The New Bloomfield, Pa. times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1877-188?, September 14, 1880, Image 1

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in Independent Family Newspaper,
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One year (Postage Free) II TO
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A Bride From the Grave.
IT is almost an old story now, though
I wag an actor in it ; but the world la
ever reproducing itself in some form or
fashion. Was there not an instance, in
the August of this very year, of a resur
rection taking place at Harrington,when
all that quiet locality was startled from
its propriety by the discovery of a body
cast in its Bhroud beside its grave, which
had been violated to procure the jewelry
with which the deceased had been inter
red ? My adventure, however, refers to
the regular old "body snatching" times,
before unclaimed subjects were supplied
to the anatomical theatres from our pub
lic hospitals, and when houseless ruf
fians of the lowest and vilest type made
a livelihood by their loathsome and
almost nameless trade.
I had graduated at the great medical
school of Edinburg, after a hard tussel
with Hunter and Fyfe's Anatomies,
Bell on the Bones, the cell theories of
Schwan, and even grappling with some
of the abstruse and now exploded specu
lations of Gall and Spurzheim. I had
mastered all ; I had undergone all the
jolity of the graduation dinner, and with
Frederick Morrison, if. D,, duly figur
ing on my portmanteau, found myself,
with my college chum Bob Asher (who,
by the way, had not passed), sailing
from the harbor of Leith for London, in
the Royal Adelaide, one of the only two
steamers which then plied between these
Though "plucked" for the third time,
poor Bob was in no way cast down.
With him, study at Edinburg had been
all a sham. He had duly "matriculat
ed," and sent the ticket as a proof there
of to his father, who duly paid for
classes be never attended, and expensive
books he never read. But Bob had
always plenty of money then, at least,
while I had barely wherewith to pay
my class fees and lodgings in Clerk
Street, a quiet place near the university.
At last I had the letters " M. D."
appended to my name those magical
letters which open the secrets of house
holds, the chambers of the fairest, the
purest, and most modest and most re
fined to the perhaps hitherto wild, and
it may be "rake-hell" student, who is
thereby transformed suddenly into a
member of the learned profession, a
grave and responsible member of so
ciety. '
I had graduated from one of the best
German universities, and was turned out
with the mystic letters, "M. D.," to my
A comfortable home, board and wash
ing, with forty pounds per annum
where on to enjoy the luxuries of this
life, were the inducements which drew
me back to London, where I became
duly inducted as assistant to Dr. Cram
mer, in Bedford Street, Strand, one of
those old-fashioned practitioners who
always had a lighted crimson bottle
flaming over the door by night, and had
a dingy little room off the entrance hall,
with a skull or two on a side table,
snakes In "good spirits" on the mantel
shelf, and which by its appurtenances
seemed laboratory, surgery and library
In one.
The doctor's praotlce was more fash
ionable, however, than one might have
expected from his locality, and many a
patient of his I visited In the statelier
regions of Piccadilly and those pretty
villas that face Buckingham Palaoe and
the Green Park. Dr. Crammer was a
fusuy and pompous little man, with a
bald bead, an ample pauncb, and a
general exterior like that of the well
known Mr. Pickwick. He was vain of
his arlstocratlo practice, and more vain
of none than of the family of Sir Percl
val Chalcot, whose Iatst daughter was
said to be one of the handsomest girls in
London, and whose sou was in the
Household Brigade.
I flattered myself that I had rather a
taking manner and gentlemanly exte
rior ; and that old Crammer was a little
vain of me as an assistant, especially
after I passed at Apothecarie's Hall an
absurdity necessary then for graduates
of the Scotch universities, who other
wise were liable to imprisonment.
I soon remarked, however, that he
never sent me to the baronet's. Every
visit there he made in person, and by
himself ; every dose of medicine, how
ever infinitesimal, was conveyed there
by his own hand ; for he liked to have
it to say to a friend, en passant, " I am
just going to," or, " have come from Sir
Percival Chalcot. Lady Chalcot is un
well;" or, "Miss Gertrude overdanced
herself at the palace, last night." So
that great house, near where now the
stately arch is overtopped by that
hideous statue of Wellington, was to me
as a sealed book. I soon ceased to think
about it, and gave all my attention and
skill to the smaller fry in the neighbor
hood of the Strand; and between St.
Clements and St. Martin's there is scope
enough, heaven knows.
One day a professional visit had taken
me further westward than usual, and I
was sitting wearily on a seat in Hyde
Park, near the statue of Achilles, watch
ing the occasional carriages rolling past
I say occasional, for it was an hour or
two before the fashionable time when
a cry roused me, and I saw a spirited
horse coming along the drive at a ter
rific pace. Its head was down, and it
had evidently the bit between its teeth ;
while the reins, which had escaped the
hand of the rider, a lady, were dangling
between the forelegs. She seemed a
skillful horsewoman, and kept her sad
dle well. I saw her floating skirt, her
streaming veil, her pale face, and wild,
imploring glance as she came on. One
or two men attempted to catch the
bridle, but were instantly knocked
I leaped the iron railing, and by the
greatest good fortune contrived to snatch
the rains, to gather them together at
the same instant, to twist the curb be
hind the horse's jaw, thus arresting his
progress; and then, with a strength I
did not think myself possessed of, to
bear it furiously back upon its haunches.
At the same moment that I thus mas
tered it, I was conscious of hearing
something snap; a dreadful pain shot
through my left arm, which hung pow
erless by my side ; but the lady, who
was both young and beautiful, with a
charmingly pretty face, and large dark
hazel eyes, gave me a glance expressive
of intense relief and gratitude.
"Thank you, sir thank you. O,
how shall I ever sufficiently thank
you I" she muttered, hurriedly, with
pallid lips.
"It was well done, miss splendidly
done of the gentleman," said her old
gray-haired groom, who came up at a
rasping pace. "Another instant, and
the blind brute would have dashed you
ag'in yonder gate."
" My papa shall thank you for this;
sir ; at present I am unable to speak,"
she added.
So also was I; but she knew not the
extent of the injury I had suffered, as
she bowed and rode away, her horse
being now led by the groom, who had
taken its bridle ; while I was left there
with my broken limb, and without any
clue as to who she was, save her hand
kerchief, which I picked up on the
walk, and in a corner of which was the
single letter " G."
For a time I felt very faint ; but at
that juncture Bob Asher drove past in
his phaeton, and took me home. Old
Crammer set the bone, which progressed
favorably, and after after a few days I
was able to go abroad a little, with my
arm in a leather case and black sling.
The face of the girt I had saved a
haunting face, indeed dwelt in my
memory; and, now that danger was
past, I , thought of the episode with
pleasure, for 1 1 had scarcely a female
friend In London and I wondered in
my heart if she . ever thought of the
humble pedestrian to whom she owed
so much, and who had so suflered In
her cause. I could scarcely flatter my
self that she did so, for she was evidently
by her air and bearing, and by the
mettle of the horses ridden by herself
and her groom, one of the "upper ten
thousand," one in wealth, if not in rank
and position, far above an assistant to a
sawbones in the Strand. She might be
married, too ; yet she had nothing of
the matron in her appearance.
But often, when I had the opportu
nity, I went back to the place where I
had checked the furious horse, and
looked, but In vain, for it and its bright
eyed rider ; bo I kept the little lace
edged handkerchief as a souvenir of the
About a fortnight after this, Crammer
was Bummoned to attend the deathbed
of an aunt at Gravesend one from
whom he had some monetary expec
tations that were not to be neglected.
The whole onus of our practice thus for
a time fell on me, and I was worked
very hard. Among other visits to pay,
was one at the house or Sir Percival
Chalcot, from whom a message came for
Crammer .urging his attendance without
delay. Ordering the little "plll-box,"
as we called his brougham, I drove off
in state to explain about his absence,
and offer my professional services.
A tall servant, in showy livery, with
the invariable whiskers and calves of
his fraternity in London, ushered me
along the marble vestibule up a stately
staircase, adorned by pictures and stat
uary, into a beautiful little library,
where Sir Percival, a tall, thin and
arlstocratlo old gentleman, received me
politely, but somewhat pompously, and
with an air of puzzle and surprise.
" It was Dr. Crammer I most particu
larly wished to see," said he ; "and he
maybe absent some days, you say?
Very awkward especially as he, and
he alone, knows the general constitu
tion of my family. I dislike to consult
a young man on the nervous disorder of
a young lady, but I may mention to you
that my eldest daughter has been engag
ed for a year past to a friend ; the settle
ments are all drawn out most satisfac
torily,! assure you ; everything has been
adjusted for the marriage, even to the
line of their continental tour ; but for
the last three months she has sunk into
exceedingly low spirits. She suffers
from nervous depression, and at times
is quite listless. Now, I think that
something bracing some system of
tonics you understand V"
" Sir Percival, could I see Miss Chal
cot V"
" Well yes, certainly ; that, of course,
will be necessary first."
" What Is her age, may I ask V"
" Twenty. Please to follow me."
He led me into a magnificent drawing
room, through the festooned curtains of
which I saw another beyond, with buhl
and marqueterie tables, easy chairs,
couches, mirrors and glass shapes pecu
liar to such apartments. There was a
pleasant oder of flowers and perfume ;
and there, seated on a low fold'ng chair,
was a young lady, in a maize-colored
silk dress, the tint of which well became
her rich dark beauty. On the soft car
pet we approached unheard, or, if
noticed, she never deigned to move, and
I could observe the superb development
of her figure, which looked more like
the maturity of twenty-eight than of
Her attitude was expressive of perfect
llstlessness ; a book lay on her knee, but
her eyes were bent on vacancy. . The
purity of her profile was most pleasing ;
her eyelashes were long and black, and
curled at the tips. The masses of her
dark chestnut-colored hair were looped
up on her head in such a manner as to
show the delicacy . and contour of her
throat and cheek, the complexion of
which was pale and clear. Her nose
was straight, with nostrils deeply curvr
ed ; and the lips were full, as if with a
fixed pout.
" It is the doctor, my dear girl," said
Sir Percival.
But she only raised her shoulders and
eyebrows a little, and became again still
and quiet. ,
, " Gertrude, dearest, 'Us the doctor. I
told you that I should send for him."
' He is welcome," replied the girl, as
she raised her large, dark, and at that
time sullen-looking eyes to mine ; and
then added, " But this is not Dr. Cram
mer, pspa." ;
"It is Lis assistant, Dr. Dr.-Colll-ner."
" O papa I " she exclaimed, suddenly
starting to her feet, as the whole expres
sion of her face changed ; " it is the gen
tleman who saved me in the park, when
that horrid animal -and your arm, Blr
was it injured on that occasion V O, I
hope not I"
" It was broken"
" O good heavens 1 and for me 1"
" In such a cause I should have risked
the arms of Brlereus, had I possessed
them I" said I, with unthuslasm.
" Permit me to thank you, sir," said
the baronet, stiffly and grandly. "I
always thought that the gentleman who
had rendered my family a service so
important would have done us the
honor to have left his card, at least."
" But I knew not whom I had aided,
sir, or where to call."
"Most true," said Miss Chalcot; "I
left you in such rude haste ; but, then, I
was so alarmed 1"
"And now, Miss Chalcot, permit me
to feel your pulse."
I put my fingers on the delicate wrist.
Her pulse was going like lightning for a
time ; then it became intermittent ; then
feeble, as the old listless expression of
inquietude stole over her fine face again,
as her mind, probably by the object of
my visit, reverted to its old train of
thought, whatever it was.
Sir Percival regarded us dubiously
over the point of his high, thin, aristo
cratic nose. I was evidently too young,
perhaps too good-looking, or had too
great an air of empressement about me,
to suit his ideas of a medical adviser for
his daughter, so he said, coldly and
" Without disparagement to you, sir,
I think I should rather have Crammer's
opinion, Dr. Dr.Lorlmer."
" Morrison," I suggested, mildly.
"Ah yes ! If he don't come soon to
town, I'll have Clarke or Cooper to see
" Then I Bhall bid you good-morning,"
said I, assuming my hat; but
turning again to the daughter, while he
was ringing the bell for the servant
he of the calves and whiskers to order
the "pill-box," I said, " I have often
gone to the scene of your accident, at
the same hour, to look for you. Pardon
me saying this ; but your face so dwelt
in my memory."
"At the same hour it was about two
in the afternoon," said she, with a
bright smile.
" Yes good-evening, Dr. Short,"
blundered the baronet.
My name was evidently not worth his
And I drove away, feeling happy In
the consciousness that I had seen her
again, and that, though engaged, as I
had been told, I should see her again
where we first met, for her bright
glance of intelligence told me that.
Her father had shown pretty pointed
ly with all his punctilio, almost rudely
that he had no further use for my
professional services ; but I felt deeply
smitten by the beauty of the girl. I
strove In vain to thrust her image from
my thoughts, and recalled again and
again the galling information that she
was the betrothed bride of some beast I
rated him " a beast" unknown ; but
strove in vain ; and found myself going
to sleep that night in my den above the
surgery In Bedford Street, with her
laced handkerchief under my pillow,
like a lover of romance, with ail the
roar of the prosaio Strand In my ears.
Next afternoon Crammer was duti
fully at his rich aunt's funeral saw me
in the park, and occupying the same
seat from whence I started to arrest her
runaway horse. Every fair equestrienne
I saw in the distance made my heart
beat quioker, but how joyous were its
emotions how high its pulse when,
exactly at the hour of two, I saw her
come trotting along the walk, accom
panied by the same old groom, and drew
up, with her little gauntletted glove
tight on the bridle rein, just before me.
I came forward, and, after raising my
hat, presented my hand, which I felt to
be be trembling. . 1 ,
" Somehow, I thought you would be
here," said she, with charming frank
ness, "and how is your armV Better
still, I trust."
" I shall have the splints off to-mor-row
Miss Chalcot." ',
" That is good I'm so thankful I Do
you know that though this is only the
third time we have met, Dr. Morrison,
I feel quite as if we were old friends ?
You must have thought my reception of
you rather ungracious yesterday."
"Nay; but for what does your papa
think you require medical advice ? You
seem perfectly well."
Her face fell her features, or the ex
pression of them, changed as I spoke.
" That is my secret. No doctor can
cure me, or 'minister to a mind dis
eased ;' not that mine is precisely so,"
she added, with a merry ringing laugh.
" Neither papa nor mamma can under
stand me. I lack decision and firmness,
I fear. Dark women are imagined to be
fiery, and all that sort of thing ; but it Is
the fair little women of this world who
possess the firmest will and greatest
strength of character."
" But you are subject to low spirits,
your papa hinted."
" Not naturally ; but for a year past
my heart has begun to fall me in hopes
of the future, why, I cannot tell
you; and now, dear Dr. Morrison,
good-morning." And away she trotted,
with a pleasant smile and a graceful
bow, leaving me rooted to the spot with
admiration of her beauty, the craving
to see her again strong in my heart, and
conflicting with the fear that she was
fickle, had wearied of her engagement,
and had conceived a fancy for some one
else, a year ago. From that period she
had begun to date her emotions of sad
ness. A year ago I had been a hard student
in my little den in Clerk Street, Edin
burgh, a dim shadow in the distance
" Go it, old boy," said Bob' Asher,
who came suddenly upon me a-foofc the
phaeton was gone now" that's one of
old Crammer's patients surely. You
are getting on, Fred, and if you wish to
continue doing so always talk most to
the women and middle-aged ones ; flat,
ter the young girls, but on the sly only ;
and make a most fatherly fuss with
babies, however ugly or squally, at all
Rashly heedless of what the old groom
might thing or report on the subject, I
had an interview there almost dally, for
a few brief minutes ; at times It was but
a bow and a smile, if she was accom
panied by friends, or more especially by
her brother; and it went hard with me,
but I made my professional visits and
old Crammer's practice suit my plans
if plans I had for I had given myself
up to the Intoxication of yes, of loving
Gertrude Chalcot, though she seemed
placed above me by fate as far as the
planets are above the earth; but with the
conviction came the reflections that
were not in my mind when the charm
of her presence absorbed every other
thought and feeling.
When I was alone came calmer
thoughts. She was engaged, though to
whom I knew not, and she might just
be amusing herself with me for the time,
while I was laying at her feet the purest
love of an honest and affectionate heart.
Why did 1 love her ? Curlons fool, bo still I
Is human love the fruit of human will 1
Engaged to another whose ring was
doubtless on her finger another, who
had the privilege of kissing and caress
ing her, while I had but a formal inter
view, a park rail between, and the eyes
of an observant old groom upon us. I
feltasjealousasaTurkor Spaniard at
the idea.
One day I briefly implored her to meet
me a-foot in another part of the park.
She agreed to do so, and we had the
opportunity of an explanation. I shall
never forget how charming my dark
eyed and dark-haired beauty looked in a
yellow crape bonnet that tint ever so
suitable to a brunette with violet flow
ers between it and her pure complexion.
In language that was broken, but
which the emotions of my heart Inspir
ed I told her of the enchantment her
society was to me ; of the love that was
becoming a part of my nature, the love
that had been so almost ever since I bad
seen ber, and led me to treasure her
handkerchief (which I then drew from
my breast), but, I added, that as she
was plighted to another more than all,
as she was so rich and I so poor, I bad
come to the bitter resolution of seeing
ber no more, and quitting England for
some distant colony.
" You love me then V" she asked, and,
with downcast eyes said, " I, too, am a
victim of circumstances. Concluded
next week.