0 THE TIMES, NEW BLOOM FIELD, PA., SEPTEMBER 7, 1880. mt $Iooinfidb Unites. HOUSE, FARM AND GARDEN. Fowls In Orchards. Last week we visited an orchard In which fowls were kert. the owner of which told us that before the fowls were confined In It the trees made little or no growth, and only a corresponding amount of fruit was obtained. But what a change was evident now! The grass was kept down, the weeds killed, and the trees presented an appearance of thrift, which the most enthuslastio horticulturist could not but admire and envy. The growth of the trees was most vigorous, and the foliage remark ably luxuriant ; the fruit was abundant, of large size and free from worms and other Imperfections. The excellence was accounted for by the proprietor, who remarked that the " hens ate all the worms and curcullo within their reach, even the canker-worm." He found less trouble with their roosting In trees than he expected, and that a picket fence six feet high kept them within bounds. His orchard was dlvued Into three sec tions, and the fowls were changed from one to another, as the condition of the fowls or the orchard sections seemed to require. Cider Wine. ' To three gallons of new, unfermented cider, add nine pounds of sugar ; dissolve the sugar by Btlrring it well. Put it Into a sweet keg, and let it stand four weeks ; then strain it through a cloth strainer, and put it either into bottles or jugs; cork tightly, and it will keep for any length of time, as age Improves It. Every housekeeper knows what a luxu ry and convenience a pure, unadulterat. ed wine is in a family, either for cooking purposes or medicinal uses. Tree Planting. Failures in tree planting too often arise from the mistaken notion that when the roots of a tree are once in the I ground the work is done. After a tree is carefully planted it should be mulched with leaves, Btraw, tan or any similar material, not so thick as to exclude the air, but sufficiently to retain the moist ure In the soli; for, although there may be plenty of rain early in the season, the chances are that a drought more or less severe will follow. Tomato Omelet. Peel a couple of tomatoes, which split in four pieces ; remove the seeds and cut them into small pieces; then fry them with a little butter until nearly done, adding salt and pepper. Beat the eggs and mix the tomatoes with them, and make the omelet as usual. Gumbo. Take a nice fat hen or two chickens, cut up and put into a pot to fry; when it is fried brown, not scorched, put in two quarts of finely sliced okra ( the white is preferable), four large tomatoes and two onions, peeled and chopped fine. Keep covered with water, and have the kettle tightly closed. Boiling Beef. Beef that has a tendency to be tough can be made very palatable by stewing gently for two hours with pepper and salt, taking out about a pint of the li quor when half done and letting the rest boll into the meat. Brown the meat in the pot. After taking up make a gravy of the pint of liquor. fLime slacked with a solution of salt in water and then properly thinned with skim-mllk, from which all the cream has been taken, makes a perma nent whitewash for out-door work, and it is said renders the wood incombusti ble. It is an excellent way for preserv ing shingles and all farm buildings. CaTln the last fifteen years the produc tion of wheat and barley in the United States has trebled, corn, cotton and tobac- co, more than doubled, oats increased nearly 140,000,000 bushels, potatoes near ly doubled and hay increased more thau one-third. Rice Cakes. Boil rice until it is soft, and while warm make it into cakes or flat balls. Dip the balls into a beaten egg, and then roll them in Indian meal till thor oughly coated. This done, fry them in lard, which is better than butter for this purpose. Serve them with sauce, or with butter, or with cream and sugar. A Big Success. ( " My wife had been ailing along time ; with dyepepsia and nervousness and was in bed two years with a complica tion of disorders her physicians could not cure, wheu I was led by reading a circular le ft at my door to try Parker's Ginger Tonic. Having been so often deceived by worthless mixtures, nothing but my wife's dangerous condition could - Lave led us to make, any more experi ments. But it was a big success. Three bottles cured her, at a cost of a dollar end fifty cents, and she is'now as well as any woman, and regularly does her household duties. 83, 4t. PERFECTLY SAFE IN THE MOST INEXPERIENCED HANDS! For Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Cramps, Cholera, AND ALL THOBK NUMEROUS TROUBLES OP THE STOMACH AND BOWELS BO PREVALENT AT THIS SEASON, Ho Remedy known to the Medical Profr-sslon has been In use 10 long aud with uch uniformly satisfactory rosulta as VEGETABLE Tt )m hocn urotl with bhpIi wonderful success In all parte of the world In the treatmont of these difficulties, that It hue come to be considered AN UNFAILING CURE FOR ALL SUMMER COMPLAINTS and such it really Is when taken In time and according to the Terr plain direction! Inclosing each bottle. In such diseases, the attack la usually sudden and frequently very acute s tmt with n afc remedy at hand for Immediate use, there la seldom danger of the fatal result Which so often follows a few days' neglect The Inclination to wait and see If tho morrow does not bring a better frellng, not Infrequently occasions a vast amount of needless suffering, and aomettniea coata a 111. A timely dose of Pain Killer will almost Invarlahly save both, and with them the attendant doctor's foe. It hae stood the test of forty years constant use in all countries and climates, and Is perfectly safe In any person's hands. It is recommended by Physicians. Nurses In ITospltals, and persona nf all classes, and Iimfesslons who have had opportunity for observing the wonderful results which have always ollowed Its use. THE BEST EVIDENCEl T hure lrmtr n sod Hifl iriftritfMnA Inmrn mm PFHBV DAVIK'VKmETAHIjK PAIN KUXKrt irfmj tnmily anrl would not on any account be without It. Whim Uholerm km font en Mom In hum. T 11 uvt tin mArllninM of any tort but the Pain Killer, and although mjrPlf and several memnera of my ftxmlly were Attacked neverply, 1 am happy to nay that the Pain Killer waa equal to every emerirenny. I consider I should rot be doing- my duty to the community did 1 not fifty this much. If I were attacked by the Cholera to-day. Pain Klllor would be the only remedy I should nse. 1 have thoroughly tested it, and know it can be relied on. F. E. BERGIN8END, Galena, tMnola. no mmuy enn ai.oM to be without it, and Ita price brings it within the roaph of all. The upg of one bottle will go further to convince you of ita merits than columns of news paper advertising. Try it, ana you will never do without It. Trice 5o. 50c. and tftl.oo per bottle. You can obtain It at any drag-store or from PERRY DAVIS A SON, Proprietors, Providence. R. I. 11 eow lvO A NEW DEPARTURE! BEST PLOW IN THE WCP1D ! THE SYRACUSE CHILLED PLOW CO. of Syvaouee, N. Y. Are now putting on the market a flow that Is as much superior to any Plow heretofore mode as the riows ot the pnst few years havo been superior to those mode half a century ago. It combines all the excellencies of any now In use. It obviates all the objections mado to ny other Plow. In addition It embraces several now features of the greatest value, for which we havo ob tained exclusive Patents. Its Beara,CleYls, Jointer Standard and Wheel Standard will be STEEL, and lta mold board will be a composition ot Steel and Iron chilled under a process for which we have also obtained an exclusive Patent. It will be called the SYRACUSE CHILLED STEEL PLOW lis weight will be eighteen pounds less than our present Btyles. A UraVclass Steel Plow, made In the or dinary way, full rigged, retails for twenty-two dollars. Inferior Btecl Plows retail from six teen to nineteen dollars. The price of our new Plow will be but Seventeen Dollars, and It will be the cheapest Agricultural Implement ever sold. Its mold board will outwear three of the very best kinds of the ordinary steel mold boards. It will scour In soils where all steel plows and all other plows have hitherto proved a failure. With this Plow will be Introduced a corru gated Plow Point and Jointer Point, on which we have nlBO obtained a Patent, and which 13 also a great Improvement, both as regards strength and wear. The Jointer can be shifted so as to take more or less land, and also mora or less pitch, and It can always bo kept on a line with the Plow. The wheel will run under the beam or one Bide of It as desired, and always kept In line. The beam Is adjustable for Spring or Fall Tlowlng, and also for two or three horses. The handles can be adjusted to accommo date a man or boy, on the same Plow. It Is a perfect Plow. Wooden beams are polng out of use becauso they shrink, swoll and warp, and never run two seasons alike. Iron beams are too heavy. Malleable beams become demoralized and bend, which is much worse than to break. A Steel beam Is the necessity of the day. It Is three times as strong and very much lighter than any other stylo. When m soy a Mold board Is chilled, tho farmers know It Is so. We do not palm off on them a composlt ion of various metals and coll It chilled metaL We want agents for this new Plow In every town In this State Wo can give but a very small discount to them, but we will pay the Hallroad Freight. Wo propose to place this Plow In the hands of Farmers as near the cost of manufacture as possible. It will be the hut Agricultural Implement ever Bold. It shall also bo tho cheaput. Persons therefore who are not willing to act as agents on tho principle that a nimble six pence Is better than a slow shilling," need not apply for an agency. No Plows oa commission. All sales absolute. f-Thts Is the only Steel Chilled Plow In the World. Steel costs several times more than Iron. But this Plow, full rigged, by giving small discounts, can be sold for Seventeen Dollars. Compare this price with that of any Iron Plow cvor made. It Is cheaper than any other Plow now made would be at live dollars and a halt Where there are no agents we will, on re ceiptor Seventeen Dollars, send a Plow to any Railroad station In the State and pay the freight. Address, SYRACUSE CHILLED PLOW CO. jr Syracuse, N. " - Jos. Garter & Co.. Andenonburg. Bower .ti TCBOild' LullKl"-g. and Ileucb & Drum, gold, Ickesburg, Agcuis. Z6Al3t All net'sori indebted to said esiuti. alL ed Jo make immediate payment and thoHe huviiiK claims will pieneut them duly authenticated for settlement lo JACOB tin HT. Executor. Cms. H. Smiley, Att'y. March SO, '80. J TJWTAT It NOTICK.-N otlce Is hereby given 2J that letters testamentary on the estate of Philip Light, late of Carrulf twp" Perry Co Pa., dee'd..have, been granted to tlieundersluued residing- at Mitinmiiisilale, Perry Coiintv Pa? Heun. PERRY DA VIA A ROW. 1 know yon nid no tpptlmonlnl to emiYir.ee ymi that your medicine n all that yon claim for it, but 1 onnnot rpwtraio the impulse to commiin Irate to you I he fact that In my family it has truly done wnndnrt. admtnlfiter it to my children (one efghtwn months, and the other three yeara old) with perfect fmcceea. It rosrulatfls their bowcla, and etopa all diarrhcea. Mvself and wife renort to It In all cbbbb, both far internal and external uno. I've lined it in niyfnniilr for five ypflra, and triVI not be without it. TFeolirifj mynelf undpr much obligation to you, In many times beln rlfpvod from pain, I am Tery truly yours, L. F. MUURK. Raufrall. Dutchess Uo..IW York. ,23 FACTS WORTH KNOWING. : 0lnnr,Burlin,MfiTi(lriik(!,8tlllliiln(1 many other of the best medicines known are so 'skillfully combined in Parkrr's Oinorr Tonic an to males it the greatest Bloed Purifier and The Best lloalth and Strength Bestorer Ever L'sed. So perfect is the composition of Parker's Gin 'orr Tonic that no disease can long exist where lit is used. If you have Dyspepsia, Headache, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Bowel, Kidney or' Liver Disorder, or if you need a mild stimulant,' or appetiser, the Tonic is just the medicine! foryoH.as it is highly curative and invigorating' but never intoxicating. I If you are slowly wasting away with Con-! sumption or any sickness.if you have a Painful Cough ora baa Cold, Parker's Ginger Tonh ' will surely help you. It Rives new life anil! vigor to the feeble and aged, and is a certain, cure for Rheumatism and Cholera Infantum. ' It Has Saved Hnndreds of tiros It May! Bars lours. If you are fcelina- miserable don't wait until Sou are down sick, but use the Tonic to-day.! To matter what your disease or symptoms may be, it will give prompt relief. ' Remember I Parker's Gingrr Tonic is not! a rum drink but the Best and Purest Family. Medicine ever made, compounded by a new process, and entirely different from Hitters. ?inger preparations and all other Tonics. Try, aocbottle. Your druggist can supply you. PARKER'S HAia BALSAM The Rest and Host Economical llnlr Dressing exquisitely perfumed and perfectly harmless. Will Always Itrstore Gray or Failed Hair to its original youthful color and appearance, and is warranted to stop its falling, assist its growth and prevent b:ttduess. A few applications of theHAI.SAM-,vill soften the hair, cleanse all dandruff nnclcure itcbin-iand 111! mours of the scclp. Sold by nil druggists ot only Soe 29 d ly E STATU NOTICIC Nollce Is hereby given that letters teitHiuentary on the estate of Siah Kline, lalo of lllalu borough. Perry county, Pa., deceased, have been granted to the under signed residing in said place. All persons indebted to said estate are request ed to make Immediate payment and those having claims will present them duly authenticated for settlement to Wu. A. KLINE, Executor. W. N. Seibert att'y. Blaln.Fa. EST ATK N OTICK. Notice Is herebyglven that letters testamentary on the last will and testament of Jacob Harner, deceased, late of Liverpool township, Perry cnu ntv. Pa., have been granted to the undersigned, residing in same township. All persons Indebted to said estate arerequested to make Immediate payment and those having claims to present, hemduly authenticated! or set tlement JACOB BARNER. Jr., KVKKKLKNMKYKK. W. A. Spnnsler, att'y. Exeuutors. May 3, 1830. IM PO IITANT NOTICE. The subscriber late of the firm of Rhoades 4 Smith, would rMSHMntfiillv inform tbn nltlznna nf HT.ATN and vicinity, that he has opened a WAGON MAHh.lt Hlior, and is prepared to make new waaoiis and repair old ones at short notlce.and at from TEN to TWENTY peroeut. cheaperthan me oid nrin. -Glve me a call. Satisfaction tnmranteed. JACOB SMITH. Dlalu, August 8, 1867. A FULL ASSORTMENT OF HARDWARE, IRON & STEEL WILL BE FOUND AT OUR NEW STORE-ROOM. F. MORTIMER, Xeto liloom field. JZ AtNTING, PAPER HANGING. &0. Persons wanting Painting, Graining. Paper Hanging. &c, done promptly and at the right price should call ou 11 f.NUY RICE. Jr., New Bloom Held, Pa. K)rders by mall will receive prompt atten tion May 1 8, 1880. To Lovers ot Temperance Literate. "THE BUGLE CALL." A Wide Awake, Newsy, Temperance Monthly. 8 pages. 32 columns With departments for Good Templars. Royal Templars. Buns of Temperance, N. 0, T. U , &C One hollar per year. G. M. KAMh'H. Jacksonville. III.. 28 Editor and Publisher. Our Stock of NEW GOOfcS fo- Men's Wesrls enmnlxta. 0x1111 0s Prices from 12V oentsup. F. MORTIMER. New BloomBeld.Pa ESTAT K NOTICK. Notice Is heieby given that letter of Administration on the estate Sarah Uptrgruft have bten grauted to the under signed. All persons Indebted totaid estate are requesb-d to make immediate payment and those having claims, to present, thmn for settlement to J. K. JUNKIN, Administrator. New Bloouineld, Parry Co,, Fa. Aug'itl7,1880-tit Newport Advertisements. JEWPORT DRUGSTORE. Haviniron hand a complete assortment of the following- srtloles, the subscriber asks share of yenr pstronaee. Drugs and Medicine, CHEMICALS OF ALL KINDS. Also f nil stock of Concentrated Eomedles, ESSENTIAL OILS, Brushes, rcrfumery 1IA1B OIL, aud FANCY ARTICLES. Also always on Hand TORE WINES & LIQUOR FOR MEDICINAL and SACRAMENTAL PURPOSES PHYSICIANS ORDERS Carefully and Promptly Filled B. M. E'DY, Newport, Penn'a. 11. S. COOK &. CO., Agree to sell all kinds of LUMBER AND SHINGLES, for LESS MONEY than any other dealers In this county. We will also take good Tlmberon the stump or delivered at our Mill In exchange for Lumber, &e, We use Clearneld Pine and Hem ockonly. W. B. B. COOK & CO., Newport, Terry Co., Pa. October 10, 1878. JONES' BROS, & CO., (Formerly John Jones & Son,) Grain & Produce MERCHANTS, Brick Warehouse, Front St., above Market, Newport, Perry County, Pa, WE would respectfully I nvite the patronage o! the farmers, and tha publio generally, as the HIGHEST PRICES the market will afford, will be paldforallkludsof GRAIN, FLOUK, PRODUCE SEEDS AND BAILKOAD TIES We have constantly on hand, fflSH, SALT, PLASTER, CEMENT COAL, IBON, STEEL, HOR8K 8HOE8,&e.,fte. FOB SALE AT THK LOWEST KATES. 4. Orders promptly filled, Newport, July 20, 1876 tf J B. HARTZELL, ' Wholesale Tobacco Dealer, Wright's Rulldlng, SEWPORT, PA. Sole Agent for Lorllard's Buperlor Tobaccos, Country Merchants supplied with Goods at Philadelphia prices. ' Your orders are solicited. 9 44 B. HIMES, Fire Insurance Agent. OFFICE: South East Corner Market Sqnarr, NEWPORT, PENN'A. FIRE IN8URANCE POLICIES written In first class companies on all kinds of Insurable proper ty, at fair rates, and losses honorably adjusted and promptly paid. Correspondence solicited. Companies Represented : tna.of Hartford, Commercial Union, Fire Association, Phll'a., Assets, $6,700,000. l,44,0O0. 8,778,000. B. HIMES, Agent. March 11. 1880 ly J. M. GlRVIH. J. II. GlBVM J.M.GIRVIN&S0N., FLOUR, GRAIN, SEED & PRODUCE Commission Merchants, No. 61 Sontb Hay, St., BALTIMORE, MD. We will pay strict attention to the sale of all kinds of Couutry Produce aud remit the amounts promptly. 451vr. J. M. GIRVIN & BON. BOOKS! BOOKS! Gift Books, Children's Books, Blank Boofcs, School Books, Hies! Testaments ! And all Kinds of Rooks AT BEACH'S Book & J)rug Store. Stationery at Wholesale or Retail Subscriptions taken for all News papers aud Magazines. E. C. BEACH, Newport, Penn'a. November 18, 1879 8m AUCTIONEEJIS. JAS. P. LATCHF0RD, A VCTIONEER , Would respectfully inform the public that he will cry sales at reasonable prices. All orders will receive prompt attention. DONNALLV'B MILLS. FERRY CO., PA. TAMES CLEELAND U Auctioneer, Offers his services to the citizens of Perry and Cumberland counties. Post olUce address 8herniausdale, Perry co.. Pa. w. D. HENRY, A VCTIOKEKn. BlaiD, Perry county Pa. Terms Moderate and every exertion nmi to render satisfaction. t;tj Auctioneer. The undersigned give Dotleethat he wlllorysales at any point In l err or Daiiphlu counties, orders are solicileo and promptattentloii wlllbe given. K.D.WELI.8, New Buffalo . Perry co.. Pa Q B. HARNISH, Delvllle, Perry Co., Pa. Charges moderate, and satisfaction guaranteed. til D AVID M'COY, AUCTIONEER. ICKESBURG. PERRY COUNTY, PA. to'au call"86' """N1'6, Prompt attention paid AnSTl??ffnT:T,'e '""lerslgned gives ,u, n2E1.Cierthflf 1,6 wl11 cl y Bales at reasonable late. Satisfaction guaranteed. 3. Address i o 1BOH. 8IITCH. Jr., Nov. 18, '78 New lilooinlleld, Pa. p P. HOOVER, ; AUCTIONEEK. Attention given to sales, and satisfaction guar anteed. Prices low. Call on or address F. P. HOOVKU, Augustl 2,1879. Wliottsburg. ra. HNBY KELL, ,., ,. . AUCTIONEER. rnm?ii?h K.c .l!ly ,","m u,e o' ferry !.?'; 'ie ? 111 eTJ a at Bllort notice. ud atreasonable rates. Satisfaction puarantd. -Address Hbnbt Kku, Ickesburg, Pa. JJ0ME MANUFACTURE. LOOK OUT I Iwouldrespectlvelylnform myfriendstbat to tendcalllug upon them with a supply ol goo ofmy OWN MANUFACTURE. Censlstingol CASSIMEBS, CA8SINETS, FLANNELS, (Plalnand bar'd y OAKPETS, &o., to exchange for wool orsell for cash. J.M.BIXLEB. CBNTRKWOOLK FACTOR! . 8,17,lD 81500 TO 1600 A YEAR, or fS to 120 a day In your own locality. No risk. Women do as well as men. Many make moie than the amount stated above. No one can fail to make mon ey last. You can make from voting your evenings and spare time to the Just ness. It costs nothlcg to try the business. Noth ing like it for making money ever ollered before. Business pleasant andslrictfv honorable. Raider, li you want to know all about the beet paying business before the publio, send us jour address, and we will send you full particulars and private terms free; samples worth 15 also free ; you can V,hP.lnal" uy '""' n,illd ,or 5'ourself. Address GEOBGE KTINHON et CO., Poitland, Me. 401j KENDALL'S SFAYIN CUReT It ia sure to cure Sravlns, Splints Curb, &. It removes all unnatural enlargements. Does not blister. Has no equal ior any lameness on beast or mail. It has cured hlp-iolnt lam, ness in a person who bad suffered 15 Years. Alsocured rheumatism Mima frost bites, or any bruises, cut or lameuess. It has no equal for blemish on horses. Hend for Il lustrated circular giving positive proof. Price one dollar. All Druggists I ave It or can get for you. Ir. B. J. Kendall S Co., Pros.,Euoibui'gh Falls, Vermont. HARRIS & EWIN'O. Agents. Pittsburgh, Pa. UIRFQ IMPROVED ROOTBKEB PACKARK, ninCO TWENTY-FIVE t'KNTS, makes llvo gallonsof a delicious and sparkling beveiuge, wholesome and temperate Sold by Uruvpisls. or sent by mail on receipt ol Onts. Address CHAR. E. HIKKS, Manufacturer, 215MmketM, Philadelphia. Pa. tf rin-