8 TIIK TIMES NEW ULOOMFIELD, PA.. JULY 13, i860. A Remarkable Meteor. Macon, Ga., Juno 80. Last night, near 13 o'clock, there occurred Id tills region a phenomenon Which for grandeur has not been, ciyinled since the great mo teororlo showers of 180!). Ik might be cull ed a meteoric, solitaire of tbe first water. The night was very dark but the eky was perfectly cloudless and the stars wore brll llaut. Suddenly an Intense light lit the city as if by mnglo. The buildings around the trees,and even the leaves, sprang out of the gloom and quivered in the weird radi auce that shone upon us. The glow was different from any artillolal light we have ever seen. It was not the light of the sun er the moon, nor yet was it gas light yet whiter aud a thousan j times more power ful. In an instant' the trees around wore pictured on the ground, and slowly their black shadows moved past our foot and lengthened behind us. Q Involuntarily every face was turned up ward, and a most striking apparition met our View. Not a star was left, but direotly above, at the zenith, a great mass of Are as large as a barrel whirled in the air. It re vevolved in the centre of radiance incompa rable, and moved slowly down the north eastern sky with majestio grandeur. At 45 elevation the light changed to a bril liant red, poled into saffron, and then into all shades of green. As it begaa to change its hue it emittod particles or balls of Ore that followed or lingered in its wake. Surrounding it, also, in this stage, was a dense vapor or smoke that reflected all the colors through which the bnll had gone. At 80 elevation the light went out, aud wo stood on the street, blinded and awed. Three minutes glided away. Exclama tions of wonder and admiratiou had been made, and fright bad passed away, wheu there burst upou our ears a deep-tonod boom that rose and full in reverberations for thirty seconds. This noise was similar to that produced by the firing of a 100-ton guu ten miles at sea, with the echoes breaking irregularly along the coast. The sound, however, had mixed with it a me tallic ring not heard in thunder or explo sions. So brilliant was the light that people were awakened in their bouses and praug from bed terrified. In this city it produced much fright among the negroes, who filled the air with prayers and loud lamentations. On the plantations the effect was the same. Many who witnessed the phenomenon felt the earth shake just previous to the explo sion. At Hawkinsvillo, 40 miles south of here, the moteor was observed, the rumb ling was heard and the shock was felt. The meteor was observed for 40 miles north and nouth of Macon. Tbe following special was received from Eatonton, 50 miles north of Macon : " Meteor fell between two places ; meteor observed, but did not strike here ; appeared to go in a southern direction." He Wanted Matches. The Rev. Lloyd Morgan, a young Bap tist minister of Western Pennsylvania, is iu trouble from his habit of roaming around the homes where he sleeps at night, after everybody else has gone to bed. lie boarded at Deacon Snyder's of Logans port, and one night wandered into the room where Snyder's daughter and a vis iting young friend of their's, Miss Eva Connor, were in bed, if not asleep. The girls ordered him out, and he went. The Snyder girls told their mother, and Snyder interviewed Morgan about the affair the next day. He said his light had gone out and he was hunting matches, and pleaded that the little affair be kept quiet. Tbe Snyders agreed for the good of the church to say nothing ; but Eva Connor, when she weut home, talked, and the incident she told made a noise. The older Snyders kept a watch on Morgan after his match hunting expedition. Soon they heard him roaming again one night. Snyder got up, found Morgan's chamber door open aud Morgan kneeling down beside the Snyder girl's bed. He lifted him up and bounced him out, and went and got a pistol to shoot the preacher on the spot ; but Mother Suydur bagged her husband not to shed blood, and Mor gan prayed not to be sent to his account all . -unprepared as he was. The prayers pre vailed, and Snyder put up his pistol, but told Morgan to leave his bouse tbe next day. Morgan prayed not to be exposed, but be permitted to remain, and Bnyder agreed to keep him on condition that be was to be locked in bis room every night the deacon to carry tbe key. Morgan ac cepted Jhe situation, and for some time he has been the deacon's prisoner when not preaohiug. But the affair finally got out, and cow the Homeward Baptist Church at Logansport is investigating it. Deacon Snyder brought the charges and Parson Morgan is making a bold defense. IW A dispatch from Victoria says : " On Saturday last k large crowd assembled at Wellington to perform a series of ath letic sports. During the day Thomas Hall, boatswain of ship Maggie E. Zed, created a disturbance, and was chained t a post in the stable of tbe Wellington Ho tel. About six P. M., the stable was dis covered on fire. A rush was made to res. cue Hall, but before the chain could be re moved the flames drove the rescuors back, with scorched hands aud faoes, and the victim was burned alive before their eyes." GONE UP! mm s ss a The great -advance in the price of SUGARS compels us to make a slight change in our Prices. The condition of the market in such that we cannot with safety make any quota tions, but our advance is not near as great as the advance in the eastern market. Our customers however, will rind our Prices the lowest in the County. A Cordial invitation is ex tended to all to come and share in the BARGAINS we offer. F MORTIMER, New IJloomliold, Pa. CARLISLE CARPET HOUSE ! Annual Announcement of the Spring. Opening of CVRFET IlNTGr S, Oi! Cloths and Wall Papers! BODY BRUSSELS. TAPESTRY , We Invite the Citizens of PERRY to Inspect our . CTR AU L A KG K mid UANDSOMEBTOCK. I - I nrtVV I We are prepared to f how the MUST KLF.fi ANT DEHIUN8 and PATTERNS It has ever been our I imviieRBUl uuillK, at OLD PRICES, BRUSSELS. liavlnn bad a Inrprn stock on hand and bought be f orfl tun rt fifliit AilvnnrA. . , 3 PLYS. INGRAINS. WINDOW SHADES, WALL PAPERS. 1 I We can safely Ray that our stock Is the MOST i COMPLETE 111 this section of Pennsylvania and I we will not permit ourselves to be beaten lu I PRICE or QUALITY. i A FULL ASSORTMENT In nil departments, I with an additional line of FURNITURE COVER ! ING3 in Raw bilk!, Cretonnes, Plain and Striped Kens, &c.,&c. Stepliens & Beetem, 21 E. MAIN STREET, MATTINGS COCOA mm imu. OIL CLOTHS. STAIR RODS. MATS. WALL RUGS. PAPERS. Carlisle, Penn'a. 12 3m SPECIAL. FOR 30 DAYS! ANNOUNCEMENT. To make some change in our business, we offer some Special Prices on several Patterns of Tapestry, Brussels and Ingrain Carpets, Call and see, and be convinced. . O. SEEGliJR. 25: YWOSrS OLD STAND. HARRISBURG, PA. ill 3 mm i il wJm IMS' VECETAQLE pah bub. NEXT A PURELY VEGETABLE REMEDY f OB INTESNAl ADD EITEMAl BSE, Is a Hire ear for ill the disease! for 'which It It recommended, aud 1 always PERFECTLY S&Ffi in the hand of even the moat Inexperienced persona. It is a sure and quick remedy for COUGHS. BORE TIimOAT, CHILLS, and similar troubles; Kflfortls lnatunt relief In the most malignant forms of DIPHTHERIA, and Is tha best known remedy for Rheumatism and Neuralgia.. The Oldest, Best, and Most Widely Known Family Medicine In the World. It ku iMon used with such wonderful success In all parts of the world for CRAMPS, CHOLERA, DIARRHOEA, DYSENTERY, and all BOWEL COMPLAINTS that it Is considered as unfailing cure for these diseases. Haa stood the test of Forty tears' Constant Use In all Countries and Climates. It is RECOMMENDED by Physicians, MtssloMrUs, Ministers, Managers of Plantations, Work-Snaps, and Factories, Nurses in Hospitals in short by Everybody, Everywhere, who has ever given It a trial. IT IS WITHOUT A RIVAL A3 A LINIMENT. It should always be used for Palm in the Back and Side, and bringi speedy and permanent relief in all cates of Uralses, I Cuts, Sprains, Sever Burns, Scalds, etc. , Mo family can safely be without iU It will annually J Save many nines iui w tu uuuvuia uius, ana lis price onugs ib Jr within the reach of all. It is sold at K5c.t fiOo., aud fl per r . hnttia. and can be obtained from all drueKists. PERRY DAVIS & SON, Providence, R. I. Proprietors ' U 0 w '.y C 101 GO BAYS Wc will offer out Immense Stock AT A GREAT SAGRIF IE IF YOU WANT CLOTHING IV YOU WANT Loots and Shoos, IF YOU WANT Dry - Goods, IF YOU WANT CAM PETS, IF YOU WANT HATS AND CAPS, IF YOU WANT Trunks and Valises, IF YOU WANT I, ADIi:S AMD OEIfTS FURNISHING GOODS, GO TO MARX DUKES & CO'S., Successor to ISIDOR SCHWARTZ, EBY'S NEW DUILDINC, NEWPORT, PA. m LYDIA E. PINKHAM. OK LYNN, MASS. DISCOVERER Or LYD1A E. PINKHAfcVS VEGETABLE 'COMPOUND. Tho Positive Cnre For all Female Complaints. This preparation, as lt name alanine, conidjrtsi of Vegetable Properties that are hormloas to the moat del Icote invalid. Upon one trial the mo rite of tbla Coin pound will be recognised, a relief la Immediate i and when its use i continued, In ninety -nine caaea la a haa, dred, a permanent euro 1b focted,as thousands will to ll f jr. On account of it proven merits. It la to-day re commended and prescribed by (he best physicians la the country. It will cnre entirely the worst form of falling of the uterus, Ixucorrhasa, Irregular and painful Menstruation, all Ormri&n Troubles, Inflammation and Ulceration, Ftoodlnga, all Displacements and too con sequent spinal weakness, and is especially adapted to the Change of Life. It will dlasolra and expel tumors from the uterualnan early stage of development. The tendency to cancerous humors there Is checked very spoedlly by Its use. In fact it has proved to be the frretuV est and bent remedy thai has ever been discover ed. It permeates every portion of the system, and sites new life and rigor. It removes f alntnoxflatulcncy , de stroys all craving for stimulants, and relieves weakness of tho stomach . Itcuree Bloating, Headaches. N'.tvous Prostration. General Debility, Slecplcsaness, De pie Ion and Indl irestlon.' That fcelinjr of bearing darn, causing pain, weight and backache, is always permanently cured tr Itsuse. It will at all times, and under all circumstan ces, act in harmony with the law that governs the female system. For Kidney Complaints of either sex tills compound Is unsurpassed. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Is prepared at t33 and S35 Western Avenue, Lynn, Ma-. Price $1.00. Six bottles for $3.00. Bent by mail In the form of pills, alo In the form of Lozenges, on receipt of price, $1.00, per box, for either. Mrs. PINKHAM freely answers all letters of inquiry. 8end for pom phlet. Address as above Jdmtio this paper. Ko family should be without LYDIA E. PINK HAM' LIVER PILLS. They cur Constipation, BUiouam nd Torpidity of tho Liver, ti cents per box. ., , , 27 u ly v . M EDICAL NOTICE! DR. 0. P. BOLLINGER, Having located permanently In TiEW BLO0MF1ELI), Offnrs his irofelfinl serrlnss to the citizens of the UorotiKh and surrounding country. Dr. B. has been eiiRsged In an extennlre prac tice tor over 28 years. l has alxo served his country In the capacity of Burgeon to the THtli fa. Vol. Infantry during the lale Rebellion, huldlni his ComniiMloii Innn the then Uoterimr of this Commonwealth. Ills credentials are from oneot the best Medical Vollefces In America. Ills success as a practitioner ! mrdlelne Is ac knowledged by recommendations from former patrons, which are free for Inspection at all times. IN THE TREATMENT' OF Chronic Diseases he hashad very extensive experlence.andliancured many hopeless cases, after years of sntlerlng, aud expense lucurred In seeking relief elsewhere. Among the many chronic complain' treated successfully are Asthma. Bronchitis. Larynnltls, Hemorrhage of the Lungs, Consumption, (first aud second stages.) Heart Ulwase, Dyspepsia Mver Complaint, Melancholia, Hcrofnla or King's Evil, Hkln Diseases. Chronic Hhnuinatlsm, Koltro, or enlargement of the Glands of the neck. Dropsy, Piles, chronic Dlarrha,Constlpatlon of the Bow els, Sick and Nervous Headache, Neuralgia, Diseases of Females. Tumors, Kidney Diseases, Enlarged Spleen, Epilepsy. DeafHi'us. Chronic Chills and Ague, lUabetes Mellltus, old running sores. Tapeworms removed. Dr. B. does not confine himself to any one par. tlcular system of medicine. Ileuses all the late Improved methods and remedies, as also Magneto Electric, or jIe11el XSlectricHy, which Is so successfully used at the present day In many forms of nervous complaints. In the treatmeut oi the Lungs and air passages he uses INHALATIONS, which carries the medicine direct to the diseased parts. When an Incurable case presents Itself he Is free and aandld lu telling the patient that he can not cure him, thus avoiding further expense. In chronic aihnentt Is always best for patients to call at his olllce for personal examination and treatm int, when that Is practicable. JW Rooms for the present nt The Perry House. CONSULTATION FREE. Bloomfleld, May 4, 18S0. 17 STOP ORGANS 8buTndft only17.75. New Pianos, 1195 to ft.witi Midsum mer otter Illustrated free. Address DANIEL F. BBATTY. Washington. N. J. 28d4t AGENTS WANTKD for Smith's Bible Dictionary and HOLMAts'8 NEW PICTO RIAL BIBLES. Address. lor Circulars, A. J. Uolmau Hi Co., Philadelphia. 28d4w UN FERMENTED EsK. Era ! xrnrziTW MALT BITTERS TRADE MARK MALT AND HOPS' 09 FOR F NPEEBLED DIOESTlOS.TmpoverSh. ed Blood, Weak Lungs. Kidneys, and Urina ry Oreans, Consumption, Emaciation, Mental and Physical Eibauetlon, Dellcite Females, ISurslng Mothers, Hlckiv children, and Debility of Age. MALT BITTEH8 are warranted more Nourishing, Strengthening, Vitalizing and Puri fying bv reason of their richness In Bone and Muscle Producing Material than nil other forms of malt or medicine, while free from the objec tions urged against malt liquors. Prepared by the MALT KirTEfti CO., from ITnfermented Malt and Hops. Bold everywhere. MALT HIT TERU CO., Boston, Mas). 281m The Fftrquhar Separator Pnuis. agrimlutra! W B1U. sr. Z mbu ft .-iS " 28 Kit IMHOUTANT NOTICE. The subscriber late of the firm of Rhoades Smith, would respectfully inform the citizens oi BLAIN and vicinity, that he has opened a WAGON MAKER BIiOP, and Is prepared to make new wagons and repair old ones at short notice, and at from TEN to TWENTY per ceut. cheaper than the old It nil. 49-Uive me a call. Satisfaction guaranteed. JACOB SMITH. Blaln. August 8,1867. ESTATE NOTICE. Notice Is heieby given that letters of Administration on the estate of George Reinpfer, late of Savllle two.. Perry county, deceased, have been granted to die under signed residing in said township. All persons indebted to aid estate are requested to make Immediate payment and those having claims, to present them tor settlement to JACOB KKMPFER, FREDERICK KKMKFER. W. A. Sponsler. Att'y. Administrators. April 20, 1880. INSTATE NOTICE. Noi Ice Is hereby given 14 that letters testsmentary on the estate of Sarah Kline, late of ltlatn borough. Perry county. Pa., deceased, have been granted to the under Signed residing In said place. ed to make Immediate payment and those having claims will present them duly authenticated lor settlement to Wk. A. KLINE, Fiecutor. W. N.Selbtrt att'y. Hlaiu, Pa. E8TATF. N OTICE Notice Is herebyglven that letters tt-stamentaiy in the last will aud testameut of Jacob llai i er. decosed. late of Liverpool township. Perry couuty. Pa., have been granted to the undersigned, residing lu same township. All persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make Immediate payment aud those having claims to ureseullhem duly authenticated lor set tlement JACOH BARNF.U. Jr., EVE liULfcNMKYbK. W. A. Siwins'.er, att y Executors. May3, 188a. Our Stock of NEW GOODS for Men's Weal Is complete. Prlcesfroml2; eentsnp. P. MORTIMER. New Bleomoeld, Pa