The New Bloomfield, Pa. times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1877-188?, September 14, 1880, Page 4, Image 4

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Hew Bloomjleld, Sept, 14, 1880.
Nn Out orRtarnntypa will b Inurtcd Inthlt pupvr
ttnipaa light faoe and 011 metal baae.
tWTuwntjrporflent tn oiawmi of remilar rf,wlll
MolurRedCuradretUaemeuM ntlu boubla Uoliiinu. ,
Mr. J. H. BAfm, Newspaper AdrertlrtnR Ar'C,
41 Park How. (Times HuIIiIIiif), Nw York, la an to contract for advertisements for Mill
pajier at our best rates.
t.nnkat tho flmircn nn h !bl of rmir prr.
Thooruvum toll y mi I ho ilnte In whlrli yon v an b
ari lpilou lapntd. within II weeka mtcr immry la
Bent, a If tha data la cbaaired. Ho otbar receipt
la neoeaaarv.
The Circulation of Tub Times now
? sceeds Two Thousand Copies each week.
Our mulling list is always open for the
Inspection of advertisers.
The Republican Senatorial Confer
ence will be held at Patterson on Thurs
day the 10th Inst. Each county In the
district has nominated a candidate
Charles II. Smiley, Esq., being the can.
didate named by this county.
TttK Early oottnty, Ga., 2few$ hopes
-that no man in that county will say or do
anything during this campaign that will in
the least disturb the kind feelings that ex.
ist between neighbors. The Newt says :
" It will require an effort to keep down the
devil, but it will pay to do so."
Elections of Last Week.
Elections were held last week In Ar
kansas and Vermont.
. The returns from a number of counties
In Arkansas Indicate the election of
Churchill demoorat for governor, over
Parks, greenback by a majority ranging
between 40,000 and 60,000. From re
turns received and as estimated by those
best Informed, It is believed that the
proposed constitutional amendment re
pudiating certain state bonds will fail to
receive a majority on all the votes cast
as required by the constitution to insure
its adoption.
In Vermont the republicans make
considerable gains over the vote of 1870,
and elect the governor by 25,000 major
ity, and all the members of Congress.
The State Senate will be entirely lie
publican with one exception.
In Trouble From Kindness.
Sheriff Hoffman of Butler, Pa., was
arrested for "misdemeanor In office in
permitting James Borland and Edward
McTiernan to run at large unlawfully."
Upon oath of Samuel Ilea,, Borland and
McTiernan were both convicted of
crimes and sentenced to pay a fine and
costs, and were discharged under the
Insolvent Laws after being in prison
ninety days. McTiernan was 05 years
of age, and the allegation is that the
Sheriff did not look up the old man in a
cell, but allowed him to sleep in private
apartments and to be outside of the Jail.
The Sheriffs reason for this treatment
was that it would be inhuman to incar
cerate so old a man in the close confines
of an iron cell, and would probably re
sult in his death. Borland is also an
old man, and the allegation is that the
Sheriff allowed him to attend church on
several occasions. Both men were sub
sequently discharged by the Court. On
a writ of habeas corpus the Sheriff was
discharged, and the prosecutor was di
rected to pay the costs. Politics was at
the bottom of the trouble.
A St. Augusta, Fla., special of the 3rd
Inst., to this morning's Herald says :
The main part of the ill-fated steamer
was beached on the Island some twelve
miles from the city, near Matanzas, and
her freight strewed the beach the entire
length of, the Island, and also on the
north beach (main land) for several
miles. The freight was very valuable,
consisting in the main of provisions,
dry-goods, furniture, etc, and it came
ashore in great quantities.
The pilots of St. Augustine, of which
there are five, were the first to discover
that a wreck had occurred, and what
was of more consequence to them, the
vast amount of freight already beached
and more coming. They at once formed
themselves into a Joint stock company
for the time and went for that freight
with a vim, Monday and Tuesday, Au
gust 80 and 81.
, They kept the matter of the wreck a
profound secret, and it was a secret well
kept, for it was not until the night of
81st of August that the news reached
the city. In the meantime our industri
ous pilots had worked both day and
night like beavers having entire pos
session of both beach and cargo, they
managed to have many a goodly pile
stored up at different points of the beach,
worth thousands of dollars.
Several trunks belonging to the ill
fated passengers came ashore in good
order, only to be broken open and rifled.
One, evidently belonging to a lady of
wealth, for it was filled with costly silk
dresses and clothing of the finest order,
and laces worth many a dollar 1 a gold
watch and chain, and two valuable
bracelets were found in the trunk. In
another trunk a large pocket book well
filled with bills was found by the fortu
nate pilots.
In fact, they had a bonanza, and they
worked it for all it was worth, having
gold watches, diamonds, well-filled wal
lets, elaborate clothing and many tons
of valuable freight as their reward. In
deed, the latter was In such vast propor
tions that teams were employed for sev
eral days in hauling their find, and
large lighters were loaded with produce.
As before stated, the secret was faith
fully kept Monday and Tuesday, but
when the matter leaked out late on Tues
day night the whole city was alive with
excitement. Everybody that had a
boat or could borrow one, or press one
into service, hied away to the beach.
Nor was this wrecking fever confined to
the MInorcan, or negro, but business
men and clerks for the time turned
wrecker, and the beach was thronged
with anxious hunters for the cast up
treasures of the sea; notwithstanding
the pilots had the cream of the find, and
only the gteftnlngs remained, yet enough
was gathered to repay them all richly,
and enable the major part of the popu
lation to dispense with hog, millet and
hominy, and live on the succulent ham,
preserves, canned goods, and wash it
down with either wine or ale.
An Old Adage Knocked to Pieces.
It is a common saying that lightning
never strikes twice in the same place,"
but it Is refuted by the following inci
dent, related by the Clearfield Journal:
" In June last, a post on the farm of L.
D. Weld, in Beccaria township, was
struck by lightning and badly splinter
ed, and the rails resting upon it were
mashed into pieces. The fence was re
paired, but scarcely had this been done
until, during the month of July, the
same post was again struck and the rails
shivered to atoms. Again the fence
was repaired by the planting of a new
post, and again during the month of
August the lightning struck and demol
ished the new post and fence adjacent
thereto. At last accounts the fence was
again in a perfect condition, but there Is
no likelihood of anybody sitting on that
post to watch the progress of a thunder
storm. The lightning is probably at
tracted by the outcropping of some min
eral substance."
Solving a Difficulty.
A young man and his girl arrived at
Chautauqua at a late hour in the even
ing, and after careful and anxious search
the only accommodations to be secured
were found to be one small room in a
cottage. Then was presented a dilem
ma. To occupy that room together
would be a manifest violation of the
proprieties of life; to return home was
impossible the last boat had left. For
either of them to sit up and pace the
grounds the long night through, or
occupy the chilly canvas cot in the
breezy amphitheatre, was an alternative
not to be thought of. Qenius solved
the problem. A minister was sought
out a very easy task at Fair Point
and in a few minutes a short ceremony
was said ; the twain were husband and
wife ; John Backwoods and his bride
occupied the little room in the cottage
together, aud the proprieties were pre
served intact.
A Rascally Fellow.
A young woman about eighteen years
of age, neatly dressed and of prepossess
ing appearance while walking along a
Btreet in Pittsburg on last Sunday night,
was brutally assaulted by a young ruf
fian, who sprang upon her from a crowd
on a corner as she approached, and
struck her three times in the face with a
hand-billy. The poor girl screamed and
then fell insensible to the pavement. A
crowd collected speedily, and the injured
girl was carried into a house and a dpo
tor summoned, who found that her nose
was broken, her Jaw shattered and sev
eral teeth knocked out. The fiendish
assailant escaped, but the police think
they know him, and hope soon to have
him in their grasp. No cause is assign
ed for the dastardly deed. If caught,
that vlllian should be sent to the peni
tentiary for not less than ten years.
Get Out Your Furs.
Furs will be extremely fashionable
next winter, and more fancy furs will
be used than ever before The manufac
turers are making np finer class of fur
lined garments, and these, it Is said,
take the place of seal garments, mainly
in consequence of the very high price of
the latter. Black dyed lynx and fox,
silvered hare and fox, silvered clipped
coney and brown and black dyed beaver,
will be largely used. Chinchilla will be
more costly this season than last, on
account of the prevailing war in South
Killed by a Falling Ramrod.
A singular and fatal accident occurred
near Fremont, Mahaska county, Iowa,
a few days ago. Two boys were amus
ing themselves by throwing a heavy
ramrod into the air as high as they
could, until finally one of the boys, a
ten-year-old son of Jacob Miller, met his
death by the fatal missile descending
with the veloolty of a bullet and pene
trating entirely through his head, pro
duclng almost instant death.
A Sad Aeoldent,
Friday afternoon a sad accident oc
curred in Huntingdon resulting in the
death of James Lytle, a seven-year old
son of II. M. Lytle, of that place. A
number of men were trying the capaci
ty of several steam engines. As one of
them belonged to the town was being
pulled along the street by a number of
men, including Mr. Lytle, that gentle
man's son ran out to catch hold of the
rope near his father. Just as he was
about to grasp it he fell and before the
ponderous machine could be checked
the front wheel passed over the child's
breast and the hind wheel over his legs.
The poor child was picked up and, ten
derly cared, for, but lived only about
fifteen minutes,
Treasure Trove.
The publication of the article in this
department last week relating to the
burying of a large sum of money some
where in the vicinity of Hanover by a
trooper during the passage of Kllpat
rick's calvary division in June, 1803,and
the search being made for it by various
parties, has elicited the fact from respon
sible parties, that some years since, a
well-to-do farmer residing in Conowago
township, Adams county, near McSher
rystown, about two miles northwest of
this place discovered buried on his prem
ises a large sum of money, the exact
amount of which could never be defin
itely ascertained. Whether this was
the Identical money burled by the
soldier referred to, is a matter of conjec
ture; but sufficient was learned to know
that it was quite a large sum, enabling
the lucky finder to pay off a number of
mortgages and Judgments resting
against him, and making considerable
addition to his farm. Many parties in
the vicinity where this party resides,
are fully cognizant of the fact of this
discovery of the money, and the uses to
which it was put, as indicated. Specta
tor. A Severe Storm.
Long Branch, September 9. The
storm raging here to-day Is the severest
September gale since 1864. At 8 P.M.,
the wind was blowing sixty miles an
hour. The break in the New Jersey
Southern railroad has been repaired but
it is feared the tide at midnight will
make another break in it at Asbury
Park. Portions of a wrecked vessel are
being washed ashore. The waves are
breaking over the iron pier here but the
structure only shows a slight vibration.
Terrible Colliery Explosion.
London, September 7. An explosion
occurred this morning in Seabam col
liery, near Durham. Egress is blocked.
Two hundred and fifty or three hun
dred men are in the pit. Some are still
alive. Communication has been opened
with a group of eighteen men, who are
safe. They do not know how many
have been killed, but fear they are the
only survivors.
Later reports prove that 150 men and
200 horses are dead.
Miscellaneous News Items.
The seventh leather-back turtle ever
caught on the Atlantio coast is now at
Martha's Vineyard, in preparation for a
museum. It is olght feet long, and weighs
half a ton.
Among the special prices offered by
various persons to the woman who will be
married publicly in front of the grand
stand at the central Michigan fair at Lan
aiog, is odo of 40 acres of land in northern
Michigan. Title perfect.
FitEDEiucKBBuno, Va., September 0.
During a severe storm yesterday Mrs.
Julia Fairbank, wife of Captain Noah
Fairbank, was Instantly killed by lightning
near Summit Station.
IIiseville, N. J., September 6. Jo
hanna Walling was arrested last night on
suspicion of murdering her child. The
body of the child was found In an outhouse
having been strangled by a string about his
neck. The woman Is single and respecta
bly connected.
tar.At a murder trial in Kentucky, last
week,. In which Sonator Voorboes was one
of the counsel, the prisoner's brother drew
a revolver on the prosecuting attorney, who
had to finish his speech within locked
doors, and without other bearers than the
court and Jury.
VW A New York merchant, returning
unexpectedly from the country, found his
cook and coachman banqueting their
friends, and learned that they had kept a
dozen or so of them by night as well as
day. He cleared his house by a Bhotgun
VST While Mrs. Sophia Meyers was car
rying a vessel of melted sealing-wax across
the kitchen, the handle melted off and let
the contents of the onp run into one of her
shoes. It burned the skin off her ankle
and foot and oooked the flesh under it. In
some places it was burned to the bone.
IW A Sad Franolioo paper says ! One
of the retail coal dealers who violated the
rule of the trade In selling ooal for less than
the combination prioe, was tried by bis fel
low retailers, last week, and found guilty
of the offense. lie charged the oorreot
price In his bills, but accepted fifty cents
per ton less for a receipt in full. He was
ordered to pay the seoretary $50 fine. For
the aeoond offense the floe is doubled, and
for the third he is denied any more ooal.
Louisvillb, Ky., September 0. To-day
for the first time in Louisville, nogro jurors
were chosen on the grand and petit Juries.
The Jury commissioners in accordance with
recent deoislons, In making out 1 the list of
names selected the proper proportion of
colored citizens among the rest. As a re
sult two oolored men were drawn among
fifteen to serve as grand jurors, while a
number were drawn on the petit Jury.
PETEnsnuno, Va., Sept. 7. A violent
storm visited this city and vicinity Inst
night. Several places were struck by
lightning. At the custom house, which
was struck, several persons were severely
stunned. The Tabb Street Presbyterian
church was badly injured, and the wires fit
the Western Union telegraph offloo were
considerably disarranged and a number of
the employees painfully injured. A num
ber of houses in the lower part of the city
are flooded. The rain in adjacent counties
is reported as very heavy, and the roads
badly washed.
IW The Pittsburgh Leader says : Sev
eral members of the medical fraternity in
Lawrenoevllle are scratching their heads
over a case of birth which recently ooourred
at an humble home on Forty-third-and-a-half
street. The mother of the child is
the daughter of a hard-working German,
fihe Is only 18 years and 10 months old
and is considered small in size for her age.
On the 28th of last month she became the
mother of a large male child, and it is al
leged that the father of the prattling stran
ger is a locomotive engineer who runs on
the Allegheny Valley Railroad.
tW A Baltimore segar dealer went out
the other afternoon leaving bis segar store
in charge of his wife, who sat working on
a sewing machine in the room just in the
rear of tbo store. You can well Imagine
she was rather scared by what occurred.
She suddenly felt a peculiar warmth on her
left cheek, and turning her head to ascer
tain the cause, saw a large Durham bull
holding his nose close to her head. She
gave a tremendous soream, and his bull
ship retreated into the segar store, and be
hind the counter where he got stuck be
tween the counter and the shelves so tight
that it took four men to get him out, and
then they bad to move the show cases and
tW An old German woman, who had
lived in Berrien county, Mich., for many
years in a miserly manner, died recently,
after having long deprived herself and
children of the comforts of life. A search
of the premises, made by one of her daugh
ters, resulted in findiDg a sack containing
$1,500 in gold.
New York, September 1. A human
foot, apparently that of a lady, enclosed in
a high heeled kid boot, was picked up last
Friday, at Bquam Beach, near Barnegat
Bay. The flesh above the ankle appeared
to have been torn or bitten off by Ashes.
The foot is now in the possession of Mr.
William P. Chadwiok, whose hotel is close
to Life Saving station, No. 12.
Washihqtok, D. C, September 8, 1880.
A friend of Senator Thurman, who lately
lea him, told your correspondent that the Sen
ator refused to express any opinion as to the
prospect in Ohio this fall. Bat last night a
letter from the Senator to another Washington
friend was shown, In which a prophecy of
Democratic victory in the State in October
was made. While one of the beet lawyers in
the country, the Senator is not, nor ever can be
a skillful politician. His opinion abont Ohio,
whether unfavorable to the Democracy, as in
the case first mentioned above, or favorable,
as expressed in his letter Is of little account.
There are a hnndred Democrats in Ohio who
have more knowledge of the political ma
chine's work than Thurman has.
Many exaggerated stories are told of "as
sessments" upon office holders here. More
classes are probably applied to daring this year
than ever before, but that seems to be only
fair if we once concede the propriety of col
lecting money from office holders. Certain
local organizations here, however, have under
taken to collect money for the good of the
Republican party at large, and that attempt Is
properly and generally condemned. All
stories of removal from position because of
refusal to pay, may safely be set down as
fabrications. There are dismissals from office
here every day in the year sometimes from
Inefficiency or Inattention to duty, and tome
limes a particular class of work Is exhausted,
or for other reasons but there Is no well
authenticated case of "bulldozing" under this
The result of the Arkansas election created
but little comment. It was expected, of course,
that the State would give a huge Democratic
majority, and the expectation has been real
ized. Nor Is there much interest centered In
the Vermont election of yesterday. The Re
publicans look for a majority of 85,000, and a
vote of about 68,000. The principal feature of
the Arkansas result Is the victory of the debt
paying faction ovor the repudatlonists. The
fight was against the so called Flshback
amendment. It was proposed by this to
amend the State Constitution so as to prohibit
the Legislature from making any provision for
interest or principle of certain State improve-''
ment bonds. At the Democratic headquarters
in this city they are exchanging congratula
tions over the position taken by Arkansas.
Zenas F. Wllber, who resigned the position
of examiner of Interferences In the United
Bates Patent Office to attend to the Patent
business of Edison, the inventor, is In the city,
lie says that there Is now being put up in the
wood Sround Menlo Park a number of lamps,
and at an early day experiments will bs made
which will demonstrate fully the success of the
Edison system of electrla lights. The great
difficulty, which Is now being overcome, Is tt
get an engine suited for the purpose. Such
engines are row being built, and when com
pleted, Mr. Wllber says, will be the last link
necessary to complete in detail the Edleon
theory. Without such an engine Mr. Wllber
says that to light Pennsylvania avenue with
electricity It would be necessary to lay a,
sheathing of copper along the entire surface.
Peterson's Magazine,
Peterson's MagauJnTlome Orit In groat
fore, for Vcter. Besides the principal steel
plate, " The Rescue," which illustrates a thril
ling story by Mrs. Mary V. Spencer, and the
double-sited, colored steel-plate of fashions,
there are two colored patterns, one a ' Baby's
Afghan," and the other a design for embroi
dering handkerchiefs, each alone worth the
price of the number. There Is also a charm
ing love story, Illustrated with numerous en
gravings, called "A Bummer Episode," and
many other good articles.
Specimens will be sent, gratis, to persons
wishing to get up clubs. Address, for this
purpose, or for subscribing, Chas. 3. Peterson,
80S Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Buy your Carpets and Oilcloths at
Makx Dukes & Co., Newport.
Buy your Dry Goods and Ladles' Coats
Shawls, Skirts and fancy goods at Marx
Dukes & Co., Newport, Pa.
Fifty cases Men's heavy Boots, Just
received, from $2.00 a pair up. Don't
fall to see our large stock of Men's and
Boys' boots and shoes, also Woman's
and children's shoes at Marx Dukes &
Co., Newport.
It Will Pay You This
To Buy Anything You
Need in Our Line
It stands to reason that we
cannot be undersold. We buy
in large quantities, sell more,,
and therefore can sell lower than
any of out competitors, We are
now constantly receiving for the
FALL and W INTER trade new
and desirable goods in .
Men's, Youth9 8 Boys
and Children's
In MEN and. BOYS
Boots and Shoes.
In Women and Children's
Heavy & Fine Shoes,
Dry Goods I notions,
Carpets & Oilcloths,
Trunks and Valisesv
Our stock of Clothing can't be beaten.
We have the largest stock of Boot
and Shoes.
We strive to please, and guarantee sat
isfaction. Don't fail to give na for
your Fall and Winter goods.
& cevs.,
S accessor to