0 TIIH TIMES NEW ULOOMFIKLI), I'A.. JUKE 29, 1880. Y V HOUSE, FARM AND GARDEN. . Lime in Agriculture. . The Journal .0 Forestry briefly euros up many of the uses of lime when ap plied to the Boll. The eflects of lime as will be seen, are lu part mechanical and . 'in part chemical. ' 1. ,Upon deep alluvial and clny soil it increases the orop of potatoes, and ren ders them less waxy. Sprinkled over potatoes in & store heap it preserves them, and when riddled over the cut-sets it wonderfully increases their fertility. 2. Lime eradicates the finger and toe . disease in turnips, and gives greater soundness to the bulbs. - 8. It.glves, when applied to meadow land, larger produce of more nutritious grasses. It also exterminates coarse and 6our grasses, destroys couch grass, and act powerfully on ryegrasses. .' 4. Upou arable land It destroys weeds .of various kinds. . 5. It rapidly decomposes vegetable ' matter, producing a large amount of food ' for plants in the form of carbonic acid gas. 0. It destroys or neutralizes the acids in the soils ; hence its adaptability to sour soils. 7. It acts powerfully upon some of the inorganic parts of the soil, especially on the sulphate of iron in peaty soils, and the sulphate of magnesia and alumna. 8. It proves fatal to worms and slugs and the larvue of injurious insects, though favorable to the growth of shell- . bearers. ' 0. Slacked lime added to vegetable matter causes it to give off Its nitrogen )n the form of ammonia. Upon soils in which ammonia is combined with acids, it sets free the ammonia which is seized upon by the plants. ' ' 10 Its solubility in water causes it to sink into and ameliorate the subsoil. When the soil contains fragments of granite or trap rocks, lime hastens their decomposition and liberates the silicates. 11. Its combination with the acids in the soil produces saline compounds, such as potash, soda, etc! Eattle Between a Fheasant and a Black - entke. A few days since, Colin Minor, of Waynesburg, Pa., while in the woods hunting, seated himself on a log to rest, when his attention was attracted by the tound of what he supposed to be chick ebs fighting. On approaching the spot where the contest was going on he dis covered a hen pheasant battling with a blacksnake. She seemed to be greatly excited and would make vigorous at tacks upon the snake, picking and striking it with her wings. His snake ship was coiled, and did not seem to of fer much resistance, simply warding off the blows by striking at the pheasant and guarding Its body from her attacks. After witnessing the scene for some time, Mr. M. shot the snake, when upon examination he found that it had one of the pheasant's eggs in its mouth. The snake measured about eight feet in length. Buckwheat Bread. An Oregon lady correspondent says Buckwheat bread can be made as fol lows : Take two or three cups of sour "milk and enough of buckwheat flour to make a stiff batter about as stiff as you can well stir it with a spoon. Add about . one tablespoonful of saleratus. Bake in a buttered dish or gem pan in a middling hot oven. It is good, hot or cold or warmed over. It can be steamed or , moistened and warmed in the oven. It takes place of all griddle cakes, and very best of bread. ' Sure and Simple Cure for Warts. I will send you a recipe for curing warts, which I have tried and know it to be a sure cure. Procure wild turnip out of the woods, cut a piece of it off . and rub the inside of it on the wart a few times, and in a short time the wart will be gone and will not leave any scar at all. If the wart is large and raw it will be a little sore. I had nearly a hundred warts on my hands, and I put off the turnip and they are entirely gone. Try it, one and alL -' jgg A Pennsylvania correspondent of the Ohio Farmer finds the common black ant an efficient protection against the plague of currant worms. He has ,' several colonies of ants close to his cur- rant bushes, and enjoys an abundance of currants, while his neighbors' bushes ore overrun with worms. Formerly he took pains to destroy ant colonies, where us now, on witnessing their attacks upon the worms, he protects and encour ages them. . C-Ji" One of the most profitable crops that cuu be raised on a farm is horse radish, which during the winter season ilnds a ready sale, if near a city. STOP and THINK liefoire you have purchased' elsewhere ! AT I II A WETZEL'S STORE IN BLAIN, PENN'A., . Is the place to buy goods AT THE LOWEST PRICE ! A FULL STOCK CONSTANTLY ON HAND ! Special Bargains arc Offered in MADE- TIP CL O THING NICHOLS SH EPARD & CO. Cattle CrccMicl ATOTUTNflT..Y PriRATtTit! 4 wonderful! nimpln, using V at thnn one hair the annul g'rt anA n1tr. VoitTAHIjfC, TRACTION, ftti-i ST R AYV.IUTNlNO PTEAM-EflUI NER. with ipt-clal fruturvn of Powr, InrbilttT, Safetr, Eoouomj, and B-'ant? ntlrclj unknown In other ninkci. Stfam-rower IhitUH and Btraro-Powi'r Separator! a ipeclnltr. Fenr hIzpi of Pcpwratom, fVom to II horfe-n-iwrr ; alo J tyk- lmproTrd Monntrd nnrw-Pown-. 8 Yeara of rrorei-ouA and Contlnuoua Huslneaa by thla hoim, without change of name, location, or man ago- neiit, nirnunea a itroug guar an tea ror superior goon ana 0 IITIftM I wondtrfnl unrefM and popularity UrtW U1 oar vtBRATon Jtincninorv nnn onvrn oincr marhinoH to thn wnll t hrnrtfl vnrlnu.i mtker are now ftHemnt ng to build and palm oS Inferior and mougrol Iniltatloa of our lamoui gooai. BE NOT DECEIVED hr meh fxperinifntftl and worthlfM marhlncrr. If wn hvr at an, ffct the "0UtilALrt and the " tiENLUSE from ita CJr ftill pertlMiInpa cull on nr dralrrs, or write to u for llluttratrd Ctrculan, which we mull tint). Adrtrcn NICHOLS, SHEPAKD ft CO., B.ittle Creek, Mich. 11 C A r3EW DEPAtJTUREI BEST PLOW IN TKE WORLD ! THE SYRACUSE CHILLED PLOW CO. of Eyraouse, N. Y. Are now putting on the market a now that is as much superior to any Plow heretofore made as the Plows of the past fow j-cars have been Buperlor to those made half a century ago. It combines ell the excellencies of any Plow in use. It obviates all the objections mado to any othor Plow. r In addition It embraces several new features of the greatest value, for which wo have ob tained exclusive Patents, ItsBeam,Clcvls, Jointer Standard and Yheel Standard will be STEEL, and its mold board will be a composition of Btccl and Iron chilled under a process for which wo havo also obtained an cicluslvo Patent. It will bo called THE SYRACUSE Its wolgrht will be eighteen pounds less than our present styles. A first-class Steel Plow, mndo In tho or dinary way, full rlg-ged, retails for twenty-two dollars. Inferior Btccl Plows retail from six teen to nineteen dollars. The prlco of our new Plow will bo but Seventeen Dollars, and it Will bo tho cheapest Agricultural Implement ever sold. Its mold board will outwear threo of tho very best kinds of tho ordinary steel mold boards. It will scour In soils where all Eteel plows and all othor plows have hitherto proved a failure. , With this Plow will be Introduced a corru gated Plow Point and Jointer Point, on which wo have also obtained a Patent, and which l:i also a great improvement, both as regards strength and wear. Tho Jointer can be Blurted so as to take more or less land, and also more or less pitch, and it can always bo kept on a lino with Uio Plow. Tho wheel will run under the beam or one side of It as desired, and always kept in Une. The beam is adjustable for Spring or Fall Plowing, and also for two or throe horses. The handles can be adjusted to accommo date a man or boy, on the same Plow. It Is a perfect Plow. Wooden beams are going out of use because they shrink, swell and warp, and novor run two seasons alike. Iron beams are too heavy. Malleable beams become demoralized and bend, which is much worse than to break. A Steel beam la the necessity of the day. It Is three times as strong and very much lighter than any other stylo. When say a Mold board Is chilled, Uia farmers know It is so. We do not palm off on them a composition of various metals and call It chilled metaL Wo want agents for this new Plow in every town In tills State. We can give but a very Bmall discount to them, but wo will pay the Railroad Freight. We propose to place this Plow In the hands of Farmers as near the cost of manufacture as possible. It will bo the beet Agricultural Implement ever sold. It shall also be tho cheapest. . Persons therefore who are not willing to act as agents on tho principle that " a nimble six pence Is better than a slow shilling," need not apply for an agency. Ko Plows on commission. All sales absolute. ra'-Thts laths only Steel Chilled Plow In tho World. Steel costs several times more than Iron. But this Plow, full rigged, by giving small discounts, can be sold for Seventeen Dollars. Compare Uus price with Uiat of any Iron Plow ever made. It is cheaper than any other Plow now mado would be at five dollars and a halt Where there are no agents we will, on re ceipt of Seventeen Dollars, send a Plow to any ltallroad station la the State and pay the freight. Address, SYRACUSE CHILLED PLOW CO. Or 8raouo, N. Y- 26Al3t MEN'S WEAll. rr;SSi Don't you want umiieclieap ami Huiu? lull to ex amine h splt-miid axo'irtmiTt for rale by F A. i.i iiru mu nun j murru lu myiB aUQ ORIGINAL AND ONLY CENUINE Threshing Machinery and Portable and Traction Engines. TfTR T AKDAHU ot 9vxitmct tHrouahout ih Grain- Raiting World. MAK III.F." for nrftfn-flftTlnt, Time-S?ln, Perftc Clrnnhig, liai'id an& 7nortmA Work. lNCOMPAUAHLK lu OualHt of HiterUI, Prftct of I'nrtit. 1'ttorough tt'orkmuultlp. Jilraant finish, wti Veautu of Model. MAHVKLOim fhr wMf twptHor irorlr In afl Wnrft of Drain, ami vntvtrtaVn tntwu na the ontv niiccciiful Ttireihux In Flax, Timnihy, Clover, and all other Peectg. nonuruuiv uuun. f I, 22t - . -i JL..JL : 11 ' BEST FURNACE IN THE WORLD FOR HARD COAL OR WOOD, (Whocoht on Cast Iiion ) MAI?:: I1Y RICHARDSON, B0YNT0N &C0 Embody KKW 1879 Improvement, novor berore adopted; ('ontatii nioi-4 iiiiictiortl fe:ituresi Are inure uuruuie; uiBiirasui Keep in oruor: usesiesg luel, and will more ueat and a Uruervoliuno of pure air Ilia iiaiivriiiiincemayiiitlieUnlted States, ltenlace our old and no i lv worklnu Imnrnrwlth oueol 1 hese modern furnaces, wlilcUare popular nun him viu n.iiiy nuuutrniiiii. enu direct to M4iuiaetiiitrs lov prlcea, 234 WATKB ST., New York. lorest and Stream, ROD AND CUN. A WEEKLY JOURNATj. Devoted to Field and Aauatlc Rnorti. PrantliMil Natunil History, Flsli Culture, the pr.itectinn of (ianin, pi'eneivatimi of Forests, and t!ie Inculca tion In Men and Women of a healthy IntnrHit in out-door recreation and study: l'UHLISUKU BY Forest and Sdcnm Publlshlufr Company, AT No. Ill FULTON STREET, NEW YORK. Post OIJlce Box 2832. TERMS, FOUR DOLLARS A YKAR, STRICTLY l.N AUVAM'E, Advertising; Kates. Inside oases, nonoarlol tvoe. 25 oents nor thin. outside p.iue. 4(1 cants. Special rates for three, six and twelve mouths. Notices lu editorial column, 60 cents per line eight wurdt to the Hue, unci twelve lines to one inch. Advertisements should bo scut lu bv Saturday of each week If iossllle. All transient advertisements must be accom panied with the money or they will not be lu. serted. No advertisements or business notice of an Immoral character will be received on any terms. UDITOR'8 REPORT oT Carroll twpT WE tho undersigned Auditors of Carroll town ship, Perry county. I'll., having been duly hwoiu. proceed to th examiuuilon of the accounts of Carson Hair and (ieorue K. Souder, late super visors of said townliln tor Hie year ending April fth, 18S0. UEO. B. 80UDEH In account with said towiHilp. ML Gross amount of diipllc.ite .... 8 127 21 Am't due ou lust netilemcnt... Ii0 62 046 83 t'K. Amount of work 1407 f 6 Printing last account 2 ml Personal services 80 87 Exonerations of 1x78 5 lit ' 1S79 2 (iO " on unseated land .... 14 Auoltors lees. Stationery, etc... 2 Si 500 64 Balance due township 46 19 CARSON HAIR In account with suld twnslilp. DR. Gross amount of diipllcii'e .... JI23 44 Ain't dill ou last bculeiiient .. 3'J 29 4 73 CR. Amount of work 1813 " Personal St-rvlws 117 U) Exoneratiousof uusealnl kind.. 415 70 . , " . " T.ix 1 44 Auditors fees. Ktatlouei v. eic. .. 2 So fi55 02 Balance due Carson ilalr 10189 After a eaieful examination of the accounts of Chi-niiii Hair ami Gt-o. b Souder, late sujiervisois of Carroll lowii-lnp. we do report the above as Just undtiiit. io i In; best of our knowledge and ability. T. 8. McCOItl). JOHN S. HENDERSON, JOHN GAHMAN. Carroll twp. Apill ic.'bl'.J Auditors 5VvV L- jTr.' lvS t sste ' 1 r II'. . 'J I H Newport Adrertlscments. JEWPORT DRUG STORE. nsTlnitbn hand a eoraplet assnrtmout of thefol lowinu artlclea, the lubwrlber uka litre of ;inr tittronaire. Drugs and Medicines, CHEMICALS OF ALL KINDS. Alto a full stock of Concentrated Romedles, ESSEjNTIAL oils. Brushes, Perfumery IIAIH OIL, AND ; FANCY ARTICLES. Also always on Hand PURE WINES & LIQUOR FOB MEDICINAL and SACRAMENTAL PURPOSES PHYSICIANS ORDERS Carefully and Promptly Filled B. M. EBY, Newport, Penn'a. it. s. cook & co., Agree to sell all kinds of LUMBER AND SHINGLES, forLE88 MONEY than any other dealers In this county, j We will also take Rood Timlieron the stump or delivered at our Mill In exchange for Lumber, &e, We use Cleaiileld Pine and Hem ockouly. W. R. 8. COOK & CO., Newport, rcrrj Co., Va, October 10, 1876. jones'ros, & co (Formarly John Jones & Son,) Grain & Produce MERCHANTS, Brick Warehouse, Front St., above Market, Newport, Perry County, Pa. WE would respectfully Invite the patronage of the farmers, and the publio generally, as the HIGHEST PRICES the market wIllaBord, will be paid for all kluds of GRAIN, FLOUR, PRODUCE SEEDS AND RAILROAD TIES We have constantly on hand, FISH, 8ALT, PLASTER, CEMENT COAL, IRON, 8TEEL, HORBE BHOES.ftC.&c FOB SALE AT THE LOWEST RATES. S. Orders promptly filled, Newport, July 20, 1875 tf J B. HARTZELL, Wholesale Tobacco Dealer, Wright's Building, NEWPORT, IA. ' Sole Agent for Lorilard's Buperlor Tobaccos, Also, A Large Stock of STA TIONERY always on hand at LOW PRICES. XT Country Merchants supplied with Goods at Philadelphia prices. Tour orders are solicited. 9 44 B. HIMES, Fire Insurance Agent. OFFICE: South East Comer Market Square, NEWPORT, PENN'A. FIRE INSURANCE POLICIESwrltten In first class companies on all kinds of insurable proper ty, at fair rates, and losses honorably adjusted and promptly paid. Correspondence solicited. Companies Represented jEtna.of Hartford, Commercial Union, Fire Association, 1'hll'a., Assets, $11,700,000. 1,4!4,000. 3.778.0U0. B. HIMES, Agent. March 11. 1880 ly T7I8TATK NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given Jli that letters testamentary on the estate of Philip Light, late of Carroll twp.. Perry Co., Pa deo'dhave been granted to theunderslgued, raslilliiK at Shermansdale, Perry Comity, Pa. All persons iudebted to said estate are request ed to make Immediate payment and those having claims will present them duly authenticated for settlement to JACOB 1.1(1 HT. Executor. CiMS. II. &MU.E1-, Ait'y. March 30, '80. J IDKSIiOKS! Gift Books, Children's Books, Blank Books, School Books, BMbs! Testaments! And all Kinds of Books AT BEACH'S Book & Drug Store. Stationery nt Wholesale or Retail o 63T Subscriptions taken for all Neva papers and Magazines. E. C. BEACH, Newport, Penn'a. November 18, 1879 3m A UCTIONEEItS. JAS. P. LATCHF0RD, AUCTIONEER, Would respectfully Inform the public that he w cry sales at reasonable prices. All orders will receive prompt attention. DONNALL X'B MILLS, PERRY CO., PA. "tames cleeland U Auctioneer, Offers his services to the citizens of Perry and Cumberland counties. Post oltlce addretsl Sherniansdale, Perry co., Ta. D. HENRY, A VCTIONEEIt, Blaln, Perry county Pa. WTerms Moderate and every eiertion maie to render satisfaction. "1 Auctioneer. The undersigned gives noticethat he will cry sales at any point In Perry or Dauphin counties. Orders are solicited and promptatteatlonwillbe given. ,u"l!lw" E.D.WELLS, New Buffalo Perry co.. Pa B. HARNISH, ' AUCTIONEIiR, Delvllle, Perry Co., Pa. Charges moderate, and satisfaction guaranteed. 6 U D AVID M'COY, AUCTIONEER. ICKE8BURG. PERRY COUNTY, PA. .r Ch,irge moderate. Prompt attention paid to ail calls. r notice fliat he will ciy sales at aitasouabie rate, (jatlsfactiou guaranteed. 3- Address w ,o Tnoa StITCH. Jr.. rtov. 18, '78 New Bloomlleld, Pa. p p. hooverT VTJCXIOINIClLllt. Attention glvon to sales, and satisfaction guar, anteed. Prices low. Calf on or address P. P. HOOVER, Augnstl 2.1879. KHIott.burg.ra. JJ0ME MANUFACTURE. . LOOK OUT! Iwouldrespectlvelylnforre myf rlendsthat la teudoalling upon them with a supply pf good ofmy OWN MANUFACTURE. Consistlngof CASSIMERSi ' '. 0ASSINET8, FLANNBL8, (Plalnandbar'd ) OABPET8, Ac.,' to exchange for wool or sell for cash. J.M.BIXLEK. CsmtbsWoolbm Factory . a,17,4ir 1600 A YEAR, or 15 to i day in your own locality, risk. Women rin r tJldUUss men. Many make moie n the amount stated above. one p.ai full In moli. r.,,... fRHt. Vmian m.li. t..,u ,. , to cents io ri an hour tv de voting your evenings and spare time to the liiisl. KShi, ..J"' no,t!,lDK to tr tho business. Noth ing like It for making money ever offered before. Business pleasan t and strictly honorable, ltaader. If you want to know all about the best paviUR business before the public, send us your address f??.!"11 send 70U '"" Psrtlculars and private terms fiee; samples worth 15 also free; you can h?.a,ke.i7..,'our miBi ior yourself. Address GEORGE faTINSON & CO.. Poi tlaud, Me. 401) KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. (It Is sure to cure Spavins, Splints Curb, &o. It removes all unnatural enlargements. Does not blister. Has no equal for any lameness on beast or man. It has cured liip-loiut lame ness In a person who bad suffered 15 ivears. Alsocured rheumatism corna frost bites, or any bruises, cut or lameness. It has no equal for blemish on horses. Send for Il lustrated circular giving positive proof. Price one dollar. All Druggists I ave It or ean get for you. Dr. B. J. Kendall & Co., Pros., Euosburuh. Palls, Vermont. HARRIS & EWINO. Agents. Pittsburgh, Pa. . UIRTQ IMPROVED ROOTBEEK PACKAGE, nin CO TWENTY-FIVE CENTS, makes live gallonsof a delicious and sparkling beverage, wholesome and temperate. ild by Druni'isis, or sent by mall on receipt of 2-s Cents. Adilre-is C1IAS. E. HIRES, Manufacturer, 215Maiket St., Philadelphia, Pa. b tjm pAINTlNG. PAPER HANGING, Sc. Persons wanting Painting, Gralnlns, Paiwr Hangimj. ftc, done picmiitlv and at. tho right price should call ou HKNltY RICE. Jr.. New UlooinHeUI, Pa. fV-Orders Ly mall will receive pnniipt atten tion. layl8, 18M). kx