8 THE TIMES, NEW BL00MFIEL1), PA. AUGUST 31. 1880. Exciting Discussion. An old citizen of Allegany county, JUL, stopped at Baltimore recently on bis wny to this city, and met ft Somerset county man who was also going to Philadelphia. lie wanted to take the 7 o'clock train from the Philadelphia, Wilmington and Balti more Railroad's President-street dopot,and got a policeman to wake him up au hour too soon. He ate his breakfast at the depot, and while In the restaurant he met the Somerset man. They got to talking politics over their coffee, and while they talked the 7 o'clock train started, leaving them. They swore they wouldn't miss the 8 o'clock train, and went on talking. They again got deeply Interested in the po litical situation, and stopped In time to see the 8 o'clock train for Philadelphia three squares away and just turning out of sight. They resolved not to go out again, but to " fool around the depot" till the 10.15 train left. Having breakfasted In a big hurry before 7 o'clock, they felt hun gry, aud took another meal. While they were eating and discussing politics, a little colored boy, who had seen them disappoint ed twice, said, "Gentlemen, de 10.15 train am going." They rushed after it with their napkius still banging at their necks, but that train was too far gone. Fortunate ly, they got the next train after that. Politics is very absorbing sometimes. A Counterfeit Curiosity. A curiosity in the shape of a counterfeit has been received at the secret service bu reau. It is a trade dollar, which has been neatly scooped out in the center, leaving only a thin plate on each side. The cavity was filled with solder, and the edges bound -with a rim of silver which had been skill fully milled in exact imitation of the genu ine work. The remarkable feature about the coin is that the weight and ring of the genuine coin bad been successfully imitat ed, and the coin was detected only by the merest accident. From the fact that the work was of such a character and such a small profit was realized, it is believed that it was done in China and sent over to this country. This method of robbing Uncle Sam is not unknown in this country, but it is seldom that the skill is re quisite for the work is satisfied with the small profit arising from the manufacture of coins of small denominations. Gold coins of the denomination of $10 and $20 have frequently been doctored in this way. What Next? "New York has got another beautifying catchpenny. He is a French Burgeon, a graduate of the School of Modiclne, Paris. He makes dimples on ladies' faces, fully equal to the natural article. 'A natural dimple,' says he, is simply a slight hollow botween to muscles, and the skin is more firmly attached to the subjacent tissues at this point than at other points. Hence, when the muscles contract, as in the act of smiling, the skin is drawn into the hollow, forming a dimple. I make a puncture in the skin at the point where the dimple is required a puncture that cannot be no ticed when it is healed and with a very delicate instrument I remove a small port tion of msucle ; then I excite a slight infia mation, which attaches the skin to the sub cutaneous hollow I have formed. In a few days the wound if wound it may be called has healed, and a charming dimple is the result.'" A Nice City to Live in. New York, August 22, About four o'clock this morning a gang of five thieves boarded one of the Third-avenue horse-cars on the Bowery near Spring street, and first robbed the driver of $1.41. When the conductor came to the forward plat form to oollect their fare they rushed past . him into the car, and drawing revolvers robbed several passengers of watches and money. One passenger was lifted bodily out of the car, knocked down and kicked into the street. It is said that a policeman came along, when some one said to him : " It's all right, Jackson," and he made no arrest. The plan of the thieves was so well arranged that the affair was all over in three minutes. Infants Drowned Like Kittens. Cincinnati, August 22. The Gazette's special from Marietta, Ohio, says : The people of the town of Lowell, ten miles distant, on the Muskingum river, were horrified to find yesterday morniDg that the twiu children of John Farley had been drowned in a tub of water during the night. The father and mother were arrested. The children were only one month old. i lie parents are very poor. Farley Is given to drink. Tbey both deny the crime ; but Farley says he believes his wifa drowned the babies. They have , th ree other children. A Queer Clock. , A man in Pawtucket, R. I., has a queer clock of his own invention, which regulates the entire household and never requires winding, the front door as it is opened aud shut during the day performing that work. Within the dial is an ingenious mechanism by which the light in the front hall Is turned up as night approaohed,and again Is towered as bedtime comes. A.S morning dawns, and it is time that the servants are up, the clock rings a bell lu the back hall, summoning them to work. An hour later a bell in the front lm'l warns the family that it is time to rise, and a half hour still later another peal of the bell summous them to breakfast. A Female Tramp with a Razor. Before daylight one morning last week Samuel Bnyder, n farmer residing in Williamstown, was awakened by a pound ing on his front door. On going to the door he found two drunken tramps, a man and a woman, who demanded admission. They were ordered away. The man went out of the yard, but the woraau drew a razor and attacked Suyder, Inflicting several ugly gashes, from which ha bled freely, and became so weak as to be unablo to follow the tramps, who escaped. tSPIt has just been brought to light that Benjamin Zechlor, a lunatic, has been confiued by his brother Jacob for 27 years in a house specially built for him, lu Alba ny township, Berks County, near Heading. When found he was chained to the floor in a room about eight feet square, with only one window for ventilation. This1 chamber was in a shocking state, the filth being a foot thick on the floor. The man was perfectly nude, and in the entire twen ty-seven years he had never been washed, combed or shaved. ftg"Tho ceremony of marrying John Hal and the widow miller was performed by a Justice at Cincinnati, Ohio. The couple went to a restaurant for a wedding dinner. After the meal was over the husband said that he had au errand to do, but would not be abseut more tlaa ten minutes. He put one arm around the bride's neck, kissed ber, aud with the disengaged band took $300 from her pocket. She has not seen him since." G3TAn aged couple by the name of Sheifly, living in Montgomery county, have been married seventy-two yeais. Women that have been pronounced incurable by the best physicians in the country, have been completely cured of female weakness by the use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Bend to Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham, 233 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass., for pamphlets. 341m A Grand Western Excursion 1 A GRAND EXCURSION to Southern Kansas, will leave HAKKIsHUKtJ, on TUESDAY. Hep temberHth, 1880, going via Pittsburgh. St. Louis and Kansas City, passing through the Great Spring Kiver and Neslio Valleys of Southern Kansas by daylight, giving all an opportunity of viewing the finest, cheapest and best tanning lands in Kansas, and where the crops of 1880 are positively the best Kansas has ever known. This will be particularly Interesting to farmers of Pennsylvania, contemplating moving to Kansas. This Excursion Is given by the Kansas City, Law rence, Southern mid Kansas City, Ft. Hcott and Gulf K. R. Co's for the purpose of showing 610, 000 Acres of the finest Panning Lands In Kansas, selling from 12 P0 togs 00 per Acre on long time. Excursionists will be shown over these lands free of charge. -The undersigned has completed arrange ments with the lines running west for special low rates, giving all an opportunity to Join this, one of the most pleasant excursions of the seasou. t Send for Emigrant's Guide, an eight page paper full of general information for everybody going to Kansas. Western Land exchanged for Real Estate In the East. B. For Rates of Fare, Maps and General In formation, call on or address SAMUEL FLTCKINGER, Distkict Agent. No. 1210 N. Third St., 32 lm Harrisfeurg, Pa. M EDICAL NOTICE! DR. 0. P. BOLLINGER, Having located permanently In NEW BL00HF1ELD, Offers his professional services to the oltizens of the Borough aud surrounding country. Dr. B. has been engaged In an extensive prac tice for over 28 years. He has also served his country In the capacity of Surgeon to the 78th Pa. Vol. Infantry during the late Rebellion, holding his Commission from the then Governor of this Commonwealth. His credentials are from one of the best Medical Colleges In America. His success as a practitioner of medicine is ac knowledged by recommendations from former patrons, which are free for Inspection at all times. IN THE TREATMENT OF Chronic Diseases he has had very extensive experlence,and hascured many hopeless cases, atter years of fullering, and expeuse Incurred In seeking relief elsewhere. Among the many chronic complaints treated successfully are Asthma. Bronchitis, Laryngitis, Hemorrhage of the Lungs, Consumption, (first and second stages.) Heart Disease, Dyspepsia Liver Complaint, Melancholia, Scrofula or King's Evil, Skin Diseases. Chronic Hheumatlsm, Goitre, or enlargement of Die Glands of the neck.Dropsy, Files, chronic Diarrhasa.Constipatlou of the Bow els, Sick and Nervous Headache, Neuralgia, Diseases of Females. Tumors, Kidney Diseases, Enlarged Spleen. Epilepsy, Deafness, Chronlo Chills and Ague. Diabetes Mellilus, old running sores. Tapeworms removed. Dr. B. does not confine himself to any one par ticular system of medicine. He uses all the late improved methods and remedies, as also Magneto Electric, or . jtfedical Electricity, which Is to successfully used at the present day In many forms of nervous complaints. In the treatment of the Lungs and air passages he uses INHALATIONS, which carries the medicine direct to the diseased parts. When an Incurable case presents Itself he Is free and candid (u telling the patient lhat he can not cure him, thug avoiding further expense. In chronic offmetiOlt Is always best for patients to call at his olttce for personal examination and treatin jut, when that Is practicable. Rooms for the prestnt at The Perry House. CONSULTATION FKEK. Bloorafleld, May 4, 1880. Great lleduction in Prices AT IRA STORE IN BLAIN, PENN'A. In order to niake room for the reparation about to take place in our Store Room, we will sell goods at GREATLY REDUCED Prices for The Next Sixty Days. Notice to Air. tj Mrs. I have just returned from the City with lots of NEW GOODS among which are some GREAT BARGAINS. I have Prints at 4, yard. All warranted see the styles. I have a splendid wear from 12 cents 1 have a handsome and Brocade Silks for sure to Please. I have a nice line of Laces, Embroideries, Ribbons, Ties and Notions. I have an assortment of Hosiery from 5 cents per pair upwards. I have the Cheapest stock of Sugars, 'Cof fees and other Groceries in the County. I have a general assortment of goods which I mean shall be sold at Prices which cannot be beat. F. MORTIMER Now Bloomlield, Pa. JHE ST. ELMO HOTEL, 817 & 319 ARCH BTREET, PHILADELPHIA, has reduced the rates to PElt DAY. The high reputation of the house will be main tained In all respects, and the traveling public will still hud the same liberal provision for their comfort. The house been recently refitted, and Is com plete In all its appointments. Located in the Im mediate vicinity of the large centres of business and of places of amusement, aud accessible to all Kailroad depots and other parts of the City by Btreetcars constantly passing its doers, it oilers special inducements to those visiting the City on business or pleasure. JOS. M. FEtiER, Proprietor- THE BONANZA FOR HOOK AGENTS Is selling our two splendidly Illustrated books, Lives of Hancock and Garfield, the first, written by his life-long friend, Hon. J. W. Forney, an author, of national fame, and an ardent admirer of the "superb soldier ;" the sec ond written by his comrade-in-arms and personal friend, ien. .las. 8. Brisbln, an author of wide celebrity. Doth official, low-priced, immensely popular, and selling beyond precedent. Agents uouuie proms oy selling doiu. uuiuis socts. each Aot quick and coin money. HUBBAKD BKOS. 723 Chestnut tit., Philadelphia. 33 it JLOOMFIELD ACADEMY. The next regular session of this institution be gins MONO A Y, September 6th, 133U. Full preparation, Classical or otherwise. Is giv en for any College Male or Female either for Freshman or Hophomore year. A thorough course Is provided for teachers, and the option Is given for selecting one or two of the higher studies. Music. Drawing? andPalntlnz. Philosophical and chemical apparatus for the tudy of the Natural Sciences. Literary Society Library. Students are at all times under the supervision of the Principal, and (heir progress and conduct noted on their weekly reports. . Boardinu. If uaid In advance. 82.50 per week, otherwli-e, S2.7B. Tuitluu from 60 cents to 81. ou per week in advance. For further Information address J. ft. FLIUKINGF.K. A. B.. Principal, or Wm. Ghikk. Proprietor, New Blooinfleld, Perry Co., Pa. August ll1880. CHEAP HOMES! IN A MILD CLIMATK. In North Carolina good Farming. Grazing and Mineral Lands can be Ywillilit Vfirv (lhMn Tha nil, nta la mil. 1 a.mnhla healthful. The soil Is good and capable of the nignesiaeveiopmeui. nveryiniiig grown lu ine Union Is grown In its limits. I'ouuUtlon law- abiding and hospitable. Taxes Light. Manufac tures multiplying and prosperous. Endless water Dowers. Corresoondence iuvlta,!. Information promptly giveu. Apply to the Department of J Agriculture, Raleigh, N. C. 33 Alt 5, 6 and 7 Cents per fast colors. Come and line of goods for men's to $4.50 per yard. assortment of Plain Trimmings at Prices TEACHERS and STUDENTS, SBO to OO, or $200 per month dnrlng vaca tion. For full nartlculars. address. 33A4t J. C. McCUltDY & CO., Philadelphia, Pa. A Large Farm for Sale. A GOOD FARM OF ABOUT THREE HUN. DKF.D ACRES more or less. In Perry County, Pa., heavily set with Pine, White Oak, aud Hock Oak Timber, together with choice fruits. Mountain water conveyed in pipes to the door of the dwelling. - t or lurtner particulars can at mis omce. August 10, 1880. tf IMPORTANT! The Meriden Purchasing Co., West Meriden, Conn., Have Issued a most valuable Catalogue for House hold reference, containing the NET CASH PHICES at which they will sell any of the pro ductions of the Celebrated Factories of Meriden, Consisting of every conceivable pattern of Plain and Ornamental Silver Plated and Cut Glassware, Lamps, Chandeliers and Bronzes, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Shears, Scissors and Razors, The Unri valed Wilcox & White Or gans, the well-known Parker Guns, and Novelties and Specialties of many Descriptions. Persons desiring Standard Articles of Unques. tlonable Merit, for 'Weddings, Presents, Orna ments or Use, , At Meriden Prices, can procure Catalogues free of charge at the office of this paper, or from The Meriden Purchasing Co., West Meriden, Conn. In sending for Catalogue, or In giving an orde, f 'lease mention that the adverlseuieut was seen U TUB TlMKS. NEXT M BAYS We will offer our Immense Stock AT A IF YOU WANT CLOTHING IF YOU WANT Boots and Shoes, IF YOU WANT Dry - Goods, IF YOU WANT CARPETS, IF YOU WANT HATS AND CAPS, . IF YOU WANT Trunks and Valises, IF YOU WANT jlaiii:s AND GEXTS FURNISHING GOODS, GO TO MARX DUKES & CO'S., Successor to ISIDOR SCHWARTZ, EBY'S NEW BUILDINC, NEWPORT, PA. 14 STOP ORGANS ped,onlyS5. New Pianos, $1H6 to 11,600. Mid summer offer Illustrated free. Address. DAM EL F. BE ATT Y, Washington, N. J. 32d4t AGENTS WANTED for Smith's Bible Dictionary and HOLMAN'g NEW PICTO RIAL BIBLES. Address, for Circulars, A. J. Holinan & (Jo., Philadelphia. 32d4w GENTS take your choice to sell the Life of Garfield or Hancock And coin money. Circulars and terms free. Outfit M cents. K. B. TREAT, Pub., 757 Broadway, New York Citv. S2d4t DO not confound this Matchless Renovator of Feeble and Exhausted Constitutions with vio lent cathartics, cheap decoctions of vile drugs, and ruinous Intoxicants Innocently labeled "bit ters." Malt Bitters appeal to popular confidence because prepared from Unfermeuted Malt, Hops, and (jufulne, and other precious ingredients, according to the process of Lleblg, and are richer tn the elements that restore to permanent health the ".Weak. Convalescent, Consumptive, Over, worked. Nervous, Sleepless, 'Dyspeptic Bilious, and Fickle in Appetite, than all other forms of Malt or Medicine. The genuine are plainly sign ed by the comnanv. Isold everywheve. MALT BITTELS COMPANY, Boston, Mass. 32d4t Holbrook's Military School, SI1VO HIIN'O, IV. Y. Re-opens Tuesday evening, Sep. Uth. Address, 3ZA2ui Hssv. I). A. HoumooK, ph. D. TRESPASS NOTICE.-A11 persons are for bidden to allow their cattle to trespass oil my premises In Centre two., aud cattle found trespassing will be held untlf damages are paid. . , AMOS HOFFMAN. July 13, 1880. GREAT SACRIFICE fit Sk H 1? P THE NEW FCGD MEDICINEg