8 THE TIMES NEW BLOOMtflELD, 1A., JUNE 1, 1880. Found Gagged and Bound. Information has reached Lebanon from ' ear Union Deposit, DaupliUi county, of the flndidR, In an exhausted condition, of Samuel Smith, aDunkard, who resides, lu t.ho handsome brick mansion of Mr. John II. Yingst, cast Cumberland street. Mr. Smith is a son-in-law of Henry 0. Light, and for several dnys has been missing from homo, his whereabouts not being kuowtt to any one. On Sunday while a party of peo ple were coming from a love feast they came upon this almost exhausted man, who had rolled from a steep hill to the foot of it. lie was bound in chains, and was gagged in suoh a manner as to be unable to talk, and a closer examination revealed the fact that the pocket of his vest had been cut out, and in doing this, his side was punctured sufllciently to draw blood and soil his vest and linen. The gag was fastened in his mouth by means of a stout piece of wiie which wns dextrously drawn nround the back of the head where it was flrmly twisted,and making it almost impos sible for Mr. Smith to release himself, even if he had the free use of his hands, which, as before staled, were tied together. When found he was iu a semi-conscious condition, frothing from the mouth aud uuable to give any intelligent information regarding himself, even after the gag was removed. Finally be was asked whether ho could read and write, to which he repli- d with a nod of the head that he could, when paper and pencil were glveu blur and he wrote down the name fiamuel Smith. A pliymcian was immediately summoned, when he revived sufficiently to state that .he had been brought by a party in a spring wagou to the top of the hill aud there left in his helpless condition. It is bolieved that ho was the victim of a conspiracy ; that he was gagged by the party and then robbed. The chains were cut from him , with axes and great excitement existed in the neighborhood over the affair. How to Cook a Husband. The Cist thing to do is to catch him t Many n good husband is spoiled in the cooking. Some woman keep them con stantly in hot water, while others freeze them with conjugal coldness ; Borne smoth er them with contention, and still others 'keep them in a picklo all their lives. These women serve them with touguo sauce. Now, it is not to be supposed that hus bands will be tender and good if treated in this way ; but they are, on the contrary, very delicious when managed as follows: Get a large jar, called the jar of carefulness; place your husband in it, and place him near the fire of conjugal love; let the fire be pretty hot, especially let it be clear; above .ill, lot the heat be constant; cover him over with affection ; garnish him over with the upice of pleasantry, and if you add kisses and other confections let them be accom panied with a sufficient portion of secrecy, nixed with prudence and moderation. Turned the Joke. The late famous Rev. Dr. Maodonald was croasiug at Kessock on one of his fre quent journeys. The day was very stormy and there was difficulty in getting the boat across. An old woman, one of the passen gers, quoted the saying that " where there were black coats thore was always bad weather," and asked the doctor if he could give any reason for it. lie answer ed with habitual quickuoss that "ministers, are nt war with Satan, and that he suppos ed the latter, as prince of the power of the air, was at the bottom of the matter." Coming back some time after, the day be ing fine, the old woman was there again, and this time quiotly remarked, to the dis comfiture of the doctor, "I see you have made your peace with the prince of tho power of the air." A Plucky Woman Goes Gunning For a Tramp. Pbovidesce, R. I., May 23. In East Greenwich, this morning a tramp entered the farm house of Cbailes T. Hopkins, and when Mrs. Hopkins returned after a brief absence she found him gathering up the xpoons and other silver. He turned on her threw her dawn, pouuded her shockingly and stripped off her clothing, when she told him he could have the money which ' was in tho bouse if be would let her get up. Eager for the money be relaxed his hold, when she seized a loaded gun. The tramp tried to wrest it from her, but una ble to do so he sprang from a window, - when Mrs. Hopkius fired. He gave a scream and fled to the woods, where a search is now being made for him. A doc tor was summoned for the brave woman. Btae is dangerously hurt. Didn't Know about Beant. A citizen of Yiealia, Cal., who was not raised on a farm, is growing a vegetable garden. Reoently he planted some beans. The morning after tho heavy rain, oa ex amining his garden.be found that they had uprouted and that the beans wero being pushed above the ground. He bad nover neon a bean growing before and not under standing what made thorn come up, be went around the patch aod pushed them all back into tho ground with his finger , Ills wife expresses the opinion that that particular patch of " early six-weeks beans will prove a failure." CARLISLE CARPET HOUSE ! Annual Announcement of the Spring Opening of C A RPET I N Gr S , Oil Cloths and Wall Papers! BODY BRUSSELS. TAPESTRY BRUSSELS. 3 PLYS.' INGRAINS. WINDOW SHADES. WALL PAPERS. We Invite the Citizens of PERRY to Inspect our LA HUB and U A N DSOM K STOC K. We are prepared to hnwthe MOST ELEGANT PEHItiNSand PATTKRNB it has ever been our privilege of doing, at OLD PRICES, having had a larpe stock on hand and bought be fore the recent advance. We can safely ssv that our stock Is the MORT COMPLETE In this section of Pennsylvania and we will not permit ourselves to be beaten in PRICK or QUALITY. A FULL ASSORTMENT In nit departments, with an additional line of FTRNITUKK COVKIt ING8 In Raw Silks, .Cretonues, Plain and Striped liens, &c.,&c. Stephens & Beetem, 21 E. MAIN STREET, STRAW MATTINGS COCOA MATTING. OIL CLOTHS. STAIR RODS. MATS. WALL Carlisle, Penn'a. RUGS. PAPERS. IS 3m 1880. CARPETS ! CARPETS ! 1880. NOW 18 YOUR TIME TO PURCHASE, BEFORE THEY ADVANCE ANY HIGHER, JUST RECEIVED AN IMMENSE STOCK OP G A. R PETS, OIL CLOTHS VTV1 RUGS, Of all Grades for the Spring Trade; the Largest Assortment of Carpets Outside of Philadelphia. SAMUEL ADAMS, Opcnt House Carpet Store No. 31 North Third Street, 1880. 1880. 14 3m IIAllRISBUllG, TENN'A. K0.213N. SECOJiD STREET, HARRISBURG, PA., TAPESTRY, BRUSSELS, INGRAIN, HAL LAND STAIR CARPETINGS, Floor, Stair and ' Tabls OIL CLOTHS, 14 2m HUGS, MATS, 3IATTING&C. Just Received Some Special Bargains! We are now receiving a LOT OF BARGAINS to which we invite your Attention. A LOT OP PRISTS AT Of CENTS PER YARD. A LOT OP PRIMS AT 4 CENTS PER YARD. A. LOT OF COTTONADES AT LOAV PKICESJ And LOTS OF OTHER GOODS for Men's Wear. OUR STOCK OF Germantown Yarn and Zephyrs, Hosiery, Gloves, Notions, &c, Will be Found Complete. TVe .Also Have HARDWARE OF ALL KINDS, BOOTS & SHOES TO SUIT ALL, SCHOOL BOOKS, STATIONERY.&c. In fact if you want ANY KIND OF GOODS, you stand a good chance to find theni at the right price, by going to the one price store of IP. MORTIMER, New Rloomfield, Pa. Literary Revolution and Universal Knowledge. An Encyclopaedia In 20 vols., over 10,000 pages t 10 per cent more mailer than any Ency clopaedia ever before published In this country, and Bold, handsomely and woll bound, in cloth for (10, In half morocco for $15, and printed on floe heavy paper, wide marglni, bound In half Russia, gilt top, for (30 an enterprise so extraordinary that Its success, beyond all precedent In book publishing, may be fairly claimed to Inaugurate a Literary Ittvolulion. The Library of Universal Knowledge is a reprint entire of the last (1871)) Edinburgh edition of " Chamber's Encyclopdia," with about 40 per cent of new matter added, upon topics of special interest to American readers, thus making It equal in character to ouy similar work, better than any other suited to the wants of the great majority of those who consult works of reference, and altogether the latest Encyclopaedia in the Held. SPECIMEN VOLUMES in either style wil be sent for examination with privilege of return on receipt of proportionate price per volume. SPECIAL DISCOUNTS to early subscribers, and extra discounts to clubs. Fu'l particulars with descriptive catalogue of many other standard works equally low in price, sent free. Leading Principles or the AMERICAN BOOK EXCHANGE; I. Publish only books of real value. II. Worn upon the basis of present cost ot making books, about one hull what It was a few years ago. III. Bell to buyers direct, and save them the SO or 60 per eent commission commonly allowed to dealers. IV. The cost of books when made 10,000 at a time Is but a fraction of the cost when made 600 at a time adopt the low price aud sell the large quantity. V. Use good type, paper, etc., do careful printing, and strong, neat binding, but avoid all 'padding," fat and heavily-leaded type, spongy paper and gaudy binding, which are so commonly resorted to to make books appear large and tine, aud which add greatly to their cost, but do not add to their value. VI. To make tl and a friend Is better than to make to and an enemy. STANDARD ROOKS. Library of Universal Knowledge, 20 vols., $10. Milman's Gibbon's Koine. 5 vols., t2.50. Macauly's History ot England. 3 vols., f 1.50. Chamber's Cyclopedlaof Eug. Llter'e., 4 vols., 12. Knight's History of England, 4 vols.. S3. Plutarch's Lives ot Illustrious Men. 8 vols , 1.60. Oelkle's Life aud Words of Christ. 50 cents, x'ouug's Hitile Concordance, 311.000 references (preparing), 2.50. Acme Library of lllography, 60 cents. Book of Fables, A-iop, etc., illus., 60 cents. Milton's Complete Poetical Works, 60 cents. Shakespeare's complete Works. 75 cents. WorkB ot Dante, translated by Cary. 60 cents. Works of Virgil, translated bylryden.40 cents. The Koran of Mohammed, transl'd by Hale, 3 jo. Adventures of Don Uuixote, Illus., 60 cents. . Arabian Nights, Illus., 60 cents. Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress, illus., CO cents. Robinson Crusoe, illus., 60 cents. Munchausen and Gulliver's travels, Illus., 6c. Stories and Ballads, by K.T.Aldeu, lilts., 600, Acme Library of Modern Classics, 60 cents. American Patriotism, 50 cents. Taliie's History of English Literature, "5 cents. Cecil's Book of Natural History. SI. Pictorial Handy Lexicon. 35 cent. Sayings, by author ot Sparrowgrass Papers, 5Cc. Mrs. llemaus' Poetical Works, 75 cents. Kltlo's Cyclopedia of Bib. Llturatuie. 2 vols., 13. Kollln's Ancient History. 2 26. ",lu" Smith's Dictionary of the Bible. Illus., tl. Works of Flavins. Josephus, 2. Comic History of the U.S.. Hopkins, Illus., 50o. Ilea th by Exercise, Dr. Geo. II. Tavlor, 50c. Health for Women, Dr. Geo. II. Taylor, 60o. Library Magazine, lOcents a No., 81 a year. Library Magazine, bound volumes. 60 cents Leaves from the diary of an old lawyer, II. Each or the above bound in cloth. If by mall, postage extra. Most ot tho books are also nub. Iiahed lu Uue editions aud Due bludlngs,at higher imcriptive analogue and Terms to dubs St nt rmson Mequett. Remit by bank draft, money older, registered, letter, or by express. Fractions nf AHA Anliar mnj uo twin iu puataBo pwmiyn. auuios AMERICA K HOOK KXCIIAXGE, JohsB. Ai.!. Uanagtr TRIBUNE BUILDING, NEW YORK.' SPRING What Do People Say? THEY SAY wo have the best and largest stock of CL,OTHING in tho Countj. THEY SAY we have a splendid line of DRY GOODS, Very Cheap. THEY SAY our stock of 13oots arid. Slioes cannot be surpassed. THEY SAY tHat our styles of cannot be beat. THEY SAY we have the larg est stock of II ITS AM) t VPS in the County. THEY SAY we have the larg est store in the County ; the largest stock to select from ; bet ter styles than elsewhere, and that our prices can't be beat. MARX DUKES &CO'S., Successor to ISIDOR SCHWARTZ, EBY'S NEW BUILDINC, NEWPORT, PA. Iorest and Stream, ROD AND CUN. ' A WEEKLY JOURNAL. Devoted to Field and Aquatic Sports, Practical Natural History, Fish Culture, the protection of Came, preservation of Forests, and the Inculca tion In Men and Women of a healthy interest in out-door recreation and study: PUBLISHED BY Forest aud Stream Publishing Company. -AT No. IU FULTON 8TKEET, NEW YORK! Post Office Box 2832.J TERMS, FOUR DOLLARS A YEAR, STRICTLY IN ADVANCE. AdTertlstair Kates. Inside pages, nonpariel type, 25 cents per line; outside pane, 40 cents. Special rates for three, six and twelve months. Notices in editorial column, 60 cents per line eight words to the line, and twelve lines to one Inch. Advertisements should be sent In by Saturday ol each week If possible. All transient advertisements must be accom panied with the money or they will not be in serted. No advertisements or business notice of an immoral character will be received on any terms. UDITOR'S REPORT of Carroll twp. WE the undersigned Auditors of Carroll town ship. Ferry county, Pa., havlug been duly sworn, "proceed to the examination ot the accounts of Carson Hair and George B. Soulier, late super visors ot said township for the year ending April 6th, 1880. GEO. B. SOUDER In account with said towu'hlp. DR. Gross amount ol duplicate .... Am'tdue on last settlement... 1127 2t 119 62 CR, Amount of work $407 53 Printing last account I on Personal services 00 87 Exonerations ot 1878 6 12 " 1879 2 60 " on unseated laud .... 14 Audi tors foes. Stationery, etc. . . 2 35 646 8S 600 64 Balance due township 46 19 CARSON HAIR In account with said township. DR. Cross amount of duplicate .... 1(23 44 Am'tdue on last settlement .. 30 24 CR. Amount of work t8 13 117 00 46 70 1 44 2 36 Personal Servlues . Exonerations ol unseated land . . " " Tax Auditors fees, Stationery, elo. ,, 453 73 66S 62 Balance due Carson Hair 101 89 After a careful examination of the accounts ol Carson Hair aud Geo. B Souder, late supervisors of Carroll township, we do report the above as just and true, to the best ( our knowledge ami ability. T. H. McCOTtD. JOHN a HENDERSON. JOHN UARMAN. Carroll twp.. April 20, 'iw. 1 Auditors. 14 STOP ORGANS KS?. "Sid M. New riohns,ll( toll .Roe. Midsummer oiler BOOK AGENT S T lWlni ,Al (,RT0N i CO., 631 Commerce St. Philadelphia, Pa. 22dlt. AGENTS WANTED to eanva'sTfor the new - . beautifully Illustrated work. GRANT in 'the TROPICS Anauthentlo record ot his tour through Southern States, Cuba and Mexico, with complete history of all countries In the Tropics of t'entral and South America: also full account of the Inter Oceanic Canal, illustrated with maps and dia- f rams, and Biographical Sketch of Ferdinand tie sseps. For circulars and terms, address H. W. KKLLKY & CO., Philadelphia, Pa. 22d4t. Good Agents Wanted 1o Hell ftldnpth's HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. An Agent In Bridgeport, Conn., sold 70 copies, and stoppedt another Agent was appointed in the same town, who sold Ivo copies, aud he stop, ped i we then appointed another agent, who has sold tip to date, over 600 copies, all In the City of Bridgeport. It Is the best one-volume History ot the United States published. Plenty of Territory still open. Address, for Descriptive Circular and Terms, PHILLIPS ft HUNT, Subscription Book Department, 806 Broadway, N. Y. 20d4t UHFERMENTED lnAiFmTTERf TRADEMARK THERE 19 NO GREATER BLOOD PURIFY . ING and LIKE GIVING PRINCIPLE In the World of medicine than MALT HITTERS pre. pared by the MALT B1TTEHS COMPANY from Unfermented Malt and Hops. It Is a Perfect Kenevator of feeble and exhausted constltutkms. It enriches the blood, solidities the bones, hardens the muscles, quiets the nerves, perfects digestion, cheers the mind, and vitalizes with new life every fluid of the body. It Is so. because it strikes at the root of all debllitv ENFEEI1LED DIGESTION and IMPOVERISHED BLOOD. Sold everywhere. 20d4t AGENTS WANTED TO Hell the NEW BOO, FARMING FOR PROFIT Tf CI.I.H HOW TO ftriltlvsta sll the Farm Crop In th Best Manners Breo&FMd and Cars for BtoolctOrow i'ruiti Jaatutf. Tana nuainens t Make Happy Eomefl, and MAKIi MOINICV 6N THIS VARW. Bvery Farmer should hnve a copy. 800 Paves 140 Illustrations. Brnd for clrcolars to J. C. McCPKPf CO.. PhJladelphU, Pa. AGENTS WANTED. B" PAYIM OUTFIT FREE'SW For Tornif Bf pa Ladle Teacher and tnhmiatrm Mint;. to $75 pr rorruh. fiend for circa ir ) outitL r. W. ftUUiaKK CO., 1000 Ant St., t-b 1144 phi. Pa. WANTED , riUjiaplila, Pa Ily an old estabb edHouse, some hon- -est, intelligent Hen to Canvass in tha country and villages "w"won commission. An KACI'.LLE.NT OPPORTUNITY. Something nnhearil ol before, so far as ws know. A good chnnce for teachers, Youuir Men, Farmers' and Mechanics' Sons to iret into a nirht, ajrreeable, paving business, with no rinks and with ffoott prospects ahead. Answer soon, statins; age, former occupation and references. Address V. O. Lock Box W, 1 hiladelphia, fa. M A SDN Rent paid two-and a-qnarter years "lnuu" buys one. Best Cabinet or Parlor .. .AJ1P... Oi pans In the Worlds winners ot HAMLIN n,Kh"t distinction at every . World's Fair for thirteen years. 0RRANS Prices 151. f7, 66. 84, 10S to ')(i0 wuuniw and upward. Also ' for easy pay ments, 15 a month or $rt .IS a quarter and upward. Catalogues free. MASON i HAMLIN ORGAN CO., 154 Tremont Street, Boston ; 46 East 14lh St., (Union Square) New York s 50 Wabash Avenue, Chicago. jioAlt M EDICAL NOTICE! DR. 0. P. BOLLINGER, Having located permanently in NEW BLOOM FIELD, . 0ers his professional services to the citizens of the Borough and surrounding country. Dr. B. has been engaged In an extensive prac. ties for over 28 years. He has also served his country In the capacity of Surgeon to the 78th Pa. Vol. Infantry during the late Rebellion, holding his Commission from the then Governor of this Commonwealth. Ills credentials are from one of the best Medical Colleges In America. Ills success as a practitioner of medicine la ac knowledged by recommendations from former patrons, which are free for Inspection at all times. IN THE TREATMENT OP Chronic Diseases he has had very extensive experlence.and hascured many hopeless cases, after years of sulleriug, and expense Incurred la seeking relief elsewhere. Among the many chronic complaints treated successfully are Asthma. Bronchitis, I-aryngitis, Hemorrhage of the Lungs, Consumption, (ttrst and second stages.) Heart Disease, Dyspepsia Liver Complaint, Melancholia, Scrofula or King's Kvil, Skin Diseases. Chronic Rheumatism, Goitre, or enlargement of the Glands of the neck. Dropsy, Piles, chronic Dlarrho'aX'onstipation of the Bow. els. Sick and Nervous Headache, Neuralgia, Diseases ot Females. Tumors, Kidney Diseases, Enlarged Spleen. Epilepsy, Deafaet. Chronie Chills and Ague, Diabetes Mellitus, old running sores. Tapeworms removed. Dr. B. does not confine hlmolf to any one par ticular system of medicine. -He uses all the late Improved methodsaud remedies, as also Magneto Electrlo, or Metllcal Electricity, whloh Is so successfully used at the present day In many forms of nervous complaints. In the treatment of the Lungs mid air passages lie uses INHALATIONS, which carries the medicine direct to the diseased parts. When an Incurable ease preirnrs Itself he Is free and candid iu tolling! I he patient that he can not oure bun, thus avoiding further expense. In cAronfo offmenMt Is always beat for patients to call at his otllce lor personal examination and treatmint, wheu that is practicable. W Rooms for tho present at The rerry House. CONSULTATION FKK1& liloomfield. May 4, 1H80. Our 8tock of NEW GOODS for Men's Wear Is complete. PrlceslromKU eentsun. F. MORTIMER. New Bioomtleld. F