0 THE TIMES, NEW BLOOMFIELD, PA., SEPTEMBER 14, 1880. HOUSE, FARM AND GARDEN. THE IDLENESS OF GIRLS. Another great mistake that many of our girls are making, and that tbelr mothers are either encouraging or allow lug them to make, Is that of spending their time out of school In idleness or in frivolous amusements, doing no work to speak of and learning nothing about the practical duties and the serious cares of life. It is not only in the wealthier families that the girls are growing up indolent and un practiced in household work ; indeed, I think that more at ten tlon la paid to the Industrial training of girls in the wealthier families than in the families of mechanics and of people in moderate circumstances, where the mothers are compelled to work hard all the while. "Within the last week." says one my correspondents, " I have beard two mothers, worthy women in most re snects. sav. the first that her daughter never did any sweeping. Why,' if she wants to Bay to her companions, never swept a room In my 1 life,' ' and taken anv comfort In it. let her say it and yet that mother is sorrowing over the shortcomings of that very daughter. The other said that She would not lei her daughter do anything in the kitchen Poor deluded woman I She did It all her self Instead 1" Th hahltof Indolence and of helpless ness that Is thus formed are not the irreatettt evils resulting from this bad practice ; the selfishness that it fosters is the worst thing about it. How nevoid of conscience, how lacking of all true sense of tenderness, or even of justice, a girl must be who will consent to devote all her time out of school to pleasuring, while her mother is bearing all the heavy burdens of the household I And the foolish way in which mothers them selves sometimes talk about this, even in the presence of their children, is mis chlevous in the extreme. " O, Hattie is so absorbed with her books, or crayons, or her embroidery, that she takes no interest in household matters, and I do not like to call upon her." As if the daughter belonged to a superior order of beings, and must not soil her hands or ruffle her temper with necessary housework 1 The mother is the drudge; the daughter is the fine lady for whom she tolls. No mother who suffers such a slate of things as this can preserve the respect of her daughter, and the respect of her daughter no mother can afford to lose. The result of all this is to form In the mlndB of many girls not only a distaste for labor, but a contempt for It, and a purpose to avoid it as long as they live by some means or other. Vanilla Cream With Fruit Sauce. Make a nice cuBtard with a pint of rich milk and the yolks of five eggs, a scant cup of sugar and vanilla to taste. When this cuBtard thickens, take it off the fire, and add, while still hot, half a box of gelatine previously dissolved in cold water. Wet a mould, pour in the caeam, and set it on ice. When set, turn it out on a deep dish, arrange a a bunch of fine candled cherries on top, and pour around It sauce made of red cherries stewed, sweetened, strained and slightly thickened with corn-starch. Cream Soup. Take a quart of good mutton or veal stock, cut an onion in quarters, slice three potatoes very thin and put them in the stock, with a small piece of mace: boll gently for an hour, then strain. The potatoes should by this time have dissolved. Add a pint of rich milk half milk, half cream with enough corn starch In it to make the soup almost as thick as cream. Add also a piece of nice fresh butter, and just before serving a little fiuely-chopped parsley. Fish Pudding Three pounds of boiled, fish; a large lump of butter; a tablespoon ful of flour; two cups of fresh milk. When boiled it must cool a little. ' Add to this the yolk of seven eggs, the . whites beaten, and stir it round ; then add, salt, pepper and nutmeg. Put it in a buttered dish, and cook for one hour In a pretty warm oven, and then - serve'. Sauce Flour and butter and a little broth capers. This will be found an excellent and toothsome dish. .... V . Eifjhty-Flve Dollars Lost. " You do not tell me that your hus band is up and about again, aud entire ly cured by so .simple a medicine as Parker's Ginger Tonic 1"' " Yes, indeed, I do," said Mrs. Benjamin to her enquir ing neighbor," and that too when we had foolishly paid eighty-five dollars in doctor's bills aud prescriptions, and after he had been given up by his physicians to die. Now my husband feels as well as ever, entirely cured by this excellent Tonic." And many a sick man might be well in a week If they would only Xry it. 37 Ira rm BtOOMf IEJ-B TIMES team Joh Office, NEW BLOOMFIELD, PENN'A. IF YOU "WANT PLAIN OR FANCY Sale Bills or Posters of any Size, Pamphlets or Paper Books, Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Circulars, Cards, &c, Call and see Samples and Prices. "THE TIMES" Is the best advertising medium in the County, having fully 2000 subscribers. $1.23 $1.30 Per Per A NEW DEPARTURE! BEST PLOW IN THE WORLD I THE 8YRACUSE CHILLED PLOW CO. of 6yraouse, N. Y. Are now putting on the market a Plow that Is as much superior to any Plow heretofore made as the Flows of the past few years have been superior to those mode half a century ago. It combines all the excellencies of any Flow In use. It obviates all the objections made to any other Plow. In addition It embraces Beveral new features of the greatest value, for which we have ob tained exclusive Patents. Ite Beam, Clevis, Jointer Standard and Wheel Standard wUl be BTEEL, and Its mold board will be a composition ot Steel and Iron chilled under a process for which we have also obtained an exclusive Patent. It will be called THE SYRACUSE . CHILLED STEEL PLOW Its weight will be eighteen pounds less than our present styles. A nrBtalass Steel Plow, made In the or dinary way, full rigged, retails for twenty-two dollars. Inforior Bteel Plows retail from six teen to nineteen dollars. The price of our new Plow will be but Seventeen Dollar, and It will be the cheapest Agricultural Implement ever sold. Its mold board will outwear throe of the very best kinds of the ordinary steel mold boards. It will scour In soils where all steel plows and all other plows have hitherto proved a failure. With this Plow will be Introduced a corru gated Plow Point and Jointer Point, on which we have also obtained a Patent, and which Is also a great Improvement, both as regards Btrength and wear. The Jointer can be shifted so as to take more or less land, and also more or less pitch, and It can always be kept on a line with the Plow. The wheel will run under the beam or one side of It as desired, and always kept In line. The beam Is adjustable for Spring or Fall Plowing, and also for two or three horses. The handles con be adjusted to accommo date a man or boy, on tho same Plow. It Is a perfect Plow. Wooden beams are going out of use because they shrink, swell and warp, and never run two seasons alike. Iron beams are too heavy. Malleable beams become demoralized and bend, which Is much worse than to break. A Bteel beam is tho necessity of the day. It is three times as strong and very much lighter than any other stylo. When we say a Mold board Is chilled, the farmers know It Is so. We do not palm off on them a composition of various metals and coll it chilled metaL We want agents tor this new Plow In every town In this State. We can give but a very smnll discount to them, but we will pay the Railroad Freight We propose to place this Plow In the hands ot Farmers as near the cost ot manufacture as possible. It will be the test Agricultural Implement ever Bold. It shall also be the cheapen. Persons therefore who are not willing to act as agents on the principle that " a nimble six pence Is better than a slow shilling," need not apply far an agency. No Plows on commission. All sales absolute. tar-This is the only Steel Chilled Plow to the World. Steel costs several times more than Iron. But this Plow, full rigged, by giving Braall discounts, can be sold for Seventeen Dollars. Compare this price with thatof any Iron Plow ever mode. It Is cheaper than any other Plow now made would be at five dollars and a half. ' Where there are no agents we wllL on re ceipt ot Seventeen Dollars, send a Plow to any Railroad station In the State and pay the freight Address, 8VRACU8B CHILLED PLOW CO. Qr Syraouse, N. Y Jos. Oarber & Co.. Anderionbnrg. Bower ft Dmmgold, Lanillsbuig, and llench & Drom gold, Ickesbiirg, Agents. 26A13C Til STAT K NOTICE.-Notloe Is hereby given 'J that letters testamentary on the estate of Philip Light, lute of Carroll twp., Perry Co., Fa.,deo'd.,liave been granted to the undersigned, residing at Kliermansdale, Perry County, Pa. All oersons Indebted ta said estate are rnnest. ed to make Immediate payment and those having claim will present tliem duly authenticated for settlement to JACOB 1.IGHT. Executor. March 3(1, '80 Cms. H. Bmilsv, Att'y. SUBSCRIPTION TRICE : Year in Advance, in the County. Year in " oat of the " FACT8 WORTH KNOWING. many other of the best medicines known are o skillfully combined in Parker' Ginger Tonic! ns to make it the greatest Blood Purifier and Thi Beit Health and Strength Keitorer; Erer tied. So perfect Is the composition of Parker's Gim- grr Tonic; that no disease can long exist where! it it used. If you have Dyspepsia, Hocdaoha, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Bowel. Kidney or Liver Disorder, or if you need a mild stimulant,! or appetizer, the Tonic is just the medicine, for you, as it is highly curative and invigorating' but never intoxicating, ; If you are slowly wasting away with Con-! sumption or any sickness, if you have a Painful Cough or a bad Cold Parkbk's Gingkr Tonk will surely help you. It gives new lifo and! vigor to the feeble and acea, and is a certain cure for Rheumatism and Cholera Infantum. 1 It Hal Sated Hundred! of Lives It JUy! Hare Youth. If you aire feeling miserable don't watt until you are down sick, but use the Tonic to-day.! No matter what your disease or symptoms may be. It will give prompt relief. Remember! Parker's Gingkr Tonic Is not! a rum drink but the Best and Purest Family. Medioine ever made, compounded by a new1 process, and entirely different from Bitters,! ginger preparations and all other Tonics. Try! a 50c. bottle. Your druggist can supply ynti. ' PARKER'S HAIR DALSAM Th Best and Mont Economical llolr Drciln j exquisitely perfumed and perfectly harmless. Will Always Restore 0 ray or Failed Hair to Its original youthful colnr and Appearance, and is warranted to stop its fulling, assist its growth and prevent baldness. A few applications of the Balsam will soften th hair, cleanse all dandruff and cure itching and hi mours of the scalp. Sold by al I druggists at only 50c 29 d ly EST ATK NOTICK.-Nollce Is hereby given that letter" testamentary on the estate of Sarah Kline, late of Blaln borough. Perry county, Pa., deceased, have been granted to the under signed residing In said plaoe. All persons I ndebted to said estate are request ed to niake Immediate payment and those having elalms will present them duly authenticated fur settlementto Wm. A. KLINE, Executor. W. N. Selbert att'y. Blaln, Pa. E STATIC NOTIC'K. Notice Is herebyglven that letters testamentary on the last will aud testament of Jacob Km tier, deceased, late of Liverpool township, Perry county. Pa., have been granted to the undersigned, residing In same township. All persons Indebted to said estate are reo nested to make Immediate payment and thosehavlng olaims to presentthemdulyautheutlcatedlor set tlement , . JACOB BAKNEK, Jr., EVE ERLKNMEYEH. V. A. Bpnnsler, att'y. Exeoutors. Way 8, 1880, TMPOBTAKT NOTICE. -The subscriber JL. 1(1111 VI Ht? Ill 111 Ul IVHUMUUn M. 1JIIIIL1I, T.VI1I1H respectfully inform the citizens of BLAIN and vicinity, that he has opened a WAGON MAKElt-SItOP, and Is prepared to make new wagons and repair old ones at short notice, aud at from TEN to TWENTY per cent, cheaper than the old firm. tardive me a call. Satisfaction guaranteed, JACOB SMITH. Blaln, August 8,1867. A FULL ASSORTMENT or HARDWARE, IRON & STEEL WILL BE FOUND AT , OUR NEW STORE-ROOM. F. MORTIMER, Neio Vloom field. J3AINTING. PAPEH HANGING, &0. Persons wanting Painting, Graining, Paper Hanging, Sc., done promptly and at the light price should call on HhiNKV RICK. Jr., New Bloomtteld, Pa. XsTOrders by mail will receive prompt atten tion May 18. 1880. To Lovers of Temperance Literature. "THE It VOLE CALL." A Wide Awake. Newsy, Temperance Monthly. 8 pages, 32 columns. With departments for Good Templars, Koyal Templars, Sous of Temperance, N. C. T. U., &o. One hollar per year. C. M. EAMKS. Jacksonville. III.. 23 Editor aud Publisher. OnrBtoek of NEW GOODS for Men's Wesrls complete. rricesironuzH centsup. MORTlMElt. New BleomUeld, Fa ESTATE NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that letters of Administration out lie estate oaran upiegrait nave ueeu granted to the under signed. All persons Indebted to said estate r renneateil to make immediate payment and those having U1UII1IS, W JJICnvill. UiriU III! PfltUieillf III IO J. K. JUNKIN. Administrator, New Bloomdeld, Perry Co., Pa. Augut 17, 1880-a jrvo.,r. Newport Advertisements. EWPORT DRUG STORE. N Having on hand a complete assortment of thefol lowinaj articles, th subscriber asks a share of yanf patronage. i ". i . Drugs and Medicines, 1 CHEMICALS OF ALL KINDS. Alio a fall stool of Concentrated. Eomeiles, ESSENTIAL OILS, Brushes, Ferfamerj IIAIIl OIL, AND FANCY ARTICLES. Also always on Hand PURE WINES & LIQUOR FOB MEDICINAL and SACRAMENTAL PURPOSES PHYSICIANS ORDERS Carefully and Promptly Filled B. M. EBY, Newport, Penn'a. R. S. COOK & CO., Agree to sell all kinds ot LUMBER AND SHINGLES, for LESS MONEY than any other dealers In this county. We will also take good Tlmberon the stump or delivered at our Mill In exchange for Lumber, (to, We use Clearfield Pine and Uem ockonly. W. R. S. COOK & CO., Newport, Terr Co., Pa. Ootober 10, 1876. JONES' BROS, & CO., (Formerly John Jones & Son,) Grain & Produce MERCHANTS, Br lok Warehouse, Front St., above Market, Newport, Perry County, Pa. WE would respectfully Invite the patronage of the farmers, and the public generally, as the HIGHEST PRICES the market will afford, will be paldlor all kinds of GRAIN, FLOUR, PRODUCE SEEDS AND RAILROAD TIES We have constantly on hand, PISH, SALT, PLASTER, CEMENT COAL, IRON, STEEL, HORSE SHOES, Sc., So. FOR BALE AT THK LOWEST RATES. ta. Orders promptly filled, Newport, July 20, 1875 tf J B. HARTZELL, . Wholesale Tobacco Dealer, Wright's Building, NEWPORT, PA. Bole Agent for Lorllard'i Superior Tobaccos, atTbIaaS,Vrn.p9rritr, W'th 600U - Tour orders are solicited. 1 44 g HIME8, Fire Insurance Agent. OFFICE: South East Corner Market Square, NEWPORT, PENN'A. FIRE INSURANCE POLICIES written In first class companies on all kinds of insurable proper ty, at fair rates, and losses honorably adjuated aud promptly paid. Correspondence solicited. Companies Represented t Ctna. of Hartford, Commercial Union, ' Fire Association, Pull's., Assets, l,7no.ono. l,4(H,0O0. 8,778,000. B. HIMES, Agent. March 11, 1880 ly J. M. GlBVIH. J. H. GlRVIB J. M. GIRVIN & SON., FLOUR, GRAIN, SEED L PRODUCE Commission Merchants, No. 64 South Gay, St, BALTIMORE, MD. We will DRV strict attention tn the aula of all kinds of Country Produce aud remit the amounts promptly. 45ivr J. M. GIRVIN A BON. (SI BOOKS I Gift Books, Children Books, Blank Books, School Books, BiWes ! Testaments! And all Kinds of Books AT BEAC1PS Book & Drug Store. 0 Stationery at Wholesale or Ketail C1 Subscriptions taken for all News papers and Magazines. E. C. BEACH, Newport, Penn'a. November 18, 1879 8m AUCTIONEEBS. J AS. P. LATCH FORD, AUCTIONEER, Would respectfully Inform the public tlmt he will cry sales at reasonable prices. All orders will receive prompt attention. lONNALL'B MILLS, PERRY CO., PA. TAMES CLEELAND U Auctioneer, Offers his services to the citizens of Perry and Cumberland counties. Post ollice address, Bherniansdale, Perry co.. Pa. w. D.HENRY, Avar tok Rw.it. . Blaln, Perry county Pa. sWTerms Moderate and every exertion mad to render satisfaction. 6tl Auctioneer. The undersigned give notloethat he will ory sales at any point In Perr or Dauphin counties. Orders are solicited atd promptatteatlonwlllbe given. E. I), WELLS, New Buffalo , , Perry co.. Pa Q B. HARNISH, AUCTIONEER , ..,e'.T,1I? PerrT CV pf Charges moderate, and satisfaction guaranteed. 6U D AVID M'COY, AUCTIONEER. , ICKESBURO, PERRT COUNTY. PA: r Charges moderate. . Prompt attention paid v nil OftllSt AUCTION Jicn. The undersigned gives "SflW'tf "ewl'leryalesat a reasonable rale. Satisfaction guaranteed. 3 Address ' ' THOfl. 6UTCH. Jr., Nov. 18, t78r j(ew Bloomneld, Pa. p1 P. HOOVER, ' ; ; J AUCTION ICISIt . om!lHntlS.n.Klve,D ,0 meni and Mtfsfitctlon guar anteed. Prices low. Call on or address F. P. HOOVER, Angustl 2, 1879. ' MlotUburg. P.. H NKY KELL, AUCTIONEER,. 1 -" "iioim me citizens of Perry ,mK 5ie V11 crJ "" l "' ""lice- aiia atreaspnable la es. Satisfaction guaiantetd. -Address Hsnbi Keu, Ickesburg, Pa. JJ0ME MANUFACTURE. LOOK OUT I Iwonldrespectlvelyinform myfrleudsthat In tendoalllng upon them with a supply of good, ofmy OWN MANUFACTURE. Censlstlngof . OA8SIMERS, OAS8INET8, FLANNELS, (PIalnandbar'd)i CARPETS, &o., to exchange for wool orsell for cash, J.M.BIXLER. OentbbWooles FACTOR! . ,17.tn to. locality. w r linr. above, e mon ey last. Toucan make irem. ,, , mi cents lo 2 an hour by de- voting your evenings and spare time to lheW.1 Pnlk:ti.c?,t' no,"ln tr business. Notli ing line It for making money ever oflered before. Business pleasant audMrictfv honorable. Ilaader, L?Pmu wa,nt, ,0 A D0W " auout U be' Paying business before the public, send ns jour address and we will send you full particulars and private terms free; samples worth IS alsofrre; you can yjR.m?it2J.7 ym,T min1 '"r yourself. Addies GEOltUK 8T1NSON & CO., Pol Hand, Me. 401) KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. ftfrlt Is sure to cure Bpavins, Splints f Curb, &e. It removes all unnatural I ' 2 enlargements. Does not blister. Has V li no equal for any ltimeness on beast or A5 mau- lt llas cured hip-loint lame V ness In a person who bad suffered 13 sears. Alsocured rbeumatlsin.corns, frost bites. or any bruises, cut or lameness. It has no equal for blemish on horses, isend for Il lustrated circular giving positive proof. Price oue dollar. All Druggists I ave it or can get for you. Dr. B. J. Kendall Hi Co., Fros.,Euosburgb. ' Falls, Vermont. HARRIS & EWINO. A rents. Pittsburgh, Pa. HIRFQ IMPROVED ROOTBEEK PACKAOE, nintO TWENTY FIVE CENTS, makes ftve gallonsof a delicious and sparkling beverage, wholesome and teinierate. Isold by Dnifi'isis nr sent by mall on receipt of 2 Cents. Address 4'HA.S. K. HIKES, Manufacturer, 215Markel8t. Philadelphia, J a. 6 , Tl I P A ATO l0 A YEAR, nr M Vl' I I I 1 1 1 5f jourown l n 1 1 1 nsK- women do a: 1 1 I I I I las men. Manv makA III III I lhanflieamount stated IIS I 1 1 I I I I No one can fail to mas y w