THE TIMES, .NEW BLOOM FIELD, PA., SEl'IEMUEll 14, 1880. RAILROADS. PHILADELPHIA AND READING R. R. ARKANOBMENTOF PA88BNGKK TRAINS MAY lOlhT lSBO. , Trains Leave Hnrrlsburg as Follows i For New York via Allentown, at S.18, 8.06 a. m. orNew'vork via Philadelphia and "Bound Brook Route,'' ', (Fast fcxp.) tM a. m. and 'Though car arrives lit New York at H noon. For I'lilladelplila, at 8.18. .4il (Fart Exp) 8.05, (through oar), .W a. m.. 1.4B and P. '. For Heading, at 6.1ft, 8.4') (Fast 11M) 8.05, 9.50 . m., 1.48,4. W.aud.0 p. In. . . For rottsvllla. at 6.18, 8.1)5, .0 a.m. and 4.00 p. in., and via Hchuylklll and Busqijehanna braneh at 2.40 p. m. For .Auburn, at 6.o a. in. For Alleutowu.atJ.15, 8.05, u.Soa.m., 1.46 aud '"xiw MS. 8.0,8 a. m. and 1.48 p. m. trains tiavs through oars lor New Vork. via Allentown. BUNDAYH t t For New York, at 8.20 a. m. ' For Allentown and Way Btatlons, at 6.20 a. m. For Keacliug, FlilldelaplHa, and Way blatiuua. at 1.45 p. in. Trains Lcaye Tor Harrlsbiirg as Follows I Leave New York via Allentown, 8.45 a. in., 1.00 !Leare S'ewYork via "Bound Brook Route."and Philadelphia at T.43 a. in., 1.80 aud 4.U0 p. in., ur rlvlnn at HaiTlstmra, 1.60, 8.20 p. m., and D.Utip.iu. Through car. New Vork to lliirrlslturg. Leave FnlUdelphla, at 9.45a. in., 4.00 and 6.60 (Fust Kxn) and 7 45 p. in. , , Iave l-ottsville.e.W, H.loa. m. and 4.40 p. sn. Leave Heading, at 4.50, 7.25,11.50 a. m., 1.3i ,0.16, 7.4Aand lo.35p. m. Leave Pottsvllle vlaSchuylklllaud Susquehanna Branch, 8.2,s a. m. ..... Leave Alleutowu, at 8.50, 9.03 a. m.. 12.10, 4.S0, and ,05 p. m. ! SUNDAYS: Leave New York, at 5 30 p. in. Leave Philadelphia, at 7.46 p.m. . Leave Reading, at 7.f a. m. and 10.35 p. in. Leave Allentown. at 9.05 p. in. BALDWIN BRANCH. Lrave n ARRTRBCRO for Paxton LocWel and flteelton dally, except Sunday, at 6.40, 9.3o a. in., and 2 p. m.i (lally. except Saturday and Sunday. 6.45 p. m., and on Saturday only, at 4.45, 6.10 aUKeturhin'S; leave STEELTON dally, except Humlay. at too, 10.00 a. m and 2 20 p. m. ( dally, except Saturday and Sunday. 6.10 p. m., and ou Saturday only 5.10,6.80, 9,6op. in. 3, E. W GOTTEN, Gen. Manager. O.O.Hancock, General Passenger and Ticket Agent. i "'HE MANSION HOUSE, New Bloomfleld, renn'a., GEO. F. EN8MINGER, Proprietor. HAVlNGleased thl property and furnished It In a comfortable manner. I ask a share of tlie public patrouaje, aud assure my friends wn'0P with me that every exertion will be made to rendertheirstaypleasant. .....,. -A careful hostler always In attendants. April 9, 1878. tt RATIONAL HOTEL. CORTLANDT STEET, , (Near Broadway,) NEWYOBK. HOCHK.ISS & POND, . Proprietors ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. The restaurant, cafe and lunch room attached, are unsurpassed tor cheapness and "e"e"a ' service. Rooms 50 cents, $2 per day, S3 to $10 per week. Convenient to alllerrles and cltyrailroads. NEW FURNITURE. NEW MANAGEMENT. 41y GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. TRAD MARK The great Eng- TRADSt MARK . . 1 ........ .1 ., ait . , , j ii an jcuicj. ... uuraiiingcumior Seminal weak ness, Spermator. rhea lmpotency, and all diseases that follow, as a sequence of Bell abuse as Loss of memory, w hi BEFORE TAKIRB. sal Lassitude, AFTER TAKING. Pain In the Back, Dimness of Vision, Premature old age, and many other diseases that lead to In sanity or Consumption, aud a Premature Grave. -Kull particulars In our pamphlet, which we desire to send free by mall to everyone. r-The Specific Medicine is soldbyall druggists at $1 per package or six packages for 15, or will be sent tree by mail on recei pi ot the inone, by aress- lug Vwi,ani.' Hlnpk. Detroit. Mich. Bold by druggiBtg everywhere, 24aly. UflDCC Bend 28 cents In stamps or currency tiUliuL for anew HOKHE BOOK. It treats all diseases, has 35 tine engravings showing post lions assumed by sick horses, a table pi doses, a nnni large collection of valuable recipes, DUUtV ruies for telling the agoof a horse, with an engraving showing teeth of each year, and a large amount of other valuable horse informa tion. Dr. Win. H. Hall says: "1 have bought books that I paid 15 and S10 for which I do not like as well as I do yours." SEND FOR A CJK CULAR. AGENTS WANTED. B. J. KEN. DALL. Enosburgh Falls, Vt. , , 20 ly - The Hook can also be had by addressing " The Times," New Bloomtield, Pa. K r f A WEEK In your town, and no capl III tal risked. You can glvethebuslness I a trial without exnease. The best k " 1 opportunity ever offered tor those -II willing to work. You should try f 1 1 nothing else until you see for your- ' v J flei( What you can do at the business we offer. No room to explain here. You can devote all your time or only your spare time to the business, and make great pay for every hour that you work. Women can make as miii'h aa men. fiend for soeclal Drivate terms and particulars, which we mail free. 15 Outfit free. Don't complain of hard times while you have such a cnance. Auuiess u. iiallcii aw., land, Maine. . 401y t.50 to S123 a. Month. ENCYCLOPEDIA ,IAIil n Lw and larm for Dual- MOW TO Btiliees Men, Farmer., Wc. .mmmmm chanicB and Workinitnien YOIII? OWN Selling fast. Low prlre. ww Cire.t succenl. Oneaent I jtUIVPR sold in one town, an tmf Tt ICH other 16 In SO dav, an. ether 75 in IS itnyn. ten lime. Its co.t, and evi rj bn,ly wants It. tend for circular, ana Uruia. AUo General Agents V anted. Addrena P. W. ZIEGLKH & CO., 1,000 Arch 8t.,Fbl-'a, Pa. la ly GUIDE to SUCCESS, WITH FORMS For Business nnd Society b far tbe best Business and Social Guide and hand-book ever published. Much the latest. It tells bom sexes coinnieieiv now io uo everyiiiinK il. U.I u.nv n,.w In Iia vmir nivn Ijtwv.r Ylnw to do Business Correctly and Successfully. Uow toactln Societv and In every part of I fo, and contains a gold mine of varied iniormation in disnenslble to all classes for constant reference. Atik'NTtt WANTED for all or spate time. To know why this book of real Value and attractions aells belter tuau anv other, apply lor terms io H. B. SCAMM ELL & OO , St. Louis, Missouri. We pay all freight. S- Om ill Story of My Courtship. SHE was a pretty girl, was Jemima-1 petlte-Uiat's what I like-bright eyes, luxuriant locks a white and pink complexion, plump and compact. She was always In good humor, and we soon became the very best of frlouds nay, more for who could help being affec tionate toward her V Everybody loved her. When the boatmen called her "a sweet little craft," they expressed though vulgarly, the sentiment of my own heart. I was in love with Jemima, and Jemima well, Jemima was not indif ferent to me. I had not nerve to ask her, in so many words, would she ac cept my hand and name. I spoilt a quire of paper in the effort to utter my thoughts in a letter; so at last, on her birthday, the 15th of May, I ventured to present her with an elegant bound book, and on a little slip of paper inside I wrote : " Deah Jemima-Bv the acceptance of this trlflluK gift let me know you accept the giver 1 ALFRED iJARNSTArLE DOUGHTY. I flattered myself it was rather a plucky thing to do, and It answered ad mirably. Next time I saw her she wbb all of a glow, and when we were alone together, and I was standing rather near her, and said ; " You received my humble offer ing," she burst into a flood of tears, put her arms round my neck, and spoilt my shirt front. Then when she recovered a little (do you believe in Niobe V I don't) she said : " Ha ve y ou asked pa y " Of course I responded I had not. " Then do at once," she said ; " for, goodness gracious me, If he was to find us out in anything Bly, and trying to keep it from him, it would be awful I" It is much worse than asking the girl, especially such a peppery pld party as Captain Wattleborough ; however I screwed myself up, and when Jemima was down about the place, playing on our piano, and I knew he would be making his evening toilet by putting on a pilot coat I ventured to look in upon him. Altera few words on ordinary topics, such as bow Were we both, how the weather, I hemmed and began, ' Captain, I am ambitious." "ltight boy climb as high as you can." " Don't encourage me too much Cap tain; I'm ambitious in your direction." u Boy, you're not going to sea, are you V" " No, Captain ; I I I I aspire to the honor of being your son-in-law 1" The Captain looked me full in the face then said : ' i " Have you money 1"' Of course I hadn't and he told me to go and get It before venturing to aspire to the hand of Jemima. " But, my dear Captain " I ven tured to expostulate. " Get off' my doorstep I" " Let me speak for a moment to Jemi ma." " det ofF my doorstep I" He accompanied this last instruction by a thrust which sent me staggering in to the Btreet. My affair with Jemima was at an end. The Captain would not listen to reason that is, he would not listen to me. All the letters I wrote to Jemima were sent back to me. I grew weary, packed up and packed off with a letter of introduc tion to a firm In China. Well, the for tune was not so easy to make, but at the expiration of twenty years I began to think it sufficiently large to warrant my return to " the girl I left behind me." I had heard very little from home. Fath er and mother were still alive, but the Captain was dead. They had carried him through the cornfields one sum mer's day to the little churchyard, and there tbey buried him. Jemima, I understood lived in the old house and was Btlll single. Bo full of emotion, all the tenderness for the dear girl X had left behind me rapidly reviv ingoff I went, carpet bag and every thing, just as I was, to have the old vows renewed and sealed in the usual manner. A maiden with a freckled face, much sunburnt, opened the door. Could I see Miss Wattleborough t The maiden did not reply, but leaving me where I was, retired to the remote back settlement. There I heard the following dialogue : " Missus 1" "Well, what is it V" ' " Somebody wants you." " Who Is it V" " A fat old man with a bag," ! I could have shaken the girl Into Jelly. There was further talk in a smothered whisper and then the girl returned, and motioning me with her finger, said ; " Come in here," and showed me into the parlor. . The old parlor, just as I had left It, neat and trim, the old harpsichord, ' the old punchbowl ; but 6ome new things a canary in a cage at the w indow, a black, long-legged cat ensconced upon a ebuir. The next minute a lady entered. Could It be y No, Impossible this pale faced, sober V lunged lady with stiff curls, and no more figure than a clock case could this be my Jemima V Where was the old lustre of the eyes where the old bloom upon the cheeks where the lips that were ruddier than the cLerry y Rue lifted up both hands when she saw me. "Alfred I" "Jemima!" We shook hand ; after a moment's hesitation we went further more in ac cordance with old times, t My heart sank within me however, as I sat down opposite to her, and thought of what she was. She looked at me very steadily, and I thought I detected disappointment in her glance. " We are both changed, Jemima." "You are very much altered," she Bald. " You are different," I responded "Do you think soy" "Think soy Why Jemima, there can't be two opinions about it." " It is generally observed j but you "Well, my deary" " You have grown ridiculously stout, and you are bald-headed " " You are not stout my dear; but your balr Is not what it used to be." " people Bay they see no change In me and that I preserve my childish appear ance wonderfully." "Humph I" Our interview was not altogether agreeable. When we parted we content ed ourselves with shaking hands. That afternoon I wrote a note to her, suggesting that we did not renew our engagement. That afternoon she wrote a note to me, suggesting the very same Idea to me. Our cross letters crossed. We are to be friends nothing more. But that could not last. I was the first to give in. I called upon her, and said a good deal, and she cried, and then we said why not f and then she put her head upon my breast and spoilt my shirt front as she had done before. "You are not so very fat," she said laughing. "You are hot so very lean," I said, laughing also. . " You can wear a scalp," she said. " You can dye," I responded. 7 Bo we both laughed again, and it was all settled. We were settled, and here we are out of the fog, and very much at your service the happiest couple in our town. A Queer Branch of Industry How Jew elers are Robbed. A TOLEDO paper says: The writer was talking to a detective a few days ago, on one of the principal streets when suddenly the conversation was in terrupted by my companion exclaiming to a passer-by : "Whatl You here yet V" "I'll leave in in ten minutes, Mr. Blank so help me 1" and the man ex. panded into blasphemous oaths, which are characteristic of his class. . " Time is up," said the detective ; " the next time I see you I will pinch you." . The man passed on. He was a little over medium Light, low-browed, thick set, dark haired, wicked eyed, slightly marked with small-pox and had a scar on his face. His clothing wa9 good ; but he bore the unmistakable air of a thief and a ruffian. " Who Is that y" was asked of the detective. The latter looked at his questioner in pitying surprise and replied : " Why, that is Irish Mike, alias Day ton Mike, alias, Frank Williams, alias George Williams right name Mike Jen nings, of Dayton, Ohio." "Who is hey" " Don't you know him y He is a pen ny-weighter. He had laid a plan with his moll to work the jewelry stores here. I tumbled on it so I have block ed his game by ordering him to quit the town., - , As the reputation of the great Mike was not recalled to the questioner by his name, so hla business was not suggested by the term " penny-weighter." "What Is a penny-weighter t" was asked, with a feeling that his ignorance would not enhance the inquirer in the esteem of his detective friend. " Don't you know t Is it possible anybody don't know y" queried the de tective. ' He assured him that one at least did not. " Well, well, that is strange," said he musingly. "If you don't know I'll tell you. The racket is simply lifting chains and Jewelry at the stores." " Lifting y" was the exclamation. " Stealing," replied he. " But how y " Easy enough. Take a chap like that one I just spoke to. He goes into a jewelry store with a confederate (usu ally his moll), and he and she wants to look at long ladies or gents' vest chains. The chains are In cloths aud spread out before them. Bhe looks at them and keeps the attention of the seller. He gets one in his hand, pretends to blow bis noBe with his finger and thumb and then puts his hand Into his pocket,pulls out his handkerchief and wipes his nose. Now when he pulls that handkerchief he drops what he has lifted into his pocket. That's penny. weighting. ; " Sometimes he will go Into a Jewelry store and pretend to be a railroad man. Then be will pick out an article or Jew. elry, make an advance on it and have It kept until he callsagaln. He will some times make three or four payment, at as many different calls, and on each Oc casion he will lift something aud gener ally gets the article he has paid for be sides.". " But how can he do this Y How can he fool the Jeweler If" : : ' That beats me," replied the detec tive, " In the first plaoe you saw what a give-away his looks are Then bis moll Is a bad woman. Any one can see it who looks at her, You'd think a Jew eler would send for a policeman the mo ment such a pair enter his store ; but he works the best stores. He has played his racket at Cleveland, Pittsburgh, Chicago, Dayton, Cincinnati every whereand on pretty sharp business men, too.". "Do you think he'll leave y" " Sure of it I He knows that every Jewelry store In town Is up to him now, and be can't do anything unless he comes down to clothes lines." " But bow does it pay y" " Well, as near as I can get at it, he lifted in Chicago alone In one year about $5,0C0 worth. This he sold for fifty cents on the dollar. Of course he was pulled, and had expenses; but he gets a living out of It." " Why do you let him go now ? " " Because prevention is better than cure. If lie Is out of the town he can not steal in it. He'll go to Chicago or Pittsburgh from here. They are Ills favorite working grounds ; he'll get to work somewhere, but we will telegraph him ahead, so that he can't do much if the police choose to prevent him." The writer thanked the detective for his useful information concerning the mysteries of the gloriouB art of penny weighting and left him a wiser man. CAN'T TELL HOW FAR HE WILL JUMP. A HARTFORD jeweler, says the Courant of that city, recently direct ed the attention of a friend to a rough appearing old farmer sauntering down Main street, and remarked : , " I've been sold worse on that man than on any other in ray whole business life." , . - ... The man fully three score years and ten, wore shabby pantaloons, rough cow hide boots, innocent of the slightest trace of blacking, a vest soiled in front and with the back partly in tatters ; was In his shirt sleeves, without collar, and his head covered by a tile, fashionable many years ago. " That was about bis style,", contin ued the merchant, " when he dropped in at my store one day during the war, and said he wanted to buy a watch.. Judging from his appearance that he meant something in the future, after the scarecrow season was over and he had drawn his money, I didn't bustle around very lively to make a trade. I thought a ten dollar silver watch would , about close out his pile and shoved one across the counter to him. He merely glanced at It, and quietly asked, " Don't you keep anything better r1" This nettled me and for a bluff I hauled out an American watch, one of the costliest we had in the store, worth one hundred and seventy-five dollars in gold, and gold was worth somewhere about two hun dred then. He examined it carefully, asked its price, and then to my amaze ment said, "That'll do." He dived down into his pantaloons pocket and after fishing out of the way a roll of greenbacks as big as your hat he hauled up a purse of gold, counted out the one hundred and seventy-five dollars, shov ed the watch into his vest pocket and walked out. You may imagine that this excited my curiosity . and after a while I ascertained who my strange cus tomer was. He lived a few miles down the river and Was worth enoueh to have bought out the whole establishment. Bince then I haven't tried any more uiuus on piainiy uresseu men. xou can't always , tell by a man's clothes what he's got down in his pockets any more than you can tell how far a toad will Jump by looting at mm." C3TA Waterbury family tried to evade the dog tax recently. The special officer to investigate the subject of dogs In that city suspected falsehood, so he sent his son to find out. The youth has remark able powers as a mimic, and when he asked if they bad any dogs and was an swered with "No, sir," he imitated a dog so effectively as to start three dogs to barking in the cellar, where they were concealed. O Tumors, erysipelas, mercurial dis eases, scrofula, aud general debility cured by " Dr. Llndsey's Blood Search er." CUNCfVT READING, Don't Fan Fire. If you should come down stairs some day and see a smouldering fire Just start- ng in one of your floors.stealthlly steal ng into your carpet, you would not be very likely to sit down beside it and fan It, much less would you run over to a neighbor's and have her bring the bel lows to blow it up. Not if you were a woman in her right senses. You know quite well what speedy measures you would take to Smother or quench it. Dear young housekeepers, tbere are worse fires which start up silently in homes than were ever kindled by Lucl fer matches. They begin small. Cross words usually start them, but how the fire spreads when once kindled, If only it gets a little fanning 1 One sure way to ran the blnze Is to run over to a neigh bor's and talk your trouble over. Tell just how unreasonable John Is, and how little he sympathizes with your trials, and unless your friend Is an uncommon ly wise woman, you will go home mor wretched than you came, and feeling harder than ever toward John. You have gained nothing, but you have fur nlshed food for considerable scandal, for nothing travels faster than the 111 news that " So and so don't get along well to gether." That which was only a trans, lent flash or Ill-temper has been blown- into a conflagration that is' likely to burn up your domestic happiness. Some one says if there is ever anything for which we are thankful, It is for an gry words not spoken. I would add for domestic skeletons we did not exhibit be fore the world. Better keep them lock ed up In their closet. They will not shock or harrow your sensibilities half so much there. Only possess your soul in quietness, and the fire will die out. If your inmost consciousness tells you that you have the true and devoted love of your hus band, you will not be much moved by little things. Tears and life's mutual joys and sorrows will draw all true hearts closer to one another, and the once vexatious things will seem like trifles, as you glance backward over them. Remember that nothing helps along domestic troubles like talking over them ; nothing smothers them like si lence. ' A little patience and Self-command and the flash lies down. And, oh, bow glad you are that the fair fabric of your home happiness has hot been con. Mimed. ? Something to Reflect Upon. The liquor traffic imposes a tax of 83 per cent, on the people. The saloons outnumber all other kinds of business houses of any one class in the country.' We pay about one-eighth ' as much for education as for rum ; twice as much for intemperance as for the support of the Government. We waste over $700,000, 000 a year for the debasement of the in tellect and the destruction of the body, and pay with reluctance less than $100, 000,000 for education and culture; then we throw over fifteen times as much in to the seething cauldron of rum as we contribute annually to the cause of re ligion 1 Are not these startling state ments ' Do you comprehend the enor mity of this national vice? With these facts before us is it strange that our measure of misery is full ? This vast waste would provide a school-house, thoroughly appointed, for every fifty or our youth, and set teachers In the midst or them, or the highest possible culture. Aside from the lamentable havoc and waste caused by the use of rum, we are compelled to support courts and prisons and an army of official benefactors in the name of charity that would be al most wholly unnecessary were the peo ple taught to shun rum as an enemy. O" It is our manners that associate us. It will inevitably follow in the re construction of society that the intelli gent will be attracted to the intelligent, the refined to the refined, the cultured to the cultured. Wealth has lost its prestige as a social divider, and now there is an opportunity for all, especially for the young, to secure their places and recognition in the good society of the future. 3T Spurgeon says, " he who climbs above the cares of the world and turns his face to his God, has found the sunny side of life. The world's side or the hill is chill and freezing to a spiritual mind, but the Lord's presence glvea a warmth of joy which turns winter Into sum mer." C" No matter how purely and grand ly we live to-day, there is no denying that we may live more purely, more grandly to-morrow. .. . ISS" In this great theatre or life it is permitted to God and the angels . to be spectators, but all men must be actors. . C2T Four things that come not back the broken arrow, the sped" arrow, the past life, and neglected opportunity.