THE TIMES, NEW 11L00MFIEL1), l'A., AUGUST 31, 1880. L'rofosHional Cards. JOHN CALVIN WALLI9, Attorney at-Law, Bin! District Attorney. New Hloomflold. Perry Co., Pa. aT-Oftlce over Mortimer's new mora. All legal business promptly and carefully trausacted. tiny 4, IbsU. JB. JUNKIN, Attorney-at-Law, New Hloomlluld, Perry Co., Pa. ar OfUee Next door to llie residence ofjudge JnuKln. &tl AM. MARKEL, Attorney-at-Law, New Bloomtleld, Perry county, Pa. Mf Olllca opposlto the Mansion House, aud three doors east of the Post-Ulllce. r Evi8 rorxKii, ATTUHNBV AT LAW, NEW BLOOMWELD, PERRY CO., PA. arClalms promptly scoured collected Writings aud all legal business carefullyattend edto. iayl CHARLES H. RMILE1, Attorney at Law. New Bloomtleld, Perry Oo. Pa. nr Oltlue two doors eait ot Joseph Smith's hotel. August a, 1872. WM. A. 8PON8LEH, Attorney-at-Law, Omee adjoining his residence, on East Main street. New Bloomtteld, Terry co., Pa. 8 11 ly WM. N. BEIBERT, Attorney-at-Law, New Bloomtleld, Perry oo.. Fa. Bloomtleld, 8 331v. rKWIS POTTER, notart public, New Bloom I .1 1 1 1 , la Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages and Leases carefully nretared and acknowledgements taken. All kinds ot Pension and Bounty papers drawn and certined, will also take depositions ue rei-o. in any court mine united states, i iuiy CHAS.J.T.McINTIRE, Attorney-at-Law, New Bloomtleld. Perry co.. Pa. All prof esstonalbusinesspromptlyandfalth fully attended to. 3 2 1 v. -W WW r A ,tflllIU.tT . 1TI l.J IV IV I 1 , JUSTICE OF THE PEACE and GENERAL COLLECTOR, NewGekmantown, perryco., pa. Remittances will be made promptly for all 'jouectionsmaae. n OHA8. A. BARNETT, Attorney-at-Law, New Bloomtleld. Perryco., Pa .Omee on high street. North side, nearly op ponite the Presbyterian Church. 3 21y ML. LIGGETT. Attobnst-AT-Law, Newport, Perry County. Pa. Having permanently located at Newport, will give prompt and careful attention to all bust uess matters committed to his care. Otllce, No. 30 North Second Street. Newport, April 2P 1S7 S. TSUNDY, M. D. U Physician and Surgeon. A graduate of Cleveland Medical College. Located permanently In the borough of Bloom. Held. Oilers his professional services to the citl Zfliis of Bloomtleld and curroundlng vicinity. C UIs in the country attended to promptly. Otllce on Carlisle street, the one formerly occupied by Dr. Aid. 19 6in D R. R. M. ALEXANDER, SURGEON DENTIST, Wew Bloomtleld, Perry County, Pa. Office on Carlisle, St., directly opposite the Pros byterian Church. Everything belonging to the profession done In the best manner. 3Ai,l Wohk Warranted. Terms moderate. 23 j w.rowe,m7d: Physician and Surgeon Dentist. Office near Blxler's Mills, where all professional business will be promptly attended to. Dental work of all kinds warranted In price and quality. May 25, '80, ly. MRS. LYDIA E. PiNKHAM. OF LYNN, MASS. DISCOVERER or LYDIA E. PEN-CHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND. The Positive Cmn For all Female Complaints. This preparation, m its name, consists ot Vegetable Proportlea that are harmless to the most del' teste Invalid. Upon one trial the merlta of this Com pound will be recognised, a. relief u Immediate j and when Manse la continued. In ninety-nine oaaoa In a Iran, tired, apennanentoarelselTectevlathouBanda will tes tify. On account ofltsproren merits, It la to-day re commended and prescribed by the beat physician, in the country. It will cure entirely the wont form of falling of the uterus, LeucorrhoBa, Irregular and painful Menstruation, an Ovarian Troubles, Inflammation and Ulceration, Flooding, all Displacements and the con sequent spinal weakness, and is especially adapted to the Change of Ufa. It will disaolre and expel tumora from the uterus in an early stage of development. The tendency to oanoerous human there la checked very speedily by its use. In fact It boa proved to be the great est and beat remedy that haa ever boon discover ed. It permeates every portion of the system, and gives new life and vigor. It removes fain tneea, flatulency, de stroys all craving for stimulants, and relieves weakness of the stomach It cures Bloating, Heodachos, Nervous Prostration, General Debility, Sleeplessness, Depression and IntU , geatlon. That feeling of bearing down, causing pain, weight and bars-ache, is always permanently cured br Its use. It wlllc all times, and under oil clrcunihtsn oea, act la harmony with the law that governs the femalesyatem. For KldneyCmnplalnta of either sex this oompoune is unsurpassed. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound la prepared at S3 and at Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass. Price $1.00. Six bottles for ft.J.00. Sent by mail In tho form of pills, also In the form of Loaenges, on receipt of price, l.oo, per box, for either. Mrs. nXKHAM ' freely answers all letters of inquiry. Bend tor pom- i pules. Address a. above MatUtm this paper. No family should be without LYDIA E. PINKHAM' LTVEH I'lIlA They curs Constipation. Biliousness, ' nd Torpidity of the liver, t& cents per box. W.GEO. A. KELLY&CO , General Agents, Pittsburgh, Fa. Also for Bale by Jacob Ktrlck lur, New BlonnCeld, Pa. 27uly E STATU NOTICK. Notlceis hereby gly. en that Letter of Administration on th estate of Andrew J. Burd. of Bulfalo township. Perry county, Pa dee'd. have been granted to John Potter of said township. All persons Indebted to said estate are requested lo make Immediate payment, and thoie having claims against said nil ul will present them duly autheutioated for settlement to JOHN POTTER, , Administrator. Lewl Pottter, ttt'y. 19 et. - mm ilfii -inti if "w -rr i'r iNilludolpliia Advertisements ltcady Mixed P.iints ! JUCAS' READY MIXED PAINTS ! NOWATKR.NO chemicals, no benzine, BUT A PURE OIL I'AIKT, READY FOR USE. 80 BEAUTIFUL SHADES OF .PAINT BENT BT MAIL. IT IS PUT ON LIKE OTHER PAINT. MADE Willi I.KAIJ ANUU1L, VIZ! NICELY BKUHIiED OUT. NOT FLOWED ON LIKE WATER PAINT. TRY IX, And Ion Will Proye II to be the Best Liquid i'uiiit In the Market. JOHN LUCAS .Sc CO., Philadelphia, MANUFACTURERS OF Swiss ami Imperial French Green, WHITE LEAD, COLORS, VARNISHES, &c ZtST For Sample Cards apply to F. Morti mer, Now Bloomtleld, Pa., or to John Lucas & Co., Philadelphia. EIGLER & SWEARINGEN Successors to BH AFFNER, ZIEGLEK & CO., Importers and Dealers In Hosiery, filoves, KIbboiis, Suspenders, THREADS, COMBS, and every varlnty of TRIMMINGS & FANCY GOODS, No. 36, North Fourth Street, PHILADELPHIA, PENN'A Agents for Lancaster Combs. w. H. KENNEDY TRIMBLE, BRITTON & Co., WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. 609 MARKET BTREET, PHILADELPHIA. 1 1 gowER, pons & CO., BOOKSELLERS. STATIONERS, And Dealers Id CURTAIN & WALL-PAPERS. BLANK BOOKS Always on hand, and madeto Order. Nos. 530 Market and 623 Minor Streets PHILADELPHIA, PA ALSO 4. Publishers of Sanders'New Readers , and Brooks' Arithmetics. Also. Robert's Hinr.nrvni the UnltedStates.Felton'sOutllne Maps.&e. JL0YD, SUPPLEE & WALTON WHOLESALE HARDWARE HOUSE No. 625 Market Street. Philadelphia, Penn'a. JANNEY & ANDREWS WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. 133 MARKET ST., Philadelphia. QRAYBILL & CO., Wholesale Dealersl a Oil Cloths, Carpets, Shades, Brooms, Carpet Chain, Wadding, Batting, Twines, &c, And a One assortment of WOOD and 'WILLOW WARE, No. 120 Market street, above 4th PHILADELPHIA. Philadelphia Advertisements. wAiNwnianT & co. WHOLESALE GROCERS AN I) TEA DEALERS, N ortb East Corner ot 2nd and Arch Street, Philadelphia Penn'a. S. DOUGHERTY wnn D. J. HOAIt & CO., WBOLCSALB BOOT AND SHOE ' WAUEH0USE, 13 MARKET STREET, Philadelphia, Penn'a. LTALL, SHENK & CO., 405 & 407 Market Street, lhll(ilclilila, (')ld Stand of Bnrcroft &Co.,) WHOLESALE DEALERS 1 DRY GOODS. January 1, 187K. MOREAU'H Medicated extract of HALT AM IS12EF. CURES Coinsnmptlon. Diabetes, Brlght's Disease, Epilepsy.lSt. Vitus's Dance, Hcrofula, if destruc tion Is not carried too far, and builds up constitu tions ruined by excesses of whatever nature. Take it and add your testimonial to the thousands already obtained, For sale by all druggists. Price, SI. U0. Dlt. B. C3. LTJICS' GERMAN ANTI-BILIOUS POWDER IS a radical cure for Sick and Dull Eeadace, Biliousness, Habitual Constipation, Piles, Palpi tation of the Heai t, Impurities of the Blood, ns Pimples, Dingy Skin, Drowsiness. &c. It Is a mild purgative and adapted to the most delicate con stitutions. For sale by all druggists. Price SO ctr. 3XOItl3A.TJS MALT FARINA. The best food for Infants and the most nutri tious diet for invalids. Contains all the muscle and bone making elements of wheat, barley and beef. Never deranges the stomach, is easily di gested and does not change In any climate. For sale by all druggists. I'rlce, 50 cents. DR. K. C. LTJK8' German Soothing Remedy. A perfect harmless and very effective Bynip, of pleasant taste, for all painful affections of Infants and children procedlng and accompanying the process of dentition. Do not let your darlings Buffer but procure a bottle at once. For sale by all druggists, Price, 25cts. May 25, '80, ly. DRUGS. DRUGS. JACOB STRICKLER, (Successor to Dr. M. B. Strlckler) NEW BL00MFIELI), TENN'A. HAVING succeeded the late firm of Dr. M. B. Strlckler In the Drug Business at his Store-room, on MAIN STREET, two doors East of the Big Spring, I will endeavor to make It in every way worthy the patronage ot the public. Personal and strict attention AT ALL TIMES given to the compounding and dispensing Physi cians' presclptlons, so as to Insure accuracy and guard against accidents. BEAR IX JffIK that my stock has been recently selected and care taken to have everything -f the BEST QUALI TY. The public may rest assured that ALL med icines that leave my store shall be as represented -PUltK and UNADULTERATED. I HATE CONSTANTLY OS HAND HAIR OIL and POMADES HAIR, TOOTH and NAIL-BRUSHES. SURGEONS, TOILET, and CARRIAGE SPONGES. PUFF BOXES, TOILET POWDERS, CASTILE and FANCY BOAPS PERFUMERY OF ALL KINDS, Together with Fresh and Genuine Patent Medi. etnas of every description. ALSO, Segars, Tobacco, School Books, &c, ORANQE3, LEMONS & BANANAS, In season. Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal Purposes. Terms, Strictly Cash. By strict attention to business, I hope to merl the coutldeuce and favor of the public JACOB BTRICKXER, Ph. G. April 29, 1879. To Lovers of Temperance literature. "THE BUGLE CALL." A Wide Awake. Newsy, Temperance Monthly. S pages. 32 columns. With departments for Good Templars, Royal Templars, Sons of Temperance, N. C.T. U..&C One Dollar per year. C. M. E AMES. Jacksonville. 111.. 28 Editor and Publisher. Our Stock of NEW GOODS for Men's Wear Is complete. i Prtcesfroml2!4 centsup. F. MORTIMER. New Bleomneld, Fa JOB PHINTINO of every description neatly il and promptly executed at Reasonable Ratei at the Bloomtleld Times Steam Job Office. BARGAINS IN PIANOS and ORHANS FOll THE NEXT OO DAYS, Before Our Advance in Prices 1 Pianos $140 to $400 All new, and strictly flrstolass, and sold at the lowest net cash wholesale Inctory prices, direct to the purchaser. These Pianos made one of the finest displays at the Centennial Exhibition, and were unanimously recommeiidpd for the Hicukst llimons over 12,000 In use. Regularly Incorpo. rated Manufacturing Co. Factory established over 37 years. The Square (Hands contain Mathushek's new patent Duplex Oversiruug Scale, the greatest Improvement In the history of Piano making. T he Uprights are the FINEST IN AMK1IIUA. Pianos sent on trial. Don't fall to write for Illustrated and Descriptive Catalogue of 48 pages mailed free. (lur new styles of JUBILEE ORGANS are-the best In the world. An 8 stop organ only 65 with all the greatest, latest and best Improve ments, possessing power, depth, brilliancy and sympathetic quality of tone. Beautiful solo ef fect aud perfect stop action. Solid walnut cases, ot beautiful design and elegant finish. All Pianos and Organs sent on 16 days' test trial freight free If unsatisfactory. Circular free. SHEET MUSIC half price. Dollar's worth at oue ihlid of price. Catalogue ot 1,500 choice pieces sent on receipt of 8c. stamp. Address MENDELSSOHN PIANO CO., 21 East loth Street, New York. September 18, 1879. American and Foreign Patents. GILMORR ft CO.. Successors to CHIPMAN 110MMER A CO., Solicitors. Patents pro cured inall countries. No FEES IN ADVANUK. No charge unless thepatent Is granted. No fees for making preliminary examinations. No addi tional fees for obtaining and conducting a re hearing. By a recent decision of the Commis sioner, ALL rejocted applications may be revived. Special attention given to Interference Cases be fore the Patent otllce, Extensions before Con. gress.InfringeinentHuitsIn different States, and all litigation appertaining to Inventions or Pat euts. Send Stamp to GUmore & Co., Mr pamph let of sixty pages. LAND CASKS, LAND WARRANTS ft SCRIP. Contested Land Cases prosecuted before the U. B. General Land Oflice and Department of the Interior. Private Land Claims, MINING and PREEMPTION Claims, and HOMESTEAD cases attended to. Land Scrip In 40, 80, any 160 acre pieces for sale. This Scrip Is assignable, and can be located In the name of the purchaser upon any Government land subject to private entry, at f 1.26 per acre. It Is of equal value with Bounty Land Warrants. Send Stamp to GUmore & Co., for pamphlet of Instruction. ARREARS OF PAY AND BOUNTY. OFFICERS, SOLDIERS and BAILORS of the late war, or their heirs, areln many casesentitled to money from the Government of which they have no knowledge. Write full history of service, and stnte amount of nay and bounty received. EnclosestnmptoGILMORE&CO.,anda full re ply, after examination, will be given you free. PKNBIOS 8. All OFFICERS, 80LDIERS, and BAILORS, wounded, ruptured, or Injured In the late war, however slight, can obtain a penson by addressing GILMORB&CO. Cases prosecuted by GILMORE ft CO., before the Supreme Court of the United States, the Court of Claims and the Southern Claims Commission. Each department of our business Is conduoted In a separate bureau, under charge of the same experienced parties, embloyed by the old firm. Prompt attention to all business entrusted to GILMORE A CO., Is thus secured. We desire to win success by deserving It. Address: GILMORE ftCO., 629 F. Street, Washington. D.C. KENDALL'S SPAYIN CURE ! THE MOST SUCCESSFUL REMEDY EVER discovered, as It Is certain In Its effects and does not blister. Read Proof Below. From Rer. N. P. Granger, Presiding Elder of the St. Albans District. St. Albans. Vt.. Jan. 20th, 1880. DR. J. B. KENDALL ft CO.. Gents: In reolv to your letter I will say that my experience with Kendall's Spavin Cure has been very satisfactory Indeed. Three or four years ago I procured a bot tle of your agent, and with it, cured a horse of lameness caused by Spavin. Last season my horse became very lame and I turned him out for a few weeks when he became better, but when I put him on the road he grew worse, when I dis covered thata ring bone was forming, I procured a bottle of Kendall's Spavin Cure, and with less than a bottle cured him so that he Is not lame, neither cau the bunch be found. Respectfully yours, P. N. GRANGER. Perseverance Will Tell 1 Stoughton, Mass.. March 16th, 1880. B.J. Kendall ft Co., Gents: In Justice to you and myself, I think 1 ought to let you know that I have removed TWO BONE SPAVINS with Ken dall's Spavin Cure," one very large onei don't know how long the Spavin had been there. I have owned the horse eight mouths. It took me four months to take the large one oil, and two months for the small one. 1 nave used 10 bottles. The horse Is entirely well, not at all stiff, and no bunch to be seen or felt. This is a wonderful medicine. It Is a new thing here, but if it does for all what It has done far ine Its sale will be very great. ""'"JSSk.pabkeb. Is sure In effects, mild In its action as it does not blister, and yet Is penetrating and powerful to reach any deep seated pain or to remove any bony growth or any other enlargement. If used for several days, such as spavins, splints, curbs, callous, sprains, swellings, any lameness and all enlargements ot the Joints or limbs, or rheuma tism Hi man and for any purpose for which a lin iment for man or beast. It is now known to be the best liniment for man ever used, acting mild and yet certain In its effects. It Is used full strength with perfect safety at all seasons of the year. Send address for Illustrated Circular, which we think gives positive proof of Its virtues. No remedy has ever met with such unqualified suc cess, to our knowledge, for beast as well as man. Price SI. per bottle, or Six bottles for to. All Drug gists have It or can get It for you, or it will be sent to any address on receipt of orlce bv the propri etors. DR. B.J. KENDALL ft CO., Enosburg Falls, Vermont. " Kendall's Spavin Cure" Is now sold by all the leading wholesale druggists aud a large number of prominent retail druggists. AsrP. MoHTiMEU, New Bloomtleld, agent for Perry Co., Pa f f f A MONTH guaranteed. $12 a I I I I I I (day at home made by the Indus- I I I 1 1 It nous. Capital not required; we a I II I will start you. Men.women.boys . 1 1 I I I I I and girls make money faster at l 1 1 I 1 I 1 I wrk for ns than atanythlngelse. v ' v J xhe work Is light and pleasant, and such as any one oan go right at Those who are wise who see this notice will send us their address at once and see for them selves. Costly Outfit and terms free. Now Is the tuns, i nose already ac worn are laying up ii go sums of money. Address TRUE ft S LU., August aaaiue. 40 ly 'U Don't you want somecheap foods for Pants and Suits T f you do, dou't fall to ex amine the splendid assortment for sale by F. MORTIMER. You oan suit yourself In style and price. 7 FKBiMrsi spavin O Some one asked a lad how it was he was so short for his age. lie replied : " Father keeps ine so busy I ain't time to grow." Man," says Victor lingo, "was the conundrum of the eighteenth cen tury ; woman la the conundrum of the nineteenth century." An American editor addg ; " We can't guess her, but will never her up no, never I" Ht3"A religious traot, called " Put not your trust In Princes," was thrown Into a saloon of a simple old German. He read the title, and soliloquised : " Veil, I don't put some drust in Brinces. Dey must pay der cash in dis shop chust der same as a vite mans." G7"A Danbury young man offended one of the lady clerks in a fancy goods store at a party a few evenings ago. A day or two later he went Into the store and inquired if she had " gentle man's gloves. She answered, ' Yes." " I want to get a pair," he said. " Who are they for V" she asked, looking him straight in the eyes. " Why for me," he gasped, turning scarlet under the in sinuation in her inquiry. m"It Is wonderful what fools boys are. A charming widow of Stillwater owns a nice boy, and a man from St. Paul wants to be appointed deputy father to the lad. While the St. Paul man was strolling down the street with the boy he asked : "Bub, does your mother bang her halrV" And the fool boy answered: "Oh, no, but you ought to see her bang dad's bead. Guess the minister didn't know every thing when he told pap to prepare to die. Prepare 1 Why, he was just aching to die!" 0"A flock of girls is called a bevy ; a bevy of wolves a pack; a pack of thieves a gang ; a gang of angels a host ; a host of porpoises a shoal ; a shoal of buffaloes a herd ; a herd of children a troop ; a troop of partridges a covey ; a covey of beau ties a galaxy; a galaxy of ruffians a horde ; a horde of rubbish a heap ; a heap of oxen a drove , a drove of black guards a mob ; a mob of whales a school; a school of worshipers a congregation ; a congregation of engineers a corps ; a corps of robbers a band; a band of locusts a swarm, and aswarm of people is called a crowd. - - CifA Chester county boy, aged twelve years, while running from Sabbath school, fell from the top of a fence and broke his arm. And this is the second time he had the same arm fractured, In falling from the same panel of . fence, and In returning from Sunday-school. There Is a moral in this but bad little boys mustn't think It teaches that it is wrong to go to Sunday-school. The probabilities are that if this unfortunate boy had been returning from a game of base ball or from fishing, Instead ' of breaking his arm at each fall he would have broken his neck each time. The moral is, that be should creep under the fence instead of climbing over it. Anecdote of Judge Dooly. ' Judge Dooly used to be a noted Georgia character. He was the same man who declined to fight a duel when threatened with publication as a coward in the newspapers, and said he would rather fill ten newspapers than one coffin. He did accept ' a challenge once, from a man who had Saint Vitus' dance. When they reached the field his oppo nent had a very lively attack of it. Dooly very coolly left his post, and cut ting a forked stick, stuck it in the. ground in front of bis opponent. " What does this mean V" asked his op ponent. "Why," says Dooly, I want you to rest your pistol in that fork , so that you can steady your aim. If you shoot at me with your hands shaking so,you'll pepper me full of holes the first fire I" . The duel was indefinitely post poned. tWA Georgia preacher recently spent a night in the rural districts in the very rural districts. There were twenty one In the family, ami he slept in the room with the father nnd seven of the boys, while the mother and daughters occupied the only remaining rooms. The next morning he had great difficulty in washing his face, owing to the ab cence of fashionable facilities, and comb ed his hair with a seven-toothed relio of an old tucking comb. While he was making his toilet one of the boys took a deep Interest in the novel process, and asked: "Mister, do you wash every mornln' V " " I do, " " And comb your balrtooV" "Yes." "Well, don't It look to you sometimes like you U a heap of trouble to yourself?'