THE TIMES NEW BLOOM FIELD, l'A JUNE 8, 1880. A Sermon Hoard Eighty Miles. On Pumliiy n wook the oliuroh of Ilov. Tlio. K. llBoulinr, Elinlni, tea connected with tho UaioMa and Hultcfln ollloe of Wllllanisrimt by telophoue, and n jioitloii if tlin kormoti .totiogmphloiilly reported . for Uio pnpor. The wires of Hie Anwi'lcati Uuiou Telegraph Company, under the mniiiifrctiient of Division Operators II. H. niiondu, of Wlllln,iifiit, and W. N. Enstoibtook, of llinlra, were uacd, and the prsjor, nnmniticeiiieiit of the hymn and text were distinctly heard. Nearly every wind of Uio speaker could be heard la 'VYilllumiipoit dining tho amine of an ordinary Harmon, and tlio imwlo of the or gnu could be heard as plainly ai If it had been only ilfteeu foet away. The ohnroh bolls In Klmlra weio also heard In Wll llamspoit ringing clear and distinct. Tho only drawback to the hearing rioarly every word uttered by Air. lleouhor was when cars and engines were panning over the track of tho Eilo railroad In Klmlra and on the Northern Central, This had the effect of drowning the sound. Othor. wine the experiment was a aiicce, and demonstrated that the tolcphone can be used for hearing sermoiiH a hundred miles away. The diatauce between William port and Klmlra Is seventy-eight miles. Fire In the Oil Region. BnAPFoim, I'a., Way 01. At 8 o'clock this evening an oil derrick located in the heart of the city was discovered to be on lire. In a Hash the entire rig was nblnzo mid communicated to a tank near by con taining one hundred and twonty-flve bar rels. The lire running to tho top of tho derrick, oveuty-two feet, aud burning the tank oil, lighted up tho city, creating the 'wildest excitement among the residents. The eutiie (lie organization was called out. .People in the vicinity removed thoir goods, expecting tho entire square to go. Tho wind was still. The firemen worked as thry never did before, aud at 0:130 had the .llamas completely under control. The rig, tank of oil and wareroom of Wright's grocery store wore totally consumed Btid two imrns partially. The lire was the work of uu luceudinry, being tho third at 'tempt ruado within Jwo weeks. Several days ago tho Mayor offered a Toward of 1300 for the arrest of the party. The citizens of ill ad ford were thoroughly frightened, ond the peril was certainly very gvoat. A Strange Story. Galveston, June 1. A Nows spcoial from Dallas says a desperate attempt at robbery occurred near Clear Lake, Collins couuty. A farmer uamod Bradley left $200 received for cattle with his wife for safe-keeping. A Btrangor asking to Btay all night, was given a pallot on tho gal lery. At midnight he saw two tnou, who he supposed bolonging to the family, enter, and hearing cries of tnurdor, be peeped through tho blinds, aud saw a woman on the bed with her throat cut. Snatching a 8lx-Bhootor, tho stranger sprang toward the door and fired, killing both parties. Mouuting a horse, be rode to the nearest neighborhood, and, accompanied by a party of four, returned, Mrs. Bradley and both robbors were doad, one of whom was shot through the heart and the other through tho head. The robbors proved to be Mrs. Pructt and ber daughter, the former sixty years old and the owner of cousideraUlo property, and having au Inde pendent inheritance of (17,000. Somo Good Luck. In digging among tho ruins of his bouse, which was destroyed by fire a fow days ago, Bennett Baumor, of Richmond, lud., discovered an earthen Jar, over the mouth of which was drawn a pieoe of parchment, and on removing this he found a roll of bank bills amounting to (150. The jar had evidently been bid In the cellar, but whom it bolongs to is unknown. A Rain of Fish In Indiana. Kokosio, Ind., May 29. The rain storm of Tuesday left on the farm of S. Carpenter, near here, fish of all sizes. Mr. up several dozen aud thousands of live Carpenter picked brought them to town. Among them were three or four pike, five inches long. The remainder were bass, minnows, not over a quarter of an inch In length. Tbey are now in an aquarium. Aged Ladies Murdered. IIartfobd, Cimu., May 81. Mrs. Maria Arrant and Mrs. Emily Chitsey, aged w idow ladies, residing in Avon, ten miles from Hartford, were found murder ed late last night. No particulars have yet been rcclved. C3T- A singular accideut occurred near the track of tho Whitewater Railroad, just uoith of Connersvillo. Ind., a few days since. Mrs. Elmendorf and daugh ter were driving along the road parallel with the track, when the horse became frightened at au approaching train, and started to run. The ladies both jumped out of the vehicle unhurt, but the horso, after running a few rods, and without coming into oontaot with anything, fell dead in the road. km . , i . Note These IPriees ! Good Brown Sugar 7 Better " "8 Almost White Sugar 0 White Sugar 10 Choice Roasted Coffee 20 Cents Per Pound. And Lots of Other Groceries at Low Prices I I'vint at 4 Cent Ver Yd. Vriirt at a Vent per Yd. Printout f; Vents " " liest 1'rlni S Vt. " " And Other Styles of Dress Goods ! In FANCY (lOODtf we Imve also reoelved somo OUKAT JiAHGAINtf. We vail speolal attention to a lot of HII.K TIKSnt lUti cents. Knilroliprpl LAWN TIKrt very cheap. Long Laltlm ULOVK8 iti bountiful sliadts nt IW cents. LONO L18LK ULOVKtfln Ithiok and Colors. Choice IIOHIKKY for Men, Women and Children, to., &o. K3T Anvtlirr ht of LAWSS,alnn received flit week at from O to lii eent per yard. OUJi STOCK OF (Jcrmnntown Yarn unci Zephyrs, Hosiery, Gloves, Notions, &c, Will bo Found Complete. MORTIM ID B, New liloomjicld, Pa. CARLISLE CARPET HOUSE ! Annual Announcement of the Spring Opening of CARP E T I NG-S, Oil Cloths and Wall Papers! BODY BRUSSELS. TAPESTRY BRUSSELS, 3 PLYS. INGRAINS, WINDOW SHADES, Wn Invite the CItletis of 1'EltllY to Inspect our , CTR A W LAUOEBlid HANDiitlMKHTOCK. 1 01 Wo are prepared tn lwwthe MOST ELEGANT DKNlMNHaiid PATTEltNS It 1ms ever been our prlvllegoof doing, ill OLD PRICES, having had a large stock on baud aud bought lie lure tlie recent advance. We can safely sav that our stock I the MOST COMPLETE 111 this section nt Pennsylvania and w. will nnt permit ourselves to be beaten III rmouorgUAUTV. A FULL ASSORTMENT In 1I departments, with nil ailitltlniml line "! VHKNITUKK COVhlt INIIS 111 llnw hllks, Cretonuun, l'liiln and Htilpcd Hpa,&o.,&u. Stepons & Beetem, WALL PAPERS. j 21 E. MAIN STREET, Carlisle, 1880. CARPETS ! JUST RECEIVED AN IMMENSE STOCK OP CAEPETS, o.u cloths ajst it iros, Ot all O rack's (or the Spring Trade the Largekt Assortment n( Uarpetn Outbids ot Philadelphia, SA.MTJ.Ti!, ADAMS, Opern House Carpet Store No. 31 North Third Street, i4- HAllllISBUHG, , PENN'A. MM, n HI PERRY DAVIS & ' It l sill s ijgjll ! HMD flow UOOds I Cents Per Pound. Cents Per Pound. Cents Per Pound. Cents Per Pound. Cents Per Pound. MATTINGS i MATTING. OIL CLOTHS. STAIR RODS. MATS, RUGS. WALL PAPERS. J?en.n'jx. 12 3m CARPETS ! 1880. VEGETABLE fm LiSLLUB A PURELY VEGETABLE REMEDY FOB liniNAl AND EITHNAl la a rare rare for all the disease for which It Is recommended, aud ijf always PERFECTLY SAFE in the hands of even the most inexperienced persona. It ts a man and quick nmnljr for COUGHS, BORE THROAT, C1IILLH, and (imllar troubles; alTords tiutant relief in the most malignant forms of DIPHTHERIA, and la the best known remedy for Rheumatism and Neuralgia. The Oldest, Boat, and Most Widely Known Family Medicine In the World. It baa been used with such wonderful aueeeu in all parts of the world for C KAMI'S, CHOLERA, DIARRIUEA, DYSENTERY, and all BOWEL COMPLAINTS that it Is considered an unfailing cure for these diseases. Ha8 stood the test of Forty Years' Constant Use In all Countries and Climates. It la RECOMMENDED by Physicians, BlUslouarUs, Ministers, Manager of Plantations, Worlc-Shope, and Factories, Ifursea in Hospitals in short by Eti body, Everywhere, who has ever given it a trial. IT IS WITHOUT A RIVAL A3 A LINIMENT. It should always be used for Pain in the Back and Side, and brings speedy and permanent relief in all easel of Bruise, Oute, Sprains, Sever Burns, Scalds, eta. No family can safely be without It. It will annually gave many times lis cost in doctors' bills, and its prios brings it within the reach of all. It is sold at ac, 60., and Pf bottle, and con b obtained from all druggist. SON, Providence, R. I. Proprietors. o w y c 1880. 1880. SPUING I What Do People Say? THEY SAY wo have the best mut largest stock of CLOTHING in tho County. THEY SAY wo have a splendid line of IXIt Y OOOIH, Very Cheap. THEY SAY our stock of Boots hi id Shoes cannot bo surpassed. THEY SAY that our styles of OA.KPIISTS cannot be beat. THEY SAY we have the lam est stock of HATS ATSD JA Vh in tho County. THEY SAY wo have tho larg est store in the County ; the largest stock to select from ; bet ter styles than elsewhere, and that our prices can t be beat. MARX DUKES & CO'S., Successor to I8IDOR SCHWARTZ, EDY'S NEW BUILDINC, NEWPORT, PA. Forest and Stream, ROD AND GUN. A WEEKLY JOUttNAI.. Natural History, Klsli Culture, tlm protection of (lame, preservation of Forests, and tlie liiciileii tlon In Men and Women ot a healthy Interest In out-uoor revreaiion auu siuay : l'UBUSHED BY Forest and Htream rnblhhlng Compan AT No. Ill FUf.TON 8T11EET, NEW YORK. (Post OfUce Box 2832. , TERMS, FOUR HOLLARS A YEAR, STRICTLY 1IH AUIAItlib Advertlsinif Rates. Inside page, nonparlel type, 2S cents per line; outside page, 40 vents. Hpeclal rats for three, six and twelve months. Notices In editorial columu, W cents per line eight words to the line, and twnlvA linns tn one iiifih. Advertisements should be seat In by Saturday OI eacli weea u possiuie. All transient advertisements must be accom pan led with the money or they will Dot be lu Mttrfpfl. tio advertisements or business notice of an Immoral character will be received on any terms. A UDITOB'8 REPORT of Carroll twp, WE the undersigned Auditors ot Carroll town shin. Forrv cmmtv.Pa.. havlnir been dulv sworn proceed to the examination ol the accounts of Jurson Hair and George 11. Houder, late super visors of said township for the year ending Apill MO, 1S4U. GEO, B. BOUDEB lu account with said townrhlp, UR. dross amount of duplicate .... 1127 Zt Am't due ou lost seUlemeut... 119 62 M3 Clt. Amount of work 1107 Hi Printing last account ton Personal services 80 87 Kxonorations of 1878 A 12 " 179 2 60 " on unseated land .... 14 Auditors fees. Htatlouery. etc . . 2 is 500 61 Balance due township 40 19 CARSON IIAIR In account with said township. DR. Gross amoant of duplicate .... 1121 44 Ain't due on last settlement .. 30 29 4.53 73 CR. Amount of work I'M 13 Personal Hervlces 117 CO Exonerations ot unseated land.. 460 Tax 1 44 Auditors feet. Stationery, etc ,. 2 86 553 62 Balance due Carson Hair 101 9 After a careful examination of the accounts of Carson Hair and Geo. B Kouder, late supervisors of Carroll townnlilp, we do report the above as just and true, to the best ef our knowledge and auuuy. T. 8. McCOKT). JOHN a HENDERSON JOHN UAHMAN. Carroll twp., April 20, 'W.J Auditors Notice to (lie Crodllnia of Jacob IlUilne, N TIIK M ATTER t His imlltlnn of Hnlornmt lilKliHin, AHHlyiM-), fur iiin lipintilt of tli oii or now to jyiti March Ptli, lwi,riile to sliowcoum liy pntllliinnr 'should imt he illm-hargml, aiiint. retlirimlile Bill JUMC, luso. Nnllre lo allcifd. irs tolmaivpu of rule liyadvrrllsement In one iWBinr iMilillslied In lh ti ty, f()r three emi. oiitlve weeks prior to return of rule. The mod. ns of said Jacob Klsllue at herrhy nolllli'd to ipearliitlifl Couit of (Join uinn I'li-ns of lirv Minly.iitlllooiiilleld. on TUrHDAV, .lune Mil', no, and show cause. If any they hnvo. whv Hni.i. in IilKlmiii. Asiiuiiee of snld Jacob III mine and ilfn. almiilil It,.l A, II. U lit 'Hit, rrothnnnlary, May1l,lM0.1 (Lewis Potter, All y, Notice to the Creditor ot Matlila Hunt, N THE MATTRn of Die petition rf Mlflmel Dei'l'lrk. A ssllneft (fir lite fienelll f( ei-u.lli..ra ot MaHila Hind, to tie (tlsnliaraeij from snld trust, the fullowlnn order was made by the (Jnurti n, ttih 1,1 njr i,, niio to snow enue why petlthinnr lionld not be dlHclmrKed, iirsnli il .,.,., n v yum. ,r,n'F, n ,, MT IP 1 1 l ri'U 1 1 lirS to lie given of rule, by adverllsKinent In one news. psner inioiisneu in me eounty, fur three weeks in dir to return of rule, The Creditor of thnsald Miithlii llurd are hereby notified to Rpienr III theOourtol Oomimiii pies of Perry Oomily. at llloiiinlleld, on TllKHDAY. June 8th. Jhno, and show eausn why Mlclmel Derrick, ilnnee of said Malhlas Burd should not he discharged. a. u. uiiiihii, i'rntiMiuoiarjr. May 11, 1IW1.1 (Iwls Potter, Att'y. 71 STATU NOTICK, Notleel hereby ly. 'J en thnt Letters nt Aitiiiliiliruii,,n nli, esinteof Andrew J. Kurd, of llultalo township, Perry county. Pa., deo d. have been granted to John Poller of said lown.ililp. All tinrsonslndebted to said estnte are requested fo make linmeilliite payment, and tlioie having elalms against said entate will ineseut tliem duly autlienlicnted for settlement to JOHN POTTER, , , ... Administrator. Lewi Politer, att'y. m t. ITtSTATR NOTK-'IC-Notlcelslierebyglven 'J that hitlers testamentary on the last will ,,i ir.iniiirni t, ,:,. ,m ,ir'W,, lain OI id testament ol Jacob llariicr, deressed, late of m.,,,,., , T7, , j iti.,, i j, i uu, ueeil I'fllll.l.fl III DlA lltlllerul UI1H.I fuaMlMW I. a m ownshlp, All mirsons Indebted tn said estates re refmeateil to mnke Imnieillnte payment and Ihosnhavlug clalmsto present thcmduly authenticated for set tlement JAfJDII BAREH. Jr., ... . , KVEiillLKNMKVKR. W. A. Rponsler, att y. Executor. May 3, 1110, I.1STATR NOTK 'K.-Notlce Is hoieliy given li tlintlel'ers of Administration ou the rotate ol George Remoter, late of Havllle twp., perry county, deceased, have been granted to the Under signed residing In said towiiihlp. All persons Indebted to raid estate are reouested to make Immediate pnymeit' and those having claims, to present them for settlement to 0 m;i hi It riw t r KM, W. A. Htmnler. A It.' V. Aillllllilaraliira t (April 20, 18H0. pi STAT K NOPICHNotlce Is hsroby given VJ that letters lestmiietilary on the estate of 'hlllll Llellt. lain of Cm lull Ikii.. I'errv I'n Pa.,ilec'd..bave been erniited to theundersfgiied, residing at H)inrniMisilal, Perry (Jnuiily, Pa. All linrsons indebted to said estate are rennest. ed tn iniike Immediate payment and those having claims will present them duly authenticated for settlement lo JACOB MOIIT. Executor. March 80, '80.J (Cius. H. Bmn.ay, Att'y. -TT1STATK NO'I K'IC-Notlce Is hereby given J'j that letters tstmentnry on the esfafe of Harah Kline, lale of lllaln borough. Perry county, I'a., deceased, have been granted to the under signed residing In said place. All persons Indebted to said estate are rnn,uet ed to make Immediate payment and those having claims will present them dnly authenticated for settlement to Wsf. A. KLINE, Executor. W. W . Belbert att'y. Dial n, Pu, 11 6w M EDICAL NOTICE! DR. 0. P. BOLLINGER, Hiving located permanently In NEW DL003I FIELD, Offers his professional services to the cltlz-on of the Borough and surrounding country. Dr. B. has been engatted In an extensive nrnn. tics for over 2H years. J lu has also served hi country in me capacity oi Burgeon to the 7th Pa. Vol. infantry during the late Rebellion, holding his Commission lioin the then Governor ol this Commonwealth. Ills credentials are rom nneof the best Medical Colleges In A me ilea. j us sucuens as a praeuiioner ol meoicine is Ho knnwledged by recommendation from former patrons, which are free lor Inspection at all tunes. IN THE TREATMENT OF Chronic Diseases he ha had very extensive experlence.andhascured many hopeless caws, after years of sullerlng, and expense Incurred In seeking relief elsewhere. Among the many chronic complaints treated successfully are Asthma, Bronchitis, I.arsngitis, Hemorrhage of the Lungs, Consumption, (first and second stages.) Heart Disease, Dyspepsia Liver Complaint,, Melancholia, (Scrofula or King's Evil, Hkln Diseases. Chronic Rheumatism, Goitre, or enlargement, of the Glands of the neck. Dropsy. Piles, chronic D)aiThaa,Cnutlpntloa ol the l!o. els. Hick and Nervous Headache, Neuralgia, Diseases of Females, Tumors, Kidney Diseases, Enlarged Hpleen, Epilepsy, Deafaets, Chronic Chills and Ague, Diabetes Mellitus, old running ores. Tapeworms removed. Dr. B. does not eonllne himself to any one par ticular system of medicine. He uses all the late Improved methods and remedles,as also Magneto. Ulectrlo, or Modlcul ICleetrlelty, which I so successfully used at the present day In many forms of nervous complaints, la the treatment ol tlie Lungs aud air passage he uses INHALATIONS, which carries the medicine direct to the diseased parts. When an Incurable case present Itself he la free and candid In telling the patient that be can not cure bun, thus avoiding further expense. In chronic ailment It Is always best for patient to call at his office for personal examination aud treatment, when that I practicable. Mr Boom for the present at The Perry House. CONSULTATION t! lit it, Bloomfleld, May 4, IMC. UflPCC 8end 2S cents In stamp or enrrency nUnOC ir new UOK8K HOOK, it treat all diseases, ha 33 line engravings showing posi tions aasumed by sick horses, a table ni doses, a pnni large collection of valuable recipes, BUUIX rules for telling the ageof a horse, with an engraving showing teeth ol each year, and a large amount of oilier valuable horse Informa tion. Dr. Wm. H. Hall says: MI have bought book that I paid 15 and Ho for which I do in like as well as I do yours." HKSD FOR A CIR CULAR. AGENTS WANTED. B. J. KEN. DA IX. Enosburgh Falls, Vt. 20 ly Mr The Hook can also be had by addressing " luz Times," New Bloomtteld, Pa. A WEEK" In yonr town, and no eaol lal risked. mi ean give the business) a trial without exieae. lue best opportunity ever onvrea lor those willing to work. You stwuld try nothing else until you teefor your self what yon can do at the business we otter. No room to explain here. You can devote all your time or only your spare time to the buiiuess, aud make great pay lor every hour that yon work. Women can make a much as men. bead for special private terms and particulars, which we maillree. IS Outm tree. Don't complalnnf hard times whl'e von nave such a chance. Address U. UALLET I CO.. Port land, Maiae. 401y