THE TIMES, NEW BLOOM FIELD, PA., SEPTEMBER 14, 1880. 6 THE TIMES. ItO&iT Department. PENNSYLVANIA 8. E. MIDDLE DIVISION. On and after Monday, June II. lsso, Fuirnirer Trains wlU rtiu u tullowa t ' WKKIWAHD. , IA8TWAP.D. WsyMml,Ace.,rlt4t., fill l'l'u Ir'u Kl.ll Mm.iJ'ntiM.iU Aoo. Ex. Tr'u STATIONS. 19.80 t ltd 9 I'hlhvleliilila. A. M P.M. r.w.ip.H. .oo; nurrlKlmrir, A. If P.M 1.8(1, 1. 11 P W. !. IS .69 .89 .99 .07 57 .48 6.07 1.49 4.17 97 I.6U 7-ns 6. Id) 1.8(1 l.Bil I. OH 14 P. 110 B.aa (I 4(1 s.m Mrvvlllf, S.HCln 41 DlllM'allllOU, Aciueiluct,... Hlly Newnnrt. IS e.ii9 HUH 19. 46 S.4S J.IilU.9i R(I9 T.45 9.47 a. 97 MS J. 89 T.l 3f II 40 em 11.94 P. 97 III.IM 7.10 11 4 19.11 ii. m 11.(14 h e.(i MlllornloWu, 1(1.41) nun .W 1.IH; 1.96 Aiiniiu, ........ Lewttown J., 19.18 5.1X1 84 J.l T.4B lit l.U iimitiniraoD Tyrone Altoous 1.1" plJA';riTT8DUEGH. r.M.lA.M. A.M. tWFRtib'nnr Kiprmit leaves narrismvra t uue p.w. Dnnrouuon 10.44 (fiK): Newport 11.06 (IUk) ud Ar rives at Plll4llllirKt7.U0 A. H. iwrnplftc Eipress West will stop at DnncannoB At I.Sosndst Newport at 6.14. Dl., when Sawed. ItfOciiiiir Went, the Way Passentrer It-avet Harris Jura; Daily-tjieother trains Pally except 8,mtar, ( PaolftoRnrfeM cant rubs dully except Mmnluy, ami wlllatopat Dmifaimoii at lliiu a.m., when flw;l. On Hundava it will make the following etra atop" when flawed : Bell's Mill's :IH1. Hpriuw Creek 8,97, I'tU-raburw 8:88, Alt. Ulllull9;IO, MuVeyluwn9;:l. Publlo Sales. We call attention to sales of Real and Personal Property as follows : September 23nd. John Dam will Boll his val uab'e farm near ElllottBburg. Boo advertlto ment. September 85th B. 8. Jones will soil at his resldenco In Carroll twp., two mllos west of Dollvlllo, 1 horse, 1 cow, 1 heifer, 1 buggy, 1 wagon, and other articles not mentioned. Uriel Items. The Bank Building Is being Improved ly the erection, of a fine portico. Our Borough schools for the term cpened yesterday. The Borough School Building In this place is being re-paluted. The Record says there is a good deal of sickness in and around Duncannon We are sorry to learn that Mr. Single ton Sheaffer was so unfortunate as to lose another horse by death, last week. The Academy in this place, opened its Fall Term last week. It is an institu tion that deserves a good patronage. A few nights since the celler of Mr. A. M. Klinepeter was raided by thelves and most of the eatables taken. . The Bloomfield Cornet Band is play ing some nice new music of late. The l.oys are improving rapidly. Chas. H. Smiley, Esq., of this bor ough, will deliver the address at the Soldiers' Be-Unlon, at Mifllintown, on the 23d Inst. Mr. Jacob Mounts, wishes to state to bis friends that he will be around in about three weeks. He has been detain ed by sickness. ( Several parties complain of losing poultry and small articles from their premises recently. Shotgun Injections are good to apply in such cases. Mr. Stephen Boyer, a former resident of this borough, but now of Logansport, Indiana, is at present visiting his friends in this community, in company with his wife and family. Calvin Nellson, Esq., and Miss Laura Halbert were married at the residence of Dr. Strickler, in this borough, on Thurs day laBt, and immediately started on their wedding tour. Mr. William M. Nesbltt, Postmaster at Spring Bun, Franklin county, was struck by lightning while sitting on a bed in his residence, a few days ago, and instantly killed. A Village Camp Meeting will be held at New Buffalo, under the direction of the M. E. Church, T. M. Griffith, pas tor. The meeting will commence on Thursday, September 16th, at 101 A. M., and last one week. Mr. A. M. Gantt, of Newport, desires the statement made that he is not the man from that place who has announc ed that he is going to vote for Hancock although formerly a Republican, as some suppose. Wednesday morning the family of Mr. Harry Sheaffer, of this place, found themselves without bread, though a good supply was put in the cellar the night previous. Some thief had visited the premises much to thedisgustof Har ry. These cases are getting too frequent. Rev. Thos. Guard, B. D., of Mount Vernon Place M. E. Church, Baltimore, Md., will p. each in the Newport M. E. Church on Monday evening, September l0th. Rev. B. B. Hamlin, of Altoona, will also be present. Services will com mence at 7 o'clock. Cheap excursion tickets will be sold to Philadelphia on the P. R. R. on Wednes day the 15th inst., which are good till the 18th. Fare from Newport for the round trip, $2.75, and from Duncannon, 92.60. Train leaves Newport 12:24, and tickets to return good on any train that stops at stations named on the ticket. Rev. Decker's campmeeting held at Waterloo was well attended. There were forty-two tents on the ground, rep resenting over sixty families. The con versions were forty-four. The collection taken on Sunday was $73. Taking all together it was a very satisfactory meeting. About midnight, on Wednesday a week, Mrs. Strasbaugb, of Marysville, was awakened by hearing some person moving around, and looking out in the hall saw a man, who cautioned her to keep away. She obeyed but called her husband, but by the time he arrived the man had gone. . Two large lights of glass were broken in the rear window of The Times com posing room on Wednesday morning at about four o'clock. The noise consider ably alarmed persons sleeping near. Whether the act was done by some per son who wished to enter the premises or from pure"cussednes8" is a question that will probably never be satlfactorlly answered. A Sad Accident. On Tuesday last, Frank, a 12-year old son of Mr. William MoClure of Green Park, accompanied his brother with a load of lumber to Newport. When near the residence of Mr. Everhart, the lad In drawing the lock In some way slipped and fell so that the hind wheel passed over his thlgh,badly breaking the bones there and fracturing one of the bones at the ankle. The lad was taken into Mr. Everhart's, and Dr. Orris, of Newport, was called In, and his father notified by telegraph to Bloom field and then by mespengr,- The injuries of the lad were attended to and late in the afternoon he was brought carefully to the residence of Mrs. Got wait in this borough. The doctor thinks the boy will no doubt recover, though he wlU require some weeks of careful nursing. At this time the lad Is getting along ns well as could be expected. mm Juniata County. We copy the follow ing from the Juniata county papers of last week : One boy hurt another boy, accidental' ly, quite badly, in Patterson, the other day, with a sling. It was a b kshot that was thrown out of the sling.'1 Andrew Allison, aged about eight years, son of Wm. M. Allison, was stung by an insect, on one of his toes, one day last week, while in a field of grass, and lie was sick from the effect for several days. On Friday last Mrs. John Farleman, on going to the pantry discovered a large snake lying there, she sent over to the mine of W. E. Nankivel, which is not far distant for some one to come and kill it, Mr. Nankivel went over and shot it and it proved to be a very large rattle snake. A serious accident befell Mr. Joseph Brindle, of Patterson, on Friday after noon of last week. He was engaged at work on the roof of the new house now in the course of completion for Mr. Ellas Horning, in Fermanagh town shin, Mr. B. Laving the contract for building the same. He stepped on a projecting roofing lath which had been spliced, and proving insecure, it broke and he fell to the roof of the porch, a distance of eight feet and from thence to the ground, fifteen feet further, alight ing on his head and shoulder. Dr. Craw ford was summoned, but Mr. Brindle was too badly injured at the time for the doctor to make a close examination. The attending physician thinks that no bones are broken and no blood-vessels ruptured. Mr. Brindle haB not recover ed sufficiently to be removed to hia home, but his condition is improving. Port lioyal Timea. Cumberland County. We copy the fol lowing from the Cumberland papers of last week : On Friday last, as Peter Lelghtner was attempting to get on his . train, at Newvllle, he made a misstep. The wheel passed diagonally across his foot, mashing it in a horrible manner. He was brought home on an extra train, and was carried from market street, to his residence in Chambersburg on a Bettee. Physicians were in attendance and amputated the foot just above the ankle. On Wednesday of this week Mr. Si mon Mlnich met with a very sad acci dent while threshing for Mr. Samuel Walters on the farm of Mr. J. B. Roher in North Mlddleton township. His thumb and index finger were caught in the wheels which drives the . fan and crushed in a horrible manner. Medical aid was at once sent for and the wound ed member dressed. Mr. M. yet suffers great pain. On Tuesday, a young man named Haines, living on the South Bide, whilst gunning with his father along the creek north of Plalnfleld, met with an acci dent which may prove fatal. Whilst in the act of discharging the gun the breech-pin flew out and penetrated the young man's forehead. Mr. Geo" Mower conveyed the injured man to the office of Dr. J. E. Van Camp, at Plalnfleld, who attended to bis injuries. On Saturday evening the wife of Prof. Miller put her two little daughters to bed in their usual health about eight o'clock. When the parents went up stairs between nine and ten o'clock, Sadie, the eldest of the two, abont five years of age was found working in con vulsions. Dr. Dale, the family physl cian, was summoned and did all in his power to relieve the little sufferer, but death put an end to her sufferings be tween two and three o'clock on Sunday morning. The distressed parents have the sympathy of our citizens in their sudden bereavement. Carlisle Herald. Cider. Persons wishing to made cider should go to Wm. A. fc Jas. F. Light- ner's cider mill. It has a capacity of forty barrels per day. It Is located in Sheaffer'g Valley, this county. Parties Visiting Harrisburg for goods will find it to their advantage to consult our advertising columns. The Dry Goods house of Messrs. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, and the Carpet house of Sam uel Adams will be found represented on the 8th page. Both are reliable busl ness firms. Church Notices. Presbyterian Church Preaching next Sabbath at 11 A. M. Sabbath school at 9:30. Prayer meeting Wednesday even ing at 7 o'clock. Preaching in the M. E. Church next Sunday, at 7 P. M. Walnut Grove at Ol T nr i T.I. i . . ,. , . - , J f a. au., i ixKCBUurg ai JUf A. Al, Merchants and all other persons visit ing Philadelphia want a comfortable stopping place. We can confidently reooinmend all desiring a pleanact hotel to go to the St. Elmo, Arch street, above 8rd. The landlord is a gentleman who sees to the comfort of his guests and well in short there is no better hotel in Philadelphia. Neeklaee Lost. The necklace which was shown to Mr. Fenstemaker several weeks since was lost by Mary Reckord, and the finder will please return it to Geo. Bpah r. Stray Pig. A white shoat weighing about 30 pounds has come to the farm of Wm. A. Sponsler near this borough. The owner Is requested to take it away and pay for this notice. LACES t LACES I LACES! Just received, SOME PRETTY STYLES III.ACK rilli!Vt'lI IACK, i.aui;doc point lace, and other Styles of Laces and Embroideries. F. Mortimer, New Bloomfield, Pa. Silks for Trimming, in various shades, Brocade Ribbons, Boblnet, Silk ties, Lace ties. Shelton Jackets, and many other goods for the Ladies, just opened by F. Mortimer. Western Union Telegraph connecting with all parts of the world. Office at New Bloomfield in Mortimer's build ing. tf Still Alive I I am still alive and ready in r.ut and tit mi 1 1 n in irnnd ntvlp. If wanting any work in my line, give me a call. Satisfaction Guaranteed. . . SAMUEL BKNTZEL, TAILOR, April 6, ' New Bloomfield, Pa. NEWPORT FLOUR. The undersigned, proprietor of the NEWPORT MILLS, has completed his extensive improvements and now feels confident that he can make the BEST FLOUR in Perry County, and will sell at Rates that the poorest may buy. He is very particular in the wheat he buys, and haB the only Smith Purifier in the County. He is also Agent for the Un derwood Patent Flour, which is the best flour in the World. (ty All kinds of Custom Work done with precision and dispatch. 03m MILTON B.ESHLEMAN. Camphor Milk cures Headache and Neuralgia. Camphor Milk cures Rheumatism and lame back Camphor Milk will cure Cuts, Bruises and Burns. Camphor Milk coats 25 cents pr bot, 5 bottles II 2 ly Bold by F. MORTIMER, Mew BloomBel d Gunsmith. The undersigned gives no tice that he still repairs and makes guns, and does all work in that line. Orders left at ElllottBburg hotel will be attend ed to. Wm. Sweger, 82. Baville township. Notice. A good journeyman Black smith, and a good Wagon Maker can 'rent a shop at a good location, or can find steady work as a journeyman, by applying to the undersigned at Green park. Nathan Henderson. Prime Wheat and Com wanted at the Newport Mills. Price according to the quality of the grain. Milton B. Eshleman, 19. Newport, Pa. W. H. GANTT, Watchmaker and Jeweler, and dealer in Wall Paper, Stationery and Fancy Goods. Send for samples of Wall Paper. W. H. GANTT, Gantt's Hotel Block. 30 ly Newport, Perry Co., Pa. Pennsylvania State College ad mits both sexes. Endowment half a million. Tuition free. Courses of study, Classical, Scientific, and Agricultural. A thorough Preparatory Department. Expenbes $3 to $5 per week. For cata logue, address, Josei-h Siiortlidge, A. M., Pres. State College, Pa. 83 lOt Wheel Stock. An assortment of the celebrated Lancaster Hubs, Felloes, Spokes, etc., always on hand and for sale at manufacture's price. F. Mortimer, tf New Bloomfield. Onondaga Tlaster. This is a Blue Plaster and by analysis is shown to be nearly 10 per cent, purer than any other in use. For sale by Jones Brothers & Co., Newport, Pa. Also, WniTE or Nova Scotia Plas ter on hand, 22 4m New lot of Trunks and Valises Just received. Marx Dukes & Co. We are now dally receiving our Fall and Winter stock of Clothing. We in tend to display a better line of clothing this fall than ever before shown in this county and intend to hold the lead in this line despite all the efforts of our competitors. makx dukes & jo., Newport, Pa. Silks, Fringes and Ties. We are this week opening a new and beautiful line of Silks, Fringes, Lace and Silk Ties, ana oiner iancy goods for the ladles Call and see them. F. Mortimer. It is said that the Arabs in mentioning their valuable possessions always class the wife second, the children third, and the horse first. Many persons in this country who know the value of the horse have provided themselves with a copy of Kendall's Horse Book for further information. You can do so too. Sent by mail for 25 cents. Address Times office, New Bloomfield, Pa. KT"More food and less medicine, more of nonrienment ana strength, loss or the deblllat inllnence of drugs Is what oar feeble and ex hauftted constitutions rennlre." said Barou l.lebig, when he perfected the composition of vue -- man outers. ao Men's Fall styles, Hats and Caps, also a full line of Ties, Shirts. Overalls, etc., at Marx Dukes 4k Co., Newport. See advertisement of Marx Dukes & Co., Newport. To all who are inUerlng from the errors and indlacrellotis of youth, nerroui weaknetf. early docay, loss of manhood, Ac, I will lend a recipe that will cure yon, tuna or cnABOB. This great remedy was discovered by a mis sionary In South America. Bend a solf-ad-dressed envelope to tbe Key. Joseph T. Itimaa, Station D, New lork City. 8 b ly. County Frlce Current. BjOOnriSLD, Sept. 13, IV. Flax-Heed l 26 Potatoes, so Butter f) pound , 120 14 Eggs fl dozen 14 " Dried Apples V pound, lots' Dried Peaches 10 O 12 ots. V SEWPOUT MARKETS. NawroRT, Sept. 11, J 880. Flour, Kxtra, tfi.OO 11 Buper 8.25 White Wheat old bush ;. .. 95 Red Wheat, oil 93 Rye 70Q70 Corn 42045 Oats V 82 pounds 820 32 Clover Seed per pouud 6Htt6Hcents Timothy Seed 2 00 Flaxseed 1M Potatoes, 31O30 Bacon 7 O 7 Lard, VA cents Hams,... 9 cents. Oround Alum Salt 1 10 Ol 19 Llmeburner's Coal, tl 00 0 1 25 Stove Coal 4 78 O 6 00 Pea Coal 3 00 Buckwheat Coal,..., 12 5! Gordon's Food per Sack 12 00 CARLISLE PRODUCE MARKET. CORRECTED WEEKLY. WOODWARD ft BOBB. (JARUSL1, Bept 10, 1880. Family Flour 16 50 Superfine Flour 4 00 White Wheat, new 90 Red Wheat,new 90 Bye 5 Corn 42 Oat 25 Cloverseed, 4 00a4. Tlmothyseed 160 Flax seed 11 10 . O. A. Bait, II 20 Fins do 1 80 Philadelphia Froduee Market. FULADKLPHIA, Sept. 1 1, 1880, Flour unsettled: extras S3 00S3 60 1 Pennsy'. vanla family, S4.50 9 14.75 Minnesota do., (4.800 15.12 ;'patent and hlxh grades, 16.5007.00 Rye flour, SH.2r3.25. Cnrnmeal, 12.20. Wheat, red, 1040106) amber, 1040105; white. 1020106. Corn yellow, 480510. t mixed. 60051c. Oats quiet; Pennsylvania and western white. 40041c : western mlxed,8t37. Rye7O08Oo. N Boson Halbert On the 9Hi Inst., at the res idence of Dr. M. B. Btrlckler. by Rev. H. i. Rice, Calvin Nellson, Esq., to Miss Laura R. Halbert, both of this place. Adaib Siibiblet On the 2nd Inst., by Rev. J. Edgar, at New Bloomtleld, Mr. Benjamin H. Adair, of Cedar Run. to Miss Lizzie A. Bheibley, of Klliottsburg. Toplet Staiil On the 3rd Inst., at Harris burg, Harvey Topley of Newport, to Alice Stalil, of Millerstowu. DHATU8. Kellers At Newport, on the 4th Inst, after an Illness of only about half an hour, Alice Gertrude, daughter of A. M. and Clarissa Zellers, aged 1 year, 10 months and 22 days. Rohm On tbe 10th Inst., In Centre twp., Mrs. John Rohm, aged about 72 years. Cloijsbr On the 6th Inst., at Martlnsbnrg. W. Va., Maggie P. daughter of John L. Clotiser, and grand daughter ol David Clouser, ot this place, aged four years. leona rc On the 2d Inst., In Tuscarora twp., Mrs. Mattie Leonard, aged 27 years, 7 months and 18 days. Diven At Landlsbnrg, September 6th. 1880, of Scarlet Fever, Florence C. Dlven, daughter of Robert and Margaret Dlven, aged 2 years and 4 months. And on Sept 6th, Robert Irvine Dlven, ot the the same disease, aged 8 months. The parents have the christian sympathy of the entire community In their deep alhlctlon and sore bereavement Hut they are not left to mourn as those who have no hope. The good Shepherd gathered these lambs to his fold above. WANTED! lOO Lndles and Genta TO BUY SEWING MACHINE9 CHEAP.' The " Oenulne Singer," ' White," ' New Home," "Howe," "Domestic," "8t John," tto. VS. Oil and Needles for all kinds of Machines. Repairing, ic, attended to promptly. CHAS. W. SMITH. Agent, NEWPORT, PA. r Don't forget the place Next door to Cahdt Smith's. 86 'it Agents Wanted SSSgM: LY KNITTING MACHINE ever Invented. Will knit a pair of Btockings, with HEEL and TOR COMPEETE, In 20 minutes. It will also knit a great varietv of fancy work for which there is al ways a reaay market. Bend for Circular and terms to the TWOMBLY KNITTING MACHINE CO. . 409 Washington Street, Mass. 36 4m Valuable Farm At Public Sale! Tnu subscriber will offer at publlo sale en the premises, at one o'clock P. M on Wednesday, September 22nd, 1880, The following described Real Estate? to wit: A FA KM situate about halt a mile East of Klliottsburg, lu Spring township, containing about 225 ACRES, ABOUT ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY FIVE ACRES cleared and In a good state of cul tivation, the balance well set with timber. The Improvements are a TWO GOOD DWELLING HOUSES, A LARGE BANK BARN, WOOD HOUSE, SPRING HOUSE. DRY HOUSE, HOG PENS, WAGON 8 11 ED. BUTCHER-SHOP, Smoke House and other Outbuildings. . There are also Three APPLE ORCHARDS on tbe place, two ot them young and Just coming I uto bearing. A stream of water runs through the farm and a never failing spring of water is near me nouses. tV. For further Information call on the pram ines, or apply to the undersigned at Green ParW. 4 onus ui a ait w Sim yuiviiaaui. JOHN DUM. August 31, 1880. CAMPAIGN SONGSTERS for both HANCOCK and GARFIELD Clubs now ready. Each spicy, spirited, and splendid, both In musfo and words. The very largest and best In the Held, and the cheapest. Samples mailed on receipt of price, 2c. each. (Hand olianee for agent. and clubs. Terms liberal. For particulars address UNION BOOK CO., 722 Jayne Htreet, Philadelphia, Pa. 87d4t GREATEST RUSH ever knownl 60, OOOl III thirty days, and ZS.OOO more printing 10 siinplv the Immense demand lor the Life of GEN. HANCOCK Mghfya 'by Gen. lianoock, the party leaders, and press i and Life of Utli. UMnriCLU BIN.also strongly en dnrsd. Both omntal, Immensely popular, selling over 10,000 a week I Agents making 110 to (20 a day. The harvest Is September and October. Outllts 50 cents each. More agents needed. For best terms, address, quick, liUBHAKD BROH., Pubs., 723 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. 87d4t Oof CaUlrn f fltn4 tmWnwwfiW, 1w !nrtnn f SnH Op H.IU, rr.mpflM.l'nnehw, Dmm-Mivlr' Outfit. HaU, Kpw hu, Ump, Standi. Onlftta, Hint, on Onr.nWnf w4 Oixlurtlnff lMndU JMfW gt VlUubU WonsaUon foliukWa MiUmU MfCwh! QnU for Arnilmr IVifirta, knd Fatnaai DranrMftloiV Tactic. t bnok ot tn pf, tnMUd for 10 Mtita. . ' LYON A HEAlY, State a Monroe St.; Chicago; 87d4t , CENTS TO JAN. I. The Chicago Weekly News will be sent, postpaid, from date to January 1st next, tor 10 cents. This trial subscription will enable readers to become acquainted with the cheapest metropolitan weekly in the U. 8. Inde pendent In politics, all the news, six completed stories In every Issue. A favorite family ia'er. Send 10 cents (silver) at once and get it until .Jan uary 1, 1881. Eleven trial subsor:ptlons for Regular Drlce Is 75 cents a year. Address VIC TOR F. LAW BON, Proprietor, 123 6th Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. 87d4t flALESMEN WANTE" TET ARS I I Sam I I 5 Out II a' so-"-' V1 We want GOOD MEN to SELL CIGARS tO DKALK1U. II &inK A month and expenses. Sam- Upiw pies Free. Cut this Notice and send It with vour application, a send a tnree ceni stamp to insure au answer. a FOSTER ft CO.. , 37 lm Cincinnati, Ohio. yALUABLE FARMS AT PRIVATE SALE. THE subscriber offers at Private Sale the fol lowing desirable farms i K0. 1. Is a Farm containing Sixty-Eight Acres. All good land. In a good state of cultivation, and having thereon erected a GOOD DWELLING HOUSE, And all necessary Out-bulldings, situate three miles south of Bloomfield and seven miles from Duncannon. There is on this place plenty of Choice Fruit of all kinds, good water at the door, with running water In nearly every field. Price, 12,800. Terms easy. 50. 2. Is a farm situate In Wheatfleld twp., containing about US ACHES, having thereon erected a GOOD DWELLIXG HOUSE, . with all required Outbuildings, the Barn being entirely new. This farm is situate about six miles from Duncannon and four miles from Bloomtleld. There is good water Bear the door, plenty of streams on the land, a good Apple Orchard, and other fruit, and will make a desirable home. Price S2,850. Terms easy, KO. 8. la a MILL PJROPEIITT, situate near Bhermansdale, oi Sherman's Creek. The MILL and Machinery Is in excellent order, with a good SAW MILL and a good CIDER MILL attached, and is one of the best stands In the County, with a good run of custom. There Is also SEVEN ACRES of land with a Good Dwell ing thereon, to be sold with the Mill, and more land can be bad if desired. Price, S5.60O. A large part ot the purchase money can remain on mort gage. NO. 4. Is a Farm situate In Carroll township, about two, miles from bhermansdale, containing about One Hundred Acres, having thereon erected a Good Dwelling, and other Oat-bnlldlngs, A well of good water at the house and another at tbe Barn. There Is cousiderable truit on the premises, and the land Is good and well watered . Price, 15,000, and payments can be arranged to suit purchaser. KO. 5. Is a FARM situate In Carroll township, about two miles from Bhermansdale. containing Seventy Acres, of good land, and having thereon a GOOD DWELLING, and other Out-buiIding. There is a good spring near the house, and the Farm is well watered. There is also a Good Or chard in bearing condition; thla will make a de sirable home. Price, 11,500. KO. 6. Is a FARM situate In Carroll township, about eight miles from Duncannon and five miles from Bloomfield, containing 160 ACRES OF LAND. The place has thereon erected a Good Dwelling House, a New Barn, and other Out-bulldings. There Is also a splendid Orchard on the place. The land Is good, about one-half being under cultivation and the balance well timbered. A good spring is Dear the door with a good spring house, aud the place is well watered. Price, $2,8o0. Terms to suit purch aser JUr For further information address the under signed at New Bloomfield, Ferry county, Pa., or call at bis residence three miles south of Bloom field. C. B. HARNISH. August 17. 1880. JOTICE! In Vie CXiuH of Common Pleat o Perry County: Will taw Jacobs r. Matilda Jacobs. To MATILDA JACOBS, Respondent: Madam Please take notice that the Court of Common Pleas of said County, has granted a rule on you to show cause why a divorce a vinculo matrimonii should not be decreed la the above caw Returnable on last MONDAY of October next J. A. GRAY.SheriU. September 7. 1S88. Our Stock of NEW GOODS for Men's Wear is comDletA. LlllllO. Prices froml 2 eentsuu. F. MORTIMER. New Bloomtleld. Pa