B THE TIMES NEW HLOOMFIELD, TA.4 MAY 11, 1880. Narrow Escape From Lynch Lnw. PATRi(BON,N..T.,Mnya.-The German socl ety of Patcrson this morning went n p to the top of Garrett mountain to greet the rising of the biiii as Is usual on the fitat Sunday In May. A parly of young men, among them Joseph Van llouten, a step son of Alderman Swift, of the Paterson municipal board, attempted to cross the lands of William D.tlzell, a farmer, owning the property on the mountain top, which they wereforblddeuto trespass on. They persist ed, however, and young Van llouten was. hot dead by Djilzull, who discharged a gun heavily londed with buckshot point blank into his abdomen. The young man lived but four minutes. The party then pursued Dalzell to his home, where the police were poweiless to protect him. They fired the baru and house and when he came forth they seized him and wore about to bang him to a tree, the rope was in position, when a relnforcment of police arrived and Dalzell and his son, who was also implicated, wero rescued from the crowd and took refuge in the house of one Carroll on the mountains near at hand. Subsequently Sheriff Van Voorhees suc ceeded in taking him to Newark. Freaks of Lightning. Tho house of Frank B. ' Ilighbee, near South Bend, was struck by lightning the other night, and although no one was dam aged except Mr. High boo, who was struck on the knee -while in bed with a brickbat; there was an almost total wreck of every thing in the house. The stoves were broken, the pipes were burst and battered -out of all shape, the bed on which Mrs. Hughes, a cousin, was sleeping badly .splintered, a castor knocked from a table, a cupboard filled with canned fruit burst open and the lids of the cans knocked off, the carpet torn up and shreds of it scatter ed everywhere in short, almost every thing in the house suffered damage, while the chimney was knocked down and a big hole knocked in the ceiling of one of the rooms. The sashes of the north windows wore broken and fragments found several U'Ods away. Out of Cash. The United States Marshal of New York, having notified Judge Bhipman, who is now holding United States District Court in that district, that be had 110 money with which to pay the Jurors and witnesses and officers of the court, his Honor discharged all the jurors, except those engaged in the trial of the kid-glove re-appraiBement case, remarking that no causes could be tried until Congress make the requisite appropriation to carry on the courts. Considerable dissatisfaction was expressed by suitors at this state of affairs. tS The Oregon Sentinel says : An acci dent occurred on the Columbia river a few days ago which strikingly illustrates the human instincts and sympathy that exist in animals. A number of horses were be ing conveyed on the boat, when, during a commotion among them, one was kioked and had its leg broken. It was decided to kill the poor brute and put it out of its misery. He was dispatched by an axe in the hands of one of the employes of the boat. The celebrated thoroughbred run ning stallion Delaware was quietly watch ing the movement, and just as the blow was struck he gave a loud scream and fell -backward with a shower of blood stream ing from his nostrils. For upward of three hours bis agonios were fearful, and it was thought he would die, but he finally rallied and may recover. Delaware is 18 years old and has a national reputation, having beaten Ansel and other celebrated champions of the turf. He is owned by the Hon. J. V. Nesmith. Meadville, Pa., May 8. Joseph Lytle, aged ten, exercised a neighbor's horse this afternoon without permission, after which he attempted to place a bucket of water in front of the horse on the end of a pitch fork. The horse threw its head against the fork and kicked the boy in its fright, crushing in his skull, also breaking one arm and threo ribs, inflicting fatal inju ries. The horse was so badly hurt as to necessitate its destruction. O" Thomas Ueermans, one of the pro prietors of the Star and Crescent Mills, on Randolph street, Chicago, just west of Bridge, one morning last week fell down the elevator shaft from the sixth story of the mills, a distance of over ninety feet, and was instantly killed. Mr. Heermans was one of the oldest members of the Hoard of Trade, of which he was a direct or at the time of his death. Pottstown, Pa., May 8. The large frame tiarn of B. Frank Moret, at Doug lassvillo, owned by John Egolf, with the surrounding outbuildings, was dertroyed by fire this afternoon. The hotel and de pot were in danger and aid was summoned from PotUtown. In response one fire, company was sent by a special Reading railroad train. tW During a recent storm at Niles, Mioh., after a1 stroke of lightning got through its work at the house of one Frank . Iiigbee, it was found that every bit of steel or iron about the premises was highly magnetized, from the store to Mrs. II ig bee's oorset steels. CARLISLE CARPET HOUSE ! Annual Announcement of the Spring Opening of CARPETING-S Oil Cloths and BODY We Invite the Citizens of PERRY to Inspect our LAHGK and 11ANDSOME8TOCK. We are prepared to showthe MOST ELEGANT DEMONS and PATTERNS it has ever been our privilege of doing, at OLD PRICES, having had a large stork on hand and bought be lore tne recent advance. We can safely say that our stock Is the MORT COMPLETE In this section of Pennsylvania and we will not permit ourselves to be beaten In PRICE or gUALlTY. A FULL ASSORTMENT in Bit departments, wlthBii additional line of FURNITURE MV Kit I NOB In Haw Bilks, Cretonnes, Plain and Striped Keps,&o.,&o. BRUSSELS. TAPESTRY BRUSSELS. 3 PLYS. INGRAINS. WINDOW SHADES. WALL PAPERS. 21 E. MAIN Oap lisle, Stephens 1880. CARPETS! CARPETS! 1880. NO W IS YOUR TIME TO PURCHASE, BEFORE THEY ADVANCE AMY HIGHER. JUST RECEIVED AN IMMENSE STOCK OP CAEPETS, OIL CLOTHS rl JtTTGJSSt, Of all Grades for the Spring Trade i the Largest Assortment of Carpets Outside of Philadelphia. SAJVITTEL A.I3A.MS, Opera House Carpet Store No. 31 North Third Street, uL HA11RISBURG, PENN'A. CQT-T-f-AT- "T- NO. 213 N. SECOND STREET, . DAMAlv, IIAItlilSBURG, PA., TAPESTRY, BRUSSELS, INGRAIN, HAL LAND STAIR CARPETINGS, Floor, Stair and 14 2m HUGS, MATS, Just Received Some We are now receiving a LOT OF BARGAINS to which we invite your attention. A LOT OP PRINTS AT 6 CENTS PER YARD. A LOT OF PRINTS AT 4 CENTS PER YARD. A. LOT OP COTTONADES A.T LOW IMIICICB I And LOTS OF OTHER GOODS for Men's Wear. OUli STOCK OF Germantown Yarn and Zephyrs, Hosiery, Gloves, Notions, &c, Will be Found Complete. "We -A.lso Have HARDWARE OF ALL KINDS, BOOTS & SHOES TO SUIT ALL, SCHOOL BOOKS, STATIONERY,&c. In fact if you want ANY KIND OF GOODS, you stand a good chance to find them at the right price, by going to the one price store of . IT. MOETIMER, New Bloomfield, Pa. Literary Revolution and Universal Knowledge. An Encyclopedia in 20 vols., over 16,000 pages ( 10 per cent more matter than any Ency clopaedia ever before published In this country, and sold, handsomely and well bound, in cloth for 10, in half morocco for (15, and printed on fine heavy paper, wide margins, bonnd in half Russia, gilt top, for f 20 an enterprise so extraordinary that its success, beyond all precedent In book publishing, may be fairly claimed to Inaugurate a Literary Revolution. The Library of Universal Knowledge Is a reprint entire of the last (1879) Edinburgh edition of " Chamber's Encyclopedia," with about 40 per cent of new matter added, upon topics of special Interest to American readers, thus making it equal in character to any similar work, better than any other suited to the wants of the great majority of those who consult works of reference, and altogether the latest Encyclopaedia In the field. SPECIMEN VOLUMES In either style wll be Bent for examination with privilege of return on receipt of proportionate price per volume. SPECIAL DISCOUNTS to early subscribers, and extra discounts to clubs. Fn'l particulars with descriptive catalogue of many other standard works equally low In price, sent free. Leading Principles or the AMERICAN BOOK EXCHANGE ; I. Publish only books of real value. II. Work upon the basis of present cott of making books, about one half what It was a few years ago. III. Sell to buyers direct, and save them the 60 or 60 per cent commission commonly allowed IV . The cost of books when made 10.000 at a time la but a fraction nf the cost whan muria son mt a lime auopi wie low prim, uuu sen ine large V. Use good type, paper, etc.. do careful printing, and strong, neat binding, but avoid all --paaaiug, im auu iiovuj-ictturu type, Hpougy paper aim gauuy oinuiug, wmcn are so commonly resorted to to make books appear large and hue, and which add greatly to their cost, but do not add to their value. VI. To make II and a friend Is better than to make $3 and an enemy. STANDARD BOOKS. Library of Universal Knowledge, 20 vols., $10. Mllnian's Gibbon's Rome, 0 vols., 12.50. Macauly's History ot England . S vols., 11.50. Chamber's Cyclopediaof Eng. Llter'e.. 4 vols., IX Kulglit's History of England, 4 vols., 13. Plutarch's Lives of Illustrious Men. S vols ,1.50. Oelkle's Life and Words of Christ. Ml cents. Young's Bible Concordance, 311,000 references (preparing), 2.50. Acme Library of Biography. 50 cents Book of Fables, Amp, etc, lllus., 60 cents, Milton's Complete Poetical Works, 60 cents. Shakespeare's complete Works. 75 cents. Works ot Dante, translated by Cary. 60 cents. Works of Virgil, translated by Dryden. 40 cents. The Koran of Mohammed, trausl'd by Hale, 3 o. Adventures of Don Quixote, '.llus., 50 ceuts. Arabian Nights, lllus., 60 cents. Banyan's Pilgrim's Progress, lllus., 50 cents. Koblnson Crusoe, lllus., 60 cents. Munchausen and Gulliver's travels, lllus., 50c. Stories and Ballads, by E.T.AIden, IIIls.. 60c. Acme LiDrary oi Aioaern Classics, 50 cents, Remit by bank draft, money order, registered may be sent la postage stamps. Address , AMERICAN BOOK EXCHANGE, Jobx B. Aldem, Manager TRIBUNE BUILDING, NEW YORK. Wall Papers! STRAW MATTINGS COCOA MATTING. OIL CLOTHS. STAIR RODS. MATS. & RUGS. WALL STREET, PAPERS. Penn'a. 12 3m Table OIL CLOTHS, MATTING &c. Special Bargains! American Patriotism, 50 cents. Talne's History of English Literature, 76 cents. Cecil's Book of Natural History. 11. Pictorial Handy Lexicon, 35 cents. Sayings, by author ot Sparrowgrass Papers, 50c. Mrs. Hemans' Poetical Works, 75 cents. Kitto's Cyclopaedia of Bib. Llturature, 3 vols., 12, Kollln's Ancient History, 2.25. Smith's Dict ionary of the Bible, lllus., II. Works of Klavlns. Joseplius. 12. Coinlo History of the U.S.. Hopkins, lllus., (We. Health by Exercise. Dr. (leo. H. Tavlor, fSOo. Health tor Women, Dr. Geo. H. fay lor, 50c. Library Magazine, locents a No., l a year. Library Magazine, bound volumes. AO cents Leaves from the diary of an old lawyer, II. Each of the above bound In cloth. If by mall, postage extra. Most of tho books are also pub lished in tine editions and line bludlngsAt higher prices. Itc&criptlvt Catalogue and Term to auk tent tret on JtequetL letter, or bv exnress. Prutinn nf Bee CDITOR'S REPORT of Carroll twp. WE the undersigned Auditors of Carroll town ship, Perry county, Pa., having been duly sworn, proceed to the examination of the accounts of ( arson Hair and George B. Soulier, lute super visors ot snld township for the year ending April Mil, 18SU. GEO, B. SOUDEIt in account with said town'lilp. Dlt. Gross amount nf duplicate .... 1127 21 Ain't due on last settlement... 119 02 646 63 Lit. Amount of work Printing last account,.., Personal services Exonerations ot 1879 " 1H79 " on unseated laud .... Auditors fees, matlqiiery, etc.. hot m 2 00 80 87 6 12 2 60 14 2 83 600 fit Balance due township 46 19 CARSON HAIR In account with said township. DR. Gross amount of duplicate 112.1 44 30 29 Am't due on last settlement .. CK. Amount of work I'M 13 Personal Bervlces 117 00 Exonerations of unseated land . . 46 70 . . " . Tax 1 44 Auditors fees. Stationery, elc. .. 2 35 655 82 Balance due Carson Hair 101 89 After a careful examination of the accounts of Carson Hair and Geo. B Houder, late supervisors of Carroll township, we do report the above as Just and true, to the best of our knowledge and ability. T. S. McCOItD. JOHN S. HENDERSON, JOHN UAKMAN, Carroll twp.. Aprll2o.'8o.J (Auditors. EVMliY LADY WANTS TO BUY OUK NEEDLES! WE WANT MALE AND FEMALE AGENTS To Sell Our Needle Package. It contains! 5 papers, best large eyed, cloth stuck English Needles, 2 steel bodkins, 2 long cotton darners, 2 short cotton darners,3 extra line cotton darners, 3 wool darners, 2 yarn darners, 3 button needles, 2 carpet needles, 1 worsted needle.l motto needle. These needles would cost at retail, 61 cents. We will send full sample package for 21 cents, with full terms to agents. 1 Dozeu postpaid liOO. You Want to buy Our Stationery. Pride of The West. Stationery Package! Contains 18 sheets fine paper, 18 extra envelopes, 1 pen, lgood penholder, a nice lead pencil, and a very lisndsome piece of Jewelry. Also, one pack age In every dozen has an order for 1 set of hand some silver plated tea spoons. Agents are making from 5 to 10 dollars a day selling this package. Sample package and full terms to agents postpaid 25 cents, 6 packages by mall postpaid for 1.00, 1 dozen by express for 1.75. Remember this Is the fastest selling package ever offered to agents. Address all orders to K1RTLAND SCO., No. 0t8 Main St., Saybrook, Conn. Please say you saw the advertisement In this paper. 17 8t KENDALL'S STATIN CURE ! THE MOST SUCCESSFUL REMEDY EVER discovered, as It Is certain in Its ellects and does not blister. Read Proof Below. From Iter. N. P. Granger, Presiding Elder of the St. Albans District. St. Albans, Vt., Jan. 20th, 1880. DR. J. B. KENDALL & CO., Gents: In reply to your letter I will say that my eaperlence with Kendall's Spavin Cure has been vory satisfactory indeed. Three or four J em s ago I procured a bot tle of your agent, and with it, cured a horse of lameness caused by Spavin. Last season my horse became very lame and I turned him out for a few weeks when he became better, but when I put him on the road he grew worse, when I dis covered tliata rlngbene was forming, I prooured a bottle of Kendall's S javln Cure, and with less than a bottle cured him so that he Is not lame, neither can the bunch be found. Respectfully yours, P. N. GRANGER. Perseverance Will Tell ! Stnughton, Mass., March 16th, 1880. B. J. Keudall ill Co., Gents: In Justice to yon and myself. 1 think 1 ought te let you know that I have removed TWO BONE SPAVINS with Ken. dall's Spavin Cure," one very large one; don't know how long the Spavin had been there. I have owned the hnrseelght months. It took me four months to take the large one off, and two months for the small oue. 1 have used 10 bottles. The horse Is entirely well, not at all stltt.and no bunch to be seen or felt. This Is a wonderful medicine. It Is a new thing here, but If It does for all what It has done for ine its sale will be very great. Eespeetfully yours, CH AS. E.PARKER. Is sure In effects, mild In Its action as It docs not blister, and yet Is penetrating and powerful to reach any deep seated pain or to remove any bony growth or any other enlargement, If used ' for several days, such as spavins, splints, curbs, callous.spralus, swellings, any lameness and all enlargements of the Joints or limbs, or rlieuma lism In man and for any purpose for which lln Iment for man or beast. It Is now known to be the best liniment for man ever used, acting mild and yet certain lu Its effects. It Is used full strength with perfeot safety at aU seasons of the year. Bend address for Illustrated Circular, which we think gives positive proof ot Its virtues, No remedy has ever met with such unqualified suc cess, to our knowledge, for beast as well as man. Price 11. per bottle, or Six bottles for Id. All Drug gists have it or can get It for you, or it will be sent to any address on receipt of price bv the propri etors. DR. B. J. KENDALL & CO., Enosburg Palls, Vermont. "Kendall's Spavin Cure" Is now sold by all the leading wholesale druggists and a large number of prominent retail druggists. ir k. Moktlmek, New Bloomfield, agent for Perry Co., Pa. A MONTH guaranteed. 112 a day at borne made by the Indus- Tious. uapiiai not requirea; we will start you. Men, wemeu. boys and girls make money laster at work for ns than atanythingelse. The work Is light and pleasant. and such as any one can so rluht at. Those who are wise who see this notice will vend us their address at once and see for them selves. Costly Out nt and terms free. Now Is the time. Those already at work are laying up large sums of money. Address TRUE & CO., Augusta Maine. 40 ly lirfiln Don't you want someeheap Hi U ll IV V K roods tor Pants and Suits T iliJjll 0 II Mil, It you do, don"; fall to ex amine the splendid assortment for sale by F MORTIMER, toucan suit yourself In style sad price. mnnn mm ORGANS V If0!"' 3, H"t 'tneds, 2 Knee i.h,Sirt ? !"V C"VP.1' ""rt l,nok' to 11(100. Il lustrated Catalogue Krer. Address audit Danibl P. Bkattt, Washington, N. J. Wood ARenffi Wn(ed lo Roll lUdptah'a HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. An Agent In Bridgeport, Conn., Sold 70 conies, and stopped! another Agent was appointed In the same town, who sold !(() copies, and he stop, ped i we then appointed another agent, who his sold up to date, over WW copies, all lu he City of Bridgeport. It Is the best one-volume History of the United States published. Plenty of Terrltwv still open. Address, for Descriptive Circular and Terms, PHILLIPS A HUNT, Hubsorlptlon Book Department, 808 Broadway, N. Y. 20d MALT BITTERS TRADEMARK THERE IS NO GREATER BLOOD PURIFY ING and MPS GIVING PRINCIPLE In the World of medicine than MALT BI TIERS pre pared by the MALT BITTERS COMPANY from unfermented Malt and Hops. It Is a Perfect Renevator of feeble and exhausted constitutions. It enriches the blood, solidities the bones, hardens the muscles, quiets the nerves, perfects digestion, cheers the mind, and vitalizes with new life every fluid of the body. It is so. because It strikes at the root of all debllltv ENFEEHLED DIGESTION and IMPOVERISHED BLOOD. Bold everywhere. 2od4t WATERS' PIANOS & ORGANS"! BEST MADEWARRANTED SIX YEARS. NEW PIANOS, Stool and Cover, 1175. Upward. New Organs 50, 60, 75, i, upward. Illustrated Catalogue FREE. AGENTH WANTED. Second hand INSTRUMENTS atBAHOAlNS. HORACE WATERS & CO.. SlU Broadway, N. N. 18d4w Milt. B. Gibson. Agent, Ladisburg, Pa. ON 30 DAYS TRIAL We will send our ELECTRO-VOLTAIC BELTS and other Electric Appliances upon trial for 30 days to those suffering from Nervous Debility Rheumatism, Paralysis or any diseases of the Liver or Kidneys, and many other diseases. A Cure Guarantee or no pay. Address VOLTAIC BELT CO., Marshall Mich. 18d FOB THE DEAF Garmore's Artificial Enr f)nnme PE1IFI-:'IXY KKSTOKE TUB HEARIMO and perform the work of the Nnllirnl Dram. Alwari In poaitlon, but Invisible to olhrr. All ConTernstion nnd even whmpor. heard distinctly. W refer to thou ulns them, flend fordfcriptiveclrralnr. AKMOK EAlt 1IUCM CO, CINCINNATI, O. 18d4w FITS ! IT-ITS ! Dr. LASCELLE'iTEiigllsh Ecmedy, UNLIKE THE MANY SO-CALLED PREPARA tlons for this disorder which onlv relieve while used by the patient, CUHES PERMANENT LY I and has been endorsed In this respect for the past 20 years by the leading medical authori ties In Europe. NO CHARGE made to give It a fair test, as Dr. LASCELLE nndetakes to send each suffering ayplicant a PKEE Package on their forwarding name and Post Offloe address to his Sole Agents lor the U. 8. and Canada. Messrs. 8LOCUM & CO., No. 4 Cedar St., New York. 184 IMPORTANT ! The Meriden Purchasing Co., West Jleridi'ii, Conn., Have Issued a most valuable Catalogue for nous hold reference, containing the NET CASH PRICES at which they will sell any of the pro ductions of the Celebrated Factories of Meriden, Consisting of every conceivable pattern of Plain and Ornamental Silver Plated and Cut Glassware, Lamps, Chandeliers and Bronzes, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Shears, Scissors and Razors, The Unri valed Wilcox & White Or gans, the well-known Parker Guns, and Novelties and Specialties of many Descriptions. Persons desiring Standard Articles oLCnques. tlonable Merit, for Weddings, Presets, Orna ments or Use, At Meriden Prices, can procure Catalogues free of charge at the Dtllce of this paper, or from The Meriden Purchasing Co., West Meriden, Conn. In sending for Catalogue, or In giving an orde, F lease mention that the adverisemeut was seen UTHSJTIMES; A FULL ASSORTMENT OP HARDWARE, IRON & STEEL WILL BE FOUND AT OUR NEW ST0FE-R00M. F. MOJtTIMEIt, New Jiloom field. JOB PRINTING of every description neatly aud promptly executed at Reasoaable Rates at the BloouiUuld Times Steam Job OUlco. HOPE s VW9CVMBKSvtwhJ4swasn' 1