THE TIMES, NEW1JL00MFIEL1), PA. MAY 11. 1880. THE TIMES. New liloomfittd, May Ml, ISMi. NOTIOK TO A1VK11T1SK.IIS. Ro Out npHtxrrntyim will r-e liiamrted Itithl. r-ir anlraa llKht (see .ml on uUI bun. fafTwanly iwrnxnt. In ptrm of riwufar rate, will beohntvM toratlvnrllaimitut set in Ionlil)oliiiiin. Mr. J. U. fAtit. Newspaper Artvertlslng Ag't,' 41 Park Riw,(TlmmMlllin), New VotK, I. m thorlxed In cnnttitct fr advertisements fur this paper at our best rate. NOTIl'K TO WlMMCltinEltH. I.nnhst tits rls-nrcs on the Ishnl of your paiwr. Thof iWiiri'n tll vnutlte rintetn tvlitrh rncnattli. arrlpllnntannlit. Wilkin wens; , fur money Is nut, ae If the .Uti I. oliaimcil. No other receipt I. UMXiaa.rv. Standing of the Rnnnbllonn Cnn4ldatcfor President. The ItepulillcanBin twenty-irStieHlntes and 5 Territories have elected dolegntes to the National Convention, and their Presidential preferences are pretty well defined as follows : Blaine 275 ; Grant 201 Miemiau BO ; Waslibume 0 ; KdmunJs 20. Thug It appears that no candidate ha, votes enough yet within more titan 100 to nominate hlm,!i79 ttetng required. Al though Mr. Blaine now leads, ami will receive the votes ot Michigan, West Virginia, and some others, Gen. -Grant's friends claim that his lead will nut le so large when the votes are all In. The President's Voto. Washington, May 4. The President to-day sent to the House of ItepreBenta tlves his veto of the bill entitled, " Au act making appropriations for the ser vice of the government for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1H?0, and for other purposes." After stating that the ap propriations are needed for the payment of obligations long since due, lie states that the bill would have his prompt ap proval If it contained no permanent or general legislation. He then proceeds to state his objections as follows : " The objection to the bill, therefore, to which I respectfully ask your attention Is that it gives a marked and deliberate sanction 'Attended by no circumstances of press ing necessity, to the questionable and, as I am clearly of opinion, the danger ous, practice of tacking upon appropri ation bills general and permanent legis lation. 'This practice opeiiB a wide door to hasty, Inconsiderate and sinister leg islation. -It invites attacks upon the In dependence and constitutional powers of the Executive by providing an easy and effective way of constraining Exec utive discretion." In conclusion he says : " Placing my objection to the bill on this feature of its frame, I forbear any.comment upon the important gen eral and permanent legislation which it contains as matter for specific and inde pendent legislation." rtHK e Trouble for Kalloch. San Fit axcihco, May 4. At a meet ing of the Board of Supervisors last ev ening a committee which bud instruc tions to-oonslder the utterances of Mayor Kalloch and report what aolion is nec essary thereon, filed a long report, re viewing the history of the labor agita tion and the part taken in it by Kalloch finding he has encouraged the lawless and discontented, etc. They express the opinion ittat Kalloch is unscrupu lous and unprincipled and devoid of in tegrity, and, that the time has arrived to express condemnation, of his acts, and and recommend that prompt action be taken to vindicate the fair fame of the municipality by a Judicial inquiry into Kalloch's cases. A motion to adopt the report was put "by Mayor Kalloch , who announced that by a viva voce it was carried. The roll was then called, re sulting in a unanimous vote for its adop tion. A resolution was then adopted authorizing the Finance Committee to institute judicial proceedings against tbe mayor for his removal from office. Throughout the proceedings Kalloch ap peared cool and unmoved, seeming to consider only the dignity of his position as presiding officer of tke board. Accident In Johnstown. A fly wheel eleven feet in diameter burst on Thursday morning at tbe Steel Works in Johnstown, Instantly killing one man and Injuring others. A flying piece of Iron struck and severed a six inch steam pipe which ran from one part of the works to anotber,and the building in tbe vicinity of the engine was very soon rilled with steam, which for a time reudered all objects there invisible. A piece of iron which would weigh at least a quarter of a ton was thrown a distance of nearly one hundred and fifty feet, passing through the side of the steel works and through tbe narrow frame boiler-house in tbe rear of the main building, on tbe bank of the Con emaugh river. Serious Fires In the Oil Regions. Bradford, May 7. The fire is still raging In Tram hollow and Oil valley, and bands of men are at work endeavor ing to confine end subdue the flames at jlhose points, The greatest number of rigs and tanks of oil were consumed In Foster, Brook valley alung the Harris burfrun, in Kendall creok valley, mud about the summits. Fires are also rag ing near Tarport and Xe-Goller. The scope of the territory In which the. fires prevailed is twelve miles. in extent. In Oil valley the greatest danger exists. .Smaller, but dangerous iflres are still burning In all parts of the woods, but It Is thought they will be controlled with out much further loss of property. Information Wanted. The undersigned desires information of his son, aged about 48 years, five feet high, red hair, who left his home about ten days ago. When he left he wore a light hat with cord band. lie Is suppos ed to be laboring under temporary aber ration of mind, and was seen at Tyrone in a demented condition. Any person knowing of bin whereabouts will please notify bis father, John Darby, Howard, Centre County, Pa., try postal card. Exohanges please copy. Three-Legged Lamb. A lamb belonging to Mr. James Devlne, on the Couowngo Chapel farm, Adams county, has only three logs one iln front and two behind. The lamb was dropped about two weeks ago; is lively and thriving, and makes as good "time" as any of the younger members of the lock. The front leg is somewhat heavier than usual, but there is uo sign of a second one in that quarter. Compiler. A Fiendish Mother. Bed Bank, N. J., May G.-Wltlle Mapes, 11 years of age, was found to-day hanging to a rafter by the thumbs, In which position he had been for three hours. When cut down he fainted. His mother hnd selected this mode of punishment. KJT An aged stranger surprised a num ber of young ladles and gentleman In a Pittsburg hotel a few evenings ago. The party were In the parlor of the ho tel enjoying themselves with vocal and Instrumental music. During the even ing an old man aged about 00 years, dressed like a farmer, and of a very un gainly figure, with immense feet and hands, entered the parlor. His strange appearance excited the attention of the company, and their interests was still further awakened when he seated hlm stlf at the piano and played a large num ber of pieces, including Cherublni's re quiem, with a touch the delicacy, light less and evenness of which were aston ishing. After holding his audience spell-bound for some time by his won derful playing, the old man rose from the piano, darted from the room and disappeared. All efforts to ascertain who he wag or where become from were fruitless. tW Not one of the gossips of Tarboro, N. C, could see what on earth Induced pretty Itosa Turner to marry Jacob Webber. Jacob was getting along in years, his face was wrinkled and his pocket-book was rather lean. Never theless, as Love look, not wllh the eye, but with themlnd, And therefore In winged Oupld painted blind, perhaps Jacob's rugged honesty was the matter which seasoned Rosa's admira tion. The marriage was consummated in 1877, and the union continued satis factorily until last winter. Then old Jacob's . jealousy led him to cage his wife, who was not to be kept in a state of bondage, for she ran away. Jacob sued for a divorce. The case came up at the present term of the Edgecombe, N. C, Superior Court, and on Tuesday of last week was decided In favor of the plaintiff. The old man started out of the court-room. As he reached the door he caught wildly at tbe knob and an in stant later fell over dead. . San Fkancisco, May 6. William P. Daingerfleld, presiding justice of the Su preme Court, dropped dead on the. bench at noon to-day. He had been In Infirm health for some months past. His death Is attributed to heart disease. OUR WASHINGTON LETTER. Washington, D. C, April 28, 1880. Tlii. Congress will go Into history as one liberal In appropriation!. There has been no quarreling over amounts except for the Star Mall Bervlce, and the ground there taken by those who refused to vote all that was asked was that the money would be - fraudulently spent besides the general appropriation bills unprecedented amount are to be allowed for Rivers and Harbors, and for Public buildings. On the appropriation bills a good deal of woik Is being done this week, the House had night sessions for the furtherance of Us work, tbe bill providing for the Indians Is before a conference Committee, the Fost ofllce bill will be disposed of this week and others will follow In rapid succession. Interest In tbe Indians Is kept alive by a never ending stream of bills relating to them. Testerdaj by a voto of seven to three tho House Indian Committee voted to report bill to transfer the Indian bureau from the Interior to the War Depart ment. The report of Mr. Hooker a very strong and able document, favoring the proposed transfer, was also adopted, the action, a very Important onn, was unoxpectod although It was andorstood that when the committee did act It would recommend the change. It li Dot likely lie bill will pass at tlild cnlon . A bill to establish. Ocean Malt Service on American Btcamors and properly enmponsnto the samo, was Introduced In the Sonata yeator day. It object Is to extend the fnulllllc of our merchant for lolling their good In for eign market", And to helptlie shipping liitero.t. A measure of this kind I desirable, but It I very doubtful If It can pan till scion. A very encouraging report come from the Treasury Department relative to the Revenue of the gnvernmdnt. The roanuroo of the country are Increasing to rnplilly that the National Income all tho tlmo keeps ahead of the demand upon the government, and It I probable that the National dubt will be reduced much more during the present tlAn the past year. There Is one serious drawback In tho lie von ne Department, however which Is tho whiskey distillers In the Bonlh. A great deal of trouble ha lately been experienced In Georgia In suppressing tho llllett trafllo. Tho Government officials are now about organising a strong fence to enforce the laws Micro. Omvb. Additional Locals. Mjiorfm by Cut. II. Smiley, Ktq. Court Prooeedlmgs. A special court having been appointed for Tuesday, the 4lh Inst., for the dispatch of certain business, itcouvetied at 10 o'clock A.M., of that day, and as soon as all business, having been disposed of, It was ail) ourri ed until Tuesday, the 8th day of June, when the regular Orphans' and Argu ment Court convenes. The following business was transacted : Common Plhah. In the matter of the estate of Eliza beth Albert, a lunatic, an order was made directing George Hoobaugh, the committee, to pay attorney's fees and costs of Inquisition. Market, attorney. Itule granted upon creditors of Ma nilas Burd, to show cause why his as signee, Michael Derrick, should not be discharged from his suld trust. Potter, attorney J. C. McAllster was appointed Audi tor to distribute balance in hands of Samuel JO. Buck, Assignee of Adam l('ortney and wife. Potter, attorney. (JUAUTEIt BKHHIONH. Three applications for license having been held over, were called up. In the cases of Hlmman Miller and Henry Mar tin, of MUlerstown, Wm. N. Helbert, Khci., counsel for remonstrants, on ac count of a misunderstanding between his clients and himself, arising out of the fact that they were willing to accept the law and leave out the prnjlfg. while he considered the orthodox way to leave out the law and take in the profits, and lie withdrew as counsel, from the mat ter. The licenses were granted, but in the case of William Shearer, of New port, license was refused. Oni'iiArs' Coukt. E. D. Book was appointed guardian of Margaret J. and Isaac M. Trostlo, and Ueorge W. Trostle was appointed guar tllnn of Sarali C. William II. and Mary E. Trostle, minor children of Caroline Trostle, deceased. W. VV. Fxymire was appointed guar dian of the minor children of Catharine HoudeBhell, deceased, and a decree was mmle authorizing ;blm to join In a deed of conveyance of a house and lot in the borough of Marysville, to Chauncey B. Wise, for his wards' .interest therein. Smiley, attorney. Wm. S. Hostetter, Executor of Leah Hostetter, dec'd.,flleda bond, which was approved by the Court. Mclntlre for the Executor, W. H. Hponsler for the estate. Dr. S. It. Sample, of Lancaster coun ty, was appointed Trustee for Mary A. Oberholtser to take charge of a fund of 11,250, for her use, out of the estate of her husband, Amos Oberholtser, dee'd. Hponsler, attorney. Timely Caution. Oenuine Hop Bitters are put up in square paneled, amber-colored bottles, with white label on one side printed la black letters, and a green hop cluster, and on the other side yellow paper with red letters ; revenue stamp over the cork. This is the only form in which genuine Hop Bitters are put up, and the sole right to make, sell and use them is granted to the Hop Bitters M'f'g Co., of Kochester, N. Y.,aud Toronto, Ont., by patents, copyright and trade mark. All others put up in any other way or by any one else, claiming to be like it or pretending to contain hops, by whatever names they may be called, are bogus and untlt for use, and only put up to sell and cheat the people on the credit and pop ularity of Hop Bitters. Cy Our Drug Stores are now supplied with "Malt Bitters." the new Food Medicine which has done so much good and comes to us so highly recommend ed. Try It. It may save you Heavy doctors' bills. 2()d4t A Household Need. A book on the Liver, its diseases and their treatment sent free. Including treatises upon Liver Complaints, Torpid Liver, Jaundice, Biliousness, Headache, Constipation, Dyspepsia, Malaria, etc. Address Dr. Sanford. 162 Broadway, New York City, N. Y. 20d4t It Is said that the Arabs in mentioning their valuable possessions always class the wife second, the children third, and the horse first. Many persons in this country who know tbevalue of the horse have provided themselves with a copy of Kendall's Horse Book for further information. You can do so too. Sent by mail for 25 cents. Address Times ofllce, New Bloomfield, Pa. Western Union Telegraph connecting With all parts of the world. Office at New Bloomfield in Mortimer's build ing, tf County 8abbath School Convention. Due notice Is hereby given to each Sabbath Bchool In the County to elect on next Bnlihalh, without fall, two delegates to the (Inttuly Con vention to meet In Hliiomfleld, on TUKHDA I, May lSth.lSHO, at 10 A.M., dosing Wednes day evening, May luth. All pastors and Bu- Iierlntnndeiil In the County are n-offleio mom lers of the Convention and are requested to be present with the delegates. All tatlstlc and all names of parties expecting to b present, should he sent this week to D. Mickey, New Bloomflold, Pa. Duplluatns of the statistic and collodions from the school should come by the hands of those attending. This Is the Cen tennial yoar of Kohort Halites' establishment of the modern Babhath Bchool. The schools of Porry should celebrate It being one aud all represented In tin County Convention. K tnrtitlnment will be provided for all who report e above and present themselves at the Court lloiisn, where the Convention Is to ho held on the days named. Let all summer school open at once and be represented. Bee History of Association on second page. Prlmo Wheat and Corn wanted at the Newport Mills. Price according to the quality of tbe grain. Milton B. Em ilk man, 10. Newport, Pa. Dentistry. Dr. Whltmer, of Newport, Is now prepared to Insert Artificial teeth on Dr. Allen's Improved method con tinuous gums and sectional block, (live him a call. 10 4t NEWrJp'LoUll. The undersigned, proprietor of the NIOWPOKT MILLS, has completed his extensive Improvements and now feels confident that he can make the ItKHT FLOUK In Perry County, and will sell at Bates that the poorest may buy. He is very portlcular In the wheat he buys, and has the only Smith l'urijlcr in the County. He Is also Agent for the Un. HKiiwooi) Patent Flouh, which is the best flour In the World. K4T All kinds of Custom Work done with precision and dispatch. 03m MILTON B.E8IILEMAN. Phrenlx Pectoral will cure your Coiifth. Plimiilx Pectoral euros Hoarseness quickly. 1'lici'iilx Pectoral tastes good and brings rest. Plionnlx Pectoral costs 2ft cents prbot.,6 bottles II. 21y Bold by U. M.EIIY.DiUKglst, Newport Dr. O. P. Bollinger has taken rooms at the " Perry House," In Bloomfield, for the practice of his profession. The Doc tor lias practiced medicine for over a fierlod of twenty-eight years, and has tad large experience and comes high ly recommended by his former patrons. He Intends to locate permanently in Bloomfield. Still Alive I I am still alive and ready to cut and fit suits in good style, if wanting any work In my line, give me a call. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Samuel Bkntzkl, TA1LOH, April 0, ' New Bloomfield, Pa. Camphor Milk cures Headache and Neuralgia Camphor Milk euros Rheumatism and lame back Camphor Milk will cure Cuts, llrulres and Burns. Camphor Milk costs 25 cents pr bot., 6 bottles tl 12 ly Hold by V. MORTIMER, New Dloomlleld. LACES I L ACESTLACES ! Just received, SOME PRETTY STYLES iii.ack nii;itn i.aci:, i.anci i:oc roivr i,a i;, and other Styles of Laces and Embroideries. F. MOKTIMEIt, New Bloomfield, Pa. A False Report. It having been re ported by Interested parties that I have retired from the Marble business, I take this method to inform my friends and the public generally, that the report is false, and that I am prepared to manufac ture from American or Italian Marble. Tomb Stones of every description, at low rates. tW My Shop Is situate in Centre twp. two miles East of Bloomfield, on the road leading to Duncnnnon. Call, or address Daniel O. Fickes, New Bloomfield, Perry Co., Pa. 15 3m AGENTS WANTED For the belt and fast Hit selling Pictorial Books and Bibles. Price reduced 33 per cent. National Publishing Co , Philadelphia, Pa. l04w AGENTS WANTED to th frW HOOK, HOW TO CintlT.t. .11 Iho Form Crop. In h JJMt faoiier llrccd, read and CnreforHtouki Orow Vrutti Miws Varoi llusiuMBi Mk limvvr Hom-ia. and IH Ai '. MONEV ON THE I'AWW. Krr- Farmer should hv ropy. BOO l'asaa. HO lllnatrntlona. Send It circular l J. G. MctUliOV ct CO.. rltllatlBlphla, Pa. AGENTS WANTED. P"P" OUTFIT FRE PAYING EMPLOY MENT Tar Tonus Mm, LMIM, ItMliin, aofl cammmrf count. SjU to S?& per raoaUi. fUo4 for etxealar Bod oatAL t. W. IIIUUB OO, M0S Ank Sb, railodcJpbU, Pa. V'tvohcr. tod otbtrlatvry llv an od e&iahli h eo Houm. lunr bon cxt, Inlclliiri nl Urn to Canvaas In tho countrr and rllUKea Ion tomiutiliftn. An KXCfcLI.E.NT OPPOiiTliMTy. Something nnbcirt of be 'ore, ao far sa know. A good thnnco lor leacnerH. loung jicd, raruicra or.u rcuunica ftona to get Into Ttxlit, sirracablc, pavlrnr liniDtit, wlib no r'lta and with sroo-l proaDcctaahou. Anwer oood. atallnK tire, former occupallon and r-fereneea. Addrcaa 1'. O. Lota Box u, 1 tiiloU. Ipbis, Fa. , A rWfTd Bend for Circulars and proof of AWaCill 13 tl'O a month made selling our New Books, Gotten Thoughts on Mother, Home and Heaven, in prnae ana poetry oi aou uesi Au thors. Elegantly Illustrated. Plea-wta everybody. tl 76; also 5.000 Curiosities of the Bible, 11 75. A slogle Canvasser has actually sold over 7,or0 op. ies. Moody's Authorized Harmon, fc-TOO. Mailed on receipt oi price. E.B. TREAT, Publisher, 2U4t Mo. 806 Broadway, N. Y. MASON AND HAMLIN Kent paid two-and a quarter year nuvs one. uew uuDiuei or rartor Organs in the World: winner or muiiem aisuncuon at every World's Fair for thirteen jears. Prices 151. 67, 66. 84, lua to 10 ORGANS ana uoward. Also for easv nay ment. i.1 a month or id 8H a auarter and unward- Catalogues free. MASON It il A MI. I.N OHUAN CO.. 1M Treinont Street, Boston s 46 Kaxt Hlh M., (Union Hauare) New York: 250 Wabash Avenue, Chicago. 2l'A4t Our Btock of NEW GOOD8 for Men's Wear 1 complete. Prices from U!4 eentsup. F. MORTIMEB. New Kleomttfld.Pa WANTED 1880. SPUING IVJiat Do People Hay? THEY SAY wo have tho best and largest stock of, CLOTHING in tho County. THEY SAY wo have a splendid line oi BUY 0001H, Very Cheap. THEY SAY our stock of T3oolH mul Shoes cannot bo surpassed. THEY SAY that our styles of CARPETS cannot bo beat. THEY SAY wo have the larg est stock of HATH AND VAVH in the County. THEY SAY wo have the larg est store in tho County ; the largest stock to select from ; bet ter styles than elsewhere, and that our prices can't be beat. MARX DUKES & GO'S., Successor to ISIDOK HCIIWARTZ, EBY'8 NEW BUILDING, NEWPORT, PA. M EDICAL NOTICE! DR. 0. P. BOLLINGER, Having located permanently la NEW BLOOMFIELD, Offers his professional services to the citizens of the BorouKb and surrounding country. Dr. D. has been engaged In an extensive prac tice for over 28 years, lie has also served hi country In the capacity of Surgeon to the 7th Pa. Vol. Infantry during the late Kebelllon, holding his Commission from the then Governor of this Commonwealth. His credential are from one of the best Medical Colleges In America. Mis success as a practitioner of medicine I ac knowledged by recommendation from former patrons, which are free for Inspection at all limes. IN THE TREATMENT OF Chronic Diseases he has had very extensive exuertenee.and hasenred many hopeless eases, alter years of sutlering, and expense incurred in seeking relief elsewhere. Among the many chronic complaint treated successfully are Asthma. Bronchitis, Laryngitis. Hemorrhage of the 1. tings, Consumption, (first and second stages.) Heart blseare. Dyspepsia l.lver Complaint, Melancholia, Horofulaor King' Evil, Hkin Diseases. Chronic Hheumatlsm, (ioltre, or enlargement of the Glands of the neck.Dropsy. Piles, chronic Dlarrhcea.Constlpation of the Bow els, Sick and Nervous Headache, Neuralgia. Diseases of Females. Tumors, Kidney Disease. Knlarged Spleen. Kpllepsy, Deafaet, Chronic Chills and Ague. Diabetes Mellltus, old running ores. Tapeworm removed. Dr. B. doe not confine himself to any one par ticular system of medicine. He use all the lata Improved methods and remedies, a also Magneto hlectrlc, or Uleclicnl ICleetrlcity, which is so successfully used at the present day in many forms of nervous complaints. In the treatment of the Lungs and air passage be uses INHALATIONS, which carries the medicine direct to tbe diseased part. When an Incurable ease presents Itself he Is free and candid In telling tbe patient that hseaa not cure bim, thus avoiding further expense. In thronle aflmentt It Is always best for patient to call at hisoOlce for personal examination and trealm jnt, when tltat is practicable. Br Booms for the present at Tbe Perry House. CONSULTATION tKKit. Bloomfield. May (,1880. Wot Correct! It having been reported that I was aboat to discontinue business at ICKESBUKO, Perry County, Pa., I bet; leave to correct tbe state ment. I shall continue to tell new work, such as BUGGIES, CORN-PLANTEKS, Ac. Repairing of every description done at short notice and at Reasonable Price. Particular attention paid to repairing Corn-Planters. USt WM.H. HENDERSON. 1880.