ivi iff ' m-j y VOL. XIV. THE TIMES. in Independent Family Newspaper, 18 FUBUSniO BVBBT TUB9DAT BT F. MORTIMER & CO. 0 TIC11MH I INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE. One year (Post age Free) l TO Six Months " " 80 To Subscribers In this County Who pay In Adtawcr. a Discount or 2-1 Cents will Demade from the alxire terms, making subsarlptlon within the County, When Paid in Advance, f 1.25 Ter Year. W Advertising rates furnished uponappll catlon. MIKE FINK. HPHE Last of the Boatman" baa not i. become altogether a mythic per aonage. There are around us those who still remember him as one of flesh and blood, as well as proportions simply human, albeit be lacked somewhat of the herolo in stature, as well as being a " perfect terror," to people ! As regards Mlke.lt has not yet become that favorite question of doubt" Did such ft thing really live?" For have we heard the skeptic inquiry" Did such a thing really dteV" But his death in half a dozen different ways and places has been asserted, and this, we take it, is the first gathering of the mythic have that shadowy and indistinct enlarge ment of outline, which, deepening through long ages, invests distinguished mortality with the gubllmer attributes of the hero and demi-god. Had Mike lived in "early Greece," his flat boat feats would, doubtless, in poetry, have rivalled those of Jason, in his ship; while in Scandinavian legtnds.he would have been a river god, to a certainty 1 The Sea Kings would have sacrificed to him every time they " crossed the bar," or advised, as far as any interference went, to " lay low and keep dark, or, pre-haps," &c. The story of Mike Fink, including a death, has been beautifully told by the late Morgan Neville, of Cincinnati, a gentleman of the highest literary taste, as well as of the most amiable and ' pol ished manners. . ".The Last of the Boat men," as his sketch is entitled, is unex ceptionable in Btyle, and, we believe, in fact, with one exception, and that is, the statement as to the manner and place of Fink's death. Hedid not die in Arkansas, but at Fort Henry,' near the mouth of the Yellow Stone. In the year 1822, steamboats having left the "keels" and "broad-horns" "entirely out of sight," and Mike hav ing, in consequence, fallen from high estate that of being "a little bit the almlghtiest man on the river, any how" after a term of idleness, frolic and desperate rowdyism, along the different towns, he, at St. Louis, entered the ser vice of the Mountain Fur Company, as a trapper and hunter: and In that capacity was employed by Major Henry, in command of the Fort at the mouth of the Yellow Stone river, when the occur rence took place of which we write. Mike, with many generous qualities, was alway a reckless vre devil ; but, at this time, advancing (i years and de cayed in influence, above all become a victim of whisky, he was morose and desperate in the extreme. There was a government regulation which forbade the free use of alcofiol at the trading posts on the Missouri river, and this was a continual source of quarrel be tween the men and the commandant. Major Henry on the part of Fink par ticularly. One of bis treaks was to march with his rifle into the fort, and demand & supply of spirits. Argument was fruitless, foroe not to be thought of, and when, on being positively denied, draw up bis rifle and seut a ball through the cask, deliberately walked up and filled his can, while his particular "boys" followed his example, all that could be done was to look upon the matter as one of his "queer ways," and that was the end of it. ; f The state of things continued for some time; Mike's temper and exactions growing more unbearable every day, until, finally, a " spilt" took place, not only between himself and the command ant, but many others in the fort, and the unruly boatman swore he would not , live among them. Followed only by a NEW BLOOMEIELI), lA.., TUESDAY, JUNE 15, 188Q. youth named Carpenter, whom he had brought up, and for whom he felt a rude but strong attachment, he prepared a sort of cave In the river's bank, furnish ed it with a supply of whiskey, and, with his companion, turned in to pass the winter, which was then closing upon them. In this place he burled himself, sometimes unseen for weeks, his protege providing what else was necessary beyond the whisky. At length attempts were used, on the part of those in the fort, to withdraw Car penter from Fink; foul insinuations were made as to the nature of their con nection ; the youth was twitted with being a mere slave, &o., all which (Fink heard of it in spite of his retirement) Berved to breed a distrust between the two, and though they did not separate, much of their cordiality ceased. The winter wore away in this sullen state of torpor; spring came with its reviving Influences, and to celebrate the season, a supply of alcohol was procured and a number of his acquaintances from the fort coming to "rouse out" Mike, a desperate "frolic" of course, ensued. There were river yarns, and boatmen Bongs, and "nigger break-downs," in terspersed with wrestling matches, jumping, laugh, and yell, the cau circu lating freely, until Mike became some what mollified. "I tell you what it is, boys," he cried, " the fort's a Bkunk hole, and I'd rather live with the bars than stay in it. Some on ye's been trying to part me and my boy, that I love like my own cub but no matter. Maybe he's poisoned against me; but, Carpenter, (striking the youth heavily on the shoulder,) I took you by the hand when it had forgotten the touch of a father's or a mother's you know me to be a man, and you ain't going to turn out a dog I" Whether it was that the youth fancied something insulting in the manner of the appeal, or not, we can't Bay ; but it was not responded to very warmly, and a reproach followed from Mike. How ever, they drank together, and the frolic went on, until Mike, filling his can, walked of r some forty yards, placed it upon his head, and called to Carpenter to take his rifle. The wild feat oi shooting cans off each other's head was a favorite one with Mike himBelf and "boy" generally winding up a hard frolio with this sav age, but deeply-meaning proof of con tinued confidence; as for risk, their eagle eyes and iron nerves defied the might of whisky. After their recent alienation, a doubly generous Impulse, without a doubt, had Induced Fink to propose and subject himself to the test. Carpenter had been drinking wildly, and with a boisterous laugh snatched up his rifle. All present had seen the par ties "shoot," and this desperate aim, instead of alarming, was merely made a jest. " Your grog is spilt, forever, Mike 1" "Kill the old varmint, young 'un I" " What'll his skin bring in St. Lou Is V'&c. , Amid a loud laugh, Carpenter raised his piece even the Jester remarked that he was unsteady crack I the can fell a loud shout but, instead of a smile of pleasure, a dark frown fell upon the face of Fink. He made no motion except to clutch his rifle as though he would have crushed it, and there he stood, gazing at the youth strangely. Various shades of passion crossed his features surprise, rage, suspicion but at length they com posed themselves into a sad expression the ball had grazed the top of his head, cutting the scalp, and the thought of treachery had set his heart on fire. ' There was a loud call upon Mike to know what he was waiting for,iu which Carpenter joined, pointing to the can upon his head and bidding him fire, if he knew how. ' " Carpenter, my son," said the boat man, " I taught you to shoot differently from that last shot I You've missed once, but you won't again 1" He fired, and hlsball.croshlng through the forehead of the youth, laid him a corpse amid his, as suddenly hushed companions! ' ; Time wore on many at the fort spoke darkly of the deed. Mike Fink had never been known to miss his aim he had grown afraid of Carpenter he had murdered him ! While this feeling was rising against him, the unhappy boat man lay in his cave, shunning both sympathy and sustenance. He spoke to none when e did come forth, 'twas as a spectre, and only to haunt the grave of his "boy," or, if he did break silence, 'twas to burst into a paroxysm of rage against the enemies who "turned Ills boy's heart from him !" At the fort was a man by the man of Talbott, the gunsmith of the station ; he was very loud and bitter in his denunci ations of the "murderer," as he called Fink, which, finally, reaching the ears of the latter, filled him with the most violent passion, and he swore that he would take the life of his defamer. This threat was almost forgotten, when one day, Talbot, who was at work in his shop, saw Fink enter the fort, his first visit since the death of Carpenter. Fink approached ; he was careworn, sick, and wasted, there was no auger In his bear ing, but he carried his rifle, (had he ever gone without it?) and the gunsmith was not a coolly brave man ; moreover, bis life had been threatened. " Fink," cried he, snatching up a pair of pistols from his bench, "-don't ap proach me if you do, you're a dead man 1" " Talbott," said the boatman, in a sad voice, " you need'nt be afraid ; you have done mo wrong I'm come to talk to you about Carpenter my boy I" He continned to advance, and the gunsmith again called to him " Fink, I know you ; If you come three steps nearer, I'll fire, by ?" Mike carried his rifle across his arm, and made no hostile demonstration, except in gradually getting nearer if hostile his aim was. " Talbott, you've accused me of mur dering my boy Carpenter that I raised from a Child that I loved like a son that I can't live without I I'm not mad with you now, but you must let me show you that I couldn't do it that I'd rather die than done it that you've wronged me ." , , By this time he was within a few steps of the door, and Talbott's agitation be came extreme. Both pistols were point ed at Fink's breast, in expectation of a spring from the latter. " By the Almighty above us, Fink, I'll fire I don't want to speak to you now don't put your foot on that step -don't." Fink did put his foot on the step, and the same moment fell heavily within It, receiving the contents of both barrels in his breast 1 His last and only words were, " I didn't mean to kill my boy 1'.' Poor Mike I we are satisfied with our senior's conviction that you did not mean to kill him. Suspicion of treach ery, doubtless, entered his mind, but cowardice and murder never dwelt there. ' A few weeks after this eveut, Talbott himself perished in an attempt to cross the Missouri In a skiff. SOME FEATS OF STRENGTH. AMONG the Greeks the suooessful athlete was crowned with laurels and loaded down with wealth and hon ors. When Egenetus, In the ninety second Olympiad, triumphant In games, entered Agrlgentum, his native home, he was attended by an escort of 300 chariots, each drawn by two white hors es, and followed by the populace, cheer ing and waving banners. Mllo six times won the palm at both the Olympic and Pythian games. He Is said to have run a mile with a four-year old ox upon his shoulders, and afterward killed the ani mal with a blow from his fist, and ate the entire carcass in one day 1 So great was his muscular power that be would sometimes bind a cord round his head and break it by the swelling and pres sure of the . veins. , An ordinary meal for Mllo was twenty pounds of meat, as much bread, and fifteen pints of wine. , Thessalla was of prodigious strength and colossal height, aud, it is said, alone and without weapons, killed an enor mous and enraged lion. One day (it is so recorded) he seized a bull by one of Its bind feet, and the animal escaped only by leaving the hoof in the grasp of the athlete. , The Eoruau Emperor Maxlmnus was upward of eight feet in height, and like Mllo, of Crotone, could squeeze to pow der the hardest stone with his fingers and break the jaw of a horse by a kick. His wife's bracelet served him as a ring, and his every day meal was CO pounds of meat and an amphora of wine. While a prisoner in Germany, Rich ard I. accepted an Invitation to a boxing match with the son of his jailor. He received the first blow, which made him stagger; but, recovering, with a blow of the fist killed his antagonist on tbe spot. Tophani, who was born In London in 1710, was . possessed of astonishing strength. His armpits, hollow in the case of ordinary men, were with him full of muscles and tendons. He would take a bar of iron, with its two ends held in his hands, place the middle of tbe bar behind his neck, and then bend the extremeties by main force, until they met together, and bend back the lroti straight again. One night, per oeivlng a watchman asleep in his box, he carried both the man and his shell to a great distance, and deposited them on the wall of a church-yard. Owing to domestic troubles he committed suicide in the prime of life. The famous Scanderberg, King of Al bania, who was born in 1418, was a man of great stature, and his feats of sword exercise have never been equaled. On one occasion, with a sclmetar, he struck his antagonist such a terrible blow that its tremendous force cleaved him to the waist. He is said to have often cloven in two, men who were clad in armor from head to foot. On one occasion the brother and nephew of a certain Balls ban, who had been convicted of cruelties toward the Albanians, were brought to him, bound together. Transported with rage, he cut them in two with one stroke of his weapon. Maurice, Count of Saxony, tbe hero of Fontenoy, inherited the physical vig or of his father, and was especially no ted for the surprising muscular power or " grip," of his hands. On one oc casion, needing a corkscrew, he twisted a long iron nail round into the requited shape with his fingers, and with this ex temporized Implement opened half a dozen bottles of wine. Another time, when stopping at a village blacksmith shop to have bis horse shod, he picked up a number of new horse-shoeB, and with his bands snapped them in two as readily as if made of glass, much to the surprise and disgust of the smith. If history is to be believed, Pbyallus of Crotona, could, jump a distance of fifty-six feet. The exercise was practic ed at the Olympic games and formed part of the course of the Pentatholon. Strutt, an English authority on games and amusements, speaks of a Yorklsh jumper named Ireland, whose powers were something marvelous. He was six feet high, and at tbe age of eighteen leaped, without tbe aid of a springboard, over nine horses ranged side by side. He cleared a cord extended fourteen feet from the ground with a bound, crushed with bis foot a bladder suspended at a height of sixteen feet, and on another occasion lightly cleared a large wagon covered with an awning. Col. Ironside, who lived In India early in this century, relates that he met in his travels an old white-haired man who with one leap sprang over the back of an enormous elephant flanked by six camels of the largest breed. A curious French work published in Paris in 1745, entitled "Tbe Tracts To ward the History of Wonders Perform ed at Fairs," mentions an Englishman, who at the fair of St. Germain in 1723, leaped over forty people without touch ing them. In our own day we are fa miliar with many remarkable exposi tions of strength aud endurance. Dr. Wlndsip, with the aid of straps, lifted a weight of 3,600 pounds, and with the little finger of his right hand could raise his body a considerable distance from the ground. ' ' ' 1 " An Excited Darkey. . A POLICEMAN who was beating through "Kaintuck" yesterday afternoon was halted by a little old negro man who bad business in his eye and both bands, tightly clenched, aa he said : ' 1 ' . " Say.boss, am you gwlne to be 'round yere to-morrer forenoon V" . .. Yes, I suppose so." , . , " Waal, dar's gwlne to be de power fullest fuBs up yere dat ole Kaintuck ebersaw, an' you'd better have about six pa'r o' handcuff u' shackles wld you." " Why, what's the trouble now V" " Truble 'nuff, Bah. You see, de old man Jinklns, 'round on Illinoy Btreet, NO. 25 . am gwlne to die afore night. Dot's set tied for shuah." " Yes." " Waal, de old man baa axed me to sort o' boss de fun'ral 'rangements, kase he knows I'm solid on stch dings. Ize 'tended fun'rals bo long dot Ize got de bang of 'em, you see." " YeB." "Waal, dar's Deknn Allen, llbln' ober'on Calhoun street, one of de most pompous Africans In Detroit. Just aa suah as a black man shuffles off de coll anywhar' 'round heah de Dekun he al ius wants to boss de fun'ral blzness." " Does, eh ?" " He does, sab, an' he's de poorest han' you eber saw. He can't start a by mn, nor make any sort o' speech on de shlnln' qualities of delate deceased. Why, what d'ye 'spose de Dekun got off ober heah on Clay street at a fuu'ral in Jlnuary ?" " I can't say." " Why, be said dat man cometh up like a flower an' am cut down. De de ceased wasn't a man at all, but a girl, an' de ideah of flowers comin' up In Jinuaryl Slch ignorance, sab, needs rebuke." " Well, what about this fuss to-mor. row V" "Wall, sab, Ize been requested to boss dat fun'ral. Ize been requested by de werry man who am gwlne to form de subjeck of de sad occasion. De De kun will be ober dar as usual, puttln' on scollops an' tellln' folks to stand back an' soon. He'll swell up an' walk -'round wld his hands behln' his back, same as if he owned de hull Btreet, an' same as if I wasn't knee-high to a clothes-hoss." "Well." ' " Well, sah, dar will be a rekonter be tween the Dekun an' myself. De wery minit dat he begins to swell up I shell shed off my Sunday coat an' purceed to mangle him widln two inches of his life I I'll do it I'll do it, sab, if I hev to go to the State Prison for a fousan' y'ars I" "I wouldn't." " But I will, sah. Ize giben you far warnln', sah, an' if you am not on ban' wld aone-hoss wagin, to convey de body of de Dekun to his late home, it won't be my fault. Dat's all, sah all exoept dat 1 strike wid boaf fists to once, 'an dat de pusson struck at soon pines away an' dies. Good day, sah 1" Had Read the Bible. BIBLICAL scholars are sometimes entrapped. In a little town of Ba varia, the other day, sat an aged frau- lien and her minister, who was at least, supposed to know the bible by . heart. Tbe frauleln eDjoyed a joke in spite of . her age ; and the reverend father, al though a thoroughly nloua man. waa not a whit behind her. Indeed there Is nothing in the sacred profession which interdicts a good wholesome laugh, and nothing which makes a man so sad that he can see only the gloomy and cloudy side of life. Our fraulein said : " Father, you may have heard that some of the persistent explorers in the Holy Land, have just discovered a hugh heap of bones which are supposed, on pretty good autbortty, to be those of the the children Herod killed." "Ah, indeed!" aald the minister thoroughly interested, " I had not heard ot it." " Yes,," continued the frauleln, " and strange to say, nearly half of tbe bones were as white as the snows of the Alps, while the others were as black as eb ony." " Well, well !" exclaimed the pastor, " that is certainly very remarkable." " Aud the problem to be solved Is," continued the fraulein, " whether the white bones ' belonged to the girls and the black ones to the boys, or vice versa. The explorers were greatly vex ed by tbe matter and could arrive at no satisfactory conclusion. Now, what do you think, father V" "Oh," wittily rejoined the pastor, " of course the black bones belonged to the girl babies and the white ones to the boy baWes." ' We ask tbe same question of our read ers, and they bad better guess several times before they read the rest of the paragraph. When they have settled the matter, they can refer to the answer of the frauleln, who, with a merry twinkle iu her eye, said: "Father you must have read your bible to very little pur pose, for tho account tells that only boy babies were killed by Herod."