The New Bloomfield, Pa. times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1877-188?, September 21, 1880, Page 5, Image 5

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On sn-t After Mniirtny, June II, 1SW. rwmenirer
Tremi will ruu luilow.i
Wy MalliAoc.Plti.,! l'MKoiVAt Mffl. iJ'niiM.ill
rui tr'n Tt'u k. Btations. Aco. Ex. Tr'u
A. At,
V.M.I P. H.I
1. 8(1
I.iu 10.M:
7. S3
I 49
J. 17
I. Oil
IS. 4t
19 B.
Newport.. ..4..
I a?
a mi
l U.
Lewlstown J. J
1 ,IU
IV 18
A M.
ft l&
WPIUnlmrir Kinross tesvns Harrlubnrir 10.111 p.m.
Dimctnnon M.44 (llK)i Newport I1.V6 () sud Ar
rives t riltBlmiKHW.OO A. M.
tT"Polflc Expif.s Went will itnp l PuiicannoB at
I.M And At Newport AtS. 14 A, m., when Kfl.
tVdolnir Wiwt,th Waj PAMnrer UAVi-s ITArrls
barfr j-tho other tralus Dally exoovt Sunday.
rclflp Exitpas Mst rnns flatly except Monday, d
WtU Atop At OimiWluou At II M A. 111., 'linn flAKKi'll.
On Bmiil.iVA It will make the rnllnwiiiK extra l"l' when
Haiojed : Hull's Mill'll B Hprnntl I'rei'k B ,117, 1'eUmblirK
8:, Mt UlllouSilO, McVeUWU;34.
Public Sales. We call attentlou to
sales of Real and Personal Property as
follows !
September 82nd. John Hum will aoll his val
uable farm near Elllottsburg. Bee advertlse
meiit. Bcptember 25th B. 8. Jones will sell at his
resldenco In Carroll twp., two miles west of
Dellvllle, 1 horse, 1 cow, 1 heller, 1 buggy,
1 wagon, and other articles not mentioned.
Also, 9 pigs, 9 shotcs and a good set of
double harness.
1T. Correspondents who wish their articles
published must have them In not later than Sat
urday. Letters received Momlaymornlng scarce.
. ly ever get published.
The Carlisle Fair commences Tuesday,
September 28th, and lasts four days.
F. Mortimer will visit New York this
week. Ills customers may look out for
some bargains now.
The Riverside Park Fair commences
atMlflllntown.on Wednesday, Septem
ber 122nd, and lasts three days.
The Carlisle Herald comes to us this
week in an entire new dress. It looks
as bright and clean as a new pin.
Cider Is very low this fall. It has
been offered us as low as fl.CO for a
forty-four gallon barrel.
" A portion of the stable belonging to
John Krouse, of Liverpool, was blown
down a few days since.
A case of cruelty In badly whipping a
boy is reported from the Upper End. If
as bad as our reporter gives It, there
should be an Investigation.
. MaJ. Geo. K. Scholl, of Newport, lias
been doing some fine graining at Dr.
Btrickler's residence in this borough.
The Major Is bard to beat.
Mr. Harry Swartz, of Centre twp.,
was so unfortunate last week as to lose a
good horse from sickness. It is a serious
loss to Harry.
Imons the curiosities brought In this
season is a bean pod 27 inches long and
well tilled with beans. It was brought
In by Amos PoulK.
Correspondents should remember that
being too personal might cause a libel
suit. Should we publish a letter receiv
ed signed. "Toboyue," it would make
Jxhe old graveyard in this borough. Is
ill a wretched condition at present. If
the hogs are allowed access for a short
time longer it will present the appear
ance of a newly plowed Held.
The Presbyterian Sunday School of
this place had a very agreeable picnio on
Saturday. The day was remarkably
line, and those present were so pleased
with their gathering that they remained
for supper.
Mr. Wm. Burn of this place cut his
ankle pretty badly, on Tuesday last, by
dropping a chisel as he was coming
down Btairs. It stuck edge up on the
step below him and cut him as he step
ped down.
A fine cow belonging to Mr. Abram
Pee, of Centre twp., was found dead in
the yard on Thursday morning. The
cause of her death is a mystery as the
animal was all right when milked the
night previous.
Dr. O. P. Bollinger has brought his
family to this borough, and at present
occupies the house of Mrs. Gallatin, on
West Main street, where he can always
be found, when not absent on profes
sional business. We learn he has con
siderable practice,and has fair prospects.
On last Tuesday while a son of Mr.
Morgan Hoover, the landlord of a hotel
at Clark's Ferry, was playing in the
stable attached to the hotel he fell from
the loft and broke one of his arms. A
physician from Dauphin attended to
the injury. liecord.
There will be a general picnic in Wm.
C. Clark's grove on the road leading to
Centre church, five miles west of New-
Eort, on the 2nd of October. There will
e a platform erected for those that
wish to enjoy a hop. There will be
music on the ground. The public are
cordially invited.
A party of tramps, some twelve in
number, were chased by Harrisburg
ofllcers into the woods near Cove Sta
tion, on Saturday. One was wounded
and captured, and another charge result
ed in the capture of eight more. A
store bad beeu robbed at Mapleton the
night previous and from articles found
on the persons it is certain they were the
lruilty parties.
f JTbe two Senatorial Candidates for this
district, who both reside In the borough,
were, on Saturday tendered a serenodo
by the Bloomfleld Cornet Band. Kaoh
of the gentlemen made a short speech in
response. Their remarks were in good
taste and were very creditable to them.
There Is no doubt In regard to this dis
trict being well represented in the next
Senate no matter which candidate Is the
successful one.
OThe Becond District 8. S. Association
W Perry county will meet In convention
in the Mount Zlon Lutheran church, in
Spring twp., on Wednesday, 0th of Oc
tober at 10 o'clock, A. M. There will
be three sessions, morning, afternoon
and evening. All friend b of the Sab
bath school are cordially Invited to at
tend and take part In the exercises.
i -A-A ' '
A Narrow Escspct A. M. Markel,
Esq., met with an accident on Friday
evening that might have had a serious
ending. In coining down the hill near
the Juniata pottery the king bolt to his
buggy broke and the front wheels went
on, leaving the balance of the vehicle
drop, throwing out Mr. Markel. The
horse tried to get away but be retained
his hold on the reins and succeeded in
stopping him. He was somewhat bruis
ed a"bout the shoulders, but was not
otherwise hurt.
Cumberland County. We copy the fol
lowing, from the Cumberland papers
of last week :
The eldest sou of Mr. Con. Faller, of
Carlisle, made a very narrow escape
from a horrible death a few days ago.
It appears that the little boy got poses
sion of a bottle containing washing fluid
and drank some of it. It was only
through the presistent elt'orts of the
medical attendant that the child's life
was spared.
Mr. Levi Merrltt's life was suddenly
terminated on Friday evening last at
about eight o'clock, whilst sitting in a
chair in his own house. He had been
helping to raise potatoes during the day,
and what we can learn did not complain
of any sicknesB. The cause of his death
is pronounced heart disease, lie lived
in Miftlln twp., and was a native of
Ohio, having come from that State,
about time of the late war. Newville
On last Tuesday night the residence of
Mr. Benj. Wolf, near the Reading ore
banks took fire from the stove. The
family were in bed at the time and had
it not been for a Mr. Meals who was
passing and discovered the lire, the
building would have been consumed.
Mr. M. awoke the family and the flames
were promptly subdued. Part of ttte
roof was burned and other portions of
the house damaged.
Juniata County. We copy the follow
ing from the Juniata county papers of
last week :
On Thursday of last week while stand
ing or sitting on the floor of Mr. A.
Rice's barn, at Waterloo, in conversa
tion with some men, Mr. Absalom
Williams sunk down and expired in a
few moments without seemingly any
sicknesB or pain. He had just partaken
of a hearty dinner, and to all human
appearances was in excellent health and
The only child of Dr. John S. Kilmer,
a bright and Interesting little son, died
very suddenly about noon on Sabbath.
It is supposed to have had a congestive
chill, which terminated in death. Port
Itoyal Times.
Last spring Mrs. Magruder, wife of
Jackson Magruder, who lives in Walk
er twp., had one bushel of potatoes
brought from Ohio. The potatoes were
planted, and the yield is fifty bushels.
The potato is called the "Ohio Beauty."
The Mifflin Sentinel says : The Pres
bytery to which Rev. Benaugh belonged
In Philadelphia, has released him from
his ministerial work there, and he may
be expected in this place before long to
preach for the people who called him.'
A one-year old boy of Mrs. James Car
gill, residing in Patterson, was severely
scalded on Monday afternoon by a can
of hot jelly bursting and its contents
thrown over the child's head and face.
The eyes are much injured and the head
and face scalded in blisters. Hopes are
entertained of bis recovery although
there will be some disfiguration of the
face and impaired vision. Dr. Banks is
rendering the necessary medical atten
tion. On Monday afternoon, Martin, a six
year old son of Phllo Pannebaker, who
resides in this place, was severely scald
ed by upsetting a tea kettle of boiling
hot water over his body while being
about the stove in the kitchen. Large
patches of skin came otf his breast and
arms when his clothing was removed.
The little fellow suffered great agony for
the first twelve hours, out under the
care of Dr. Banks, he is now considera
bly relieved and hopes are entertained of
his recovery. Democrat & Register,
What Everybody Wants,
Is a pleasant, reliable medicine that nev
er does any harm, and prevents and
cures disease by keeping the stomach In
perfect order, the bowels regular, and
the kidneys and liver active. Such a
medicine is Parker's Ginger Tonic. It
relieves every case, and we have seen
stacks of letters from thousands who
have been saved and cured by it. See
other column. Tribune. 37 4t
It is said that the Arabs in mentioning
their valuable possessions always class
the wife second, the children third, and
the horse first. Many persons In this
country who know the value of the horse
have provided themselves with a copy
of Kendall's Horse Book for further
information. You can do so too. Sent
by mall for 25 cents. Address TniEa
olllce, New Bloomfleld, Pa.
Cider. Persons wishing to made cider
should go to Wm. A. & Jas. F. Light
ner's cider mill. It has a capacity of
forty barrels per day. It is located in
Sbeafl'er's Valley, this county.
For Tub Tim its.
Ma. Editor i The Upper End can still
boast of some Improvements. In Uormantown,.
the Morrisons have ereclod a store house,
while Mr. James Lewis, and Mrs. Margaret
Swarts have put up new dwolllng homos. Mr.
J. T. Kohjnson has opened out storokeeplng In
J. F. llockenberry's new house, and does
thriving business. If you want a town to Im
prove, put a Are Into It. It has been the case
with Germantown. In the country, William
Bonston Is erecting a barn In place of the one
destroyed by lire this summer. James R.
Bhowvaker put np a dwelling house A. G.
Smith and Jacob Bheafler large barns George
M. ilurkett a new bouse Wm. Arnold a house,
and Andrew Gutshall, Br., Intends to erect a
dwelling house this fall yet. Peter Long has
refltted up his mill, and Andrew Trosllo has
sold bit mill for 15,800 to a man In Adams
county. Never a better corn crop In the Upper
End than this year.
A no
Llpplnoott'i Magazine.
Llpplncott's Mngssln for Uctober opens with
" A (Jhaptnr of Amorlcan Explorations," by
Wm. II. Kldclng, doscrlblng the perilous Jour
ney of Major Power and his party through the
wonderful canons of Colorado, with numerous
Illustrations and among other articles are the
following i Adam and Evoi Bovon weeks a
Missionary llorso-raclng In France Studies
in the Blums Glimpses of Portugal and the
Portuguese Our monthly Gossip i Literature
of the day, and many other Interesting articles.
Specimen Number mailed, postage paid, to
any address, on receipt of U0 cents. Yearly
subscription 14.00. Address J.-B. Llpplncott
. Co., Publishers, 710 and 717 Market Street,
The North Amerlean Review,
Mr. Thomas A. Edison contributes an arti
cle to the Octobor number of the "North Amor
lean Kovlew," In which be states that be has
succeeded In making the electric light entirely
practicable for all Illuminating purposes. He
shows the advantages of electricity over gas,
and explains bow his system Is to be Introduc
ed. Among other articles In the October num
ber of the Kovlew are t "Tho Democratic Party
Judgod by its History," by Emory A. Btorrs (
"The Ruins of Central America," by Desire
Charnay "The Observance of the Sabbat li,"
by Rov. Dr. Leonard Bacon "The Campaign
of 1802," by Judge D. Thew Wright t "Tho
Taxation of Church Property," by Hev. Dr. A.
W. Plt7.nrt and "Recent Progress in Astrono
my," by Prof. E. B. Uoldan.
Good Company, Number Twelve.
Good Company, Xumbir Ttctlvi ( J3.00 a
year) Bprlnglleld, Mass.,') closes the volume,
and subscriptions should be made at onco. A
specimen copy will be sent to any one not
familiar with It for ten cants.
This number contains throe stories, and
many other interesting articles. Bond for a
specimen copy. It contains much that will
Interest both old and young.
Lire of Gen. Garfield.
Gen. J. B. Brlsbln ,of the United Btatcs Army,
whose reputation as an author, made In the
production of a number of popular books, Is
no less brilliant than his careor as a soldier,
has prepared for the press an exhaustive life
of Gen. Garfield, which Is dostlned to rank as
the standard work on that subject. It is pre
pared with the special consent and assistance
of Gen. Garfield himself, the author and the
subject having been intimate and Ufe-tlme
friends. These facts will give the book not
ouly the utmoBt fullness of statement, but
absolute correctness.
There Is a fascination In following the
career of this man. It Is a grand Illustration
of what can be accomplished by lofty aspira
tions sustained by determined will, energy and
courage. Beginning life without advantages
of education, money, family or friends j with
no promise of future, save that to bo wrought
by bold, presistent work be made his way
against obstacles and prejudices such as few
men have ever encountered. And his triumph
Is completer It Is a grand Illustration of hu
man achievements, unaided by circumstances.
And a valuable feature la his careor, is that It
strikingly Illustrates to every man and boy
that there are excellent possibilities In bis
reach If he will go about the accomplishment
In a direct, consistent and determined way.
The lesson of his life Is an encouraging one.
Gen. Garfield has figured prominently aad
Influontlally In moBt of the stirring and excit
ing events In our country's history for the past
twenty years, and his biography will be a
valuablo history of that Important period
which will be of lasting Interest to every reader.
It will be a work of more than passing valne,
and hence different from the ordinary Cam
paign Book. It Is Illustrated, and Is sold by
subscription through canvasslug agents, to
whom It affords a rare chance to make money.
It is published by the well known house of
HUBBARD BROS., 733 Chestnut St., Phila
delphia, Pa.
Still Alive I I am still alive and ready
to cut and fit suits in good style. If
wanting any work in my line, give me
a call. Satisfaction Guaranteed.
, Samuel Bentzel,
April 6, ' New Bloomfleld, Pa.
The undersigned, proprietor of the
NEWPORT MILLS.Jias completed his
extensive improvements and now feels
confident that he can make the BEST
FLOUR in Perry County, and will sell
at Rates that the poorest may buy. He
is very particular In the wheat he buys,
and has the only Smith Purifier in the
County. He is also Agent for the Un
derwood Patent Flour, which is the
best flour in the World.
3 All kinds of Custom Work done
with precision and dispatch.
Camphor Milk cures Headache gnd Neuralgia
Camphor Milk cures Rheumatism and lame back
Camphor Milk will cure Cuts, Bruhres and Burns.
Camphor Milk costs 25 cents pr bot, 5 bottles SI
I ly Bold by F. MORTIMER, New Bloomfleld
Gunsmith. The undersigned gives no
tice that be still repairs and makes guns,
and does all work in that line. Orders
left at Elllottsburg hotel will be attend
ed to. Wm. Sweger,
32. Savllle township..
Notice. A good journeyman Black
smith, and a good Wagon Maker can
rent a shop at a good location, or can
find steady work as a Journeyman, by
applying to the undersigned at Greeu
park. Nathan Henderson.
Prime Wheat and Corn wanted at the
Newport Mills. Price according to the
quality of the grain.
Milton B. Esiilesian.
19. Newport, Pa.
Necklace Lost. The necklace which
was shown to Mr. Fenstetnaker several
weeks since was lost by Mary Reekord,
and the finder will please return it to
Geo, Spabr.
Stray Pig. A white shoat weighing
about HO pounds has come to the farm of
Wm. A. Sponsler near this borough.
The owner is requested to take it away
and pay for this notice.
LACEi Places Places !
Just received,
1IXACK riir.Nf.ll I.ACF.,
i.Aturicnoc point rcr,
and other Styles of Laces
and Embroideries.
F. Mortimer,
New Bloomfleld, Pa.
Silks for Trimming, In various shades,
Brocade Ribbons, JSobluet, Silk ties,
Lace ties, Shelton Jackets, and many
other goods for the Ladies, just opened
by F. Mortimer.
Western Union Telegraph connecting
with all parts of the world. Office at
New Bloomfield in Mortimer's build
lng. tf
W. H. GANTT. Watchmaker and
Jeweler, and dealer in Wall Paper,
Stationery and Fancy Goods. Send for
samples of Wall l'atier.
Gantt's Hotel Block.
30 ly Newport, Perry Co., Pa.
Pennsylvania State Colleoe ad
mits both sexes. Endowment half a
million. Tuition free. Courses of study,
Classical, Scientific, and Agricultural.
A thorough Preparatory Department.
Expenses 3 to $5 per week. For cata
logue, address, Joseph Shortllwe, A.
M., Pres. State College, l'a. 83 lot
See advertisement of Marx Dl'Kes &
Co., Newport.
ET"More food and less medicine, more of
nourishment and strength, less of the deblllnt
Influence of drugs Is what our feeble and ex
hausted constitutions require," said Barou
Lleblg, when be perfected the composition of
the " Malt Bitters." 80 4t
To all who are suffering from the errors and
Indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness,
early decay, loss of manhood, Ac, I will send
a recipe that will cure you, vrbr or cnARon.
This great remedy was discovered by a mis
sionary in South America. Bend a self-addressed
envelope to tho Rer. Joseph T. Inman,
Station D, New York City. ably.
County Price Current.
BMioiiriBLO, Sept. 0. im.
Flax-Heed 1 26
Potatoes, 80 '
Butter V pound, , UO 14
Eggs V dozen IS "
Dried Apples V pound 8its"
Dried Feacne 10 0 12 ots. URB,
NBWFOHT, Sept. 18, 1880.
PlOur, Extra I5.C0
" Super 8.25
White Wheat old V bush 95
Red Wheat, oil 93
Rye 70Q70
Corn 4204S
Oats ft 82 pounds 329 32
Clover Seed per pound 6J0eents
Timothy Seed 2 CO
Flax Beed 1 00
Potatoes 33930
Baoon, 7 O 7
Lard TA cents
Hams, 9 cents.
Ground Alum Bait 1 10 Ol 10
Aiimeburner's Coal 11 00 0 1 26
Stove Coal, 4 78 O 8 00
Pea Coal 8 00
Buckwheat Coal 12 30
Gordon's Food per Back ti 00
CABUSLR,Septl7, 1880.
Family Flour 15 50
Superfine Flour, i 00 .
White Wheat, new , 90
Red ., 90
Rye 65
Corn 42
Oat M 25
Cloverseed, VMM
Timotbyseed 1 80
Flax Beed, 11 10
G. A. Bait,, 1 20
Fine do 1 8
Philadelphia Prodaee Market.
Philadelphia, Sept. 18, 188a
Flour unsettled: extras 13 003 60 ; Pennsyl.
vania family, S4.50 J 14.75 Minnesota do., I4.UU0
I5.12;'pateutand hlRh grades, lfi.604J7.00
Rye flour, li2;s.25.
Cornmeal, ti.'ii).
Wheat, red. 1040105; amber, 104O105; white.
Corn yellow, 4851o. mlxed.'80Mc.
Oats quiet: Pennsylvania aud western white,
4Gf4lo. ; western mlxed,3ti237.
Brantin Wbitb. On the 15th Inst, at the
residence of the bride's parents, by Rev. McCord,
Richard White to Mattie Branyan, both of Allen's
HoLi.ncswORTn Brtkeb On the 11th Inst, at
the residence of Anthony Floss, Esq., of Talbot
county, lid., by Rev. wm. M. Warner, Henry
Hollenswortb to Hetty K. Bryner, formerly of
WlUlainsport, Pa.
McNacgbtor. On the 11th Inst, In Oliver twp.
O. W. McNaugiUon. aged 6t years, 8 months, and
19 days.
Thomans. On the 1Kb Inst., In Oliver twp., J.
Tbomans, aged 77 years aid. 10 dys.
DuKKELBEROKB. In Spring twp , on the 18th
Inst , Mr. Solomon Dunkelberger, in the 68th year
ot his age.
Linn. In Rockford, III., on the 13th Inst, Mrs.
J. Ross Linn, formerly Hint Ann McClura of this
Agents Wanted CTfaem?.
LY KNITTING MACHINE ever In wilted. Will
knit a pair of Stockings, with HEEL aud TOH
COMPHKTK, In 20 miuutes. It willalbo knit a
great variety of fanoy work for which there is al
ways a ready market. Send for Circular and
CO.. 4iU Washlugtou fttreet. Mass. bo 4m
Tim noiA'vy. roil iionH-tiirnrm
i"""1""1 Ur tW "I'l"ldl,ly ll!u''tted books,
FORNEY, (an author of national fame). Tilirlily
endorsrd by (len. Hancock, the tarty leaders,
mid press: alsn Ml ut
fiFN RARFIPI fV'T hi" comrade-in-arms
Ut.11. UMIH ltLUu, personal friend,
(IBN. .1. B. HRIHIIIN, (an author of wide oelnli.
rlty), also strongly endorsed. Both olllelal. Im
mensely popular, srlllng over lo.flM a weextl
Annuls making tin a day. Outfits 50o. each. For
tmit books and terms, addreis. quick, IIUIIUAUD
BROS., 723 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, l'a. M
Valuable Minn
At Public Sale!
THE siihAnrlber will offer at public sale en
the premises, at. one o'clock P. M., on ,
Wednesday, Keptomlicr 22nd. 1880.
The following described Real Estate, to wit i A
Farm situate about hair a mile Kat of
KlllulUbuig, In Spring township, containing
225 ACRES,
FIVK ACRKH cleared mid In a good state of col.
tlvatlon, the balance well set with timber. The
Improvements are a '
Smeke House and other Outbuildings.
4. There are also Three APPLE ORCHARDS,
on the place, two of them young and Juit coining
Into bearing. A stream of waterninstliroiigtitlie
farm and a never falling spring of water Is near
the houses,
a. For further Information call on the cretn.
Iws, or apply to the undersigned at Urecn Park.
Terms of sale to suit purchaser.
August 81, 1880.
TUB subscriber otters at Private Bale the fol
lowing desirable farms i
ISO. 1.
Is a Farm coutalalng
Sixty-Eight Acres,
All good land. In a good state of cultivation, and
having thereon erected a
And all necessary Outbuildings, situate Hire
niljes south of Hlmimlleld and seven miles from
Diiiicannon. There is on this place plenty of
Choice Fruit ot all kinds, good water at the dour,
with running water in nearly every Ueld. Price,
12,800. Terms easy.
SO. 2.
Is a farm situate In Wheatfleld twp., containing
having thereon erected a
with all required Outbuildings, the Kirn being
entirely new. This farm Is situate about six miles
from Duncannon and four hi lies from Bloomfleld.
There Is good water near the door, plenty ot
streams on the land, a good Apple Orchard, and
other fruit, and will make a desirable home. Price
12,800. Terms easy,
KO. 8.
lit a MILL ntOPEIlTY,
situate near Bhermansdale. on Sherman's Creek.
The MILL and Machinery Is In excellent order,
with a good HAW MILL and a good CIDKR MILL
attached, and Is one of the best stands In the
County, with a good run of custom. There is
also SEVEN ACRKH of land with a Oood Dwelt
lng thereon, to be sold with the Mill, and more
land can be had If desired. Price, $'.W). A larje
part of the purchase money can remain on mort
gage. SO. 4.
Is a Farm situate In Carroll township, about two
miles from Bhermansdale, containing about
One Hundred Acres,
having thereon erected a
Good Dwelling, and other Out-bnIIdIngi,
A well of good water at the house and another at
the Barn. There Is considerable fruit on the
iiremises, and the land Is good and well watered .
rice, and payments can be arranged to
suit purchaser.
SO. 5.
Is a FARM situate In Carroll townililp, about two
miles from Bhermansdale. containing
Seventy Acrcf4,
of good land, and having thereon a GOOD
DWELLING, and other Out-bulldingii.
There Is a good spring near the house, and the
Farm Is well watered. There is rIko a Oood Or.
chard in bearing condition; this will make a de
sirable home. Price, ll.toe.
so. c.
Is a FARM situate In Carroll township, about
eight miles from Duncannon aud Mve miles from
Bloomfleld, containing
The place has thereon erected a Good
Dwelling Dense, a Sew Barn,
and other Outbuildings. There Is also a splendid
Orchard on the place. 'Die land Is good, about
one-half being under cultivation aud the balanoo
well timbered. A good spring is near the door
with a good spring house, and the place Is well
watered. Price, S2,80U. Terms to suit purch tser
f For further Information address the under
signed at New Bloomrield. Ferry county. Ha., or
call at his residence three miles south of Bloom
held. C. B. HAKNL3H.
August 17, 188a
317 & 819 ARCH STREET,
has reduced the rates to
3 PER DA.-Y.
The high reputation of the house will be main
tained lu all respects, and the traveling public
will still Qnd the same liberal provision for their
The house been recently refltted. and Is com
plete in all Its appointments. Located in the Im
mediate vicinity of the large centres ot business
and of places of amusement and acee-wible to ail
Railroad depots and other parts of the City by
Streetcars constantly parsing its doors. It ofteis
special Inducements to those visiting the City on
business or pleasure.
JOS. M. FEU EE, Proprietor.
in Me Cburt oj Common Plu of Terry County:
vrn.i.TTiM Jacobs r. Matilda jAioui.
To MATILDA JACOBS, Respondent:
Madam Please take notice that the Court ol
Common Fleas of said County, has granted a rule
on ou to show cause why a divorce a tinruM
itiulrltnonil should not be decreed In the above
Kcturcable on last MONDAY of OctoNr neit
J. A. LBAY, bheriE.
September 7, 1SS0,