8 THE TIMES NEW BLOOM FIELD, FA.. MAY i, 1880. A Cat-astrophe. The Ilaltlmore "Bun" says : A west end man hatl the flat roof of the L of bis house tarred, find when nix or seven oats got on It, the following night, thoy could yell nnd nroh their backs and try to get a pull on all four feet at once, but ttiey couldn't lift thomselvos free, and their singing was frightful, and people in the neighborhood began to chuck things at them, and the owner of the house forgot about the tar and went barefooted and in his robo do milt upon the roof to chase them off and pretty soon he found he couldn't stir, and be began to whoop and swear., and a policeman got a ladder and climbed npon the roof, and when he came up over the edge, on his hands and knees, he had to remain In that posture, and be used very emphatio language. Meantime the bootjacks were fulling in a shower about and upon them, and the man's mother-in-law, in looking out of an upper win dow that overlooked the L roof, to ask them if they were not ashamed to be out on a roof playing cat at that timo of night unfortunately knocked her wig off, and it fell in the tar ; and then she rushed down a flight of stairs and went out on the roof to get it, and couldn't pull the wig up, but got her hand stuck to it ; so she couldn't let go of it, and of course her position and, her bald head make a dead give away, as it was quite light, when some one finally came with boards to put down on the roof for them to be got on to when they were cut loose from the tar, and the old lady didn't feel a bit worse than the policeman, who had to walk through the streets with the knees of his trousers cut out, and left stuck on the roof and a great hunk of tnr stuck to each hand, and got a reprimand when be reached the . station. And the house-owner himself blistered his feet try ing to melt the tar off of tbem by holding them up to a hot stove, and when the cats were cut loose from the roof and put on the grouud,they tried to gnaw the tar from their claws And got their paws stuck in their mouths and rolled about and yawled and carried on so that folks thought they were mad nnd killed them. And that liouseowner's mother-in-law hasn't yet got ,vor Jawing bim ftbont that tar roof. Another Tornado, Tatlorville, 111., Aptil 25. A terrible cyclone, scarc'y le violent and distruotive than that which visited Western Missouri, a week ago, passed over a portion of Chris tian county, a little after 7 o'clock last night, plowing its way through the timber and scattering houses, barns and fences in its conrso. ! Those killed outright were Mrs. T. J. Langley and two children of Alonzo Cut ler, and all of them were mangled in a hor rible manner. One of the Cuttler children was found this morning in a brush-pile 200 yards from the house, with the upper part of its Bkull gone. Besides these, Mrs. Cutler, John Hay, Harry Langley, Mrs. Hoofner and two children, Alexander Elliott, James Watts and wife And George Iliggins and' wife are not expected to live. Mr. and Mrs. Ilig gins seem to be in the most precarious con dition. They sought shelter from the storm behind a chicken-ooop, and several hours after were picked up a quarter of a mile away, mangled almost past recognition. Medora, 111., April 25. J. H. & J. M. Valintine'a store was blown from its foun cations by the cyclone and completely wrecked. Their loss is $10,000. Two powder-cans, which were in the store, were ignited in some way and exploded, injur, ing Mr. Valintine badly and fatally injur ing bis clerk. The storm took a northeas terly direction, sweeping everything before it. Nothing was left of many of the houses but the foundations. Mrs. Abner Hayncs was blown about 200 yards and in stantly killed, la nearly every bouse tbe inmates were more or less injured. Dangerous Girls. An Altoona special to the New York Telegram says, that a young man named Itupley from Martinsburg, went to Holli daysburg on Tuesday to sgs a daughter of ex-Representative Jesse T7 Crawford, who was one of the five defendants in the recent Riot bill bribery trials at Ilarrisburg. The other girls threw the man ont, and when found on tne porch, his nose was broken and his face terribly cut up. He was car ried to the Kellenuan House unconscious. Crawford was informed of the affair by telegraph. An Astonished Widower. J. Smith, of Orange, whose young wife reoeutly died, was astonished when be camo home a few days ago to find that his wife's relatives had unpaoked and were us ing his wife's things, ne expostulated, when they presented to him a will purport ing to have oome from his wife in the spirit world through a medium. He will con test it. Odd Gift from a Murderer. The Hartford " Times" says : William Allen, one of the prison murderers, was taken to tbe State's prison last week. Mrs. Wetmore has made several . visits to Hartfort to see him, and Allen, as tbe last act before going to prison, had his mous tache, which he was so - proud of, shaved oflf, and sent it iu a letter to Mrs. Wet-more. 1880. SPUING What Do People Say? THEY SAY we have the best and largest stock of CLOTHING in the County. THEY SAY we have a splendid . line of DRY OOOXS, Very Cheap. THEY SAY" our stock of Boots and Shoes cannot be surpassed. THEY SAY that our styles pf CAEPETS cannot be beat. THEY SAY we have the larg est stock of II ATM ANI CAPS in the County. THEY SAY we have the larg est store in the County ; the largest stock to select from ; bet ter styles than elsewhere, and that our prices can't be beat. IYIARX DUKES &CO'S., Successor to ISIDOR SCHWARTZ, EBY'S NEW BUILDINC, NEWPORT, PA. KENDALL'S SPAYIN CURE ! THK MOST SUCCESSFUL REMEDY EVER discovered, as It Is certain In Its effects and dues not blister. Read l'root Below. From Rev. N. P. Granger, Freslding Elder of the Bt. Albans District. St. Albans, Vt., Jan. 291 li, 1880. DR. J. B. KENDALL & CO., Gents: In reply to your letter I will say that my experience with' Kendall's Spavin Cure has been vorv satisfactory Indeed. Three or four years ago I procured a bot tle of your agent, and with It, cured a horse of lameness caused by Spavin. Last season my horse became very lame and I turned lilm out for a few weeks when be became better, but when I put htm on the road he grew worse, w hen I dis covered that a ring bone was forming, I procured a bottle of Kendall's Spavin Cure, and with less than a bottle cured him so that he Is not lame, neither can the bunch be found. Respectfully yours, P.N. GRANGER. Perseverance Will Tell ! 8totighton, Mass., March lflth, 1880. B. J. Kendall & Co., Gents: In justice to you and myself, I think 1 ought to let ynu know that I have removed TWO BONE SPAVINS wltb Ken dall's Spavin Cure," one very large one; don't know how long the Spavin had been there. I have owned the horse eight months. It took me four months to take the large one off, and two months for the small one. I have used 10 bottles. The horse Is entirely well, not at all stiff, and no bunch to be seen or felt. This is a wonderful medicine. It Is a new thing here, but If It does for all what It has done for me lis sale will be very great. Respectfully yours, CHAS. E. PARKER. Is sure In effects, mild In Its action as It does not blister, and yet Is penetrating and powerful to reach any deep seated pain or to remove any pony growth or any other enlargement, If used for several days, such as spavins, splints, curbs, callous, sprains, swellings, any lameness and all enlargements of the Joints or limbs, or rheuma tism In man and for any purpose for which a lln iment for man or beast. It Is now known to be the best liniment for man ever used, acting mild and yet certain In Its effects. It is used full J'JS? wl,h Pr'eet safety at all seasons of the ?e,nd Mdress 'or Illustrated Circular, which we think gives positive nrool of Its virtues. Mo remedy has ever met with such unqualified suc cess, to our knowledge, for beast as well as man. Price $1. per bottle, or Six bottlestor $5. All Drug gists have It or can get It for you, or It will be seut to any address on receipt of price bv tbe propri etors. DR. B. J. KENDALL t CO., Knoaburg Falls, Vermont. 1 ."6ndJ''," 8paTJB Cure" 18 now U by all the leading wholesale druggists and a large number of prominent retail drugget. : PeJrCo."pa"T'M,U,'N"W 1"oom,le,a' for 1880. 7 Vkt CARLISLE CARPET HOUSE! . ti. ;. Annual Announcement of the Spring Opening of C V R P E T IN G-8 , Oil Cloths and Wall Papers! BODY BRUSSELS. TAPESTRY ' BRUSSELS. 3 PLYS. INGRAINS. WINDOW SHADES. We Invlle the Citizens of PERRY to Inspect our LAUGH and UANDSOMK8TOCK. I We are prepared to show the MOST ELKO ANT DESIGNS and PATTERNS It lias ever been our privilege of doing, at OLD PRICES. having had a large stock lore tne rtcent advance. We can safely say that our stork Is the MOST COMPLETE In this section of Pennsylvania and we will not permit ourselves to be ben ten In PRIUE or (QUALITY. , A FULL ASSORTMENT In all dr-pnrtmrnts, tin an additional line of KUltNITUKK COVER INGS In Raw Silks, Cretonnes, Plain and Striped Reps.&c&o. Stephens & Beetem, , 21 E. MAIN STREET, WALL PAPERS. O-arlisle, 1880. CARPETS ! CARPETS ! 1880. NOW IS YOUR TIME TO PURCHASE, BEFORE THEY ADVANCE ANY HIGHER. JUST RECEIVED AN IMMENSE STOCK OP C R T E T S, OIL CLOTHS V-IN I HUGS, Of all Grades for the Spring Trade; the Largest Assortment of Carpets Outside of Philadelphia. SAMUEL ADAMS, Opera House Carpet Store No. 31 North TliLrd Street, HAllllISBUllG, PENN'A. CQT-iT-Af'ST-. - NO. 213 N. SECOND STREET . PAAMAK, JIARRISBURG, PA., TAPESTRY, BRUSSELS, INGRAIN, HAL LAND STAIR CARPETISOS, Floor, Stair and Table OIL CLOTHS, HUGS, MATS, MATTING &c. U 2m VEGETABLE Mi I IP fl ' I PERRY DAVIS & SON, Providence, R. I. Proprietors. 11 eow lyC Literary Revolution and Universal Knowledge. An Encyclopedia tn SO vols., over 10,000 pages ) 10 per cent more matter than any Ency clopaedia ever before published In this country, and sold, handsomely and well bound, in cloth for f 10, In half morocco for $15, and printed on fine heavy paper, wide margins, bonnd In half Russia, gilt top, for $20 an enterprise so extraordinary that its success, beyond all precedent In book publishing, may be fairly claimed to Inaugurate a Uttrary Revolution. The Library of Universal Knowledge Is a reprint entire of the last (1879) Edinburgh edition of " Chamber's Encyclopaedia, with about 40 per cent of Dew matter added, npon topics of epocial interest to American readers, thus making it equal In character to any similar work, better than Any other suited to the wants of the great majority of those who consult works of reference, and altogether the latest Encyclopedia In the field. SPECIMEN VOLUMES In either style wll be sent for examination with privilege of return on receipt of proport ionate price per volume. SPECIAL DISCOUN TS to early subscribers, and extra discounts to elubs. Full particulars with descriptive catalogue of many other standard works equally low In price, senlrfree. Leading Principles of the AMERICAN BOOK EXC1IANUE; I. Fnblish only books of real value. II. Work upon the basis of present ccsf of making hooks, about one half what It was a few years ago. III. Bell to buyers direct, and save them the 50 or CO per cent commission commonly allowed IV. The cost or bonks when made 10,000 at a time Is but a fraotton of the cost when made 500 at a time admit the lew price and sell the large quantity. ' V. Use (rood tytc, paper, etc, do careful printing, and strong, ueat binding, but avoid all "padding," fut and havll-leaded type, spongy paper and gaudy binding, which are so commonly resorted to to make books appear largoaud tine, aud which add greatly to their cost, but do not adit to their value. VI. To make 11 and a friend Is better than to make 13 and an enemy. STANDARD BOOKS. Library of Universal Knowledge, 20 vols., lift. Mlliuan's (iihbon's Koine. 6 vols., 12.50. Macauly's History ot England. 3 vols., 11.50. Chamber's Oyclopedlaof Eng. Llter'e., 4 vols.,! Kulglit's History of England, 4 vols., f.1. Plutarch's Lives ot Illustrious Men. 3 vols ,1,50. Oeikle's Life aud Words of Christ, to cents. Young's Bible Concordance, 311. WD references (preparing), 2.50. Aome Library of Biography, f.0 cents Book of Fables, ec, lllus., 60 cents, Milton's Compute Poetical Works, 50 cents. Hliakespeare's complete Works. 76 cents. Works of Dante, translated by Cary, 60 cents. Works of Virgil, translated by Dryden. 40 cents. The Koran of Mohuinnied, transl'd by Bale, 3 ' Adventures of Don Quixote, lllus., 30 ceuts. Arabian Nights, lllus., 60 cents. Banyan's Pilgrim's Progress, lllus., 60 cents. , Robinson Crusoe, lllus., 60 cents, . Munchausen and Gulliver's travels, lllus., 50. Stories and Ballsds, by E.T.AIden, lllus.. 60c. Acme Library of Modern Classics, 60 cents. . ' Remit by bank draft, money order, registered may be sent In postage stamps. Address AMERICAN BOOK EXCHANGE, John B. Alder, Manager TRIBUNE BUILDING, NEW YORK. STRAW MATTINGS COCOA MATTING. OIL CLOTHS. STAIR RODS. MATS. oil hand nnd bought be. 1 RUGS. WALL PAPERS. .IPeiin'a. 12 3m I fl HM F7BS1 n Hi A PlttlELT VEGETABLE REMEDY rOB IHTEBilU AM UTEBHAl BSE, Is a rare tnw for all tM diseases for which It Is recommended, and is always PERFECTLY SAFE in the hands of even, the most inexperienced persona. It Is a sure Rncl quick rrmedjr for COUGHS, BORR THKOAT, CHILLS, end Similar troubles; affords tnatant relief in the most malignant forms of DIPHTHERIA, and is the best known remedy for Rheumatism and Neuralgia. The Oldest, Best, and Most Widely Known Family Medicine In the World. It has been used with each wonderful incru In all parts or the world for CRAMPS, CHOLERA, DI AURIKE A, I) VS ENTER Y, and all BOWEL COMPLAINTS that it is considered an unfailing cure for these diseases. Has stood the test of Forty Years' Constant Use In all Countries and Climates. It is RECOMMENDED by Physicians, Missionaries, Ministers, Managers of Plantations, Work-Shop., and Factories, Nurses In Hospitals in short bf Everybody, Everywhere, who has ever given it a trial. IT IS WITH6UT A RIVAL A3 A LINIMENT. It should always be used for Pain In the Back and Side, and brings speedy and permanent relief in all cases Of Bruises, Cuts, Sprains, Severe Burns, Scalds, eto. No family can safely be without It. It will annually save many times its cost in doctors' bills, and its price brings it within the reach of all. It is sold at aoe., 50c, and SI per bottle, and can be obtained from all druggists. American Patriotism, 50 cents. Taine's History of English Literature, 75 cents, Cecil's Book of Natural History. II. notorial Handy Lexicon, 36 cents. Sayings, by siithorof Bparrowgrass Papers, 50c. Mrs. Hemans' Poetical Works, 75 cents. Kltlo's Cyelopaidia of Bib, Llturalure,2 vols.. 12. Hollin's ARCientHistorv,2.25. Smith's Dictionary of tlie Bible, lllus., (1. Works of Flavlus. Josephus, i Comln History of the U.B.. Hopkins. 111ns., 50c. Health by Exercise, Dr. (ieo. H. Tavlor, We. Health for Women, Dr. (ieo. H, Taylor, 60c. Library Magazine, loeentsa No., l a year. Library Magazine, bound volumes, 60 cenu Leaves from the diary of an old lawyer, tl. Each of the above bound In cloth. If by mall, fiosiage extra. Most of the books are also pun ished In flue editions aud One bludings.at higher prices. DecHpth Catalogue and Termt to Club tent tree on XequeL letter, or by express. Fractions of one dollar WATERS' PIANOS & ORGANS! NKW PIANOS fitmil anil Cover, 1175. Upward. New Organs. 150 60. 75, H upward. Illustrated Catalogue PKKK. Aokntm wa mtiii usnnj Imnd INHTKUMKNTSat HAimiiNu' a,'i? WATKHH & CO., 820 Bniatlwa. N. N. lsdiw Milt. B, Oiiison, Agent, Ladlsburg, Pa. ON 30 DAYS TRIAL Wa will BAtnl nnr BT.PPTtin IrsiT far-. andothnr Klectrfc Appliances upon trial for 30 tliiyfl to those MilTerlng from Nervou Debility Kheumathm, Paralysis or any (Ilneasftn of the Cure Guarantee or no pay. Address VOLTAIO M-i u i. vv.i mniouaii wivii. 10(141 1 FOB DEAF TSS Garmom'a Artifoinl Fnn fimimo PKHrKtriXY KKMKiitHS THE II ;! NO nd perform the work of th Nnfnral Kram. Alwaji In poaltion, but Invlalbls loolhvra. Alt LonTeriRtion and even whinner heard distinctly. Wt wfir to tlwM ailog them, fond fordocrlrtlvnclr-nlnr. UA.UHOHK. EAU II It II M CO, CINCINNATI. U. 18d4w FITS ! PITS ! Dr. LASCELLE'sTEngllsh Remedy, UNLIKE TUB ! MANY RO OALI.ED PREPARA. tions for this disorder which onlv relieve while used by the patient, CD It Kti riCllM ANKNT L,Y I and has been endorsed In this respect tor the pastSOyears by the leading medical author!, ties In Europe. NOC'IIAKUK made to give It a fair test, as Dr. LAHCELLK nndetakes to send each suffering aypllcant a FKEK Package on their forwarding name and Post Olllce address to Ei'!?.S.'llls'0.r 1,18 v- 8- " Canada, Messrs. BLOCUM tk CO., No. i Cedar Ht., New York. 184 w PIAN055 ?t001, c.oyfT Boolt 2'0 to 11600. V? r . Owns is stops, 8 set reeds. 2 knee swells, stool, book, otilyl'iS. O-IllustratedCata-ogue free. Address Danirl K. Bbattt. Wahlng ou, N.J. jGdlwB BIBHT, ATTRACTIVE, BHntl?irk. Wr. .lulln fllcNnlr Wrlirht'H New Book. THE COMPLETE IIOi.lE roll or PRACTICAL INFORMATION, The ronnff IInukeeicr'e HIDE. ?J ThzpeHencdlloueKeeiarFRTE!ra mf-Keepfn(r( Oooltlnv, Drfti, Aoeldentt, Hloime.f, fiildron. Company, ilarriftg, Jtcllfrfon, ilorI, Won or, tmllT Govommonl, and ft inaltitmln of otlior tonics fully wd II APJP y hQW 19 Lb Home BAUTXIf lL "A bookof mowpTtottcfttntMttywtnBeldoiiLfftfret DC found outalda of inaplritloa.'-C7iri(ian Advocate, wrrncn wt rv ,ei po mlmVlmJ in alt towitry hnmut U Young anToiU Fin PajW. Clr Trpo, Ilanutiful Bind ins, Splendid Hint iratiomu Jfearly OOO rage: Lowpriet. Sells rapidly AGENTS WANTEDbl?ce,'?Mj AUtws f-"-'If "v - S '""n-1T'ihlJ Pfc 16dlw F IANCY Goods and Notions, Some new ar rivals, nean. F. MORTIMER, M OM IE Cloths aud other Dress Goods In va rious styles.. F. MORTIMER. o IL CLOTHS for Floors, Carriages and xuuitra. i rites low. F. MORTIMER. AI1NS. CITRONS and a full assortment spices, warranted pure. F. MORTIMER, TKIMMINa 81 1.KS, a nice line of Dress Buttons, Ribbons, &c. F. MORTIMER. IKON & STEEL In a great assortment ot Shapes and Sizes. F.MORTIMER. M KNS SHIRTS, In various qualities, come ana see siyies ana prices. F. MORTIMER. E MBROIDERIKS. EDGINGS, JN8EHT- inuo, ana outer trimmings. K MORTIMER. R BMN AJJTS of PRINTS of these we have a targe quantity in goos styles. In addition to the above goods we have a bice assortment of Ladles Neckties, Corsets, German town Yarn, Zephyrs, Shoes for Ladies and Chil dren, and thousands of other articles. F. MORTIMER, New m.Kimfield, Pa. IMPORTANT! The Meriden Purchasing Co., West Meriden, Conn., Have issued a most valuableCatalogne for House hold reference, containing the NET CASH PRICESat which they will sell any of the pro ductions of the Celebrated Factories of Meriden, Consisting of every conceivable pattern ot Plain and Ornamental Silver Plated and Cut Glassware, Lamps, Chandeliers and Bronzes, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Shears, Scissors and Razors, The Unri valed Wilcox & White Or gans, the well-known Parker Guns, and Novelties and Specialties of many Descriptions. Persons desiring Standard Articles of Unques tionable Merit, for Weddings, Presents, Orna ments or Use, At Meriden Prices, can procure Catalogues free of charge at the olllce of this paper, or from The Meriden Purchasing Co., West Meriden, Conn. In sending for Catalogue, or In giving an orde, filease mention that the adverlseuient was seen n Thb Timhs. i'S Don't you want some cheap foods tor Pants and Suits t f you do, don'? fall to ex tmil2TiwWp,V,,d ""op 'r sale by t prioe toucan suit yoursell In style and