ViLJ ,. ..v a"""'" 1 iii., J r' THE TIMES NEW 11L00MFIELD, PA.. AUGUST 17, 1880. house, faraF0rden7, A Mountain Fruit Farm. Holon Hoblneon writing to the N. Y., Tribune, thus describes a fruit farm in Juniata County; I am spending a few weeks in the beautiful valley f. Juniata, and making frequent rides over tbe bills and among tbe old-fashioned Dutch farmers of this (Perry) and tbe adjoining county of Juniata ; solid, wealthy, unprogresBive , ' as they were an hundred years ago. , Many of them etill live in their hewed fc log-houses, not half as large, handsome, airy or comfortable as their barns, which I have named "agricultural cottages." Nearly all the orchards upon these old farms are of the most unimproved sorts of apples and seedling peaches of late ripening kinds. 'Only now and then a man seems to have thought of trying experiments in growing better sorts, or more than was wanted for family use. The people are farmers in the strictest seiiBe. Gardening and fruit cult ure are occult sciences. But, a new light is dawning in this valley ; an experi ment is in .progress which proves that these rough mountain sides are nature's chosen spots foe orchards ; that here the . cultivators of peaches in Jersey, Dele ware and Maryland may renew their work when it fails in those States, for here is an abundance of cheap land, of j ' . little value for grain cultivation, yet excellent for orchards. This has been lately proved in Beveral instances and different localities, but most extensively on the south bank of the Juniata river, in Juniata county, about one hundred and forty-four miles from Philadelphia, npar n atntlnn pallwl Thnmnnnntnwn. There, if the traveler eoing west on the Pennsylvania railroad will look out south aud up the steep hill side, he will see the main part of an orchard of 15, 600 peach trees, and 0)000 Siberian crab apple trees. And if he Bhould stop and walk or ride through the orchard,as I did A - . . . i A l ty- , io-aay, ana nnu one aeaa or uiseasea tree be will find more tnan I could : altnougn I was told by Mr. Taylor, the foreman, that he did lose one tree dn the section pi l TT UVEA'S VT C bUCTil J 11 And how many trees are in this sec- VI . -8ix thousand." ? 1 TsTntwtt.hfltAndlntf All t.ho natural nhnlA. cleS, every tree has been so exactly set in right angle lines that the transverse rows appear as straight as those on the horizontal and vertical lines. Thus, vhen furrows can be ploughed at all, iey can be run six ways among the lees, which are set 14 feet apart for (caches and quinces and 20 feet for ap f J pies."' To accomplish this remarkable y., result of straight rows and exact distance required many a hard day'B work re moving stumps and stones and filling up holes. Now the beauty of the work fully repays the extra cost. It is how ever, costly work to prepare the steep hillsides by band labor, for tbe largest part of the timber trees had been cut off years ago, leaving a thicket of brush wood. An attempt is being made to utilize the brush by cutting It in a ma chine like a straw cutter aud sending the product to market for kindling eoal ifires. The first section of peach trees was planted in 1875, and the first full erop was being gathered today, the varieties CrajsfordJEarly (white), a fair size and good flavor ; and ' Beatrice, a small, jred blush, early peach, very delicious. , The Philadelphia market being over stocked, it does not pay to ship ; so a drying house has been hastily erected, and a hot-air dryer, capable of drying sixty bushels a day, put in operation.--The peaohes are peeled by hand machines of recently improved pattern, which do .good work rapidly. By drying the frnit the seeds are saved for the nursery, for there are many acres of orchards yet to be planted. The trees which come tato bearing next year will produce Y fruit frorn early in July till late frost. l la pruuame umi nu 01 uie improved methods of putting up the ripe fruit will 1 be adopted, instead of marketing it fresh; I owing to the long transportation and risk. There are Hi acres in the tract. A word as to the incentive of Mr. j xirauioia s great worK. a tew years ago this tract came into bis bands upon the false representation that it contain ed veins of iron ore. He bought it un- ' en. w ben seen it was found to yield o workable ore, and only a lew com- ion farm liulldincs. The nnpntlnn V,w was: "What shall I do with it V" '-t.anestlon has been answered. Mr. must take rank as a public lava You Ever irson to be seriously ill J fm u ' Vl ir InarWIiro I i 17a VI when- these organs V do you not find i good health V viwayg regulates aud never fails ind pure, and of the 8vetm. ft c f lipRimlrlnc in. bor about it. 23 4t. V THE BIOOMFIEID TIMES Steairi Job Office, NEW BLOOMFIELD, PENN'A. IF YOU WANT PLAIN OR FANCY Sale Bills or Posters of any Size, Pamphlets or Paper Books, Bill Heads, Letter Heads, (Circulars, Cards, &c, Call and see Samples and Prices. " THE TIMES" Is the best advertising medium in the County, having fully 2000 subscribers. $1.2? Per $1.50 Per A NEW DEPARTURE! BEST PLOW IN THE WORLD ! THE SYRACUSE CHILLED PLOW CO. of Syraouoa, N. Y. Are now putting on tbe market a Flow that Is as much superior to any Plow heretofore moilo as the PlowS ot tho past low years havo been superior to iom made hall a century ago. It combines all tho excellencies of any Plow in use. It obviates all the objections made to any other Plow. In addition It embraces several new features of the greatest value, for which wo have ob tained exclusive Patents. Its Beam, Clevis, Jointer Standard and Wheel Standard win be 8TEKL, and Its mold board will be a composition of steel and Iron chilled under a process for which we have also obtained an exclnslvo Patent; It will be culled THE SYRACUSE CHILLED STEEL PLOW Its weight will be eighteen pounds less than our present Btyles. A first-class Steel Plow, mods In the or dinary way, full rigged, retails for twenty-two dollars. Inferior Steel Plows retail from six teen to nineteen dollars. The price ot our new Plow will bo but Seventeen Dalian, and It will bo tho cheapest Agricultural Implement ever sold. Its mold board will outwear three ot tho very best Kinds of the ordinary steel mold boards. It will Bcour In soils where all Btccl plows and on other plows have hitherto proved a failure. With this Plow will bo Introduced a corru- gated Plow Point and Jointer Point, on which we havo also obtained a Patent, and which is also a great Improvement, both as regards strength and wear. Tho Jointer can be shifted so as to take more or loss land, and also more or less pitch, and It can always be kept on a line with tho Plow. The wheel will run under the beam or ono side ot It as desired, and always kept In Una. The boom Is adjustable for Spring or Fall Flowing, and also lor two or three horses. The handles can be adjusted to accommo date a man or boy, on tho Borne Plow. It Is a perfect Plow. Wooden beams are going out of uso because they shrink, swell and warp, and never run two seasons alike. Iron beams ore too heavy. Malleable beams become demoralized and bend, which Is much worse than to break, A Steel beam Is tho necessity of the day. It Is three times as strong and very much lighter than any other style. When ic Bay a Mold board Is chilled, tho farmers know It Is so. We do not palm off on them a composition of various metals and coll It chilled metal We wont agents lor this now Plow In every town In this State. We can give but a very small discount to them, but we will pay tho Railroad Freight We propose to placo this Plow In the hands of Farmers as near the cost of manufacture as possible. It will bo U10 beat Agricultural Implement ever sold. It shall also bo the cheapetL Persons therefore who are not willing to act as Agents on the principle that "a nimble six pence Is better than a slow shilling," need not apply for an agoncy. No Plows on commission. All sales absolute. WTbls Is the only Steel chilled Flow In the World. steel costs several times more than Iron. But this Plow, full rigged, by giving small discounts, can be sold for Sevntecn Dollars: Compare this price with that of any iron Plow ever mode. It Is cheaper than any other Plow now made would be at five dollars and a halt Where there are no agents we will, on re ceipt of Seventeen Dollars, send a Plow to any Railroad station In the 6tate and pay tho freight. Address, SYRACUSE CHILLED PLOW CO. 0r Syracuse, N. Y- 26Al3t linn 'r bah Uliilif an.mnMlint goods tor FuntH and Suits T 11 vo 1 un. nitii': mil ri mtllA ttlA artlAnrllfl a aann..n a r.1jt WollTIMEIi. VoucauaultyourieU tuatyleaod SUBSCRIPTION PRICE : Year in Advance, in the County, Year in " out of the " IOWA BftWfffK! LANDS rriHE IOWA it. K. LAND CO. olTcn for sale to JL all, atone price, OVER 1 ,000,000 ACRES CHOICE Rich, Rolling Prairie Lands, In the right latitude, the purest running water the ftiireat crons. the lowest fare and frelizlits: on the Omaha nnd Maple ltlvur line of the Chi cago and Northwestern railroad, at an average price or . SPECIAL EXCURSIONS WILL LEAVE HARRI8BURO, accompanied by the agent, Tuesdays at 4:20 a. m. Jane 20, Aug. 8, Kept, fll, and Oct. 20, 1880. Flrst-claM. round trio. 40-dav tickets from liar- rUhurg, Pa., to Ida Grove, Iowa, aud return, HI. 00 tor further particulars, maps, circulars, etc., canon orauures, A. x. hiiokmahk.k. Aeent. No. 6U S. Third St.. llurrlsburic. Fa, i i-i'j i u.imi.u i. j.mrj FACTS WORTH KNOWING. : fllngnr.Bnrha, Mandrake, 8tllllngU and mnny other of the bent medicines known are so; skillfnllycomliined in Parkp.r'sGingrii Tonic! ,t to males it the greatest Blood Purifier and 1 The licit Uoalth and Strength iteitgrer trer Uiod. So perfect is the composition of Parker's Gin-' r;BR Tonic that no disease can long exist where it is used. If you have Dyspepsia, Headaohev Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Bowel. Kidney or Liver Disorder, or if you need a mild stimulant, or appetizer, the Tonic is just the medicine for you, as it is highly curative and invigorating but never intoxicating. If you are slowly wasting away with Con sumption or any sickness.if you have a Painful Cough or a bad Cold, Parker's Ginger Tonic will surely help you. It gives new life and ivigor to the feeble and aged, and is a certain cure for Rheumatism and Cholora Infantum. It lias Saved Hundreds of Lives It May (tare Yonrs. 1 If you are feeling miserable don't wait until 'you are down sick, out use the Tonic to-day. !No matter what your disease or symptoms may .be, it will give prompt relief. ; Remember t Parker's Ginger Tonic Is not .i rum drink but the Best and Purest Family .Medioina ever made, compounded by a new 'process, and entirely different from Bitters, finger preparations and all other Tonics. Try ,a 50c", bottle. Your druggist can supply you. ............... ti-iftrnfi-ififinnna PARKER'S HAIR DALSAM The Best and Host Economical Hair Prossluy exquisitely perfumed and perfectly harmless. Will Always Restore Gray or Faded Hair to its original youthful color and appearance, and is warranted to stop its falling, assist its growth and prevent baldness. A lew applications of the P.A1.RAM will soften the hair, cleanse all dandruff and rare itchingand hit mours of t he scalp. Suld by al 1 druggists at onv 50ft 29dly TESTATE NOTICE. Notice Is hereby alven Jli that letters of Administration on the estate of Ueorge Kemnfer, late of Havllle twp.. Perry county, deceased, have been granted to the under signed residing In said township, All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make Immediate payment and those having claims, 10 present mem ior wiuflineni to jauuh, FREDERICK REMPFER. W. A. Snonster. Att'y. Administrators. April 20, 18H0. TnSTATlC NOTICE. Notice is hereby alven that letters testamentary on the estate ol Mai an mine, tate 01 warn Dornugn. rerry county, Pa., deceased, have been granted to the under luned residing- in said Dlaoe. All Dersons indebted to said estate are reauest ed to make Immediate payment and those having claims win present: mem uuiy autnenticateaior settlement to Wm, A. KLINK, Executor. W. N. Seibert att'y. Blain, Fa. ESTATE N OTICE Notice Is herebyglven that letters testamentary on the last will and testament of Jacob Karner, deceased, late of Llvei-Dool township. Perry cou ntv. Pa., have rxvn granted to the undersigned, residing in same township. All Dersons indebted to said estate arereanested to make immediate payment and those having claims to present theniuuly authenticated! or set tlement JACOB BARNER, Jr., EVE ERLENMKYKR. W. A. Hp'insler, att'y. Executors, Muy3,lSS0. IMPORTANT NOTICE The subscriber late of the firm of Rhoades ft hmith. would respectfully lnionn tue citizens or BLAIN and vli-hiliv. that he has oriened a, Waiiiim MAKER-bitOP, and Is prepared to make new wagons and repair old ones at short notice, and at from TEN to TWENTY per oeut. cheaper than ina oin iirin. sr Give me a call. Satisfaction guaranteed JACOB SMITH. Blain, August 8, 1867. pAINTING, PAPER HANGING, Ste. Persons wanting Fainting, Graining. Faper Irangliig, c.. dune promptly and at the right !! Bloomtleld. Pa. rOrdeis by mail will receive prompt atten lion. Aiuyts, isou. Newport AdTerllsements. N EWPORT DRUG STORE. It STlu on hand complete assortment of the fol- lowlnsr articles, tbe subscriber asks a share of year pstronsre. Drug and Jlledlcinet, CHEMICALS OF ALL KINDS. Also a full stock of Concentrated Hornedles, ESSENTIAL OILS. Brushes, rorfumery IIAIH OIL, AND FANCY ARTICLES. Also always on Band PURE WINES & LIQUOR FOB MEDICINAL and SACRAMENTAL PURPOSES PHYSICIANS ORDERS Carefully and Promptly Filled D. M. EDY, Newport, Penn'a. W. R. S. COOK & CO., Agree to sell all kinds ol LUMBER AND SHINGLES, for LESS MONEY than any other dealers In this county. We will also take good Timberon the stump or delivered at our Mill In exchange for Lumber, &e, We use Clearfield Fine and Hem ockouly. W. R. S. COOK & CO., Newport, rerry Co., Pa. October 10, 1876. JONES' BROS, & CO., (Formerly John Jones & Son,) Grain & Produce MERCHANTS, Brick Warehouse, Front St., above Market, Newport, Perry County, Pa. WE would respectfully Invite tbe patronage ot the farmers, and the publlo generally, as the BIUUEHT PRICKS the market will afford, will be paldfor all kinds of GRAIN, FLOUR, PRODUCE ' SEEDS AND RAILROAD TIES We bave constantly on hand, JTI8II, 8ALT, PLASTER, CEMENT COAL, IRON, STEEL, HORSE BHOE8.Se., So. FOR BALE AT THE LOWEST RATES. S- Orders promptly filled, Newport, July 20, 1875 U J B. HARTZELL, Wholesale Tobacco Dealer, Wright's Building, NEWPORT, PA. 8ole Agent for Lorllard's Superior Tobaccos, sT-OountrT Merchants supplied with Goods at Fhiladelpbla prices. 49- Tour orders are solicited. 9 14 g HIMES, Fire Insurance Agent. OFFICE: South East Corner Market Square, NEWPORT, PENN'A. FIRE INSURANCE POLICIES written In first class companies on all kinds of Insurable proper ty, at fair rates, aud losses honorably adjusted aua promptly p&ia. larresponaence solicited. Companies Represented i . jKtna. of Hartford, Assets, I,700.ono. Commercial Union, . " l.sw.OiiO. Fire Association, Fhll'a., " 3,778,000. B. HIMES, Agent. March U, 1880 ly J. M. GlBTIN. J. H. GlBVIH J. M. GIRVIN & SON., FLOUR, GRAIN, SEED & PRODUCE Commission Merchants, No. 61 Sooth Gay, St., BALTIMORE, MD. We Will nav atrll-r attention tn th an 1a at all kinds of Country Froduceaud remit tbe amounts prouipuy. oivr. J. M. GIRVIN & BON. HI HOOKS 0 ,.! Gift Books, I Children's Books Blank Books, School Books. Dies! Testaments! And all Kinds of Books AT BBAC1VS Book & Drug Store Stationery at Wholesale or Ectai 0 Subscriptions taken for all News papers and Magazines. E. C. BEACH, Newport, Penn'a. November 18, 1879-lm A VCTIONEEIIS. AS. P. LATCHFORD, AUCTIONEER. WnnM rAAflAntfllllv Inform II, a It... 4. - will cry sales at reasonable prices. All orders will receive prompt attention. WBHiliH B MllWl, TEHHY CO., PA. TAMES CLEELAND U Auctioneer, viiT7in,a no, tiuwb tu wicciuzens or rerry and Cumberland counties. 1'ost oDlce address. oiiermansuaie, rerry CO., ra. w. D. HENRY, A UCTIONEEJ? Blain, Perry county Pa, aiTflrmaMnilAral..n ..... . . 1 to render satisfaction. Lf Anntlnnnor. Tl.o notlcethat he wltlcrysales at any point In Pen f nr 1 )a 11 nh 1 n .minfl.. n.j... ... . . ' , ; ' " viudi, si. Duiiuiieaana promptatteationwillbe given. a. V. TV E1L.B, New Buffalo Ferrvco.,Pa B. HARNISH, j. auctioneer, Tintvllta Pnrro T. nt... . ... satisfaction guaranteed. 6 tf D AVIDM'COY, AUCTIONEEH, ICKE8BURO, PERRY COUNTY, PA. U Charges moderate. Prompt attention paid to all calls. AUCTTONEHIt. The undersigned gives notice that he will ei y sales at a reasonable rate. Satisfaction guaranteed. X9- Address TnOfl. snTCH. Jr.. Nov. 18. '78 New Bloomlield, Pa. P P. HOOVER T AUCTIONEEH, Attention given lo sales, and satisfaction guar anteed. Prices low. Call on or address F. P. HOOVKK, Elllotts'"fK. Ta. Augustl 2, 1879. HENttY KELL, , , . AUCTIONEER, Would respectfully Infoim the citizens of Perry County that lie will cry sales at short notice, and at reasonable rates. Hatisfaetion guaranteed. W Address IUnht Keix, Ickesburg, PC. JJOME MANUFACTURE. LOOK OUT! Iwouldrespectlvelylnform myfrlendsthat id tendcalllng upon them with a supply ol good ofmy OWN MANUFACTURE. Consistlngof CA88IMER8, OASSINETS, FLANNELS, (Plalnandbar'd ) CAKPET8, &c, to exchange for wool or sell for cash. J.H.'BIXLEK. CSNTBlWOOLIB FiCIOHT. 6.17.11T $ " TO 1600 A YEAR, or $5 to IX I III f a day In your own locality. I Kill No rl,k- "omen do as well I I I 1 1 as rnKU- Many make more I I I I 1 1 than the amount stated above. I I I I I I No one can fail to make nion v ey fast. You can make from CO cents to 82 an bonr by de voting yonr evenings and spare time to the busi ness. It eosts nothing to try the business. Noth ing like It for making money ever offered before. Business pleasant aDdstricify honorable. Raader. If you want to know all about tbe best paying Dusinesa before thA nun t Mnrt na snup a,1.frA.. i.i.iaura;. Miuvirs kiiiih v siMiiire: 1011 ca ILKA II A LIAS NI'A V I N I IT Rk it Is sure to cure Bpavins, Epwits 'Curb, &e. It removes all nnnarral enlargements. Does not blister A1' no equal ior any lameness on be or man. It has cured hip-lolni"1' ness in a person who bad sulifed 15 vears. Aisocured rheumaiuncorus. frost-bites, nr any bruises, cut or lameii's. It has no equal for blemish on horses. Seul for Il lustrated circular giving positive prmf- Price one dollar. All Druggists I ave it or rati gel for vou. Dr. B. J. Kendall & Co., Pros.,EAiburgb. Palls. Vermont. T HARRIS & EW1NO. Agents. Pittsbaigh. ra. UlRrC IMPROVED ROOTBEEBPACKAGB. ill II CO TWENTY-PI VE CtNTA makes live gailonsof a delicious and sparkling beteraae, wholesome and teuierate Nld by Dnisrui. or sfnt by mail on receipt ot i tents. A,lies ( HAS. E. HIKES, Manufacturer. 215Mrket St.. I'hiladeliihla. Pa. 1 6 tm V-,.,.