THE TIMES NEW HLOOMllELl), PA.. JUNE 1, 1880. 0 HOUSE, FARM AND GARDEN. Agricultural Wisdom. Corn alone Is not good feed for any breeding animals. Feed the poorest fodder first and fol- low with a better quality. Three pecks of boiled potatoes, fed a tiny, warm Is n remedy for tllarrliow In cattle. Agricultural crops are like children , they need nursing and careful looking after every day. " The liberal soul shall be fat." This applies In a remarkable degree the fer tilizing of one's field; Mowing the grass oft" every year Im poverishes the soil, while gracing of the sheep will enrich it. September calve escape the trying heat of summer, and can be pushed through the whiter with grain. riant cabbages. If they bring a good price sell them ; if not, feed them to sheep, milch cows and pigs. Keep calves growing well from the first, but do not get them too fat If you wish to have them the best cows. It is as wrong to confine stock with out roots of some kind, as It would be to deprive men of vegetables. Stagnant and Impure water w.hleh ows drink while at pasturage Is one of the most prominent causes of bad odor in milk. The sinall farmer Is the mainstay of the country's agriculture, since lie continually works upon the quality of Ills products. Many trees become hollow, or fall Into premature decay, from the pene trating through old saw rents made in pruning. Ashes saturated with kerosene and applied to cucumber and squash plants in the hill will be a great help In keep ing on" striped bugs. The Blmple fact that a man can clear $30 from an acre of potatoes, does not demonstrate that he can clear a pro rata profit on 10,0(10 acres. To Insure a profit, pigs should be growing and thrifty from the time they are weaned till six to ten months of age, when they should be ready to slaughter. m - Water For Cows In Pasture. For milch cows it Is very necessary that tho'water for them Is pure, other wise It taints the milk, and from this neither good butter nor cheese can be made. Where there is not nbundance of clear running water in the yard or pasture, it should be supplied from wells or cisterns. If drunk from standing pools or small ponds, the water is al ways more or less foul, or so stagnant as to be unpalatable, and at times even unhealthful. In order to obtain a full flow of milk cows must have all the water they will naturally drink at morning, noon and night, otherwise they will not give full messes of milk, not will it be of so good a quality. But a running stream, more especially when at pasture, where they can go and drink at pleasure, is still better than that drawn from wells for them three times per day, at regular intervals. Necessity, hewever, often compels the ' latter course. Borne dairymen, in order to increase the flow of milk, stimulate their cows to drink an extra quantity of water, by extra salting their food or (stirring a small quantity of bran or meal In it. But this is objectionable, inasmuch as it tends to lessen the rich ness of the milk. This also fills up the stomach so much as to dilute the gas tric juice aud thus injure digestion, and more or less of the food is consequently voided whole. If there be a gain in milk, then a loss in food follows by stimulating excess of drink. To Clean Gold Ornaments. Make a lather of soap and water, and wash the articles ; then lay them in dry powdered magnesia. When dry, rub them with a piece cf flannel, or if em bossed use a brush. Or the articles may . be washed in soapsuds, and while wet put them in a bag with some clean fresh bran or sawdust ; shake them, and they will look almost like new. 65 The Ohio runner says that sul phate of iron (green copperas) dissolved in water, at the rate of two pounds to a barrel, makes an excellent tonic for all kinds of fruit trees, especially pear, peach and quince. It may be sprinkled around uuder the trees with the water ing pot, about blossoming time, or it may be sprinkled in its dry state, two or three ounces around each tree. 6 When the stopper of a glass de canter is too tight, a cloth wet with hot water and applied to the neck will cause tho glass to expand, and the stopper may be removered. In a phtal the warmth of the finger may be sufficient. STOP and THINKl Ucfore you have purchased elsewhere ! AT IRA ST01U3 IN BLAIN, PENN'A., Is the place to buy goods AT THE LOWEST PRICE ! A FULL STOCK CONSTANTLY ON HANI) I Special Rargains nro Offered in MADE- UP CLOTHING NICHOLS SHEPARD &. CO.BftfeUcli. fcf? ff ttrrfuttif lOin AlU.rVni ACTION. intl flTHA IV-KlIIININU R I EAM-KfliOlNK'. with ! HirnHIUjr, Hfrtf. Buoiiomj-, and Bmiity entlrl unknown In oilier nmki-n. blram-l'owi-f Ouli ItiiokUli UafoLf . R.innnin. an it Itiniitv fintlr! Meiinntori i.t'clalt y. Knur ! if Hiimr.tAni, from ft to 1 1 nti v . UUUH. --a tfiniH..u. HualrtMa nam, ntrnuno a troiig guaranty nr niporiur buuub ft II T AIII Tha wnnrW fill miiwm an J pinnlarltr Ui our vimaTon sianninrry na uriTcn oitv-r tnit':lihin to Ihfl wall t hmeo rarltiua tnaktiri ara nw altHinpt ln to hulld and palm off Inferior aud mongrel luUlatloua of cur famous gooda, BE NOT DECEIVED M oftli arwHrflrnttil anfl irnrthleia tnachlnrrv. If Ton hnf at all, grot U "OIUUIAAL" and tha "OKNtlAt iVom na. 0 f 'or fttll Mpflrttlnffi r H on our 4"alcrf, or writ io ui for llluiiratl Circulars, wlilrta we mail ttre. Address NICHOLS, BltEPARD ft CO,, Battlo Creek, Mich, It C GET THE STANDARD ! " Tlin lient niillmrllv It. oiirM to 1) In evnry Library, hIrx mi vovy Actuluniy and In every Bcliool." Hon. I'Iim, Suitiiu-r. "TIib lip.-,ttxltliit? liUKlisli Lcxlean." London AllieHit'um. EE ILLUSTRATED QUARTO al A I.AKfnC, II ANDHOMK VOLUME of 1SS4 pases, coiilahiliiK cniisiiUtinlily iiidi'f than luii.iiiu Wonls In lm Vocubulury, with Ihe correct I'loiiunclutloii, 1 i 11 ui Lion , and JitymoloKy. I'ulhl TllvntiMrit and VnnMdprtl riih Fnvr Full l'oua lUinnlniiUnt J'Utcs, Library Midi), Mtriilwt Mhns. tin ('0. With Deiilson's Talent Heady HefercncB Index, ;t 0.1 AdJillonal. I i WORCESTER" Is now rctrnnled 'I.eS nniliinl Authority. andln no renoiii.iiiMidi d l IV. yant Lonufellow, Whiltlcr Htnnner, Unimex, livlnir. VVInlhrop, ArussIz, Marsh, Ilenrv, iivi'intl. Mann, ISKuiheni, (Jnlncy, Kelton, HUM nil. ''einiiilniier, an:l Is, besltloi, rec ognized a authority liy Ihe ieai'tnientii of onr National (iovoi inneiit. It M nisn adopted by many of the I lour, U ul Tublia InHirnctioii. " 'l'he bet.Jini!llsh writers and Ihe most partle. nlar American writers use WOltCESTElt us their Hilthorltv." iV. I'. JI'Tttld. "Afterour reeent strike we made the ehanee to WOKCUSTKIt us our authority In siwlllnc chiefly to brliiBourselve Into con tin inity with the accepted usaKH. as well as tn pi ntlfy the desire of most, of onr hi tiff." A'. 1'. Tribune. . "The yulmnes before us show a vast amount of diligences Imr. with HV'nterlt Is dillnce In com bination witlifaii'iirulness. With Wormier, lu eomlilnation with itood sense and judginent. WOKCKMTKft'tf is the soberer and saler bcMik.and may be prninitinced WW Hent existing Ungltth let icon London AtheiiH'Uin. THE COMPLKTB BERIESOB WORCESTER'S DICTIONARIES. Quarto Dletiemnrii. Trofiisely Illustrated. Libra ry Hlirep. 8I0.1 0. ITnlri'miUand Vrital Vl'.tionnry. 8vo. Library Sheep. U 2S. Academic hktionnru. Illustrated. Crown 8vo. Half Itonn. HI KS Ooniprrliemire J'lrtinnary. Illustrated. 12mo. lialfltod.1). 17A. fi.7io( (Rtementtry) DUWmary. Illustrated. l'2mo. Iltlt I '.oil n. SI mi. P. lmaen lti thnviri. Illustrated. lOino. Half Itoan. fid cents. rocket Dlctlontirii. Illustrated. 2lmo. Cloth. f3 cents: Flexible, 8j ceutss Kuan, TucUs, OIltKdges. 8100. Many special aids to students, in addition to a very full pronouncing and doHnlng vocabulary, make Worcester'!) in the opinion of our most distluguii-hed educators. Ihe most complete, as well as by far Hie cheapest Dictionaries of our language. " It follows from this with unerring accuracy that Worcester's Dictionary, being preferred over all others by scholars and men of letters, should lie used by the youth of the country and adopted In the common schools." is. Y. Ecenlnii Post. 11 For sale by all Itookselters, or will be sent, carriage free, on receipt of the price by J. B. LI PN SCOTT & CO., Publishers, Jiookucllerg and Stationer, 715 and 717 Market St., Philadelphia. OTICE ! TIIK unders!gnd would respectfully call the attention oi the itHieiiH of lvny county, that lie has a lui'Ke mid well selected slock ul IIAKDWAHE. CKO.'KHILH, DKLtis. WINKS s-Liyuoits, IKON. NAILS, HOUSE and MULE SHOES, H""KEI IllON AXLKS, sroivts, in-iis, FEI.Ltms. shafts toless bows, llitUOM HANDLES, WIKK. XVVINES.&C. a: htt, . Paints, Oils, (iluss, Tlaster, and Cements SOLE, CALF, KIP and L'PPEU LEATHER, FISH. SALT. SCO A1I8. SVItfTS. TKsB. SPICKS, il lUAUll, UlUMIH, UIKt H.M11I1 (.OA).. Johu Lucas & Co s.. MIXIilt I'AIXTS, (ready for use.) The best Is tie CI1 K A t'KST. And a Urge variety of LiMid not m-it!onei1 allot win. 'Il were bandit m ihe Lowest Cash Trices, aud he oilers the senile to his I'u Irons at Ihe Very Lowest Pi ices f r t'.ili or unproved iraae. tO Kll. trade, ills motto Low prices, unci Fair ilealin'j! (io and see him. hosuectiuliy. S. M. Liverpool, Terry Co. Ta. ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE Threshing Machinery and Portable) and Traction Engines. TIFE PTANDAKD of txetllno tkrvugkout th$ Grain fiiUinft Wnrld. MATMfl.F. tnr Oriln-Purtni, T I mr-Rating, Perfect Ct''nfn, U'tpiil ant TtnruffH H'ork. Pfirtn, Thnrnuyh Work tumuli Iii, Jilryattf flnluh, ftii'ft M AliVKLOPft tVtr iwff tuptrtnt wrk In ntl Hn4 f flraln.Burl wnireraally known Hie ont neeciiful ThMsbt-r In Flat. Tlmoihf, Ci'ivrr, mid nil other flewlf. nlmpln, nnUtt I'" than otif half the nount f'-am and tx-itir. Mta and Hti'am-I'nwr hifw wr at'Mi I nrjlM imiiroTMi Mount ' HnrnKowfr. hr tliH hu. with out ebaaao of naiiia. Iwalloii.or mauus "'"" of 22t REST FURNACE IN THE WORLD FOR ff A K U COAL Olt WOOD, (WKOtT.IlT Olt CiST IllON ) A 1810 3XAlia ItV RICHARDSON, B0YNT0N &C0 I'mlimlv K WW 1UTO ItiiMrn nmn..a ,,. .... j i no iMijiiiFiniiH.iiin. i:onl UCIIMO artdptiMl : Coi.tiOn morn prHctu-al feuiueii Are more durtiliie; Cost fs ti ki'cp In t,rwt UsesleHS ludl, and will inoi-e iiefiiuncl n lainci voliiinfl of on vi I fin -M I il) iiMi-.n ill. IV Ml I II" l II HAM I niHMWt KVi'iao sni. ! ittiu ir-M itr n iii nrumr Willi II1M flf t llPVA Mlfl.lMI'fl flll'ltll(i..u ull nli ti a ....mJr.. IfUll UIIU kiiikii i aol ...I., . 1. I.. U.. .. lit. ami ii iii vrt mi liy hMlTl.'rs' I III, Menu direct to m iniHi'nirtri f f nt us. HJi WATKH sr., Mew York. THE BEST IN THE WORLD! Arm and Hammer Brand. Absolutely nml Chemically Pure. CHUllCH k GO'S I5I-CA11B. SOD A -AND SALERATUS WLitili Is tlie name tbing. Jmr"rtihrntiior J!l-frrh Siirlet (WdcA Ulh time Vdnri) t a uliniily illrtu tehlv color. II mail n',T errmine" lm Itwlf, but n iVM- i'AU ims WITH VIIL'JtVl.i CO'Sl' AMI AXD HAM MEW JIICAAJJ willtioie the, 1 Ifference. ftee that your S ileratwanrl imklnn Undo In vhlle an't iiure.tiHylioniUx ALLSIMILAHSUHHTAN CEHuKiiJorfuOl. A similar Vm cevern test of' the comparative vilueof dillen-nf bnnids of ri, da oi Haleiatus Isto dissolve a d-'sserr M,.Minfulol each kind with about iioioi vnier inor tterml in clear Klasses, stlrrlni! iinill i : IsthuroiiKlilv ills-.iived Ti.c terlons nuitier In llm inlei ii.r .od;i will be sliown aft,er set 1 1 1 n if smiih tuetitx- iiiiioiiPK 111 KJItkll) III! tho inilky apii-aianee o'f the solution nml the quantity oi lloaliuij llecky inafcr according to He sure and asti f. n- f :lnn'i h iv S..1I.1 nnd Sal. era'ns and se that their inime Is on the package and you will ;er Ihe iniics' and liltest made. I he use of this witu wmr niiik. in preference to x.aKiiiK 1 ui ier. sjives i.weiKy rones us cost. fee one pound iii':ka(re for valuable information aim reau carciuiiy. SHOW THIS TO YOU!. CP.OCER. February 17, lasn .iin TMI'OltTANT NOTIUK. The subscriber jl. iie 01 ine nrm 01 Ktioaites smlin, won resrwetfiilly mtorm the citizens of nf.At and vicinity, that he has opened a WAGON BiAitbtt Midf. and is prepared to make ne nnKwu nix, ir rtH "111 niM Ul NIIOI I llO ice. itUO at from TKS to TWENTY percent, clieapertuau .1 1,1 II I If, iraive me a call. Satisfaction ,;uarnnteed , , JAtXtit H Mil II. Blaln, AiiKUHt S. 1807. UIDrO IMTIfOVRI) ltO'WKKKK PACK A(iE MIIIL.U TWHNTV.F1VK CKNTS. intkpsllvfl gnllonsof a ile'li'.ioiis and siHr!;llnit beveraKe, wiioirs'une nun ieinH,rai Nbin y Jjruvelsts, or sent by mail 00 recelnt .,( 2', Cents. Address iiiam. r.. iiihks. M.uiuiiic'.iirer. 215 Market St. Th'ladeloliia l':i. g (jm HT!'C U'l' ill l""'! yon want aomecheap IIP V .1 P .1 II I'oiHiu.r ranis nun miusi IIHjIVO II l. lll. If you do. don', fall to ex amine the sidnirt'd asyerimrii in sale bv MijKTIMKi;. Vouoan suli join sell lu style and I'll ;B ' I I., : ( . , 1 . . !f Newport Advertisements. JEWPORT DRUGSTORE. Ittvlii on hnd complete aasnrtnfintef thufnl. lowlnir (rtlolra, the nbicrtbar aski tbareof ynr puronans. Drtiffa and Medicines, CHEMICALS OF ALL KINDS, Also a full stock of Concentrated Romedies, EBSENTIAL OILS, Uru8lica, rerfnierj 1IAIH OIL, AMD FANCY ARTICLES. Also always on Hand TUIIE WINES & LIQUOR FOR MEDICINAL and BACilAMENTAL PUKTOBE8 PHYSICIANS ORDERS Carrf&lly ami Promptly Filled B. M. EBY, Newport, Perm'a. It. S. COOK & (JO., A sree to sell all kinds of LUMBER AND SHINGLES, for LESS MONEY than nnv other dealers In this comity. ve win also laKo good iimneron 1 tie stump or delivered at our Mill In exchange for i.umuer.fiio, we use uiearneiu l ine auu uein lockouly. W. It. 8. COOK & CO., Newport, Pcrrj Co., r. October 10, 1876. JONES' BROS, & CO., ( Formerly John Jones & San,) Grain & Produce MERCHANTS, Brick Warehouse, Front St., above Market, Newport, Perry County, Pa. WE would resnectf nil v Invite the natrons ire of the farmers, and the public generally, as the IIIUHKST THICKS the market wllUlford, win ue paiuioran kiuubui GRAIN, FLOUH, MIODUCE 8EKDS AND RAILROAD TIES We have constantly on hand. JTISII, 8AI.T, TLASTKR, CEMENT COAL, IRON, STEEL, nonsK shoes. fte.,&e. rUH BALIS Al IM iiUWCbf aA10. trim Orders promptly filled, Newport, July 20, 1876 tf J B. HARTZELL, Wholesale Tobacco Dealer, Wright' Building, XEWPORT, PA. Sole Agent for Lorllard's Superior Tobaccos, Also, A Large Stock of STA TIONERY always on hand at LOW PRICES. -Country Merchants supplied with Goods at rnuaaeipuia prices. W Your orders are solicited. 9(1 I NSUHANCE ! B. HIMES, C3-E323n-A.L LIFE AXO Fire Insurance Agency. OFFICE: South East Corner Market Stjnare, NEWPORT, PENX'A. FIRE INSURANCE TOLICIFS written In Brst- class companies on all Kinds of insurable proper ty, at fair rates, and losses honorably adjusted and promptly paid. ltefore renewing yonr Insurance, or placing new risks, you will certainly Hnd it to your lu te real to can on or aauress me suuscriner. Companies Represented: Aetna, of ITartford, North Hrltlsh EiiKland, Commercial Uuion, North Ameilra. Thll'a.. 'Ire Association, Thll'a., Assets, i.70O.orO l.7?.aofi J.Wi.VnO- tl.lil'O.ll'O- 3.TTs.s)-l.T'X.OOO- reuusyivauia. B. HIMES, Agent. March 11, lS7Ply B00KSIB00KS! Gift Books, Children Books, Blank Books, School Books, files! Testaments! And all Kinds of Rooks AT B12AC1VS Book &J)rug. Store. Stationery at Wholesale or Retail ' c 62" BubBcrlptlons taken for all News- pare and Magazines. E. C. BEACH, Newport, Penn'a. novemoer is, S7-3in A VCTIONEEIW. TAS. P. LATCH FORD, AUCTIONEER, Would respectfully Inform the public that he IV I C'rv naii.u nt. rMn.nnal.ia ,.,.... .11 Will receive prompt attention. iiranALLl wilJjS, I'KIIRY CO., FA. TAMES CLEELAND U Auctioneer. Offers his services to the citizens of Terry and Cumberland counties. Tost olllee adduess Shermansdale, Terry co., T D.HENRY, AUCTIONEER. Blaln, Perry county Ia. lTertns Moderate and vpr ...rtir.n . to render satisfaction. erf Auctioneer. The undersigned civea notice that he will crysales at any point In Terry or Dauphin counties. Orders are solicited and proniptatteatlonwllibe given. 1. 1. w KI.LH. hewHuffalo Terry co,, Ta. Q B. HARNISH, " " AUCTIONEKIl, satisfaction guarauteeil. 6 tf D AVIDM'COY, A-XJCXIOrVKEIt, ICK.E&BURO, TERRY COUXTY.. PA. tIL f'hArtres mndemtA. Prnmn . . i. toailcalls. " iu AUCTION KKtl.-The tinderslaned Rives notice that he win ciy sales ut a leasonabie late. Satisfaction guaranteed. wam Auarcss io TUOR KCTCH. Jr., Nov. 18, ',S ew IlloctnllelU, Ta. JJOME MANUFACTURE. LOOK OUT I I wouldrespectively Inform myfriendstbat In tendealliug upon them with a sunnlvol cood ofmy OWN MANUFACTURE.1 Conslstingof CAS81MER8, CA88INETS, FLANNELS, (Plalnaudbar'd ) CAKPETS, &c, ; to exchange for wool orsell for cash. J.M.BIXI.EK. CssteiWoolesFactokt. 6.17,4b ey fast. Yon can make trem ,f . iv reiui iu an nour dv gc- votlngyonrevenlPjss and spare time to the bni-f18- I eos's nothing to try the business. Koth. .... ,aiviijK iiHineT evrrcnerea oemre. Business pleasant andMrk tfv honorable. I.'aa!er, Itypuwant to know all about the ber.t p1na business ltefore the public. end ns your address n I. .1 n A n 1 1 1 a .1 ...... ...LI . i l .... ... oi.u ..ii inn fuTiiciiiais mm private terms free? sAmiifps wArth c. .laIl.. then makenv voiirmlnd forvnimeif " GEOltCiE BTINSON & CO.. Toilland, ale. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. It is sure to cure fipavlns, Splints Curb. t.c. It removes all nnnatural renlargemf Ms. Does not blister. Has i no enual tor any lameness on beast or ; man. It has cured Mp lolnt lame- ness iu a person ho bad snnered IS fvears. Alsocured rheumatism. corns. frost-bites. or any bruises, cut or lairenns. It hxs no equal for blemish od horses. Heed for Il lustrated circular giving positive proof. Triee one dollar. All Druggists I ave it (-r eao cti lor von. lr. R. J. Keuuail St to., i'ns tuoiburgn. Falls, Vermont. jiAKiws s t-nj.i.. Agents. Tituburgh. Fa. INSTATE XO'TICK-Notlce Is hereby gtv. 2J en. that letters of Administration on the estate of David deth, late of Marysville. Terry county. Ta .deceased, have been granted to the unoersigneu. resioiue mine same pia:e. Al! persons Indebted to aid estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims will present them duly authenticated to the under signed for settlement withoui delav. f AMLELU. tifclB, Admlnstrator. March 3f,I;.''i. t His. II. buiLtv, Att'y E a-r tv. vm if I. hSir irii ihar letters testamentary on the estate of Saiah Kline, late of Illain borough. Terry county. ra.. aeceaseiu nave neen graniea io ine iu4er signed resiiliui; in said place. All persons indebted to aid estate are request ed to make immediate payment and those hzving etaims will present them duly autiuticatrd for seltkmeul to Vm. A. KLINE, :Te!t..r. XV. N.Se:tttatt'y. BUimT. Iii flw (hi fnnTOW A YEAR, or f5 to ' It I I 1 1 I20 day tn yeorown localitv. X. I ra I II I No rif,H- Women do as well fV I ' I I I I I a ineu. Many make more II I I I I II '"an the amount stated above 11 I I I I 1 1 I No one can fail to make men y w - s