8 THE TIMES NEW HLOOMFIELD, PA.. JULY 20, 1880. A Husband Who Says He Is Not Married. A strange story has just come to the Rnrfnco in the counties or Ulster nod luchea, Kew York. Last June a uotioe appeared In the Btipgertiea Tefcgraph under the bend of maniagopi, aunounoing t!ie marriage of Lester Burton, of Tine Orove, lTItr county, to Anna Sclioon inakcr, of Blue Mountain, Duchesa county. Thia week, after an abaonce of three tuontliB, Bin ton returned to Baugei tles, and when hie attention wae called to tbe marriage notice be declared that there was not a particle of truth in it, white the lady, Miss Suhoonmaker, or possibly Mis. Bur ton, positively asseits that every word of it is true. Both parties are intelligent, respectable, good looking and young. The Raugerties Tclegrajih says that tbe f lends of each have perfect confidence in the truth of their rcspectivo statements. There does not appear to be the slightest motive oti the part of either to misrepresent ibe facts, except that one insists upon being considered an married while tbe other is just as determinde to tbe contrary. Tbe young man admits that he paid ber his addresses betweeu the months of De cember and March last and that it was rumored one time last spring that they bad Tteen married ; that his friends Joked bim About it,' and that he once jokingly ad mitted it never dreaming that it would be (seriously treated. The matter will prob ably be thoroughly sifted through the courts as it is understood that tbe friends of tbe young lady have eugnged ex-Attorney General Schoonmaker, while Carroll WMitaker, of Saugei ties, has been retained Jy the friends of tbe young man. One of the curious features of the case is that Rev. Mr. Scudder, of lied Hook, Duchess county, whom the young lady claims mar vied them, for some reason unexplained, .made no record of tbe marriage and gave no marriage certificate at the time. She 'Called on Mr. Soudder about two weeks $o for a certificate., and upon her state ment be gave ber one. Mr. Burton call- cd on Mr. Scudder this week, and tbe Utter, it is said, failed to recognize him, although be thinks he remembers the youDg lady. Burton Says be was never in lied Hook until be went this week to Mr. Scudder, and Bays be can prove that on .March 2ith, the day claimed as tbe one on which the marriage was solemized, he was j?a another place. There are strong cir cumstances in the case which seem to cor roborate the statement of each of the par ties, and leave the matter in much doubt. Loving a Whole Family. 1 1 1 X . 1 - ' i. .1.1.. 1 . "1 (loot, wane to mane any j,ruuuiu, uui there is one man in this city who ought to be gibbeted 1" began a blunt-spoken woman of forty-five as she sttol before the ofticiflls of tbe Twentieth street-station a day or two ago, in New York. . When they inquired for tbe particulars she handed out a letter and said : "Observe the envelope. That letter is addressed to me. You will see that tbe writer calls me bis jessamine, and wants me to set an early day for the wedding." When the captain had fiuished tbe let ter she was ready with another, adding : " And this is addressed to my daughter Lucretia. You will see that he calls ber his rosy angel, and says be can't live if she doesn't marry bim. It's tbe same man." So it was, and bis letter was as tender as spring chicken. That finished, she bunded out a third, with the remark ; "This is directed to my daughter Helen. It's the very came man, and in it be calls her his pansy, and he says he dreams of her." : ' "Why, he seemed to love tbe whole fam ily," remarked the captain. "That's juBt it. I'm a widow with two daughters, and he was courting us all at ouce and engaged to the three of us at the same time. Oh ! what wretches there are in this world !" . "Yes, indeed. It's lucky you found him -out." "Yes it is. If I hadn't he might have married tbe whole caboodle of us. If Lucretia hadn't opened one of my letters, and if I hadn't searched tbe girls' pockets while they were asleep, we'd have thought him an innocent lamb." "And do you want bim arrested ?" "No, I guess not, but I want this mat ter to go into the papers as a warning to other women. Just think of his sitting up with me on Sunday night, Lucretia on Wednesday night, and Helen on Friday night, and calling each one of us his climb ing rose ! t)b ! sir, tbe women ought to know- what a deceiving animal man is !" "Yes, he's pretty tough." "It has learned me a lesson," she said aa she was ready to go. "The next man that comes sparking around my house has got to come right out and say which he's alter. If it's tbe girls I won't say nothing, aud if it's me it won't do 'era a bit of good to slam things around and twit me of burying two husbands !" .... IW At Lincoln, Lincoln county, New .Mexico, on Che 3d inst., a young man nam ed Harrison was arrested and locked up for Using intoxicated. At night a mob broke into the j jjl and killed bim, riddling him with bullets. The next night they return ed and killed the Deputy Sheriff; and again on tbe night of the 6th, they broke into tbe jail, took out a prisoher and hung bim. tWA nine months-old child of John Killlnn, residing ou Fifth avenuo, near Fifth street, died under very distressing circumstances a fxw days ago. The j mother had put the child to sleep in a era- dlo up stairs; aud later in tbe day went up ' to see, if It had awakened and discovered' a pillow lying on its face. Bemoving the same tbe mother discovered to her great sorrow that the child was dead, having been suffocated by the pillow lying on its face, which bad been accidentally placed there by a four year-old brother of the child. Altona IHbune. tWThe Boleotmen of Medfoid, Mass., have hit on a new way of putting down drunkenness. They have voted that tbe names of all persons who have been con victed of drunkenuess during the past six months aud all persons convicted thereof in tbe future shall have their names posted in licensed place, and the proprietors noti fied not to sell liquor to them under pen alty of revocation of license. This is a plan that ought to work well. C9Two months ago a valuble horse be longing to Charles E. Bniith of Stony Bridge hsd his leg broken at Fort Jef ferson. The broken bone was set, and the leg was imbedded in plaster of paris. In two weeks the horse could walk around the stable ; in three weeks the owner drove bim borne, a distance of five miles, and on Saturday the hoi so was drivin to a road wagon a mile in four minutes. It is usual to shoot horses that break their legs. How She Saved Her Daughter. " I shall never again feel bo awfully , nervous about my babies teething,''" writes a grateful mother. "We almost lost our little darling by a long attack of cholera infantum, but happily beard of Parker's Ginger Tonic in time. I took a few spoonfuls myself, which soon cured my nursing baby entirely, and an occasional dose has kept me and baby in such perfectly good health, and made us so strong and comfortable that I would not be without this reliable medicine for worlds." A Mother of Brooklyn. 29 lm NEXT M 60 MTS We will offer our Immense Stock AT A IF YOU WANT CLOTHING IF YOU WANT Boots and Shoes, IF YOU WANT Dry - Goods, IF YOU WANT CARPETS, IF YOU WANT HATS AND CAPS, . IF YOU WANT Trunks and Valises, IF YOU WANT IiADIES AND OEKTM FURNISHING GOODS, GO TO MARX DUKES & CO'S., Successor to ISIDOR SCHWARTZ, EBY'8 NEW DUILDINC, NEWPORT, PA. GREAT SACRIFICE GONE UP! The great advance in the price of SUGARS compels us to make a slight change in our Prices. The condition of the market in such that we cannot with safety make any quota tions, but our advance is not hear as great as the advance in the -eastern market. Our 'customers however, will find our Prices the lowest in the County. A Cordial invitation is ex tended to all to come and share in the BARGAINS we offer. R MORTIMER Now Bloomfield, Ta. CARLISLE CARPET HOUSE ! ' . -mm . Annual Announcement of the Spring Opening of GARPETING S , Oil Cloths and Wall Papers! BODY BRUSSELS. TAPESTRY BRUSSELS. 3 PLYS. INGRAINS. WINDOW We Invite the Citizens of PERRY to Inspect our LAltGE and HANDSOME STOCK. We are prepared to show the MOST ELKO ANT DESIGNS and PATTERNS it has ever been our privilege ol doing, at OLD PRICES, having had a lares stock ou hand and bought be fore the rtceut advance. We can safely say that our stock Is the MOST COMPLETE lu this section of Pennsylvania and we will not permit ourselves to be beaten in PRICK or QUALITY. A FULL ASSORTMENT In all departments, with an additional line of FURNITURE COVER INGS In Raw Silks, Cretonnes, Plain and Striped Keps, &c.,&c. Stephens & Beetem, 21 E. MAIN STREET, SHADES. WALL PAPERS. Carlisle, SPECIAL. FOR 30 DAYS! To make some change in our Trices on several ratterns ot Tapestry, Brussels Call and see, and be convinced. C. SEEGEB, "yincst's old stand, HARRISBURG, PA.' JHE ST. ELMO. HOTEL, 817 & 819 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, has reduced the rates to J$ PER DAY. The high reputation of the house will be main talnedluall respects, and the traveling public will still Hud the same liberal provision for their comiorc. Tbe house been recently relltted, and is com Dlete In all its anDointinents. Located In the lm mediate vicinity of the large centres of business and of places of amusement, and accessible to all Kailroad depots and other parts of the City bj Streetcars constantly vasslm its doers. It offer!1 special inducements to those visiting the City on ouaiuess or pleasure. JOS. M. FEtiER, Proprietor- N OTICE TO CONTRACTORS. FENN TOWNSHIP SCHOOL BOARD will re celve Sealed Proposals for the building of KH1CK SCHOOL HOUSE, near Cove Station. along the Penn'a Rail Koad, until SATURDAY. luiy Z4in, low. specincations can db examiueo at me omce oi me uuncannon iron vo.. Duncan non. Pa. Letting will be at the lower Duncan non School House, on Saturday, July 24th, 1K80, at Ave o'clock P. M. Board reserves the right to eject any, or all bids. At the same time and place, the old school bouse known as Lower Cove, will be ottered for sale. Address WILLIAM A. HOLLAND. Seo'y, Duncannou, Perry Co., Pa. Duncannon, June 29, loSO it TRESPASS NOT1CE.-A11 persons are for bidden to allow their cattle to trespass on my premises In Centre twp., and eattle found trespassing will be beld until damages are paid. . AMOS HOFFMAN. , July 13, 1880. ' Our Htoilr nfNRW noons for Men' Wear Is complete. i i rioesiromia'4 cents up. F. MOBTIMElt. New BloomUeld, Pa STRAW MATTINGS COCOA " MATTING. OIL CLOTHS. STAIR RODS. MATS. RUGS. WALL PAPERS, Penn'a, 12 3m ANNOUNCEMENT. business, we offer some Special and Ingrain Carpets, Th Farauhai 86n&rat.or m. . Pens... In Igriaultunl versa. Tick, Ft. UrtitorttnA seoMOial.sl so4perrtla 28 Bit POTJTZ'S HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS Will aura or prevent Diseue. No Rossi will die of Colio, Bots or Lena Fsv tib, If Foutx's Powder, ere need In time. Foutx's Powders will cure and prevent Hoe Cholsba Fouu's Powders will prevent Gar-is IK Fowls, Fouu's Powders will Increase tbe quantity of milk and cream twenty per cent, and make Uie butter Arm and sweet. Fonts Powders will core or prevent almost nvaar DiBHisa to which Uorsea and Cattle are subject, PODTZ'S POWDBBa WILL OlYB D,TMr,OTIOS. Sold everywhere. ' DAVID X. roUTB, Proprietor, BA.LTIMORJI, Kd. ar- For Sale bv 8. B. Smith. New Bloom field Perry Comity, Pa. i ly ESTATE NOT1CK Notice lshcrebyglv. en. that Letters of Administration on the estate of Jacob Kel I, late of rlaville twp., Perry comity, Pa . deceased, have been grauted to the undersigned, residing mine same pia;e. All persons indebted to tuia estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims will present them duly authenticated to tbe under ilgued for settlement without delay. July 13, 1880. Administrator. J OH PHI NT I NQ of every description neatly and promptly executed at ReasoKitble Rates at the BloouiUold Time Steam Job Ollk'e. III FACTS WOrtTH KNOWING. Ginger; Burba, Msni1rnfc,mnilBa;lannl' mnny olhcr of the bent tn.!ilici:ies Itnown ar9 t' skillfully combined In PsK!:s'OiNnr. Tom it, s lo msiWa i( llie grease! Blood Purlllor end The Best Ileal Iti anil Rtrongta Eestorer' L'rcr l-!cl. J Ro perfect Is the composition of rAniciRs Cm-' r,RR Profit; thrtt no tlinpn-sc ran long mist where' it is use!, If you hive Dytneptis, Headech,' Rheumttlsm, Nouralyie, Bowol, Kidney or Liver Disorder, orif you need nmikl stimulant,, r appetizer, the Tonic is just the tnedirinc f(ryou,fts It Is hixMycurattvu and invigorating1 but never intoxicating, ; If you are slowly wasting awssjr with Con-' sumption or any su-Vness,if you iistven Psinftil Coughorabsd Cold, Parkbr'sOinckkTokk will surely help you. It gives new life and vigor to the feeble and ns;rn, and is a certnin cure for Rhautnatlsm and Cholera Infantum. It lias Saved Hundreds of Lives It llay Have Yours. If you are feeling miserable don't wait until vyou are down sick, hut use the 1 sonic to-dny. K No matter what your dlsense or Symptoms may nbe, it will cive prompt relief. nememneri r ark RR 9 uiHnv.R 1 osrtc Is nnl a rum drink but the Best and Purest F amily Modleine ever made, compounded by a ncv. process, and entirely different from Hitters,' finger preparations and ail other J onics. Icy a 50c. botlle. Your druc7,ist can simply you. s.r- .vwi.' ' PARKER'3 HAI1 DALOAH .The Best and Host economical flair Pressing exquisitely perfumed and perfectly h.orrr.lcrs. Will Always Bcsturs Cray or Faded Half to its original youthful color and appearance, and is warranted i3 stop Us falling, assut its growth and prevent baldness, A few applications of the Dalsah will soften tho hair,clcanse all dandruff and cure itchinsiand hit -moursof tliescalp. Sold by aildrugsjistsatofivsuc 29 d ly M EDICAL NOTICE! JDR. 0. P. BOLLINGER, Having located permanently In NEW BL00MF1FXD, Offers Ills professional services to the citizens of the Borough and surrounding country, Dr. B. has been engaged In an extensive prac tlcs for over 28 years. He has also served his country In the capacity of Burgeon to the 78th Pa. Vol. Infantry during the late Rebellion, holding his Commission from the then Governor o( this Commonwealth. His credentials are from one of the best Medical Colleges In America. Ills success as a practitioner of mrdlclne is ao- ' knowledged by recommendations from former patrons, which are tree for Inspection at all times. IN TUE TREATMENT OF Chronic Diseases liehasliadveryexieiislveexperlence.andhascitred many hopeless cases, after years of suiterlng, and expense incurred In seeking relief elsewhere. Among the many chronic 'complain' s treated successfully are Asthma. Bronchitis. Laryngitis, Hemorrhage ot the Lungs, Consumption, (first and second stages) Heart Disease, Dyspepsia. Liver Complaint, Melancholia, Scrofula or King's Evil, Skin Diseases. Chronic Rheumatism, Goitre, or enlargement of the Glands ol the neck. Dropsy, Piles, chronic Diari liU'a.Constlpution of the Bow els, Sick and Nervous Headache, Neuralgia, Diseases of Females. Tumors, Kidney Diseases, Enlarged Spleen. Epllepsv. l)eafties, Chronlo Chills and Ague. Diabetes Mellltus, old running sores. Tapeworms removed. Dr. B. does not con line himself to any one par ticular system of medicine. He uses all the late Improved metiuxlsand remedies, as also Magneto Electric, or 31olicul IClectricity, which Is so successfully used at the present day In many forms of nervous complaints. In the treatment of the Lungs aud air passages he uses INHALATIONS, which carries the inert. nine direct to the diseased parts. When an Incurable ease presents Itself he Is free and candid in telling the patient that he can not cure linn, thus avoiding further expense. In chronic ailments It Is nlways best for patients to call at his otllce lor personal examination and treatinmt, when that Is practicable. y Rooms for the present at The Perry House. CONSULTATION FREE. Bloomfleld, May i, 18S0. tTTTTf AT? Us on 3"ur drill b iots VVIi4Xii I JONES' POLISHED RTKKL DRILL POINTS. They run lovel, cover beauti fully, and Instead of crowding the seed into one Inch rows, scatter It i'A- and 5 Inches. The plants thus standing wider apart, have more room to stool, derive more nourishment from the soil, become more vigorous, and produce better develooed averaee heads. tr umsrraiea uircu- lar, with testimonials. FREE. JONES, Wilmington, Del. AUdiess J. A. 29diw ' AGENTS WANTED to sell the LIFE OF Gen. James A. Garfield By his comrade In arms and personal friend, Gen, J. S. BKISU1N. an author of wide celebrity. This work Is complete, authentic, low-priced. Fully Illustrated. Positively the best and eheapest book. None other ofllcl al. Bend SO cent at once for outfit. We give the best forms. Act quick and you can coin money. HUBBARD BRO'S.. Pubs., Pubs.. W3 Chestnut St., Phila.. Pa. 2W4w MALT BITTERS TRACE MARK FOR BNFEEBLED DIQESHOX, Impoverish ed Blood. Weak Lungs, Kidneys, aud Urina ry Organs, Consumption. Einaeiatlou, Mental and Physical Exhaustion, Dellcite Females, Nursing Mothers, Sleklv Children, and Debility of Age. MALT BITTERS are warranted more Nourishing, Strengthening, Vitalizing and Puri fying bv reason of their richness In Bone and Muscle Producing Material than all other forms ot malt or medicine, while free from the objec tions urged against malt liquors. Prepared bv the MALT lll'ITEK-t CO., from Vnfermented Malt and Hops. Sold everywhere. MALT BIT TERS CO., Boston, Mass. Zblm' 17 STOP 0RGANS?MTndKdr: onl $-.17.75. New Pianos, tlo to l,6o. Midsum mer otter Illustrated free. Address DAN1KL F. 11 EAT I y, Washington, N. J. 1M AGENTS WANTKl for Smith's Bible Dictionary and HOLM AN'S NEW PICTO RIAL BIBLES. Address, for Circulars, A. J. Holmau & Co., Philttdelphia . iStUw