery, Gloves, Illhboiis, Suspenders, THREADS, COMBS, and every rarlnty ol TRIMMINGS FANCY GOODS, N 0.36, North FourlU Street, PHILADELPHIA, VENN' A Agents for Lancaster Combs, w. H. KENNEDY WITH TRIMBLE, BRITTON S Co., WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. 505 MARKET BTREET, PHILADELPHIA, Tl gOWER, POTTS & CO., BOOKSELLERS. STATIONERS, And Dealers Id CURTAIN & WALL-PAPERS. BLANK KOOKH Always on hand, and made to Order. Nos. 530 Market and 623 Minor Ht roots PHILADELPHIA, PA ALSO S-Publishers ol Banders'New Readers, and Brooks'ArlUimetlcs. Also, Robert's Historyof the UnltedBtates.Felton'sOutllne Maps,&o. JLOYD, SUPPLEE & WALTON WHOLESALE HARDWARE HOUSE No. 625 Market Street, Philadelphia, Tenn'a. TANNEY & ANDREWS u WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. 123 MARKET ST., Philadelphia. QRAYBILL & CO.,. Wholesale Delersl n Oil- Cloths, Carpets, ' Shades, Brooms, . Carpet Chain, Wadding, Batting, Twines,1 c, 1 And a floe assortment ot WOOD and WILLO W WARE, ' No. 120 Market street, above 1th PHILADELPHIA. Philadelphia AdrerUsomcntR. gAlEinBollMMER WITH 1111.441.1., MO IT A CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Dry Goods, Carpets, OIL CLOX1I8, Collon A Woolen linlu,&c. No. 333 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Merchant wishing to select from a large a stock us cun bn f id In the Pit v, and at. the LOWHHT CASK I' IIICK8, should give IllB a call. August 31, " WAINWIIIGIIT & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND TEA DEALERS, North Bast Corner ot 2nd aud Arch Street, Philadelphia Penn'a, J. S. DOUGHERTY WITU D. J. HOAR & CO., WHOLB9ALB BOOT AND SHOE WAREHOUSE, ttlU MAIIKKT STREET, Philadelphia, Penn'a. H ALL, SHENK & CO., 405 & 407 Markot Street, riillntlelpliiu, (Old Stand of Barcrott &Co.,) WHOLESALE DEALERS BUY 00S. January 1, 1879. MOltEAU'H Medicated extract of jialt Ann in:i:i CURES Comsumptlon. Diabetes. Brlglit's Disease. KpllepsyiHt. VltuVs Danue, Hcrotulu, If destruc tion Ib not carried too tar.nnd builds up constitu tions ruined by excesses of whatever nature. Take It and add your testimonial to the thousands already obtained. For sale by all druggists. Trice, ll.OU. rn. xo. o. ii.uit s' GERMAN ANTIBILIOVS POWDER T9 a radical cure for Hick and Dull Ileadace, Biliousness, Habitual Constipation, files, Palpi tation of the Henit, Impurities of the Blood, as Pimples, Dingy Hkln, Drowsiness, (do. It Is a mild purgative anuadapted to the most delicate con stitutions. For sale by all druggists. Price SO ct;. MOKEAU'S MALT FARINA. The best food for Infants and the most nutrl. tlous diet for invalids. Contains all the muscle aud bone making elements of wheat, barley and beef. Never deranges the stomach. Is easily di gested and does not change lit any climate. For sale by all druggists. Price, 60 cents. DR. E. 0. LTJK8' German Boothino Remedy. A perfect harmless and very effective Syrup, of pleasant taste, for all painful affections of Infants and children prooedlng aud accompanying the process of dentition. Do not let your darlings suiter but procure a bottle at once. For sale by all druggists. Price, 2.3cls. May 25, '80, ly. DRUGS. DRUGS. JACOB STRICKLER, (Successor to Dr. M. B. Btrlckler) NEW BL00MFIELD, PENN'A. HAVING suocneded the late firm of Dr. M. B. Btrlckler In the Drug Business at his Store-room, on MAIN STREET, two doors East ot the Big Spring, I will endeavor to make It In every way worthy the patronage of the public. Personal and strict attention AT ALL TIMES given to the compounding and dispensing Physi cians' presclptlons, so as to Insure accuracy and guard against accidents. BI3AK IX mI that my stock has been reoently selected and care taken to have everything of the BEST QUALI TY. The publlo may rest assured that ALL med icines that leave my store shall be as represented -PURE and UNADULTERATED. I HAVE CONSTANTLY ON HAND HAIR OIL and POMADES HAIR, TOOTH and NAIL-BRUSHES. SURGKONS, TOILET, and CARRIAGE SPONGES, PUFF BKXE8, TOILET POWDERS. CASTILE and FANCY SOAPS PERFUMERY OF ALL KINDS, Together with Fresh and Geuulne Patent Medi cines of every description. .. ALSO, Segars, Tobacco, School Books, &c, ORANGES, LEMON3 & BANANAS, In season. Pure Wines and LIqnorg for Medicinal Purposes. Terms, Strictly Cnwli. By strict attention to business, I hope to merl the couUdeuoe and favor ot the public ArU29.1879. COB STRICKLER. Ph. O. A NEW DHPARTUBEI CEST PLOW IN THE WORLD I - rf-rini . .. . THE 8VRACU8C CHILLED PLOW CO. of Syracuse, N. V. Aro now putting on the market a Plow that Is as much (niportor to any Plow heretofore made tis tho PIowb of the past few yeara havo boon euperior to those mtulo half a century ogri. It combines all tho excellencies of any Plow In use. It obviates all tho objections mode to any other Plow. In addition It embraces several new features of tho greatest value, for which wo havo ob tained exclusive Patents. Itsncam.ClovIs, Jointer Standard and Wheel Btaudnrd will bo STEEL, and Ha mold board will be a composition of fltcel and Iron chilled tinder a process for which wo havo also obtained an cxoluslvo Patent. It will bo culled THE SYRACUSE lta weight will bo eighteen pounds less than our present styles. A first-class Steel Tlow, mndo In the or dinary way, full rigged, retails for twenty-two dollars. Inferior Steel riows retail from six teen to nineteen dollars. The prlco ot our new Plow will be but Seventeen Dollars, and It Will bo tho chnnpeHtAgTlculturnl Implement cvor sold. Its mold board will outwear threo of the very best kinds of the ordinary steel mold boards. It will scour In soils whero nil Bteel plows and all othor plows have hitherto proved a 5 failure. i With this Plow will be Introduced a corru gated Plow Point and Jointer Point, on which we have also obtained a Patent, and which Is also a great Improvement, both as regards strength and wear. Tho Jointer can bo shifted bo as to take more or leas land, and also more or Icbs pltah, and It can always be kept on a Uno with tho Plow. The whoel will run under tho beam or one Bide of It as desired, and always kept In line. The beam Is adjustabla for Spring or Fall Plowing, and also for two or three horses. The handles can be adjusted to accommo date a man or boy, on tho same Plow. It la a perfect Plow. Wooden beama are going out of use because they shrink, swell and warp, and never run two seasons alike. Iron beams aro too heavy. Malleable beams become demoralized and bend, which la much worso than to break. A Steel beam Is the necessity of tho day. It Is three times as strong and very much lighter than any other Btyle. When ir say a Mold board la chilled, the fanners know It Is so. Wo do not palm oft on them a composition of various metals and call It chilled metal. We want agents for this new now In every town In this State. We can giro but a very small discount to them, but wo will pay Uie Railroad Freight We propose to place this now In the hands ot Farmers as near the cost of manufacturo as possible. It will be the heat Agricultural Implement oversold. It shall also bo tho cheapuL Persons therefore who are not willing to act as agents on tho principle that " a nimble six pence Is better than a Blow shilling, " need not apply for an agency. No Plows on commission. All sales absoluto. rfr-Thts Is tho only Steel Chilled Plow in the World. Steel costs several times more than Iron. But this Plow, full rigged, by giving small discounts, can be sold for Seventeen Dollars. . Compare this price with thatof any Iron Plow ever made. It Is cheaper than any other now now made would be at nve dollars and a halt Where there are no agents we will, on re ceipt of Seventeen Dollars, send a Plow to any ' Railroad station In the Stuto and pay the . freight. Address, 8VRACUS3 CHILLED PLOW CO. Qr Cyraouae, N. V' f Jos. Garber &Co., Andersonburg. Bower 6 Drnmgold. LaiulMiurg, and Hencli & Droin gold, Ickesburg, Agents. . 26Al3t Bknj. V. GuArroN. Stout B. Ladd, HAi.nriiT E. Paine. Late Otmmissloner Patents. PATENTS. PAINE, GRAFTON & LADD, Attorneyt-at-Laii) ono! Solicltort o American and Foreign JUtent. No. 412 Firth Street, "Vutiliiiitoii, I. C. Practice Patent Law In all Its branches In the Patent Otllco, and In the Supreme and Circuit Courts of the United Slates. Pamphlet sent free on receipt of stamp for postage. 35 f f fi CA MONTH guaranteed. $12 a 11 I I I day at home made by 11.3 Indus. I I Itnous. Capital not required i we Vl I 1 Iwlll start you. Men. women. boys II I I lan(1 Rlrls make money faster at v I I II wol lt 'or ns "'an atanythlugelse. w w vThe work Is light and pleasant, and such a. any one can go right at Those who are wise who see this notice will send us their address at once and see for them selves. Costly Outnt and terms free. Now Is the time. Those already at work are laying up large sums of money. Address TRUE & CO., Augusta Maine. tft lv A FULL ASSORTMENT OF HARDWARE, IRON & STEEL WILL. BE FOUND AT OUR NEW STORE-ROOM. x r. MORTIMER, Kew Bloom field, ITIrt Don't you want somecheap goods for Pants and Suits T ill U II LaU, If you do, don't fail to ex amine the sulendtd assortment, for sale b P. MORTIMER. You can suit yourself In style and price. TTISTATE NOTICE Notlen Is beiehv utven XLi that letters of Administration on the estate naran upirgrau nave been giautd to the under signed. All persons Indebted to nld estate are requested to make Immediate pavtnen' and those having VUltlll., IU UIUWUI M1.-III KM M-liieillf lit l J. y. JUNKIN, Administrator. New Bloomne'd, Perry Co., Pa. Augutl7,lS8!-Jt UTS-Wliat Is tbat whluh do umn wishes to have and no one wishes to losoV A bald head. r 83Tlt Is useless for a man to sing, "Oh, for a mansion In the Bkles," while he owes for a mansion or other honest debts, here. tirThomns Quart Is an Indian. Ills family Is Just a gallon himself.hls wife, a son and a daughter. Of course you see the p'lot. Have you given electricity a trial for your complaint, madam V" asked the minister as he was taking tea with the old lady. "Electricity I" said she " I reckon I have. I was struck by lightning last summer and Bent through the window, bnt It did me no good." g-" Oljj woman how do you sell beets V'lHiked a New Orleans bummer of an old vegetable woman in the French' market, yesterday. Looking at him from head to foot, she replied : " Ven I haf some like you vital sell them two for a cent ablce." 0"He was sitting in the parlor with her when a rooster crowed iu the yard, and leaning over he said : " Chanticlear," " I wish to gracious you would," she said I " I'm sleepy as can be." He took liis hat and left, and hasn't been back since. g-yBome gentlemen were remarking on the entire absence of resemblance be tween two brothers : " I consider them strikingly alike," said one of the party. "Alike?" exclaimed the astonished group ; " why what likeness can you possibly eee between them?" "Well, they're both confounded fools," was the reply. 63" A Dutchman in one of the counties of Pennsylvania, wanted a minister to preach at his childs funeral, and wasn't unreasonably particular as to who came. " Chon" said he, " go and call der circus preacher to come, and if he can't den get der locust preacher, and if der locust preacher can't come why den get der extortioner." (exhorter.) C3TA lady at Lancaster, Pa., threw her arm around a lady friend, when a pair of scissors, concealed about her per son, cut an artery in her arm and she bled neaily to death. Girls cannot be to careful about bugging each other. Men do not carry Bclssors, or if they do they lay them away, or get a check for them, when the hugging commences. It was a talkative Englishman who was bragging of what superior things they had in the " hold country" to everything here, and it was a serious faced Yankee who said : " Well, I will allow there is one thing in England better than we find here there is a much better class of Englishman there." It took the Englishman half a day to dis cover that the remark didn't convey a personal compliment. ?The minister stopped at a house on south side last week and sought to im prove the time by giving an eight-year-old boy an instructive lesson In morali ty. " My boy," said the minister, " I have lived forty-five years and have never used tobacco in any form, nor told a lie, nor uttered an oath, nor played truant, nor" "Glmminy crickets 1" interrupted the lad, " yer ain't had any fun at all, have ye V" The Dutchman Lost Dog. Hia name vaa Bismarck; mit only von eye on accounds of von plack cat vot pelongs to a servant Irish gals mlt red-headed hair. Also, he baa only dree legs, on accound of a mocolotlf-en-glnes mitout any cow ketcher. He vas palt headed all over bis-self, in conse quence of red-hot vater, on accound ov vightlng mit an old maid's cat. On von endt ov hisself vaa his head und his tail it vas py de oder endt. He looks a goot deal older dan he is alreddy, but he ain't quite as olt as dot undil de next Christmas. I bafpeen eferyveres looking for dot tog. Ven I vas in Canady de last veek, a pig loafermans gomt s up to me und says : " Do you know I know you? "No, you don't. Do I know you? If 1 know you, told me who I vas." "You vas Mr. Ross," says he, "und you vas looking foryourleetle Charley." " No, zir; I vaa Von Boyle," says I, " und I vas looking for my leetle Bis marck." I vill pay efery von vot prought me dot tog, or sends him pack C. O. D., py Adam's Express, feefteen cents, rait der prlfileege ov examining it before taking, to see if it may be von counterfeit. Wilheim Von Boyle, City ov Vashingtown.